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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1912)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ; SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY U, 1912. . it' r-:,4:. DEALERS CALLED FOOLISH TO 1(1101 THE SELF-STARTER Next Year Will See; Wonderful , : Development of New Device, It Is Pointed Out; Many Dif ; ferent Kinds on Market. 4 i-It Is conceded beyond any question of doubt by all those In close touch ' with the automobile situation through out the country that the .most valuable addition that has been made to the mo tor car equipment during the past year ia the self starter. It is a convenience that haa been needlessly slow In coming, In spite of the faot that in a single in- ' stance it has been In successful opera? , tion for three or four seasons past. For : ome reason, the manufacturers of the country have, with this notable exeep- , tion, entirely ignored the self starter, , pa ring ' no heed whatever, apparently, to the constant clamor against the tin- ( , Pleasant necessity of cranking Imposed upon all owners of motor cars. ; Now. ho wever, it has been taken up with a vengeance and within a few months the' oar without a net Starter will be the exception. . V .A"'"-..-- ; . ;.'.,; xswy'xiBda Betas; Tried. - .uai at present an Kinds of self start rs are being tried out. , There Is the compressed air type, tbe electric, the acetylene gas, the mechanical engaging , dutch and a dozen others. Many claims , are made for each type, knd doubtless all . have their merits. On the other hand, a flood of . criticism flows forth from various sources against the var ious types of self starters. All of these , many senseless criticisms are extreme . ly useless and childish,, and the very ones who are loudest in their criticism now will In a short while be the front : Tank pralsera. The truth of the situa tion seems to be that the self starter is in ins experimental stage and prob- Ably the various types aU - have their ' fallings. We do' not know that ' It is claimed or any of them that they will start all the time, although in some in - stances the', manufacturers have been bold enough to put, the crank in the toolbox,. Even these, however, have not dared to discard the crank entirely, and v ' the owners will not claim that they .do - nl, nMoalnnoll- k ... ... . . i . . , v iihto vv vuru oer over by band, '. ; - Wild Simon Rear A, - Mast -of the criticism that is being - , leveled at the self starting devices are ; made unlntelligently, One hears all . kinds of rumors some of them Of the wildest nature circulated. When- run down these fade - away , into nothing. They; have no foundation whatever in fact . Witness the whispered story beard from some dealers that often peo pie are killed by the explosion of one of the cylinders through the operation of the self starting device. If a person v stops to tnink the matter over, is it rea- sonable to assume that some of the -.'.-foremost automobile engineers of the . world would put tn car, which may go into the hands of the most careless . or experienced driver, r a device that would be of this dangerous character? The answer is so obvious that comment -.Is unnecessary. .- --.-'. ,. ' The chances are that next year will see a wonderful development la the self " tarter.-. All the factories are la their first experiments with this device. Now tnatso many of them have taken It up, there will be no opportunity to observe wuiun type proauoes tne Best results. Bespectlve merits. There will then be a general crystal lisation or move to use that type, and u wui oe Developed to its greatest ef flclency. - L ,.,.';.Ji Meanwhile, there are all kinds of gooa, Daa and indifferent starting de- vices on the market. While their re spective merits may be questioned, it is the most foolish thing In the world for the -' automobile men themselves .to "knock" them .because their particular cars do not happen to be equipped with any of the different makes. There is not a bit of . doubt in the mind of the , every car . turned out by Jthe factories, with the possible exception of the high si. est priced cars, the owners of which as ' a rule have drivers who can do the turn over act for them, will bear some kind . of self starting, equipment, and, gener , ally, it will be of an efficient character. i?1'"' rears Useless. '" ' Until that time the public should not ..Tie frightened out of equipping their present cars through some wild stories of accidents' circulated sometimes as a result of renetltion In a. ilricapo iiir for Information and knowladsra nnH sometimes for ulterior motives. It is DlllUIIlClT ,U UH UUUBU UIKl I J IB r III 1 1 it n M . knockers when the Question , of self 7 at&rtlnr eaulnment la hronirht im hv a , prospective buyer.' For each of us must Dear in mma it has only been, a few ' short years since the automobile itself .