THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING," JANUARY 2, ,..1912. J7 'IL.Il.Ji.. . for i sAinousfes '-f.ei MAKRIAGli LICENSES FOR &ALE F.1KM V.'" 17 EXCIJA.VGK KKAf. -.EST It: '-il y FOIl SALE HOUSES 01 , George W. Speight, of .Hub- bard, Takes; Highest Hon .;: ors in Big, Display. I ..'vv.'.'''-' (Soeeial to tb JonrnaU ,.-T :': Roaeburg. Or Jan, i, Georre W, 1 pelght, of flubbard,; carried off the i lghest honor? at the poultry snow In . vthl city laat week when he w awards d- four of the thirteen cup offered. Mr. Epelght won' the poultry association cup j offered for the largest and best., display of birds. '.'"''. ' '.. ; , - - E. A. Kmseof Roseburg, won two ! . eups, one for the highest scoring pen of I f turkeys, the other for the best pen of j i : Indian Runner ducks . Mrs. J. S. North- rop, of Lebanon, won two of the leading prizes, one for the best pen of Buff , . Orpingtons 'an no the be8t ,1P,ft3r a of fowl by a wotnan.-r other cup wln-V-ners for the best pens were: ' Xirvwn juwt&uvi .-v.., .. k- pleasant" Hill. ' .?''' White Orpingtons Casa Gran da Poul ', try 'company, Koseburg, : White Wyandottes ROselawn Poul- " ?trv- farm, of Edertbower. ' Rhode Island Red6 II. B. Church, S, ' C. . White ' Leghorns William V Bnanfls, of Milwaukee. r ' There were also several ribbon Win ners. . . ' U' r . ' 1 ' Judge W. B. Stanfleld pronounced v Bpelght's magnificent Black Minorca fit to compete anywhere, Popular Education and Popular Government ; V-- By F. V Foreman. ' . ' A hundred years before , our -war for American independence, Governor Berke ! ley of Virginia, said in a sudden fit ' of gubernatorial seal: "I thank God there are no free school nor printing, 'and I hope we shall not have, them these hundred years." , v! wnal ma me -oia pcamp meani jubx 1, this: That educated people will not tolerate such an ld tyrant as he pro- . posed to make of himself in the colonies ' and he was afraid of education: There oan- be no euch thing as indl j Vldual education or individual progress. ' By the very condition of things we must all move together. What may it profit jthe state or nation even, though your V , boy be a college graduate, if his class f mates dq not receive enough of ele mentary schooling to fit them for the ' obligation and responsibilities ofclti- aenshlpT He can't make a state or na tion by himself, and these ignorant ' mates are Quite as opt to thwart his j, plans for the advancement of the com- j C jmon welfare, as theyiaeto heJ.Dhlm,! only oy ctucanery can ne nope " uui gtrip themknd to have the good things of .life for -himself. Are you willing ' .that he should? I am talking to fathers .. and mothers now. Your neighbor's children growing up unlettered and untaught, are Just, as "much, a menace o you as your own would be. - HowT . t In this government of the people,, by the people, and for the'people, your un- i tutored, -neighbor fs' Just as strong a factor at the polls as you are. Is It not common talk, how the Illiterate element is so prominent on. election day? "v Do they Icnow what they are voting U for, or whyt .They probably know why because the fejrow who told them ' bow, said so. ' Are you willing to truiit legislation to such 'people? -Do you want them i making lawa for you and your children ? -No? Well then educate your neljth- bor"s children. We can never take the ballot from any class of people. We do not wish to do so. We must edu cate the people up to the dignity of lawmaking. - " v ;"Can you not understand that the very . lowliest of these people Is as much a. part f -thia great nation as you are ami c that he . has- every power for good or V evil that you have? f Suppose we choose to ignare thls fact. the more we do it the greater Is our .: punishment for then the shrewd poll Ttlcian gets his vote and instead of a mere passive burden to ua. he becomes actively against us. As the good book : says, "He who is not for me is against ; me," and In nothing on earth Is this so ; true as In popular government, t , V We, as Individuals, should insist that ;i; every normal, child In our 'state should J 7 complete the elementary school work. He cannot meet his obligations as an . ' active member of a free government , i with any les equipment i Oet these boys and girls Into schooll ' Keep them .herel Tou would better, by .far, buy books and clothes and food for ,v them now, and so turn them out credl- , table citlsena, than-to be supporting them a few years later In penal lnstl- - tutlons and poorhotises and bread lines i or worse still, to have tlom overturn. Ing all your plans for decent and sane ';; governnfoht, by. neglecting to sustain ' ur common Interests at the polls, or Jy ' falling Into the hands of the ever alert - and eager grafter and vote getter. lu-- This appeal., is to . yon. dear ..reader. Do you know of any children who are not In school regularly? What is the reason for their absence? Is it any , reason that, you could remedy? Could v you -give clothos. or books or food to keep the children in school? Remember ''that ln the next" decade they will be making lawa for you! School or no ' school there you shall find them at the polls beside your boys and counting . i Just as much as the college man, for ;jr good or evil. Are you willing to take i1' the risk?- L.