1 ft' .. b A: V r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLA .jit , !-... -i-i jujiuMjj.j' t i . iMinmu U-i iJd, MONDAV EVENING, JANUARY ' I, 1912. Town Topics QUOTH THE PESSIMIST T0MGITT8 , ft ft' AMUSEMENTS , ' HKIL'lO "Th Gamblers. ,,. liAKKit "TDa Vlrglnlan. tYRIC "Frolic of 11 V.f ;, ft ORPHEUMOrpheum circuit vaudeville. i'-pANTAOKS Vaudeville, '. ! EMPRESS Sullivan Consldlne vauds- ; y Vlllft ,7' ." ' PEOPLES Motion picture. ' f MAJK3T1C Motion picture. . .. : Walker ha boarded He ain't had th' price Happy New . Weather Condition. A email high pressure area central ver British Columbia' ha oaueed clear In weather, In thl district with gen erally lower temperature. In , nortn L.i.rn u..ht..utni and ..vtrem north ern Idaho It I much colder and the J In Captain of Detective joe Day that 7 "Weary Willie th' water wagoh. o' er beer fe elx month. xear.- - - i m .i nrU. MBha in mnv ulaces. Another high pressure area la central over the middle Mississippi valley ana L . H 1 much colder In that valley and 3 also In the Ohio valley and portion of VVitle lake, region. The disturbance yes- ; ranldlv ; northeastward flown the Bt Lawrence valley. , The barometer la low 'ver Alaska and the- Aleutian wanus. me aeiectivei oe instructed to call up me ornee at leaet ortce an hour when out on I cut, Appearance indicate that the order la for the purpose of stopping- all "soldiering" on the part of menwers oi the departments hall. Eleventh and Alder street, begin ning Tuesday morning, January 2, at MO o'clock.., -'. :,.:':. VO Tailoring Establishment has a larger and better selected stock than J.. Pollvaa ft Co. During sal to per cent rebate for cash payment on good made to order. Beautiful assortment of fancy vest. High grade workmanship only. 101 Corbett building. e So Tailoring Establishment' has ; a larger and better selected stock than J. Pollvka ft Co. During sals Eft per cent rebate for. cash payment on goods made, to order. Beautiful assortment of fan cy vests. High grade workmanship only. 20 Corbett building. Two SnsUlsti Leave HomltaL Two The conditions eire favorable tor ruir victim or revolver duels, both of Whom . weather. In this district tpnigni ana ,were at first Relieved to have been fa Turn Jay with R,nu 04nesSterS!taU5r Jured.rwere able to leave St northwestern Washington and western, v- honit.r v...,.. w -- .A - Oregon and with lower temperatures I vnos hospital I yesterday. One was ,..T"rT.T wSirnA'ri. . "Mysterious Billy" Smith. ex-Durllist V. 'VtJn.ti.nrf ni wtrimtv; Fair tonight I who was shot three times by Captain and Tueaday: continued cold. Minimum .A. B. Loomls, on. December 19, arid the Temperature tonigni iouui otner was cnarles Hewston, the patrol- ?OrWo,n Urrair 'wnight and Tuesday. mf the groin by Frank Kelly. Contwuid cofd westf coler east por-1 ss Frank Ryan, on December 11. In Hon. Northwesterly winas, . . u c mi kiju nan streeis, wnicn wasnineton: air icnisni day Continued cold 'northwest: colder Smith was able to walk to a waltlna - southeast Dortlon. Wind mostly Mil- J""' i?'.w. alK" ' . waiting '1 automobile from the reception room of Idaho: Fair tonight and- Tuesday, the hospital, and although bo I not yet Continued oold extreme north, colder fully recovered, It la believed there Is south and cental portlona. ' no further danger from hi three . ; , '&i. .-fwottad. Patrolman Hewston has r- rti-t'T. -"u:l- - Dl8-"ct yore. -1-j turned to his-hotel at 4B1 WashinK-" ( i " " ' I ton , street, where he I abl to get Two Ken Drink FoUoiu A. A. volch. around, although with some difficulty. XS- year old, aald . o b the son of AH . danger .In . his case Is believed to wealthy Kansas City man. .drank car- have pas sed tollo acid at the Grand-Oak apartment J House tsaturaay nigni, ur gUor Xtad OUd. The directors and rthehadTereann ment Another ulclde was Fred Bra- enterUlnment. of the large number see of 870 North- Sixteenth, the father of sailors attending the Christmas fes of six children, who with the tyldow are tivitlea at the Seamen's institute. Each left practically destitute. The, husband eallor received a useful present. The had been out of work for some "tllpe and "comfort bags'! presented to the sailors had found It Impossible. So the fWqS