18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY .. EVENING, JANUARY 10, 1912. .: hi j. ,13 2 ROOM fiat, partly furnished, water . and garbage.. $10.: 700 Vancouver five. .N FURNISHED 4 room flat, modern conveniences; walking distunce. 6881,4 "K. Morrison. , WALNl'T p akk flats. '-Modern 4 and "5 rooms. D)5S Cleveland. 1' cars.. . Woodluwn 2295. . . FlUH and 6 room flats, 1T!M- Orffn v.. near 23d and Wali. Ma?ll SlODERN 4 room flnt, Ruspell und VV11 f Hams ave., $20 pernio. Est4J02 FL'RMSIIEI) FLATS ao NICELY furnished 4 and S room flnt. walking distance, lawn, basement, stn tlonarv tubs, wood lift, etc. 444 Rodney ve. Main tin. FURNISHHD 5 room modern flat ltl - Nob Hill district for rent. Phone Main 0021 A-33M. STOKES AXI C)FF1CES 11 FOR RENT 1 good office rooms on the second ifloor of ( lie Mohawk bldg. Land Dept. P. R.. L. & P. Co.. Electric bJ1(.V DESK room, fine office, low rent. 20x Railway Kxr ha n k OFFICE for rem," furniture for pale; two desks Cull 2-' KalUnghldr. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only; J3. kfi flay YhKI.'i KilKKK - '-'ii I oni an. hnnd ''. FOU KENT-SHSt "ELLANEOUB 33 FOR RENT Small store building; will furnish for housekeeping If desired. 288 Crosby street. VAXTI) TO RENT WANTED Enrlv In February by mnr ' rled cwiple, without children, 5. room furnished house; yard and fruit trees if possible; first class references and if suited will lease for long tlm at rea sonable rent. S-2S0, Journal. WANTED 4 or fi room unfurnished apartment, modorn and permanent, ' man and wife, steam heat preferred, near Williams ave. and Russell. Phone C-146S. . HOUSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 Cows, Horses, Mules and Har- ness for Sale From this date on we will keep sev eral good milch eowa for sale with our regular sales of horses, mules, wagons and harness; we have about 20 head of 4iorses on sale at present, of nil kinds; mules, several wauons, which it will pay you to look at before buying else where. Hawthorne Avenue Stables 420 Hawthorne ave. Notice Arrived with carload eastern Oregon horses, mares, weight. 110O to 1500; all Well broke and young. Sold with a guarantee. Madison Stables 185 1-2 Madison st., at Haw thorne Bridge, West Side. A BARGAIN $1H5 buys team, mare and horse, 2500 lbs., harness and farm Wagon; atso, $25 buys 8 inch wagon. Woodstock, comer 57th st. and C3d ave. P. Sniriard. TEN head of cheap horses from $20 up; one good 2d hand dve or laundry wag on: 3 good express wagons; 1 good 3 wide track farm wagon. 14 Union aye., corner Ash. JF you want to buy or sell cows, horses, harness and vehicles, call at 446 1 Flanders st. N. Auction sales Wednes davs M.? J. Wa Iker, auctioneer. HAVING disposed of my ranch, will dispose of my 2 pairs mares. Call und see them. Mrs. Holding, cor. Sth. Hawthorne Ave. Woodyard. FINE young team, weight about 2000. 3 and 5 years old. cheap for cah or will exchange for good 1200 lb. horsoi. 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses, Cth and Hawthorne. East 72. WANTED To exchange $50 mortgage. 7 per cent, secured, for buggy and harness. H-284, Journal. 'WILL exchange diamonds for horse and bugev. 14 Union ave.. cor. Ash. LIVESTOCK AN 3 rol'LTKY 33 WANTED A few fresh cows. Must be good and pass tubercultne test. Ad dress with full description. V. Jeffcott, ORwego, Or. i 5 HEAD of fresh dalrv cows, mostly Holsteln. All tested. Some good fam ily cows. Bruce Commission Co., Union Utorkvarda. VVoodlavvn 2400. 1 FRESH cow, purt "llol stein, with calf bv her side, a big milker. Call 1384 Montana ave. STANDARD bred S. C. White Leghorn eggs, .15. $2 00; 50, $5. Standard Poultry Farm, HolVrook, Or. 2 FRESH Durham cows, good heavy milkers. 95 E. 30th. S-S car. DOGS AM) HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 WANTED To buy a young femrvle Bos ton terrier, hrindi'- and while i, re ferred. Call mornings. Mr. Ely, circuit- I lion qepnrtment I i-e journal. AIREDALES. sellers. bull terriers. boarding kennels, l alkenberg. United Ii. R. office, 310 dak St. Main 1283, A-7123. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 Pipe Ptpe3 Pipe We have tho largest stock waet of Chicago in tills line and can fit you out with any kind at an Immense saving. LATHES, DRILLS, ETC SEE US FO.H ANYTHING IF YOU CAN GET IT AT ALL HAS IT. M, Barde & Sons THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS." 240-242 Front St., cor. Main. ".'.A NUMBER of articles of furniture, bedroom, dining room, kitchen outfit. round xtenslou table, chairs, steel" range, small cook stove, water coil, dressers linoleums, rugs, 2 heaters, Victor phoiiogiaoli. Hinutr sewing nm' ' chine, gas fixtures, gnu stove with h t water coll. 1 1 Uni.m iryc,, next to I. ( i. FOR SALE New ami HeconfbhaiidT'ar" om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and no-ess orles; bar fix : tures of all kinds-, easy payments. The p-Hrunswick-Balke-Collender Co. , 46-48 . ;. t th st. ?, BAKES New nd2.1 baridfTiiw "i-'rlces ; easy terms: safes opened, repaired and psinted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland ' Safe Co. ;,5 fth st M .-i 0:109. a-4H8. EeWING MACiflNLS Take a lo.TiTaT them. All makes, iruaranteed tta m 120, aandles. A'.lilio Sewing Machine! ' fo.. cor. 11th nnd Washington sts. I i)-Ok' SALECi earnery ch.urn, separa ior, milk heater, botUa washer, Ice- rrusher, tank and other articles. 