-:::.' ' 1 " "i'i. Don't you think We would all better s work for the enforcement of our present '.; laws "and also for, better ones? Can't ;.V you see that these .unlettered people are just' as much' a part of our national af y - fairs as the most highly cultured? And .4; by unlettered, I do not mean the grossly . Ignorant I mean the people who do '.', not read well enough to enjoy' the cur ',)' rent literature of the day and to be v , dio 10 reaa ana compare one aripimeni I .'with another,- and ' to choose for them lVelves what they think is right. f . r We art building our nation day by jrv''daT.!..' We have before us all the ma- teriai inai we nave, cnau we permit ' raw and unfinished materials to go ln- to that preoloua structure like unbaked " bricka that crumble in the first raln- torm or shall we prepare all our ma. Mterials fQr use So that our stately dl- flee max-enduro forevert f. ' .; . ;:,.. '.' '"' ', ' ,,-,11 - , n m ii. 1 1 1 1 if '' . . ' To Elect OIlJe Jamrg SeQntor. , ':.,. v'. (Special to The Jmmwl.) . , : "r Frankfort, Ky., Jan. J. The biennial session - of . : the Kentucky -Jeglslatufe V' convened todtfy;,in the new capltot A ; , United States senator, is to be elected to succeed Senator Thomas II. Paynter, V but the election will be a mere for i"; mallty, as the Democratic majority is s" bound . tc vote, for Congressman Ollle ", James, who vyas unopposed for the, sen 's atorshlp in the November primaries. : . , i .10 , 1 1 , ,'. ' 'i Rent New Piano - IVlw'planog to rent jat ' per month; j i rent allowed on purchase, The Wiley 1 B. Allen CO., corner 7th and Morrison Jtreet ' 1 , . . oilycoos BAY 10 J,' .-.- (Nwcliil to The JonroaLl Marahfleld, Or., Jan. 2. It Is believed that the Southern Padiflo rallrond. has purchased 1100 acres of tide flats on the east side off, th bay .opposite lorth Bend and Marshfteld, The purchase was made by Alva Poll, a local refl estate man, but it Is thai general opinion that it waa bought for the Southern Pacific for use as terminal grounds for -a road extending down the east side of the bay. For some time it has been reported that the Southern Pacific was negotiating for the purchase of this land. MULXEN ENDS 11 YEAR -: TERM IN LAND OFFICE (United Press Leased Wire.) - " Juneau, Jan. 2. P, M. Mullen, a re ceiver -?f the United States land office, has : sesigned.- His resignation is an outgrowth of th government's prosecu tion of - the coal - land claimants at Seattle. It was alleged that Mullen showed little interest in the prosecu tion. Recently the' interior department intimated that his resignation would be acceptable. Mullen served in the United States land office id-Alaska 11 years. Piles at Home Try This Home Treatment Abso- - - lately Free. No matter now long you've been suf fering or how bad you think your case le. aend at nrtfra for a free trial of the sands afflicted as badly or worse than you, trace their quick-recovery to the day' they began using-this marvelously successful remedy. - Pyramid Pile 'Jtemedy gives instant, blessed relief. Pain disappears, inflam mation and swelling subside, ,and you are .able to work again as comfortably as though you had never been afflicted at -ill. - It may -aave the expense and danger of a surgical operation. Just 'send in the coupon below, with your name and address, on a slip of paper, to the Pyramlfl Drug Co., 420 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich., and a sample will be sent you FREE. It will show you conclusively what Pyra mid Pile Remedy- will do. Then you can get the regular package for 60 cents at any drug store. 'Don't suffer another- needless minute. Write now. Portland, Oregon Beat city on Pacific coast: Apartment house less than 6 monthn old, 160 rooms. Income $1200 per month, which, makes It a 9 per cent net proposition. What better investment ran a moneyed In vestor ask for? Price J150.000, $60,000 cash, balance not less than $18,000 per year at 6 per cent This is glltedge. O. Fred Fish S13-814 Selling bldg., opp. Oregonian. A-77U. Main 4341. Member Realty Board. ' OUR BOOK IS FREE - GET IT. MORTGAGE LOAS ROTn JOHN E. CR0NAN JOn w eoa Spalding aidg. IJ REAL ESTATE TKANSFKKS CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title & Trust company, Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. G. M. Wilson and wife to Mrs. E. McCown, lot 6, block 1, Kver Krenn Park- , , ... . . ....... . . . . 4,000 George 9. Allen and wife to George E. Kruckman lot 20. block 12 Waverlotgh Heights $00 PACIFIC Title Trust Co., the leading shstractora. T Oh. Com., ground floor. W. R. HA1ZL1P CO.. Ina, Abstractors; SOS Oerlinger bldg SSIFIED AD RATES In-effect Anrll IS. 1H1. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Daily or Sunday, 1 time, 80 per line. t consecutive times, 7o per line per in sertion. " or more consecutive timet; 60 per line per insertion, or 7 insertions for price of . No ad counted for less than two lines. The above rates apply to "New Ttf day" and all other claflslfkmtlons ex cepting the following: Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. ' The rates in these classifications are 4 per -line perlnsertlon. Three Insertions for the price of two. Seven insertions for the price of five. ' No d taken for less than' 1 Sc. CIIAROB ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time. o per line. . S consecutive times 80 per line per In sertion. 