- in wis name cxparimeauu stage mai the sell starting device is in today. millionaire; intoxicated,- ; HURLS WIFE THROUGH WINDOW A DOMESTIC TRAGEDY '"'a Kf inniin r a rnn'rniv 7. ,: llATUVU WLI AV tK I r. IM Husband's Repentance Wins .-...r.igiveness.'' ' In" a western cltv. not lonW alnra waa 7 enacted a near tragedy that for a brief period ma lair to witness tne final low ) erlng of the curtain with a divorce court Clung. . . rt. ..... J,' - ' As the tale goes, a New T6rk mlllion- aire, prominent in both society and busi v ness circles, owning large Interests - in : the west, found it necessarv some five trips from New York to the center of his western business enterprises. After .! sary that his western visits should be Kade at more frequent Intervals, and tterly the business trip has been made - on an average of once every month. On one pretext or another the trips were , made unaccompanied by his wife, though she frequently requested that she be al lowed to aeebmoany'' h!m.-"-j-,.v-;v:.r- -s - She had observed for many months that' unon her husband's return to New York he was In a badly dilapidated condition, both physical and mental, all ef which was laid to arduous work and . loss of sleep caused by press of busl ness. The wife's Suspicions, aroused by the regularity with which he returned . in an abnormal frame of mind, caused her to inslat last October upon accom panying him on his western Journey. 4 On this trip she. made the dlsoovery that her huxband ' had : become hope lessly addicted to the liquor habit and that Instead of business demanding his attention in the west, it was hut a pre text to 'get away from his home In order that he might In flulpe in whnt had become his regular monthly debauch. - , - fuffic It to say that upon their ess j w w h t w a a, eyiei a,v aj 17Wbb AUTO HEATER TO BE REGARDED A BOON TO AUTOMOBIUSTS i i i imi ii a . ' f.;.' Keeps. Water In Cooling Sys I; temS Above Freezing IPoint and . Renders Auto , Easy : to Start in Cold Weather. ' u: K-'-' - -'t - "J ,. .V:?-,..- . One Of the most important Inventions which has been developed in perfecting the automobile has Just been announced, and is In good season for the New York automobile show,; where' will be .in spected with much Interest 'by' .''motor ' It. is an Invention which keepa the water in the cooling system of an auto mobile above. freezing during the winter months. Jt pot only does this, but It keeps the entire motor warm, rendering it 'easy to start, and overcomes the dis agreeable features of a cold motor, and the loss resulting from , 'ffotn and cracked cylinders and radiators. It also keeps the gasoline at a. temperature of vaporising; ', keeps the Interior of the body of limousine or taxicab warm, and , provides . foot - warmers for the driver and passengers of ari open, tour ing car. Ail devices heretofore present ed for beating cars nave depended on heat from the exhaust, a method which only worked' while the car was in mo tion, i. The new Invention keeps the in terior of the car B,t summer heat wheth er the car la running or standing.. It accomplishes a twofold purpose in keep ing the motor warm, in that experienced engineers have long since recognised the Importance of a uniformly heated motor and t the racing driver always "warms her up", before a race In order to de velop -the highest degree of efficiency. , Temperature ratily Adjusted. . ' It has been found in. conducting tests with the. new Invention,, that the water In the average well balanced motor when running registers 100 . degrees fahren helt, but that a higher degree of effi ciency can be obtained when the water registers about ISO degrees. - As a. re sult the new Invention has been soWgu lated that it maintains V temperature of 100 in the motor While standing, and 150 while running. '' The temperature. however, can be adjusted to meet the idiosyncrasies of any motor. '..'" This invention, It is claimed, -will do away with some of the existing antf freese solutions such as wood alcohol. which