THE OREGON DAILY f JOURNAL) PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY g, 1312. V IMS REM CALLED SAFE BET Accused Former Banker's M8 ? tive In Agreeing to Pay Sum for Arrest of Person Who Stole Papers Questioned. 11 LAND BOARD Latter. Refuses td Hear State ment From Him That Can't " Be Wade Public. cbutea Land company,- following the de mand of the Desert Land board that ha furnish a detailed statement, of , the With a corps of deetectives employed I dealings of the company with settlors. on each aids to keep tab on . tea otoer, i was broken today In, ad ; unesDeeted way. the prosecution and defense In the cast J state v Treasurer Kay Came - before the of Louis J. Wilde are awaiting tne open- i noara tnia afternoon with the announce- in nf 'tha trial next Monday and kJ-ep-1 ment that he bad the statements . re Jng an ear open for expected explosions, quired from Morson, but that they were Nothing- pas been reported to tnrow I T. u . 1 uvh nn h. M.ntltv of those u"u'tt puono ana mat ir who entered the offices of the district not agree to keep them attorney and A. K. Clark on New Tcr s u"f oover he would not submit them ntsht when evidence connected with untu h", hl communicated with Morson. the Wilde case was stolen. Each side B"o he aia not propoee to act as clings to the theory that ths other was I go-between but that he thought the responsible, though the attorneys u-1 rePort should be read for the sake of . 11 v liomuu uu liivu i tHjci vou or re jected, according: to the will of the uovernor west objected to such a deal and made a motion that the state ment be not received until, it came free from conditions. - Tbla motion not to accept Morson's) report with Strings at- leonea earned ana the statement was anybody In four months. Mr. Wilde Is I put back into Its original envelope. perfectly safe in offering; the reward I nay stated in a general way that it ' CSeleia Bureaa of The Journal.) Salem, Or., Jan. 6. The state tax commission completed another Import' ant division of Its annual, work last evening wheh the valuation of the pub lic service corporations by countlss was mads out The completion of this work was timely as i almost one dosen tele grams came In from the various coun (Salem Barm of The Jonm.l.i ' ' "e ssklng for the different valuations 61 era. Or., Jan. B. The long silence tn wor r county levies is of J. E Maraon T.rMt h. Tv)m progress over me state. Tne county tually exonerate each other from any knowledge or complicity. ; Deputy District Attorney Fltsgerald today ridiculed the offer of $1000 re ward made by Wilde for the arrest and conviction of tha burglars. ; "He Is making a safe bet." said Fits-: geraM. '"The way the courU work It, would be aacimnossibillty t0 convict valuations are Total value of ' property assessed ana apportioned. Total from en those ' conditions.1 Since the publication of J. B. Teon's Statement that Mr. Clark's office was not entered by forcing ithe lock on the eoor of his room, numerous theories have been advanced as to now tha Job was dona. No one .. in the office of Clark la suspected, but it Is pointed out that several persons have pass keys - to the offices and that It : would have been easy for, any person contempating ouch a job to get an Impression of a key, so a key could be made to-fit the lock. Entering In this way the mutlla-, tion of the escutcheon around the knob would have required only a few min utes' time. ' . ' A report that Wilde 'bad a serious -disagreement with his senior counsel, "Dan J. Malarkey. last night, as a re sult -of which Malarkey contained a list of all sales and names Of buyers but that It did not contain their postofflce addresses. A letter in which Morson declared he would not make a report to be published abroad was read to the board. CHARG $ HUSBAND FOR E DIVORCE BY TRICKERY Biur . . . . Benton Claokamas i , Clatsop .... Columbia .. Coon Crook Curry Douglas . . . Gilliam .... Orant Harney .... Hood River . Jackson .... Josephine . . Klamath . . . Lake ...... Lane Lincoln .... Linn Malheur . . . Marion .... Morrow .... Multnomah . Polk Sherman . . , Tillamook . . Umatilla. ... Union Wallowa . Wasco . . . .. Washington Wheeler . . . Yamhill . . . MJl.TOf 928.BJ7 4,181.944 I9MS4 1,974.761 816,849 852,785 6.529 . 1J1.178 1,361,661 til. 065 4,541 2.114. 985 4,618,187 1,837,081 488.079 23.102 ,S66,156 844.098 8,618.744 1,604,614 4,665,464 2,771.067 29.026,480 1.590,97. 