THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY- 5. 1812. V: "If ..!.. ff "J,T''JS 'M fo rm mi MM til LLCOOPERATE I GREATER CITY PLAN . ', The Progressive Business Men's club planned yesterday to cooperate with th Rotary club, the Ad lub end the Creator Portland Plan association In securing an appropriation with which to publish and distribute the Greater Portland Plan report. ' , " A committee of 10 was appointed to attend the luncheon of the Rotary clulM next Tuesday at the Hotel Portland, when the mayor and members of the council will be guests of honor and the colored slides Illustrative of tfce greater city plan will be shown and explained. The -committee, -.together with other members of the club, will also attend the council meeting next day when the ordinance for the appropriation will be submitted. ., . The ordinance - has been drafted by L. EL Latourette. deputy city attorney, also member of ' the execu tive committee of 'the Greater Portland Plans association, and asks an appro prlatton of 16000. The committee .ap pointed yesterday consists of K. W. Ray mond, chairman, and Messrs, Brooking., Ehrirott. Bloomer, ,; Lovejoy. Tilleson. Willis Fisher, Alkua. Deiendorf. At the request of TV; T. Buchanan's, committee was also appointed to confer with com mittee from other, organisations in re gard to the proposed organisation , of a city club, the committee being composed of Charles Fisher, chairman, and Messrs. Dwight, Freblg and !Um - 'Htff : Some time ago a nominating commit tee submitted the 'names of candidates for the various offices of the Progres siva Business Men's club. "Testerday by unanimous consant it was decided that the ticket should be enlarged by the nomination : from , theft floor of as many candidates as cah secure support The nominations will be made special order of business next Thursday. - The luncheon of the club In the Hotel Port land was presided over by Walter . & Aeher. - President Eugens Brookings of the ilub, , who had been nominated for reelection by the nominating commit tee, announced that he did not Wish his name to be considered as a candidate because he believes in rotation in office, 1 1n recognition of unusual services ren dered the club in increasing its member ship and in other activities, F. X. Free man, cashier of the Lumbermen. Na tional bank was presented with a token of appreciation in the form of a vary handsome umbrella. The presentation speech was mad by h. W. Raymond and supplemented by words of apprecia tion spoken by President Brookings, not only for Mr. Freeman, but for Phil & Bates, chairman of the committee on ar rangements and others, for the governor's dinner , War Munitions Go Into Mexico. (tJnlted Preu Leurt Wlre. ' New Orleans,Jani. Mexican . peace la believed to be again threatened today as m result of continued shipments of munitions of war. Eight carloads of cartridges and - powder "from- points In Pennsylvania and New Jersey have been shipped Into Mexico within the last 10 days. .;,'.',;.... J, :. ',v'V ffi Rent a New Piano ' New planoa to rent at ft per month; rent allowed on purchase. The Wiley B. Allen Co., corner 7th and Morrison streets. CANDIDATES NEED TO HUSMR NAMES Because Justices Slater and King, the Democratic .nominees for the state su premo court, made euoh a good race in 110, . Democratic candidates for office In Multnomah county this year will be required to secure a muoh larger1 num ber of names than usual to their nomi nating petitions. The number required is baaed on the vote at the previous elec tion for Judge of the supreme court, Democratic candidates .In Multnmv oounty this year will have U have Hi names, distributed in at least IS pre cincts, and 'Candidates for Portland ta trlot -Sflo. -wlll-iulra 20Q jmmel la SI ; precincts. Hepubllosa oounty oan dldatea need 806 names in 31 precincts and those for Portland dlitrlot 184 names in 85 precincts. . Petitions