TOXIGIIT'3 AMUSEMENTS BAKER The Virginian." " . BUNGALOW "A Millionaire- TrsP" , LTR1C "Frolic of 1919." - i '- v ORPHKUMOrpheum circuit vaudeville. PANTAOES Vaudeville. . - ' EMPRESS Sullivan At Consldlne vaude- PEOPLES Motion pictures. : ' ; Weather Conditions. ': Portland and vlolnity: Fair' tonight Friday rain or snow. ' Southeasterly winds. ..: Oregon: Fair tonight Friday- fair east, rain or enow west portion. South 1 erly winds. . r ' ," ..- Washington? Fair tonight except rain near the coast. Friday fair east, rain or enow west portion. Southeast erly winds. Increasing alonjr the coast. Idaho: Fair tonight and Friday; con tinued cold south portion.-. ' ; EDWARD A, BEAL8, K District Forecaster. - Ken U Church Work Rev. F. W. Pa- delford, state secretary of the Massa chusetts State Baptist convention, and Rev.W. ,T. Stackhouse, general secre tary of the Baptist Laymen's movement, . will be the speakers at a dinner to be given in their honor at the White Tem ple at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening-, ' January 17. . Mr. Stackhouse and Mr. Padelf ord have been associated in their work In Massachusetts and other states. Thursday. January 18, meetings will be rsaay. January ab, meetings win do i held in the morning and afteraooiOrtl7itz" the White Temple. The object of these meetings is to enlist the efforts of the . men in the church work. Mr. Stack house has considerable experience in ' church work,.--When but 19 years of age ha had charge of a small Baptist churoh at - Saltsprings, Mew Brunswick, for . two years. He was a student at "Horton academy, at Wolfvllle, and la a graduate of Acadia university. When the British Columbia, Extension society . was organised In 1896, Mr. Stackhouse was made secretary at the same time .he Was pastor of the First Baptist church at Vancouver, B. C. Later when the British Columbia Baptist convention was . formed to take the. place of the Extension society, he became the head of the organisation, Mr. Stackhouse was chosen superintendent of home mis sions in Manitoba and the northwest, in 1901. In connection with his work at the present time, he still has charge of the Canadian territory. Given Creese for Present George M. McDowell, general manager of the Ruth Trust company and genial right of way agent for the Oregon Electric, Is the happy possessor of two very-fine Wil lamette valley geese. The birds were delivered at the offices of the Ruth Trust company early this morning and when Mr. McDowell arrived it was a ehorus of clarion voloes that greeted him. "What's this I heart' queried Mc Dowell, as he looked about in surprise to find the cause- of the commotion. "Must be a goose loos here somewhere." .-, lFi"aweT-ihw ff kw-fcey," box containing two geese addressed to you was delivered here a few minutes ago by an express man. They're ovor there hi your office." A few moments later Mr. McDowell sat down and ad dressed a letter of profuse thanks to hid banker friend up the valley. "While I thought somewhat of having , their voices cultivated," said Mr. McDowell, in commenting on the birds, "T 'have concluded to let them travel the road of all other good geese; that is to say, have them served well done with ap ple sauce." Visiting Bnrse Association Arrange ments wer made yesterday at a meet ing of the board of directors of the Visiting Nurse Association, for the an nual tea which is to be given by the association on Saint Valentine's day to raise money to help defray the expenses of the association In carrying on its work among the poor people of this city. Mrs. W. B. Ayer lu chairman of 'the entertainment committee. Accord- ;-.lng to the report of tho Visiting Nurso Association for the month of December -splendii work la being done by the organisation. During that month 61 tuberculosis patients were cared for; of this number there were 