were, mostly furnished by the Women's declares, to find employment Tester- Christian - Temperance unions of Mult day, while Patrolman Boone was pass- nomah county. Money to cover expense Jng the home Mrs. Brasee notified him of the entertainment was given by young that her husband had taKen poison. a" people's societies of different churches. T. u. Food was donated by several firms In the city. The Institute was crowded with sailor who enjoyed tne good things of fered them and returned to their ships Was the finest port In the world In which to spend Christmas. Steamer ? Xtandna : for Camas, Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. ..Leaves Washington street dock at. I i m. ; W. A. Wis and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington, li. Portland. Reception fit David's parish. . 14. Second' Sunday after lCplphany. Morning, 8t Mark's, Portland. After noon, St Helen's IlalL '. . H. Annual ' dinner of trustees and staff .of Good Samaritan hospital 11. Third Sunday after Epiphany. Woodstock. Afternoon servlos .Joolorod people). - Pro Cathedral. " ' - v Jl.t-Portland. "Meeting ftospltSl trus tees at t:S0 a. ro. at hospital. Meeting trustees fit- Helen's Hall at I p. m, , ' I.--Portland. Meeting.; Olty clergy and committee of laymen on olty mis sions in ' Perolval , library I p. m. - K. -Salem. . Conference of Willam ette valley assoolat mission clergy. Ad' dross "Ad Clerum." IB. Salem. All day conference. Mis sionary meeting at night. , I Salem. All day conference. lir Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Morning, Portland. Asounslon, After noon, "Men's . Resort" Evening, Pro Cathedral. : , . , , 80. Sutherlln. Dedication new parish house and chapel. , . . Roeeburg.' c '' '. Roscoe Howard, - a railroad engineer of Desohutes, and wife are gueSt at tho Portland- ' , S. L, 8oh warts, a hotel man of The Dalles, is a guest at th Seward. . Y, M. CA. DAY and NIGHT SCEOiDlLS ' ITEW TEBM Onil JA. fl, 1U WBOMT&ATZOS STOW OTXK CLASS Werner Fetterson Co, high morohant tailors. 250 Stark, grade ... Skatur Today, all day, Oaks Rink. Two lessons, Oaks Rink, tonight. Mills College, near Oakland, Cal. A woman' rollege. all preparatory course dropped. Spring semester open Janu ary 10, ISIS. Luella Clay Carson, A. M., LL. D., president For catalogue ad dress ' Registrar. Mills College P. On Oakland, Cal. . patrolman ordered the man taaen o in. , individual and the W. C. Vincent' hospital, wnere ne mea uu . after his arrival Bracee is said to have recently sold a tract of land for about Son. th nraceeda of which he used to take a trip to wew Tork, returning declartng tnat portiano penniless, ur tne ix s"""" -; Ing.-th. oldest 1 8 and the youngest are twins, but S months old. - Deaf? Xiearn Up Beading. Get tn touch with,-your social and business ' Alleged Horse Thief Captured The ntlvtti. re inHn rantiln nf Detectives Jo Day on the long distance telephone) world again. Succes assured. -- Local last night resulted In the capture and ref. Katharine King. Main 8793. arrest of. Sam Bigelow, 18 miles out ef Corvallls, who Is accused by Mrs. Cora Seml-Annnal Examination of the Ore Mills of the theft of a team of horsea gon state board of medical examiners valued at H00 and a buggy valued at $100. A warrant was issued for the ar rest of Bigelow and when an effort was mad to serve It the detectives found - that tne man had driven the team away. Using the telephone, It was found that tho man had Just passed through Inde pendence and places further down the MSad' wer notified. He was finally p-" prohended out of Corvallls and Is bfelng brought to Portland today. J.. ' Jobpra Active. Two -robberies and an attempted purse snatching were re- ported to the police fast night On com plaint 'of J. H. Robinson of 446 Clay atreet, Steve' Vessels was arrested for . attempting to snatch the purse carried 1 by Mrs. Robinson. Vessels was arrested . St Slxtb and Washington streets. Bur- I glare pried off the lock of the Charles i Viators Baloon at S40 Washington street about 4 -o'clock Sunday morning and - stole tO quarts of whiskey, 12 quarts of , beer and S0' worth or cigars. J. J. Durham' of 129 feecond street report; - that his place was entered and 100 j cigars, n quantity of friilt and candy and-. broke open a match vending machine and took all the matches. will held at the Knights of Pythias Coal $6.00 up. Edlefsen Fuel Co. My Clearance Sale. Menl Look out for the greatest values Portland has ever seen. In men's suits and overcoats..