may be signed only by reg istered ' voters, so they cannot yet be Circulated to advantage, registration be- . ginning last Tueeaay. April is me laat day for tiling nominating petitions. Take elevafer, see overcoats and rain. coats Jimmy Dunn Is selling. II.W. Ladlco' Home Journal Potlcrno-Stondard gcwlnq Machlneg-Manlcurlng and Halrdrcaolng Parioro, Second Floor Dellglitful Luncheon Iri Tea Room Fourth Floors-Shoppers 25c Lunch In Basement Delicatessen Dept. Fourth Floor Change of Business Hours for Saturdays In order to" better serve our cus-" torners,4jy maintaining a full force of lespeople throughout the day andto give additional rest to out employes we will not open our store hereafter until 9 :30 a. m; Saturdays and will close .at 9:30 p. m. Saturday night, as usual,' r WS3SS, WdDffU mmaum Store- Opens 9:3Qi ? :&vf to.$ll fwepil Sale Choose Any Hat In Our Millinery Department; . Except Plume 7 TrlfTimecl Hats From S13.SO . -JUpto the Best for WOMEN'S $6.50 DRESS SKIRTS $2.89 In th Basement ''Uiderprice Store," we offer women's Dress Skirts, made of serges, panamas and mixtures. plain colors, stripes and checks, all splendid new styles and good values at the regular prices up to ow. viearance oaie price for tomorrow $2.89 $1.50 WAISTS 48c In the Basement Underprice Store," a sale of women's Waists, plain or fancy trimmed styles; good rzl-MQ ues to $1.50. Clearance Sale price, each, only 4lpC mi J $150 GOWNS AT 89c in the Basement "Underprice Store' a sale of women's Muslin Gowns In several good styles, well trimmed, cut full and long, all well made; splendid val- QQ ues to $LS0 . (Clearance Sale price at only, each OaC a WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES $1.95 In the Basement "Underprice Store," a Clearance Sale of women's Shoes; comprising many styles in patent Ll"HeiLlk, ithki(Lorcravenett-tops.---All the new-fate styles . in dependable $3.00 and flSl 'QK 3.5Q valuespriced for thirf sale at only, pair Ple7d :X; -MEN'S UNDERWEAR 37c In the basement,, a sale of men's Shirts and Drawers, medium and heavy weight,' plain or ribbed, with fine warm fleece lining in gray and tan colors. A complete range of sizes from 32 to 46. , Our best SOc val- QT uesr priced - for . this sale tomorrow at .only U I C p $1.00 UNDimvyEAft 59c , In4e iNi66" "Iftderic Sto a'saW of odd lines and ilzes of various kinds jf men's Underwear - 4 ' natural gray color, ail grouped in one lot for a speeay Clearance. Good ?1.00 values, special 59c Boys ''''' $ 1 1 l l ; 378 Coafs Bought Special Just Received ' A very advantageous purchase of 378 Boys' and Children's OvcrcoaU just re vived from Bamberger, Bros, of New York. The best and most attractive little coats We have ever been able to show at such a low price. Russian, dou ble-breasted and button-to-the-neck styles. Materials are scotch tweeds, chev iot and serges ; also a lot of the new ,Warmth-Without-Weight" Coats in plain' blue, tan, gray, brown and mixtures and chinchillas in red and (Tyl V C , at tJliUU Saturdays SSM- bi ue. Sizes 2YZ to 10 years, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10 values, ,9 Bargain Circle NoAl XAJor, noos ' " Sale bl Doilies Scarfs CcntcrTPIeccs Etc., Etc. An extraordinary sale for one day only, on the Circle Counter In the center of the main floor. Dollies, Center Pieces, Bcarfar, Lunch Cloths and Table Cloths. In Japanese embroidery, Battenberg- or German Cluny work, brought down from the second flood Art Needlework Dept at the following sale prices: jo eces ...ISo t t.tS Pieces f; r-ieces, ..soe I i,S6 P! c neces SOc Pieces 9o Pieces 76o Pieces .S6o $ .34o S 4.86 Pieces 1.00 Piece 6. SO Pieces .0n Pieces 860 Pieces . , .070 Ilo'.6o Pieces !l.l Pieces ,.70o 112.00 Pieces f PJce8 . ,93o 114.00 Pieces 1.B0 Pieces ..8C ,$15.00 Pieces M.00 Pieces . 