17 new canes. Four tuberculosis .patients are now being maintained at two of the local sanitariums. Although complete returns from the sale of Red Cross - stamps are not in, the amount, collected up to the present, is over $3000. When all the public schools where the seals were placed on sale, are heaTd from, this amount will be swelled several hundred, dollars. Would Do City Horseshoeing1 A com munication filed In the city auditor's office toda'y by Pe Nike & Cristopohr, blacksmiths, offers to do all the city horseshoeing on thtwest side at a sav ing of from 9150 a month to $300 a ' month ov Jt the total cost to tho city now. The letter states that the city is payin x too much for horseshoeing at present and that n contract should be let one blacksmith firm for the work. . ' Instead of being distributed to a num- . Tser of blacksmiths as at present. Tho , .letter will probably bo placed on flla by the counoll, as the mayor has, in his annual message recommended that the council make an appropriation to establish a portable blacksmith shop to do all tly3 horseshoeing for the fire, ' police and street cleaning departments. To Abate Smoke Bnlsanoe President Pat tulle of the Portland Municipal as-, soclatlon has addressed a letter to the mayor and city council, calling atten tion to the rapid Increase of the smoke nuisance in the city. The substitution ' of oil for fuel In place of wood in most of the large office buildings and fac tories, says the letter, has been the cause of the now noticeable, amoks pall that may frequently bo seen hanging over the business district. The Munici pal association recommends that the council pass -en ordinance requiring that smoke consuming devices be placed In chimneys of oil burning furnaces. An other lecommendatlon Is that tho city take steps to provide publlo lavatories In the congested districts. -1 4 To Xaispeot Artillery Bessrves The Oregoni Coast Artillery reserves will - soon undergo Inspection by Captain V. M. Hlnkle of the coast artillery corps, ' who Is now at Fort Roseorans, Cal. Or-' dera have been Issued from the depart ment at Washington for Captain Hin kle to report at once to Adjutant Gen 1 eral Flnser for this purpose. . The eap 'tain Is expected to arrive In Portland, within the next two er three days. Ad . Jutant General FlnxerMs preparing to leave Saturday for Washington, D, C. ,to attend a meeting of the national militia board, which will meet Janaury 18. There are only four other members of the board, which serves In an ad- vlstory capacity to the secretary of war.,1 Mills College, Vest Oakland, .OnLA woman's college: all preparatory courses dronced. Spring semester opens Jan- uery JO. 1912,Lue!la CJay Carson, A... M.. LiU v., presiaent. or caiaiogu aa dress Registrar, Mills College P. O., Oakland, Cat "' p :;,. fii:" -f' ' ,''V ,;- 'V1" ", v 'Tailor Mop Burn.- A fire' which I started from an unknown source ruined the stock of goods imt tailor shop-eon-" . ducted: by H. Gordon at III Yamhill -street last night, doing about 19000. ' damage. What the-flre did not consume THE QUOTriBEPE$SlMi "The strength an' fistlca ability o' er bully seems t get no f urthern his mouth!" .; ruined. : The loss was entirely covered by Insurance. ' 'y , Doors " Save Kan's '. "tf e A man, whose name is believed to be J. W. Chaoman. narrowly escaped death at 11 o'clock last night, when he. plunged head foremost out of a second story window at the Cosmopolitan hotel at 61 North Fifth street, and fell on the back of his head and on his shoulders on a wooden trap door in the sidewalk. The fact that he landed on the wooden door, which gave way slight under his weight, Is alone responsible for the fact that he was not kilted instantly. The doors - ar surrounded by the oement walk and this was missed by leas than a foot. The man was taken to polioe headquarters where