THE OREGON SUNDAY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7, 1912. .'.SII'S VHIHS DRiiiG FAME JO VVAYJORPROGR V, I frMIOKCIIY 2 FiFiri EBH .SSSSSfew ,. .gSJBJBW . .Plw .IX . SBBBWa USDS Mi BY ROAD Dress Goods Workers Hunger '. Because Slim Skirts Throw Armies of Workers Out of Employment In France. By William Philip Stmma. . Parts. Jan. fc -Fifty thousand men ; nid -women In and about Roubalx mf cold and hungry; moat of them eat. bat rthey have not enough; some are utterly 'destitute.? Dame Fashion, hobble eklrt d, blindly copied by woman verjrwhere. i la to blame. And Roubalx la not tne iniy district ' Brarywhare that dress Tooda are made, tba situation la mora ar less tba same. During tba pact rw tba leew U washes f tba poor at Roubb& he only local llty eoncarnlna Whlob statistics available amauntad ta bo Jew than S4.000.00S.: ' The bardaat part t the winter la yet New Administration Prepares to Install Sewer System and Pave Streets; Plan Business Blocks. 5 ' fSoaelal ft The loamal. Tillamook. Or Jan. . Tba year 191S will be one of unusual proaresa in Tilla mook, according; to the present outlook. The sentiment in favor of ehrio Improve ment la greater than ever before. The advent of railroad transportation aeema to have awakened a new pride la the city and to have Inspired a desire for better conditions. The administration, whloh took over tbe affairs of government this week, lost no time In getting the new Ideas under, way. - At .an Informal meeting neia several days Before tne new mem bers took of fine ; they engaged A. I Richardson, a Portland engineer, to make preliminary plans for the eon- atruotion or a sewer system. This ao Uon was rati fled at the first regular meeting, ; Tuesday evening; " - . " ' : grapnioai map of the city is to be mads 40 to do cents a poona; bui b - land the location of the main sewers de auert. no vegsUbles avauawe; : me termmed. eheaDMt coal SIS a ton. These are the things" that 'the 10,000 idle at Boubatx and their children are facing now. Cer. talnly, poorly fed n the cheapest ..j- . w4.k ..... .NMi.ti i 0kt mhmt. xuvua. iu - man nnh m. m i - ' .A- m am- of thMI will not Survive .r non mwi mm !..T!JlV?S3 I nZ 7t P have been formulated and the eiic wiumi v mbiw 1 Sond, Klmlt The sewer system was made Bosaibla i oy an am end moot to the city charter I passed at the last election. The amend ment raised the bond limit of the city strong old ' and the otherwise ZeeDiev will go down and out. martyrs, along with the fur bearing animals and the gaily plumed birds, to the vanity of . .women. . Sjitput Cut U Xalf. The cause of the present trouble ts simple. Whereas, eight yards of ma terial used to be required to a dress. three and four yards are now ample; In csome cases even less. Booresof dress factortes-linve been forced to close r ooet of the system has been estimated, the necessary bond issue will be sub mitted. . . Street paving will also be considered by the new council. This matter has been delayed In order to avoid the tear ing up of the pavements to lay sewers. An ordinance passed a short time ago aerinea a district in which no more wood sidewalks may be built. A proposed ordinance which -has been dlaoussed provides for parking the space between tne curb lines and the sidewalk. It is residence part of town and to make the parkway as wide as possible. The building outlook Is favorable. Three residences are under construc tion, A railway station la to bo built end a 140,000 hotel and a bank build ing are being considered. The need of a modern hotel has been evident for some time, yet there are three frame hotels here. Since railroad transporta tion was inaugurated, all of them have been overcrowded. ' FEATURE 0 F IS HIE PRODUCTS dlaoharge most of their employee Tho I planned to have narrow roadways in