116.00 Pieces ilol7 a.o 3.34 3.67 S.98 4.34 e.98 T.S8 .34 8.98 J ff Bradley-Mufflers Off a tl V Clearance Pr I c e m 9 v AH three departments will Join in this sale of the famous Bradley Mufflers, the handiest and best muf flers on the market. Just what you need for these . cold days. Come in black, white and colors, On sale in the Men's department, the women's Neck- jr wear Dept. and Juvenile Dept.; 60c values at ZjC S3.00 Suitcase 013.OO Suitcase tS9.95 " $5 Mercilcis iiififls $2.50 $10-eerciifles Siiltls $5 1 ' , -l ...... J . r ' . ; A: genuine -clearance f rail mt: Boysy Hercules" -Suits.None better for good wearing quality. Pants are lined; many of the materials are cravenetted. All are ' stylishly made. $5 Hercules Suits, $2.50; all $6 Hercules Suits, $3.00; all $7.50 fr Hil Hercules Suits, $3.75; all $8.50 Hercules Suits, $4.25; all $10 Suits at eDO.UU E.&W. Shirts Reduced Semiannual Clearance Sale of the famous E. & W. Shirts for men, which is held only by permission of the manufacturers. The sale includes the entire stock of fancy shirts made of the very best materials, guaranteed $1.50 grade $1.15 $2.50 grade $1.85 $2.00 trade $1.35 $3.00 grade $1.85 - ; Fourth Floor- Clearance of Keratol Suitcases, 7tf irichesdeep724 Inches IohgV with' - two straps all around, with brass lock and bolts, leather corners' and good, strong handles, steel frame,' linen lined; our $3 val- CO QK ues, priced for this sale PtQO Fourth" Floor styles in cowhide leather 24 - Inches lone,- two GIrcleflVQ. a s . MAIN FLOpR-BETWEEl ELEVATORS The Bargain Circle will be a busy place tomorrow. It wfll be filled with House Slippers, with 3000 pairs to draw from. ' Felts, crochet, mercerized, fur" trimmed Juliets, etc, in wine, fed, bltfe, gray, chinchilla, green and black; also Sultana high roll top crochet slippers, the "So Comfort" kind; all good QQ ralues up to S2.00, priced for this sale at the low orice ot the oair OC Drugsya n;d To f 1 ct at Clearance Four Suitcases; straps all around, brass lock and bolts, bag handles, sewed on loops and corners, steel fcames, linen lined, shirt fold and inside straps'; all $13.00 values, priced PQ QF for this sale at only PJVO VVomenfsBathrobes ; SIO.OO Values 196.69 Extra special for Saturday only. A great clearance of Women's Bath Robes of good quality blanket cloth in floral designs, with shawl col lars, sailor collars or V necks, piped with satin ribbon, with silk frog fastenings and cord ties, shaped sleeves and turnback cuffs. Of ?Q Our. tegular values to $10.00, special Clearance Sale price PUeUi7 CLEARANCE OF SHOES OTR ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED Largest and best stock of popu lar styles in all Portland to choose from. Men, women and children may benefit by the great reductions. H-r.---. - -.-- 2-In-l House Dresses 1 1.7 9 In the Garment store, second floor, s a sale, of women's two-in-one House Dresses, made of good qua!-' ity percale or outing flannel. Can be worn . kimono or as house dress.-- Can be adjusted without taking off.. Will fit any waist or bust, all sizes; values to (J" 17 A $2.50, priced for this sale DJ-e I V $1 : bottle Scott's Emulsion 83 $1 bottle Anglers Emulsion 83 $1 bottle Russels Emulsion 83f '1 Puikhams Remedies, at -70 $1 Dr. Pierce's Remedies, at T94 $ Peruna, the .bottle for 83 $1 Sal Hepaticia, special at T9f $1 Bromo Seltzer, special at 83 $1 Gudes' Pepto Mangan, at 83 $1 Wine of Cardui, . special 83a) BORDEN'S MALTED MILK $3.75 Hospital size,1 special f 2.T5 $1,00 large size, special at 80' SOg small size, special only ,40 12e TOILET PAPER 8 . Extra quality, 1000 sheets to the ' . fOll..-:''." ' , I gi8c fOlLET SOAPS 4 Good grades in assorted makes. 