his Injuries, which consisted of a few cats and bruises, ; Penney Bros, masy BpedaL Our SI grade of Wines at tl per. gallon. Our $1.60 grade of Wines at-Tie per gal lon. Straight Kentucky Whiskey, 1 years old, regular $4. SO, at. f 1.60 per gallon. - Kentucky Whiskey, regular $160, at 11.69 per gallon, , Our $1 grades of Whiskey, Rum, Gin and Brandy. $1.19 per gallon. Friday only. 179-181 El Morrison st Phones East 287, B-1419. Free delivery. . Bpeolal Friday Only Don't be de ceived. We sell absolutely pure wines and liquors, $1.60 quality port, sherry, angelica and muscatel wine, 76c per gallon; $4 rye and Bourbon whiskey, $2.76 per gallon; $4 b andy, $2.76 per gallon; $4 rum, $2.76 per gallon. Na-. tlonal Wine Co., Fifth and Stark. Phone Main 6499. Home A-4499. Delivered. Chicked: Pie, Mince Pie and Plum Pud ding at Morris', near Wells Fargo build ing. Open all night. Seating capacity 100. Quick service. To Beport on Ordinance A commit tee consisting of Councilmen Burgard, Watkins and Montag, was appointed by Mayor Rushlight yesterday to report on a proposed pool room ordinance before Your-Attentioir! 1! Our list 6f used pianos include many of the best makes, range in price from $120.00 upwards, and every instrument ac'tJfc ised will be on our floor until sold furthermore we will be able to give the name of the purchaser. We do not advertise bargain pianos that we have not even had in the store. Reasonable terms to all. Kimball $165 Vose & Sons $215 Kingsbury $187 Triink.Ranas ininK rveea irencn mm m -7 M m mm sw III!. The Money Saving Piano Store Four Brocks North of Washington at Sixth Street If you would share safe savings and such savings as are rarely possible, then you must come here. No woman within hearing distance of this news should miss this extraordinary opportunity. UO ir pJ $16.50 Suits Now . $8.25 $19.50 Suits $ 9.75 $24.75 SuiU $12.38 $30.00 Suits $15.00 NAVY SERGE STOUT WOMEN that profit by coming here. SILK WAISTS V4 OFF ,lS.e WAISTS V3 OFF Our $1.35 Tailored and Lingerie Waists that have always been the equal of other stores' OA si $2.00 Waists in this sale at... 7llt MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Entire Stocks Reduced 13 (& OREGON: DAILY JOURNAL, the council. The ordinance permits the playing of cards in ; saloons that also operate pool tables." There is decided opposition in th counoll to the ordi nance.: ; ;; : ; r - 1 ' iV"', '.:' ijKeldte Grand Jary Lance Allison, Lewis Moshler and Tnomaa HUgnes, who were arrested several -days ago by Bergeant Harms, charged with giving liquor to Ethel Fox and Edit Vernos ky, were arraigned in the municipal court yesterday to answer to the charge of giving liquor to minors, and waived examination. . They were bound over to the grand jury under $1000 ball each. Two ohargee are made againsteach man, one on account of each girl. The arrests were made In Alblna. Steamer ' Jess ararklns for Camas, Waahougat .and way landings.) daily as oept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at S v- ss -f - BTtw Xoe Skates, men' and women, all sises, half pries. Apply Council Crest observatory, between I and 6 p. m c . - - - January Sales Wow In Progress at the Keedlecraft shop. Every article re riimjttf e Sr. Chapman to Tjeotnxe Dr. C. H. Chapman will lecture before tho litera ture department of the 'Woman's club, Where's the Best Place? Where Is tho best place to rent a planoT At Ellers Music House. Every make Of piano is rented according to Its value. Cheaper graaes or usea pianos $1.60 to $l.r and $3.00 monthly, best makes $4.00. $6.00 and $8.00 monthly. No cartage charged where piano Is kept six months. Cartage ono way Is oharged where piano is kept only tnreo month a At Ellers Music House you will invariably -find everything exactly as advertised. Alder street, at Seventh. Dr. Herbert Yeuell OP CKXCAOO Conducting