I FOB SALE FAKM3 17 FOR BALE-r-FAIUM3 1 FOB SALE TIMBER 28 EXCHANGE REiL ESTATE 34 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 KXCHAX G E RE A L JKSTATK 24 ' EXCHANGE REAL rsTAli: 1 s Pf 'ou Can't Beat These v - For Bargains ' We, Cane Prove It. ; I So acres up th Willamette "valley, -60 acres' cleared, balance , has about 1,000,000 feet of Umber: good house, barns; some personal x property; I miles from railroad, . station, and little town. This Is an excellent stock ranch. Pries i ' $1000.' - ' i - ' r ; $60 PER ACRE. " 100 : acre, all in cultivation, i deepi rich, soli; fall set of build.', logs;- H mil from railroad sta tion. ' This splendid farm la lo-r cated . right In the center of a e thickly settled - farming seotion, about SS miles up the valley from . Portland. Owner is forced to sell r this farm for only $6000, and will Civs some terms. - ; , . SO ACRES, ' , HIGHLY IMPROVED. ' ' A All In cultivation, 14 acre In fruit; 6 room houa and outbuild- , ings. The soil Is a very rich aandy'loam; nearly $1000 worth, , of personal property goes . with" the place. Located just outside the city limits of a prosperous little railroad town 24 mile up i the valley-from Portland. This Is f : a snap at $5500. Owner will ,ao- ' cept a part payment two good . residence Jots In Portland,' bal ance cash or part cash. We pos- ; ' .1 lively will not accept any lnrlat- ' ed value on lots. ' - .- a 64 acres, 60 in cultivation, bal- ' 1 ance choice wood' timber. Boll.:' will- crow anything but is espe- -dally adapted to fruit raisins;. Set of good buildings. Some person-, al property goes. Land adjoining. , has sold for $400 per acre Lo- oated . in the famous . Chehalem , valley,, near Newberg. . Price only $7500. , Terms. A. K. Hill Co, . 41$ Henry Bldg. 10 acres. , BU nlanted to annlea. 'ISO bearing,- 1O00 gooseberries, 200 dewber ries. 600 laek caps, u. acre red rasp berries, I . acre strawberries, 100 rhu barb. 1 acre kale, 2 acres potatoes not dug; .1. horse, 1 cow. 60 high grade poultry, a new fruit wagon, buggy, har ness, plotw, harrow, t cultivators, cider mill, 'spray pump, all other tools, most of the furniture; this place is on the main macadam road, on carline, and on bank of the river; here Is your farm, everything here and a good fruit crop In sight; on account of death In the .family owner must sell and go east; 1 mile from city; price $4500. half cash. FREYTAO ft MILLER. Oregon City. Near S. P. Depot Dairy Ranch Bargain Just beyond Parkrose) on Columbia boulevard and extending to Columbia river, to acres in all, SO acres overflow, balance above high water, about 30 acres in cultivation, balance finest pas ture land; house, barn and outbuildings in good condition, water piped to house, extension present carline now building to Parkrose will pass right In front of house; standing offer to rent place for dairy purposes of $1200 a year; price $225 per acre; would consider up to $5000 in good Portland property as part of first payment; balance long time f 6 per cent ' ' CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, $20 Railway Exchange. 4th and Stark. Best Improved Farm In Linn" County 160 acres, fine soil. 145 acres . cleared, 16 acres pasture, flne $2600 house, good barn and other outbuildings; this place has plen- ( ty of fine water and all kinds of : Jrult and is only 1 .miles from Dregon Electric station, Vi mile from town and la near Willamette river, fine country road on east ?nd west sides; this land is fine or fruit or dairy and can be cut In 40 acre tracts and sold to good advantage: all farm implements go with the place and is a bar gain at $100 per acre; only $7000 down, balance 10 years 6 per cent If you-are looking for a farm where you have fine transporta tion and cheap freight rates, eta. Bee this. - McGowan & ,McGowan t Healy bldg., corner Grand ave, , - and E. Morrison. IIS III S AND 1.10 ACRES All cleared and set out to peaohes," witn strawDerry liners, strawnernes will yield next year 700 to 800 crates this year and more next year: the place has a 2 .room house, wood and wood shed, good well and a spring brook runninar through land; The land is of a rich dark loam "no rocks and is well drained: this claJs is 1 miles from streetcar line, 8 rnllcaj to Oregon city; it will pay for itself trn 2 crops; , the price is only $2100 with $1100 down and balance on time to suit buyer. II. a CLYDE, 1003 Main st, Oregon : City. .-' 228 1-2 Acres Two miles from Oregon Electric right on the Willamette 'river and boat land ing, black sandy loam, deep river bot tom soil; 41. acres in clover and crop, besides there are 30 acres prune or chard, 19 acres peach, 8 acres pears, 3 acres apples, all kinds of berries and grapes. 8 acres rhubarb,, the balance is fine timber, good 8 room house, plas tered, good barns, 2 big prune dryers, windmill and 2000 gal, tank, water piped to buildings: a good chanoe for 2 or J to divide this place; price $45,000; one third or more cash. PKPER & BAKER. 444 Sherlock Bldg. DO YOU -WANT TO GET RICH? The greatest proposition In Oregon or ever offered in the world famous Rogue river valley. - . 166 acres, 23 acres 6 year old Spltxen berg, Newtown and Jonathan apples, models, 87 acres 3 year old apples, same varieties C 40 acres 6 varieties pears $ years .old,' good water right, abundant water available; 8 Trifles Ry. . station, building, etc., can cut this up, clear $160 to $200 per acre; the largest fruit im porter of Europe, residing London, Eng land, "says: '"Rogue river Valley fruit leads tbe world, superior quality, com mands, highest price." . Money talks. This goes quickly; study this price, $26,. 