7 or more consecutive times, 7o "per lint per insertion. ' - 1 The above rales apply to 'New Today"- and all other claslficatlons ex cept the following: Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent'. ads. The rate In these clakslflcations la 70 per line per Insertion. , , No ad charged for Jess than two lines, or ISe . ; MKKTINQ : NOTICES 41 ! iraunriM rntTMCTt. MA 1KB ' "jk ' iloyal Arcanum, meets at Vf the Auditorium, 208 Third tfr.. street the first and third .v " i Tuesdays of each month at I - 'vr p. m. , visiiors coraiaiiy-woi- Onti?" come. . O. , O, HALL, Seore- tnry. t are Honeyman Hardware Co. M. W. A. ROH IS -C f T Tf C A M P M on da Bolllnn-Hlrsch bldg. Washington near 10th. Phone clsrb, Main 9294. -A-4885. jR. N. A. Ore Rose Vaaiv rieeta FrL eve, Allnky hall, ti and Mirrison, W. B. -Burleson, Seattle,' Wash., 27. and Boletta Tenntson. 25. i i v :; t R. Maroonl. 29, 6734. Fifty-ninth R E., nd Angelo Tahantlnlv'-S?,' ''hi-vi A. Haines,'. 523 North Twenty-alxth treet, 27, and Myrtle Ramsey, 20. " Bruce W. Roberts, Kast Burnsido atreet, 2S. and Dorothy Ellun Brown. 25. George F. Cooke. Minneapolis, Minn., SI and Mildred F. Matlock, 18. ' Elma Boag,.'6703 Forty-second ave nue, 8, E., 22, and Julia Fauske, 19. ' . J.-f; Perkins. 871 Sinclair street, I?, and RUlia J. StirUng, over 18. Owen Summers, Jr.. 312- East Fif teenth North, 21, and Mildred May Mor gan,' 21.. j: :-f '-' -': .rt.v1, -' William Wallace Mekea. 733 Washing ton street, 26, and Marlon Christine Las sen, 2,'"'- t i. . , ' " vDonald Main, 40 -East Thirty-first street, 2B. and Mabel Anderson, .24. . E. F. Cronnohle. 749 First street, 21, and Elisabeth M. Wek, 18. Joe Woltlng.- 228 Sherman street, -28, and Florence Stony. 22. , Elmer J. Kaufman, S3 East Third street, 21, ana Anna la. coniey si. , and Kathertfte O. Hara, 24, f Milton IS. Kahn, 1 44 North . Seven teenth street, 29, and Gormanla U. Sam uels, 29 i . . Lewi W. SlrhDsoh. 10S8 Princeton street, SO, and A. Harrison, 19. ' Michael retry, It 5 East. lay street, and E. Zlet Lowe. 80. - George O. Gaston, 878 East Ankeny, 21. and Edith C. Rothrock. 18. William W. Brown, 18 Nevere. street,' laduu m. j. xveisi., do. -- Herman F. Lucht, 331 Sixteenth street, 22, Alma Wilke, 22. s Frank L. Wheeler, 811 East Twenty sixth street North, 21, and Jessie P. Dickson; 18. Charles -P. Tyler, 329 East Twenty seventh street, 45. and Mae lr- Gregory, 45. Amos'L,-McKee, 888 East Washing ton, 21,.-and Clara. Morgan, 18.' '-William Rlaln, iorty;rourtb. and Fifi ty-elghth avenue, S. K., 40, and ElUa Ifeth C, Wage. 2J; ' JElmer A. Dodd, Belllngham, Wash, 21, and Bess Stanton, 22. 1 Cecil I. Small, 73S Atnsley avenue, and Viola C. (Ktnnor, 18. John S. Delllnger, ABtoria, Or. 21, and Gertrude E. Soule, 18. Grover Wedley, 34B Twenty-third street; 23, and Bessie Klltaon, 23 Charles S. TIbbs, 912 Kelly street. 23, sndMadire M, Madarls, 19. Wi G, Smith & Co, cas Washington .Bldg., cor. 4th on Wash'ton. LEADING Florist Lubllner, 428 Wash st.. bet 11th & 12th. Mar. 763, A-1834. DRESS u:ts for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring to., aoa staric st CLARK Ii BROS., florlstfj-Jine flower and floral deglKne-t2SwMorrlgon sC BIRTHS HOAK To Mr. ahd Mrs. Otto Hoak, 64 E. 20th st N., a boy. ALBERTS To Mr. and Mrs. Max Al berts, 690 2d St., a boy. BLUMENTHAL To Mr. and Mrs. Blu- menthal, 234 Sheridan t., a girl. KLINE .To Mr. and Mrs. Kline, 108 Park st., a boy. SCHOENFRED To Mr. and Mrs. Otto iiehoenfred, 723 Hood, a boy, KKfHORT To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kcffhort, 342 N. 14th, a girl. SOUSKO To Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bousko, 446 Columbia st, a girl. SAX To Mr. and Mrs. Moses Sax, 184 Caruthers, a boy. -FOOSNESS To Mr, and Mrs. Rolf Foosness. Three Point Alaska, a boy. HARRISON To Mr. and Mrs. Hurst . . P;.JIarrison city,, a boy. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Mil ler, Man ton, Waslik a girl. LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Erwln Lewis, a girl. KEOGH To Mr. and Mrs. G. A Keogh, city, a boy. DYRUD To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dryud, 71 H N. 6th, a boy. CARRICK To Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Car rick, 1949 E. Yamhill, a girl. O'CONNOR To Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O'Connor, 174 E- Yamhill, a girl. BLUfll To Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blum, 1241 MaeadatnTftVirl. BLOM-r-Tb , Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Blom, 620 3d. a girl. DOUOAS To Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas, Handle, Wash., a girl. OESTERUEICHEK To Mr. and Mrs. J. Oesterroicher, 848 E. 16th St. S, a boy. M'INTYRE To Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre, 1045 Williams ave., a girl. OAKS To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oaks, 867 K. Oak st., a boy. PFEIFER To Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Pfelfer, 912 Cleveland ave., a girl. FOX To Mr. and Mrs. James K. Fox. 12K6 E. 2 1st N.. a boy. ZEIGLER To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Zlegler, 343 Wheeler, a girl. M'MAHON To Mr. and Mrs. McMahon, . 694 Fourth St., a girl. MARTIN To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mar tin, 804 Montgomery st, a Klrl ' BRANDORF To Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Brandorf, 660 Tillamook st., a girl. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Nelson, 4825 63d S. 13., a girl. DEATHS AND FUXKItALS COONLAY In this city, Janunry 2. 