288 Crosby st. " A IARGE and medium sized safe cheap, : good condition, terms If desired .'B-818. Journal. :; XLJy kinds house furnishings boiTght, old end exchDiiged. Star - Furniture Co.. 380 Hawthorne ave. East 1067. FOIt REX1-FLATS ; V" CAPITAL JUNK CO.. dealers In Iron, ;? ! ,'.f,'.f.".-i-metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe, tools, job tB 67 N 1st St. Klar. 3839. ' ' ' ' Foh' saLe For half price, $40 wifFow , .,,un' 2hJt2 Inches, almost new. G- rsi, journal. ;T ;; ; J-OU BALE -A horsepower marine en- , : gin and equipments, cheap for cash, if Bf,Nt Morrison St., rooms 9 and 10. Vk.metic ei"ng niaohitie w-lth at-.,-. f,.'(-; -Uclimat. CaU 283.04 Morrison. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 WE HAVE OPENED A COMPLETE PLUMBING SUPPLY DEPARTMENT jjickkoii, m. iu anu nounont, or tu su. AT OUR NEW LOCATION. AND CAN I-arrclI Co.. ,th and Alder. Keward, FURNISH YOU EVERYTHING IN.LOHT A small parcel containing sew- THIS LINE AT WHOLES ALIO PRICES, Sinks. Bathtubs. ' Water closet. Kink backs. ' 1 .nyatories. Laundry trnys. Pipe and fittings. Lead pipe. Brass poods. 1 Everything In plumbing. See our mock and net our prioea. i lffliE & SMI "TUB House of a Million Bargains." 240-2 Front Bt., cor. Main. Portland. Oregon. D ( i (i . 0 0 0 2 N DT I AN i i "rick, hnth tuTT sinks, plumbing l mures or ail Kinus. lumber, glass doors hot a r bent Jug tdants fireplace mantels wl.h m r oM Bhclvf-s; 2 room bouso tent and gas ranee: all or any part. Call or writo O.. 8"6 I'ayvson St.. Portland. Or. Phone Wooillnwn 1R7B. . FOIt SAL Fi food 'hon at a bargain e East 4305. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8 Have 'You Anything to Sell ? CALTl UP P FOR ANYTHING YOP CARE TO DISPOSE OF M. Barde & Sons "The house of a million bargains." Front and Main sts. Main tit3. LAND CLEAF.tNO. We are headquarters for land clear- Ing. Call. on us before letting contract, Butts & Eidredge, 24 N. 2d at. Phonn Main H205. A-1291. II I.-' I J 1 V 1 !--. V l" 1 I K K t ' CLOTHING AND FURNITURE Pnv the hlehest price for everything; call Main L'OPO 29" Mrst. $foo worth 2d hand household goods In large or small lots Immediately. CAREY FURNITURE, CO.. East 1809. BARGER'S Ai C'i'lON HOUSE 370 E. Morrison, nhone E. 1022. pays hlehest cash price for furniture. inr.ii, ill Hi-14- I nst H 10 Yard S07 4th r;,V.,i V .1 ' '""'M , iivestocK, storage receipt and all otner ,r. "-.!. k r.e corner CHv and I Fast Irving and UvVt " "l0'0" S4 , S- ."i.35 kinds of securities, on terms to suit; THE WIGGEKV Bc-auty Parlor, chlrop- Z i ,Vi fi u r( ,ay nnd l-asi Jiving anu , M.; ll of f-ections 13, 24 and 26 and I also on weekly or monthly payments. ody, masaage. manicuring, etc. 402 -T: ti !r?l' ,l,.,"H ,"f "cctlona 2, 3. 10. 11, 12. 14,, WE BUY AND LOAN Ellers bldg. fain 2490. Fi )K HA 1,1'.,. H price, i muiiner boow anu in i . i j a u. m, K. yv. M., On first and second real estate mort- Dr. JacksonC:orn3 removed 2 Be- bnn- & 1 lare oak office table, nearly I ami approximately nil of suctions 28 and pages, sellers' contracts. Ws IngVon new. i counter. 1 grill partition und; S.I. and portions of nrmroxtmutelv sec- II. K KRAI. i-.S'patci a nnniHAr.R 11PJ?.K " ''aIn- 14" "" WANTFD--Pc"ople of Portland to know intner inrorn.ntlon In regard to the that I rav the hlchet cash price for telll,s ?f thl" sae ann olhcr regulations secona hand household M Z n Seatcr. 143 Russell. Fast 1562 'r- .ZZbre11 band furnllure by selilng It to Ford "V?" ""'" ". it'"o.iB ... Auction Co . 211 1st Main 8951. A-2445. I reteree to make sale of the real prop er! ttt r . : icrty therein and hereinafter described, L M AN I ED 2d hand restaumnt steam .,hu Ktevenson. sole rpferne will of. tr.blc; must be In A-l condition. O- 28". Journal. WANTED Rubber tired bugy. cheap for cash. 1431 Garfield ave, WE buy and sell most anything. G70J R 9ft let of Main v,r . vtvi . rr. . t . ... - i-..., W'r,h--Il nn,,d j'ii'.M".!!.1.!4 si liowtnorne ave. wmrr nmrnn. CASH paid for household goods. C. M. Cenneii & co Marshall 'nn. , I FURNITURE FOR SALE 65 FOR SECOND HAND GOODS Of all kinds and descriptions or WE WILL STORE YOUR OOODS IF1EE F (MK And sell them for a small commission, with payment to you on receipt of goods DRAYAGE FREE Complete lino of house furnishings Sold on Easy Payments YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WESTOT RflMflTMl M. 251-353 First St. Phono Main 380. HARTZEI.L i-UMNITURE CO. For sale, stoves, ranges, furniture, etc. We pay highest caoh price for house hold goods. 333-335 1st. Marshall 27S. AL TOM OB I LES -MOTOUC Y ( ;l J3 44 We Want Actto Tires TUBES, (lit ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT. WE CALL FOR AND PAY CASH IMMEDIATE LY AFTER YOU PHONE US. We Need 2000 old casings. 1 500 old tubes. 1000 old truck tires. 10,000 lbs. of any kind of rubber. M, Barde & Sons The House of a Million Bargains. 240 Front St. Main fifi.1. A-1fifi3. WE ARE exclusive dealers of used cars; over 75 to select from. Every car guaranteed OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st und Washington sts. SECON I hand automobile supplies bought, sold and exchanged; all sizes of .tires. $3 to $20 each. We vulcanize tubes. 