, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY-EVENING. JANUARY 4, 1912. ' ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE S3 , lit III UWUMIIU ilivr '1006-1006 WILCOX BLDG., ' """ COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON STS. 1 . 9 RoomsA SnaD ' This horn In . located on very best art of-AVashington st., a dandy Httle , transient nouse, clean M a pm, iur ' nlshed very test; has ft 1-year lean; 14 RoomsA Pickup Located In 1 block of Raw hla-h school! ; sleeping rooma, balance housekeeping; rent only fov, wim leases-price oniy , 7, on term 01 casn. - 14 Rooms Verv F ne ' Located In 1 block of ltth and Jeffer son sts. Turn&ce neat; all Sleeping rooma: furniture very beet and new, furnished about t months; this home , clears 170 ex month; owner compelled to leave,, say sell. for 1X200. cash; . remember, this Is a clean, up-to-date Home and la easily worth irou; nee it. - 20 Rooms Part Trade On account ef 'Serious Illness owner compelled to sacrifice fine transient house, best part of Washington at.; rent right; 4 years" straight lease; will ac cept 500 cash and a lot worth $600; here la where you can buy right with , little money. , , 40 Rooms, 6th St., Transient ' Old-established, fine-paying house; 'Veil furnished and clean as a pin; rent only $i a room; good long lease; thia . rtaoe clears 1250 a month above every expense; 6 rooms are rented to a doctor, who pays $100 a month; the price Is $6200:. terms caslu n6 trade Con. slderd; absolutely guaranteed to clear $260 a. month; good 6th-st. houses are hard to get. so see this nulck. Apartment HousePart Trade ' $6 rooma, 'Strictly modern; white pressed brick. Ideated near 20th and Washington ste.; there are SO apts.: rrlvate oath and tel. In every apt., and he rent Is only $675 a month, which includes the steam heat, water and free ? hones; how does that strike youT VI r ually no expense outside of the rent; tenants pay for own lights and gas; lease 4 years; this house clears over 360 a month; If you have $2000 cash and Portland property only worth $5000, i we can do business with you quick. STAR BUSINESS CHANCB REALTY CO., $01 Bwetland bldg. $3 room apartment house, finely fur nished; good location; 4 year lease; $600 will handle. Rooming and boarding house, 1? rooms, first class place, all modern, a ways full, $1000, some towns. 14 rooms, good location, rent $40, $550 win handle. 201 BWETLAND BLDG. Something Good - Price' $360, y, Its actual value. Good Furniture of 7 room oorner house. Rent only $37, Pretty lawn, large back yard, fruit trees. Close In on business street, ideal place to keep roomers or board ers. Going to California. Must let It gro for $850. Call owner. Main 8726, venlnrs. room 61$. or X-278. Journal venlngs, room Bin, or j.--b. journal "X-H At Lm "MeAlit! V-hio cAsW Beautifully furnished, 8 rooms, fine elose in location, elegantly furnished with brass and Iron beds, Axmlnster carpets, all new $ months ago; if you are looking for a snap with fine in eome and a good home, see this today; only IV60 eesh required. Call $$ 10th, near Btark, 11 -Alt MODERN HOTEL $1800 68 rooms, steam heat, gas and elec tricity, rood location. 6 years' lease at only $150 per month: you can't help making $200 ner month clear In this "I place. (S?l $toe down. - J, fe. NICHOLS CO.. 615 Yeon bldg. 9 Rooms on 7th St., $350 ' This little place will pay all your liv ing expenses and some money beside, ana $150 cash will buy it. Why not ave your money? Bee BROADBTRF.ET'B EXCHANGE, 2$H Btark, Rooms 800-301. PETERS. 15 N. 6th St. .10 ROOMa 10 At 13th and Taylor; furnace heat, cheao rent, .clearing $90 monthly; Brussels carpets, oak furniture; $300 will handle. PETERS, 15 N. 6th St. 260 CASH 9 rooms, mostly housekeeping, ground floor, large lot house newly painted, 2 vpars' leaee, east side; nrlce $400. terms $60 cash, balance $20 monthly; insured for $700. n - J. E. NICHOLS CO -61 B-Yeon- bldg. ROOMING HOUSES. 6 rooms for unincumbered property. 66 rooms, $900 cash, balance trade or terms. 80 rooms, working men's hotel, $1600 oaeh. A snap. ... RtJSHING & JONEH, 402 Yeon bldg. ROOMING house to trade for farm. 40 rooms, Kteam heat, west side, good Jotiatlon, clears $160 to $200 per month. Owners only. Address or apply to H. H. Wallace, 131H 10th st, corner 10th end Alder. 16 ROOMS $750; $350 hendlee It. Rent $60. Rushing & Jones, 402 Yeon bHr. STOCKS AND BONDS 58 B. N. Garrett INVESTMENT BANKER 223 Lumber Exchango bldg, FOR 8 ALE $0 Whltewood Quarry & Contract Co. 8 Coin Machine Mfg. Co. 10 Amason Fire Insurance Co. 'Vor Portland Investors I hevo one of the heat proposition ever offered In Portland securities. Phone me, write me, of better still, com to see me about . " ' WANTED Industrial securities of all kinds. Phone M. 7064. BU&ISKSB CHANCES 20 A "SNAP. IF PICKED VP AT ONCB Tn a hustling college town, confec tionery and grocery, lunch oounter and tee cream parlor. Box 147, Monmouth, Oregon. T" ' 500 Business Cards $1 Fe City Prlntery, 112 H $d. A REAL BARGAIN. Bring this ad A LARGls storefront and window; will remodel to suit Fine chance for ci gar and candy stand. Apply 406 Mor- eon FOR BALE Hair store, splendid loca tlon; cheap rent; finefixtures: good stock. Sell cheap if taken now. X-273, Journal. , RESTAURANT on Washington st, do lng good business; 8-year lease; rent $76; price $1100; $600 caeh; balance monthly. Jordan, 610 Lumbermenw k?- jlAVE $200 and service for any logltl mate proposition; will not deal with agents; give all information as to what you have to offer. S-270,, Journal. ' WANTED 20 or more unfurnished or partly furnished rooms; must be In a food location. Call Main 1841. ARTY wanted to subdivide large Wil- lamette valley - tract; $6000 required. Apply 4 Henry Diag. wain ai - WANTED Partnership one half cstab llshed wholesale house, Invoice the i etook. Z-2B4. journal. DRUG BTORE. west eide, doing a good business; izuuu win nanuia. ii. Falrley. 