1912, at the residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. J. E. Blazlar-, 693 Waseo street, Elizabeth Ann Coonlay, aged 85 years. She Is also survived by another daugh ter. Mrs, John Bray, of this city. Friends and acquaintances are kindly invited to attend the .funeral services, which will be held at the chnnel of the Pkewes Undertaking- company, corner ThirJ and Clay' streets, tomorrow (Wed nesday) st 2 p. m. Interment at Walla Walla, Wasl). CHURCH In this city, January 1. iielen Murlan Church, aged 60 years, at the residence of her son. 572 Borth wink street. Funeral services will be heM from Ericson's chaDol. 409 Alder street, Wednesday, January 3, at 2 p.d m. rrlencla respectruny invneu. WiSEfhe funeral of the lnte Ben will be held from Holman's undertaklnK parlors at 1 o'clock p. ra., Weonesday, January 3. Friends are in vited. 1 . . - WESTFALL At th family residence, 3629 East Sixty-sixth street, Decem ber 31, Mary Agnes Westfall. aged 41 vears. Immoral services will tie held at Lerch's undertaking parlors, E'asl Sixth and Aider streets, Thursday, January 4, at 2 p. m. Friends invited. POWELI. J.-ebS M. Powell. 788 Eaat Yamhill street 34.. MURRAY J. II. Murray. St. Vincent's hospital, age 67: Brlght's disease. HOWARD John R. Howard. 666 East Morrison street, age 64; pneumonia. ERICKSON Evelyn M. Erlckson. Sell wood hospital, ' age 2; shock and crushing arpi. HOLMAN Oeortre J. Holman age 65, Hellwood hospital! cerebral hemor- rhape. M IX M. SMITH., florist. 169 5th St. epp, Meier ft r rantt Mam izi. IXfSKHAL DIKBCTOIW J, P, Finley & Son Third and Madison. , Ledy attendant. Main . A-1699. Dunning & MoEntee u3Sa.?5er: evury detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-46611. l.say assisrant, A, R.ZELLERCO, Both Phonxs. Buc. Zflller-Byrnei Co.. lady attendant, I P DrNlj--Un(lrrtalier. Lady asaifttant. LLIlbn B-1888. E.-781. K. th-Aldr, Ooorenn Pn- Funeral, dlreotort, 86n- rearson U0i 7 Ruwseii st, e. io,oq. ERICS0N undertaking co. Main EST 8133, A-2238. ZjiGf' ass't. EAST BIDS funeral directors, surcenn or to P. 8.' Dunning, Iiic. E.- R2, B12S26, kmVARD . HOLMAN, undertaker, 22 8d st ; Lady assiftnnt. Main 607. FOIl SALE HOUSES 01 DON'T BUY TILL YOU SEE the most perfectly built modern home In Irvlngton, 10 rooms, finished in oak: lot 90x100. ,. Call up C-1884 East 273, rso agenis. v. n. nernman. $2200 Snan -;. 2 B room "cottage,, not modern, "corner BOxlOOi Clihtoh sf.." close In. 300 cash, i raonm ana interest Main It ROOM bungalow, muwt sell nulok: Will sell for cost of building Owner, 409 Commotowealtb. bldg. tito. and Ankeoy. , - uuj a HUB uonu&.&Ul it ." -- - 1 room house, only one oiocn rrom Jta-w-tt.orne and on 36th St., facing eat ,t am willing to take a Rood piano as part payment, or $400 .worth' of newfurni- lure. . . mnnnrvnTAM ' TT A r T . k.,n..lnw . n Ir door, 3, ply veneered door' to kitchen, sliding door to- livhig room, oak floor, coal cioi, cieitm iivmu&, mu golden on k wood. jS- L1VINO ROOMTrlple window open ly. . U AMan. V,(,.Lr .fiTAm place, metal door, bookcases either side. coiumnea arcn. io -uiuiiik ruom, florost -cream ceilings and tan walls, golden oak wood. niKTi: unnit 9 nlv veneered Han ded, plate rail, massive buffet metal glass doors, veneered door to Kltcnen, oak floorn, golden oak wood, triple win dow opening on th street ---- -- DOTctl KITCHEN Woodl'lft boiler closet, dish cabinet, flour and, sugar bins, drawers, door to basement and rear porch, cream tinting, white enam eled. ' . BASEMENT fflll cement, , cement wash trays, windows. BEDROOMS IJirge "bedrooms, with . 1 .. .. 1 ...... . . , . . V. I.n.vln.r A win. 111117 Liuor ca, w:ir ua"ift ..... dow, and tinting cream ceiling, pink, blue,' eunary yellow. . BATHKUUM i'Ull line 01 piunauin, medlolne. closet. I will lot the window shades, e-Jectrio fixtures, linoleum on, bath and kitchen, a large gas range and gas water heater, all new; go with the house. T. A. SUTHERLAND. Owner. 36th and Hawthorne ave. No. 1084. Phbae Tabor 2017. Beautiful home, 7 rooms, on Slset., i block north of Hawthorne ave.? on lot 45x117; room for machine on either side of house; well kept lawn; streets paved and paid for. Has large recep tion hall; froot and. back stairs; very large living and dining rooms, with ex tra pice lighting fixtures; built in buf fet, larpe kitchen and pantry, two sets of plumbing, full size basement, ironlted, which' insures you against water or dampness; good now furnace, four large light j bedrooms, with ample closets; well equipped bath room, and linen closet Will make good terms. An Investleration will chow that the house. location and price is right. What else can you ask? Call at 984 Hawthorne ave,, or phone Tabor 4jS 0. Snap, Hawthorne Aver Furnished Bungalow 'I have a swell 5 room liungalow which was bought this year for $3600 and since purchasing same have installed Rirhtlntc fixtures and window shades which cast 150; hot water heating syn tem, cost 8400, and will soli all, includ ing luillliuie uumpittiu, vviiiifi a tiwu, etc., for $3600. Must have $1000 cash payment, the bnlafice on monthly in etallmrnts. 