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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1912)
SECTION THREE . lO PAGES ',. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1912. GENERAL, REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL- REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 FOR 8 A LK HOUSES 01 FOB SALE HOUSES ei GENERAL REAL'ESTATE -a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 'This Every Sunday for a List of the bright Realty uo, Bargains, Houses for Rent1 Furnished and Unfurnished ' 1-4 Acres at Lents $300 Up, Easy Terms Lot and small J10 per month. $350 house. $10 down and New 4 Room , Plastered house, full cement basement, ' acre fine soil, close to car. $1600, $100 down, $10 per. month; no Interest rot Zirst year. $"1000 H acre, 4 room house, all fenced, all kinds of small fruit; $100 down, $10 per month; no Interest for first year. $1100 8 lots Oregon City road, story and half house, $600 down, balance mort gage. Arden Park $5 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH. Lots $225 and up; fine fir trees for Shane. See us for exchange In farms, acre ages and city property. $750 Cash THREE LOTS. And house, 12x28, some fruit and base ment dug. $800 . Two story house, lot 40x100, large woodshed. 11 fruit trees, all kinds; strawberries raspberries, 40 rose bush es, $200 cash, balance payments. $850 3 room house, lot 56x100, on corner, $200 cash, balance $10 per month. $775 4 room papered house, lot 40x100, 'A Mock from car, $200 cash, balance $10 per month. ' $1650 4 room house, Dutch kitchen, store building, wood shed, lot 50x100; $1650, $500 cash, balance monthly. House and lot only $1200. 40 acres, JO miles from Vancouver, SB acres cleared, no buildings, liberal dis count for cash. ' $1100 5 room plastered house, lot 50x100, all fenced, $600 cash, balance terms. - Houses for Rent Mrs, Bright Mt. Scott Car to Lents ' Bright Realty Co, Open Sunday. Phones Tabor 1028. B-6111. liiiE 188 acres on Lewis river, 60 acres under plow, balance pasture easily cleared. All nearlv level and the b of soil, 10 acres of Orchard from which owner sold $4000 worth of fruit last season- HOnn north of nlllna- timber. Good 6 room house, good barn, fruit drver and other hulldlnes. Also 9 COWS, 1 thoroughbred bull, good work team, good driving team. hogs, poultry and a cnmnleto onnlnment of farming tools THIS PROPERTY IS PRODUCING AN INCOME OP $5000 per year. School and boat landings on the place. R. K. Ix unrt nhnna i miles from good town on N. P. Rjr. Price $14,000. Terms $10,000 cash, balance to suit. Let us show you photos of this place, then the properly. ' River View Home 19 acres nearly all level bench land, splendid , soli. COMMANDING BEAU TIFUL VIEW of Lewis river and valley, 9 acres in cultivation of which 8 acres in seeded to clover and timothy, 6 acres more easily cleared. Timber enough on the balance to pay for the entire prop erty when marketed. Fine water sup nlies from creek and springs, some fruit. Good 5 room house, new barn, chicken house, etc. Also good .team. fine cow, 2 hogs, chickens ana ouckb. Farming tools of all kinds. Hay, etc. This place is right at store and boat landing, close to school. On main coun ty road, phone line and mail route. Price $2600, terms $1700 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. 38 acres level bencli land, the best of dark clay loam. Not a foot of waste land on the entire tract, r ine cm crosses one corner. Aajoins wen im proved property, Shi milts from railroad town and miles from school and boat landing. Price $1200. Terms $200 cash, balance long time at 7 per cent. 16 acres near electric line 12 miles from center of Portland. Running wa ter. Prioo $2000. Terms $200 cash, balance to suit. 18 Per Cent Investment For the man with small capital. Lot bOxlOO with 2-story building 24x 50. Leased for 2 years at $15 per month. Price $1000. Terms $600 cash. For Exchange mile' from boat 20 acres hi mile' from boat landing and store, all fenced, 2 acres fenc.