000 terms if desired; we have all kinds, fruit and - stock ranchea, . subdivisions in Rogu.mer v.nev . ..... Phone Marshall 3064. $$U 14th st i-oryana, or. ffe, Farm Land ; 40 Acres, 15 miles out, 18 acres In crop, 8 slashed, balance very easily cleared, fine creek and wator - power sue, iineai ox iron, an niiaoie, on gooa county road, SVi miles to Sherwood; orchard, house, barn and outbuildings, horse, 'cow, buggy and harness, lncuba tr. a Aoxen chickens, a-ood itumn nnllnp ' all furniture and farm tools; dirt cheap at $8200i easy terms. , W. H. 8EITZ A'Ca..W,'-"i,r 310 Spalding bldg.. Phone Main 6584, "flALE BV owner.' SO acre "fruit , ranch. 20 acres cleared, 15 in bearing Orchard, 4 miles. to town, Good road,-1-mlls to Columbia river and boat land ing; V mile to school: buildings;1' farm implements and household goods; must sell air I can not attend to the work my- seir. lerms. journal, Dill., J. JI HIU. . ' IRA rAfJVavmn' alt r. nw lanJl urilh 'wtin- vv ui v i aa aa-4 awu, w i avail nlng water, good house, barn, granary, chicken houses, etc., buildings insured for $8600, equity of $7000 to trade for residence property same value of more, will pay: cash difference. . 408 Corbett V acres on main road. level,, 7 culti vated; orchard, 2 houses, barn, outbuild ings, running stream, stock, implements, household furniture. $2500; terms, How ard ft Co 324 Woroester bldg. .-j 29 1-2 Acres-- Pine soil, 17 acres under cultivation, balance slashed i and seeded- except - a few acres In green timber; S fins springs and well on place 85 bearing apple trees and other fruits; 4 room house, barn 40x60, chicken house, milk house, etc; all fenced and cross fenced, including the following personal prop erty;'. 7 tons. hay, about 50 bushels of wheat, team of mares, 2 sets of double harness, hack, buggy, single;, har ness, - wagon, plow, cultivator, har row, older mill, 2 hogs, 1V4 dosen chick ens, all small tools, milch cow, etc This place Is located H mile from store and school, mile from church and 7 miles from-Vancouver, on a good road. Price $4600, $1500 cash, balance at per cent interest This is one of the best buys in the country and only 13 miles from the heart of Portland. - - ..; FINES WELL EQUIPPED RANCH. ' Consisting of 160 acres,, all rich level land, $) acres under fine state of cultivation.- 70 acres now in fall grain, 40 acres very easily cleared, 40 acres In second ' growth timber, good . woll and spring , water; place fenced and cross fenoed, good family orchard in full bear ing, 6- room, house, new barn 56x66, old barn 70x150, new ensilage, cost $527, now : full,; new dairy and outhouses; school and church on , one corner of place, telephone in house, R. F. D. mall and cream route at door, on two fine country roads, 1VL mile from country town, 4 miles from good R. R. town; IX miles by good road to Vancouver. Personal property included with; land: 10 milch cows, i heifers, grade stock, 8 head of horses, the oldest 7 years; 25 head of hogs, 17 stands of bees, (sold 1000 lbs. of . honey last year) 60 tons of hay, 40, tons of -straw. 700 bushels of oats, 709 bushels of cheat, 60 bush els of wheat 6 tons of potatoes, 2 wagons, new spring wagon., new drill, new hay tedder, .interest In new ma nure spreader, gang diso harrow, spring and straight tooth harrowa,' new Mc cormick binder, oultlvator. all manner of small - tools, single harnesses, 4 seta of double harness, 4 horse steam engine, 6 horse boiler, with feed grinding, saw and other attachments, 2 cream separa tors, and other articles too numerous to mention. All for $17,600, $8000 cash, balance in 10 yearly payments at 6 per cent interest The income from, this place Will pay for it in five years. Thia is one of the best buys In the oountry and tbe terms are very liberal. iI'ThomDSon & Swan 6th and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES AND EASY TERMS A highly Improved 6 H acre farm, new buildings, fruit living .water and well, in suburbs of Woodburn, Or. Also a good double 16 room modern house, fruit, good location and only 3 blocks from S. P. and O. E. depots, In Woodburn. Or. - - - Also 160 acres In section 23, township 2 north, range 6 west, in Washington county, Oregon, $ miles from thriving new town of "Fir," on the now P. R. & N. R. R. now running daily trains from Hlllsboro to Tillamook, 8 acres plow land, 100 acres best fruit and farming land. Some saw timber, well watered. Price $20 per acre. Terms on this: 11000 cash, balance in monthly. quarterly or annual payments to suit, or would consiaer improvea i-oriiana prop erty up to $2000. Should either of the above Interest vou then it would nay you to write or call on owner, F. M. Heidel, HUlsboro, Or. I. O. POX 333. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR CASH or on shares will rent dur ing the season of 1812, an orchard, o 4000 trees, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, peaches and loganberries as I am not disposed to satisfy curiosity seekers will furnish particulars only to those who will remit $1 or come and see the place. Steamer Oregona lands here. K. tjniicott, uayton. uregon. FARM for rent, 2H miles east of Ore gon City, with 2 milk cows. Call at 701 Marlon ave., Sellwood or phone Sell- WOOa 1849 FOR RENT 105 acres, 65 acres in cul tivatlon, good improvements, $376, part terms. -Walter Roswurm, Foreat Grove. Oregon WANTED To rent A small place with house and barn; may buy. Address, C-SR7. Journal. I FOR RENT--7 H acres near Gates sta tion, 2 room house, good barn, all cleared. Phone Tabor 22; B-1279. WANTED FARMS 88 - FARMS WANTED. We want good offerings in farm landa along the Columbia river In Clarke county. Submit your property direct, or to our Vancouver office. 10th and Main sts.. Vancouver. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY, 2d" floor Chamber of Commerce. WHAT HAVB YOU In 6 or 10 acre tracts, close In, for cash? We have a buyer that Is anxious to get settled. ' We expect exclusive contract NORTH COAST COLONIZATION CO.. Phone Main 265." 