under the action of heat and ex posed to the air shows a tendency to generate formlo acid, wich has a detri mental action on the parts, while cal cium chloride, although a very effec tive cooling agent, unless chemically pure, contains hydrochloric acid which of course Is not neutralized and attacks' the metals ot the circulating" system. Glycerine softens hose connections and contains fatty acids and Us use runs up into money by the end of a winter, , . Moated on Step, . The "brass housing in which the healer is enclosed, is about half the size of an ordinary gas generator, and Is located on the step or running board of a car. The bottom la filled with a gauze, which makes It impossible for even a liquid gasoline to blase up. Then comes the burner which has been subjected to all kinds of tests and vibrations, and can not be extinguished in any way, except by means of the hand or safety valve. However, to make it doubly safe, it is provided with a hermostat which auto matically keeps the gas line open when the burner is - burning and automat ically closes the gas line the moment the burner goes out. . " Above the burner is a coll through which the cold water runs. Is heated and returned to the circulating system at the lowest point of the water Just be neath the radiator, and as hot water al ways rises, it passes through the water of a lower temperature, and rises to the tops of the cylinders and radiator, The colder water which la.jjrawn out from the bottom, enters the other pipe - and proceeds to the heater; thus' not only keeping warm, but also keeping in cir culation at all times, and diminishing hot water radiation for the body of the car as showo by thermometers, at sum mer heat As a result of this invention it: will not be an unusual sight during the winter months to see ladles without wraps riding about the streets In limousines and taxloabs. R. P. Rice, northwest representative of the Ford Motor Car agency, haa been a visitor to Portland for the past week at the local Ford company on Hawthorne avenue. While in this territory. Mr. Rice and Mra Edwards, manager of tho local company, mad? the Oregon branch agents and closed up orders .. for , tho ooming year. Mr. Rice left Friday for Seattle where his' headquarters are lo cated. arrival at bis usual ' destination the unconquerable desire for liquor, lmme dlatelr rained the master and a anraa began which ended in a debauch, of un usual character. When he was finally rounded up and returned to his -hotel, his mental equilibrium toppled and he. a raving maniao, seised his wife, hurled her through a window, causing her ser ious injury; Instant death being narrow 1 averted. It became manifest that the man, because of his many - de bauches, had become mentally Irrespon sible and was a victim of alcoholic insanity. Realising his irresponsibility, his wife, accompanied by a physician returned with her husband, and after consulting with several of the most eminent physicians In New York city, had him placed in the Neal Institute, where, under the direction of the phy sician In, charge,, the . Neat Three Day Treatment for the liquor habit was ad ministered to him.' - In the multitude of happy families In that Vast cltv there la todav no han. pier home than that ot this millionaire, whose redemption was accomplished by theNeal Three Day Treatment. -- The Neal Treatment neutralises and eliminates all the stored iip alcoholic poison in the system - Thil old. Jnaafl. ' able appetite for llouor la dlntraved mil the former excessive drinker returns to his home and business In a normal phy slcal and mental condition., There are absolutely no bad after effects. In three days' time this is accomplished, miracu lous as it may appear. The Neal treatment consists of the administration, by regular physicians, who are In oonstant attendance, of a perfectly harmless vegetable i remedy taken Internally with positively no hy podermic Injections. If VOU have a relatlva nr iVfonA vhii onghf to rid hlnfhelf of the drink habit, flon't delar.a day; call, write or phone the Neal Institute, 864 Hall street, Portland Or., one of the 50 Neal In stitutes In th United Rtates 'and Can ada, tor full Information and book re sarillh' the treatment. vPhone Jlar shull H00. . . ' ' ' . ,7 IrfBeeS Qhicago Takes Step .at Proper ; Lights and Signals for Auto mobiles; Atlanta Regulates Crossing Traffic There are many evidences in different parts of the country ot a sentiment