-d for chickens, 5 acres cleared, 6 acres timber, balance easily cleared. L,and lavs nearly level, best of sojl. Fine crefk. Spring water piped to house. Family orchard. Good house, large barn and other buildings. Price $200. Will tHke Portland Income property or equal value. Ideal Home 17 acres. 1 mile from Newburg. All In cultivation. Lays nearly levels best of soil. 6-room house, fine large frame barn. Good family orchard. Good spring and well. Price $:i00 per acre. Very easy terms, win consmer some exchange. 116 acres ALL IN CULTIVATION. adjoining county seat of Sherman Co. All first class soU and lays fine. Orch ard of ahut 200 trees assorted fruit Good well and windmill. Good barn and other buildings. Price $50 per acre. Will exchange for Portland resi dence or some good business. 80 acres near Sherwood, Or. South west slope. Practically no waste bind. 38 acres In high state of cultivation. 5 acres first class timber, balance pas ture. Fine water supplies, 125 fruit trees. 8 room house, large barn, also small house and barn and other build ings. This farm Is domnletely stocked and equipped; 3 blocks from school I miles from station. Price for all $200 per acre. Want suburban home as part payment. Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co, 219-221 Board of Trade Marshall 1777. A-3307. HARGROVE & SONS 18 Acres for $1600 This place Is located southeast of Oregon City and 20 miles from Port tanu. There are is acres, is acres cleared, good soil, t room house, barn and outbuildings. 2 acres orchard, lots of berries. Personal property, one fine mare, s cows, 1 .helfer, 7 tons hay cream separator, incubator and farm implements. Price for everything only iOUU, ft C8BI1. Close in 40 Acres Do you want-a complete farm near the city? This one is well stocked and ready for you to move right into. There are 40 acres, 25 acres in high state cul tivation, balance choice grove of old growth fir. The entire tract lies well and the soli is a very choice loam, grow ing aounnantiy an crops, uooa a room house, large barn and outbuildings, choice variety fruit, walnuts, berries, and grapes. Personal property, 2 horses, wagon, harness, hack, cow, 3 hogs, 80 chickens, all necessary farm Imple ments, .250 bushels grain, 20 tons hay, and Ibts of potatoes. Everything in first class order. In fact, we unhesitatingly say that this is the best buy in a close in farm around Portland. It is Just 8 miles from the city limits of Portland and the price with all personal proper ty is lust 18500. tiood terms. It would be difficult for you to get even a 20 acre tract so close In as good as this for the same price asked for these 40 acres. All the above farms are Just as rep resented. We want a satisfied customer. We are In the farm business to stay. We deal almost exclusively In farm lines and we can be of much benefit to you in finding you Just the farm you want. 122 MARGRAVE & SONS N. 6th St., Main corner 6th and Gllsan. 43S1, A-7263. . Sacrifice Rose City Park Bungalow The owner unbi .1:?0n for h1 Tinna and being unable to complete payments will sacrifice for $2800. Pretty fire place, cement basement with laundry trays, 5 good sized rooms with porcelain bath, linen closet and all built In con veniences; lot 50x100, with all improve ments paid for; $200 down handles this place, balance monthly payments. See Bryant, with Joseph Graham 1007-09 Board of Trade bldg. $800 equity of redemption In 6 room house and lot on Vancouver are., will sacrifice for $100. Furnished real estate office and busi ness dirt cheap; party leaving. 320 acres in Clackamas countv. fine for stock ranch, $25 per acre, trade for cuy property. 20 acres near Riverside, Cal., $3900 clear, for something in Oregon. Irrigated land in Idaho for Portland property. T. C. BTALEY. 