the Great Revival Meetings at ine Central Christian Church East Twentieth and Salmon Sts. ILL TB3S Will Will Give His Famous ILLUSTRATED LECTURE The Passion Play As I Saw It In 1910 -ATTnfcSAT inOKT. S O'CLOCK Popular admission 2(0. COAL iiI LIBERTY COAL A ICE CO. I HI I iJll Hit miff e - a. n 2 $35.00 Suits $17.50 $37.50 SuiU $18.75 $40.00 feuiu $20.00 Price SUITS l4 OFF find it hard to be fitted will PORTLAND. THURSDAY Friday at $.p. m.; In Women of Wood craft hall, subject "Samuel Johnson.4' The department in biology . will meet at J o'clock. Miss Wold . will bo In charge.-;? ;.y .,..-:-- 'y.' ; ;V . W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. ' -V ; : '. Werner Patterson , Oo high grade merchant tailors. J60 Stark. - My Clearance Sale. on men's pants: $4 trousers at $2.86; $5 trousers at $1.26; $9 trousers $3.76. Re member, my rent la $39 a month: If I paid $600 on the ground floor such val ues as, these -would bo Impossible. JIMMY DUNN, Room $16, Oregonian oldg. Take elevator. Coal $9.90 up. Kdlefsen Fust Oe. - 'AMUSEMENTS Tomorrow1 'Evening De Pachmann Heilig, Theatre 8 H5 snuicrxov STZXK8 COICAH SEATS SELLING GaDeiy Adnnsson .T5 BAT BAX.B TOKOBSOW XeUlg Theates Next SundayMonday, Tuesday Robert Hllllard IX -A rOOX, TXXKll WAS" Lower floor, 11 rows $9. 7 rows 1.80. Balcony, 6 rows. 11.00, 9 rows 75c, '11 rows 60c. Gallery, reserved snn admlpulon 50c. Bungalow Theatre Phone Main 117 Every night Matinees Saturday and Sunday Special Bargain Matinee Sat urday, loc and zbc. The Sensational Comedy Drama The New "HXbZJOHAXBB TXAatr A Comedy That Is Funny A Drama That Teaches fopuiar prices 15c, 5o, 85o and 60c. BAKER THBATBS Mala 9 and A-B3eo Oao. X.. Btktf. Mn Tonight, All Week, Mats, Wed. and Sat. ioi ivifk ia enetie uo. present that ra mous American play of the west "lis vramsiAV" With splendid cast and production. First time at popular prices. Next week "Mi Barrier." m air e, a iom MA Tin SB BVIBT ")4t IB-SB. 0 snaa-Ta otarUy - Griiyewi assistwd ity-Ass Ohanos 9k Co., In "The Awakening of Mr. PIpp"; Be molds 9 Donegan; Soheuck te an; The Four Vamons Vanls; Oscar 1,0. rains Buby Baymond Oo.j Bob and Tip Trio. IB Matlnes Bally WT t JAB. 1 B Cycling MartaUs 6 Cooper ti Davis; Z,ea Aricos; Arthur Blg byi Bal Davis st Miss Anne Bodgers, In "Ths TTnaspeoted" Pantagescop. Boxes and first row balcony resv. Prloes ISo ana noc Snlllvaa k OonsidJne Formerly thread Befined Tanflvlli JAN. 1 "A Bla-bt in a Folios Station" i Bal Stephens; tackle m Toast: IillUan Bslger) Joseph X. Watson; Bob- art. ana sooeni aranestra. races ioc and LYRIC TXBATBB FOTJBTK AND ST ABB ALL THIS WEEK FROLICS OF 1912 Two Performances Bightly, 7:30 and 9tl5. 16o and HSo. Matinees daUy, a 30. Any seat 15o (except Sundays and Holi days). Friday Bight Chorus Girls' Con test. Wext week "The Gay Deceivers." nucosB ftm9 Matutee Bvery Bay. st Befined Tanflvlli SSUPM ' 1 Oennlne muss Pony Coats, H Prloe EVENING, JANUARY 4, 1912. . J oris t, 40, aalms Bride. J; (Unltd Prxt Leased Wire.) Salt Franoisoo, Jan. .-"After a hur ried trip from Honolulu. Judge Antonio Ferry, associate justice of the Hawaiian supreme court Is hers today to claim as his bHde Miss Eugene M. Venderburghi They .will be married, Tuesday and will THE' WILE Y New Depte Is Pronounced Best In The City Of Portland No Talking MACHINE DEPARTMENT IN THE CITYJS AS COMPLETE, COZY and comfort able, and in none is as courteous service offered. "gsMMpsMsftft . m ' K Jt i iit 1 Wilt is most complete. Come in and hear your favorite selection on the various styles. AH the grand opera artists, all the great bands and orchestras are at your disposal. If you find a Victrola here that you like, have it sent home and begin paying a little each week or month as best suits your convenience. We'll make it perfectly easy for you to own any style you may choose. 