In favor of general uniformity. In traffio regulations. The greater attention that la- being paid to this Important ques tion in all of the large cities has ex erted a 'direct influence upon all com munities where traffio has attained any reasonable1 proportions. . In many. cities and villages' where traffic, due to the more frequent use of the automoblla, has largely Increased .. in recent years, this, demand for . proper, regulations is taking the ' form of requiring suitable lights -to be displayed on all vehicles after, sundown, while, in more thickly populated centers, decisive action is be ing taken against the muffler out out on motor vehicles.,,.,' ' , 'ft i ,,(.,", -' ghonld Begnlate XJghts. '.' On the subject of lights as an aid to safeguard all users of the publio high ways, the resolutions recommend that all vehicles should carry at least one lighted lamp of suflfclent candle power to be visible at a distance of 300 feet, so placed as to be seen from the front and left side and a red light visible in tne reverse direction. : The use, in cities and i villages . of non-dazzling . head lights on all automobiles wherever the streets are adequately lighted was also urged. This la Oregon law, but la not being enforced." Scores of requests from city officials throughout the country have been made to the Touring Club of America for cop ies of these resolutions and that organ isation is now distributing them to the heads of municipalities, police officials, state motor vehicle administrative off! clals, highway authorities and civic or ganizations. The new Chicago traffio regulations are considered by far the most compre hensive yet adopted by any municipality and are sure to have a marked effect in solving the many problems in other olt les connected . with this Important Sub ject. Looking toward the abatement of the unnecessary use of warning sig nals the ordinance defines for the first time in the history of municipal legis lation Just what an' adequate signal Is, by the adoption of one of the Touring club's recommendations, that aU motor vehicles be provided with an adequ ate warning signal which must produce an abrupt sound sufficiently , loud to be heard under all . conditions of traffic and that its use except as a warning ot danger shall be punishable by a fine of $25. Muffler Boise Eliminated. . The Chicago ordinance will also tend to check the abuse of tbe muffler cut out, which is classed as an unnecessary noise and punishable by a fine. , '. As a result of several serious acci- I dents caused ' by autpmoblles-.atriklng passengers BLUBming; irom sireei cars. the Chamber of Commerce of Atlanta requested the Touring Club of America to suggest some way to eliminate such accidents in the future through the en actment of proper traffio regulations. The provision In the Callan automobile law. of New York state, which provides that "In approaching . or passing a car of a street railway which has been stopped to allow passengers to alight or embark, the operator of every motor vehicle shall slow , down and if It be necessary for the safety of the publio he shall bring said vehicle to a full stop," was recommended and substan tially Incorporated in the ordinance passed by the Atlanta oouncll. While the new regulations sdopted by the .general council of Atlanta are not as far reaching as the Chicago ordi nance, they are, nevertheless, a art;p in the right direction and will have a de cided tendency to eliminate many of tne. evils which nave arisen from the lack. of proper traffic rules, especially In the congested business section along Peach tree street, "the Broadway of At lanta." - AUTO NOTES Mel Q. Johnson, manager of the How ard Automobile company, went to Cen tralia Thursday on a short business trip In the Interest of the Bulck and National cars. - , ' - "Dad" Foss, the well known Qarford representative in this territory, has Just returned from Seattle where he was placing agent "for the" factory. Wh!l" in Seattle, "Dad" had the pleasure of witnessing the motion pictures recent ly brought Uownf from Alaska. These pictures show the method-of bagging big game (n the north, and are extreme ly Interesting. --They were presented at the Seattle Press elub,-- . 7,f e.....; IL C Hays, local manager of the Au burn Motor Car company,, has Just re turned to Portland after an -absence of several weeks. Mr. Hays has been visit ing his home lnNew Ttfexlco. ... . 