527 Henry bldg. 'I,! ME!! -1 114 If Ell HAS -A LUST IF SPLEII1 MM." WI1WEST1ITI FOR- SHE IT REASONABLE PRICES. Ill Ul n IIKT01 IE10 I km prcVertbes room fliraw- I III VAOMNT. WAREHOUSE sites mm IflTMK U MM Hampton's Calendar for -January. 1912 Two eight (8) iVom houses on car line in Beaumohv fine view, fully modern, hardwood floors, beam ceilings, Dutch kitchen, etc. One eight (8) room house on S2d st, Olmstead Park, 2 blocks from car, fully modern. You should see this house. One six room house on 69th St., Rose City Park, one block from car. Fully modern, plenty of shade trees. Several good lots In Beaumont, Olmstead Park, Rose City Park, and Villameda. If yoir want to build or buy, come and see me. My architect will be pleased to show you his plans. HAMPTON, 72$ Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5129. Res. Tabor 1664. For a Quick Sale I have a fine 6 room house that must be sold in the next 10 days; this bouse has fi large rooms, all lathed and plastered with tinted walls, large pantry, all built In conveniences, nice large bath and toilet, electric lighted up stalls and down, with fixtures all In; house on good cement wall, basement under one half of the house; Just IV blocks from good carllne; now for quick sale I am going to offer this beautiful home with fine lot 60 by 100 feet, all for the small sum of $2260; with only $300 cash, the balance by the month like Wnt; now I am selling houses right along and It does seem to me that these places must appeal to anyone that Is paying rent year after year; why not have a home of ycr own and pay for It with your rent money. TRUMBLE SILVER, BASE LINE LAND CO., Phone M. 2891. 404 Ry. Ex. bldg. Portland, Or. A GOOD WEST SIDE BUY. Double flat building 50x100 lot front ing on ixtn net ween .Mivejoy and Mar shall sts. Well rented and In a dis trict where values re Increasing. $8500 cash and liberal terms on the balance, buys this property. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 102 4th St. A-3500 The Modern Way I Reading the newspapers nowa days, both news and advertising, is essential to progress. Since modern people use the newspa pers, up-to-date bargains are to be found in them. There is ' hardly a legitimate human want that cannot be supplied by either reading or using "Journal" want ads. I "Journal" want ads bring re sults, because they are read by the most worth-while public you could do business with. Journal Want Ads Cost But Little be For Sale, Rent or.Trade A fine store building 3Px66 on the Foster road and carllne, will rent or sell cheap, trade for house, lots or acreage. If you want a bargain see BLANCH A RD A CLEMHON. 66 Sixth St. Bungalow Trade New 6 room bungalow, 100x100 lot, 3 blocks from Union ave. cars; $4500. Trade for good farm or acreage. Feem ster, 226 Stark St. I WILL take your, defunct hank account as payment on any one of my bunga lows at face value. My price Is rigfit. C. Whipple, 924 Cham. Com. Phone Main 1622. The Best Bungalow In Richmond For $2500 5 nice rooms, built in buffet, cabinet kitchen, full porch, light fixturos and shades up all feady to move Into. Tills house has gas, water, sewers, electricity and every modern Improvement, and could not be reproduced for the price; $250 down, and very easy terms. See Bryant, with Joseph Graham 1f07-09 Board of Trade bldgr. NEAT little bungalow near two carllne; good district, all neatly furnished; only $1800; $600 cash, balance monthly. 