4 New LocationCorner The most astonishing news printed in Portland in many days. Values that are incomparable. The hearty response to our sale announcement has con vinced us of this fact Come and see. CO A $1475 Coats Now $9.85 $16.50 Coats $11.00 $24.75 CoaU $16.50 $19.50 CoaU $13.00 $27.50 CoaU $18.34 $22.50 CoaU $14.47 1 $30.00 Coats $20.00 Off Every Coat Included -Nothing Reserved Novelty Coats. RaincoaU. Serge Coats. Polo Coats. Reversible Coats. Black CoaU. Plush CoaU. Caracal Coats. Velour CoaU. TWO SPECIAL COAT-LOTS!! Coats that Q OClCoats that 4? 1 1 AC Sold $18.50 eDO.VO J Sold $21.50 J) I 1 .V O DRESSES $7.95 Dresses Now $5.30 $10.00 Drescs $6.67 1 $14.75 Dresses $9.85 $12.50 Dresses 8.34 1 $17.50 Dresses 11.67 Our showing embracesthe season's ..most charming styles in serges, silks and velvets. Every siael t :( ' :Jr :-:r:'-!&Z?'c immediately return to Honolulu. The Judge Is unusually young tor a man In his responsible position, being but 49. He Is well known on the Paclflo ooasC) House moving and repairing. James derrick. Fh0MjSaatJ4I7iJ9l. JJtfeiv rison street , - ...'... B. ALLEN CO. In addition to carry ing at all times a com plete stock of Victor records, our talking machine department offers you every possi ble convenience and comfort. All of the record salesrooms are located on the main floor of our new store at the corner of Sev enth and Morrison streets. They are flood ed with daylight, well ventilated and have been made thoroughly sound proof in order that one may hear the softest violin solo and hot be disturbed hjT parHes" selecting differ- ent records in adjoining rooms. Our stock of the lat est and best Victrolas Seventh and Morrison Sts. FS at I at g Off MBSK-J yfw,ic ffiytL. .Wl..i;;.;iri.l!.; Tli8 New Year If you have no bank account now, or never had - one, starjt one withvus. Begin the new year. aright-r- ' We impose no restrictions a to amount for opening an account. Good faith is suf ficient. j MERCHANTS j SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Capital $150,000 W. K. Tear . . .Presides. WlUard Case Ytee rresUeat O. O. Sonsweyer... .....Cashier Walter X. Brown. .Asst. Oashisx Oni IATTTBOAT "KTBtW$ te DM. O. Zh STA-mt. No 'Trouble Toeptiice"an'y lens you mtCf have broken, if rou can save even a email piece, and If you haven't that.-1 will test your eyes and duplicate It any way. If you need grasses, if your eyes bother you. or - if your glasses do not fit, eome in and let's talk it over.. Free consultation. Dr. HaynesSr75Sr nlte 42T Harqttam Bid ., 4th naor Certified Milk noK Clover Hill Farm Owned y B. . VXOHFBOsT, Bottled and sealed on the farm under th most sanitary condi tions. . at . Guaranteed! Absolutely Puro Rich in Cream Indorsed by Health Boards and leading physicians of Oregon, TeleDhone orders to FOBT&aUVB PtTWJ MM CJUBAK BTAZir 3181 A-1488. TXXBD AJTD HOTT BTBXETS II 0 T EL STEUABT SAIl FRANCISCO Geary 6(reet, abort Union Square European Plan SL60 a day op American Plan $3.00 a day up New steel and Wlek straetar. bay , aaodera cemsaieatce. Moderate fates. Crater el taratr aad retail dutrioi. Osj ; mmt U e trras f ris all vrmr city. Eta, arte Ihsi asMts traiae aad mesisssi ABB TOTT BVmTBBBt We are expert truss fitters and abso lutely no charge fo-fitting. We carry the largest line of high grade Trusses BnrBVBTT PBVO CO. ) ruth and Barnadde St West -aide. WE WA NT TO OO VOJ in rnsa - . .,t,..' . 10)10) IMI0 run UVJ tMPMOVBO fAOILITIBa B EATTI E & H O FM AN N iwwoaTse .. - a tts, mi tesT-' ;,,;'M: SO atAstw t)T, Portland Printing House Co. Book, Catalog and Commeroial ; Prlntlno I Book BtadUg ..nsa-.JSoo ssssnig 388 Taylor St. Pbones: A22SI, KS20I t 1 " " ' ' Footer eSt Klctocr si ii ii am mm i 1 11 i mu , i )9feAst9BAsABssH99Ba99Bm g tm High Grade) Commercial and KiectrU Bast Tta and ast Sret'.ri f v raeM gut mii B-f 's -TnmnKhxiftsxm 'kvi ."1-.--" ' 1'. - .