7 ' - '; The reconstruction of the new sales room at the Crowe Automobile - com pany Is fast being whipped Into shape. The Interior decoration- will be very handsomely done In cream and mahog any, and the show room proper has been enlarged to twice Its original sise. When this room Is completed it will be one of the most attractive In Portland. Mr, Crowe while east recently, took on sev eral new agencies, among which were the Stuts, the Rambler, the Krit and the Mais truck line. ,. - -.!.,, - a-.-e yr:';'::"-s;' ' Judge Hazel' in the New York circuit court handed down a decision recently in favor of the Republlo Tire company against the Morgan ft Wright Interests. Ruling that the Nobby Tread and. anti skid tire made by the Morgan A Wrluht people Is an Infringement of the Fell patents owned by the Republic Rub. ber company. , v . , , j '7,r7;-. '.V,7. :-.,' ;7.;7;.7-,'y .rV;."'fs. ) There are 83 different make automo-l bile being shown at the New- York j show using some form of a self start-1 er. Sixteen' of these cars are repre-! sented in Portland. This goes to show bow Important the self starter is bin coming among the automobile, manu facturers, There 'are -also being dls-1 played - 41 different : make . starters at tne New xork show. - " 1 -v List of Well Known Pianos Now on sale fin our exchange depart- meni oieinway gi-anas and uprights,; Everett grand A. B. Cnase grand Ks-1 tey grand Kranich A Bach grand, Bteck grand -Chlckerlng' grand Cheat,,' LuJ wlg. Knabe, Con over, Kroeger, Packard, Kingsbury, Kimball, Lester, and other upright pianos all in A-l r condition, many look new all foe sale at a tempt ing price. All marked in plain figures Sherman, Clay A Co., Morrison at bixtn. a Jour pal Want Ada bring results. LOKGSHEIS This Type of M otor I ncreases Life of Engine Bearings, - It Is Said. "That the long stroke motor has come to stay," says Mr. pulmage, manager ot the ' local firm of Dulmage & Smith, agents for the Mitchell, Hupmobite, El more and Reliance trucks, yesterday, "is now an. established fact, and X believe another year will see all progresslvs manufacturers using this type of eni glne exclusively, While the American manufacturer , has ; been considerably criticised . for , allowing his European Competitors to gain a two years' lead on him ; before adopting this type , of motor It must be remembered that it is a comparatively simple matter for the European - manufacturer to make' a change of this nature for the reason that he makes but a few hundred cars without any very expensive equipment, while the American manufacturer makes them by the thousands and tens of thou sands with a tremendous investment In Jigs and special tools which become, to a great extent worthleaa when a radical change of this nature is adopted.' ,. "The manufacturers of1 the Mitchell oar," says Dulmage, "'as well, as a few other of the larger manufacturers have already 'adopted this design, due -probably to the- fact tia tbe personnel of their designing departments is composed largely of French engineers and who have, therefore, been a. little closer In touch with the latest developments In gas engineering abroad as . well as at home. .:.., .N.-.-. "' ,,, - , ... 7 ..;..., . . "One reason possibly why the Euro pean, manufacturers have given more attention to this matter than the home makers is because of the high price of gasoline abroad, -making fuel economy one of the strongest selling points of a car. There are. however, many other benefits to be derived from this' design of engine, of which the most important are probably the slower crank shaft speed resulting In longer ' life to the engine bearings, a motor which la more easily cooled and which will - stand harder work without overheating and greater leverage on the crank shaft on account of the longer connecting rods required by the longer stroke." ;,: SAYS CITY ATTORNEY'S "The time has come," reads a portion of Ve annual report of City Attorney Frank S. Orant, filed yesterday, "when the theory that a city attorney is com pensated for his work, by the experience be acquires should be exploded. The salary of tbe office should be Increased. as the city attorney has charge of cases of great . importance --. to taxpayers, and he finds arrayed against him legal tal ent of the first, order, The great cor porations pay . thslr attorneys v often times as much for a single case as the city attorney receives in a year from the city." Mr. Grant recommends that the peo ple adopt a charter