1405 Hawthorne ave., cor ner 50rh st. Phone Tabor 626. " Mr, Workingman HHATJ THIS. Small 'houses nnd 60x100' lot 8400 and up; $20 down and $10 a month. Call un up or come out and see them; It will cost you nothing. AI'jj lota J150 and up, $5 down, (5 a month. All these lota are Inside the city limits. Tabor 3TC. ' Widell & Wilson 2002 K. Gllsan st. MV car to 80th. Fine Irving Home Pine 7 room house, strictly modern and un to date, hardwood floors; 1 thl.t house In is the heart of irvlnston and !s surrounded by beautiful homes; com pared with what other homes around are selling for, this house would Oe cheap at $9500, but as the owner Is leaving the slute within a few daye and Tloes not care fo rent, he will sacrifice for $7750. on easy terms. E. IC Brown, 411 Henry hldg. A Real Bargain 4 room bungalow and lot 40x11 7H near Hawthorne ave. and S6th Ft. This place must be sold in the nxt few daj-s and. the owner will sell for 3210O on easy terms,. If you want a home close In. dofi't overlook this. Joseph Graham 1007-09 ,rt!nrd' of Trade bldg. HaWthorne District 6 room buniralow, modern, completelyj furnished with brand now furniture;! dlntnp room Is paneled In Oreson fir, dark finish and has a beautiful hanging electrolier In dlniner room; other- fix tures are.T-1; owner will sacrifice as buninesH ehlls him out of town." FLAHKRTlf & CONtfOLLT. Main' 872.1. 715 Yeon blrtR. .$500 CASH AND $20 A' MONTH. Buy a 6 room new house, and 1 acre of rich garden land, only 1 block from ear, right In the city. Think what Ihls means? Others have made, money-, why not you? . This will double In less than 2 years; the price now Is $3200; on E. Z. Terms, See BROADSTREKT'S EXCHANGE, Rooms SftO-noi. 293M. Stark. YOU CAN'T. AFFORD TO MISS THIS. 6 room house and 6 full lots on west side, only 12 minutes' rtrlo on car. Own er going-'back east". Price only $1800. Worth $3500. $700 Cash handles, bal ance' on time. For particulars call on the realty department of a f: pfluokk & co.r Suite 12 and 14. Mulkcy bldg., cor. 2nd and Morrison. BEAUTIFUL I room bouse In Laurel hursU.2 fireplaces, large sleeping porch, built-in ref I'lperator, dust and clothes chutes, fireless eookibr, built in ' wardrobes, etc. ; ".corner lot 7Bx0, east front, beautiful view, $7600; $500 cash, balance asy monthly payments Provident Investment Trustee Co., 201, 202. 203 Board of Trade bldg.Mar ehall 473. A-1022. ' EAST 46TH HT.. NORTH. ROSK CITY PARK. $100 CASH. . 7 rooms, sleeplnsr porch, bUtK-In buf fet and bookcases-, solid oak floors, kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror doors, eto. ' NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phono Mflln 6129. FOR 8ALK Six room dwelling; sun parlor and sleepinff porch Inclosed in glass; hot air furnace; full concrete basement; stationary-tubs; living rooms, 13x12; one tied room same ' size, t other bed rooms; located at 753 Broadway; lot 60x100. For sale; very easy terms. , McCARGAU,. RATES LIVELY, rfui yeon ntutf. '-FIVE and room homes, fire placus: hardwood floorii, furnaces, wltn all bunt in moaein conveniences. . near car line, all street lmrruvements paid, monthly pnyment ; pla- F'rwu(.nt li. vestment Trustcn Oo., 30$, 102, 301 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Mamhall 47S. A-10J3. Plans cTf artistic homes $ housj53 ovkr $1500, $10. com PLETE OFTAIli8 AND EPKCIFICA TIONS. FINELY ILLUSTRATED BOOK FREE, ; PORTLAND BTTTLTJINO ASS'N. 822 WJrt'VlS. WHY pay rent? Own your own home. A modern 6 room cottage in Monta vllln, 1 block from oarllne. $8250, $100 down and $25 a njOnth, Including inter est May consider a trade. For further particulars.' phone C-2375. : . - MrTWorkingman We fsrnish 'mfins plans and build your house. I'ay for It as you like, Call Keiiwooa i3 . - BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PURHK. . 1 will build and --help finance your borne , on. . easy . :.ti'rma. If you -own lot. A. C. Furlon.1, 817 Chamber of Com merce; Main nan. N M W modern t room bungulow, lai RO attic, lot 60x100, Mount Tabor car line. r)ine Owner Tabor 1903. ' : $3300 Shinele B'uneato W -In Vlllaniad for $2900. ..h,-" JS " AllUillvi- unv (il -cyi'U fjiwym , tor homemakoi-B, terraced-Viot 0x ' ; ..: 1001, on streot where everytnlnK "is paid for lA the way of Improve ments; pretty fireplace' every de-., rlrahle convcnlenoo, 5 large, sunny ' rooms; $30(1 handles. Bee Mr. Bryant, with 1 - . - Joseph Graham , 1007-9 -Bourd of Trade bldg. A BEAUTIFtTL 7 room home, oak fln , lsh and floor. Extra fine homo. 640 45th st.f near Brazee, Call at once. FOK BALE: LOTS 10 $10 Down, $10 Per' Month rilld TICW 1VL lllfllUICU iiuu fc. VZt restricted district, near car, cement walks, Bull Run water: 202 Board of Traqe pitig. Marsi)ttiU4Y3. A-iva TRlANxIULAU LOT. FHiLaK'D, $376. 10 down, $5 monthly; an Ideal spot for a home. Fred W. German, 229 Burn- slde. M. or A-2776. BY OWNER. 77x1 io. corner Rodney ave. and Lombard sts. ; easy terms; no intf-rest. i -271, Journal. FO'It SALE Three lots on Tillamook st, hard surface, singly or Otherwise. P. O. Box 4o. city. ' 6EK Le Nolr & to. for went aids property, exclusive dealers In west side rehlty. R37 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE 07 70 ACRES 10 miles; west of fort land courthouse, till cleared, fine .voung orchard, school quar ter of a mile, 8 room modern houfce, fully ' plumhcd, a fireplace, nlco porches, fine large barn, com jilete water system, telephone in rio'use, free delivery of merchan dise, also rurnl free delivery of mall; in furt, a love-lv country home, tha very best of soil. A chance for a high class dairy. Pi-Ice and terms will Interest you. Coll and see ua. THE SHAW-FRAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 4th-at. A-3500. Best but Cheapest 5 and 10 acre tracts, $20 to $45 an acre, eaSy terms; deep red shot Boil well watered: ideal for fruit, vegetables dalrylnn: fine view; some buyers already livme- on property; income proaucinff an winter; Bohool on ground; on county rofid close to live town on II. R. and river, near Portland. Nouliausen & Co.. owners. 