2,665,764 263,623 12,100.798 8,384,478 1,267,828 8.105.790 2,003,126 3,278 1.102.800 . state tax counties. t ' 77,189.00 40,648.50 1J6,UI.70 7J.ifJ.t8 61.618.00 68,663.25 39,699.76 12,095.76 109,611.00 80.834.25 26,497. ()0 26,972.0 36,430.00 106,831.00 38.198.60 47,464.76 25,006.78 124,679.00 . 24.501.60 102.117.00 83,791.09 . 141,712.60 34,20 f. 60 1,01)8,751.26 69.101.00 28,858.00 49.2S8.S0 1J7, 966.78 71,678.76 36,648.26 ' 63.181.75 76.209.50 14.J78.25 70.372.75 under a charge that Frank Holton obtained a divorce from her by trlck- snlgbt retire ery, Mrs. Josephine Holton, nee Jose- from the case, was vigorously denied to- phlne Krebs. member of the wall inn.n day by Jay Bowerman and a B. Bum- galem family of hop raisers of that ner. attorneys for Wild. Mr. MlarkeyMm. ,. Wi, , . A. was not at bis of flee and could not be I ir:."7'., "7J .''r reached. Tha Other attorneys aald the , "u- report had ne foundation, other than temporary alimony. Ths case was that Wade and Malarkey perhaps had ysaxeroay. wnen the attorneys an ererument. - Knowlnr, the temoera- rn ovar the question of alimony. - - - i i r . T"-.1 tih . - . m.ntal tM of toth Malarkev and WMfla. I uou-uiwra lonn n they aald it was net surprising that b,a.ld ' " 'or H"!1' Rnd ,3 reports should go out of a heaUd r-for l!1 month during their iarlima&i' xj i n i v 14 Uvea. Tfatt flivoroe(JhuiibilnA-Ji Wm hiva WaA artrnmrim with WtTrlA tlhat she already received rents, from ourselves," Telaarked Bumnsr, , vruperiy in aounaaniiy proviaea rer vw, . ajuv yuuuuii unu.r viwrfH mnm JUDGE BEAN ASSESSES U00- Soon after the marriage. It Is aiiegea, sne aispoverea nis name was When. jln asked - him -C0ST,.0N JJEFEND ANT SSf J5--r Ito change- his name and give their child Judge Bean In the United States court a legal name, he explained to d' so today rendered an opinion and order la would naceasiute a divorce. the case of the Pacific Power A Light I rs. tionon siatea sne.agreea to tne Kmpany; against the iKydro: Electric 1 aivorea. yiniy eonunuea living togetner company, in which the plaintiff sought! "' '"""" "J. w".u jb. uuuou to cause removal -of power lines of the she discovered Holton bad married defendant from close proximity to Its "lr-tn irXh t.j t)!.'. I months previous to this date. The sec- own lines in Hood Jtlver and adjacent I . . i h.n .tar lerrltory. . Upon the report of expert ri. " a'TlXZ i. . " .7 ... "T ""'T . T"" aside ths marrlags of Miss Clark to s Mwesi tew mmma to eaen etnev to m unitmi iimnunii win K- KnntinM ana kiibbii ur this afternoon. consiaeraDie property U aiterauons to piace tnem -:x surricient involved in the case. The woman al- ilistance, the defendant to pay the gost leges ber motner furnished much of the of Che work. " :' .,j money with which to Improve part pf jla tse esses or rrestaesv svans ana tne property. BuMiiatendent GUI ef the defendant company, rtt4 for contempt, the court I TUC A TDC PhY HCPIP gxoneratea Evana and holda nili -waa I 1 1 1 J -n . V w n vi n-w ; cuilty onjy of technical contempt. ' QUI . 4a directed to pay the costs of tha con tempt proceeding. .t Total . . t .8106.626 J07 11.061,816.78 BECOMES CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY SHERIFF - Michael Murnane, 626 Mississippi ave nue, this morning Tiled his declaration of Intentions to become a candidate at the primary election for the office of county sheriff. "A square deal, and Justice to all" Is what he wishes to Knave placed after his name on the bal lot He Is a Republican. The declaration reads as follows: - "If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office obey the oath Of office. I shall do Justice to all. I stand for the full enforcement of the law, and I promise to give a good, hon eet, economical bualnessllke adminis tration; treating rich and poor alike. I have had 10 years' experlens as a peace officer and detective, and If elected. I shall use every effort to apprehend and bring to Justice the criminals that have so- lar disgraced te 4me -of -this and adjoining counties, and eo all In my power to prevent crime In the future." UNCLE SAM OVERSEES NICARAGUANCUSTOMS RAIDED BY BURGLARS While the . Janitor of the Bungalow theatre. Robert Blair was UDStalrs j ma m uraaa jury. . working and Neil McKinnon, the assist- if- Batowin rairehiid, a. Chetko Indian ant cashier or tne tneatre was across f rem tha Sllets reservation, was ar- the street eating breakfast shortly be- Tatgaed today before United States Com- fore 10 o'clock this morning, two rob- mlssioner. Cannon and bound over to bers got into