658 Hoyt t. 500 Good Business Cards $1 lltBuchsnan bldg., 286H Washington, i MAKE a speoiafty of cigar stands and pool rooms. J. R. Halght, Chamber of Com m erce bldg. u ivtn th hast location In the oltv for a moving picture theatre. Call at jewelry store. 109 N. 6th st, 57 10 and lf"J store In pay roll town, for quick sals. Other business. Will sell cheap. Z-268) Journal. ' . TURKU chair barber shopv good busl. ness, low rent: bargain prloe; good lo cation. 14 N. $th st . ' CIGAR store and fruit stand for sale! , eplenrtld location, 484 H Washington, , RkStAtRANT and coffee, house Hot sale; good trade. 167yj 1st . t-OR SALE -General roeroliandlse buei-:.-u. n Bee ET., Elmer. Mil waukle, Or. i CLEANING, pressing and dye works for tale; Phone East ,8248. . " wTNfD Reliable partner In good dairy ranch. 1 Call loa N. 2rd. L . . tliOC-fir for sale, cheap. 60 N. llth. SO Gents'. Furnishings - Will sell at invoice,: earning $600 'per month, rent only $80 month; will take h casn, paiance mortgages or real es tate. This Is worth investigation... , Moved-o 1 lorbet4Bld g Mr, Restaurant Man, $400 Buys a $950 place today. Call as soon as you read this If you want good one. We are experts in this line, and can guarantee this place one. i- . BROADBTREET'B BXCHANOfi. ' ' ' 293ft Btark, Rooms 800-801. " Washington Street Store Store for optician, florist, hair store or picture postal, good location between St Vurwl Ph rlr ' . FLAHARTT ft CONNOLLY, M Yeon bid. . Main 872S. -$600 Pool Room $600 Only $300 down takes this place, good building, lease, -rent only 126 month; makes clear 8125 ner month. Let us show you this place. J. Hi. HlUMUbB UU, 919 Tfon Ping.' . OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE " I have more than I can see after, want an interested man to help. See my agent. G. A. NICHOLS INV. CO. . 907 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Good live man with $260 and his time in a legitimate estao Ilshed business. Call today or tomor row. Room 1. 208 Alder. ' FOR SALB 10 room house, well fur- nlshed, 8 year lease, close in, modern. 128 14th. ' . . HELP WANTEl MALE I Stock Salesmen , . Men of ability, personality and good appearance, for a high grade financial' proposition. A new,- cleaneut Portland company, that will show dividend earnings that will appeal to conservative) Investors. - Frank M, Brown, Inc. 1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Y. M. C A. Employment membership guarantees that member will secure employ ment or refund of me oersnip fee, stives two months' full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges mrtA t,n,ltUflt A IrtfMb nnrtf AmnlnVd during full term of membership, wlth Ati fiiMliM pharn flea secretary . em ployment department. C. G. WOLLETT, 841 W Mississippi ave. some cash, to learn barber buslneea. None other need apply. Leaaing ton botIbI artist FOR aeneral organirer. commence the year with Harry. Best contracts on the coast. Apply 627 Chamber or com meroe. Phone Main 8741. Esst WANTED An experienced room! n house salesman. BROADSTKKET'S EXCHANGE, Rooms auu-aui, matt nr-Jlrv kMitnuarti-n and helDerk. Cm.ll fornla Win Depot 285 Yamhill, next to journal, WANTED At onoe, 2 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawtnorne narage, o mwuwron. WANTED Man to finance flying ma- ohlne: have 28 in. model, new aesign W.5TR Journal. n7Vrra"rTM xKfr.ua WANTED r Two first class rouermBKers io pro out. "i O W II. t fill V'IHIH ....... WILL pay good commission for Bell town, ctu -izi commereia. m" onm. 4..- Ain.A 4 r a nrta trm nn elACtrlO line. N. M. Apple. i jrtenry mag. WANTED First class Planing mill man; one who can do estimating. 1112 Hawtnorne ave. rt.RiRlKa sate uncalled for suits. $7.85 up. Harvartl Tenors, son ournsiue. WEAR a Kenshaw $2 hat; all stylus. ! 4th: 449 WBsningxon. Hi HHk'.LMAN wanted. Apply Maxwell tV.A T11nr 24fi Wsshlneton St. fWANTED YOung man to work In dairy- Phone Woodlawn 2772. COATMAKERS to work inside. Apply Maxwell the tailor. 24B wssn. wi. HELP WANTED WlisC. 40 Y. M. C. A. Auto Prhool. H. 10th and E. Mill. , TPnn Mrv-nT FOR MONEY Thorouirhly eaulpped garage. Expert in,truKtnn Actual eXnerlence in re- E airing the driving on first class cars, .ecturee and reoltations. Investigate this scheel before en rolling elsewhere. Offices Y. M. C. A. building. Phone Main 7065, A-6661. Auto school-E. 10th and Mill ats. Phone East Z6BZ. THIS NEW STATE AUTOMOBILE LAWS make It- Impossible for ln lunntul.nt or untrained DersonS to hold a chauffeur's . license end at the same time makes It possible ror property reg istered and licensed chauffeurs to de mand higher wages. WB O U ft ANTEE A MAN HOLDING OUR DIPLOMA to pass atste examinations. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 268 11th et., cor. JeTfer son. THE ONT,Y SCHOOI CARRYING THE INDORSEMENT OF THB TRADE. . Rfilmont Auto School Tha inly thoroughly equlppm! ashool ON THE PACIFIC COAST Complete course, including thcrougn driving inttructions, technical and prac tical work In all it details. E. 28D ANi) MORRISON. Take 8 8 or Mt. Tabor car: look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. MEN and women to learn itu barber trade In 8 weeks. Special inducement", percentage earned while learning. Tools free, expert inetructors, 17 years in the business, 87 schools. A life time schol srshlp given to every student. Moler Barber college. 