567 Roselawn avenue. Owner. FOR SALE Cheap, equity in fine corner lot urays crossing, Mt. scott car. K. F. Jarrett, corner of Ray burn and Clay, ton sts. $4000 buys a- fractional lot, close in, west side. In apartment district, 3 blocks of Jefferson st. M. E. Leo. 311 Corhett bldg. FINE business lot on East 1 1th st., near Hawthorne ave. It s a dandy. BEALH & ROBINSON, S61 East 11th st. EaHt 5023. FOR SALE by owner, house and lot In St. Johns and 6 lots In Olenhaven Park, cheap and easy. Columbia 2 85. BUSINESS lot on sale ut a bargain, bett bldg. Macadam st., for M. K. Lee. 311 Cor- FOR SALE 4 room house, lot 60x100, 166 W. Alberta, location good, $1300, terms.' Woodlawn 1411. FOR SALE A nice home In a splendid location, all modern and good view of city. C-295, Journal. OWNEK needs money; will sell modern 5 room house for $1600; $300 cash, balance $15 monthly. FOB SALE HOUSES 61 FIVE room cottage, furnace, east front, 50x100 lot. Rose City Park; $50 down, $20 per month. A. L. Dundas, owner, 536 Railway Exchange. Marshall 3967. $1000 CASH or trade will buy 40 room house, 11th, near Washington month ly profits over $350. Rrook, Marshall 3995. $2400, $100 to $300 down, balance like rent, buys a cholce-fl room,resldence 200 feet .from carlino. Call 676 Lexing ton ave. CENTRAL Alblna, new B room bunga low, cement basement and floor,, wash trays, large attic, close to car.- Bargain. East 1624. $2000 BUYS a S room modern bungalow 2 blocks from car, 60x100 ft. lot, easy terma. 'Olbson, 1318 Yeon bldg. FURNISHED new 6 room bungalow St. Johns, bargain on, your own terms. Haynes. 310 Oak st. Phone Main 1283. $250 D6WN will buy. 10 room house, inn near w asmngton : rent X5u; in come $120. Brook. Marshall S992. ' IRVINOTON bargain, attractive modern home, choice location) near carllne. Phone East I9i; no agents, I 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u w r- v a n r-. T 1 r n r , I WTS II, ILL OR FLITS 111 PJMlt 0001 ITEIESL ' mm 'LANDS OIJSE TO WE eiTi ACREAGE' m 0 1 1 i 1 Dfi Y MIES III HILL FARMS. 'UEASESJJDIANS. GIVE II II IF MOTIT! Tl lEILirailE Good Buys $3750 Bungalow In Aose City Park; modern, new. Good Buys $2600 New 6-room house. GooA,Buys $3000 New 6-room bungalow, 49th and E. Main. Modern in every respect. Easy terms. $3200 Same as above, and with easy terms to the buver. $3200 7-room house, lot 60x125, on Sacramento st., close to new Broadway bridge. $4500--Tillamook streets, good house, lot 50x160, close to new Broadway bridge. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 211 LewlB bldg. ' 826 DOWN III II1TM PIWSE1TS 4 room new cottage. All hard finish plaster. Large parlor and dining room, Nice kitchen, Fireplace in dining room, Plate rail in dining room. Large reception hall and attic. House wired for electric, lights, Large front and back porches, Cement steps. Cement block foundation, Large barn, Lot 73 by 100, restricted district. A Snap $1400 MT. SCOTT RRAL ESTATE CO., 133 V 1st St. Phone Main 6687. On Sunday, Phone East 5069. Walking Distance We have a danuy home for sale on E. 19th St., 1iear Washington St.; modern in every respect, furnace, fireplace, very conveniently arranged; lot all In lawn; Crlce $5300. This will appeal to the uslness man who wants to walk down town. Irvington Home for $5200 Right on the carllne, large well built dwelling, modern In every way. Must be sold to close an account. Property was taken by a wholesale firm In settle ment of account, and is a sacrifice at this price. Paving all paid. -Jt Is really a speculation at this price. Barnes & Andrus 406 Lewis bldg., 4th' and Oak sts. Main 2081. FURNISH El) HOME. New 5 room bungalow, well built, ele gant inside finlwli, mission style with new furniture to matcn, splendid rugs and carpets, and In fact, completely fur- nisr.ea. iot ouxiuu. itiu rt. rrom Desi carline in the city, hard surface streets, cement sidewalk, all paid. Fine lawn and roses. Tina noma is new ana up-to-date with erery modern convenience and worth $5500;- our price $4250. Terms. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN & HERLOW, Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-838 Chamber of, Commerce. Look! Something New $4500 New duplex house, built with separate entrances for 2 families, each part contains 6 -rooms with bath; up stairs is rented at $18 a month. The house Is modern and double constructed, located in new district where values are rapidly advancing, close to a beautiful park; owner needs money and must sec rlflce for $4500, which Is way below cost. If owner should rent It the In come would be $456 a year, which la an attractive Investment; better than loan ing money: $2400 required; would ac cept a clear lot as part payment. BACKUS, 614 Chamber of Commerce. Hawthorne District 5 room bungalow, In excellent neigh borhood, completely furnished with new furniture. This is a remarkably cheap buy at $2760, and terms add to its attractive ness. Do not neglect investigating if you are in the market for a good house at a low figure. Flaherty & Connolly Main 8723. 715 Yeon bldg. Rossmere New Home READY TO MOVE IN . I rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, full cement basement, corner lot, east front, cement sidewalks, gas and electric fixture In: price $4700, $700 cash, balance monthly Installments. See Mr. Hart, 39th and Sandy road after noons. John W, Cook 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON. We are exclusive agents for the very best Irvington homes. If you want anything In this desirable district, we can fill every renulrement of price, terms and locality. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, E. 19th near Brazee. A home in perfect order, full h-ngth mirrors, all street Improvements In and paid for. $7000. Easy terms to suit. "See us for good houses." (120) DORR E. KF.ASEY COMPANY. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce $1300 Equity f-or $800 SunnysiqJe Bungalow A 5 room bungalow, between the Haw thorne and Sunnyside carllnes, on a paved street, east front. This Is a very convenient location, the paving Is all paid for, and will be sold on very easy terms. The price is only $2850, Barnes & Andrus 406 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak It. Main 2081. FMFTrAGR HAUF we 60 acres, only 14 H miles south of' Portland and 1 mile from the Salem electric line; 25 acres under cultiva tion, balance good timber; on main county road and In a thickly settled : community of fine farms; no adjoining land can be bought for double tne pricu. $4500 Bungalow $400 Down -room bungalow with sleeping porcn : and large floored attic, full cement basement, cement walks and steps In and paid; fine large fireplace and den;' thoroughly modern. Hi blocks front Price $4600, $400 down anij essy monthly payments. This is a swell home and can b handled on easy terms. v 100 Acre Farm To Trade for City Property 100 acre farm In the Willamette val ley, 40 acres in a high state of cultiva tion, 14 acres more has been slashed off for several years and would be easy to put under cultivation, 30 acres of oak timber. The land Is all level, except 8 acres which Is rolling land. Has an 8-room house, large barn, 40x50, place watered by a well and spring, V4 mile to school, on the main county road. This farm is clear of Incumbrance and can be traded for city property which brings an income on the Invest ment. . Price $9000. TILLAMOOK - 99 Acres $9350 Trade for City Property 99 acre dairy ranch In Tillamook, acres cleared and 14 acres in timber. The soil is river bottom and bench land, 2 acres In orchard, all kinds of crops, 70 acres level land and 5 acres in hills;. 7 room house, barn and other buildings, watered by well and spring. 1 mile to school. The stock goes -2 horses, 10 cows, 2 goats, 30 chickens, 1 wagon, 1 huggy, 1 set harness, plow, 1 harrow and at present 40 tons of hay.. Will take some city property as part payment. Price $9350 terms to suit Take This for Your Equity. . New- 4-room bungalow; eteafof fn combranca, valued $1250, to trade for 6 or 7 room bungalow close In. Will : pay difference. 