the box office of the Bun- awatt the action of the grand Jury on falow theatre, and by prying off the at charge of Introducing liquor on the lr0n bars which were In front of the reservation. SEVEN MORE : ARE GONE Bush -& Lane Piano Co.' : Grand Annual Clearance Sale a Great Sucxess. '. In the face of the coldest day of the year, seven more pianos were sold yes terday in the Bush & Lane great Clear- , ance Bale. Seven more buyers, who, after shopping all over town, found , here the moat extraordinary values ever offered aay where. Here you'll find piano after piano, like sew: some returned from renting, tber taken In aa part payment on the famous Buah A Lne Planoa and Player Pianos, and others slightly shopworn, At price that make piano buying now a positive duty. LOOK 11 Ballet Si Davis tun nucn. ratz I. lareeat sic. I i.'1nv Jus new, cost " 887, now 8286. Another HalJet 4 Davis, largest slae, Ml 5. bl snap for $196. Tbeilln, finest mahogany ease, s splendid value at $851), now only $216. Another Thellln, elegant condition, the $$60 style, for only $210. ' Bush 4k Lane baby grand. In finest Jnanogany, piano used by prominent mueic teacher now in fcurope, cost f $09. now only $496. v' Bush . Lane player piano, genuine oak case, used for demonstrating pur- roaes and as good s new, the regular $60 style, now only $685. i Victor, larpeet slse. beautiful walnut - case, was $Sl6arare value at $190.' -, htelnway, dark case, good condition. , cost new $500. now only $188. Victor piano, fine mottled walnut, coaf new $37$, now only $168. 4, Another Victor, only used three month. Just like new. was $$76, now only $248. ft Robinson, good practice piano for be ginners, originally $860, now only $90, . .Werner, burl walnut, excellent con- anion, regular sz, now only $186. n.nignt annaernorr. aunerh mihnn, any, can't be told from new, was $860. new only 1268, . v Vose, elegant mahogany, splendid condition, new $400, now -only- $198, Another Vose. only used ehort tima, Just like new, cost $400, now only $376. .v A superb Bush Lane, in art style ran, traded In for player piano, cost ouu, now oniy mt, . A fine Bteinway. excellent condition, errepted aa part payment on Bush 4 I-a player piano. cot $600. now only "'"kO-nST BACK IT TOtf WTMt. Lah and every pianos will be found exartly aa represented or money back. Furthermore, we will accept any in strument pun-has ed during this sale any time within a. year toward pur. rdaae of another and allow every penny rM. '- " - Terms as tow as $4 and $S a month ran be arranged. . Pon't wait. Don't llny.- Coma, see and Judge for your aolf. Bwxh A Lao piano Co., $66 Wash inrwn irtreet, Ma)estle Theatre build lug. jpen Saturday evening:. , ,,.. ticket and money cabinet stole $54 of the advance sale money. The front door of the building had been .left open by the Janitor, and It was through this that the men got into the building. Then by forcing the bolt on tne door or tne dox oince, mey gained access to the little room. U. S. IS PREPARING TO SEND TROOPS TO CHINA (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington. Jan. 6. - Preparations are being rushed today by the state and war departments Indicating that the dispatch of tf oops to China is im The state department telegraphed Minister W. J. Calhoun at Peking, ask ing that he submit at once a detailed statement of the present status of the revolution. The war department was ssked to be ready to send transports irom Manna at a moment s notice, and the Fifteenth infantry, at Manila, with a full war strength of 1600 men. was at once telegraphed to be ready for embarkation order at an Instant's no tice. OFFICER COMING kOR EMBEZZLER SUSPECT Authorities front Los Angslea are en their way to Portland to take F. C5. Smith, who confessed- to being wanted in that city for embezzlement, back to stand trial. Smith is the man whe as Dr." J. C. Day, was arrested several days ago, and who proved a mystery for a few days to ths police. He is wanted in uaiiromia for defrauding Nellie JC Bell. The California police will bring requisition papers along, although Smith says he will go of his own accord. Smith Is a morphine and cocaine fiend. CONSUMPTION STRIKES STAR OF "BLUE MOUSE" H i United Preaa Leas Wlr. New Tork, Jan. 6. Reports received here today from Saranao Lake state that Mabel Barrtson, who won notable success as the star In the "Blue Mouse. is dying of consumption. In private life Miss Harrison 'is the wife of Jo seph Howard, the song writer. " - , . .. . To Transport Young Fish JFTee, An order lias been issued by. General Fw ind Pigr Agent Comaa of .!.'