482 Chamber of Com merce. WANTED Improved 20 or 80 acre gen- mer and wife: beat references. D-282. journal. WE HAVB clients for small farms in exchange city - residences and some cash. 426 Lumber Exchange. FRUIT LANDS Have You Seen This? " If vou desire to own your own fruit ranch and be lndeDendent. come and see us and we will give you 10 acres planted to trees and take care of it for four years at $200 per acre. Think of it; right on the railroad, too. This section is where the first berries, cherries and potatoes come from. Come and get our booklet. The Dalles Land & Orchard Co 604 Board of Trade. HOOD RIVER orchard home; will sell part of my 10 acre orchard, 5 years old, as I need funds. - Will repurchase after a period if buyer Is not satisfied. Owner, E-288. Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 I Live on Homestead Central Oregon; been there $ years and know country well. The best land being taken very rapidly, but Is yet good level valley land homesteads to be . had in large settlements having good schools, towns, dally mails, etc good timber near.-.- - -r - - " ' ' ' I can locate you oh lands where these conditions' prevail. I ask no deposit. You pay hi ter seeing land. The new Vale-Crescent railway now being built runs full length our valley. Don't wait until spring if you expect the best land. See men this week and arrange to re turn with me Saturday the 20th. . - AT.VIW 8. HAWK. ' 906 Chamber Commerce, ADVANTAGES of Oregon,. 100 page book, gives the amount of govern ment land open to homestead in each cunty In Oregon. Washington and Cali fornia, and description of same; give homestead, desert timber, stone, coal, and mineral laws, map of Oregon in col ors, showing R. roads In operation, under construction and proposed, including eastern and central Oregon; book 26o; map 260. California map in colors 32r 87, .26o; map of Washington in colora 20c. Nlmmo Runey ft Co., 444 Hamil ton mag-. RELINQUISHMENT 160 aowi in Crook county, 20 acres In cultivation, small nous,, over fenced; water, for irrigation, $500'.. Bloch Realty Co., 206 160 ACRE homestead relinqulhrnent 1 mne to rauroaa, store ana nail HOMESTEAD wanted for my equity In a 27 room house, of $650; clears $100 per month. 611 Corbett-bldg,, Mr. Lewis. SPOR SALE TDIBKn v'w'.f'iW FIVE acres of timber northwest of city, ' convenient to new St Johns free fer ry, the cordwood from this will sell for enough, on the peninsula, to pay for the land; prloe $160 per. acre , and upon monthly pnyment t)lnn. . .. . , THE 6HAW-FKAR COMPANY. ' Main 85 102 Fourth st, A-3B00. 20 ACRE.S, A-l cordwood. 12 miles Port land. Owner, 482 Rlggen t , SPECIAL 11,000,000 feet pine and fir timber, 2 south. ' 1 west, Pouglas eounty, Oregon; price $6000. Thomas P. Thorntonf 208 Henry bldg. - - - EXCHANGE REAL EST' '.US for sale or trade a stock of ' general merchandise in east ern washington, ' this stock is not over six months"" old ' and consists ot everything. but hardware. stock will invoice About l $17,000, buildings' about $4000. ' arb doing" now ' about $60,000 PER 'YEAR. vr MUST HAVE some Cash, see mr. ' merrill, WITH ' " r, WARD ft YOUNGER. . ' SUITE 426 YEON BUILDING. 60 Acres and Stock' IE miles from Portland. to good town and electric car, 25 acres in culti vation, 20 good timber, good house, barn and . outbuildings, running , water and well; land lies ideal and soil is the best, all tillable, good team, cow, brood sow, wagon and harness, plow, harrow and 3 tons of hay; price $6000, terms or trade to H for house, balance mortgage. 80 acres, 1 mile to Rainier; house, barn and some cleared; creek and well. $40 per acre, terms or trade. 110 acres, S miles to Clatnkanls, part cleared, graveled road, fine creek, house, $35 per acre; any kind of terms or trade, . :-,'-J. i -: .V-. ..... 4- w. rr. HttiTz co . . $10 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 6584, 125 acres, 3 miles south of Independ- ence; 60 acres in mgn state oi culti vation, balance can all be cultivated, being level and in scattering oak tim ber, new 7 room house, fine barn, water towers, cows, horses, wagons, 80 head foats, chickens, turkeys, etc., price 12,000, trade for city property. 40 acres joining city of McMlnnvllle. $0 seres in 2 year old apples, balance in garden, etc.; new 6 room house and barn; horse, wagon and all farm tools. Price $12,500, trade for city property. Business lot and building In Centralis, Wash.; leased 5 years at $125 per month, will trade for good farm. Price $12,000. BERRY'S REALTY CO.. ' 249 4th St. J1- FARM EXCHANGES. 20 acres Yamhill county, ltt miles R. R. ' and good town, 25 acres In cult New 5 room house and barn. A-l soli. Price $5000, $1400 mortgage. Trade equity for city property and assume. 40 acres in Crook county, 7 miles R. R., 400 acres farm land, necessary bldgs., $25 per acre. Trade for city or larra properly western uregon. 60 acres "near Newberg, Or., 80 culti vated, 30 acres timber, all fenced. I mile R. R and station. Price $5400. Take city property, some casn. J. EL NICHOLS CO.. 618"Yeon bldg., 5th and Alder. TAKE LOTS AS FIRST PAYMENT. 5 room bungalows, Alberta district 7 room bungalows, SUnnyside district. 6 room bungalows Hawthorne district 5 room bungalows Rose City district 6 room bungalow Montavllle carline. 6 room bungalow Denver ave. district 7 room house Alberta district 7 room house Denver ave. district. 7 room bungalow W-R carline. These bungalows are all new, some never been occupied, close to car; will consider good acreage on some (but no junk). Prices . $2350 to $3500, equities $1200 to $2000. T Call 88 10th St., near Stark. MEAT MARKET FIXTURES COM PLETE SET OF NEW FIXTURES, ALL FIHST-CLASS. COST $1600. THESE CAN BE HAD AT A BAR GAIN. WILL MAKE EA8Y TERMS. WARD & YOUNGER, SUITE 426 YEON BUILDING. AUTOMOBILE 5 passenger, excellent condition, to trade for lots or acreage, or house. Address S-292, Journal, I AM a widow, must dispose of my highly improved 18 acres, 10 min utes from depot and stores, 25 miles from Portland; 6 room house, plastered, 24x34 new barn, . coops, lota of fruit, price $3600, will take a home in south east Portland up to $2600 and some cash;, no agents. B-297, Journal. STORE, restaurant barber shop, .. 