The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 14, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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gliird. Y7ooIi of Qui GQCji Annuel Clocpcnce GaleOnly Two ToeIioj Bemain to Lovoi Step: ,
Deiopoventtopy-HegeAge Prlooo Tilsit Blase the T7ay to Bemarliable Savingo! Begid Siio
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UA , I ' M M v '
in? ' Biisimiess Yeas Emds : JanniaLFy 31st
While good itorekeepinsr demandi clean stocks at' all times, yet this is particularly true at the close of the business yearso true, in fact that sharp losses are freely taken to establish the. desired condition before
; inventory. " And the public as well as ourselves - gain immeasurably by-the compelled reductions., Economical shoppers will find it to their advantage to shop while these special low prices prevail at this store.
r. Our year has been a wonderfully large one. -' Sales hjtve broken all
records, "and, naturally, there is a big surplus to dispose of 'now'
every section of the store-contributes to the dcarihg--everything at a
reduced price! - To buy means to save up to a half in teanycases--some
of the reductions are even greater than that " V ' - '
The Host in Value The Best in Quality
1 i i ii in i -r ..vit'T:t4i- , .
' Womeh Misses'y Girls' and Children's Outer .Wear is more
largely represented at the marked-down prices, and the reductions are
greater because the necessity of a quick disposal is greater in these
seasonable lines. But remember, everything throughout- the entire
store is now on sale at a reduced price (only contract t goods are ex
cepted). No matter what you buy, you save.
4 .
- Everything at a Reduced Price
Ext pa op d i n a p y Valuies
: I?fne.:M
1 Choice oualitv' of material and careful making have
joined in a combination with the low prices to make the
offering at this sale irresistible. You may judge the val
ues by these items. V:
Two Veipy Special Ofiep
in Muplin Underwear
Fine Drawers and Corset Covers That Sell ' Regularly at 65c Tana Af -it
75c a Garment Snecially- Priced for Tomorrow's Sale at, Garment?'
The drawers are of fine quality nainsook or arhbric and jjeatly trimmed with laces,
embroideries arid lYlbbon: They come in the circular or timbrella style and are extra
weU jnide and svery neatly" finished. ' ' Regular 65c garments. The "corset covers come
in a very fine assortment and are of good quality nainsook, daintily trimmed with
pretty, embroideries; laces and ribbons. All extra well made and finished. An r
. ........... . . . . . . . .TUV
Regular 65c and 75cvalues.
Corset Covers Regular $1.25 to
$1.75 Values; Specially Priced at
A very choice offering' of, these -dainty
Corset Covers, made of. fine quality nain
sook, lawn : of barred dimity, very pret
tily trimmed ' with extra fine embroider
ies and ribbons. ' Regular $1.25, $1.50
and $1.75 values. . Clearance AQi
Sale price
The, Famous De Bevoise and Na
ture's Rival Brassieres Special at
For tomorrow, aV strong line of the famous-
De Bevoise and - Nature's Rival
Brassieres, made; of very good material,
with4rimmings of embroidery and lace.
All are boned with rustproof removable
boning and shown in sizes 32 to - A 1n
46. Qearance'Sale price
Clearance -Sale price
Muslin Drawers, Regular Values AQ
to $2.00, Specially Priced, a Pair yOC
An extensive line of High-Grade Draw
ers, in the circular or umbrella style, made
of - fine quality cambric and nainsook,
trimmed with the finest of embroideries
and laces. These garments are the prod
uct from the makers of the finest domes
tic underwear. Regular values' AO
to $2.00 Qearance Sale price ;'.yOL
Sateen Bloomers, Our Best 50c Q O -
and 65c Values, Specially Priced O s C
At Muslin ; Underwear Counter, a line of
Bloomers for children from 2 to 16 years
of age. They are made of good quality
DiacK sateen ana .very : neatly tinished.