703 Lewis bldg,, 4 th and Oak sts. Foe appointments evenings, phone East 3S4. A fine buy; best of soil; no gravel or roek; located within 4 miles of city limits, short walk from eleejrlc ata tioa; (food nuicttuum road to town; $160 cash down, easy terms on balance. Atchison & Allen 213 Gerllnger -Bldtf , 2d and )der. ACREAGE our specialty; small tracts west and northwest of tho city, sold on monthly pay ments, SOe us ltfor-ytu-dentdv THE SHA W-FUAIl COMPANY. Main 35, 10.2 4th st A-350O. 7 1-2 Acres at Beaverton' Ciosrt to station; 6 room bungalow, 2 small barns and onion house; Vi beaver rlnm, latanco rolllnn; BO fruit trees. Price $S600; will trade for west side apartment site and assume difference, or good east side pwiperty. C. W. LAMAU 417 Corbett Bids. Main 3981. CHICKEN anil rrutt ranctiea iwirPort land, walking distance to good town, running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district, view of Colum bia river and snow pea!:s, acres $260; 6 acres $400; 10 acres $700; 10 per cent cash, easy payments, other 'tracts neat railway station 325 to $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, 309 Yeon bids., Portland. i 1 8 acres and a fraction, best bearer dam land. Owner must sell or lose and will sacrifice for a Quick sale. Only Vt mile from station. All under culti vation. Splendid land for onions, cel ery or potatoes Tabor 30 89. GOOD BARGAIN 20 acres. llt?s fine, 3 miles from Es tacada, 2000; $-50 cash, balance on time to suit. If you want a good buy see thin. 206 Rothohlld bid. A 15 iicri? holiday snap at $160 per acre, on Foster road, B miles out, land level, no stumps; a great big bargain, but We must sell. Running Janes, 402 Yeon bldg Marshall 349; ' SIX RAILROADS now building Into F.ugene, Or. For full particulars and Eugene real estate, write Oeo. Melvjne Miller. Eugene,- Or., Established 182. TKN acres, $30, $10 down, $10 'Jno., yood soil, lev !, 2"S Lumber Exchange. FOR SALEFARMS J7 $1200 14 cash, buys this 160 acree, 1 mile from Weatherby, Baker county. Or., on line O.-W. R. & N., elevation 2500 fQct; flno fruit and garden land; 8 acres under cultlvatlun mi as many more can be put under irrigation from creek which runs through place: free Water right, good warm 6 room house, good spring, near school. V4 -mile; fam ily orchard; also young orchard Of choice cherry and poach trees; must sell; a snap. Address owner, V. B. Kemp, Weatherby. Or, - 15 Acres Clackamas Station All cultivated; fine fi-room house, large barn, other outbuildings; orchard of 80 trees; horse, cow. surrey, wagon and all kinds, implements go, Including 'next year's peed; R. It. fare 1C 4'an srive anyone genuine bargain on this. Will accept city resilience. C. W. Lamar, 417 cornetr niag. iwnm WAN TBI) 10 fanners to raise alfalfa. wht-at, corn. Deans and garbafjsn HermoHtllo, Mex., Irrigated land. I will Invest 76 per cent to your 26 per-cent nnd share V4 the products. A. M. Ilighhr ouse, 90 5 Wilcox bldg. Abe Martin No" girl ever 'marriejr asi -well as her mollier ays sldofcsr' Ther Vughtt V be a unwritten law agin' goln any fur ther than th' front door with a dreasln' jacket on. gi Bes.t: j mprp vd -fa ijft i'5""?;t:'0-Iri , I inn'' fimw'i ':''':P"''. rr-U'iJO acres, fine goll, 145 acres cleared, 15 acres - pasture, fine' $2500 house, good barn and other ' outbulldinKs; this place has plenty - of fine water and all kinds of fruit nnd is only 1. miles from . Oregon Electric station, 4 mile from town and Is near Willamette river, fine county road on east 'and west sides; this land Is 'line . for fruit or dairy and can be cut in 40 acre tracts and sold to s;ood . advantage: all farm implements . go with the place and l a bar tain at $100 per acre; only $7000 otiwn, balance 10 years 6 per cent. If you are looking; for a farm where you- have fine transporta tion and cheap freight rates, etc., see this. McGpwan & McGowan S Healy bldg.. corner Grand ave. '. and ii. Morrison. . 100 Acres-for $3000 Do you want a frond farm cheap? Here It Is. There are 100 acres. IS acres In hlKh state of cultivation, balance easy cleared, being oak grub land. Good 8 room house,2 barns and outbuildings 2 good wells and several sprlnprn. Price, with some personal property only J300I). $1000 cash, balance easy. Located Just 5 mile from Cottne Grove, Or., on good county road. 1 mile from church and Royal academy. Hargrove & Sons ' 122 North 6th St.- cor. 6th and Qllsan. Main 4381. A-7259. For Sale or Lease 100 acres 1 of rich garden lands for sale or leafee. The best gardens In Portland are on adjoining propprtv, i two.mUes from best residence district, onr car line, six miles as car goes to 4th and Washington streets. Vegetable gardeners can buy this land, pay n little down and an amount equal to what you are now paying monthly for leased lands. Will lease In ten or twen ty acre tracts at a very low rental. Ad dress A-273. Journal. 157 ACRKS on Tualatin river. O- egon Klectrlc through center, a bargain for some one. must he sold to close bankrupt estate. Call on W. A. Shaw, trustee, 102 Fourth street, Portland. Oregon. This. Is a forced wale' and you mav have the benefit of it bv calling on - the trustee and look ing Into the matter. 