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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1912)
THE ' OREGON " DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8, IDiLc r t 9 APARTMENTS rORDHAM APARTMENTS. COM- , PLETED. . .At 170-03 Ford st. Just south of Washington, are the most complete, KiKJifWl class apartments ever built In j'oimng. unisnea tn mrawow u,u. otrfc-glvlng tenant choice of oak, Cir cassian walnut or mahogany; -'elegant wall coverings, tiled hatha with superb iixiurea; mgnest Class bci.iv-o, with private ba Icon v and bath; 4 roomi with innt mnwnlmt arrangement - 142 SO to $60; 8 rooms. $59 to $0. - This ; building la different Let rs. nuniB A ''w '"" tbrougn. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. Just 'completed, moat magnificently furnished apartments In the northwest; location perfect: rentals'?,e.; every modern convenience, Including bsnouet hall and roof garden: plan class service; references required. Roth phones In all apartments Phone Mum ;7 and A-70S7. i . . The Bjelland 16th and Lovejoj. ;. Unfurnished apartments, strictly mofl ' frn, brand new brick building. 2 8 or '4 rooms. Rates 25. $30. $35. Including . heat, phone, gas range and water. Phone owner. Main If 67. A-1R67. ' PHONE EAST 4738. C-3S3i. :- Ton can have lighter, larger, better furnished and quieter apartments of 2 ' I or 4 rooms for $15 per month leas. - with every modern convenience, at tne Halsey Court 800 WILLIAMS AVE. . The Oneonta t?n to $30 . I and S room suites, all modern con veniences, steam heat, ensy walking distance. 187 17th st Phone Main .4m. A-4739. KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 4, 5, 6 room apartmnta; select tenancy. APP'y n premises. 171 ' , King st KENTUCKY apartments. 28th and K. , Gllean sts.. new and modern concrete building, a 4 room unfurnished apart ment, $25; this includes gasranare, ateam heat hot and cold water, private Thone and bath. Montavllla and E. An keny carllne. B-1432. Eaet m. THF MeKINLEY . - 42 E. MORR'SON. COR, 7TIL - t, S and 4-room apartments, fur nished up to date, private batM, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment, beet service. BANNER, APARTMENTS. 4$$ Clay St., up-to-date furnished t room apartments. Price J20 to $24. In cluding heat? light and janitor service. Phone Marshall 8074. - Drickston Apartment " 44$ 11th near College. S and 8 room Bites, strictly first class, bachelor apartments a specialty. $25 up. Durfee Apartments t room steam heated apartments, fur nished or unfurnlshel. Private phone and bath. $08 Stanton at. East 1015. THE ALBEMARLE. 2 and 8 room apart ments, steam heat, private phone and bath. 883 Williams ave. Phone East 419$ Vi'E HAVE a few elegantly furnished 1 room aDartments that we will trmke special prices on for a few days. Call '45 Trinity place. Jullanna Apartment THE WESTMINSTER Nicely furnished apartments, aiso single rooms, z min tites from P. O. Z2 th. Main 5582. NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont an Grand ave., 1 and 2 room furnished ants.; free light, heat, bath, phone. THEDAVENPORT Newlv furnished 9 and 8 room ants., modern, walking distance. Phone 8435. 605 Jefferson st. . BAN MARCO apts., E. 8th and Couch, brick, modem, 3 rooms, private bath and phone. $25 to $27.60. Call E. 2757, TWO 4 room apartments, electric Jlght ana gas, xid. tan vua m. neimont or phone Kast Sane. GRAY Gables apartments, 289 10th. room apartments. Phone A-2629. FOR RENT FTjATS IS NEW upper flat, just completed, gas range, water neater, burret. Holmes disappearing bed, fine electrio and bath rixiures. shades, small sleeping porcn, one panel doors, individual furnace, basement and tradesman entrance, . - speaking tube and door opener, laundry tray, ,etc, convenient to 7 cars and market 314 Maeglv st Williams or '.!' ITnlon ave. cars. C-2941. WEST SIDE unfurnished room raod - em steam heated flat, on 1th near Co lumbla, $45. 418 Railway Exchange. Aiarenaii zvoa 4 AND S room flats, walking distance. iwruwooa rioors, rirepiace, linoleum, w ras range, eta, $20. 344 Benton st. J ROOM flat, partly furnished, water and garbage, $10. 708 Vancouver ave. ;Woodlawn 1953. WALNUT PARK FLATS. Modern 4 and 6 rooms, 1068 Cleveland. 'V car; Woodlawn 2295. IdODERN lower flat, Irvlngton. Upper flat. 314H Eugene t. Phone East 2 8608 , TWO modern, four room flats, very de alrabls location; rents reasonable, 442 . 444 12th street. ' iXUR and room flats, 17714 Green . sve.. near 23d and Wash. Main 888. FURNISHED FLATS 50 ;. VERY desirable 3 room furnished flat, ? .large alcove, sleeping porch, walking i distance, reasonable" 67 1 H Belmont t FURNISHED 6 room modern flat In ; , Nob Hill district for rent Phone Main JVICELY finished lower flat. Bath, i nhona And nlnnn Vai A ,.,.11 gas. nes. t inquire 7i M. zza. near Thurman STORES AND OFFICES 11 Storeroom for Rent ; Corner Front and Yamhill, 80x40, with f basement 60x50 and 9 foot alley, rea s. aonable rent Apply 174 Front. Bee Mr. J Elliott ' 1ESK ROOM, phone, etc., $10; central. light office: real estate or insurance i rnan preferred; wrlto Journal. S 1ESK room, fine office, low rent 20T l Railway Exchange. S STORE for rent on Yamhill, between I 4th and 6th. Call Bav Cltv Msrk.f mjk ror rent, furniture fn, ..! two desks. Call 226Falllng bldg. HOTELS 54 ? HOTEL- PORTLAND European plan 2 only; $S, 15 day HEI. .F --Hi" .,ron.