85 N. 4th St.. Portland, or PdRttiAKb Automobile "school: 128 oth street, north. Portland, Or. We want only sober industrious men for chauf fers and repair men. We carry the In dorsement of the trade and offer spec ial Inducements for January, Call or write at once. , MEN and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks at International Barber school. First class set of tools free; percentage earned while learning; beet of Instructors, 5 years In business. Life time scholarships given every student 26H Coucn street. TELEGRAPHY Speaking of guaran tees, I will Rive a limited ntitober of bona fide guarantees for positions to desirable applicant and tench telegra phy In a practical way. Myers, B Flanders St.. Portlsnd. Or. BARRERS' State Board of Examiners will b in session January 8, 9, 10, at 167 Vi 1st St., this city, to examine all those holding permits. Those falling to appear, their permits will be revoked. T. M. Lewho, Secretary. YOUNG men wanted between age 18 and 25) railroad service: telegraphers, sta tion s gents, clerks: salaries $75 to $f0 por month, No Btrlke; nosUlons guar anteed competent men. For particulars address N-217. Journal. Wanted 8 sober. Intelligent men to learn to repair and drive automobiles. Call 266 llth st WANTKD Rail wny mail clerks. Port land examinations announoed Jan. If. Sample questions free. Franklin Inatl- tute. Dept. 88-K. Rochester. ,N. Y. MOTION plnturei operating taught tn theatre, full practical course. Learn It right. Price 'reasonable. Position -se cured. Z-167, -journal,. WANTED lmme.l!eiely! men to learn automobile driving and repairing. Call at 869 Union ave., near Hawthorne. ; T" 7 GIRLS. - . Learn- our-buffineesr Sanitary Beautr Parlors. 400-41$ Dekum bldg. CLOSING out few remaining uncalled for suits and overcoats $8.60 up. Tay. lor, the Tailor. 285 Bumstde st HELP WANTED ITKJIALB fl WANTED Woman to do repairing, . altering, relinlng,?to.: musf know now to press, ladles" clothing. Broad way Dye Worka, Grand are. and Bohuy- ier. WOMAN tor BUSINESS CUANCES or general housework small I -I'rSl i ,78 Pfr,, nquira tai EasTAlderor ljOOODrooms, ' ' . :- ,' - family. I EMPLOYMENT. AGENCIl-te 53 FREE OFFICE fessional and clerical, male and female help furnished on abort notice. . KO feos. "vc - " :' rn en's department 4 l-ldi-orr-8almon. Women's department 848 Salmon st Bitm sens: A-eszt. C. R. HANSEN & CO. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. Id St.. Portland. Ladies department, 7th and Wash, sts., upstairs, Portlsnd. . . 424 Front avn., Spokane. .; '$ 4th at. Ban Franolsco, ';- Established 1876. Bennett's Emoloyment Agency 8 N. 2d. Mil 84: A-1BS3. Quiclc service, reliable help to .employer free. Butts & Eldredge Emp, Co. - Uk N. 2d st Main 8205, A-12M.' . Red Cross Employment 10 N. 2d. cor. Burnslde. M. 626. A-87$f. WAATED AGENTS 6 HIGHER elass or better paying employ. ment than that of representing a lead ing nursery company Is not to be had. If you are ambitious to better your con dition, the opportunity lies before you in entering our employ. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WE ' need a salesman In each of eev-! eral excellent fields to sell our splen did nursery stock, A permanent place: cash weekly1 and a square firm back of you. Write for particulars. Washington Kurwery Co., Toppenmh, Wash. WANTED Salesmen to aid us supply tne brisk demand lor our gooas. some vacant territory yet In every state west of the Mississippi. Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CCX, , Rnlem. Or. YOU CAN'T HELP but make money celling our guaranteed-to-glve-eatia-faction stock i free outfit: cash--weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima , Valley Nursery Co.. ToDDenlsh. Wash. WANTED Agent to sell our white lined enameiware, ,uniy salesmen wiin es tablinhed territory need apply. Mall references. The Bellaire Enamel Co.. Bellalre. Ohio. SITUATIONS MALE EXPERT ges engineer, stationary or marine, capable of Installing, running or repairing;, wants situation. C-271, Journal. CARPENTER work wanted by thor oughly experienced and reliable young man. Z-278. Journal. CORPORATIONS, government reports made out by an accountant who knows h.ow. W-274, Journal. WANTED By experienced young man, a position ss fireman in some hotel or faetorv. TS-275 Journal. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants of flee position; ran operate typewriter; rererenoee. K-Ziz, journal.- BOOKKEEPER for manufacturing bual ness; state experience and salary ex- peciea. r-tty, journal, MOVING pioture operator, steady, re- liable and experienced. Phone Sell. wood 449. FIRST-CLASS painter wants position, cay or contract. n-Z7, journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED Dining room or chamber work by two refined, neat appearing and experienced, young ladles. Prefer position out of- city. Address lock box 2S8. St. Helens, Or. . - EXPERIENCED colored laundress wants . washing and Ironing or house clean ing by day or at home. Call all week. Marshall 4040. EXPERIENCED woman wishes charge of rooming house In exchange for housekeeping rooms and small salary. H-271. Journal. WANTED By refined middle aged lady, position as housekeeper lor wia ower with one or two children. Refer ences. Phone East '4748. EXPERIENCED chamber maid wants position In city. Address route 6, box 17, Oregon City, Or. RESPECTABLE married lady wishes position. housekeeper, in rooming house. Call Main 2286, room 5. WOMAN who -understands housekeep ing, would like work In a family. W- 279. Journal. LACE curtains laundrled. 25c and up draperies cleaned and dyed. Tabor SIT, LADY pmnloverl afternoons wishes to work for room and board. Box office Cosy theatre, 1st and Main WANTED day work, by woman, 26o per hour and car fare. Tabor 81 4B. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires permanent position. Phone Main 7811 WOMAN of 30 wants to take charge of rooming house. C-3149. DRESSMAKING 40 LADIES' tailoring, cutting, fitting, SDoneing cloth, making buttons, but ton holes. Llnfngs furnished. Reason able prices. Gordon. 251 Yamhill. PLAIN sewing and hand embroidery done at reasonable rates. 582 E. Bin. Phono Sollwood S3. . LADIES' TAILORING. Alterations, conts rellned. Mrs. Muckler, 408 Mor rison. Mnln 4919. NUUSES 00 MATERNITY nurse wants case, do light housework. Marshall 1927. FURNISHED ItOOMS WEST 81X4, ' TWO well furnished front rooms, walk ing distance, 829 West rartc. Mar shall 2891. ELEGANTLY- furnished rooms, steam heat running water, free baths. Miss Bullard, 163 17tn, cor, Morrison TWO large front rooms, one suitable for 4 persons, 01 ner line rooms i weea up; an conveniences, sou maunon. NICELY furnished rooms and single housekeeping room, cheap. 54&H Wnsh. St. THE ELM PLACE 414 Yamhill; rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, prl- vata baths ana suites, oiose in. MASCOT 247 U 5th St., rooms 0 up per week. Main 7764. Free phone and ith. FOR RENT On large, bright furnished room; all convenienc co, -ner. enoes with private family. 474 Clay at. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms also two rooms on 286 4th st. 828 14th stret. M. 8549. BliSGLE and double sleeping rooms, walking distance, plenty of hot water and heat. a Montgomery si, FRONT a furnished room, facing park, good location, aicuinu ugnis, uaui, phone. 360 V, Park. LARGE front furnished room, with al- cove, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; walking dlstanee. 835 Montgomery. FRONT single bedroom for gentleman. $2 per week; an conveniences. 410 7th at. SMALL neat front rooms, always warm, suitable for either gentlemen or la dies. N. B. Cor. 18th. NICE clean rooms. Heat bath, phone. Very reasonable, uigni nousexeeping room or suite cheap. 48 N. 15th st PALMER HOlJSB, 360H Alder st. rooms per weex z.ov ana up, sieam heat and hot water. LOOK! 1 targe outside room and I small room ana Dam, a minutes rrom n. 288 6th st- AM6T36N HOTEL, nicely furnished steam heat ail the time, si.eu up. zg 8d st. LARGE front furnished room, alt mod- ern conveniences, is per montn. 43a 8d st Main 4712. BLEEPING 'and rooma for batoning, 81.50 to $S per week. 124 Main. oor. 6th. ' BUNNY front room, groundfloor, fir nace heat $8., 535 Johhsop. ' , 416 TAYLOUHleeplng. second floor, $10 ner month; modern. NICELY furnished rooms, close to car- 1 blocks from pos, toff Ice, Salmon, FURNISHED ROOM8 - WEST SIDE HOTEL CARLTON. 14TH AND WASJBi NGTON BTB. A LIMITED NUMBER OF BEAUTT FULLY FURNISHED AND APPOINT ED ROOMS AND SUITES, WITH AND WITHOUT PRIVATE BATH. ..FOR rrJKM AIVICNT' OUE8TH UM . vn nmiBnM.DTn : unuTurv tj TTV T A T . RATES. .EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT OF HOME WITH THE St r , nr. . nri.r . iTW A POSITIVELY FIREPROOF BUILD ING. , , ROSS. FINNIOAK, -MANAGER. Regent Hotel 151 1-2 7th St. Newly furnished rooms, water In each room, steam heat, very central, c.ulet, special weekly and monthly rates, tran sient rates 76o up, weekly $3.50 and up. Run on home principles. Main 80('2. GARLAND ROOMS. 25 Trinity Plac cor. Washington. New brick building, steom heat,, all out side rooms, nicely furnished. Hot water and private phone ever ' room. Perma nent Transient Rates reasotable. siainii85 The heart of the business tenter, 7th snd Tsylor. opposite Helllg theatre a quiet home for quiet people, strictly modern, permanent: transient Main 918 THE CS'LONIAL Some comfortable outside double steam heatea rooms, 1st and 2d floor, some suitable for 8 people. $4 to $5. -165 10th. Take W car rromflepot TOE BAKER, 28ii 8th st.; nice warm rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter; special rates for pennanents; tran sients eoiieitea THK KING, 309 Jefferson; nicely fur nished rooms, heat, electric light, close to business center; rates. Including bath. t2.R0 per weelr iitl NICE clmn little basement sieepin JICE clmn little basement sleeping rooms, light, heat and bath free, $1.60 reek, Johnson, 168 10th at. week FOR RENT One large front furnished room, an conveniences, jsi itm si. Marshall 8064. NICELY furnlshe-. front rooms, suitable for one or two; walking distance. 329 west FarK. LANDORE APTS. 28l 10th- -A few warm cozy rooms for rent.. FURNISHED and housekeeping roo m s, $2.50 week and up. 225 Bhorioan FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE B2 nsuy Jreer notei, iu, ou im hdi.--. steam heat, hot and cold water and phones In all rooms. Free and private baths. 75c day up, $8 week up. Nothing extra ror two in room, ALL the pomforts of a home, within walking distance, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen, also smaller rooms reasonable. Phone East 8404. an iiirn sr. m. THE OAYOSA Brick' building, steam neatea. eieotric ngnis, pnne m rooms, elevator, $3 week up. with $4 up. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark. , SINGLE room nicely furnished. $8 month. Including heat, phohe, bath. 464 y, E. Burnslde, cor. tn. $49 BENTON, between Cherry and Broadway; can be arranged for house- keeplne-: $2 and up. FURN'lgRET) room. 1031 rtarfiTiTd ave near Union. Phone Woodlawn 2373., UNFURNISHED ROOMS .10 S OR 4 unfurnished front rooms, mod- ern. cheap. 249 Harrison, near, an. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PLEASANT, well heated front room with board for one or two. Modern home, strictly private and reasonable. eat k. Madison, r-nona n-nm, WANTED by refined young lady, 1 Jolly girl for chum and to share coa: apartments. One who is Interested 11 art preferred. East 3327. tCTirw iin-tn-rintn room for rent 20 mln utes" walk from postofflce; board If desired, east side. z4 Meatmen mi.. citv. LARGE, bright, neatly furnished front room, two carllnes, walking distance. two Kentlemen. $6. eiz1 MirwauKic THE CASA ROSA Large, airy fur nished rooms, wltn noara; spienuiu m cation, 800 Jefferson. LARGE outside room suitable for three , - I , 1 J . V. n V,dth, Ck UDOpiO, Wlin IWru, Ileal, . uo"i, - , . - 1 mm en . -1. tf.li. WrBK, I WO pfupiw, g.uy -cn.. not Af." FINE targe front room for two gentle men, Wltn poara, to per w coa. --jo cnapman, nortn or jeriergon vtcri.y furnlshoil room, sultablo for 1 -entiemen. with board: references. 195 16th t NEWLY furnished room, board, for gentleman: steam. B70 cnucn, Apt, m. NICELY furnished room, two meals. 32 lfith near Washington, ; WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 80 CARE for baby 8 months old. Z-27B, Journ al. UOUSHKEEPINO ROOMS . WEST SIDE TWO suites housekeeping rooms, oppo site Falling school, phone, gas. 721 1st at. : $20 month, fine 2 room flat euite, all conveniences, housekeeping or baohe- lor suite. 147 L,ownsoaie st THREE rooms $18, enter on 12th st In quire of A- B. Oilson, 444 Washing ion NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Single or en suite. Modern conven- lences. 129 10th trtlTT'Kl of housekeeDlna- rooms: also single rooms. Gas, bath, pbons, furt naca neat. xia ah. hest. 171 N, 17tn St. Gem hotel, 665 1st; steam heated, . t...lt.l .nn 1 1 9R it n SHERMAN hotel, under new manage- ment, nousexeeping rooms, tt.av. i Sherman FRONT housekeeping room with fire-- place, first nnor, an conveniences, 453 Mali. Main 694. TWO rooms, well furnished, light house keeping; no eimuren, warning ais tance. 403 2d. HOUSEKEEPING suites, best location, every convenience and very reason able ism mm BUI AWT, apwi. v TWO housekeeping rooms ' downtown pantry, bathroom, no children, $3.75 z 14111 m SUITE of housekeeping rooms, llgnt and clean; no children. 421 (th st A-3196 ONE and two room housekeeping suites. rent reaaonaoia, wkikiub; uiaiiu-. cib Columnia, THREE nlca large rooms for rent, first floor; piano, sink, wood and gas ranges, free phone anq natn. ii 7tn. NlCli furnished housekeeping rooms, front rooms, ires neat, ugni mna - Kna Jnhnsnn. i FOUR clean, light furnished houae keentnc rooms. Gas. bath. $12.50 month. 692 Front. Ui Taylpr. Furnished housekeeping -. anites. Gas. bath, phone.-, laundry. Reasonable. - 11. FINE housekeeping rooms, $8. $10. $14; evervthlng furnished, . prlvaU home, near cars. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, $10 month. 289 H 1st st LARGE single housekeeping room on first rioor. t-iwii m. n Uigur, 'St Iioor. twau in. 1 M, nmnr, 14th, corner Clay, pleasant 8 and room furnished housekeeping suites. g-room fioTTHEKEEPING rooms, $3.60 week up. THK ClAt, 4.m Morrison XfttCHttLL ItousekeeplnTVooms; ilght (aa; mooeraia. itn-c lunuers. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ,J WEST SU)E - Hunt's Express & Baggage Co 1 trunk, too. ' Additional trunks. $60 each ortp with trunk tree. : A-$41 . Marshall 541$. t $2.50 Per Week Furnished for housekeeping, large, ligiit well ventilated room with alcove. 17 17th. Main 4697. 3 AliD $ ROOM KOUSEKEEPINGa . $20 TO $30. 137 lt7h. Jisar Yamhill: all modem conveniences; steam heat, phone "The m teonta." Main 46B7, A-473H. NICE room, completely furnished for housekeeping, electric light K&s, bath, phone, easy walking distance, $4.25 weekly, fuel furnished. 68 N. 21st, ltt uhii-kb rrom wasnington. LARGE, pleasant front rooni and kltch en. furnished, housekeeping, electric light,' water, telephone and bath free. $4 week. $15 month. 306 4th St. Call mornings or after 5 o'clock WARM, clean, nicely furnished room, ekictrlc lights and phone, bath on same floor; gentlemen preferred. 700 r landers. TWO or 8 nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, bath, gas, phone and piano, near four carllnes. Inquire $71 N. 22d, neRr Thurman Baseace & Omnibus Transfer Baggage moved, and stored. Pbons BEAUTIFULLY furnished, clean, sun ny front housekeeping suite, running water, heat, light, etc.; walking distance. 407 Columbia t DESIRABLE three room suite, well fur nished; separate entrance, gas range, sink, electricity, bath, phgne. 700 Flan ders A FURNISHED front room and alcove, light housekeeping. Furnace heat, hot and cold water, laundry, facing soutn. 476 uiay, WARM, dry, ' light basement rooms, suitable for plain working people. $6.00. $6.00. $10.00 per month. 675 Couch, northeast cor, lutn. HOUSEKEEPING, 1, 2 and - 3 room - suites, heat, bath, phone and light free, $10 and $14; 2 large front rooms, $22.50. 346 Hall. Marshall 3292. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; private bath, pantry and toilet. In the heart of the city, $3 per week. r'eters, IB N. etn st, THK HALL Two large light single housekeeping rooms. $3.25 per week. Others cheaper. Children no objection. 414 5th, 460 Yamhill. Two completely furnished connecting Housekeeping rooms. Al so one single housekeeping room. Yard, bath, phone.: ONE front room end fireplace; 1 baok room fitted for kitchen; 2 bedrooms upstairs, 4 rooms $40 per month. 444 V4 Washington TWO large rooms connected for light housekeeping, completely furnished, all modern conveniences. 653 Everett, cor. 17th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 4S $14, TWO fine quiet housekeeping rooms, clean, eunshlny and airy; over looking river: water, bath, lights, phone free. Beautiful residence district; walk ing distance; Booklyn car. 664 East 6th. Phone Bellwood 1109, BELMONT APARTMENT. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms, suites of 3 and 8, all outside rooms, gas plate furnished. $1 per week per room. 4SQ3fe Heimont, TWO front rooms furnished for house k,,nin'ff with hath Vint anil r.old water. 1.1, 1 , 1 , , 1 .. . . . . . - 1 - - - - . rent tit, inquire in mni c 2 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, -awl" nnro Anrf nalnted. 660 E. r-tr-- -"- Morrison, corner ot tatn. 2 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, close In; gas, heat,, etc.; rea sonable Dos pj. main st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, . . , l 1 1 ..1. 1 . , l.ln.1. 0 ... r. n f gas, eirccirn: iiRin-.a uiurw i,wn. w.. 23 Vt East lZth St., Knst Anmny car. A A vn -! .. rw. . . , .1 nlnalv f 11 rn I ttllotl fn 4. v a itfumo, . , ,v,j . - - housekeeping. Free phone, electrlo tights. $11 mo. 1718 Parksmouth ave. 6UITB3 of nicely furnished rooms, hot Cold water, gas, oain, pnouo nuu wtt trie light 314. 693 E. Morrison. LARGE furnished housekeeping room all conveniences. 235 is. tn. a. aiu HOUSES FOR KENT 12 For Rent New 8 room modern house, 58th and Ev. Gllsan, $20 per month. 10 room furnished house at 419 Gra ham ave., $35 per montn. Hargrove & Sons 122 North 6th.t cor; 6th and Glisan sts Main 4S81, A-72f! NEW modern 4-room cottage, $15.00 N tnndprn li room hilnKHlow. $18.00 New modern room bungalow, $20.00. New modern 5 rooms rurnlsnea, Now mniiprn 6 room house. $26.00, Cose In on east side, near S. P. shops. E. A. MCURATH, 831 Chamber of Commerce. VI V mnrtern 7 room house. Holladav Park addition: fine location, 24th and Wasco: will loase rrom 1 to o years, $30 per month. Charleson &'Co., 411 Commercial bldg. Fhone East 1841. FOR RENT 5 room modern house, gas and electric rixtures, minus. niocus off Union ave.. on cement street, $16. Phone East 1282. or Inquire 466 E. 7th st. N. B V. i . rvK ItJBJN 1 i' ive room ouiljaiuw. iur nace, fireplace, garage, hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures. Phone Tabor XI 19. ZPV Cj. Via st NEAT 4 room cottage, large lot foil linwement, bath, electric ngntsv gas. 876 Rodney ave., fl. eattie not- matin, 204 StarK Troh RENT Modern 7-room bungalow nn nr. Rnntt car. at Mvrtle Park, Go north oth st.. 37th ave. $20. Or phone Tabor 8071. -STWT-- m . n O , V. In good order: to a good tenant at reasonable terms. Phone Tabor 1604. FIVKt room modern cottage, large porch gas. 4 electric, bath, near 23d and S cars rs. 862 Vaughn, $18. Marshall 3408 FOR RENT Modern 4 room cottage, fine fqr young couple. 425 ID. 8th. Fhone i-jast z, TWO 7 room houses and one 4 rooms, UWII .11. v . t -" - l 1 III II 1 II n A VT TTANt, lun d, 608 Worcester Pidg. NEW 5-room, modern house. 1 block from St Johns car, 1391 Burrage st. Arbor Lodge, woooiawn i-a, SEVEN room house, newly painted and papered, 1 block from car. Call 835 K 30th. "W. W." car. CHEAP, st Kenton, cottages, sell or rent Stokes & Farmer, Derby st. Phone Woodlawn zn ' J "J 1 .. l " 4 AAA V- -- MODKKN 7 room noiine, iu . main, take Mt Scott or Hawthorne, get off 4lst; rent im. FURNISHED HOUSES 80 NEW modem room house, - elegant . I .. I n e,nfttiA rttnnn AM 19 minutes to P. O., Sunnyslde ear. 771 Keimont st. Parties can have same at own price, 1NE modern 7 room house, welt fur nished, good location, ju per montn. Charleson & Co., 411 Commercial bldg. Phone EastlMi NEW modern 7 room house, new furnl- turs. silver ana linens turnacs; on Hawthorne ave., Close In. Tabor 2270 TWELVE Foom furnished rooming hnuHft for rent. - Partly full of ten ants. Main fo FURNISHED modern 6 room cottage, west side, walking distance, phone, water pain, mo. qui "u xwn . , . AH- . . L. TT.II WEST side, walking distance, four room completely furnished .cottage, 8 bed rooms, reasonable. B5 4tn st. NICELY furnished 7-room house; piano very reasonaoie. oi unsan ana si st. i ill I FURNISHED, new, modern 7 room kmi.Ai in Int will sell rlirnlturs: could re'rent part. . Phone East 4503, --Li-1 ' -, 1 .... I- 1C "J ' 'ItL. MODERN nouse, 4 rooms, oHtn, ipniuy of adults, no dog. 406 13th. ilODERff 4 room flat aver store. $14. 809 Williams ave., Woodlawn XOUi JflVB room furnished house on K. iitfi and Ainswortn. room test ijiw. BO FOR RENT 5 room bungalow, modem invery respect, complotely furnished, piano, gas and electric light, rent very reasonable. Phono Woodlawn 3061. CALIFORNIA bunKalQW. irQQrfl.well. sun si., rent reasonable 10 aesiraoie nartlea. Phnna n.i7S9 iinwionftu a ruiun moaern pome, ci - In: oorner, east side, $50; 820 11U piook, corner Rodney. C-3198. HOUSES FOR KENT FURNITURE .FOR SALE 32 YOU'LL be pusnd here sure; 6 sunny rooms, rent only $22: Income; 4 rooms, $40; "plckun," $326. Your 'own terms. Good furniture, carpets. 405 1st. flat K. Main 7658. . 1 FURNITURE of 6 room house for Bafe cheap, house for rent modern, t story, with attic, full basement, furnace, gas, electrlo lights, $91.60. - 66$ Pettigrova, H block from S and 16th st. car. ' FURNITURE 7 rooms, 2 rooms rented. furnace, sleeping porch, rent $20, close In, good location for roomers or board ers, $300, terms $100 cash, balance monthly. Phone owner, East 3480. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 7 rooms for light housekeeping, no rea sonable offer refused. Call 407 4th, bet. narnson and nail. Beautifully furnished 5 room fiat, 4 blocks Washington, 3 rooms rented more than pays rent; cheap for cash; terms. Marshall 1977. A-125. Journal. FURNISHINGS of a 9 room residence full of good roomers. ' Will sacrifice ur m.itn rpwn. van Main Hvni SEVEN room house for rent, furniture for sale. Brings $21 over rent. In- quire nu i4tn st. FIVE room furnlnhed cottage. $30 month Or, will sell furniture to re-, sponsible people. 