25c each guaranteed. Both phones Auto Supnlv Co., "3 3 Main st WA N'I'Kb --5O00 old auto tin-s, V'.vfper lb. delivered; 30.000 lbs. Inner tubes, 23: per lb.; 60,00 lbs. solid rubber, 8c per lb. J Leve, 186 Columbia sc. Call us up Main 6198. W E will trade either uf the following for a 2 or 4 passenger gas auto In good repair: t acre, house and lot; 10 acres; 2 passenger electric car. Rush ing & Jones, 402 Yeon bldg. MB teH & Springs guaranteed. 15th st. AI To repairing nnd storage work. guaranteed all experienced tiel". The Powell Garage. 87th and Hawthorno. Tabor 1117. FLANDERS 1911 model, as good as now, fullv eeuuipped. Snap, $.'!75. OREGON AUTO EXi'IIANOB, lil.st und Washington. MOTORCYCI-E. 7 II. P., tyvin cylinder. V belt and free engine clutch, first class j-onditRin. Marshall 183',i, vW?002. PORTLAND Magneto Co., expert mag neto and roll repairing. 03 N. Park. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 ON account of Illness am compelled to sacrifice my manogany case Hallet St Davis piano, lust year old; cost $600. O-230. Journal. AM leaving for CMBi. and must sell an almost new Vn.se & Sons piano; will sell at o bargain. N-239, Journal. W1LL sucrlflie nearlv new piano, or igiimi e(,st $325 for $125; must sell. Call 5 N. 23rd si., nea r Washington, at. FOR SALE- -Good violin, big tone for orchestra or dance work. G-285, Jour nal. A KIMBALL piano, Slightly used, N-238, Journal for sale at a bargain. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 HOUSEBOATS, rowboats, launches to order. Danlelson. foot of California. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Lady's beltjpjn. white, carved to resemble sheaf of wheat; a keepsake; also 2 we' ks ago lost gold curb bracelet. Re w ril. 701 E. Salmon, LcTSt Saturday night, black velvet purse with long cord. Return to 647 MoitIhou at.;1 reward. ' ' LOST Largo pointer dog. Finder re turn 1278 Kellcy. . Reward. f.' (M MID WWM (PA 22 N. lost axp found LOST on Mt. Tabor car or EL 47th St., Muck handbag containing knife, small scissors, other small articles, over I2.B0 n money. inner please tane.to u. ,vv. lug models and a allvor thimble, eith- , er on the Williams avenue car or cor- i iwir Williams avenue and Russell ata. ooa. 30. I.OST Irish Better do; license 809. Re- ward. 247 Baat 12th. Phone East 2276. NOTICES 20 SALE OF TIMBER. Portland, Or., Doc. Jit), 1911. Sealed bids marked outside, "Bid, timber sale application, September 14, 1911, Whit man," and addressed to tlio district for osler, forest aery-Ice, Portland, Oregon, yvill ho received up to and Including the third d.iy of February, 1912, for all the merchantable dead timber, standlne or down, und nil the live timber marked for fitting by the forest officer, located 0l ftn nr(n to ()( tcfln)te, (le'ife,nated v the forest officer before cutting be- tioiiH 9, Iti, 21. 22, 27 and 34, T. 12 8 H ill's L. U. M., uusurveved, and por tions of approximately sections 2, 3, 4 ami II, T. 13 S R. ;iiU, ).. v. M.. un nutvi yed, within the Whitman national j roi-f-st, Oregon, estimated to be 44,129,- i'vu ieei n. m. uvt; and merchantable (lend western yellow pine, 8,337,000 feet B. M. live and merchantable) dead west ern larch, 5,581.000 feet B. M. live and merchantable dead Douglas fir, 750,000 feet It. M. white fir, und 641,000 feet H. M. lodge pole pine, saw timber, log Mcale, more or less. No hid of less tnai: $2.25 per thousand feet B. M. fortj the live and merchantable dead western yellow pine cut dining a period of three years from date of approval of the contract, and $2.50 for the same species thereafter, and $1,011 per thousand feet H. M. for the live and merchantable dead western larch. Douglas fir, live yvjilte fir and lodgcpole pino, will be consid ered, and a deposit of $.",000, payable to the order of the First National bank of 1'orMand, Oregon, must be sent to that bank for each bid submitted to the dis- lirict roresier. iimher upon valid claims : l exempted from sale. The right to irel.i t any and all bids la reserved. For ptor. Oregon. GEORGE H. CECIL. District Forester. REFEREE'S HALE OF REAL PROPERTY. By virtue of the order of sale made and given by the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, in the suit of Maria Louise Van Houten and Carrie T. Galllen, plaintiffs, vs. Georgeajina M. Plttock and Henry L. Pit lock; her husband, defendants, being fer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand, at the front door of the courthouse of Multnomah j county In Portland, Oregon, on the 24th ciay or January, linz, ai me nour or iu o'clock r. m. of said day, the following described real property, to-wlt: The west 88 feet of fractional block ,,. tn (.nl1rh-. HHIHnt, to tho Mtv nt Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon nnd a tract of land 16 reet wldo and 98 feet deep, lying immediately adjoining i"r.d contiguous to the south line of said p i eel or inicunniii murn no, in oucn a addition to the city of Portland, Multno mah cotinty, Oregon. ThlH property is sold subject to the rights of the city of Portland, Multno mnh county, Oregon, In the opening of Oak street, through said real property. Dated at Portland. Oregon, this 20th day of Decemhpr, 1911. JOHN H. STEVENSON. Sole Referee. NOTICE is hereby given that M. G. Hedln has severed his connections with the Raymoro Realty Co., and the firm will not be responsible for any debts or contracts made bv him. Signed, Rnvmore Realty Co.. 430 -Worcester bldg. LOAKS WANTED 30 WANTED If you have money to loan on the best real estate securities, we ran place it for ' you at once to your entire satisfaction. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Mortgage Loan Dept. Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOANS wanted -Safe mortgage invest ments; $1000. $1.00. $3500 to $15,000; property worth twice the loan; no ex- rense to the Investor. Portland Bulld ng, Association. 322 Mohawk bldg. $S50 for 2 vwai-H on 1st mortgage, real estate worth $10,000. Call Tabor 1449. rrsrANCiAii 61 CASH paid for mortgages or seller's equity in real estate contracts, and real estate loans, no delay. F. J. Stein met?:. 405 Gerlinger bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES' Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. 11. E. Noh'.e, Lumhermens bldg.. Loans. CASH paid for first and second mort gages and contracts; mortgage loans, lowest rates, ("owllshaw, 615 Commercial blk. Main 6777. - MONEY TO LOAN 27 Don't Borrow Money UNTIL YOU SEE US Loans on furniture, pianos, salaries, etc.; lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO. 307 Spalding Hldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE Women keeping house and otors fur- nlslietl U'ithllllt Ceeurltv hsnn.at i.ntAa easiest payments.' Come and get money I when you want It. nnd nv a vnn run Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tolrnan. 317 Lpmher Exchange. Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rntea of interest. See me first J. E, Nichols 615 Yeon bldg. LOANS on diamonds, Jewelry and other articles at .sual Interest rate; con- fldentlal. 325 Faillngbldg. MONEY to loan, large loans a specially, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. G. Heck. 312 Falling HON K Y sold on Installment; confiden tial to snlaHed people. F. A. New ton 515 HVnrv Bldg. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenxle & Co., Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MORTGAGE lourm on Improved prop erty, 5 per cent to 7 per cent. Hen- dcrson .t Jjill 507 SpaldlnR bldg. PRIVATE" party will "Xoan $6 "and up at ore half rate charged bv brokers. 720 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 mill to loan on imiiroved property; no n gent. P. K. Eneho, 6 1 Jeji ryjjld M'ONEY TO LOAN ON RKAL ESTATE" A. II. HARDING. 313 UAai'ilCm' MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent W H Sellz A Co.. 310 Saplding bldg. SHORT TIMH LOANS, $100 AND UP. 20 7 OR EG O MAN lH.,Da WILL loan $26,000 or less real estate. Farrington. 416 Commercial Club bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Deknm bldg. MORTGAGE Toahs, 6 and 7 per cent." Louis Salomon & Co.. 220 Stark st MONEY to loan on real estate. O. M. Smith. 503 Yeon. QUICK loans on all securities. 6. W. King, 46 Washington bldg. Main 100. $6000 or part to loan In Irvlngton dls- trlet 7 per cent. ..Main 1186. m7)NEY to loan on Improved real estata. i. li. wimte. vui Belling mug. PRIVATE funds tn lnan nn rraltv Jly. C. Prudhom.ne Co". 807 Wilcox bldg. $4000 to loin on good realty, city, or cmimiy. i-zisit journal. LOANS made to firms and business men. .Biggs, 711 Settles bids. 27 Money on Credit bomethmg New This company waa orgnjilzed by lead ing buslneea men of this city to LOAN MONEY to working people and othera on tholr PLAIN NOTES, without In doraer or publicity: also on furniture, pianos, hornet), cattle, storage receipts and autoa at rates honest people can afford to pay. Think This Over Borrow 110 pay bark f 12.61 In pay'ta. Borrow 125 nav back 12X 95 In S nav'ta. Borrow $50 pay back $68.45 In 8 pay'ts. Borrow $100 pay b'k $111.45 In 6 pay'ta. Other Sums in Proportion NO OTHER CHARGES. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due. Portland Loan Co, !0-7 MACLEAY BLDO. Both Phones. Bet. 4th and 6th fits, on Waahlngton St. Open Monday and 8a turdny tl 11 9 p. m. DO YOU NKKI) MONEY . We will furnish you, utrlotly confi dential, without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, CO.. S12 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d. Main 2084. Salaried People START THE NEW YEAR OWING RUT (INK PARTY $10 TO $100 ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTE. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL. TELEPHONE OR WRITE State Security Co, 308 FA1LINO llLDC,: C, Frank Nichols Co, For a loan on nnv kind of securlty. ' IT WILL COST YOU LESS. No extra charges. Private office, courteous and confidential treatment. CALL AND (JET ACQUAINTED. . ACQUAINTED. Ring., 6th and Stark. - ; we discount, we loan oils liUmnermens WK buy, we sell on anything with value. Our low 1 rate, easy payments nnd fr.tr dealing! are rapiaiy gaining tor us the reputa tion which yve achieve. Once our cus tomer, always so. G. A. NICHOLS INV. CO.. 907 Wilcox bldg. PERSONAL -'2 WE have been in Portland many years. have treated Over 6000 patients and I never had a death while under our treat-: rienta. yve nave invested more money In modern machines and electrical ap- arntus than any physician on the Pacific coast. We get results In thou sands of cases where medicines failed to help and have saved hundreds from operations after all hope had been given up. We will be glad to cdnsult with you. We make no charges for thnt. We use no medicines rnd do not oper ate. We uss every electrical and me chanical means, baths, massage, heat and light. W can cure, do cure nnd nave cured cases when others have' failed. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Uothchild bldf. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. MEN CURED QUICKLY Modorn electric treatment fcr diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal; chronic, blood and skin dlsaBes. yy . l. Howard. M. D 3(i4-w ttotncniiii oiog. I DR. ALICE A. ORIFF Dlsase- of women and children, has removed '.o ' LaFayette bldg.. 313H Washington st. TAITENA, the prescription of the late Lawson Talt, the celebrated -Sngllsh surgeon, for the cur of female trou- HL.; - "e OD'alne(l1!rum tn "wInoJnS r," I.L.. '.. , u.f. 'A' ' 5 f"n.i" i.. I iinwiiiin lie. 1 mine i-.i-:i. lino Di- Di,rrn,.oUn t L. '.' u"".Yuo"u . 1 riavA nan rweniv-nve vearsi exnen- ence In successfully treating nervous i diseases. Examination free. Suite 21, Kening-mrson nine-.. ;iitiv, y asningrnn. tK WALKER. speT; iti lta iT n u I c'kly cure diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 First st., Portland. ASTHMA ('r heart trouble; wish to see the case I can't cure. DR. DOUGLAS. D. C. 838 Union ave. N'.. Portland. Or. YOUNG man with good position desires the acquaintance of voung ladv be tween e and 30 years; object., mat rl-l mony. H-288, Journal. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cott Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods. $2 box or 8 hoxes ror J.", hv mall. T. J. Pierce. 2451 Murrlson. MILLINERY school now ready for scholars. Coma noyv; be ready for spring position or location. 306 Good nnugh bldg.. opposite postoff4ce. MME. HEATH'S dancing school, private dally; children's classes Sat, after noon; adults Sat. eve. Walts and two Kirn irtlnrflntpert tn 4 lenftnns Altskv hldir. ilm a TTTf?vMT t . ,i,,' T, MATRIMONIAL paper up to date; many wealthy. Paper sealed 10c. Mrs. ! xieu, xoiu nmgiiuiia a v v., uuo aiikcico, Calif. DR. A. A. AU8PLUND. Diseases of women nnd surgery. Ex aminations free. 302 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Main 4't7. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness In men, by mail $1 per hox, money re turned If It fnils. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 2454 Morrison. MONEY TO LOAN Kll'ECTAHl.E voung man 29. farmer. RENT. DELIXDQENT ACCTS. COL wlsbes to correspond with working Ll-'CTEP. M. S775. 701 BP. OF TRAI,B. girl or young widow; object matrlmor.y. ! OREGON l5ll-rtlor. Agency 427 Ham- G 2810,'' JourVial. LAPIEH' Lorenz Antiseptic Cones ere soothing, snfe and sn:e. $1 per box.. Stipe Tavlor Drue Co.. 289 Morrison st. ELECTRIC treatment for rheumatism, nervousness. Suite 12, 3 11 6 Morrison st. A YOUNG man withes to meet a young lady not over 27; object matrimony. B-2S4, Journal. SY RINGKS, hot h sprny ami fountain the: S3? kind for 98 cents at Blue Jav drug store, 530 M; Washington. - Rlehanbach, the tailor, cleans,-3yes, re models presses clothing; yvork called for and dliycrpd: i ?Hhj. st- M- 83t7- SlANlCURING, facial, scalp treatmerTts! Open evenings. 515 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality; 25e box; 6 boxea $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st. WOMEN Use remolds wnen others fall. Sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Drug store, 110 N 6th st. Main 8106. MRSTTT. W. SACRY. chiropody and pedl ouring, 321 William. C-3oxl. E. 2332. BALM of Figs, re'uedy for diseases of women. 532 Davis st. Main 9216. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANT, EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS. EXPERT CERTIFIED Experienced all lines; hooks opened. closed, written up, rtnanciai state ments; private Instruction; service any where; permanent or temporary book keepers furnished, 502 Swetland bldg. Main 440. . ASEAYES.3 WELLS PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana- lytical chemists, z 04 wa sh. M. 7608. MONTANA asNay office, laboratory ore testing. Marshall 2726. 188 Morrison. AVTO BEFAZTO AUTO and genera! repairing, vulcanlz- lng. Angeles A uto academy, 269 Union, ATTOBNETS A E. COOPER, Attorney at Law. Gen eral practice; abstacts examined. Re moved to 1424-1428 Yeon bldg;. Main. on; A.-2UY1 THOM A S"DTr E.ED, lawyer, removed to 400 ciregonlan bldg., 4th floor. CiHSTOPH ERSON & MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. ' HC. KORNEGAYi general practlqe. col lections. 622 Y'eon bldg, Main 7875v BICTC i 1 BEFAzanro BICYCLES rented and for sale.. Madi son Repair Snop, 181 Madison. EIJSK BOOS BU.KBSB HOWR. PA VIS COMPANY, 10 2d t Blank Book m'f'r.: agents for Jonea' ) proved' Looae-Loaf Ledgers; see the new uureica leur. a-iisi. Main iss. BUSXteEBS OABDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 117 neck bid. THE BAR BER ASPHALT PAVINQ CO. Portland office, 605 El eo trio bldg. CFT CXB wn IO JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works, carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. H-1963. 