FEDERAL DOMESTIC ISHHl Local Commercial Club Asked ' to Aid in Getting Desirable '. Class of Foreigners to Set tie Lands, East West.-. The Northwest Development league, : with headquarter at St. Paul, has taken the Initiative In a movement toward me establishment Jy the federal tor- emment -of- a genuine domestlb Immi gration polioy which, Instead of aerrlns only to exclude uhdealrabla alien will .rather stimulate the Immigration of the aeairabie claaa of foreigners. The Portland Commercial club this tnornlnff received a letter from Secre tary Will A.; Campbell of the league. naung xnat at a reoent meeting - reeo. lutiona were adopted getting forth the plan and purposes and these ' resolu tions will be sent to members of eon gress with the. request that their aup port be lven the proposition, which It ; w conswerea one or utmost Import- since,, i,- "';''' ' .-a. t There ar! In the United State .lm nenae areas of lands that could' readily fee made wealth producing If the proper people, could be settled thereon,' and It la believed that the federal Kovernment can aid tremendously In getting started movement or desirable landseekera. ' Beeolutloni rassed, ' ' r -The preamble' and resolutions passed or the executive board of the North west Development league follow "Whereas, The Increased cost of liv ing in the United States Is to a large extent due to the large lnorease In the population of towns and cities and the proportionate decrease In the number of farmers, and "Whereas, For many reasons life In the country is more conducive to health, wealth and good cltisenshlp than life In the city, and ' Whereas, Canada for the above rea sons recognises the settlement of vacant lands and the distribution of population - i - . i o a proper runotion or government, 1 ' . , nd spends large sums of money In the ' work of settling vacant lands and Is In i consequence securing . thousands of our "Whereas, There are thousands of .. aliens In the large eastern cities who rere farmers In the old country and ...who desire to farm In this country, but who are unable to find a proper location becautfe there Is no existing agency to V move them in which they have sufflc- lentconfidence. and Beeoaunesdatlon Hade. -r Whereas, These people-wem readily I accept ine word or the United States government regarding vacant lands, and ,.. "Whereas, Unoccupied lands suitable vor colonization may be found In nearly very state both east and west, and ... i nutrm, int unitea states govern ment has no-domestic Immigration pol icy, the function of the United States Immigration bureau being the negative one of keeping out undesirable foreign- era. I "Resolved. That the Nnrthwi. ru. velopment -league recommend the pas sage of laws-- Inaugurating, a United States government domestlo lmmlgra . tlon policy for the above purpose, with suitable appropriation, and "Be it .further resolved, That the Northwest Development league recom mend proper cooperation on the part of the states having lands suitable for col. enization." Promotion Manager C. C Chapman of the club, stated this morning that he believes the move a good one in the '. right direction,- and the Portland Com mercial elub and the Oregon Develop : ment league." aa well as other commer cial organisations In the state, will In all probability give It their hearty sup--port- . ROSE HIT THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL? !H.L L J . .1 -J I III! USJL Li1 .", WO ", UMUHW I prosecution has. Again I say,' why nuuiu anyvae ironv inm aerenno iiumpi PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, OPENS IN PASADENA Aviator Skims pver City Scat tering Carnations . Upon , . -. Throngs Below. . (United Press Lesied Wire.' Pasadena, CaL, JTan. 1. -One hunqed and seventy-five thousand people lined the streets of Pasadena yesterday at the 2Sd annual Tournamenfef Roses festl val and while Aviator Calbralth P. Rod ger showered carnations upon the mass of humanity from a high altitude, the greatest of all floral pageants In the history of this event, passed along the a wee is. i - Rodger's flight "was the unique feat ure of the celebration today. 'The in trepid ;; aviator - reached ' the reettmated height of 4000 feet and from this point flew back and fourth across the city while the parade was passing beneath him, .He had thousands of carnations tied to the aeroplane, and from time to tima he pulled strings which released a few at a time so that a literal shower pf , perfumed blossoms rained down 'Up on the people. , The watchers scrambled and fought good naturedly for these souvenirs. Rodgers remained In the air half an hour and finally alighted at his starting point. Tournament f&rk, after he had exhausted his supply of flowers.. There never has been such a crowd present at the tournament Last year the estimate of visitors was 126,000. And tnis year the most conservative place tne numoer at iso.ooo. EVIDENCE IN WILDE . CASE STOLEN FROM DISTRICT ATTORNEY (Continued from Page One) m und GETS MRS T. attorney that the raid of hia office was maae sometime after midnight, after the elevator stopped running. Entrance to the