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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY ' EVENING, JANUARY 11. 1912. 13 M 229 POUNDS Champion Shows" Sport Writ ers That EuropeanReports V s Were Aff Bunk. ? :'':',,'''?;! .....-- - u :iS?" Ctfoltes PnM leased Whe.1 v-' Chicago. Jan. XL Br stepping; on th scales, clad only In hi fighting tog; and tipping; the beam at , 229 pounds, Champion Jack Johnson today baa set at reat rumors from London and Paris which stated, that ha could never ret Into condition to fight again because of excess weight According to these reports Johnson weigied close to 260 pounds. Games ' In Bastoet League. (Siwclal ta Tb. ?owbU.i ' . McMlnnviUtw Or., Jain, 11. The first came In the Oregon. iBtaU Basketball Wteis the Best Place? . Where Is the best place to rent a piano? At Ellere Musto House. Every walce of piano la rented) according to its ' value. Cheaper grades of used pianos to i.eo and $100 monthly, best miiM 14.00. . and $1.00 monthly. . No eartae charged whiere piano Is kept six - months. . cartage. - one way la xhar-d where piano 1 kept only three months. At EUlera Mbsio House you will Invariably find everything exactly as advertlaed. Alder street, at Seventh. league to be played, on the hom floor will take place here ; Friday night at the city auditorium.- McMlnnvllle col lege and Paclf io : college of Newberg. are the "contesting teams and a good gams Is looked for. 1 Paclf io college won the first game over Pacific unU verslty and the Mao ., team lost their first gams to the strong Philomath col lege five, but the "Walnut city team hopes to take the - vis'tors ' into camp on their own floor. PATSY O'ROURKE BACK ; r ON COAST WITH. NEWS i-s-''ft"-:-.-'''; " ' "iv ..,.-i.;$: VA- 'WJt (United Prna XeaMd Wire.) .' Sacramento, Cel., Janj 11. Bringing the news that Tommy. Thomas had been signed op as catcher . for the coming season, Manager Patsy O'Rourke of the local Coasters predicted today that his team would be found fighting it out with the leaders at the close of the 1912 season.- O'Rourke. who has Just returned from Philadelphia,' contends that the best thing he did for the Sacramento team while in the east was to sign up Hugh Miller to cover Babs Danslg'a terri tory around first base. - JIM FLVNN EN ROUTE ; , TO CANADA FOR -FIGHT f" (tjnltd Prmt Leased Wtre. Chicago, Jan. 11. Jim i Flynn, the Pueblo fireman, who la scheduled to fight Jack Johnson in July at Wend over, Utah, for the world's heavyweight championship, is en route to Toronto, Canada, to prepare for his ten round bout with Al Kublak. on January IB. At Toronto Tommy Ryan will take charge of Flynn's training camp and will direct his training from that time on. ;- '-,;.-v : i SOCCER rnnmi fUUIDALL f1 MEETING WEDNESDAY The Portland ; Football association will bold A meeting .next week, probably Wednesday night, to set a date for the National-Oceania soccer game, 1 whloh was postponed last Sunday on account of bad weather. ' ;.v. The games between the champions of the league and the all-star team, which were scheduled for Saturday and Sun day, January 1$ and 14. will be post poned to a later date. 5 The annual game between the English and Scotch players of the league will be played In. the latter part of Febru ary or the early part f Maroh. :;VV :.f Races at Juares. ' . ' Jaurea, Jan. 11. Results yesterday: First race Velle Forty, 8 to 6, 8 to I, 1 to 8, won; Fansareta, 4 to 1, 2 to 1, second; Tildy Wolfarth, 8 to 1, third. Time, 0:881-5. Second race Dudo, I to 8, i to 8, out won; Booger Battle, 8 to 1, I to 1, second; Baby Doll, out, third. Time, ll48-6. ;:: Third race-Round and Round, T to D0NTGET RUN DOWN Weak and ntiwrable. . If yoa have Kidney er Bladder trouble.' Dull head pains, Plmlneas. NerrousnaM, Falna in the ban, and feet tired all orer, set a package of Mother Gra'i ASO-MATIO-I.EAI', the pleasant barb core. It Mtti fall. We hare many twtlroonlala from grate ful people who bare need this wonderful rem edy. As a regulator it has no equal. aak for Mother Gray's Aromatio-Iaaf at Drnrglats or lent by mall for BO ets. Sample FRKE. Ad. dress. The Mother Gray Co.. L Boy, N. T. 10. 