6 rooms furnished, piano, lot and house, in thriving town close to Portland, to trade, all for home In Portland or busi ness here. This is a chance of a life- time. 505 Teon bldg, $200 CASH, $800 IN TRADE. Ana assume mortgage 500. Buys 6 room house Hawthorne dis trict, cor. lot, east front, hard surface streets. Renting for. $17 month.. No equities, an loth St., near. HtarK. CLEAR of incumbrances, a neat little . rqpmlng house, paying well, to ex change for a small house on west side. For particulars nhone C. Whipple, 024 tnara. torn, jnain iozz. 40 ACRES 25 miles from Portland, small house, some furniture teleohone. Will trade all or Dart of 81700 nmiltv for good west sldo rooming house. Price ACREAGE FOR TBADE. 10 acre tracts near station on Salem electric, deep rich cultivated soil, no M-ock or gravel: will accept some trade. ijRHarre, zo commercial dik. WILL trade 10 acres 6-yearold apple orchard. Well improved, Independent water right Wepatchee valley; will trade for Portland property. Gibson, 1318 Yeon bldg. CABIN motor launch; will seat 40 peo ple, Just the thing for Sunday par ties, $1000. What have you to trade? AutomoDiie preferred, zos Railway jex HOUSES, lots, farms, acreage, Rooming and apartment houses, Autos, mortgages and bonds To trade. GARLAND & BARSNTCa, 191 4th St. WILL exchange the best paving 85 room brick rooming house in Portland for house and lot to the value of $2000. 605 yeon ping. TO TRADE Strictly modern 10 room new nouse lor gooa automoDlie; win accept mortgage back on same, or caaii. 618 Board of Trade. CL08H in acreage . with or without . buildings, to trade for good desirable resinence property.,;. ua tjornett tuflf, HAVE outside property to exchange for good rooming house In , city, Phone Jt. 7i." Home A-aiio WANT houses built trade good loti; Duuaer 1 lurnua moBt materials. A-Ztfs. journal. - . 1 2 ACRES Vl mile to Oregon City car, ' and a good lot for unimproved land or anything. B-298. Journal. TO EXCHANGE Good lot,-free of in---eumbrance, for Vlctrola. American Trust uo., zn unamner or commerce. LOT 1 block Dostofflce. BTOwinsr townl value $600, most anything. 208 Rall- FOR "SALE or rent or trade, ' 1200 acres good wheat land. "-Smith, .316 TYamlltnn hlrlcr. -- - s COOS Bay, Marshfleld, Bandon Informa tlort bureau, free, 1014 Chamber of commerce, 200 ACRES improved, .value, Polk Co.. Portland property. Graves. .. .101 1 V nnniDer commerce. FINE farm Nehalem valley, trade for Portland property: must . deal this weeK, Ij-zbh, journa CLOSE in acreage to exchange for auto mobile. Call 811 Corbett bldg. tLAYER biano wanted as first payment on gooa acreage, trice imuu, GOOD t -room cottage to trade for rooming house. 233 Worcester bldg. mm '42 acres, 14 miles out all cultivated, good buildings, stock - and machinery, fine for subdividing; will take good c'ty residence and mortgage. - : 67 acres near Independence, all. culti vated, good buildings; $6500, $$250 equity for stock ranch near the coast . 67 acres,-all cultivated, good build ings, stock, machinery and feed; $10,000, $tt00 equity; want home.. .,.-..,:. 164' acres near Brownsville, all culti vated, good buildings;' $90 per acre: clear; will take some good Portland property; give long time on balance. - buildings; near good-town, rail, , and ov acres, nearly, ail ciearea, gooa. water,' Yamhill ; county; all stock and farm machinery; will trade for good city property.-, . : 825 acre stock ranch.. 140 acres in cul tivation, good buildings, Linn -county; $8500; clear. . Would take smaller farm or city property. " 86 acre fruit ranch, 23 acres bearing prune dryer and cannery, 4 -wells and! living spring; a aanuy place; ia,ouu; for city property. . h r 220 acres Linn county, partly culti vated, nothing near it less than $100, but this will go at $56 per acre. Owner's equity, $4100, to trade for city property; $4000 cash. - ' . 89 acres In Clarke county, Wash.: 1m- firoved, f stock and machinery; $7600; rade for $3500 city property. - i 60 acres near Woodburn, 40 acres In cultivation, 10 acres ; young . orchard, stock and tools; wants city property. 'We have 240 acres, 237 acres, 103 acres,-156' acres, 15 acres, 56 acres,. 80 acres, 640 acres, .40 acres, 13 acres, 280 acres; all good land, good buildings, fine Improvements; all for trade, ' , 15 houses to trade for farms, v Quarter block, 4 room house, unin cumbered; wants farm .with stock; will assume small mortgage. - r- New bungalow, furnace, close to car line, for good small farm, $4000 Mo $5000. ' Equity in 6 room house to trade tor lots or acreage, $6000 income property for California tuff. Quarter block, 8 room house, near carline, for valley farm. 16 room rooming1 house, down town, no debt wants acreage or house. 7. rooms, quarter block, for 60 to 80 acres; will assume. $3000 bungalow for small Improved place, - 44 room hotel, doing fine business; owner wants to go to country; will con sider farm at reasonable price; $6000. Two bouses for unincumbered farm land or timber. 6 room cottage to trade on small farm: will assume small Incumbrance. 7 room house and timber land for stock farm. 7 room house for lot OUTSIDE PROPERTY. 33 room hotel, 2 acres of land; will trade equity of $7000 for what have you. 7 room house, barn, shed, 2 lots In good town, for farm or city property. 6 rooms, 2 lots, $1200, no Incumbrance, trade for auto or what have you? 6 acres to trade for $760, $100 cash, balance to suit Peach " lots to trade for what have you? Also piano to trade. 