The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 10, 1912, Page 19, Image 19

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WHKT Til mi'n biKi
Tk 'em To Twt
HE Cqivif. iu . '
.... . w "V '
Tw MUCH?) ( C7T. ELt tOOW . eStlES I - ATOOMOUl
Wfl J IT Six .TME.TW1SI1E V HErt: sac nowiN; BooQ.utrr i fWGsl
.... t
" f Tl fWa V - " I As)
"Resting up In ths country.1
The Teacher "You may remain after school for dis
turbing the -study hour with conversation."
The Culprit "We wasn't makln' no noise. We only
used sign language."
The Teacher "All the worse. Actions speak louder
than words."
"' "
Miss Winsome "Are you a good
Judge of furs? I paid Ja for this
Miss Petite "Well, maybe it was the
dealer's pet cat and he thought a lot of
Genealogist "This ts your family
tree kings, dukes, earls, counts, sen
ators. Judge and Tloe-presldents what
to you think ot It?"
Old Jones "Well. I tttnk It needs
whitewashing op to the first branches
and sprayed with sulphate of lime for
th rest of the way
He -"Why do you weepf
Fhe "How can I help It woen the
artist has draw me looking like a
high art hardware door knob.
Mrs. Dli TJo you think for one min
ute I can get a hat for J5?"
Mr. Dtz "Oh. yes. I ts been think,
lng that all day."
Blnglng Teacher
"Miss, that high
note was very
liright Pupil
"You can't ex
pect a stout note
to go that high."
Primus "Has T. Wadd any ready
Serundus "He has loads of money
In the bank, but it parts from htm bo
reluctantly that I don't think It's ever
Mrs. Snip "Yes, her husband gives her $100 a month
for pin money."
Mrs. Trip "How nice! Hat pins?"
The Top Floor Bach "Tou're very generous with the
errs this morning."
The Maid "Sure! This lot Isn't rery good, so Mrs.
Borden -Lodge allows you two Instead of one to make
up for It."
Mr. Katon "K woman Is only as eld
as she looks."
Mrs. Katon "Well, I feel as old as
this hat looks. "
; '''
Plnchl We must reduce out Ht-
lng expenses."
Mrs. Ptaohly W might out out tha
PlBchly 'But then ire wouldn't ha
living. "
Yesterday's News Briefly Told
News Itupiieiiings After Tuesday's Issue Went to Press, and Until 8
i ri , . . m... ..... . . .
N ).iwk i ins iUiiraing, xoii in niny l'aragrapn.
A BILL to abolish immigrant sta
tions on the Canadian and Mexi
can borders and asking' that Chi
nese shall enter the United States only
through a Paclflo coast port, was Intro
duced In the houHo by Representative
A bitter attack on the Democratic
party for its record in the extra Bes
alon of conKress last summer was made
by Representative Hill of Connecticut.
The party'a tariff record was especially
assailed, ho declaring that the Demo
crats had surrendered to those who fa
vored a duty on wool.
The proposed Junket to western res
ervations by thn committee on Indian
department expenditures was denounced
In the house.
Panama canal legislntlort Is receiving
attention by the committee on lnter
atate commerce.
Stenographers wljo ptruck find them-
As Quickly as Water
Dissolves Sugar
About the Time It Takes for a
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet to Work
on the Food and Bring Relief.
There Is no long wait between the
time you take a Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablet and the feeling of relief It will
bring to an overloaded stomach. It
gets busy In a Jiffy and quickly sets
things to rlg-nts in that tired and dis
ordered stomach. It goes right at the
work of digesting the food It finds
lodged there and In no time at all lias
things on the move the gases cease
forming, the breath Is sweetened, the
coating on the tongue disappears and
you are no longer conscious that you
ven have a stomach.
That is one of tho chief recommenda
tions, for Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
that they don't, take f orover to accom
plish the purpose for which you need
them. It Is Just aa if you put an ex
tra stomach or two to work when
yours needed help. Yon can't continu
ally overload your stomach and expect
It to always smile. It Is going to get
rebellious and sulky after a while and
refuse to go on being driven to do
double work. You must rest It occa
sionally not by starving and thereby
weakening yourself , physically but by
"sing a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet to -do
tfie work of digesting your food.
These tablets contain all the active
elements of the natural stomach juices
and will alona and unaided digest food
Just the same as the gastrio Juices.
And nothing could be more harmless
than these tablets. Thnjr 'do not affect
the system In any way-do not cure
any ailment exotpt as the digest food.
.Use them freely..,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Table ae sold
by all druggists everywhere. , CO
cents per box.' A trial p&ckam.'wlll be
sent if you will write F. A, Stuart Co.,
150 Stuart bid., Marshall, Mich.
selves out pf a Job, their places having
been filled by the accounts committee.
December SI is not satisfactory for
reports under the corporation tax law,
and the ways and means committee is
urped to recommend another date.