office of Attorn. a.. F. Clark on the twelfth floor of the Teon building was made by prying off the brass plate which covers th lock and -thus getting access to the lock. This door opened Into a reception halL Entrance was mined to Clark's nrl- vate office by springing the lock. The drawers in Clark's mahogany desk were opened by prying loose the look. There were taken a list of the witnesses the proseoutlon had for the Wilde case, memoranda of the cause and a .J2-caU- ber revolver. . . Documents Immaterial. Attorney Dan J. Malrkv in. counsel for Wilde, said: last week the defense was nnnti. catty- aecused -of- 1urytampering," and this week it Is practically . accused of burglary. However, I wish to say that the defense had nothing to do In the alleged burglary and theft. That state ment cannot be made too emphatic. "In the first Dlace. it la InmnuinM. that Mr. Wilde or anyone connected with the defense would do such a thing on the eve of the trial. To do such a thing would injure Jlr. Wilde more than any thing else. . "In the second place, from what I can learn, the documents taken are im material to the case, would be the least injurious- to the defense, and possibly would not be evidence If at hand. "In the third place, the defense has copies of all the evldeno ttiota proposes to use. These conies were given us by an order from the circuit court Why should the defense or any one Interested on our side wish to break Into a room and steal what we already haveT "I want to say further that If the prosecution has lost any evidence It wishes to use In the trial, we will con sent to the use of our copies, which were given us by the prosecution. Thes copies were caref ully gone over, and are purported to be all the evidence in the case. On the day I received them I again checked them With Deputy Dis trict Attorney Collier, and have his sig nature to the fact that they are all the PIE AT PASADENA to break in and steal that 'which it has already in Its possession T Vf;"" ' Points to Prosecution, Says lttalarkey. "The first ' Impulse . of many ? Is to charge the defense with doing such an act as baa been committed. . I stated the defense had nothing to do with It, for we would have no motive In such an act. I will say that It. looks to me like one of the tricks,, acts or manipu lations of the prosecution. The per sons back of the prosecution were hard pressed for material tor a good - case, and the happenings from that side dur ing the last, several weeks plainly sub stantiate ray contention that It la a case, of -persecution Instead of prosecu tion. This act looks to me like the culmination , of the many petty, things the - office- of , District Attorney Cam eron has , sanctioned.' r I; cannot ' con ceive any other solution." . OOO Babbit , Slaughtered In Drive. '- Fresno, Cel., Jan. I. More than 600 rabbits were slaughtered in a big drive participated in by ' 800 persons from Fresno and the surrounding country. They were barbecued. . Trophies were counted around .the flreU. 1912: FOUR OF ONE FAMILY SUING FOR DIVORCE Wm: all; at same time; ,V (tTnlted Press Leased Wire.) ' 4 Richmond, Ind., Jan. a. Four ... members of one family, all suing -for divorce at one time is the w unique condition of domestlo af- . fairs In the Cyrus Kicks house- '.'4iold here'- .'.' :;'-.. 1 e Mrs. Anna Hicks asks a, di. e . Yoree from.,' Cyrus ; She la hie e third wife. Cyrus himself , has e ) filed a oross bilt Iva, his daugh- ' -ter. Is suing William Todd, her husband. . William Hicks, his 4 son, has Instituted proceedings for a divorce from his wife. 4 ' ; - Sleighs Bon Near Blngen. ( . .' . -. (special te The Joarnal) v Blngen, Wash., Jan. I. -The first snow of the season has fallen here. There is about three Inches. There has) been good sleighing one mlli up the Mil from here, since December St. x". BlGWABTMEWf-STOEE V:i CLOSES'. ITS DOORS : APPRAISER APPOINTED With Orders to Sell Entire Stock and Fixtures at Once for the Benefit of the Creditors " This ooDuiar store.; The Golden Eaele, Third and Yamhill, Is perhaps one of the best-known houses, in the city, for it haa always carried a staple line of-Men's and Women's, Boys' and Girls' Wear ing Apparel. For years this house, has been known '-as the store where you could buy anything that coula be found in the best de partment stores of theity, and no doubt this piece of news will sur prise many of the old customers.