1000 acre wheat and nay ranch, 100 acres under ditch, 60 acres in alfalfa, 800 wheat, 100 acres pasture, for small er ranch or city property. 60 acre Tillamook ranch, with all stock to trade for smaller place, $12,000. 640 acres. Morrow county, for mer chandise. If you don't see what you want come in and see us or write us. We have 1000 trades in our books. List your property with us for sale or ex change. We have the goods, the buyers and the traders. RAY MO RE REALTY CO.. 430 Worcester bldg. To Trade for a Farm . A fine business block ln'agood town to trade for a good farm. This build ing is bringing an lnoome of $126 every month and the owner already has an of fer of $175 per month when this lease expires. Price $12,000.- This Is over in per cent on tne investment DeYOUNG ft JOHNSON 614 Chamber of Commerce. Bldg. MOUNTAIN RANCH. FOR TRADE. Don't you want a first class mountain ranch, close to railroad station, right on an automobile road, with plenty of spring water for irrigation and domes tic purposes, and where you - have un limited range for stock purposes? Ranch has set of buildings and 20 acres cul tivated. In southern Oregon. D. L. Brace Co.. 808 Board of Trade. Fine 30 Acre Farm 14 miles from Portland and close to good town and the river; this plaoe is well Improved and has very fine build ings; the owner will trade for vacant lots or a good house and lot. DeYOUNG ft JOHNSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $65 Per Acre M mile from station, 400 aores fine soil, 100 acres in cultivation, fine build ings, lots of good timber, 160 acres fine creek bottom land, sale or trade, for Portland income. WOLFF. 823 Henry bldg. 80 ACRES In Lincoln county, Oregon, 3 miles from Toledo, 1 mile from county road, aood stream of water. 15 acres bottom land, price $2000; will con siaer small apartment nouse or rooming house. RAINIER REALTY CO., 801-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. f BANNER YEAR FOR WHEAT. 640 acre wheat ranch;- 400 acres now l . U . . AAA . A,. A a. -.., ait iiva l .uu ivauy km aeou, lull eet of buildings. Stock and Implements extra it wanted. Trade zor valley land or city property. D. I Brace Co., 808 Board or Trade Bldg. , WANTED California real estate to trade for acreage, close to Salem, near electric carline, free and clear, give full particulars in first letter. A corner lot containing 10, 190 feet In Boston, Mass., price 1800. California property preferred. C-299, Journal. FOR house and lot Arleta preferred, grocery stock and fixtures, land near R. 'R., acreage near electric line, block make 9 lots near carline; give more than value for value for quick trade, 020 Foster Road. Tabor 689. Home today. 3 Modern Houses, Trade For timber, mortgages, acreage, or most anything, will give a good deal. Main 7491. LEWIS REALTY CO.. 611 Corbett bldg. FOUR room cottage, rented, $18 month, furnished, for cheap land. - $2000 C. R. O. Bonds. What have you? 10 acre orchard, for furniture. 12 room rooming house for cheap lots. EWEN REALTY CO.. 811 Allsky Bldg. 1000 ACRES of timber in the Grays rlv- er district cruising about 60,000,000 feet and reasonably well bunched; will consider Portland, or Willamette valley property for good portion of purchase price, yj-iiyy journal No Junk Wanted For my 5 room modern house at Powell valley and Foster roads, I have mure man x wn naiiuie, uu you wani a snap. Bee Mr. Lewis. 611 Corbett bldg. i . v " WANT 2 to 5 acres within 10c car ' fare to trade for 6 room house In good location. , ' ' - WATSON ft THERKBLSEN. 806 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7592 320 ACRES good soil, water and tim ber, first class stock and general pur-, pose ranch In Lake county.' What have you to trade! Lulu. Brace Co., 80s Hoard or -rraoe. 16 acres i well improved,- near Orchards, . Wash.. - will consider - vacant -lots or house and lot without Incumbrance up to $2 S 00,. balance can stand on easy terms. OZ98, journal, EQUITY in 10 room housekeeping, olose in tor small amount casu or traae, leaving city. . EWEN REALTY CO 811 Alisky Bldg. FINE 6 room house on Ivon atreet, 1 niocK rrom x cars. - sevbu. v HJasy terms or will trade. :, WATSON ft THERKELSEN. ' 808 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7592 10 ACRES M mile from Vancouver, Wash., for sale or trade. ' ' WATSON ft THERKELSEN. 806 SpaldlnaBldg. Phone Main 7692. IF YOU want to exchange oltv for ooun try or couhtry for city property at real value, call at 405 Lab be bldg, 227 ft Washington, at, . . $ room modern house, 60x100 lot, r mall farm or acreage. ' " 7 room modern, Irvington, for acre age or farm. room house and lot 76x120,' The Dalles, for farm in the Willamette val- I room house, t lota, for ranch. 30 acres, Orchards, close to electric, all cultivated, for eity. 7 acres. Hood River, In yr. old ap ples, for Portland. r , - 6 acres Beaverton, aU cultivated.-for timber. ' ..' , .,-;. - . . -,......' 16 acres, Roseburg, mostly cuiuvated, i 05-Portlandv 820 acres. Grant Cal Wash.. Imoroved for acreage or city. 40 acres, Klamath Falls, 20 acres, To ledo, Or., some lots at Newport and 6 acres near Orenco, will exchange all for small place with , good .. buildings ready to move Into. - 120 acres good orchard land, Hood River, some timber, some improvements, 200 apple trees 8-6 years old, for Port land. '. ' ' ; -. . , V . .'.'' 930 acres, Gilliam Co.. 600 In cultiva tion, good set bldgs., good well, some implements. , . 39 acres, 30 cultivated, stock, crops and implements, for city, 5 room house and lot east sldit, fine location, for larger house or acreage. . Clear lots for wheat lands or acreage. ' Call and see us for good exchanges, or write us and see what we can do for you..-' . ' .:. ,4- - .i r i. Chittenden -& Neil! 