. P'. 8" th ttntll Peoember 8L Ml., the lines under his direction w' transport free .of charge can of i-Sl..1?.h ",d ot "h " Pn ffwnutlon of credentials ; from the United states commissioner of fish and nsneriee. A messenger must accom pany the fish and must be provided with 1 0,rltn soiss-uneat, Uans pprteuon era,-, .,.r (BdccUI to Tha I-a-a.l.t San Francisco. Jan. 6. Ths United States government has formally takan charge of the custom" houses of Nicara gua, this action, it is said, being taken to secure a loan of $10,000,000 recently made by J. P. Morgan to Nicaragua Colonel C, Q. Ham of New Tork has been put in charge. NATION DOES HONOR TO ADMIRAL EVANS AS "TAPS" SOUNDS president Tatt and the CubineC, To gether With Foreign Representa tives, Attend the Funeral pf Late Naval Hero..'. ., (Dsltag Prast Lessed Wlra. Washington, Jan. 8.- With President Taft Admiral Pewey, Lieutenant Gen eral Nelson A. Miles and practically the entire cabinet and diplomatic corps rep resenting all foreign countries attend ing, the funeral or near Admiral kod- ley D. Evans was held here this after noon. More man luuu men, represent ing the army and . navy, escorted ' the body to Arlington cemetery, ana mere presented arms when "taps" was sounded over the grave. A salute of IS euns was fired. , The funeral services were held in AH Souls' Unitarian church at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. -Lined up in front of the edlfioe were two companies of An. napolls midshipmen. battery of light artillery, four companies of marines, four companies of bluejackets and two military banda. . - Ths Rev. Ulysses Pierce officiated a l the church: The. invocation at the crave was pronounoed by the Rev. Mr Wellborn of Baltimore, a missionary from Japan and a lifelong friend Of "Fighting Bob." ' Mrs. Evans, the widow,, completely prostrated. Ilea In a serious condition at hy home here. She -was too 111 to attend the funeral services. DIVORCE SEQUEL TO FAILURE IN BUSINESS Poor business Investments was con? sldered the cause of domestic trouble between Frances Zayacsek and her hus band who' were before Judge Oatens of the circuit court this morning in which each ssked for a divorce. The wife was granted the decree, however, and the custody of the three children. She told the Judge that her parents had fur nished her husband with money with which to embark In business, but each venture proved unsuccessful. Two of his ventures were In mining stock. The decree was granted on the grounds pf cruelty. Mrs, Zayacsek testified her husband abused her after each business failure. Other dlyorcea were granted to Grace W. Brown from victor A, Brown, ae. rtidn: Lillian Klrsoh from Edward Kirsch, desertion; Henrietta Cole from Edward Col, desertion; Rose M, Silver from Chauncey Sllvsr, cruelty! CJar M. Whittles from Henry C; Whli. tierr cruelty j Lorenta M. Went from John T. Went, because he went "away and failed to return to ber; Richard A. Laue from Carrie Laue, for cruelty; Levy Meyers from Clare Meyers, for cruelty; Mamie Tomllnson from Thomas Tomllnson, cruelty; Minnie Pe La Roohe from L. J. Us La Roohe, deser tion; Minnie C Maitland from Wilson Maitland. cruelty, and Phillip Malda from Edna Malda, desertion. j msmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SbgShie Admits Writing the'papiut Says lt Was Intended ; as Memorandum.. CHARGES FILED I mm 1 ! : (Hixcui to The icuraau .''' ; Corvallla, Or. Jan. , Jamee- JJvars. arrestsd en a charge of forging the name of Ootav Voget to a note for 1400, testified on the stand, this morning that he had written the nets aa presented by the state, but that it wag not e fprgery or a note or an -attempt . to msae ins handwriting look, like Mr, Yogi's;" that It was madev out-as' a memorandum and attaohsd to stock .certificates for toot shares of creamery stock asalgnad to the bank by Voget j that the stock certificates . represented 1400 and that the memorandum was placed emong the assets In the column of billsSrsceivable becauge he hat) received no money from the creamery or Voget and did not ex pact to present the memorandum to Vo- f;t tor collection, oeing coyerea ny he certificates surrendered. ' The ease is being argued and will like ly go to the Jury it this afternoon. MASHER THRASHED BY ; WOMAN, WHO TOOK POLICEMAN'S ADVICE "Hit hint in the face as hard,; as you. can if he bothers you again," was the