-n 4th and Al- VOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 J FOR RENT Small store building; will i furnish for houaekeeplng if desired, t 888 Croaby street. HOUSES. VEH1CLFS. ETC. 1H 1200 lbs., must bo young and good -workers; single and double, also good tiarnees and a good fresh cow, Holnteln preferred. J. It. Gagan. 815 ilinnesota . VVANf ED l earn of horses or mules for light work on farm during winter -, plenty feed, kind treatment, will pay reasonable sum for use. Address box .' lf ww?. Or. TWENTY head of work horses, har riesses and wagons will be sold at rubllo auction to the highest bidder on V Wednesday at 2 p. m. at 446 Flanders IF you want to buy or sell cows, horses. harness and vehicles, call- at 444 Flanders st N Auction sales Wednes- days. M. ..T. Walker, auctioneer. ' JlAVING disposed of my ranch, wlij , dispose of my 2 pairs mares. Call snd see them. Mrs. Holding, cor. 8th " Ilawthorne Ave. Woodyard. llORSES and buggies for rent by day week and month: special rates to business bouses. th and Hawthorne. Kast 7$. ( NOTICH. 8 head good young: horses and mara .' tt?. 1 1 ,. ... .... 1 . iimnia !tar es. sea Kront at. I W4LL exchaiige d amonds for horse I nd buggy. 14 Union ave, cor. Asa. 3 HOUSES. VEHIC etc. la Cows,- Horses, Mules and Har ness tor bale From this date on we will keep sev eral (rood rn.Ilch cows for sale with our regular sales or norses, muies, wagons and harness; we have about 20 head or horses on sale at present, of all kinds: a mulea. aeveral wajrons. which It will pay you to look at. before buying else where. Hawthorne Avenue Stables 420 Hawthorns are. ' Notice Arrived with carload eastern Oregon horses, mares, weight 1100 to 1500; all well broke and young. Bold with a guarantee. Madison Stables 185 w Madison st,, at Haw- thorne ' Bridge, West Side, ONE Imported Uelstum stallion, weight 2100, for sale, Dr. S. Uurn, V. B., 81 East 12th. Fast 5440. LIVESTOCK AND rOUTiTRT 35 WANTED A few fresh cows. Must be (rood and pass tuborculme test. Ad- dross with full description. V. Jeffcott, Oswego, Or. GOOD frerh. cows lor sale or trade for beef cows. A. Helman. H mile east of Lents Junction. WO fresh coVb, Jersey snd Durham, Kentie. 1041 k. lotn st. n. DiXIS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 4fl ENGLISH bull terrier puppies, blue ribboned, reerlstered stock; price very reasonnhle. Woodlawn 1330. 1329 Cleve- lnnn ave. . SCOTCH collie for sals cheap. Mai 6132. 212 Aldpr. FOlt SALE) MI9CKI.LAJCKOUS 11 AHNQDUHCEMEHT WE HAVE OPENED COMPLETE PLUMBING SUr-FliY DEI A KTMKIN J AT Ol'R NEW LOCATION. AND CAN FURNISH YOU EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE AT WHOI.KS.U.K PRICES Sinks. Bathtubs. Water closets. Sink backs. Lavatories. Laundry trays. Pipe and fittings. Lead pipe. Brass poods. Everything in plumbing. fcioe our stock and get our prices. "THE House of a Million Bargains." 240-2 Front st, cor. Main. Portland, Oregon, 200.000 2ND HAND brick, bath tubs, sinks, plumbing fixtures of all kinds. lumber, srlass doors, hot air heating plants, fireplace mantels with mirrors and all kinds of materials from build ings that are wrecked by us. Phone Marshall 1834: East 610. Yard 807 4th street, corner Clay and East Irving and 2nd streets. FURNITURE of 9 room house for sale at sacrifice, also wood and gas ranges, sewing machine and all kinds of canned fruit and preserves, 1 6x8 sectional chick coon. 3 rolls 6 ft poultry wtre; must sell at once. 493 E. 82d. Phono B-3 297. Take Richmond oar. FOR .SALE New and aecond-hand Cir om and pocket billiard tables, and 'bowling alleys and accessories: bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The 3runBwlck-Balke-Collender Co., 48-48 5th st. " - FOR SALE Cheap, cash or Urns: A complete set of office furniture, In cluding dental chair, at the offloe, suit able for a dentist or chiropodist Apply at 207 Macleay bldg. SAFjSS New and 2d hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co. .",5 6th St. Mn'-i 6309. A-4118 SEWING MACHINES Take a look a the,m. All makes, guaranteed, $10 to $20, dandles. White Sewing Machine Co.. cor. 11th and Washington sts. FOR SALE; Plumbing stock with or without tools: for particulars address P. O. Box 358, Springfield, Or. A LARGE and medium sized safe cheap, good condition, terms If desired. R-918. Journal. ALL kinds house furnishings Bought sold and exchanged. star mirniturs Co.. 880 Hawthorne ave. East 1067 CAPITAL JUNK CO.. dealers In Iron. metal, ruDDer, sacks, macmnery, pipe, tools job lots. 67 N. 1st st Mar. 8i). FOR SALE Swan body cutter. If you want one this is a bargain lie. in Multnomah. East 3233. $8 Domestlo sewing machine with at tachments, call 8X3 r. Morrison. FOB SALE 10 good beds and springs at a bargain, pnone Kast 480S. $250 Solitaire diamond sacrificed for $150; beauty, i-Knrat. ftt'o Yeon Ding. WANTED MISCKIiliANEOUS B LAND CLEARTNO. We are headquarters for land clear ing. Call on us before letting contract Butts & Eldredge. 24H N. 2d st Phone Main 8205. A-1391. WANTEI) People of Portland to know that I pav the highest cash price ror second hand household goods. X M. Peater, 143 Russell. East 1562. WE BUY SECOND HAND CLOTHING AND FURNITURE Pay the highest price for everything; cell Main 2080. 