In the senate, Dupont spoke in advo
cacy of the bill to raise volunteer forces
during threatened or actual war; the
national monetary commission's final
report was submitted; Rdward Hlnes
testified before the Lorlmer investiga
tion committee, as did also Lorlmer;
trust hearings were resumed by the In
terstate commerce committee, and Rob
ert Bonynge of Colorado resigned from
the monetary commission.
Senator Jones of Washington declares
that he is not a candidate to succeed
Federal Judge Donworth of western
Washington, and further said that he
would not be appointed to the office.
Boyd J. Tallman of Seattle has applied
for the position.
George A. Neely, Democrat, was
elected to congress from the Seventh
Kansas district to succeed the late E.
H. Madison, Republican. This Is tho
district roado famous by Jerry Simpson,
and Neely was at one time defeated by
5000 majority.
P. C. Million, ex-Judge of the supe
rior court and a well known Democrat
of Seattle, has announced that lie Is a
candidate for the gubernatorial nomina
tion In September.
Ralph E. Williiuns, Republican na
tional committeeman of Oregon, and
Jlrs. Williams were present by invita
tion of the president at the reception
to the diplomatic corps at the White
House Tuesday night
It cost George W. Hunt $1084 to be
elected governor of the new state of
Battored and crippled as the result
of her severe experience at sea, the
torpedo boat destroyer Terry arrived
at Norfolk with one engine working. A
thrilling story of their battle with wind
and wave was told' by hef crew, every
member of which marveled that he was
alive to tell the tale.
tintform laws for the regulation of
fraternal insurance will be discussed
By the Federated Fraternities, whloh
lgan the third Federated congress at
St. Louis Tuesday.
St Louis Is experiencing a water
famine. The Immense plant of the
Anheuser-Busch Brewing company has
been closed down, throwing 6000 em
ployes out Of work. A score of laun
dries' have ceased operations, a tleup
of streetcar traffic is threatened and
the city's gas supply is menaced.
Monslgnor Roger Ryan, aged 76, vicar
general of the Catholic archdiocese of
Dubuque, died Tuesday . from Injuries
received by falling on an icy pavement
several weeks ago. :
A man who asked admittance, saying
he was freezing, attacked Mrs. Breau
at her home in Wauwatosa, Wis. He
dragged her by the hair, but she leaped
through a second story 'Window, prob-J
De Smearpalnt "I've been four days
getting this eye the right shade of
O'lllustro '"I've got a black eye Id
less time than that."
ably receiving' fatal Injuries, while the
man flciL
Pacific Coast,
In tho superior court at San Fran
cisco, Gertrude MacFarlane asks $51,000
damages from Captain W. Greene for
his failure to marry her.
Charles A. Smith, an attorney of San
Fmncisco, ran amuck, his way
Catarrh Ended
Money Returned If Hyomei
Doesn't Banish Catarrh.
Got rid of catarrh start today cure
It without pouring Into your stomach a
vile and unpalatable 'nostrum. HY
OMEI (pronounce it Htgh-o-me) oures
catnrrh In noso or throat, and -does It
by such a simple and pleasant method
that thousands who have been cured
are glad to recommend It.
Just breathe Hyomei, and Its sooth
lnje, medicated and antiseptic properties
will come In direct contact with the
inflamed parts, stop the discharge,
drive out the soreness and heal the
THt-AWAt '
Hyomei is made of Eucalyptus com
bined with other antiseptics. Breathed
through the inhaler it destroys, the per
sistent catarrh ger.m.
A complete Hyomei outfit. Including
Inhaler, bottle of Hyomei and simple In
st ructions-for use only costs' $1.00. Sln-gl-bottle
of Hyomei costs but So cents
at druggists everywhere. For catarrh,
coughs,' colds, sore throat or catarrhal
deafness it will give satisfaction, or
money back.
Into Mayor Rolph's office, declaring he
was being pursued by bncmt'is. He was
declared insane.
Owcar W. Huynrs has been appointed
postmaster nt Yamhill and Representa
tive Hawley has recommended the re
appointment of A. A. Woodford at Med
foid. The entiro colony of Doukhobars.
oomposed of about 12,000 professedly
philosophic annrchlsts, will be moved
to southern California from Saskatche
wan. Agents of the Doukhobars are
now in Ixjs Angeles.
Fire at North Yakima scattered the
4 3 people who havo been standing In
line in the corridors of the land office
since December 'JG watting to file on
government land In th Triton district.
The liuidsoekcrs ansiwted In subduing
tho flamus and then returned to their
Contracts for tho conntructlon of four
concrete-steel bridges In Douglas coun
ty were awarded hy the county court
to the Portland P-rldge & Iron Com
pany. Tiie st riu tin es will aggregate
a total cost ef jr,7.71U.