'Both phones. 810 Oak St. EXCHANGE!. ., '. 260 acres of Willamette Valley farm land to trade for Portland property; will trade all or part $8000 Portland residence to trade for high class residenoe lots In restricted district Good apartment house for farm or acreage, value $4000. $475 equity in Laurelhurst lot to trade for clear lot. Mount Scott district pre ferred. -Two clear lots In Sellwood for par tially improved small farm. J. R HATGHT. 838 Chamber of Commerce. Fine Stock Farm to Trade FOR RESIDENCE I will maka sacrifice on 216 acres. 4 miles from Sheridan, Yamhill Co., for an up to date residence in nice neignoor hood on west side or Irvington. Cash value of land $60 per acre, has two mag nificent streams of water, fine road, bottom and hill land, a beautiful Place, sufficient water for power plant; also otner iana at uunaee. GEO. K. WAGGONER, 805 Teon bldg, Marshall 8861. , LARGE U8T OF FARM HALF section of California pine, valued at 3uuu, tor goon rarm in wasning ton, Yamhill or Polk county; might in clude a good Portland residence, and assume a small mortgage. Property must meet personal wants, stand thorough Investigation, and await necessary time for transaction. Excellent city values also considered. No cash payments, commissions or Inflated values consid ered. What have you? Box 62, route 2, Salem. Or. . ' GOOD 820 acres Idaho land. $12.60 per acre, clear, in trade for house, good rooming nouse or grocery store. 40 acres, loins cltv limits of Mo. Mlnnville. near the eolleae: new house. 80 acres In fruit; $12,600; will trade for city property. Tnis is a snap. , 5-room house for rooming house. 30 lots, free and clear, In good small town In Oregon, for anything of value; win trade lor diamonds. M. C. REED ft CO., 617 Board of Trade. OYSTER LAND. For sale or exchange by owner. From 100 to 400 acres choice oyster land, in wasmngton; tnis iana win near closest inspection and has some oysters, al ready growlnar on it of the large eastern variety; a money maker for the right party, will dispose of "art or all; good tlte, what have you to offer? Phy sical disability cause of selling. Address 8-2R6. Journal. A CHOICE residence property close in for exchange, what hav vou to offer? A new Mitchell 8-ln. wagon with broad ures ana uamornia Dea; win taKe a lighten, wagon, young stock or a good work mare, weight 1000 to 1100, will pay difference If any. - Also heavy work harness, practically new. For further particulars call or address Walter Ros wurm, Forest Grove, Or. $2000 equity in modern 7 room bun galow In Irvington. for vacant lots or acreage; new fireproof garage, ce ment runway, fine cement basement, close in; all Improvements in and paid for. C. S. Colhouer, owner, C-1421 or box K-280, lournal. FIVE room house, furniture; connected to sewer, on paved street, lot 80x122 feet, in Ashland, Or., 1 block from de pot value $1800. to trade for arreae-o or town lots close In Portland. Phone Sellwood 1042, or address 660 Taggart st, Portland. 40 ACRES of fine land, all cleared,' 30 acres set out in commercial orchard, adjoining city of ' McMlnnvllle, good 5 room house, barn, horse, wagon, furni ture and all implements, $12,600. Will trade for Income property. Bloch Realty Co., 206 Alder st. $600 EQUITY In 40 acres unimproved Yamhill county fruit land, value $1200, balance payable $15 per month, 6 per cent Interest Exchange equity for Portland' lot or merchandise. P-282 Journal. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW FOR LOTS $1800 8 blocks to Hawthorne car. 4 rooms, fireplace and toilet a neat, -ooiy nine nome; no incumDrance. owners will take 2 lots if price Is right Fred W. German. 829 Burnslde, M. or A-2776. TO EXCHANGE We have a choice list of Tualatin val ley acreage and fine farms to exchange for city property. A. W. Smith ft Co., 436 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 6826. j FOR SALE by holder, contract with all payments up to date, 6 room modern bungalow in restricted Hawthorne dis trict or will trade. Prefer apartment house. Phone A-7758. . . BY OWNER Will trade 6-room house on corner lot. Improvements paid, for f mall ranch in Oregon. O. E. Bake, 7804 14th ave., N. W., Seattle. Wash. SALE or trade for small ranch, 6 room plastered house, cement, basement lot 60x100. barn and fruit trees. Close to St Johns carline. Price $1700. Ad dress 1672 Van Houten st, Portland. WILL EXCHANGE Yamhill Co. farm land from 20 to 200 acres, or vacant jenCe on west side to the value of $8000 to $15,000. Marshall 8851. v.. . 1. T z , , , WAt 'Tv0.,,17 cr r ,ttnd worth 12000 for ronmlnar hnuaa or house and lot' Owner, 520 Lumber Kxchange 1,000,000 feet of good saw timber, 1 ' mile of railway at $1.25 per M, will take lumber , for same. (Av alter Ros wurm. Forest Grove. Or. 20 ACRES good farm land, acres saw timber, iv road, 1 ft miles- to 4own,-to exchange for grocery stock, 600 Henry Diag, LOT, unincumbered, value $100; ex change for buggy and harness. -287, journal $1600 June Columbia River Orchard bonds . for house and lot or vacant lots. Marshall 4119. LOT $700 clear, a mortgage $225, trade for acreage 'same value. Address K- 288, journal. HAVE $200 equity in 4 ' nice residence lots to trade for some good furniture or piano. 