amendment at the coming special election providing for the creation of the office of publio prose cutor. He thinks the civil and criminal departments -of the city attorney's office should be separated. During the year Mr. Grant filed S7 written opinions, 1037 other Official communications,- 75 'contracts and at tended In person hundreds of committee meetings. . His office has been overwhelmed with a great mass of work during all of the year, and besides all the routine busi ness the department rendered an average oi zo oral opinions a ally. ... . Mr. Orant recommends that the sal aries of all his deputies be increased, as he says they are overworked and under paid. 7--7 In the municipal court alone the city attorney's deputies tried 11,6S cases. CASHIER DAVIS BUYS OLD THOMAS JEFFERSON LAND 7 . ' ("pedal (o The Journal. K " Milton, Or., Jan. 13. -N. ' A. Davis, who has been cashier of' the First Na tional bank of Milton for 23 yeara con tinuously with the exception of one year, and who lately severed his con nection,, has left with his family to make his home in Lynchburg, Va., where j he has purchased tbe historic place rormeriy oeiongmg to Tnomas Jeffor on, Before bis departure, the direct ors ot.the bank presented him with a gold watch and chain. . - - Motor ALL SALARY! 00 SMALL Mel TOURING I Corner 19th and Washington Streets REMA1L, NOTICE jTlic FortlandlAut Co. Beg to announce to their friends and' patrons the removal from ,125 SIXTEENTH STREET to i Si6 Aider Strcset ! "';:'7'':--.'--i.''...i 'V'.75S.',7'''7.;',',;7.r'7'-" '7- ? k;J , t:X:n.y:.,, :,r;-,'.-j .7' !' J'i Where we have larger and better, quarters, and request the ; continuance of your business. Lamp repairing, radiator and ' all brass goods. .-;. F'ortlandi A.uto Lamp Co. .' , ,t 1 ' "' ' Proprietors ' - HARRY ABELE and F. A. BARNICOTT. ' ' ' v" Phone Main 7293. . , .' - - .", f'-'t;''' ifx'X, ;'''"''" "" '' ':"- ;!. . VV'" -x-,y Convicts . In jackson County JSticktofJobvandOffeto ' Recapture Any One of Gang Who Escapes. v ; "If a man came to me seeking em ployment and said he had been a con vict I'd feel like giving him small con slderation. - But f he said ha 'had been one of Governor West's honor men I'd make a place for. him,"! declared J. A, Westerlund, . state representative 'from Jackson county, while in Portland Fri day. ;t '..;'; - "I didn't feel as I do unUl the gov ernor sent 27 honor men' to work 1 on the Crater . Lake road," explained Mr. Westerlund, ' .''Now I am only one of a large majority In JacksOni county that Is proud of the governor's prison policy, confident of its results and proud of the work thephonor men are doing. ; "The men. from ihe penitentiary are doing a higher cla4s of road, construc tion work than any contractor has ever performed i in southern Oregon. They are working with quiet efficiency.';, They have an organisation of their own which includes a schedule of - working hours Just as rigidly maintained as in any con tractor's camp, 'Each man haa hla -tent We of Medford - aend them magazines. They live industriously and happily, Hone. Try to Bscapa. "Of the 37 men sent to southern Ore gon to work on the Crater Lake road there are still 37 working. . Ntf effort to escape has been made by any one of them. They issued an announcement among themselves not long ago that If any one of them tried to get away the remaining IS would form the posse for his rapture.- " 'When w recapture the man who tries to escape we won't leave much of him,' was their grim announcement" Representative Westerlund believes that good roads sentiment is more en thusiasts and more definitely active in Jackson county than in any other county of the state. Under the recent amend ment to the state' constitution $1,600,000 in bonds for road construction was au thorized by vote of the people. 'The lower court has upheld' the validity of the amendment In respeot to Its being , Is Your Compression Poor ? You can find he cure in MM Polarine JHeavy pos sesses all the essential lu bricating qualities that make the regular Polarine Oil the best auto oil on the market for general use ; but it is specially prepared to meet condi tions that call for a heavier-bodied oiL . Where cars have been sub jected to severe service, and cylinders and piston-rings are worn, Polarine Heavy furnishes m film of just the right "body'V to prevent escape of the expand ing gas and deliver the full power of the engine. V Xttou Jkove onf doubt wMeh brand of PolaHnm to us on your car, call or (print, any agtmcf. Standard Oil Company saw I inarnAMaJ t i otor Car Go. Trucks SIZES CARS self-enacting, and the Issue, la now be fore the supreme court. ' , We have no doubt but that the su preme court of the state will hold thai under the amendment the people of a county have the right to pledge their credit tor the construction of perma nent roads," sold Mr, Westerlund. "and if the money is available It will be the first expenditure In , a persistent plan for malting. the roads of Jackson county the best in the state, bar none. , . 