290 Flrnt. $5no worth 2d hand household goods in large or small lots, immediately. CASEY FURNITURE CO.. East 1809. BAHOER'R Ai CTION HOUSE 370 E. Morrison, nhone E. 1022. pays hlKhr-et cash price for furniture. BE WISE; get more for your second hand rurnlture Dy it to Ford Auction Co , 211 let. Main R1. A-2445. WANTED furniture for 22 rooms, in large or small lots. Marshal! 3221. WK buy nnd sell most anything. Main H7T14. 2B 1st St. WANTED 2d hand furniture. East 8134 848 Howthorie ave Beater ft Martin. CA KH paid fqc household goods. Phona Main 047 or A-H24I. FURNITURE FOR SALE 0.1 FOR SECOND HAND GOODS ' Of all kinds and descriptions or WE WILL STOKE YOUR GOODS ME W CMARCE And sell them for a small commission, with payment to you on receipt of goods ukaiaui1; Pit Kb, Complete line of house furnishings Sold on Easy Payments YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. 7ESTEI 351-353 First Bt. Phono Mnln 360. HART7.K1M. siiwMTTirnm rr vs B u ' r , ve v rsr, s c& f n, I U I 1 1 1 i IJ TfJ etc. We trny h1?hfft cash pr!o for houno $IUItl siwun, OOJ-QOB IQl. JHI m ' B. 1 1 ZDi. AtTOMOUILKt-MOTURCV(;iiKS 44 WANTED 600 bid auto tires, Te par id. ueiiverea; juuv ids. innsi tubes, 23c per lb.; 10,000 lbs. solid rubber, 8o per lb. J. Leve, 18$ Columbia st Call us up. wain bisk. Springs guaranteed. 22 N. ltkh st. At TO . repairing and storage - work. auaranteed all Mnrlnca haln Th. Powell Garage. 87th suid Hawthorn. Tabor 1147. WE ARE exclusive dealers of used cars; over 76 to select from. Every car guaranteed. Orevnn Auto Pinyianv. ti.t end Washington sts. i FLANDERS 1911 model, as good as nw, Aijt5LJgxghan-gg.-. 't and Washington. ; J TWO paasenger Electric car, for2 "pas I senger gas car: my car la arood, yourg . enuippea snap, $375. Oregon m., u. 6.,;-' PORTLANDMa."5netoCoT expertTrniS". neto and coll r?palrlnir. 63 nT ParSL lis. AUTQMOBILES-MOTOnCYCLE 44 WANTED OLD AUTO TERES, TUBES, OR ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT. WE CALL FOR AND PAY CASH IMMEDIATE LY AFTER YOU PHONE US. We Need 1000 old casing. 1600 old tubes. 1000 old. truck tire a. 10,000 lbs. of any kind of rubber. M, Barde & Sons The House of a -Million Bargains. 240 Front St. Main 863, A-1663. SECOND hand automobile supplies bought sold and exchanged: all sizes of tires. IS to $20 each. We vulcanise tubes, 25o "each, guaranteed. Both nhnni Auto finnnlv Co. TBS Mnln t isio ov.rh,,i.d and repainted. This car Is as good as bargain" hew. Guaranteed by us. Big Only $850. Oregon Auto Exchange, 21st and Washington sta. MUSICAL IKSTnCMKJVTS 84 SEE our bargains In used pianos, Gard ner Bros., $65; Fischer, $6: Kimball, 515, and many others, Including a esfte French, a Stelnway and a , Mason & Hamlin. Reed-French, the money sav in gpiaiiosuethanduiir ON account of Illness am compelled to sacrifice my manogany case Hallet Davis piano, just year old; cost $100. O-280, Journal. - AM leaving for east and must ssll an almost new' Votie A Sons piano; will sell at a bargain, N-2S9, JournL WILL sacrifice neerlv new piano, or iginal cost $325 for $125; must sell. Call 62 N. 28rd St., near Washington st FOR BALE Good violin, big tone for orchestra or dnnoe work. 0-386,7our- nal. A KIMBALL pleno. slightly used, for sale at a bargain. 238, Journal. LAUNCHES ATTD BOATS 04 HOUSEBOATS, rowboats, launches to order. Danlelson. foot of California. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Between first and Morrison and Oregon Electric depot Front and Jef ferson, small lady's gold hunting case , watch with pendant attached, mono gram A- A. S. on baok; reward. Return to 288 Front street LOST A small parcel oontalnlng ew Ins- models and a stiver thimble, eith er on the Williams avenue car or cor ner Williams avenue and Russell its. Wood. 35. LOST New Year's eve., a large Abalone pearl brooch, not so valuable only as keepsake: will, the finder please return some to 611 Marquam bldg. and reeelve reward. LOST Wire haired fox terrlef pun. black and white. Answers to name of Punch. 5 BL Helen's court. Portland Heights. J. B. Kerr. Reward. FOUND A bay horse, with right hind lev wire straoned. Call at Rays Darn. Dekum and Wllllama, or phone Wood lawn 2172; COSTOTi! Saturday night, one Weld chain from automobile. Finaer please return to Journal offloe and re ceive rewnrd. LOST Irish setter dog; license 809. Re ward. 247 East 12th. Phone East 2276. LOST Friday evening, open face gen tleman's gold watch, hamden worksi 903 Emmereon. Rewnrd liberal. LOST A. Si Omega fraternity pin, re- wsrd. Call East 6008. UOAHa WANTED 80 LOANS wanted Safe mortgage Invest ments; iiouu, isouu to iio.uuv; property worth twice the loan; no ex pense to the Investor. Portland Build- ng Association, szz Monawa Ding, WaNT to borrow $1000 on Inside prop- erty worth $3000; no agents, r-277. Journal. nKAItCIAL 81 WANTED To buy modern unlhoum hnred 7 -room residence in arood loca tion, from party who will take $1000 cash and balance In young orchard In Hood River district: owners only. Ad dress P. O. box 4 05. CASH paid for mortgages or seller's equity in real estate contracts, ana real estate loans, no delay. F. J. Stein- metx, 405 Gerllnger bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. n. k. Nome, Lumbermens mag.. Loans. WILL buy your mortgage or contract for cash, cooperative Trust Co. 404 Teon bldg. NOTICES 20 NOTICE. FORECLOSING CHATTEL MORT GAGE. H. E. James and J. C. Walker, mort gagees, will on January 16, 1912, at o oclock a. m.. at no. vs lutn St., Portland. Or., cause to b sold at public auction, to foreclose a chattel mortgage, a certain lot of household furniture and personal property recently taken from No. 101 Tenth street, Portland. Or., said property consisting of such furnishings s are commonly used in a rooming house The amount of said mortgage is 360. II. E. .lames, j. c. Walker, jno. 88 Tnth St.. Portland, Or. Phone Mar- hall 1298. MONEY TO LOAN 27 Salaried People START THE NEW YEAR OWING BUT ONE PARTY 10 TO $100 ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTE. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL, TELEPHONE OR WRITE) State Security Co. 808 FAILING BLDG. Don't Borrow Money , UNTIL TOU SEE US Loans on furniture, pianos, salaries, etc.;. lowest rates. HUTT6N CREDIT CO. 807 Spalding Bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE ' Women keeping house and oters fur nished without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It and pay as jrou can. Offloes In all principal cities. D. H. Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange. Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate, of Interest. See me first rate., of Interest. S j, E, Nichols ' 616 T.nn liMv $800,000 TO LOAN ON REAL KSTATE. In sums to suit nt low rates. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO., 917 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and other articles at H usual interest rate; con- nnennai. gzn hailing bldg. MONEY to loan, large toans a specially. building loons; lowest rates; firs In surance, w. G. Beck, 812 Falling;. MONEY sold on Installment; conflden. tlal to salaried people, F. A. New- ton iit Henry mog. 11M.000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKensl ft .;o., uernnger piqg.. za ana Alder. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. It neun et i, am wapiaing bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. r ernngion, iia commercial (Jlub bldg. LOAN for the asking:, s'alarv or rh.i, ine tAisn uo an ueKurn blda. MORTGAGE loans. and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co.. $29 Stark st M ONEY to loan on real estate. "one Fmlth", bos Yeon. IChT CK loans on all securities. 8, W. ing, 46 Washington bldg. Main 6100. $6000 or part to loan In Irvlngton dis trict 7 per cent Main 1166. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate! i. L White. 701. Helling bldg. PRIVATE fundS'o loan on realty. Hy. C, Prudhonvne Co.. 807 Wilcox bldg. $4000 to loan on good realty, olty of country. R-287, Journal. ' Eoa NS made to flrms end business wen. Biggs. 711 Selling bids. - . 27 Money on Credit Something NeW This company was organized by lead- in? business men of this city to LOAN -10NEY" to Working people and other on their PLAIN NOTES, without In dorser or publicity; also on furniture, pianos, hones, cattle, storagre receipts. ana euios ai raise noneai people can afford to pay. Think This Over - Borrow 110 pay back $13.60 In 6 peyts. Borrow $25 pay back $28.95, In 8 payts. Borrow 150 pay back $56.45 In ( payts. Borrow $100 pay b'k $111.45 Jn ( pay'ta, Other Sums in Proportion NO OTHER CHARGFS. TOU CAN OUT IT TODAY, i Rebate Given If Paid Before Duer Portland Loan Co, 1 t?'. MACLEAY BLDG. Both Phones. ' !L.n!' P2- ..!,-,W",Y5 f0" 55 pan itnnty and Saturday till 9 p. m." DO YOU NEED MONEY We will furnish you, strictly confl dentlal. without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock; storage receipt and all other kinds of securities, on terms to suit; aiso on weekly or monthly payments WE BUY AND LOAN On first and second real estate mort (rages, sellers' contracts. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE! CO.. 813 Hamilton Mdg., 131 3d. faln $084 C. Frank Nichols Co, For a loan on any kind of security. IT WILL COST YOU LESS. No extra charges. Private offloe, courteous and confidential treatment tJAljJj AND (JET ACQUAINTED. 60S Lumbermen Bide.. 5fh and Stark. VE buy, we sell, we discount, we loan on anything with value. Our low rate, easy payments and fair dealing; are rapiaiy gamine ror us the reputa tion which we achlevd. Once our cus tomer, always so. G. A. NICHOLS INV. CCs 907 Wilcox bldg. MORTGAGE loans on improved prop erty, 6 per cent to 7 per cent. Han derson & Hill, 607 Spalding- bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARl-ifNO, 313 Chamber of Com. PERSONAL 23 WE have been In Portland many years, have treated over 6000 natlents snd never had a death while under our treat ments. We have Invested more money In modern machines and electrical ap paratus than any physician on the Paciflo coast We get resultajn thou sands of cases where medicines failed to help and have saed hundreds from operations after all hope had been given up. We will be glad to consult with you. We make no charges for thnt We use no medicines end do not oper ate. We use every electrical and me chanical means, baths, massage, heat and light. We can cure, do cure and have cured cases when others have failed. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchlld bldg. Dr. W. K. Mallory.'Naturopath. MEN CURED QUICKLY Modurn electric treatment fur diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin dlsases. W, L Howard. M. P., 804-6 Rothchlld bldg. DR. ALICE A. ('RIFT" Disuse of women and chlldrea, has removed to LaFayette bldg 313 Vs Washington st TAITENA, the prescription of tha late Lawson Talt, the celebrated English surgeon, for the'curt of female trou bles, to be obtained from the Hawthorne pharmacy, corner Marguerite ave. and Hawthorne. Phone B-8225. Price 60o, Dr, Burroughs Have had twenty-five years experi ence In successfully treating nervous diseases. Examination free. Suite 21, Selllng-Hlrsch bldg.. 3T614 Washington. UH WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of man. blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers swoller glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 First at, Portland. ASTHMA Cr heart trouble; wish to see the case I can't cure. LU. DOUGLAS. V. C, 338 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods. $2 boy or 3 boxes for $5, by mall. T. J. Pierce. 246 Morrison. MILLINERY school now ready for scholars. Come now: be ready for spring position or location. 306 Good- nough bldg., opposite postofflce. MME. HEATH'S dancing school, private dally; children's classes Sat. after noon; adults Sat. eve.- Waltx and two step guaranieeq in a lessons, AllBKy mag, MATRIMONIAL paper up to date; many weaunv. raper seaiea ioc. Mrs. Bell 1815 Magnolia ave.. Los Angeles, Calif. DR. A. A. AUSPLUN1X Diseases of women and surgrery. Ex aminations free. 302 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Main 4047. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness in men, by mall $1 per box, money re turned If it falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy i-o., Z4P xviorrison. MAN between 30 and 40 wishes ac- qualntance of respeotable working lady, spme means, Scandinavian pre ferred. QbJeot matrimony. A-285, Jour nal. LADIES' Loreni Antiseptic Cones are soothing, safe and sure. $1 per box. fitipt; Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison St. KLECTRIC treatment for rheumatism, nervousness. Suite 12, HIM Morrison st. A YOUNG man wishes to meet a young lady not over 27; object matrimony. B-284, Journal. SYRINGES, both spray and fountain; the $3 kind for 98 cents at Blue Jay d rug store, 53 0 Washington. Richanbaeh, the tailor, cleans, dyes, re m4els. presses clothing; work called for and delivered. 490 Wash. st. M. 8317. MANICURING, facial, scalp treatments. Open evenings. 516 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore v lest vitality; 25c box; 6 boxes. $1.26. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison St. WOMEN Use remolds wnen others fall. Sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund urug store, uu n. etn St. Main mog MRS. E. W. SACRY. chiropody and pedi curing, sal wiiuama, u-Bm. e. 2883. 5ai .M of Figs remedy for diseases ot women. BS2 Davis St. Main 9215. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANT. EXFEBT ACCOUNTANTS, EXPERT CERTIFTjHj Experienced all lines: books opened, closed, written up, financial- , state ments; private Instruction; service any where; permanent or temporary book keepers furnished. SOS Swetland bldg. Main 440. ASSAYXXS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. assayers, ana- " lytlcal chemists, 204 H Wagh. M. 7608. MONTANA asny office, laBoratory, ore testing. Marshall 2726. 186 Morrison, AUTO KEPAITUHG AUTO and general repairing, vulcanix ing. Angeles Aulo academy, 189 Union, ATTOBHETS A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law. Gen eral practice; abstacta examined. Re moved to 1424-1428 Yeon bldgr. Main THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed ft urenunmn Diag., tn rioor. IHTflPHPfimM 11. A A TTTJt'n'a - ...w,, u. 1. i iinno a"""' yrnctice. tl-tll non Dia. H. C. KORNEGAY . general tirHetloa. enl. lections. 622 Yeon bldg. Main 7375. BUBWESa CABDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks snd crossings. 81? Beck bldg. THE BARBER ABPHALT PAVIWd CO" viuMiuouiCT, .Bug niieotno Diag. BEAB3C BOOK MAIIB8 HOWH. DAVIS "COMPANY, 109 3d st, . Blank Book m'f'g.: .agents, for Jon? in proved Loosa-Leaf. Ledgers; see the new Eureka leuf, A-S183. Main 1$$. MONEY TO WA2f BXOTCEB BXFAXBXBCt BICYCLES rented and for sale. Madison- Repair Bhop. 181 Madison. cabfet ctjiabtbo JOYCE BROS.. Electrio Cleaning Works. carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1D63. 204 E. ltb N. CABFET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from oldearpete, rag rugs, oarpst cleaning. i Union ave.; near K, Morrison, 1'A carpet and rugs 151$ Patton ave. Phone WooJlawn 2688. OKXBOVODZ8TS THE WIGGERY Beauty Parlor, chirop ody, massagre, manicuring, etc 402 inrrw Ping, main 24o br. Jackson Corns removed. 26o: bun Ions. Ingrowing; nalla- no pain. 1 4K 6th. CKIKOPUACTIC PKTSIOZAS HAVK given thousands sdluTtment; 12.60 week. -Bath office t and Wash. T5R EVA MARSH cures all forms of rheumatism. 223 FUedner bldg. Main 4391, A-6218. OHTBTESB DOCTOBS Da J. L. LONG .MEDICAL CO.. .ppy- slclsn for mtn. women. 213 Alder. HING WO Medicine Co, i'hysiclan for men, women 185V4 Morrison. A-6409. CLOTHES WE pay highest price ror !d hand clothe and shoes. 373 Front. Main 4802. w c. t-A x nignest price Zd hand clothing. furniture. 