1190 , sstn St.. N, WILL exchange 6-room house and va cant lots for small farm. R. E. Beegle, Lents, Or. - - ; . -- 8 ACRES near Vancouver, trade for house and lot' Tabor 836 $100 to $1000 lot taken as payment on bu ngnlow. Owner. East 2741. F"WILL buy, sell or trade anything. It (OrLeo. m Board, of Trade Bldg. FOR. SALE All OH GHAHGL MJIilF?. BROWNSWLLMR. Of 171 acres, with abundant ever ; green pasture, all fenced and . cross fenced, on good -county .. " road, close to boat landing on Co- ; lumbla river, near Portland. Ex- " ' cellent soil, 26 acres under culti- , ration and 45 acres more easily cleared. All but 23 acres tillable ' i. land; 3 ac.'es in orchard. . Good . . springs, splendid creek, water , piped to house and barn. "Large '' plastered house with hot and cold ' water, large barn and other out buildings. A splendid ranch and' ." a beautiful place. Prioe $60 per , ; acre. Farm free of Incumbrance. Will exchange for unincumbered ' Income property In Portland up ' to $6000 or so, balance time. Own- - : ers in town till Wednesday. , For - particulars apply to . , . FFMANNfiMOORE ', 325 Lumber Exchange. Farm for a Home 230 acre farm in Langtl valley near Lost River, S. E. of Klamath Falls, all fenced, 8 wires and-- cross fenced, all first class land except 40 acres, 180 acres under cultivation; - 12 acres in alfalfa, some acres in hay. 120 acres sub-irrigated, balance will be supplied with water from irrigation system, next year, good springs on place, 4 room house, large barn, granary, shed etc.; price ' $6400. will consider residence property up to $3000. good term en balance at per cent. II Vi acres on Oregon Electric, Stt acres in timber, 15 acres in hops. 2tt aores In cherry orchard, family orchard. all kinds of fruit, berries and grapes, small creek on place, soil positively of the very best well drained, $4000, will consiaer improved residence property, RAINIER REALTY CO., m-a liUmoer ax. piag. Best Buy in Portland This place must be sold beforWed. 42 rooms on Wash st. near 10th. 4 years' lease, rent $8.50 a room, net ?rofit over $300 a month, will take lit le cash and city property on this. Call eariy. GOOD TRADE ON 15 ROOMS. rrjii give a guuu irnao, on i rooms, on Grand ave., near Morrison st, rent $80, 8 years' lease, every room rented. Will give equity of $1000 in 2 lots on Franklin street as first payment on west side rooming house. Have farm worth $6000 to trade for apartment nouse. 709-710 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall 8825. Your Home or Business Seaside for in Just What You Want This little country home of 10 acres. A-l in every way, producing good re turns, all kinds of fruit fine large nouse. new Darn ruled with nay, horses, watoni. bufffdns. tools, cow. chickens. bees. Just outside of city. Cannot neat tnis. tianuy to car. Other small plases close In, If you want to traae, see us. Waggener Real Estate Co. zig-zia Aripgion mag. IS THIS WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOK7 14 2-4 acres fins land for sale or x change, 22 miles from Portland on good county road. 1 mile south of a small but crowinsr town on the railroad. 1 acres have been slashed, 1 acre of which has Deen plowed- soo or more cords of wood, 200 to 200' rood cedar poles on this tract and a stream of good water runs through it. Improvements, one room house, price $1500, terms can be ar ranged, cleared land in this vicinity sells for $250 to $800 per acre. Owner will exchange for Portland lota at their cast) value, only. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85 103 Fourth st. A-S500. If You Want Some Good Bar- gams Come and See Us A pool room doing good business for sale cheap. Saloon to trade for farm. City residence to trads for farm. Rooming house to trade for apart ments or acreage, timber, or home stead. Wilson Investment Co. 417 Fenton bldg., 84 6th st EXCHANGE. 81 acres, 8 miles from Laurel, with spring, fenced, small house, barn, etc Want residence in Portland to value aiuu. uiear oi incumbrance. Bee us tor traaes. DORR E. KEASEY A COMPANY, . 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. . 160 ACRES Garrison, Montana, $2600; exchange. What have you? 160 aores Sherman eounty, $3500; ex change. What have you? 160, acres timber. Wheeler county $3000. What have you? 40 acres. 26 miles from Portland. 82000 What have you? 40 acres, near Bremerton, Beattie dis trict $2600. What have you? ALEXANDER LAND CO., 4 N. 6th. Phone Marshall $792. A-818J. 40 ROOMS H. K Fine location, brick building, good lease, rent $150 per mo. Electricity and gas. This is a money maker. Trade for acreage or city Property. We have several more real good places to trade for -city property. J. E. NICHOLS ft CO.. 615 Yeon bldg. EXCHANGE. We have desirable Drooerty to ex change; houses and lots for acreage and acreage for houses and lota. If vou want to exchange on a cash basis, see us. UtilSIMAKT KKALTl CO. (INC.), 421-422 Ch amber of Commerce. , HAWTHORNE CAR. 8 room modern house, corner, hard surface street price $7600; also C pas senger car, complete, good condition; price $1700. Will consider rood acre- age or farm to $7600. 422 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES In cultivation, 6 mUes Cald- weii, idano, lauuu; ISO acres miles Condon, Or., IS acres summer fallow, $3600; 6 acres in Condon, $1200. Trade above for city property and n.'uma some. 329 Lumber Exchange bldg. All Kinds of Exchanges If you want to trade city nrotertr for farms or acreage, sea me. I can rive you trade either way. -Neal Brown, 610 L.1 .1 1 klJM ... ", $2000 TO $6000. Including Improved poultry ranch, to trade for merchan dise, residence, rooming house, land or what have you? Jas. Fits, Everett, wasn. 100x100 on ' St. Johns car line, value $1200, will trade for mortgage, con tract or equity in house and lot. F. A. Beard ft Co., 512 Gerlinger Lldg., 2d and Aider sts. FOR SALE or trade 114 acres orchard land, 60 Spltsenberg trees 6 years old. good house 20x86, fine land; will sell cheap for cash or make good trade. W, U. Hionmnna, piovenson. wasn. IF YOU - WAN'C TO SELL, BUY OR TRADE. , SEE SHOEMAKER IN VESTMENT CO, , 624 ; HENKS. , BLDOX MA IN !, 160 ACRES improved wheat land in Morrow, county to .trade for. Portland property. Price of land $20 an acre. jpacKus, n wnamoer m i-ommerce. WE HAVE several clients that want to . traae city property ror close m acre age. Watson A Therkelsen, 806 Spalding Ding. rnuno main loss. TWELVE lota $1200, 1 lot $600, 2 lota, good house, Estacada, $1200. What have you ' to exchange for same, 423 unamoer ot commerce, LOVELY new well furnished bungalow and 2 acres near Portland, for proper ty New England states or Memphis, Tenn. N. M. Ap pie. 429 Henry bldg. 51 ACRES, small buildings, 1 iulle.of electric slatlon, 16 miles of Portland, $i00, terms. N. M. Apple, 439 Henry bid j. TRADE (Oklahoma property sometliing here. N. At Ajiple. 