571 Marshall. EIGHT rooms, 8 roomers, $300, $150 cash, $15 month. 178 16th. -Main 9096. BRAND new furniture of 6 rooms, a bargain; terms. Inquire 129 N. 17th. A-7301. APARTMENTS 43 FORDHAM APARTMENTS COM- At 170-172 Ford' st. Just south of Washington, are the most completer highest class apartments ever built In Portland. Finished in hardwood through out, giving tenants choice of oak. Or cadian walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with superb fixtures; highest class service; each with private balcohv and bath: 4 rooms with most convenient arrangement. $48.50 to $50: 6 rooms, $50 to $60. This ouuuing is aurerent. i.et Mrs. curieign snow you throu jgh. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. . 12th and Taylor. JUst completed. most magnificently furnished apartments In the northwest: location perfect: rentals reasonable: every modem convenience, ln;ludln banquet hall and roof garden: blh class service; references required. Both phones In all apartments. Phone Main 2276 and A-70B7. The Bjelland 16th and Lovetoi Unfurnished apartments, slrtctly mod ern, brand new brick building, 2, 8 or 4 rooms. Rates $26, $30, $35, including heat, phone, gas range and water. Phone owner, Main 1S67, A-1867. PHONE EAST 4738. C-2533. You can have llrhter, larger, better furnished and quieter apartments of 2 8 or 4 rooms for $16 per month less, with every modern convenience, at the Halsev Court $00 WTLLT AMB -AVT THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money: short dlstennai from TTnlon depot Take "8" or 16th st. cars north, get off at Mar shall st. No doers. KING HILL APARTRINTS. 4, 6 6 room apartmnts; select tenancy. Apply on premises. 171 King st. : WK" Mc-kinLeY 429 E. MORR'SON, COR. 7TH. 2. 8 and 4-room apartments, fur nished up to date, private bathe, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment, bent service. . BANNER . APARTMENTS - 488 Clay St., up-to-date furnished 2 room apartments. Price $$0 to, $24, In cluding heat, light and Janitor service. Phone Marshall 2074. Drickston Apartment 448 llth near College, 2 and 8 room suites, strictly first class, bachelor apartments a specialty, $25 up, Durfee Apartments 3 room steam heated apartments, fur nished or unfurnishel. Private nhnnn and hath. 308 Stanton st. East 1065. THE ALBEMARLE. 2 and 3 room apart ments, steam heat, private phone and bath. $83 Williams ave. Phone East 4193. THE SOUTHAMPTON. 410 Hall st. One unfurnished 4 room apartment Strlotlv first class. A-2048. TUB CHETOPA 18th and Flanders mt. 2, 8 and. 4 room apartments, modem, furnished and unfurnished, new furni- ture unit nuiidtng. Apply to Janitor, FOR REyT 2 and 4 room apartments. Electric light and ges. $15 each. Call ns ticimont, rnone n,ast sou., THtf WESTMINSTER Nicely furnished apartments, also single rooms. 2 mln utes from P. O. 262 6th. Main 5582. THE DAVENPORT Ncwlv furnished 2 and 3 room ants., modern, walking oiwianre. rnun omno. quo jeTrerson St ONE modern apartment; 4 nice, light rooms. The Ormond. 856 Flnnl- Nob Hill. Main 8251. SAN MARCO apts., JS. 8th and Couch, brick, modern. 8 rooms, private hth and phone. $25 to 827,60. Call E. 2757. CAMBRIAN 12th and Columbia, 2 and 3 room apartments nicely situated elegantly furnished, reasonable In price. NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont and Grand ave.. 1 and 2 room furnlah4 spts.: tree ngnt, neat,, patn, pnone. GRAY Cablet apartments, 289 10th. i room apartments. Phone A-2629. ELEGANTLY furnished 3 room apart ments, modern. 624 Marshall st FOR RENT.' FLATS 13 WEST side, new, strictly mbdem, 4 rial. 3 rooms with bath, sleenlnir porch, water heater, laundry, cellar room, woodlllt. 400 25th st. Main B8B3. NEW modern 4-room flat disappearing bed, water hente i.nd range; separ ata basement furnace and entrance. 814 waegiy, S-RO'bM modern flat, walking distance. 801 E. 12th, near Hawthorne. East 4183. t ROOM flat, partly furnished, water a:, a garbage, no. 700 vancodver ave. Woodlawn 1953. , WALNUT PARK FLATS. Modern 4 and 6 rooms, 1058 Cluveland. U cars. Woodlawn 2296. NEW, modern lower 4 room flat. Fur nace. Rent lis. zsth and E. Irvine. fnone iast o, -nui MODERN lower flat, Irvlngton. Upper flat, 314 H Eugene st. Phone East Bens. FOUR and 6 room flats, 177 hi Green ave., near zq and wash. Main bJS8. Ib'IVE room cottage for rAnt, partly fur- nisnea. i. inquire b. i-j. etarg st. FURNISHED FLATS 00 11 jaA-$M$- $20rMODERN 6-room upper flat: gas stove, electrlolty, fireplace, 914H E, Morrison. Would sell rugs cheap. Own er, 24a ;ast si tn. l anor i (. VERY desirable S room .urnishedflat, larca alcova. sleSDing noroh. Vhlklna oigtancs, rcasonaoie. oiivi tteimoni. SIX room flat on North 18th st, near ousan. . inquire at. ii is, lan, aee- ona rioor. rilCtJLY flnlshedlower'.ISCBathTMi, phone end piano. Neiir 4 carllnes. Inquire- 871 N, 2d, nenr Tnnrman, JE-GU'lf room ' turnlsheU flat, 4 rooms now nearly pay rent Kill sbo oth et FURNvSirKD HOUSES - I STORES AND OFFICES It Washington Street Store .Store for optician, florist hair store or picture postal good location between 6th and Park. ' ' ' , 1 -rFAHARTTr--CONNOLtYT " 715 Yeon bldg. Main 8718. A LARGE storefront and wlnduw; wilt remodel to suit Fine chance tor eU gar and candy stand. ; Apply 40$ . Mor.. : rlson st. ' --'s . " 1 . .' OFFICE fbr rent, furnished or, unfur nished: reasonable. .2-3 Lumber Ex- cnange niflg. FOR RENT Large storeroom In good . suburban location with 6 living rooms If desired-. R-271. Joi-rnal, ; DESK rqom in large, light, well located office for cooperative real estate. Phone, lists, cheap. Z-$78. Journal. I)ESK room, fine office, tow ronL , 30$ Railway Exchange. , -V i ; .