1 - RALPH ACKLEY'LAMD COMPANY' : - 171 SIM IT., iW.lf.i. irvington Home. A new, modern 9 room house, facing on the Tennis club grounds In the center of Portland's most exclusive residence district: furnace, 3 fireplaces, beauti ful woodwork, oak floors, many'speclal features, sun room, sleeping porch and billiard room; lot 75x100 feet. Price $10,500. H. P. fALMER-JONES CO., 104 Wilcox bldg. SOUTH PORTLAND SPECIAL, fi room house On South Front street. $2200. $400 down, balance monthly. Owner a nonresident and must spII his beautiful 5-room bungalow in Haw thorne district, near 34th and Haw thorne. Hnllt-in buffet, window seats, bookcases, beautiful Worzlng Dowe elec tric fixtures, full cement basement, and nil other modern improvements. Price 12900. Main 8723 Flaherty & Connolly 715 Yeon bldg. Id . J EFFECT . . . WQl Ml. t A MAGNIFICENT HOME. 1 00x100 On splendid corner In Piedmont. 8 rooms, 2 complete bathrooms, very best of equipment and finish through out; a house that Will appeal to family wanting a large and substantial home with pienty of grounds. $11,500. . See photo In our office, exclusive agents for gxod houses. . DORR B. KEASI0Y & COMPANY, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. Owner will accept good farm, timber land or small house 10 good district at cash valuation. Owner Going Away Two acres nil In cultivation, lots of fruit, a fair house and other buildings; one block to street car, f cent fare, Rull Run water; can have gas and elec tric lights, for $4750. This Is a snap for a home or an investment. A. Nv Scarlo, coiner 76th and K. Ollsan st., M. V. car. Member of Portland Realty uoaru "Half Acre Chicken Ranch Good 4 room house, lots of fruit trees and berry bushes, 3 large hen houses, brooder house, 50 thoroughbred chick ens; this place in a snap. Including all furniture, price only $2300; 26 minutes' ride on Mt. Scott car, 2 blocks from carllne. Call 425 Lumber Exchange, Phone todav. Main 8289. SPLENDID BUY IN HOLLADAY PARK Beautiful home, H rooms, den and Bleeping porch for $6000, polished floors, built in conveniences, nice lawn, lots of rose bushes, 6 nice apple trees, street improvements all uald, 60x100 lot. 795 E. 26th St. Terms "wll be granted. THH SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 4th st. A-3500 Exclusive agents for good houses. DORR K. KKASBY COMPANY. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. NEW modern 5 room bungalow, $2400. House and lot 1 block from car, $1200. Good house and 3 acres near station. $2000. 40 acres mile from station, $3000. 240 acre, stock ranch, a bargain. 1 acre near Mt. Tabor. Kasy terms. 200 acres 2 miles from station, $60 per e.cre. 404 Commercial bld Marshall 4026. FOB SAL HOUSES 61 Piedmont Home $150 Cash, $20 Per Month $2500 6-room modern bungalow on vv. w. carllne; nas nice Datn, linen and china closets, paneled dining room with beamed celling, electric lights, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; no mort gage to assume. F. A. BEARD CO.. 512 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder fits. A DEPENDABLE house, 2 story, 6 rooms bath, Dutch kitchen, In re stricted district, H block from carline. on tu. iioin st. $3750. Very easy "terms to suit; would sell furniture and carpets also at a sacrifice. DORR E. K ISA SKY A COMPANY, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. Don't Be a Rent Slave Own your own home. Modern 5 and 6 room houses on rent terms; see us; two offloeH. Floyd M. Searle room 501 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington sts, and A. N. Searlo. 78th and E. Ollsan sts.; take M. V. car. $25 Cash, $10 Per Month $1500 G-ood 4-room bungalow, has Dutch kitchen, nice lot. 57x133, near good school; might take a cheap lot as pan. F. A. BEARD & CO., 612 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. $2300 Snap 'ken ranoh of 4 1 Fine chicken ranoh of 4 lots 40x10$ each, 1 block from carllne. In center of city. 4 room house, furnished, 4 chicken houses, about 60 thoroughbred chick ens, fruit trees, et Part terms If want ed, woirr, Z3 itenry oiag. BEAUTIFUL. 