27 Front M-7378. Mshl. 1853, GUARANTEE Tailor Co., 1 coats. $1 pants. $1; nutts, shoes cheap. 308 Main COAX, AND' WOOD BEST COAL LOWEST PRICES Not In the fuel combine. Gale Creek Lump, $8,50. Gale Orxek Steam. $6.50. (Holds fine all night.) Rock Creek Lump. $7.50. Comet Lump $6.50 (sacked) Buy your coal loose and save 60o per ton on these prices. PORTLAND CONSUMERS' COAL CO., East 1st and Tavlor. . Tel. E. 118. Home B-1118. GREEN SHORT WOOD GKEEN 4 FOOT WOOD INSIDE GREEN SHORT DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding The Portland Slafowood Co. Main 3119. A-7001. V, D. Smith Fuel Co, g?fi7,Vslt- Dry fir slab and block wood. HUCK, SPRINGS COAL THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. handles alf ine leaning coals. Diamond. Rock SPJ'W?8' Hannaford. etc. Prices right 846 E. Anheny. East 214. B-2.148. FROM $6.60 UP Yukon Coal Co. 4 N. 6th. Mar. 3792, A-8183 Slabwood Dry or Green Alaska Fuel Co. Alaska dock Main 198J. SOUTH PORTLAND Slabwood Co.. foot of Lincoln st Main 3153, A-3842. Slab. $3 to $4; block $4.50 to $5. Cedar $2 to $2.60. NEER & FARR irTr sawed to order. Prompt delivery. 101 Water st Main 4598.. A-4547. EDLEFSEN FUEL CO.. Mine Agts. Samples. Stcre Dept Meier & Frank. East 80S: C 2308. loai a o. f o. vooq, iz ana up. Dry slabwood. big and small Inside, block wood, plsner trlrng's, cord wood. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818. B-1867. 4 foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co., 387 Water st Marshall 960, A-3645. DELIVERED PROMPTLY X Wain 76 7. F. J. EVERTS. Ft Curry st ALBINA FUBL CO. A 11 kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Man dela coal. PORTLAND WOOD YARrD. Wood and coal; 4 ft. or sawed; wreck. age 9th and GDwan. Main 3363, A-2283. FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS-OF ttw.'1' x nvi"ir ii1 CO. SELLWOOD 485. WUUl), PHONE HOLGATE FUEL PHOEN1V FUEL CO. Cord, slab and di-y short wood. 621 8AVIER ST. MAIN 3544. STANDARD WOOD CO., box planer and corawood. 347 J. Stark. East 3816; CTTY1 MARKeT ' Wood TarJ. Cook' Bon. 3d and Clay. Main 8243. A-4333 GDOD Coal. $8.75 un per ton; quick de livery. Main 6019. CO&X.EOES AITS SCHOOLS OREGON LAW SCHOOL. 316 Commonwealth bldg. COZ.X.ECTIOZC8 WELLS MERC. AGY., EST. 1908. CUR RENT. DELINUQENT ACCTS. COL LECTED. M. 8775. 701 BD. OF TRADE OKKOON Collection Agency, 427 Ham- nion. f.xnen collectors. Main 77. PROF, credit bureau, phy. and dentists' ac, 201 Medical bid. M. 6167. A-7026. COHTXtACTOBS AITD HU1LSBS S. WINO, carpenter, all kinds Job work, furniture repaired, upholsteced, kalso m i nln g, p alnti n g. 2 3 5 6 th. Main 7648. WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and builder. Jobbing and contracting. 206 4th st. Main 6241. E. GEOKGEFF, carpenter, builder, store front and stor fixtures especially, glazing. 2 Ank eny. Marshall. 2861. HIGHEST grade carpcr.tcr and cabinet work for banks, stores and homes. V,..A'-J : z J UKILH, stone and cement work. Tel. Bell. 1660. City or country. A. T. CROSBY, contractor, builder. blng, all kinds. 708 Weldler. E. 865. DANCLKG PROF. FORD'S school of dancing, 37th St and Hawthorn ave.. classes Tues day and Thursday evenings at 8. Select dances Saturday evening. Private les- sons by appointment. Tabor 3707. lUNOLEK'S school, finest In town; classes Wed., Fn., evenings; Instruc tlon dally: elegant hall. 231 V, Morrison. D AltOTNO PROF. WAL WILLSONS dancing school, lessons 26c; waltz, two-step or three-step guaranteed In first lesson or money refunded. n Stage dancing taught quickly, 38fiH Washington St.. between W. Park and 10th sts. Phone Mnln 7637. HEATH'S school lessons 25c, fancy stage and social dancing taught dally, waltz and two step gunrarteed In four lessons; clnss and social dance Monday evening. 109 2d st, bet Washington and Stark sts. DANCINQ every evening Oregon halL Everybody welcome 7th and Oak. DliTEOTIVi AOEBCT PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 421-423 Board of Trade bldg.' De tectives, shadow work specialty. Mar shall 372. SOO AND HOXBS BOSFXTAJb BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 4086, A-4J86. Res. B. 13th. E. 6440, B-2287. SRESSIXAXIBO SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tai loring and dressmaking taught 883 K. Morrison. EUCTtBlO MOTOB8) rP9.V0HT B0,a' rentfd, repaired. B-117, Walker M'kensle El. Wks.. -106 Union. I . JUNITED Tran., 347 Madison, Express work, coal by sack or ton, trunks lOo, extra 25c, stored 7 days free. Mar. 3884. rU&NITtJBZI HUrAIBUTO - v BOWERS ft PARSONS, formerly with Tuli & Gibbs, furniture rep. reftnlshed, packed, shipped, 100 Front M. 7448. REAL ESTATE JMRECTOBY. 1 1' i i ( i in NAM-. :r.V ' ; V.- : ADDRESS) ., ,, . TKLGPanMn-. Rrong-meel CosBraay..'.,. .....Ground floor Lewis Bldg.. ...Mala and A-174J . prubaker A Benedict... ....................... 602 McKay Bids...., ...........Hats 649 : . Cbaiiln A Harlow............. .....JSJ Chnrober o Comnwr-e...... Malri ia.11 ,. Cook A Co., B. .,,. ..Joj I Corbet Bids. ...Mala 869. A-8W8J Knapp A Mackey .....7 (lumber et Commerce.. ....Mala and A-1 Oregon Real Estate Co., The ''lrl"i. V' " MaltDeaah....bat 07.