Regular 50c and 65c values fcrt
the Qearance Sale at
Everything- at a
. Reduced Price
Dress Goods
These Items for Example ';
Decided price reductions
throughout our entire stock ' of
Black Dress Goods. You have
choice of Wool Taffetas, Nun's
Veilings, Poplins, Mohairs, Pan
amas, Serges,-Domestic-arid For:
eign Novelties and many other
. - Woolen Fabric! In
'Evening Shadei ,
At 45c a Yard In this assort
ment are included the most pop
ular weaves and colorings for
fevening wear -fine Henriettas,
French Serges, Albatross, Nun's
-Veiling, and-such-fabrics, .that
are desirable in every way and
; usually sold at 65c a yard.
01.00 Plain and Novelty
Everything' at a Keduced Price - - -
Specials in Women's Suits
Handsome, WeQ-Tailored GarmenU That Sell Regu- flj A Q A
arly Up to $25.00 Special Clearance Price Only D 1 lTy3
The woman who wants a handsome, well-tailored, perfect-fitting
suit will not let this wonderful bargain slip by Unnoticed. All are
brand new, this season's styles. The materials are - pure ' wool
cheviots, serges and a large variety of mixtures in most all wanted
colors. Coats are lined with good quality satin. C A Q A
Regular values to $25.00. Qearance Sale-price. . . h) 1 tt.V U
Long Coats in Newest Style, Regular $15.00 and '4j 1 1 AC
$17.50 Values - Special Qearance Sale Price Only 4 I 1 .7U
The newest styles in Long Coats, made fll length and seml-fit-ting,
with several styles of the new shawl collar. They 'are tai
lored in a fine quality of polo doth, with plain or plaid back.
Colors are gray or; tan, in mixtures or herringbone (JJ 1 1 ? 0 ?
stripes. Regular $15 and $17.50 values tomorrow. ) I I msO
RaincoaU in the Latest Styles, Regular Values From fl7 C A
$1050 to $12.50 Each. Special for Tomorrow Only O I OU
Another extraoriliriary offering In Raincoats. ,". They ; are in f; the
latest styles, with storm collar and plaui or raglan sleeves. bhown
in seycral rubberized waterproof materials, including cravenette in
different shades of tan and gray. You cannot afford to miss this
seasonable offering., Reg. $10.50 and $12.50 Rain-; C7 Cfl
coats tomorrow ,at A;,.;.,DOU
At 68c a YardThe woman who
i anticipates the purchase of Dress
Goods for suit, coat or skirt will
not let this extraordinary saving
opportunity slip by. unnoticed,
This sale price - does not repre
sent the actual cost of these ma
terials. You ha ve choice of plain
and fancy Serges, Panamas,
Wool Taffetas Granites,
Shadow Striped Novelties, Rain
proof ' Suitings, Scotch Plaids,
Wool Jaffetas and many other
fabrics of seasonable weight that
have sold this season at $ 1 .00
a yard. Special tomor
row at ,
Bfossgs -Aie Fcuieyandretty
35 to 4B In.WlderBand to Hatch, 75o-82.50 Grades, 39c,48o,00o
We were fortunate in securing from a prominent manufacturer a full sample line of
High-Grade Embroidery Sets at price concessions which we ask you to share with
us. The assortment includes hundreds of beautiful and exclusive patterns, worked
on the finest materials, especially desirable for graduation dresses. These embroid
eries come from 25 to 45 inches wide and the patterns are full 12 inches deep. Thev
Come with bands to match,'and all are finished in the most careful manner with
scalloped .and well-worked edges, and as no two patterns are alike, you can well real
ize what a splendid collection ydi4iave to choose from; Regular? values from 75c
to $2.50 afyard : are arranged, in f hreV lots and priced as follows 39c, 48c and 93c
' 'Everything? at a Bednoed Price
In the Hbtiiery--Three
f Space does not permit of us telling you of more
than three of the special offerings to be found in this
popular section; for, no matter what your wants may
be, they can be supplied here at a saving. , , ,
" One" thousand dozen Women's SeasonableWeight
Stockings, shown in many styles and in all sizes. Jn-,
eluded are laces in ankle, boot and allover styles, em
broidered patterns in neat and attractive designs, novel
ties in neat colorings, and fast-black stockings of differ
ent kjnds.' Arranged in three lots and priced thus:
LOT 1 Values to 25c the. Pair, for Clearance at 10c
LOT 2-Values to 35c the Pair, for Clearance at 19c
LOT 3 Values to 65c the Pair, for Clearance at 39c
Everything at a Heduced Prico
Plain and Fancy Sillro
' I At Sensational Price-Clips 1
Standard; width High-Class; Persian, Silks, shown in rich '
color" combinations -20-inch Genuine Swiss Taffetas
in.ncat fancy designs and colorings; 24 to 27-inch Nov-'
elty and Fancy: Messalines, ; L6uisines, etc in 'beautiful!