6 room house; full BOxlOO . toot iov ioi in line , location jn E. Couch st. A snap at $650,. terms, v. WATSON A THERKKLSEN.- 306 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7592. WWW U'tIHUIB VVp. HKJtlJJ WJRill Uf, NKW 6 room house, 75x100 f L lot on in iA -kt icaa .1 ... .. 'in . 806 Spalding Bldg. Phone- Mala 7592, 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Weidler St.. near 27th; full basement. oak finish. Owner wants $3600. 500 Cash. See this; if you like we can make s, doal. (126) DORR E. KEASEY A COMPANY 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. FOR quick sale owner will make very good price on well built, attractive 6 room bungalow. If you are looking for a home this will suit you. 1029 K. Harrison sr. AN acre, J blocks from 10c fare, Oregon City line; no gravel, magnificent view, nice water, etc.; chicken houses, faces on car track, swell little place. BUNGALOW, 8 rooms and bath.'fir- piace, iuu oasemenc, nxiures, furni ture If wanted. 346 E. 40th N.; easy terms. Take Rose City car to 39th nt. WILL sell my new 6, room house-for $2400: small payment down, $16 mo. tan iaDor sail. . to m. 4um st $17505 room house, modern, lot 40x 120; 20 foot alley; easy terma 613 0th ave., Mt. Sooti car to Tremont. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. 5 -My elegant 8 room modern home com-. fdete In every way with all the latest mprovements. Hot water heating sya tern with the finest factory finish rsdl- ators. The plumbing is tne finest in city, the bath room cannot be equalled anywhere. The wainscoting in bath room and kitchen Is genuine tile. This house was built by day labor and is double constructed throughout and nothing slighted to make It com plete and substantial In all parts. Hard-:' wood floors throughout, several elegant plate glass full length mirrors and . large art glass windows. The attic is . Isrg enough for a fine billiard room. There are also dust and clothes chutes and in fact nothing is omitted to make tnls a complete and convenient home. The garage Is large enough for two au tos. There is a fine lawn with an vn- ; rletles of roses and other shrubs' mak ing it as fine as is tn the city. I will sell for $6600, ?5000 cash. Inquire of owner on premises, 1211 Height ave' Phone Woodlawn 187; no agents need apply. DISTRICT : Small Payment Down Balance as Rent - Close to car, new doubly constructed 6 room bungalow, large attic, full base ment, cement floor, laundry trays, etc.. all built In conveniences. Including fire place, bookcase, paneled dining room,, beautiful buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, white enameled bath room, . equipped with latest and best fixtures, faces east, splendid neighborhood. A f enulne bargain. Terms can be arranged 0 suit vou. Tabor 3089. Alberta District - New modern S room bungalow, on K. 11th st, near Prescott, for , sale by owner; all Improvements ' in, will sell on payment of $200 -to $250 cash, balance like rent B-256, Journal. ' .. . ' Mr. Workmgman READ THIS. ' 1 Small houses and 50x100 lot. $400 and up; $20 down and $10 month; call tm up or come out and see them; it wilt cost you nothing: slso lots $160 and up. $5 down, $6 a month; all these tots are, Inside the cltv limits. Tabor $71. Widell & Wilson . : - 2002 K Ollsan st. M. V. csr to oh. ' EAST 47TH ST. NORTH. KOBE CITY PARK. $100 CASH. 7 rooms. sleeDlmr norch. built-in huf. fet and . bookcase, solid- oak floors, ' kitchen range, furnaoa. flrenlaca. mirror doors, eto. ; NATIONAL, KEALTT TRUST-CO 7ZI Chamber of Commerce Bldg. rnone Main oizv. FOR SALE Six room dwelling; suit i narlor anit .nln!n nereh lhrlajiAjl In glass: hot atr furnace: full concrete basement; stationary tubs; living rooms, 18x22; one bed room same site. 2 othir bed rooms; located at 153 Broadway; lot 60x100. For sale: verv easy term. MCCARUAK, RATI' 8 ft UlVk.Lt. ' $01 Yeon bldg. J, ,:"'",r'