The Very Rev. 10. Kauten, chancellor
of the rtiocesu of Seattle, who died at
Providence hospital, Seattle, will be
burled In the C'atiiollo cemetery in Van
couver, and his grave will be beside
that of his lifelong friend, Father
Marshfield wants $200,000 ns a start
er ifor Jetty work at that place, and
Huh McLain, who ha been In "Wash
ington workini? t secure the appropria
tion', reports to the Chamber of Com
merce that ho had received much en
couragement. Foreign.
A crisis threatens France.
M. Desolves, minister of foreign affairs,
has resigned, and Minister of Justice
Cruppl tlircdtens to srlvo up his port
folio in conseiiueiice of differences with
the prime minister.
Hury P.rissorv, the Radical Socialist
deputy from the Houchcs du Rhone,
who has been In the chair since 1896,
was reelected prosldent of the French
chamber of deputies.
The anti-drapery movement now
swoeplnff over I-'ranee has strock Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Lmncan, who are
f -,
quarter of the ,year Just ended was
$43,6300, making a total, with, the
bulunce In hand, of $282,214.46. The
total membership Is 1,831,57$, according
to the latest reports.
On tho ground that mohair is a lux
ury and therefore should be given a
IiIkIi rate, the tariff committee may
recommend a duty of 10 to 20 cents.
I 1'. S. Grant of Dallas, Or., president of
the American Mohair association, has
received word from Washington to that
I The great siphon under the Colorado
Hyer. which will carry water from La
; K nia dam, 14 miles, under the river, to
I Irrlgnto 5,000 acres of land in the
Yuma valley. Is $9 per oent complete.
The top of the tunnel tinder the river
will be 25 feet below the lowest known
bed of the river, and the tunnel will
be 1000 feet long.
President Taft has been asked to
call a conference of representative of
the press to consider world peace. Wll"
11am C. Demlng of Cheyenne, a promi
ment Wyoming editor, made the request
in a telegram to the president '
From Judge,
"Was It a case of love at first sightf
"No, second sight The first time he
saw her he didn't know she wu aa
Jack "She has refused me four
times. What should I do?"
Bob "Stop while your luck is with
being prosecuted and will bo evicted
from their- apartments, In Paris.
After a battle which ended In favor
of the troops who are. supporting tho
provisional government proclaimed at
Guayaquil, December 2S, by General
Pedro Montero, the Inhabitants' of the
province of Canar announced their ad
bewMn to General Montero's cause.
Kipht steel molders met a horrible
death, and 11 others were seriously in
jured, by the bursting of a gun mold
nt thp government, naval arsenal near
Apparently In nn effort to protect the
sugar refinery Industry In Cuba, a bill
has been Introduced In the Cuban sen
ate prohibiting the exportation of sugar
cane In any form.
The Income of the American Federa
tlon of Labor from all sources for tho
Pronounced by connoisseurs the
excellence of Tea Quality.
Imported and sold in sealed, air-tight,
quarter, half and pound packages.
$1., 75c, 50c. Pound
LANG C& COMPANY Wholesale Distributors
At All First-Clss Grocers ..
Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Trouble?
Tain or dull ache in the back is evi
dence of kidney trouble. It is Nature'!
timely warning to show you that the
track of health is not clear.
Danger Signals.
If these danger signals are unheed
ed more serious results follow;
Hright's disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble, may steal
upon you.
The mind and immediate effect of
Swamp-Root, the gTeat kidney, liver
and bladder remedy, is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its remark
able curative effect in the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medi
cine, you should have the best.
Lame Back.
Lame back is only one of many
symptoms of kidney trouble. Other
symptoms showing that you need
Swamp-Root are, being obliged to
pass water often during the day and
to get up many times during the night.
Inability to hold urine, smarting in
passing, uric acid, headache, dizziness,
indigestion, sleeplessness, nervous
ness, sometimes the heart acts badly,
rheumatism, bloating, lack of ambi
tion, may be loss of flesh, sallow com
pletion. , JErevalency of Kidney Disease.
Most oeople do not realize the
alarming increase and remarkable pre
valency of kidney disease. While kid-
ii( v disorders are tne most common
diseases that prevail, they are almost
the last recognized by patient and
physicians, who usually content them-
selves with doctoring the effects,
while the original disease constantly
undermines the system.
Sample Bottle Sent Free.
t. ' i . - s 1
Regular fifty-cent and one-dojlaf
size bottles at all drug storj,
Don't make any mistake, but f re
member the name, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing
hampton, N, which you will find
on every bbttle, ,
EDITORIAL NOTICE To prove the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root .
you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable information, both sent
absolutely free by mail. The book contains many of the thousands of letters
received from men and women who found Swamp-Root to be Jnst the rem
edy they needed. The value and success of Swamp-Root Is no well known
that our readers are advised to 'send for a sample bottle. Address Dr. K ti mer
& Co., Binghatnpton, N. be sure to say you read this jrejieio i ' r
in The Portland Daily Journal. The genuineness' of this ofier is (fm iMtr L