the .chairman of the textile manureoturer. association declares that tho Industry baa never faced such a crisis. : In addl tlon to the hobble skirt crass in the United States tariff is practically pro hibitive, and accordingly there are no sales to speak of in America, The desire of women to imitate men. says the chairman, la, in bis opinion, tho cause for the ludicrous hobble skirt. They want to look Ilka men, dressing in about the same amount of material as would ' go Into one trouser leg and vest. Of course there Is a super-exag geratlon of the affect, women, so tying themselves up that they can neither walk nor move with grace. Tot there is no economy to the wearers of the hob blea dress costs today the same as It did when skirts were full perhaps even more. When the hobble skirt came In at the door of fashion, tho petticoat flew out the window or bid In the Junk trunk up In the attic. There U no demand for the article Women are wearing silken. knitted bloomers instead, Tho women and girls (principally) who formerly .made their living la petticoat factories. are also idle. ; Women's faulty Zxoorlated. But, says the Petit Parlslen. Which i paper sent a special correspondent ro i most, unique dinners ever served In Itoubalx to Investigate the calamity I Spokane will be ariven Januarv 10 n, (.women have always suffered In an af- I Spokane hotel, when the annual meet ; fort to look pretty: they torture them- I ing of the Buylng-at-Home league of 4 selves so not one oould expect them to I Spokane will be held. The only edibles let a little thing like 80.000 men and I will be those grown or made at or near (women and children, rreenng, starving I Bpoicane. The viands are to he served and out of lobs, ston them: otherwise I on dishes manufactured in thl cdtv tther "simply wouldn't have a thing tonnd the cigars will be Tlor de Bpo fwear." - .. Ikano.'' -..:-.::.,,:,. The dinner will prove a anrnrfaa to guest as it is unlikely that even the best Informed among them as to me resources or the Inland Bnralra enjoys full knowledge of its capacities to spread the table with home grown uuinwes irom sup to walnuts. -. The league has. blocked out extensive plans to educate the Spokane publlo during 1911 into the profitable and nraiaawon. toy naini oz Buying BDOkane made moiIi and thus encouraging Spokane Indus. tries. Buylng-at-Home League of Spokane Plans - Unique Campaign. tllrtwM e "Hi- 1m .1 1 Spokane, Waslu Jan. . One at the Mf CUT CHINESE WILL CELEBRATE Celestials to ; Parade Tomor- row in Frisco; Old Order of Things Dropped. Trapped Wildcat Fights Opton. , IBpeclel to The JoornaLI Dee, Or., Jan. . A Japanese of Dee caught a bobcat In a steel trap in the woods and thinking It would make a nice pet.-went for assistance. While endeavoring to lead and to drar the animal home, one following behind with a chain, the animal broke away and started after th Japanese who was In the lead. The latter made a run for-a tree, landing just before the oat. tho trap and the chain hindered the animal from climbing. The Japanese on the ground oommenced dubbing the ' ani mal, whereupon It turned, broke loose and started for him. The one up the tree then climbed down and killed the .cat ' (tTslUd Pnse Tim 1 Wln.1 . . Saa Francisco. Jan, San Francis co's Chinese population is today prepas- rng zor what probably will be the first big celebration by celestials In. the Uni ted States in honor of the new China. Zt will be held tomorrow. Contrary to custom tne rets wui not ce of tne usual spectacular kind. Inatead It will be very much Americanized, the majority or tne mou Bands or celebrants being i cjnouelesa,. ' American-educated Chinese In American clothing and with American 1 Ideas. ; The great yellow dragtms and oriental robes will be missing and pr&c- xwauy au mat wui remain typical