1 to S, 1 to 8, won; Charles Green, 2 to 1, to 6, second; Rose Worth, 4 to 6, third. Time, 1:40 8-6. , ' 4 , ; ' Fourth race Balronla, 4 to 1, 8 to 8, 7 to 10, won; Marie Hyde, 8 to 1, 8 to 8, second; Light Knight, f to 10, tnird. -Time, 1:12 S-B. Scratch Ed Keck, Hidden Hand,' Jean nie d'Aro and Transparent . Fifth race Frank Q. riogan, 8 to I, even, 1 to 8, won j John H. Sheehan, 2 to 1, even, seoond; Co-Kd, $ to 1. third. Tlma 1:07 1-6. , Scratch The Fad, Oonoomoo and Ba- leiia. ; a . -. Sixth -race Ocean Queen, $ to 1.2 to 1, even, won; Coppers, 8 to 1, 4 to t. second; Ben Uncaal ts 8, third. Time, ,- Scratch Alan Fearn. ALFRED DE 0R0 LEADS ' CARNEY AT BILLIARDS (United frees Leased Wire.) )' Denver, Colo Jan. 11 Alfred La Or, world's three' cushion billiard champion, today has a lead of. 28 points over Joe Carney, th Pacific coast champion, In the first block of their 180 point match for the title. Ds Oro scored B0 points to Carney's 21. . Although Carney was in good form he was unable to run more than three, while D Oro thrice scored five, In an inning. Sixty-four Innings were necessary to make the 60 points. i ' Soccer Game Postponed. The soccer gams soheduled between the Lincoln high school and Columbia university teams has been postponed, The game was scheduled for yesterday afternoon, but on ' aVount of the weather was called off. V- . The -Washington and Portland acad emy teams sre scheduled to play to morrow afternoon on Multnomah field. WITH NEW COACHING PACIFIC IS HOPEFUL . (Rpeelal to The Jonrnal.t Faclflo UnlverBlty Forest Orovo, Or., Jan. 11. Paclf io will play her second game In the Willamette Valley Basket ball league tomorrow evening with the Chemawa Indians at Chemawa.. Tb Forest drove Tigers, a local town team, were defeated. Friday evening, a ; fact which baa encouraged enthusiasts of the game and has given the varsity quintet a decided boost for the coming games, i - .,. t - i Livingstone,, the fast center, will not be able to play tomorrow on account of being1 a member of the debating team which ' represents Paclf io against the University of Idaho at Moscow. Al though a little late In the. season, a coach, has been engaged to train the team, He is Mercer, a fast forward of DePaw university for three years. From the outlook. Pacific will make a show ing worth while. SALT LAKE FANS LAUD ; ZBYSCZKQ AS WRESTLER (United Press Leased Wire.) Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 11, By winning two straight falls from Jesse Wsstergaard of Dee Moines,; local wrestling 'fans today are convinced that Stanislaus Zbysnsko is .the loginal successor of Frank Ootchi heavyweight wrestling champion. Zbysocko won the first, fall in one hour and two min utes with a far arm ' and body hold, and the second In seven minutes and It Seconds with a timtA anlnanra. whfoh fhe worked into a reverse Nelson. ' : : Conlon to Meet Kltson, . , ,. " . (Oalted Press Leased Wire.) Chicago, Jan. U. After several months of Idleness Johnny Coulon ban tamweight champion, tonight will elasb with George Kltson at South. Bend, InX Coulon declares he la In perfect trim and expects to put Kltson away long before the battle Is scheduled to end. The controversy over the possibility of the planet Mars being Inhabited has been going on. for mors than 84 years. 1 1 i 1 . i i Lost His Hair, Beard and Mustache Terrible Plight of a Pernsyvanfa Man Reported by a Prominent Citizen: "About two years ago my hair, beard and mustache started to corns out tn spots. These spots were entirely bare of hair. Seeing PARISIAN SAGE advertised, I purchased four bottles and after using two of the bottles, the hair came In un til now I have as good a head of hair i I had before this .trouble started. 1 can truthfully recommend this pre paration to any one for what It is rec ommended for. Sam Oalder, Jamison City, Col. Co., Pa, Oct. 11, 111." Please bear in mind that PARISIAN SAOB is not guaranteed to grow hair On bald heads. In Mr. Haider's case the hair root was not dead and there, is no good reason why PARISIAN SAGS Should not do Just what he writes It did. "The next time Mr. Oalder came into my store after purchasing the PARIS-. IAN SAGE," writes the druggist who sold him, "his appearance . was so ' changed I did not know hlnx" . PARISIAN SAGE is without doubt the most efficient hair grower, beau tl- fler and dandruff cure In the world, and people Who are wasting time with ordi nary commercial tonics should wake up. - PARISIAN SAGE) will- banish