- 0-170$ . gawd's, J. H. Gerllnger Bids.....,., Mala S4 4 boawsoa, laV.8L Oe....... .................... or UMav 4ta- TOOT BPscZAXXSTt F. J. KING, specialist on flat and de formed feet, will relieve tired and acning reet. callous and 'enlarged joints. ti notnctiiiq biag. Marshall imt. STATIONARY and marine, . eleotrlc, equipments: launches, accessories. wnoiesais and retail; engine repairing. ReierSon Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. oauirpmo RAZORS, scissors, safety blades ehap- enea. expert repairing, f oriiana uuv lery Co., 92 H 6th. near Stark. M. 7606, haib oooss FEBVET tc I1ANEBUT. Leadlna wis . and tounea makers finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring. lace ana seal treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 641 XOUSB CX.EANXNO CARPETS cleaned on floor, wall paper cleaning, new process. 1 Mi Orand ava. nrsiTSASrca J A3. Mcl. WOOD & CO,, all kinds insur ance, surety bonds. Railway Ex. Bldg. McCAHGAR, Bates & Lively, 801 Yeon piqg. Kvery form or insurance, oonas. OHN KEk Insurpnce, surety bonds. mtge loans. 1322 Yeon bldgi M. za KODAK PB VELOPCTO ROLLS developed free; prints, 8o up; mall orders solicited. 214 Merchants Trust bldg. BRING your kodak work, enlarging. r touching, to Rose City studio, 66 6th. UlDrES' TAILORUrO BCTHOOXi HOW WOULD YOU LIKE To Invest $12.50 and secure a perms nent Income anvwhere of from $10 to $50 per week? This can te easily accomplished Dv taking a lull course In our cuttlnar. designing and sewing school. Good cutters and sewers are constantly In de mand, uur system is simple, practical and absolutely accurate. Remember, the investment Is small. But the knowledge will last a lifetime. Either In making your own garments or as a wage earner, Investigate. CHICAGO LADIES' TAILORING AND SEWING SCHOOL. Room 406, Central bid g., 10th and Alder. LE1TKEB AKD . risDCIOl CHA8. U MA STICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every description! tap manufacturers, rmains 1CACHIWEBT a TRENKMAN & CO. HvJraullo and special pipes, screens, bagging mining machinery. All Kinds repairs. 104 N. 4tn. MACHINISTS MODEL making, repairing, machine work. Port. Magneto Co.. 63 N. Park. MSSSEKQXTB BEBTZC1 AMERICAN MESSENGER CO., 1T1H 2d st Messengers fumlshad day and night "Qulr.. service" la our motto. Marshall 1785, A-3105. RELIABLE bonded messengers, day or night service. Marshall 188, A-1411. MODXI. WOBII EXPERIMENTAL work, brass patterns and gates; repair anything, fit keys, lock and gunsmith. 213 Allsky bldg. MOTORCYCLE BEBAZAZITO REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle sup plles and repairing. 189 Burnslde. KUSIO TEAOHSBS FEILBKRG, concert plantst and teacher. Tllrord bldg., ICth and Morrison, E. THIELHQRN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk, 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1638 HATDEOFATH FKYSICIAJf DR. Catherln C. Gates. 11 years' expert ence threatlng nervous and chronlo diseases. 307 Ablngton bldg. Mar. 8143 Mrs. s-iz, l-s. OSTEOPATHIC FXTSICXAJTS Dr. W, W. Christie Osteopath, chronlo nervous diseases. 114-6 Macleay bldg. Main 6173; A-4880, DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe delist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 20 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. FAXH T, Oil. AKD 0&ASB F. E. BEACH ft CO., Pioneer Paint Co, laa f irst st. Main iaa, A-VU43. RASMLSSEN ft CO.. -"High Standard paint, ne. cor. 3d & Taylor. M., A-177K PAINT IKG AlTD FAPSKXirO FIRST class paper hanging, painting, tinting; reasonable prices, fnones Main 7089, A-4724. Residence. Main 6174, FOR BEST work, prices right, call P. A. uoane, 1U4 union ave. Kast luo. FAWnBBOXEBS UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK u years in Portland. 71 6th. Main 910, FATEBT ATTOBBETS U. S. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN 409 Chamber of Commerce Building, PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock, at-torney-at-law, late of U. 8. patent of flee: book frea 719 Board of Trade bUg, it C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat enta; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PATENTS obtained In all countries by peter Haberlln. 3Z6 Worcester bldg, FIFE IRON pipe and pipe fittings, engineers ana steam supplies, M. L. ICLINH Centrally located, 84 to 88 Front st Phones Main 617. A-2617, PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co., Factory ana orrice, 24th and Y"rk. Mam 3488. piano Ttrwiuo FRED JACOB80N, piano tuning. $2.00; in years- experience. 190 B.jMam 9481 . PLATrara wob3es 1 ; WILLAMETTE Plating Works. 208 4th. i-iaiing ana polishing, M. 34. a-tidu. FX.VMBIBO ABS 3SSATIKO J. B. CANTOR. Plumbing ft Gas Fitting, Jobbing work. 672 1st St. Main 8878. PBIUTUTO Welch Printing Co. "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper." 141 Vs 1st Main and A 4147. ' BA3SOB HOBXBO. SAFETY bladf-s,' SOo doxen: mall orders Automatic Keen Edging Co.. 133 3d. BOOFIMa, FAIBTIBO. BEFAZBIVO TIN roofing repairing, painting snd job bing. Lrsll ft Holier, 212 Jeff. M. 1424. BUBBEB STAKFa ABD SBAZ.S STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 231 etarkMaln 1407. BATES THE MORLER Safe Co.. 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened: bargalnr in Second hand safes. BECONO HABO GOODS. WH WANT your old clothes, shoes, fur nlture: highest prices paid. M. 8658. 