- HOTELS SI BOTEL PORTLAND European plM ni.y; a. is a ay. fiE L V E IJ E R K f.n ropea n . 4th and AW-. FOR RENT MISCELIiAKOUS S3 BARN for rent, 4 large Stalls, large loft Will rent cheap. 848 Vaughn st AUTO garage for rent, tl month,: 14 Salmon, near Park. - PIANO for rent Woodlawn 2424. WANTED TO RENT 7 WANTED Furnished room in private family, walking distance to Grand ave. and Morrison st, oy gentleman.. 8-271, Journal. f WANTED To rent 3 room house or I unfurnished housekeeping rooms, cnenp, rnone Main eess. TWO housekeeping rooms, on west side, in neighborhood of 17th; state price end accommodations. 8-276, Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. IS Cows, Horses, Mules and Har ness for Sale From this date on we will keep sev eral good milch cows for sale with our regular sales of horses, mules, wagons and harness; we have about 20 head of horses on safe at present of all kinds; 6 mules, several wagons, which It will pay you to look at before buying; else- where. Hawthorne Avenue Stables 420 Hawthorne ave. TEN head of cheap horses from $20 up; one good 2d hand dye or laundry wagon; three good express wagons: one good 3H wide track farm wagon. 14, union ave., comer Asn. WANTED Team of horses or mules for light work on farm during winter. plenty feed, kind treatment;.' will pay small sum for use. Address box 167, k. ir. v. wo. j, uswego, ur. JUST arrived, carload chunky mares and horses, 4 to 6 years, weight 1200 to 1600, sound and true; sold under a guarantee. Columbia Stables, 802 Front street. IF you want to buy or sell cows, horses, harness and vehicles, call at 446 Flanders st. N. Auction sales Wednes days. M.JWanr, auctioneer. HAVING disposed of my ranch, will dispose of my 2 pairs mares. Call end see them. Mrs. Holding, oor. $ttu wtnorne Ave, woooyaro. HORSES and buggies for rent by day. weeg ano montn; special rates to business houses. Oth and Hawthorne. East 72. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 Don't Fail To see those Orpington pullets and fTockerels at the O. K. poultry pens be fore buying. Phone Tabor 3667. ' WANTED S: C. White Leghorn hens or pullets; premium offered for su perior stock. Browndale Farms, Inc., Aurora, Or. WANTED A few fresh cows. Must be good and pass tubercullne test Ad dress with full description. V. Jeffcott. Oswego, Or. ' SEE us for standard bred poultry, set tings, baby chicks and supplies. The Poultry Supply Houee, 206 Salmon. TWO fine sows with pigs for sale or trade for horse ana and Ila-ht delivery wagon. 8-274, Journal. TWO good frfesh cows at 709 Harold et., Sell wood car. 1 . DOGS ASt HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FOR SALE Imported St Andrewsberg Roller canaries." 129 K. 20th, near Morrison. ,x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 A NUMBER of arttcles of furniture, - bedroom, dining room, kitchen outfit, round extension table, chairs, steel range, small cook stove, water ' coll, dressers, linoleums, rugs, 2 heaters. Victor phonograph, Singer sewing ma chine, gas fixtures. 112 Union ave., next to P. O. : FOR SALE New and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix-.-rures of ell kinds: easy payments. The Drunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46-4$ 5th st. SAFES New and -2d hand; low prices: easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co. 5th st. Mnln 6309. A-4118. &EW PIANOLA for sale, latest model. 88 note. Weber make: will sell for less than half of original cost H-27Sr Journal. FANCY Hood River apples; big picture sale.. $2.50 pictures, 66c; $4 framed, pictures, 98c; framed pictures, 5c. 35V Morrison st. FOR 8AL10 Three fine solid oak mirror aoors, vhj. ptiriitiuna iwi would panel entire room. Phone Main 3. . . A LA RGB and medium sized safe cheap, good condition, terms If desired.. R-918. Journal. ALL kinds house furnishings bought, sold and exchanged. Star Furniture Co., 380 Hawthorne ave. East 1047. CAPITAL JUNK CO.. dealers In Iron, metal, runner, earns, , macmnery, pip. tools, lob lots. 7 t. ist si. Mar. t i t i.. 1. .' ' i ' ll'. ." LADY will sell beautiful upright; Zl? rnmnnhia offer refused. H-277. journal. FOR SALE House boat 16x36. A. T. Whitman, foot 17th st Phone Main ett. FOR SALE or rent double drum hoist ing engine. A. J. Dwyer. 414 Yeon bldg. Main 7Z.o; A-e.im WELL ntted fertilising manure for sale. Phone East 4926. ' - r KTEINWAY upright for sale, fine condi tion. H-276 Journal. FOR SALE 20 good beds and springs at a bargain, t'none ijiasi svw. FOR S"aTE Well Votted.fsUUier ma nure, call East 2122. SMITH PREMIER typewriter, fine mu. difloh, $18. R-376, Journal. V ANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 . LAND CLKARtKO.-'"-""' ' We are headquarters for land clear ing. Call on us before letting contract Butts A Kldrodge. $4 N, 2d St Phone Main naoB. a-i-wi. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pav the highest cash price for second hand household goods. .V, M. . ... n. ...!! 1rA 1114 neater, '. WR RUT RKCOND HAND CLOTHING. AND FURNITim Psy'the highest price for everything;: call Mam -"n. Z!"' rirst. iKnn wnrth 2d hand household" loods lit large or small tots. Immediately. CASKY FfRNrrfRr? CO.. Eat r. . ,,Ai imv-- iii,.-ir..i TihfuOr 7 E. Morrlsori. phone B. 1022, pye nixneei rasn prir mr lurnnu . BE WISE; get more fur your second v hand furniture by selMng It to Ford Auction CO.. 1M I SI. e-rl, WANTED furniture for 22 rooms In ,, large or small l"t, Msrsnsu m'f. WE buy end sell moal anything. kSu"i 874. 626 1st st. , WANTKI 2d han.I furniture. RTmiTI I 848 Howthorne eve CAKU pMi.fTor Fnus, i.i,;.j , i. ., i Main bit or A-.-4V., 7-.--