dan druff, stop falling hair and Itching ; scalp; will put life, lustre and beauty into faded hair, or noney back. It is a most, delightful and refreshing tonlo for men, women and children. . Largs ' bottle 60 cents at Woodard. Clarke & Co., and druggists the country over. ' ' TMraJ ffliitil - YannihlM MT T(DEE '(IDES CILflJ) Third and YamMll SEP TO ADJUST STOCK (GMEMFE 'Mil L! LS E T3) n?irhTTTnTT( re being made for tomorrow, for this large .... .J&iiliiiJ U VL'ii livLt J.J i2) stock is in the hands of the appraisers and it For the BemcfiH off flEie Creditors MIEN'S and WOMEN'S, BOYS' and GIRLS' WEARING APPAREL The keys have been turned over to the appraisers while the merchandise is being prepared for quick disposal, and every article will be marked in plain figures so the public can buy . wholesale or retail as little or as much , as they please. Open for bids on all or any part of this stock. For Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Halts, Shoes, Shirts, Under wear, etc CROWDS WATCHING THE WINDOWS AND WAITING FOR THE DOORS TO OPEN FOR THE GREATEST SALE IN THE HISTRY OF PORTLAND. .t . ......... Everything Must be Sold Fixtures Inelddetl MAKE US A. BID For Women and Misses the very best of Coats, Suits, Millinery, Furs.Wsts, Skirts, Underwear, Hosiery, etc In fact anythfng wrried in any de partment store. Al Few IPM Goodls Marlkecl IPpoppFttioriaittely MEN'S AND BOYS' $12.50 Men'i AH-W0dl SuiU tut ta ... .$X89 $16.00 Men's AH-Wool Suits cut to ..$4JB9 $20.00 lMens AO-Wool Suits cut to ... . . . .$7.89 $25 to $35 Men't AH-Wool Suiu cut to. . .$1039 $10 and $12.50 Men's Overcoats cut to. . . .$89 $15.00 Men's Qrercoats cat to $4.89 $20.00 Men's Oreroosts cat to . ,T. ..... J .$7JB9 $26 Boys' Suit cut to. .89c $3L50 and $4.00 BoysVSuits Cut to . . $139 $3.50 Men's and Young Men's Pants cat to. . .89c 15c Collars cut to r. ; . . ; ........ ,3c 15c Linen Handkerchiefs cut to .......... . .3c 15c and 20c Socks cut to ....... ..........6c - ... - . 50c Neckties cut to .... .. 50c Boston Garters cut to 50c President Suspenders Cut ot $1.00 Dress Shuts cut to . , . . . $130 Dress Shirts cut to . . . 50c Work Shirts cut. to 75c Work Shirts cut to $1.50 Sweaters cut to 50c and 75c Winter Underwear cut to. 4. $5.00 SiBc-and-Wool Union Suits cut to . . $2.50 Men's Hats. Felt and Derby, cut to . $3.50 HaU cut to $6.00 J. B. Stetson Hats cut to ... .19c 13c 1 19c 49c .69c 29c 39c ...49c ...19c .$19 . . . 59c .$139 .$2.58 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' 0 ' $1230 Wool Suits cut to $17.50 Wool Suits cut to $2a00 Wool Suits cut to $25 and $30 Wool Suits cut to . . $7.50 Raincoats, all size ut to . $18.00 Raincoats, all sizes, cut to $1230 Long Wool Coats cut to . . $18.00 Long Wool Coats cut (o . . $25.00 Long Wool Coats cut to . . $4.00 Wool Skirt cut to $3.50 Silk PetticoaU cut to. .... . $40.00 Jap Mink Furs cut to $20.00 Wool Dresses cut to $130 Linen Waists cut to . , $2.00 Tailored Waists cut to ... . , $1.50 PetticoaU cut to $1.50 Nightgowns cut to .....$339 .....$439 $739 ....$1039 $239 .....$639 $339 .....$7.89 . ...$10.89 .....$139 .....$139 .....$339 .....$939 ..49c .......79c ..49c 49c $130 Corset Covers cut to ..... 49c 50c and 75c Corset Covers cut to .19c $130 House Dresses cut td . . . . ... . . .59e $4.00 and $5.00 Kimonos cut to ... . . .... .$1.93 $2.00 Kimonos cut to V. .39e $3.50 Shoes cut to i . . . ..... ; ; . . . . . i . . : .$1.89 50c Leather Boys' Shoetcut to, pair . .........3c 15c Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs cut to ...3c 15c Jabots cut to . . ..v. . . ...... ....2c 12y2c Laces, all kinds, cut to ... . .... . 4c 20c Hose cut to ... .... ....... .... .;. 9c 25c Hose cut to . . . .V...'. . . .......... ...lie 50c Women's and Misses' Underwear cut to. . . 19c $1.00 Underwear cut to . . . . ........... . . .43o $2.00 Wool Union Suits cut to ... ... . . ; . . . .79c Trimmed HaU from $4 to $1230 cut to......SCc All White Goods at Same Reductions, t In many cases not one-IUth of wholesale cost will be asked. . Nothing reserved In this fine stock, and discriminating buyers coming early will not be disappointed ail2 Ooeinis IFiPidlai eJanmujiaFy IStiBnio all -IO ..A. IMo Saturday also, and will continue dally until stock Is enUrely disposed of. : v . s By order of D. W. CRAIG, Arrc!rcr i 1