4119 Henry bldg. -: - Chas. Ringler L Co, $3000 Bungalow, new,. mo1ern, ,-'.; CLEAR OF em;lim ! , BItANCE, some CAKtl, for y- '. small farm clone to rail ."! ' way and Portland. . $7600 80-acre farm on Mt HM , Ry improvements $300i; .i big orchard; mtg. ' 830i0 ' ' at 6 per cent; equity for . Portland vacant or lin ' ' - V proved property. ' ," $1500 worth ef Portland and vi cinity real estate; will put in some cash for. rood . ' - farm not - too far from . Portland and railway. , $10,000 atook merchandise, busi ness lot and building in best, town In eastern Ore . gon, new railroad building. . . ' Will trade for Portland unimproved property up to , . $20,000 and put up differ- ence in cash.- CHAS, RINGLER A CO., 211 Lewis BWg. , GOOD hotel for clear property, city or country. - ''.' . $1900 lot for rooming house. v ' acre for gas ear. , - 1 19 housekeeping rooms for acreage. Good -17 Jewel adjusted movement watch for ''something." . . t Chicken ranch for home here, ' . Newspaper for home here.. ' House and lot for-gas oar. -' Good apartment house for clear prop erty. ' -' .-' '- -.'''. 10 acres for gas car, 3 passenger pre ferred. ' . - 27 room house for a lot ana some caen. Dairy ranch, improved, for something. 80 acres in California for Portland property..; '. ' v..- ; ?" ,. .nouse ana lot xor rooming nousst 10 acres for rooming house. I am here for, business and have the goods. . ' J ,' C. EL JONICS, 402 Yeon bldg. of excellent black loam. I mile from railroad near Woodburn. All fencd and under cultivation; good springs and well; new 8 room house, barn and outbuild ings. Close to school. Price $4600. Will take Portland prop--erty up to $2000 or 32600, and five $ years' time on balance at per cent Might consider, stock of groceries. , ' $25 Lumber Exchange. Investigate These . Fine grocery, $2800 or invoice; take good lot and cash. - Confectionery, for house or good, equity. . - Acreage for grocery or Gen. Mdse. $6600 residence for auto and a little cash. Modern bungalow,' new, . $500 cash, balance terms or trade. Other good exchanges.. Bring yours. We can match it ANDERSON A CHAMBERS. 426 Lumber Exchange Bldg. ; EXCHANGE. . 20 acres at Brush - Prairie, Clarke courity; horse, barn, team, cow, chickens, wagon, Implements, etc. Value $3000. Clear of Incumbrance. Wants city prop erty. - - - DORR E KEASEY ft COMPANY. - 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. - HOUSES FOR FARMS. - . rooms, modern in Woodstock $4500 10 rooms, 2 story $13,600. r 8 rooms, Irvington, $6500. 14 room house In Eugene, a good home, $5000. ' ..... 6 room, modern, on 10th at. $6000. 7 rooms on Grand avenue, $4500. . 6 rooms on 62nd st, $4500. ; 10 rooms in Irvington. Will trads for anything of value; price $6600. H. GUNTHER. 919 Yeon Building. SWAP?OTLTJMir GOOD -team, ; harness,-wagon, mower, rake, plow and barrow; take stump pulling outfit in part payment. . 329 mrnper mxcnangp piny. FIRST CLASS dental work to exchange for painting. W. a. ienust, a auu Washington. GAS range to exchange for rug. Call 168 Kanaau St. or nin, near m.hujt roaa. ttAVEVJB-76'RiFLri to trade for cam'- era. Marshall TRADE anything anywhere. 328: Lum ber Exchange oldg. - -" - S GOOD beach lots, trade for anything of value. 611 Corbett bldg.. Mr. Lewis. WAOTED-rRKAL ESTATES 81 I WANT to buy direct from the owner a 5 or 6 room bun galow; might consider 2 story house; price "and terms con sidered. No agents. Please give phone No. or street ad dress. L-294, Jou rnal. - Your Property Advertised Free List your nouse, lots, acreage. We will sell it NELSON BROS.. - 104 LEWIS BLDG. Phone Main 7591. WANTED Lot or house and lot. cen- ' tral east side, close in, on wnicn win turn In as part pay a new flve room bunralow near car on Marguerite street cash price of which 1 $3200. 418 Rail way r;xcnange. . iarsnau zioa. DO YOU WANT TO SKLL YOUR REAL' - ESTATE? -We pay cash and charge no commission. Hli 1 H F 1H.1j1J 1MVUHTMT JtA 917 Board of Trade bldg. M. 416. WANTED From 200 acres upward oi. cheap stump land, must be good soil, not over $12 per acre and not to far; rrom portiana. A.aaress a. jonnson, 418 Railway Exchange Bitg. "(TiLC-fiR IN LOT BELOW VALUE. ', Client wants 50x100 or larger, close to 3 mile circle. He has tbe money, but must be shown. . Fred W, German, 828 Burnslde. M. or A-Z77S. WANT house or bungalow, '6-6 rooms, rlnaa In TTnton eve. N smalt Davment down, balance monthly; prefer t deal witn owner, u-ta, journal. I WANT to buy a residence lot close hi on east side, worth about $2000 and will trad mv aoultv In modern room house for same. C. G., P. O. Box 495, WE GET RESULT W. YOU IIAVE ANT FARM OR jCITT PROPKRTY TO SELL OR TRADE, LIST IT WITH US. I V THE. PRICB IS RIGHT WE) CAN HANDLE IT FOR YOU. CALL OR WRITEL C 4 WARD ft YOUNGER, '" " " 'SUITE 426 TEON BUILDINa , WANTED FOR CASH--Iiargaln In vi., cant lot, or lot and house close In, $1000, $8000. Full particulars In first letter. D-2B3. journal. WANTED Nice "jot, ! Wvn ' Heights; near car; must oe reasunuiJie. 5-im, journal. WANTED 5 to iO acres for chl nwar car line, within 10 mtU circle; 193 Morris street, city. WANTED Good lot for cnh; price and particulars: no agtits. H . 1 rlUMweil. WANTED Lot went of car Ui. Klllingsworth sv.-nue; lt! i i location. J-2SS, Journt!. FARMS wante.1. g--1 i eHMtern tinn it. WiLLlrl"i, . g(S. r. .'!. r . . '-