advice given Mias Jeanette Benton of fttt Forty-, fifth avenue by Patrolman . Crowe shortly before It o'clock last night, whan the woman ap plied to him for protection from a "masher" et Orand and Haw thorns avenues, With this admonition, the pa hrelman boarded a oar bound for . police headquarters, but Just as hs stepped Into the car he saw ths young woman swing two vigorous blows on a' young man's Jaw, and then swing a left hook for his wind, which she missed, Crowe Jumped from the car and placed the men under arrsst. At polios headquarters he gave the name of B, Huddleson. Judge Taswell this morning flnsd him 10.' " . Huddleton attempted to speak to the girl two or three times while, she was waiting for a car, and she finally sought protection In a dgar store, but the men fol lowed, her and she went Into the street again where she met 'the patrolman. IHINESE TO CELEBRATE DOWNFALL OF EMPIRE Portland Chinese ars to celebrate the downfall of the empire and the Institu tion of republicanism In China with e big parade and ganeral good time nett Monday afternoon and evening. The oelebrattoa Is to be under the- auspioas of the Toung Chine association. Ar rangements for the celebration have not been completed, but the Chinese say thay are going to do things up right Chief "Stover Makes Accusa: tionsvancj Demands Cap-?! vcfin'slDischargvH.J against Captain of Folios Bailey were made this mom- Otsrles George K. Ing by Chief Slover,- He Is accused of falling to enforce the city ordinances prohibiting; gambling, ' . especially In Chlnfttown, of conduct unbecoming an officer, in that he is constantly foment ing troubla among the patrolmen of the police department; that- he (g out Of harmony with a great many members of the department; that he uses, profane and vulgar language In the presence of subordlnaate officers ef the police de partment end that he Is unfit by tem perament .to be, a commanding officer of the police department. Bailey is now under Indictment by the grand Jury on a charge or grafting and under suspen sion from the police department pending tne outcome or his trial. . These charges, addressed to the mayor and executive board of the city, were filed today with e deputy city auditor and : e copy . ef the charges were ad- F YOU real ized the con stant danger JJ, to w h 1 ch ; your title is exposed in the process of real estate transac tions, you Typuld Insist upon get ting the protec- ! tion afforded by a guaranteed Certificate of Title. Inves tigate. Call for. Booklet. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. 5X Where's the Be Jt Place? the best nlaee to rent a At Ellers Muslo Houss. Every Where la piano? At : make of piano Is rented according? to Its alue. Cheaper grades of used planoe 1.60 to 12.00 and 11.00 monthlv. bast makes $4.00. gt.OO and 11.09 monthly, Ko cartage charged where piano la kept lx months. Cartage one way is charged where piano is kept only three months. At - lmlara Mnala Hnuu vim will invariably find everything exactly as advertised. Alder street, et Seventh. dressed to Captain Moore, now in charge of the first night relief to b served on Captain pulley. ; h ;',';'' , ii "I further charge that evldenot sup ' porting these allegations will be sub mUteoVtto you and to the meraberi of the executive board which will show oonclualvely that'Captaln-Oaorre Bsiiey- Is not e proper person to be a member of the police department,' and therefor i as acting chief of police .1. respectfully demand his discharge from the ' depart ment' the concluding paragraph ef ' the charges mode by plover, ,.'";, STANLEY SENDS 'AN DY" : , REQUEST TO; APPEAR (United Prmn lined ,Wir.) ' ' , .'Washington, Jen. 8. Chairman Bftin- . ley of the house committee which Is In- -vestl gating ths steel trust, today tele-' graphed to Andrew Carnegie, request ing tha Ironmaster to appear before th commute next Wednesday. Stanley said v he expected Carnegie to comply. Saturday Coat Special at ETHE NATIONAL . J I I Any Coat in the house, Tals. to $40, your choice THE NATIONAL Sample Suit and - Cloak Houso ( Seooad Sloor Swatlaad JJldg. ' nrrx Ajrs wAJnavoTOV. Oppoglto yerktag Kotel. rronm ofb SATTritoAT T 7 . .. car. WE BOUGHT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF THE Em. n OF CHICAGO A Large Assortment of Cheviots. Cassimeres, Tweeds and Worsteds to Select From Values Up to $35,00 Any Suit to Order u nion Made ySlt: Union Made With Eyegy Suit Order FREE 132V2 Third Street 2 Doors North 7 1f Alder " i A ft. I. 1