o( nni - V,iwm xivLfLi"?' w,u th roi An extra A parade will be one of tho big fee tares of the day and the American trained musicians will Include among their renditions such typically American selections as "San Francisco, You're a r ana tne "UtiMly Bear" rag. At a banquet In the evening the speak- ere will wear the conventional swallow. tall and will speak on such subjects as I "Liberty and the "Fundamental Prln-1 . cipiea or nen-uovernment" COLOR LINE' IS DRAWN - , IN CAPETOWN SCHOOLS! Stomach to Work Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Will Ddrtbt Work of Two of Three SordachV Affords Instant KelietV..., TMXB TUU PAOXAOa. 1 When your food does not direst. hen gases form, when yon experience that uncomfortable feeling f fullness. when the breatn - is foul, the tongue i ooatea ana tnat sour taste is In the mouth take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab let and watcn now quickly every one of these symptoms disappear. All that waa needed waa to digest that lump of food In your stomach, and the glands, whose duty It Is to supply the gastrlo ; Publishers' Piece' bated Wire.) Ca.po.Town, Jan. . -The Judgment delivered In the Moller case in which a man's . children were dnharmi w school because their mother was "off. Nulces had "imply given out from over- cojorea,- naa an important bearing on I worlt waen yu oa tnat little the i interpretation of the term "Eu-1 tb,t you were supplying exactly, what ropean". In the act of union. I was necessary to complete the process xne cmef Justice, in announcing the I OI Q1c,uon tnat tne stomacn had be- ogciaioa, wa tne (Jape school board I MU w xiuiaua. act of J906 was designed to promote separate publlo schools for children of European parentage .and children other than European parentage. The court was unable to Ignore the unlver aal meaning attached to the term "Eu- . If you would continue . to take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet after Mh meal for awhile, your stomach would have a chance to rest up and get well i and strong 'again."' -.'v Try Just one box and you will never ropean" throughout South Africa. When wnt t0 without this wonderful lit once It waa established that one of a tle remeay or stomaoh troublea Stu man's nearer ancestors, whether mat rt' Dyspepsia Tablets contain an in- or female, was black or yellow, be was , . Jr ,wlch will au bwv v.vv kiaiii vjb iwu, . xoer are SO entirely harmless because th ....- absolutely no effect on the system one way or another except to do Just the one thing digest food. ' ,vvd physicians use anil regarded as being of - "non-European" descent. i ,v . )..!. ,:..,,. It was regrettable that there should be a social chasm between tho races, but it undoubtedly existed and affected I.,l,l,t4nn tKMiLkiint Oa..4U A j I ' ...vvv uiijaiviBUI UBS Snffl '. MM. t... term "European" p.renug. the V ?J- wiature meant -unmixed European" IntiMimimtmJl -av .'-tm psrentega and Moller-s children oould Se.Vni ?re P'I,.,A "a,mo,!L not ie regarded a. on. of -European" gtuart Col iso ',," "" larentag a Btuart Co, 150 Stuart Bldg Marshall. Mien. ' i . , . , Positively the Greatest Furniture Sale in the History of Portland-Don't Delay-Jf rYou AreG Jturmture Within the IMext 1 wo rrearsi Buy atr Once RUOS1 RUQS1 EVERYBODY WANT8 RUOS OADSBT HAS THE LARGEST SHOW OF RUGS IN THE STATE Clearance Sale Room Size Rugs 625 Patterno to Choobc From i -assr-SBessiS)SiS ii- ' " fl.' ' - . Five rtclra like picture, each tarrying 125 patterns. ' Run from 12x15 to 6x9 feet on display. Anglo-Persians, Indians, Arabians, Royal Worcesters,. Bagdads and Tepraes 11 1 are ' hers at bottom price. Some special bargains: - Basad Wiltons, 9x12 feet .... ... . ..... ... .$29.50 Sanf ordY AxnuAsters, 9x12 feet . $23.00 Extra Axminstert, 9x12 feet .