33111 Wot Sainted. ' . : "But there Is one thing about the good roads work of whlob we are becoming a little Impatient The governor appointed a committee some time ago to draft highway bills for the whole state. ' This committee represented every county in the state. The bills were drafted. The Oregon Association for Highway Im provement became - sponsor - for them. according to announcement " Since that time there has been a deep and per Change of Time and Trains v ;'Vi''V'?-,.''r:7'S.:-'',: :' '.'":' if' fl&yt-.i "' 7 r1-""r-on the K' . ' . :rD Hf'S , Effective, Sunday, Jan. 14th SHASTA CO SUN SET s I - (OGOEN&SHASTAl I I - I ROUTES I I Will leave Portland at 5:60 P. M. 10 minutes earlier ' than , at present. .1 , 7.', - . i - v. j',.! : : f,,. The scheduTS of this train between Portland and San Francisco has been shortened 40 minutes. ' ., . . : , f k Shasta Limited will hereafter make direct connection-- with the "OWL" at Port -Costa -for Los Angeles, reaching the latter city 1J hours sooner than at present- 8. P. Agents at Portland will aell you through tickets and sleep-': ing car accommodations to Los Angeles. No. SO, Ashland Passenger, will arrlvaUnlon Iepot :B0 instead of 10:00, P. M. - ' INTERURBAN MOTOR CAR BSTVEZV 9Q9.ttA.VT AMD OTWMBB.,,.'7."'' - Double dally motor-ear service will be established on above date between Portland (Jefferson street Station) -and Newberg as follows: - Leave Portland. 5:50 P. M. Arrive Newberg...... 7:20 P. M. l.eeve Portland ..9:15 A. M. Arrive Newberg. .... .11:15 A- M. giving four through trains dally between Portland and Newberg. YAMHILL DIVISION CHANGES - No. 75, Yamhill Division, will hereafter leave Union Depot at 4:10 P. M.s East Morrison street, .4:20 P. M.. and run via Cut-off. In stead of from Jefferson street Depot, arriving in Dallas at 7.J0 P. M. No. 74, Yamhill Division, will arrive via Cut-off at East Mor rison street, 10:20 A. M.; Union Depot, 10:30 A. M., Instead , of via Jefferson street, . ' . ;.- , No. 7. Yamhill Division, will leave Dallas at 2:15 P. M., arriv ing Jefferson street at 6:45 P. M. - -... - CHANGES OSWEGO TRAINS jraw " Leave Jefferson ' St.... .'.4:S0 P. M. Arrive Oswego 4:55 P. "M. TeaVe Oswego 5:00 P. M. Arrive Portland... .....1:35 P. M. j No. 101 leaves Jefferson street at 12:60 P. M. Instead of 13:30 P. M. No. 108 leaves Oswego at 4:00 P. M-Instead of 4:45 P. M. No. 114 leaves Oswego at. ....... 7:25 P. M. instead Of 7:10 P. M. THROUGH SERVICE TO TILLAMOOK ETCective January 16, a new train "dally except 8unday. Portland to 1 Tillamook, without changre, via the Southern Pacific and P, R. & N. will run as follows: - Leave Portland ' S:4S A. M, -, Leave Hlllsboro 10:00 A. M. i . ... Arrive Beach Potnts. ................... 1:07 P, M. Arrive Bav City (Sta. for Bay Ocean) 4:06 p m. , v Arrive Tillamook 4:85 P. M. Returning," will leave Tillamook at 7:00 A- M, arriving at Port land 2:45 P. M. , , ... .,' :' .7 ;.,7" 7-7;-. i ,'7'7 s'-:-- '''-;t;7, Changes. Lebanon and Springfield Branches No. 28 will leave Albany at 7:40 A, M, Instead of 7:30 A, M' aa at present. No. 45, 'Woodburn-Bprlngfleld train, will arrive Lebanon at 1:15 P. M.. 8pringfield at 10:25 P. M. . laoan setatlxs xaroRMATioir txom rounu JOKW VL BOOTT, Oeneral Passenger Ageat. Trusses Like These Are A Crime Get Rid of Elastic Bands, Springs and Leg-straps, bucn namesg nas Forced Thousands to Under, go Dangerous Operations. v. 1 llr A tUrma st-nWn BhAVtha belt and legstrap. elastic and spring, contraptions sold oy drugstores, sur- styled "Hernia specialists" make life r . . mxamiluMl . teas atai miseraoie . r wybij'"'" w tt"l'? j .h.n r-am an tta-ht vou can scarcely stand to keep them on they 00 no gooa wnwnr, Instead, they often do Immense harm, they squeese the rupture, often -L I n .tMnmilal1nfi-t intn rh. Tip I. ric bone in front press against .the sensitive spinal mramn si in untn. 1 The PUin Trutb la Tms. . ' nl.ln.4 tn frw - f.H book can't be relieved or cured can't even be kept from growing worse un less constantly held In place. Just aa broken bone can 1 - :nii unieaa tne rts are held securely together. . . 