60 ACRES NEAR PORTLAND. $4500. 60 acres. 14 H miles from Portland. 25 acres In cultivation, balance, good timber, never been cut off; nil good soli. 1 mlln fr$n OregOn Electric, lies on main county roadrin a very-nnieKly settled community; no land to be had around this for less than $200 per acre. Price $4500. cash. . . RALPH ACKLKY LAND CO., 170 Eth st., opposite P. O. ' H. N, Swank Highly .Improved 21 scrn orchard- 00d; term.. 808 Ablngton bldg.. Port-' j I -1 HI OH EST quality fruit lands in famous unenaiem vauey, ao 'miles rrom Port land: Newberg Development Co., 633 ?i!5rlber of Commeroe, Portland. 60 ACRES srriod land. 17 .lncultivatlon. 18 miles out; buildings, good water, for Inside propertv or good horses. 31000 will handle U. E-273. Journal. FOR KENT FARMS 14 FOR CASH or on shores will rent dur ing the eeasonipf 1812. an orchard or 4000 trees, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, .peaches and loganberries as I am not disposed to satisfy curiosity seekers will furnish particulars only to those who will remit SI or come and see the place. Steamer Oregona lands here. R. Chllcott, Dayton. Oregon. FOR RENT 90 acres, 30 In cultivation, $160. Team, Implements and hay, $500. Apply In person one mile cast Currins vllfe.. J. W. Mnore, Estacada, Or, WANTED FARMS 88 CLIKNT wants to buy farm "25 to 40 acres with running stream and im provements. Must" bo near station, not over $4000. Wants to turn in his house of 8 rooms and bath, with gas and elec tric light, concrete walks and. macadam street, all paid for. Lot 60x100. Roses, shrubbery ahd berries. E. th, near Prescott. No encumbrance. Price $3210. Owners only. Goddard & Wledrick, 243 Stark st. HOMESTEADS 4T HOMESTEADS near Portland, large timber, running water; prairie, good soil, desirable homes, near R. R. and river. Covey. 267 Oak. room 21. EXCHANGE- -KEAL ESTATE 2$ FOUR room house on 100x100 lot, all in good repair, lot of fruit-trees, iK blocks from car; also 1 acre with small new ' house. 2 rooms, closets, and full basement; all been cultivated; the two J In WAAtlatA lr .1 1 t r 1 t rn- MnAh 1 or acreage; owners only, by letter, giv ing full description where located. F, C. Ii.. 102 K. 75th st. north. Montavilla. Apartment -House New brick strictly modern; paying $260 net monthly. Will take some ex change. Q. A. NICHOLS INV. CO.. 907 Wilcox Bldg. 2000 ACRES fine alfalfa and fruit land. Perpetual water right; about flaif un der cultivation, 2 miles from R, R, sta tion, $66 per acre; small cash payment; same good property, long tlmo on bal ance. Main 4 977. W. J. Cook, 602 Lum ber Kxchange bldg. "1 r For Exchange 6 room modern house, 60x100 lot; rents for $15 per month; will take room ing houBe or vacant property. O. A. NICHOLS INV. CO.. 907 Wilnox Bldg. WEST side lot, price $8500, 52 room apartment house, modern, furniture new, long lease, walking distance. Price $6600. Will trade- for fruit ranch; will go as high as 316,000. Owners Only. Owner. H-jiBS, Journal. WANTED APARTMENT SITE. Client offers hlchlv IniDroved acrenre on Oregon Electric, unincumbered; val- i ue $i000, as part nnyrnent V. V. I.AJ1AK, 417 forbt-tt Bldg., Main 3931. FOR " HALE OR TRAITH. t Feed store in country town, doing good business; might trade for --vacant lois H(-rc-ae or equities in same. x,-2iy, i Journnu J ' ONK-H AI.F Hectlon school lnnrl iflam. uth rnntitv for hnliKt or firat nuv. ' imv- mcnt on same. Graves, owner. . 1014 t'lmmher Commerce. 10 il A CRICK oastern Oregon, 13-57 "acres- good tillable wheat land. 7 miles from R. R., value $16 per acre; want equity In house and lot. W-270, Journal, SoTHlNQ to sell, ' t5oot"Iinyi Marsh .field. Random Information bureau free. Call or Write. 1014 Chamber of 'Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE. ' 48 acres,1 $6000; $1500 cash takes small house and lot. balance 6 per cept, .a. H- Trotter, 614 Brooklyn. - IFo ACRF.8 Dallas county 100 acres ' plowed A. good farm at Its , Wprth r Portland property, (irtyca,, 30,14 'p for Chamber of Commerce, FlAVEr"a cilentwU6wants small apart ment housu or house and lot.'wwth- anout iu,uui. 411 coucn wing. FOK 8ALK Or exchange.- for country property,' 10 room house, half block from car. B-271, Journal.. ...t - AN -BLEOAnt- home, f6r afuim. ' R- i WILL buy, eell or trade anything. If. F. 917 Board pf Trayl efjdg BLF us fur real isfute tradc-a) uiiyvtuers, SOS Board of Trade bldg. ' ' ,' : -Hero Is a Real Snap 7(1 room hotel, walking. dlstanre . and the best leaso . in tha city, More- than 0 eteadv ., roomra.; Furniture is all A-Ko 1 Wlli t consider Portland property- up to ,. $6000. Borne cash- und .naliuiee easy payments. If you are in- terosted Investigate at once, as this will be sold before. Baturd.iy night. Price $8000. See iMr. Vt more, with- .' . Ward k Younger ' - 420 Tfeon bldg. ,' Exchanges 1 5 An $1810 contract mortgage, paying $35 per month, trade for vacant lots;, prefer Rose City l'arlt 2 good lots. Waverleigh Heights, for contract mortgage. 8 lots with S room house, in city forr cheap stump land In southern Oregon. 3 good lots, Portland, for house and lot; will assume a little. , v A $3500 house, best locality,-will ex- change for vacant ' property, city; pre- -for City Park. ' ' See J, L Weist (; 1104 Wilcox bldg. Phono Marshall I.;XCIlAd'Es7, 16 room rOorping. house, for house and lOt. ' . . ,"-'; 80 acres In California for Portland' 1 tirnoprtv. ... : .