$25.00 Saxony Axxniiuten, 9x12 feet ............ . .$18.50 Sussex Velvets, 9x12 feet :. . : . . ... ........ .$17.50 Metropolitan Brussels, 9x12 feet .... . . ... . . .$18.00 Eureka Brussels, 9x12 feet .$12.50 Special Brussels, 9x12 feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9.50 A Great Clearance Saleiof Iron Beds $10:00 Mission Rocher, $5.50 .Where .Can You Buy Rock- er? Uke This?f or $5.50? in s ga WMhwmmw 3.S0 Iron Beds 1.95 $4.50 Iron Beds ....... ;.f 3.50 S5.00Iron Beds .....;..f3.T5 $7W Iron Beds ...... ... . f 5.78 (20.00 Brass Beds ,,...14.50 $25X0 Brass Beds .....f 18.00 Can Cover Your Floors Better for Less Money Than Any Store in Oregon Gadsbys'-Big-Spedal, Brussels Rug, 9x12 feet, at These Rugs are special. qtmlity with tis. We have them In a variety of patterns; the colorings and general designs are certainly ex- JQ CA cellent. Gadsbys'. special price only ... . . ....... .... ..... , vieOU $9.50 Saleof HeatirigStoves Cohtiri qes Solid Oak Rocker, exactly like cut," madV of fine , se lected oak, wifh i large up holstered "Boston leather seat on steel springs,' high back, finished either.weath ered or golden oak Regu lar price $ 10.00. Gadsbys' Clearance price $5.50 This Davenport Has Automatic Action Gadsbys Special Seven Piece Dining Room Suit at $29.50 This seven-piece Dining-Roonv Outfit is solid oalc,. con sisting of six chairs, solidfoak box-seat, -arid 'solid-oak table, massively constructed' and .beautifully -polished, golden or fumed oak. Gadsbys' Clearance price $29.50 This $40.00 Range at $.29.50 Has . a receptacle for bed ding. ;Makes a . comfortable bed. . Frame is of oak; seat and ! bacfc are . upholstered over, o i 1 - t e m p e r e d steel i springs;; covered in Chase; leather. V Qearance price pnly v,. $22.50 Sold on Easy Terms " i , tl a II ..fl . i v BsSBBSassBBBMSjsssBBSSBSBjBsjsBjsaasfh - i . , Range, with its high closet Daiance . qven . aoors. l nis is a hevy substantial and durable range,, made of. the best quality cold-rolled steelp adapted for Coal , or wood ; oven . t h o r o u g h 1 y braced and bolted v and i as bestos alined .throughout nickel-trimmed section plate top.j- Gadsbys Price' $29.50 Extension Tables at Clearance Sale Prices . $15 Exten'n Table, $12.50 - j $18 Exten'n Table: $1,K.nO " J ' $25 Exteii'ii: Table,: $20.00 sf $35 Exten'n Table, $27.50 hu $45 .'Exten'n Table! $35.00 $50 Ex.ten'n Table $40.00 $G0 Exten'n ;Table $46.50 ... .. ..... . ... .'-....v. .. . ... . "0 K-V, 7 .r: MlearaiiceSafe of Dressers $11.50 Princess .Dresser with oval or shaped French bevel ' mirror, finished golden; regular $15.00 value .Gadsbys' special. $7.50 Here Is a Dresser that others aslt , $12.00 for.? Gadsbys', price for this'' sals ".'...;..T.T.fT.r50 : IJ'.i .iJt -i.-v v- 8 J - i ,i ... , .ii. m.i. , , , , , ,, , i ." 3aBcgsafea ' " "v?jy ? v,"'-'" f'i-, Such Price Cutting We Have No Rent to Pay; ThaVs Why We. Sell for Less Our Exchange Dept Is Seldom Equaled ..r.r. . 2ss4sSfS wonderful story of prlc cutting tha ( I f " VA lU J V I . y' to take it as part payment on. the kind Is seldom equaled. .No; other sale V V 111 LILaVL) V LVl J iJi I 1 ;(0Xf V JJ ) 0 ) wanfr-the.'Oadsby kind. We'll -eyer held in this city means so much' C " " .'.r.TfT" s LXM y . V, sy J UlJfL make you a liberal allowance for your to , hornebuilders at no . other time - ' ! L L--ifL'. ' goods, and wel sell you new furnl- could you buy such goods for so lit- i -fYll J Kfi3?CKuJ tu. f 1 low P"c9- 1' "". f urni'' tie. .We are compelled to give you ' , ,-n-fJl7I7y wll be promptly delivered and your .JSr5r ': oMattcrat.YouXVnnt In Furniture... ' " :. BSrtfS.S BJLSfSA Vrot'' ch",c' V-,.-; (Sesflolby OeflHo itifoKr'ILeeo 'isssuass! iJiiiiii .1 1 1 . 1 1 n .I. : i v-1 - iTii... , . .'. t i i- ? ;'',! i '. - i-. ; ,, .', ,;vf .; j ,::,..,. ,-,'V;. v."; in