8BWXBO MACHINE! SEWING machines sold for storage charges best bargains In the city, drop heads and box topn, all makes. $2 up; expert repairing cheap guaranteed. 2S Columbia, between 2d and 3d. "SINGER sewing machine store. Used , machines your own price. 383 Morrls'n a-wac. ........ .ai. son, -a-hm BEST In Portland. - See them. Washington st S. E. Gilbert. SHOWCASES AJTO TZZTUSXB R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG., Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and store fixtures mad to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.2708. JIiaiT A2T9 SKOWCAKOS FOSTER & KLEISER Signs: the lar. gest sign makers in the northwest. E. 7th and E. Everett its. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. RANN SIGN CO.. qualitj and serrloa. 889 K. Alder sr East 6303. 80SA rOUKTAIHS SODA fountains and supplies on easy terms. , r. ti. uunn. spoyj, wash. BTEHOOItPaaU. COUKT BEVOBTE3U OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n.. 404-408 ADington. M. 6037, A-6336. Depositions. TAJxoaard' ATTENTIBBH. KRBUZER CO.. HIGH. LIFE TAILORS. We are live tailors for live nmnli Are you living? if not, remember us at 111 12th street, between Washington and Stark streets. ALFRED OGILB3E. 310 Labbe bldg, ij and WHMhlnB-tr,n Cut,. A .,. NORTHWEST TAILORS. FOR LA b'lElB W uCWTLiBM EN. 3 N. DTH ST. TATLOBIHO SCKOOI, KIESTER'S Ladles Tailoring college. leam dressmaking, tailoring. 148H nth TAXXDXmXIBT F. J. BREZEE has moved to 108 Ce- lumpin, netween r ront ana jst. TOWEL SUPPIiT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. iowei rtuppiy vo.. in ana uoucn sta $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. TSLaUrsrES AID TOBAOJI C O. PIC:: Transfer 8torage Oos, flees and commodious 4 story brlok warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods in our through' cars to all dnmootln ana (onln polntB. Main 59S. A-J996. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agentaV Btorairn free tmcknir Offices and storage. 474 Olisaa street. corner istn and unsan. PhnnM, M.ln CO i.HAA PORTLAND Van Storage Co., cor. llTE and Everett sts., just opened, new est most modern storage warehouse In city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods: lowest In. surance rate In northwest: free track age, vans for moving". Main or A.IKSft MTJTABOR EXPRESS & sT'R'Gd C)6" Trips to Mt Tabor dally., Also olty novlng- and express, 114 Grand. BL PORTLAND TRANSFER ft DELlVUHY wu., ivo vasn. storage, piano, furn. moving. Main 810, A-1604. NORTHWE8TKRN Tr.r.. Ai.'ia I F.roo!-1- !n!r5L transfer and storage. Main 448. A-4468. W. JOHNSON Express ft Coal Co.. Phone C-3168. B-3216. PROMPT deliveries all parts cltv. 37 Dawson. Main 7981. A-8718 Taylor. TYFEWBITEBB ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun "'"gharti Co.., 231 Stark. Main 1407. Typewriter a sippiies Co. Rebuilt u lianu. ItiYt ZO It Mar. 419. CTaoi.BTEBEBl CARTWRIGHT A CO., 188 Madison, up- '. lurnnure repairing and na:tr,HBrfi work guaranteed. Phone Main 6335. TXTEBIBABIAB' MODERN veterinary hospital, 415 E. 7th. cor. Grant . Dogs, cats treated, board ed. Dr. Q. H. Huthman. B-1962, E. 1847. WXX.Z, DBJX.Z.tB'O DRILLING wells a specialty ; prloes rea sonable Call Main 1848 or writs R. West. 182 Morrison st WEOLIBAL JOBBEBJ KVERDING A FARRicLI produes and iw,mmJaion tnrchants. 140 Froni art. Portland. Or. Phone Mnln 179. M A rilTNIT P. rr DISTRIBUTORS OF-FNfiIQARS PORTLAND: 6rT WAuhams ft CO.. wholesale grocers. ndaOaUkastsUrer' n1 "e- roatr,t' th Mukuan WaLL paper co.. ili li st, between Salmon and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIeR" TBABSFOBTATZOBI STEAMEBS YALE and HARVARD Portland tr Trtts A naaiA. A Portland to horn Aiiffeles, flrit CUBS s,,...,,., 11 II Po,l Los Angeles.' Voina Portland to LoV ' Anwi 'round trip, first class . BBLTO S0!8" J lan JWo. tourist. . Oo Port tolan .le0' class toM Portland to Ban Diego, round trip, first class mm BAILBOAD TO BAB TBAJT CISCO, the exposition city connecting with the fa mous new turhlna mti !,..,. Vif. and Harvard, largest and fastest strict- Jn ?'Fer "'? 0n tn c"t; carry no freight except express matter; aver age speed 2 miles per hour. Baggage checked though to destination. SaUiiTg i"St" .?ea ,weefc Breal mo notony by stopping over a few hours. ?rvTwLd,ay'.',.at San rranol"0, thenoe travel where the sea is as smooth aa glass and 99 per sent oft hi f..--. ll are not sick for the short voyage of 18 hours. Make reservations early. San Franolsoo, Fortland Sj Z, A. gg, OO. HUM BOZJAM. Aa-sna. A-eoaa ma Third Bt EXPRESS steuimers for San Francisco and Los Angeles "iinuui unANOBi- s. a. sear, 4 p. m., January 10. Ban Francisco fa jroruana bs. OO. Ticket Off los 14a . Third 81 Phones -Main 403 and A-14Q9, SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGKLK8 AMI SAN DIEGO DIRECT KOBTH FACXFIO U. St. CO. 8. . BOAKOKB and B. B. EI.DZB SATtj veunrBuy, aiiernaieiy, at V P. III. u&jliuq jl ii iru, near Alaer. Phones Main 1814, A-1314. . MARTIN J. HIGLET, Pass. Agent. W. H. SLUBBER,- Freight Agent C 0 O S B AY LI NE '" BTEAMBB BBZlXWITra . Balls from Ainswortn dock, Portland. I p. m. every Tuesday. . , Freight received ai ainiwurin ouck aany up to p. m. Passenger af are, first class $10: second SJ.""."'. TV.lnolu.,5.,n''r meaI" snd berth. Phone Mai. ana Main 368. Main 170. A-i2$4. A IvRBl U11IVO AlllBWVnn UOCJK. 101