4.... hanAftarA or anltnt la the only way a broken bone can be held thing In the world that can keep a rup ture irom cumin . . What a difference it will make when you get that kind of truss.- . .;77 7 And you can get exactly that kipd of tr, ,s without risking a cent of your 'li'mWm fammia riutha truss or CI u the Automatic Massager. ' ' it Far more than a truss far more than merely a device for holding the rup ture fn place. 7 - . Bo durereni rrom tTeryining iur rupture thai n.nas receivea . in "-TiroOTanassayiiaas-eomfortable-as their clothing. . -.;.-7- around your waist, and no leg straps Self regulating, - self adjusting. It Is held in position by suction can't shift or slip the only truss In exist ence mar, I nfiivauy &waia.uiwwu utTr to let the rupture come out. Try it .00. uays at uur kisk. - Tr".ss we have seen, it work wonders for- so many others that we want te rn' ke one especially for your case and let you wear it at our risk. We'll give you 60 days' time to test it if It doesn't keep your rupture from coming out, when you are working and at all other times If It doesn't put n end to the trouble you've heretofore hd with your rupture If you don't av-t. better light sway then the truss won't cost you a cent. - sistent - and unexplained ellenca, T!- bills have never . been issued in print. 1 form for public scrutiny, I have no doubf they are good. No one eixe. I presume, has any doubt. But we woui.t like to see them. ' We would tike to some evidence of activity. Whether the bills are to go before tbe people or i i be Submitted to the legislature at Its next meeting there should be a deflnlt-t program for patting the measures before the voters. '.--v-.v v, ' "7, ' '.- '"Nothing In Oregon Is quite so . Im portant Just now aa good roads. . An l good roads will be obtained by awaken. Ing a public sentiment that will actively support the operating of highway bills when made laws.. It seems to me that the Oregon Association : for " Highway Improvement Is ' letting an opportunity for performing a service slip by it." . Coal, block wood, aawed ties, dry slab, Alblna Fuel Co. 7 ,o v 7. Commencing i Next. Sunday . Jlhe ;:. LIMITED tbazv. How It Strengthens and Heals. " In addition to holding the rupture, the Cluthe Truss-or Cluthe Automatlo Mas eager is constantly giving a soothing, strengthening massage to the weak rup tured partS. -7.'-7.;,-,, ;;:..-"?. . Allrautomatlcally the massage goes on all day long, all without any. atten tion whatever from - you. . . This massage which strengthens just aa exercise strengthens a weak arm is so remarkably beneficial so remark, ably curative that la lit cases out of every 200 rupture begins to t better from the day a Cluthe truss Is put on. World's Greatest Book On Rapture. Don't go on letting your rupture set worse don't spend, a cent on account of your rupture until you get our book of advice which two cents for a stamp or a penny for a postal will bring you.-- , v7, 7,-,-:;- .-. .s-'r-'-u . ; This remarkable book cloth bound, 83 ?ages, 21. separate articles, and IS pho ographlo pictures took us over years to write took us that lone to find out aU the facts we've put In it It explains the dangers of operations and why they don't always cure to stay cured. Telia why for the protection of the publio drugstores should not be al lowed to sell trusses. ,.;.. ; , Explains why belt, spring and elastle trusses can do no gttod. Exposes the 'humbug methods.' 'appliances."' "plas ters." etc. .-v,,.-7'"-r ,7! ... - And tell" -absolutely without ml. representaion ail about the Clutha Truss Just how It holds how It gives the curing ; massage how It is water proof bow it ends all expense how you can get it on (0 days trial and gives names and addresses of over 4000 people who have tried it and, want you to know about it 1. '. Write for" It today don't put It off this book may be the means of adding n.any years to your life and of restoring you to full strength and usef-Uness, ; Just use the coupon, or simply ear in a letter or postal. "Send me your book." In writing us, please give our box number as below. : Box 51 CLUTHE COMPATIY 135 Bast 83d St Wew Tork C:t7. Bend me your Freo V-nok n f Cure of Rupture.'' Name , . ... , Etgeet Town