- But the proprietors bought right up to the notch, stocking up heavily with Fall and Winter goods, thinking day by day that by having such a large stock of. merchandise and by putting up a hard fight for business they could make it go. But backward'' condi tions and having too large a stock for the location has left them short of funds. Seeing that only a short time was left for them, and that the creditors must have their money, the keys have been turned over and an appraiser has been appointed, WITH ORDERS TO DISPOSK OF THIS STOCK AND FIXTURES. For the benefit of those who-are not acquainted with this store, they will find everything for men the very best in Men's and Bovs' Suits. Overcoats. Hats, Shoes. Shirts, Underwear, etc, For women and children, the best of Cloaks and Suits, Underwear, Mll- inery, Waists, Skirts and everything carried by any department store. Every article in this store is bought irom tne leading houses kf the East and will be tound to be the very best on the market. Discriminatinc: "buyers will not be disappointed In looking these goods over, for this fine stock of merchandise (fixtures Included) will be out on sale and must be sold. Nothing will be held back. The doors have been closed since last Saturday. Stock will be ar ranged m the next day or so, and the entire stock, amounting to about $150,000, will be put on sale. - Doors Will Open Friday, Jan, 5,10 A. M. Goods will be marked so the public can buy wholesale or retail, as little or as much as they please. Open for bids on fixtures. For full particulars watch windows and see Thursday papers. By order of appraiser, B. W. Craig. N0 GOLDEN EAGLE W Salespeople Wanted Third and Yamhill the 17 Portland is first prize winner In Pasadena, Cel., New Tear's rose parade To the mind pf President George Hoyt or tne Rose Festival association, the! prise is a proof of the messages that have been com in r to him from far nt near to the effect that the Rose Festl-' vat, parades are without a peer In beauty and artistry in the United States. The Information as to the win ning of Ihe prize was oonveyed In tele- .. gram sent -- by Manager George I Uutchln of the Rose Festival from . Pasadena and reads: . "The Portland Rose Festival over all for the finest float The trophy is a costly and beautiful epergne." The float furnished by the Rose Fes- , tlval for the Pasadena parade was a huge ornamental basket filled with natural roses obtained this time of year in the California city. Peacocks apparently drawing the baskets were driven by cupids. The effect is said to have been as unusual as it was beauti ful and entirely characteristic of the itoee city. A respirator . for the use of persons - entering smoke or gases that a Vir glnlan has patented Is made in the shape ox a vest, me. pocKete noiaing oxygen Minna uiai are connected Wltfl a nose , and moutn piece by tubing: FURS FOR LESS 20lOFF Which means a laving- of 50 to 60 per cent compared with so called eastern hurriedly made bargain furs, we are manufac turers and sell direct to you. HLIEBES&C0 -Jr Plagsmann, Mgr. Corbett Bldg 288 Morrison St. CSJUJJ. CiilL of .A: Suits, Overcoats anH English RaincoatsBlues and Blacks Included $20.00 GannentsNpw 1 iS.SO $25.00 Garments Now & 1 9 .SO $30.00 Garments Now S2 3. SO $35.00 Garments Now S27.Si!0 $40.00 Garments Now S 3 1 .SO $45.00 Garments Now S3S.SO $50.00. Garments Now 339. SO Full-Dress and Tuxedo Suits Ten Per Cent Off NOTICE Every garment In'his store is new, this being our first season. Trousers $5.00 now . $6.00 now . $8.00 now . $10.00 now . $4.00 $4.75. $6.25 $7.50 NOTICE ' "Mathia" sendee will prevail during this sale same aa during regular season. Our Clothes Must Fit. 149 SIXTH STREET, BETWEEN MORRISON . AND ALDER FOURTH AND MORRISON 'J'HE year 1912 ushers in our 50th iyear of honest en deavor and successful merchandising in the city of Portland. We are unceasing in our efforts to please, and hope for a continuance of your valued patronage, which is keenly appreciated. w 1 ' OUR ANNUAL AND ALTERATION SALE AFFORDS AN OPPORTUNITY to START THE NE W YEAR RIGHT Men's Suits, and Overcoats $15.00 grade now. . . .; . . . ..v .$115, $20.00 grade now.. ....$14.85 $25.00 grade now. $18.75 $30.00 grade now. .$22.50 $35.00 grade now. $26.25 $40.00 grade now. . . , . . . . $30.00 $45,00 grade now. ........ . . .-. $33.75 3850.00 grade now. .......... ..$37.50 "V- Blues and blacks also re duced. Full Dress and Tux edo Suits reduced. Boys' Suits and Overcoats greatly reduced. All Men's . Fur nishing Goods greatly rei iced. ; llJ Portland's Fashion Center that I will start this great and glorious New Year, 19112a Right FTpSODAY, I am going to start the New Year WGHTf or 2S Portland people by giving them their choice of the largest and fin est of tthe 75 sites, now ready in Westover Terraces, for the sum of $4000, which is the price of the cheapest lot in the tract Nearly everybody in Pbrtland knows the property and can quiclc ly see what a handsome New Year's starter this will make for the 25 fortunate first purchasers. So all I need add is, that every live and wideawake ; person who can lay hands on .the . necessary money will do well to come up right away and make ah early selection.' To the 25 first purchasers I will say this; Within less than 12 rnonths frohi this date you will find that the amount you invest in Westover Terraces will have increased 100 per cent That is, I think, the boldest statement I ever put in any advertisement, but I believe I can prove it and in less than five minutes, over tho plone. - ,., - . i ' ' 1 j t , , So, be it further resolved that today I will take the first step towards Westover Terraces by calling up or calling on , f ; s , E No, t:.T7, Selling Agent for Westover . Terraces " and Eastmoreland r 818-523 SPALDING BUILDING FHOPiES r.iAin Raw Skins nd Furs " Wanted.