designs, pin stripes, jacquard fancies In self-colors r 23
inch Showerproof Foulards in many colors. ; i All up
' to-date - silks of dependable equality. The kind sold ;
regularly at $1.00 a, yard priced for. the Gear- Aft
ance Sale t, the yard '. . V. ... . . I . . . . . . . . ,U VC
50o Blankets on Sale at 42b
A splendid line of Baby, Blankets of good
size and quality. They, come 30 by 40
inches and in white with fast-colored blue
borders: Regular 5oc grade for A 9 J
the Qearance Sale at X. ; . . i . . rzLVt
Everything? at Beduced Price
Snpromo Voluoa in
Blonkota and Comforters
It will pay you many times over to look to fu
ture requirements, if -your present needs in Blan
kets and Comforters are filled, because our entire
stock is included in this sale, and in the quoted items
below there is no exaggeration of values. The com
parative prices are absolutely correct. Note well
these i offerings: k "r ,.
03.50 Blankets for 01.05
About 100 pairs of White Wool-Finished
Blankets that are extra large and heavy,
full size for double beds. The kind al
ways sold at $2.50 a pair and (M QC
fully worth that price, for. ; . sDl mVO
.w .;' . Sample Blankets One-Fourth Off ' ( l ',4
About 50 pairs o , comprise this lot.
Fine wool blankets in white, gray and plaid, shown in many weights and In all quaH-
uci irom p.vv up to iu.uu pair, are pncea ror mis
sale at . .... 1 . . .:... .v.
bize Comforters 01.88
Regular $2.50 Grade
r :
A special sale of Full-Size iComrbrters filled ' with (fine 'white : cotton f- and covered
with , good quality , silkoline. . They , come in lirfit ? and dark colors and are shown in'
many patterns, f yarn-tied; comforters that sell regularly at $2.5a For sP.I.'OQ
theClearanceSale at only XiyXiik
Best 50c Sheets for the Clearance at 39c
Best 15c Pillow Slips for Clearance 11c
$1.00 White Bedspreads now only 75c
$1.70 White Bedspreads now for $1.43
$2.00 White Bedspreads now for $1X3
Best 15c Velour. Flannels now at only 0c
Everything' at a Heduced Price
wn?t.iiSal Umbrellas
Values Up to 01.50
Clearance Price x
Good, strong, serviceable Umbrellas, vith gloria and'
cotton taffeta covers and Paragon frame with steel rod,
shown in a large variety of large hardwood handles.
Regular values up to $1.50 each. Clear- OQ
-ance. price . . ... ;;: '- -:f Ow
Silk and 1
A splendid lot of Women's Umbrellas witht silk-and-,
;wool covers. They; are made; on the best Paragon
frame, with steel rod and large fancy silver and gold
handles. Fine, high-grade umbrellas, guar- (J QO
anteed in every way, values to $3.50 at. .D1 YO
Everything at a Reduced Price
Unmatchafole Values in
: Knit Underwear
, Regular $1.50 to $2.00 Values
Women who insist on having the best in Knit Under
wear :and would save in the buying should not fail to
attend this sale,!; Many style$ Of All-Wodl ' Vests and
Pants in gray and white colors and in nearly all sizes.
Fine, well-fitting, neatly; trimmed garments that were
bought to sell regularly at $1.50 to $2.00 c 1
are priced for this sale at . .... ..... ... . .)
Vctn's AHAVocl Union Suits, C3.r3 C ' '