25c TOOTH BRUSH 18 , ' i All textures guaranteed. , BRUSHES M PRICE d CI Hair. Military $1.00 RUBBER and Cloth brushes. GLOVES 68 All 'sizes white or red rubber, guaranteed 85c and $1 grades 69 SYRINGES, HOT WATER BOTTLES 1 U " sflfff COMBINATIONS 4 UII Hospital Absorbent Cotton, special at, the pound "29c Peroxide, V4 ; pound, regular 10c, special at only 8c Peroxide, lA pound, regular 15c, 'special at only 12c Witch Hazel, lz pound, regular 25c, special at 12c Witch Hazel, 1 pound, regular 35c, special only, 23c Listerine, large sizer$1.00 botues special st4mlyl 69c Syrup of Figs, regular 50c, specially priced at only 35c Jaynes' Expectorant, regular 50c, special at only 40c White Pine Cough Syrup, regular 50c, special for 40c Foley's Honey and Tar, regular 50c, special only 40c Men's Underwear 82-3250 Values Sl;55 In the men's corner, main floor, a sale of the "Ameri can Hosiery. CaV Underwear, shirts and drawersfine quality, medium and heavy weight, full fashioned, white merino, -ailk trimmed: shirt sizes run 34 to 46, drawer sizes run 30 to 44. Our best $2.50 and $2.00 0"t CC grades, special for this sale tomorrow only ePXeUt) $4.00 Underwear $2.25 $3.75 Underwear 51.95 American Hosiery Co.'s Shirts and Drawers in the natural gray color, silk and wool; also heavy white merino shirts, sizes 34 to 46; drawers 30 to 44. Our Cartwright & Warner's English Shirts and Draw ers, fine light weight white cashmere and medium weight fine natural wool, as e - an sizes in tne lot: our $3.00 and $3.75 values, at only regular $3.00 to flJO OP $4.00 values, at $2.00 Underwear $1.55 VGantner & Mattern" English Knit Under-, wear, shirts and drawers, In the Winter weight; white with pink, blue and (&" lavender cross stripes; $2 values tPJLafJt) 02.00 ff Savoy " Shirts for S1.35 Our semi-annual sale of the' popular "Savoy" Shirts for men. A collection of hundreds of handsome patterns of high-grade mate rials, cut full in the body, correctly sized and weir made. All sizes and Q"f OF sleevt lengths; $2 shirts, special $i-eOU WOMEN'S $15 SUITS $&8S 6 to 9:30 p. m. in the Basement "Underprice Store," a sale of 60 Tailored Suits; all good, stylish models in black and bine vicuna, cheviot and mixtures, all well made and finished; good satin linings. None shown before 6 o'clock. Our regular $15.00 suits. OK Special evenin nrlce take advantage now PUeOJ WOMEN'S $5 WAISTS $1.93 6 to 9 -JO p. ol, second floor, evening sale of Women's Tailored Waists' In linen, madras and mercerized cot ton, with stiff collars and cuffs, plaited fronts, Gibson styles or shirt styles; also a lot of Marqui- flj-l QO sette waists: values to ,45.00. priced -or-V-a.saV l2Yze HUCK TOWELS 9d 6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow evening, on .first floor,' a sale of good quality Hack Towels, with colored bor- fj dsn: our regular 12Vc values, oriced for onbr wu MEN'S 35c-50c SOX 15c 6 to 9 JO p., m. tomorrow erenbg in the Men's Dept, first floor, 1000 pair of men's Imported Fancy Hose in fine lisle thread or cotton, stripes, checks and Jac- quard designs; all dark colored grounds,, full fashioned, double soles, heels and toes, all sizes; 35c. to "I 50e sradea. nriced - for this - sale - at.- the - Dair JLeJ MEN'S $20 SLIPPERS $1.29 2000 palrp of men's House Slippers in tan vici or seal, wine kid, mat kid," and beaver Felt Slippers, in gray or black, heavy hand-turned soles. Romeo, Everett and Opera styles; regular $2.50 pair $1.29 WOMEN'S SteHOSE 19c " 6 to 9:30 d. m.. main floor, women's Imported Lisle Thread and Sea Island Cotton Stockings, in plain col ors and fancy patterns and embroidered boots. -1 Qa Our regular values to SOc a nair. oriced at only Xe7l $1.95 $3.50 Underwear $2.35 "Centner & Mattern" English Knit Under wear, shirts and drawers, winter weight; white with pink, blue and Iaven- OP der cross stripes; $3.50 garments 0.OJ S5.00 ,,Enallsli, Undcrw'r &275 In the Underwear Aisle, first floor, a sale of "Cartwright & Warner's" English Under, wear, shirts and drawers; fine light weight white silk and wool shirts; sizes run from 36 to 42. Drawer sizes run from 32 to 40. Best regular $5. values HavIMMCIiiiiiia Fancy Decorated In the Big; China Store, Third Floor, a sale of HaViland & Co.s