104 K. 18th N, CAPBT WZATZBO NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs from oia carpctH, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, io union ave., near k. Morrison. ItA"fl carp"et'nh3 fugs, lSlfPaYton av rnone wood lawn KoSB. CHIKOPODIBT3 F. J. KINO, specialist on flat and de formed feet, will relieve tired and achlnii feet callous and enlarged Joints. iio Kutncnild bldg. Marshall 1S4T. CHIBOPBACTIO rHYSICXAXT DR. EVA MARSH cures all forms of rneumatlFun. 223 Fliedner bid. Main ! HAVE K-Ivn thousand of Hdlunfmentfl i.ou wefK. natn ornce z ana wasn. CHINESE -OCXOBS DR. J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO., phy- siclan for men. women. z'isu, Aider. HIN'G WO Medicine Co 1'hyslclan for men, women lwftVfr Morrison. A-64QS. CLOTHE8 WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes mm unpen. v.i I'Tont. Main 4ua, WE PAV highest price 2d hand clothing, I furniture. 227 Front. M-737S. Mshl. 1958. : Tn"w j.vvf.Tvrr .-V. , i srr Gl' ARAM EE Tailor Co., coats, $1; , pants, $1; nutts, shoes cheap. 208 Main COAL AND WOOD BEST COAL LOWEST PRICES Not in the fuel combine. Gale Creek Lump, $8.50. Gale Creek Steam, $6.50. (Holds fine all night.) Rock Creek Lump. $7.60. Comet Lumn $0 60 (sncked) Buy your coal loose and save 50o per ton on ihu n,i PORTLAND CONSUMERS' COAL CO., East 1st end Taylor. Tel. E. 118. Home B-1118. special iri fflrawMmmm LU C PRICES ON S3 UfiHOViMPM GREEN SHORT WOOD GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD INSIDE GREEN SHORT DRY short wnnn SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding ' Ttoii PnTtlGnrt QlllKwATt.HI Pa " v imuti umunvw w. Main 3119. A-7001. V. D, Smith Fuel Co, B!,"764.4SB- Drv- ftr slab nnd block wood. ROCK SPRINGS COAL THK ECONOMY FUEL, handles all thft lpflrlinflr rnn! Til springs. Hannaford. etc. Prices right I o j'j. Anaetiy East 814. B-2.14S. MAIL YukonMCoal Co. Slabwood Dry or Green Alaska Fuel Co. Alaska dock Main 1988. MTFR R, PAPD Wood and coal. A-l I,LLH 1 dry wood. 4 foot or sawed to Order Pramnl riellvot-v IAI 'Water st Main 4596. A-4547. ffQ frTl M fl EDLEFSHN FUEL CO Mine 1 Agts. Samples. Htcre Dept Meier & Frank. East 803: C- 2303 Coal $5.75. Wood, $2 and up. PAC. SLABW00DC0, Dry slabwood, big and small Inside, block wood, pinner trimg's, cord wood. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 818. B-18S7. 4 foot drv wood. Nat. Fuel Co., 387 Water st Marshall.. 960. A-S645. f.-if;ji Mftiw-ra n delivered rafflimm lwlnilaiiyiiyJ4T promptly Main 7U7- F.. J EVERTS, Ft Currv at TTi-irrill. h -tt.,Z-rZZZ and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men- dota coa PORTLAND WOOD YAR-D. Wood and coal; 4 ft. or sawed; wreck, age. 9ih and Gllsan. Main 3363, A-2283. FOR COAL AND ALL"lIND9""OF WOOD, PHONE HOLGATE FUEL CO. SEI.LWOOD 48b. PHOENIX FUEL CO. Cord, slob and dry short wood. 521 SAVIER ST. MAIN 3544. STANDARD WOOD CO., box planer and rorrlwooil -517 P Btnrk P-,t t, Tnne. btark. East 31o, CITY' MARKET Wood Yard. Cook ft Bon, 3d and Clay. Main 3243. A-4S22 COLLEGES AlTD 3CH0OB OREGON LAW SCHOOL. S16 Commonwealth bldg. COLLECTIONS WELLS MERC. AGY.. EST. 1908. CUR. ilton. Expert collecto-s. Main 4778. PROF, credit bureau, phy. and dentists' ale, 201 Medical bid. M. 6167. A-702H. COHTRiCTOEB AND BUILDEKB S. WING, carpenter, all kinds jb work, furniture repaired, upholstered, kalso- minlng. painting. 235 6t.h. Main 7648. W I L LI A M h'l Kl I BECk,""carpen ter and builder, Jobbing and contracting. 206 4th st. Main 6241. E, GEORGEFK, carpenter, builder, store front end store fixtures especially. giazing. ziu'A Ankeny. Marshall 2851 HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet work for banks, stores and homes. Hammond A Garner, 185 Madison. BRICK, stone nnd cement work. Sell. 660. City or country. TL A. T CROSBY, contractor, builder. Job bing, all kinds. 798 Weldler. K. 3966. DAKCINO HEATH'S achool lessons 21Sc. fancy stage and social dancing taught dally, waltz and two step guararteed In four lessons; clnss and social dance Monday evening. 109 2d St.. bet Washington and Stark sts. . PROF. FOR D' S7chooTof dancTngT V!th fit. nnd Hayvtborne ave., classes Tues day and Thursday evenings at 8. Select dances Saturday evening, Private les sons by appointment. Tabor 3707. R I NO LRU'S school, flnost In town; rlanRes Wed.. Fn.. evenlnes; Instruc tion dally: elegant hall. 231 H Morrison. MTSCTITi ACIKCT PACIFIC States Secret Eerrlce Agency, 421-428 Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 372. DOO ASD HO SB! HOSPITAL BROWlTimOS., 646 Wash. Main 408. A-4J86. Res. HI E. 13th. E. 6440. B-2287. DKTJSSMAKIKO SCHOOL VALENTINES system of cuttln. tai loring' and dressrraklng taught $83 E. Morrison. - - ELEOTBIO MOTdBB BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117. Walker M'kenzie El. Wks., 108 Union. XFBES3 UNITED Tran., Madison, Express work, coal by sack or ton, trunks tOo, extra 26c stored 7 days free. Mar. 2894. rPBMITPBB SErAIBIBIO BlWIRST'pARSoNSrOTOer Ttill st GibhH, furniture rep, reflnlshed, packed, shipped. 