- House and lot ror team or norsea. , Newspaper for home In Portland. . : as room momiiiB. house for property here. (Investigate this one.) Chicken ranch for home in Portland. 120 acres irrigated land 'for Portland property. . " 402 Yeon hldg. ' Marshall 849. i $47S EQUITFTrTl $900 Laurelhurst lot for cheaper lot. '. ? 2 Sellwood lots, for ranch or re.lln-.? qulshment, with buildings and stock, to . $1000, - - ' 2 pieces acreage, Clarke Co., Wn., worth $7000; want stock of goods, hard ware preferred. . ( T Tt' HATOHT. 333 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. If You Want Some Good Bar gains Come and See'Us Saloon totrade for farm. ." 'v City residence to trade for farm. . y Rooming house to trade for apart ments or acregae, timber, or hoine etead. Wilson Investment Co. 417 Kenton bldg., 84 tth st. IF YOU WANT TO SELL, BUY . OR, : TRADE. SEE SHOEMAKER IM" VESTMENT CO.. 624 HB,'R1 BLLO. : MAIN 445. SWAP COLUMN 'J!3 WILL TRADE anything anywhere, 333 Lumber Exchange Bldg, j W ANTED REAU ESTATE ,31 WE DESIGN -homes for many befor . they buv a building site. Lei us sub. mlt your lot to tmera If you have a bar gain to offer. ' ' '"j PORTLAND BUILDTNO ASS'tf. 1122 MotniwKDiag. yANTBP New strictly mjjflf rn bf ' or bungalow, In Irvington, near Hal- sey or vicinity.. Must be a bargain; J ftDOr iil)!f!l. WANT a bargain house ahd lot, some down, balance mommy. eiaip ui details. Y-263, Journal. ROOMING HOUSE8 FOR 6ALK S3 " iS ROOMS . , 1 block from Washington, good furnl- , ture and lease, furnace neat, cleaia $100 per month, $1200, easy terms. - -23 ROOMS - 12 rooms 'furniBhed, balance nnfnr nlshed. 3 yearsi. lease. . clear. $76 .a . . month. $850; terms.- ' 32 ROOMS New furniture, center west side, long i lease,- steam heat running water in all rooms, clears $200 per month;. will, aac-. w .. rlfice for $2000; easy terms. . - 18 ROOMS ' , On Washington st, good furniture and lease, clears $90 por month, price $660; . easy terms. ..-., t 10 ROOMS Good furniture, centrally located, full good .roomers, clearing $b0 per month, . ? pried $400; -$200 cash. . - 'CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO. Main 4067. . - .310 Henry bldg. - - Here You Are 70 room modern hotel," brick building, long lease, lowest rent In city. This piaee actually clears $400 per months $7500; good terms. - J, B.- NICHOLS CO., 615 yeon DIOg.. 10 ROOMS 10 At ISth and Taylor; furnace heat, cheap rent, clearing $90 monthly.- Brussels carpets, oak furniture; $300 will luyidie. PETERS, 16 N. 6th st ' ""A -LITTLE BEAUTX $160 CASH Beautifully furnished, 8 rooms, fin; close in location, elegantly furnished with brass and iron beds, Axminster carpets., all new 8 months ago; if you . are looking for a snap with fine in--, come and a good home, seethls today; only $160 cash required. Call 88 10th, near Stark. 22-ROQMS 22. All on one floor, 1 block from Wash Ington st Rent $50, all H. K., clearing $125 monthly. Price $800; $$U0 will handle. - - . , ' : peters, is -y.-ctti t.Tr...T; .7 . 10 ROOMS 10 - Rent $36. alt housekeeping, good .west ' side location, clearing $40 month, good"., furniture; price. Ralph Ackletf Land Co.. 17Q 6th st - --t y t S 1 75 $ 1 7di $ 1 75 Buys a modern, flat on Washington st. heat included in. rerH. 3 carpets cost $200. furniture cost $860 S months; ago. Come at once if you want this. PETERS, 15 N. 6th St. , r - 10 Rooms, Only $200 Cash.. On 7th st, west side, place , clearing $60 month. See It quick. BROADSTREliT'S EXCHANGE, 293H Stark, rooms 800-301. A ' ' 10 ROOMS, IL K. ', 1 On 10th street, close jnj furniture good. Tou can't find a better llttls i place than this Snd only $260 required, i J. V.. NICHOLS CO., 15 Yeon bldg. ' ' ' 33 ROOMS 83 -'- D.ln1. l..,lt,)in. rr., 19lt ft vr4', lease, well furnished, tocated t'lofe in, -v.- i - a . i . . . ,T,n ........ -v , clearing $150 month; only $500 cash re fill iron. Jtaipii Acxiey t,awi .o., nv imi, ROOMING house to trade for farm, 40 rooms, ateam neat, west siae, gooa location, clears 3160 to 1200. ner month. Owners only. Address or apply to II H. Wallace, 131 10tiatforner 10tl atut Aioer. 100 ROOMS.', RENT il7 ' Rrlck building. 4 years' h ass. located ; -m-v close In. went side, clearing 1250 to - $500 month; price $3750, .terms. KalpU. Acklev Land t'o.. 170 6th St. - J; Lu TOU want to eetl Jour-rooming house? Wa pay. cash' and charge no i commission. - , , RUTHrlfc'LD INVESTMENT CO., ' 6X7 BOA.R-1 OK TRAUK Pl.Pd '-... Ii ROOMS lt :, . I ' Brick 'building, good wv side ioea ! tlon. 4 veals' lease, ; nicely furnished; prlcn 1 000, .3600 cash. 170 6th st, ! PORTLAND " ROOMING hOUSIi CO. l 4tl IIt.ry bldg, Marshall . T Hotels, aparfmxnt houses.- rooming houses bought, sold and exchanged. vlThavo several good buys In'rWrnliTti ., housms, investigate, , ' Rushing te Jones. 403 Yeon bldg.j Marshall 34'J. t'OR' ti'h.A S5fcJi'";f oomeeTy oa ra leumi, $128 Per ml tlon. .t5A K. Hurnsltle, -2787, iiOOMINdjiioiiM', west Side. K"d In come: wlTTTx'rtrangu f rir bonsu nml lfit 11500: leaving cltv. MarKhuU 3.':'J. FOR SaLIjV 18 rooms, cl in, furniture, . Ieas, $1100; goxl teniiH, 408 JctftTMoli St. 1 ' ; VOIt M-LK"-MinilM iKIHT'llllgTl"!"-", i ' in, rr'iiwt Sill t'O siswiuit Of si , rastij Journal, . ' '.:'"'v';1;,v:ti ' ':':'.', ',.'.;.'.' v. '