Fancy Decorated China at prices to effect a speedy clear ance. $1.60 Relish Dishes, Clearance price $1.06 $2.25 Salad Bowls, Clearance price $1.43 $2.35 Mayonnaise Bowls and Stands $1.56 $2.50 Sugar, and Creams, special at $1.66 $3.25 Bread Trays,' Clearance price $2.18 $3.50 , Cake. Plates, : Clearance price $2.33 $4.50 Chop; Dishes, Clearance price $3.00 $6.00 Baking Sets of three pieces at $4.00 $6.00 BTread and Butter. Plates, doz; $4.00 $7.75 Lunch Plates, special a doz. $5.16 $ 1 4.75 Cups and Saucers, per dozen $9.83 $ 1 6.50 ' Chocolate Sets, Qearance $11.00 $8.50 Fern Dishes .for Clearance at $5.66 Warm cozy outing flannel Gowns, made of good material in pink, blue .and gray, stripes, made in the kimono style and military or regu lation collar, trimmed In finished braid Values up to $1.50. QQ Clearancek prices tomorrow VOZ $2.75 Women's Gowns Sl.SO Values at 98c Clearance sale of women's muslin Gowns, in the slipover styles, with round neck, short sleeves and dainty all over yokes of fine em embroidery, or inlaid with dainty Valencienes laces. Values QOA up to $1.50, tomorrow at OC Specials v , Department, 4tlv Floor O. W. & K. 40c Imperial Roast Coffee, special tomorrow only 28eV Genuine Mocha and Java, 45c coffee, special tomorrow, the pound 40et Golden Glow Butter, two-pound square, special for tomorrow at &2i O. W. & K., Special Butter, tomorrow the two-pound square at 72 Hams Shield Brand Special sale tomorrow, the pound at only 15U 8ueen Olives, regularly sold at 60c quart; special for tomorrow at 45s) ipe Olives, regular 40c a quart, on special sale tomorrow for only 35 ' COLUMBIA SAUSAGE FOR SUNDAY BREAKFAST : : S al el Gann si': 35c CASHMERE HOSE 19c 6 to 9:30 pi m. tomorrow, main floor, a sale of women's Black Cashmere Stockings, medium ' weight, ; merino heels and toes, ribbed tops, fast dye. ; Our reg- 1Q. at xav ular values to 35c a pair, special for this 'sale CHILDREN'S $1.48 SWEATERS,55c 6 to 9:30 P. m. tomorrow, a sale of Children's Sweaters in nrettv combination colors and weaves, in reds., white and tan; sizes 22, 24, 26 and 28; sllghtly.mussed. CKp Our regular $1.48 grades, priced-for this sale at OOl BOYS' 50c-75c CAPS 19c 6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow, an evening sale of Boys' Caps in broken lines. Some have fur inside pull rt Hnwn. neat colors and mixtures: 50c and 75c vals. XeV BOYS' 75c UNDERWEAR 29c 6 to 9:30 p. m., evening sale of Boys' Fleece Lined Un derwear. Extra quality, ribbed for boys; nzes OQ to 14 veara. Resrular 75c values, soecial. Garment aisl 5c IVORY SOAP 3 5c FAIRY SOAP ALL MIRRORS AT OyE FOURTH OFF $1.00 HAIR BRUSHES 50c The "Ideal" Rubber Cushioa Hair Brush. 15c FACE CHAMOIS 8c Large size, square or oval shapes. . 35c FACE POWDER 19c Good standard makes in all shades. 50c PERFUMES 25c Good standard makes in assorted odors. ; $3.50 HAT SHAPES 39c 6 to 9:30 p. m. in the Millinery Dept.', second floor,' great assortment of Hat Shapes in velvets, felts, satin and velvet, satin and felt, blacks and colors; in OQ small, medium and large sizes; values to $3.50 OiC 45c BURNT BOXES. 17c ? 6 to 9:30 p. m., center aisle, main floor, a sale of beau tiful Burnt Wood Collar and. Cuff Boxes, Lace Boxes, Photo Boxes, Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, "1 '7 Necktie Boxes, etc . Worth 35c to 45c each, at XI U $4.00 CORSETS, SPECIAL ONLY $1.20 6 to 9:30 p. m. C6rset Dept., second fioor, a clean-up of odds and ends of Corsets in the new; long models, designed on straight , lines, made of coutil, batiste and pekin stripe, trimmed fn, lace,. ribbon or embroidery, fitted with 4, or p hose supporters. Royal Worcester, Marquise, and Rengo Belts; value to $4.00. (?1 Of) Special Clearance Sale price for. tomorrow V $6.00 CORSETS $2.C3 Broken lines of Bon Ton Corsetsmade of f'n cnv'l or batiste, boned with Walohn, fitted with 4 C) C " or 6 hoe supporters; values to so.w,iir -