100H Front. M. 744S. STOVE and furniture repairing. Phone Aiaxsnait szz. REAL ESTArT NAMB ' ! ' ' DP R ICSS .." TBLKPHONK Bron(r-etel OsJiirny... ........Orotind floor TiwU Bldg..... Hits and A-1T4I Rrnbakar Benedict.. ..........ti3 McKr Bids. .................... .Mala IMS hnlo A Berlow Chsmlxr of Commerce Malsj M Cook Co., a ft. 08 Oorbstt Bldg Main MS. A-8DISI Knapp Uaekey .........7 Chamber of Commerce. . .Main ind A-VMS Oregnn Bal Katate Co., TIM ........Oraod Are. and MultDOBab,...Sat ero-lTOf HhWIrte. J. H t Oerllngar Rldl lttln tun Tbo-iwea. U. B. Oa. -Bear Bids., stb-da.. tOH. A-ULf OASOXaSTB OX2fBS STATIONARY and marine, electric equipments; launches, - accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 186 Morrison. QKXBTDI-O) RAZORS, scissors, safety blades ahap- ened. ( Expert repairing.' Portland Cut lery Co.; 02 H gth. near Stark, M. 7605. KAIH OOODSJ FEBVET. & HANKBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing;, manicuring, face and acalp treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 64tf. HOUBB CTjEAIT TO CARPETS cleaned on floor wall paper cleaning, new prooeBS. iwi uranq ave. ZBB17 ASTOT JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO., all kinds Insur ance, surety bonds. Railway mot McCARGAR, Bates & Lively, 301 Yeon bldg. Every form or insurance, pongs. JOHN KER Insnranoe, eurety bonds, mtge loans. 1822 Yeon Ding, m. zbd. KODAK DETEIOrad BRING your kodak work, enlarging; re touching, to nose city biuqip. pb io. KODAK D-T-LOFZVO ROLLS developed f reeio prints, 8o up; mall orders solicited. 214 Merchants Trust bldg. asiS' ti xxoxuxro- SCBOO HOW WOULD YOU LIKE Tn Invest 112 KO nnd secure a perma nent Inenme nnvtvhprft of from $10 tO $60 per week? This can be easily accomplished hy taking1 a run course in our cuumar, designing and sewing school. Good cutters and sewers are constantly in de mand Our svstem la alniDle. practical and absolutely accurate. Remember, the Investment is small. But the knowledge will last a lifetime. Either ln making your own garments or as a wage earner. Investigate. " CHICAGO LADIES' TAILORING AND SKWING SCHOOL, Room 406, Central bldg.. 10th and Alder, LEATBXB ABB fDIDIlKll CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. MA C IZfXKT B. TRENKMAN & CO. HrJraullo and neclfll nines, screens, bagging mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th. MAC TWISTS MODEL making, repairing, machine work. Port. Magneto Co.. S3 in. r-arn. MESSEBTOEX BBBVICK AMERICAN MESSENGER CO.. 171 H 2d st. Messengers furnlsnsd day ana night. "Quici service'' is our motto. Marshall 1785. A-8106. RELIABLE bonded messengers, day or night service. Marshall a-hii. MODE WO KB EXPERIMENTAL work, brass pattema and gates; repair anything, fit keys, lock and gunsmith. 213 Allsky bldg. MOTOBOTC - KEPAXKnfO REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle op plles and repairing. 189 Burnslde. MUSIO TXACHXKS WEBER ACADEMY OF MUSIC Violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo Instruc tion. 4 89 Washington. FE1LBERG, concert pianist and teacher. Tilford bldg.. ICtri anfl Morrison K. THIBLHOHN, violin teacher; pupil Pevcik. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 161 SATO OPAT PKYSICIAsT DR Catherln C. Gates. 11 years' experi ence throating nervous and chronlo diseases. 307 Ablngton bldg. Mar. 814S. Hrs. 9-12. l-. OSTEOPATHIC FK TBIOIABTS Dr. W. W. Christie Osteopath, chronlo nervous diseases. S14-5 Macleay bldg. Main 6172; A-4880. DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 208 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. FAXST, oa AHD oi.Asa F. E. BEACH & CO.. Pioneer Paint Co., 186 First st. Main 1334, A-V043. RASMUSSBN & CO., "High Standard'" paint, ne. cor. 3d & Taylor. M.. A-1771. PAIN1INO AlTn FAFEKCTa ' FIRST class paper hanging, painting;, tlntlne-: reasonable Drlces. Phones- Main 7089, A-4724. Residence, Main 6174. FOR BEST work, prices right, call P. A. Doane, 104 union ave. tat jvso. FAWITBBOXEBB UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. Main 910. FATEST ATTOBNETS U. S. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN, 409 Chamber of Commerce Building. PATENTS' procured of J. K. Mock, at-torney-at-law, late of U. 8. patent of fice; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R, C. WRIGHT, II. 6. and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PATBNTR obtained In all countries by Peter Haberlin. 3 26 Worcester bldg. FZFB IRON pipe and pipe fittings, englneera and steam supplies. M. L. KLINH Centrally located. 84 to 88 Front st Phones Main 517. A-2617. PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co.. Factory and office, 24th and York. Main 8489. FZANO TUHISa FRED JACOBSON. piano tuning, $2.00; 18 yearn" experience. 190 8. Main 9431. FLATTO WOBKS WILLAMETTE Plating Works 208 4th, Plating and polishing, M. 9348. A-7190. PLUMBING A BID HEATIKO J. B. CANTOR. Plumbing ft Gas Fitting, Jobbing work. 672 1st Bt. Main 8878. FBZNZZ0 Welch Printing Co, "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper." 141 1st. Main and A 4147. t BAZOB HOHIHO. SAFETY blades. 30e dozen: mall orders Automatic Keen Edging Co.. 183H 2d- BOOFINO, FAIHTUrO, BEFAIBIZTO TIN roofing repairing, painting and Job bing. Lrall ft Holzer, 212 Jeff. M. 1424. KUBBEB STAMPS ABS SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 281 Stark. Main 1407. BATES THE MOSLER Safe Co.. 108 2d st. Safes .at factory prices; repairs; lockout opened; bargain'- In wecond hand safes. SECOND HARD GOODS. WE WANT your old clothes, shoes, fur nlture; highest prices paid. -M. 8665. SEWnrO MACBIBEB SEWING machines sold for storage , charges best bargains In the'city, drop heads and box tops, all makes, $2 upi expert repairing; cheap, guaranteed. 251 "Columbia, between 2d and 8d. . SINGER sewing machine-. store. Used machines your own price. 8S2 Morris'- rV-'i?: v'; ;;v-:-t'r.r--:tV'.:; - DIRECTODY iniaiii BEST in Portland. See tham- mi Washington st. S. E. Gilbert BH0W0A8Z8 iVS FIXTUKEB R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDO.. Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery, tnMv m.. miner jumoer uo. SHOWCASES of every description, bank. Tj' n.d ore fixtures mode to order. The Lutke Mfp Co. 'l'li.l2JtJUXRH mf6. to.: "iew.5,n1 J.d B,'wcaBes, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.2708. BiaiT AMD SHOWOAKOB FOSTER & KLEISER Signs, the lar. (rest sign makerB in the northwest. K. 7th and K. Everett ata. Phonea East Ull. Home B-2224. , RjNN SIGN COT".! unlit y and SBrvioe. 889 E. Alder sf East 6302. SODA rOTNTAXNS SODA fountains and supplies on ess terms. P. H. Dunn. 630 H Wash. stbvoobp: , COTJHT BETOBIZU a kiI . .w "''Porting Ass'n.. 404-401 Ablngton. M. 6037. A-6j36. Depositions. TAXLOXZXTO KRBTJZER CO., HIGH LIFE TATLORB. , We are live tailors for live people. .?? TO Jiving-T If not, remember ua at Hi i?th, Btet. between Wahinton and Stark streets. ALFRED OGILBEE."310 Labbe blda.. and Washington. Suits to order. NORTHWEST TAILO RS. FOR LA DtEff AND GENTLEMEN. 2 N. 6TH ST, TAHOBHTO BOHOO- KJESTER'8 Ladles' Tailoring oolH learn dreesmaklng. tailoring. 148 H 1 ill TAXZOESMXBT F. J. BREZEE- has moved to $0 Oc lumbla, between Front and 1st TOWIL BVFFZ.T CLEAN towels dally, comb, brash, soap. fowel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co, Phones Main 4 10. A-4410. TKASSF-B 1BD STOKACn C O. Pic:: Transfer A Storage Cos. of fices and commodious 4 story brio warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main 696. A-1996. Oregon Transfer Co, Entahl hn1 1K7A Transfer and forwarding age niorage. rree Trackage. Offices and ntoraee, 474 Glisaa mtemL corner 13th and Gllsan. Phonea. Main 69. A-1169. PORTLAND-Van Storage Co., cor. llta and Everett sts., just opened, new est most modern storage warehouse in city; every convenience for safe and" proper handling of goods; lowest In surance rate in northwest; free track age, vans for moving. Main or A-l 520. Ht'JAORwFXI'K.Ksa SW'GB CO . . v ml lanor nany. Also city 423s! " express- 114 Grand. -L'205,Tash.'-storflP8- P'ano. tan. ..... in itinii 1 1 o IU, A-1DU4. NORTHWESTERN TraSTTfe'r Co. 6 4-66 mJhTca-, transfer and etoraBe" W ri . . 211 Co., i iiuiiw y-.iinn, H-.Iz! fi. PROMPT deliveries oil nsns city. J. Dawson. Main 70M, A-3716 216 Taylor. TYFEWKITEBB ALL makes rented, repairefl. sold. Cun n In gba tn o.;23l Sfa rk. Main 1407. TTFe"WUTER Supplies Co. Rebuilt, 2d Jtnnd. 142 2,t st. Mar. 419. tPXOLSTBBIBI P 1 DT1V11T,. T .... . .. i i : , l-u-- iadlson, up holstering, furniture repairing and mattresses; work guaranteed. Phone M:iln 6335. TgTEJMaAaiAJf MODERN veterinary hospital, 416 FTTth cor. Grant nne, o , t u . , ' ed. Dr. G. H. Hutlimnn. B-1062. E. 1847 WELL DRILLING DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea- ,u. i"."" ,mal" lam or write R, West. 182 Morrison st, WHOLESALE JOBBIKB EVERDING & FAHltKi-L, produoe and im,'nJS8A0n ""''chants. 140 Front at, Hortlandj OrPhone Main 179. mon1f . A. GIINST fi CO DISTRIBUTOR 3 OF FINE CIGARS PORTLANiD. OR. WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grooersl and Oak sts" v-l.rfc ,la MORGAN WALL PAP1CR CO.. 239 2d" St.. between Salmon nnd Main. ALLEN ft LEWTs GKOCERldfl:" TBABTSPOBTATIOB BTEAMEBS YALE and I.ARVARD Soan ? 'LV An(?eles. tourist I2S.88 ', " lu Angeies, nrst 2S.S8 Portland to Los Angeiea',' 'round irip, lounsc 45.7a Port land to Los Angeles, round trip, first rlaas 158 70 Portland to flan Diego, tourist... 26.00 Port and to San Diego, first class 80.00 Portland to San Diego, round trip, first class E8 00 BAILROAD TO SAN FRAWCrBOO, tha exposition city, connecting with the fa mous new turbine steel steamers. Yale and Harvard, lurgest and fastest strict ly passenger ships on tho coast; tarry no freight except express matter; aver age speed 28 miles per hour. Baggage checked through to destlna"tion. Sailing nnVL1 T8 ?pr ,wcck- Brcak 8 mo notony by stopping over a few hours, or several days, at San Francisco, thence travel whore the sea is ns smooth as ;slJ?;n(J .9? prr ccnt of n,n Passengers are not sick for the short voyage of is hours. Mako reservations early. Ban Franolsoo, Portland fc L. A. BS CO FBAMK BOLL AM. Agent. A-4B98 128 Third St. nr.,- ma EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE 8. S. Bear, 4 p. m., January 19. Ban Franolsoo a Portland S3. Co. Ticket Office 143 Third St. . Phones Main 402 and A-1409. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGKLKS AND SAN IHF.GO DIRECT NORTH PACIFIC S. B. CO. B. B. BOAHOXB and B. S. ELDER BAIL Every Wednesday, alternately, at 6 p. uj. Ticket office 182 Third, near Alder. -Phones Main 1814, A-1314. MARTIN J. HI OLE Y, Pass. Agent W. H. SLUSSER, irelght Agent. COOS BAY LINE . bteAmeb BBEAKWATEB Sails from Ainawortn dock, Portland, 8 p. m. every Tuesday. Freight received at .Alnsworth dork daily up to E p. m. . Passenger fare, first class $10; second class, tl. Including meals ; and nerth. v Ticket office Alnsworth dock. Phonea Main 268. Main I7Q. A-1234. - ,v -.-,,..,,. I...-.------ r"-,;--e - ' 7 ,-:V.: - "rtr. wttfy..r)t jv,v. -