- My 'clearance will be no "fake" aale no hot-air peddled to you and no last year good handed out The clothe are high-grade merchandise that bears the maker's - name- and sold to you at New York wholesale cost JIMMY DUNN. Room 818 Oregonlan bldg. Take ele vator,, , . . APPOINTMENTS MAD E BT BISHOP SCABBING , The Right Reverend Charles Scadding, bishop of the Episcopalian diocese of Oregon, has made the following official appointments for the month of January: 1. Circumcision, Portland, Pro Ca thedral. 8. Meeting of board of missions, 8 p. m. 4.- Salem. Address men's' meeting. 6. Epiphany, St Helen's. Hall. -7.Flrst Sunday after Epiphany. Morning at Grace Memorial, Irrlngton. Evening- f All -Batata. ' ' - 9. Eugene. In residence University of Oregon. 10. Eugene. Address Assembly at University of Oregon. 11. Eugene. Conference on church house for women students. . Buy,; Your Fur At Great Removal Sale At Just sl Price FURS OF QUALITY ONLY .. Nothing Reserved All the Finest Fur, Included In This , GREAT .HALF-PRICE SALE FUR COATS GENUINE SEALSKIN HUDSON SEAL FRENCH SEAL RUSSIAN PONY PERSIAN LAMB JAPANESE MINK CARACUL RUSSIAN MINK PUR SETS REAL MINK H. B. SABLE BLACK LYNX REAL BEAVER TAP MINK NATURAL RACCOON BLACK MINK FOXES IN ALL COLORS And all other dependable furs. THE LARGEST AND LEADING FURRIERS AND MANUFAC TURERS IN THE NORTHWEST. Every fur marked in plain figures Be ypur own salesman; select the fur you want and cut the price in two. - v Select youf furs now. The opportunity is unusual A small de posit will hold any fur. FOURTH AND MORRISON STREETS Advertising Aigeora, iUe. Algebra, Adv. Assaying .... M'"v v.uuure ......a.,. Architect. Draft, Ble... i Architect Draft. Adv... ; Arithmetic. Elev... ... ; Arithmetic, Adv. .i Arithmetic, Commercial Automobile course .... , HOOKReeplng I Boys' Bchool : Bricklaying I Business Eng. and Cor. Fee 9 mo. . . . 4 . . Pi area A T1 jfVTl i iwmwa u Bum m. Lmm n earaice laio Sale Harrowly Escape Death. A man, whose Identity was not learned by the police, was saved from a terrible death yesterday afternoon by Patrolman Ves aey and a citizen, when the' man, who had fallen on the railroad track at Fourth and Ankeny streets in an epilep tic fit was dragged from the tracks Just as the train passed by. The engi neer did not see the man and the train was moving at its usual speed through the city, when Vessey saw the uncon cclcua man on the track. He and a man, who refused to 'give his name, rushed across the street and risked their Hves to pull the man to safety. The epileptic was taken to a drug store, Where ha waa soon revived. ; chorea Members Taken to Task Members of the Episcopal churches. , spend more money for- tobacco, candles . ' and other luxuries than they do for the : support of their individual cnurcne. is i the opinion of a writer In a recent issue ; - of Convention Journal . of the diocese j of Oregon, an Episcopalian paper. In commenting upon the article. Bishop i , Bcaddihg told of the number of people j - asnaciallv young people, who, instead i of giving money for the support of the ' church would spend It for shows. Bish , op Scadding la of the opinion, however, that It Is difficult to get, the church people awakened to the necessity of sup porting the church and lta work. ianr Crowd Hears tecture The largest crowd that had ever gathered in the Centenary Methodist Episcopal! church was. present last night when : Reverend Delmar Trlmblei delivered his ( first Illustrated lectufe. The ; aubjeot , with -the stereoptlcon vlewa was "How; ths "Olher Half Lives.' In his talk the pastor spoke at length upon making . resolutions and keeping them through-j out the year, giving examples how at tho beginning of the new xear one can - . improve. . ' Bmok la Ved Expensive The pleasure of smoking in bed cost Adam Baura of 898 Belmont?etreet about $50 this morn " Ing, when hot ashes from .his cigar set . the bed afire and before the blaze could " be extinguished, had spread to other f ur - niture- In the house and damaged the place to the extent of the amount above mentioned." The fire department was ' called and the balance xyC the house was saved from-dstirucfloh. ' Baum escaped from his burning cot without Injury to himself. '! Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning promptly at 8:30 begins the great Annual Clearance Sale of Pianos and Player Pianos. These Bush & Lane Clearance Sales ar now rec6gnized as the greatest piano-buying events of the year. k It is at this time that all the. instruments taken in as part payment on the beautiful Bush & Lane Pianos and Player-Pianos are offered at a fraction of their real worth in order to close them out at once. Included are also all pianos returned from renting, also thoe slightly shopworn. No matter how much or how little you wish to pay, here is the greatest opportunity to secure a fine Piano or Player-Piano at a big, positive, bona fidereduction. Be sides, during this Clearance Sale you can make practically your own terms. ,Be sure to be here promptly tomorrow. fTMT. jk'Cffl Lssdi'f 'niiNr And IV any Others at $112, $126, $139, $154, $167, etc - i - r HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM: teoture On Bascule Draw Ralph " Modjeskl , engineer of the. Broadway brfdge, la arranging to give an Illus trated lecture in Portland some , time . this month, Illustrative of the various ; types of Bascule draw construction, also of -the-fanaes- bridges ot-tlit -worldr ::-;-' ' Woman Pound Dead Mrs. Bertha Morgan, 64 years old, residing at the' head of Lincoln street wa found dead . In jed-thlsmorMng1 by?-er-UtUa-sonr . Tier death was due to natural causes. To ttop ' Bolderina" Ab order was ! , Issued hy CUsf, o Police Slover to Act- j Victor Piano, fine mottled walnut, cost new $375, now only ?168 Another Viclof, only used 3 months, just like new; was $375, now f 245 Robinsoa, good practice piano for beginners; originally $350, now..$90 Werner, burl walnut, excellent condition; regular $325, now only.. $185 JCnight Brinkerhoff,: superb mahoganyr can't told from new; was $350, now only y....;......?250 ,Vose, elegant mahogany, splendid condition; new $400, now only,. 8198 Another. Yose, only used short time, just like new; cost $400, now.. 92 75 A superb Bush & Lane, in Art style case", trade in for Player Piano; cost $500, now only t . .". $ 2T5 A fine Stein way, excellent condition, accepted as part payment of Bush & Lane Player Piano; cost $500, now only ., 8260 Hallet & Davis, largest size, fanciest mahogany case, Just like new: cost $375, now only : $ 285 Another Hallet & Davis, largest size, $375 style, a big snap for... 196 Thielin, finest mahogany case, a splendid value at $350, now only,. f 225 Another Thielin, elegant condition, the $350 style, for only...'.. ...f 210 Bush & Lane Baby Grand, in finest mahogany, piano used-by prominent ;musif..tetc.her.:jnow,.,iurope; cost $800, now only ..i...f495 Bush & Lane Player Piano, genuine oak case, used for demonstrating purposes and as good as new; the regular $850 style, now only., f 635 Victor, largest size, beautiful walnut case; was $375, a rare value at 81GO Stelnway, dark case,. good ftndition; cost new $500, how only. .....f 188 Any piano purchased during this sale will be accepted toward payment of a better' one jany time within a year and credit given for all money paid. ' Every instrument guaranteed exactly as represented and satisfactory AFTER DELIVERY or money refunded. j Terms to suit your convenience as low as 75 cents per week. Orders, by telegraph or longdistance phone hon ored 24 hoursphly. Be on hand promptly. . .. : . - : ' ' ; ' ; ": OPENS ; TOMORROW r IE BE QN HAND EARLY Business Law Carpentry and Woodturnjng. Chemistry . r. Electricity ft Bleo. Mach........ English for Foreign Men Kngllsh Grammar and Reading. English Grammar and Rhetoric Kngusn Literature Freehand Drawing French Forestry and Lumbering Geometry, , Plana Geometry, 8olld tferman , . msiory iann Machine Design Mechanical Draft, Ble Mechanical Drafting, Adv Penmanship (1) Penmanship (t Pharmacy (S months) Physical and Com. Qeog Physics Plan Reading andEatlm Plumbing, Shop Practice...:... Poultry Raising Publio Bpeaklng Relnf. ' Concrete Const......... Rhetorlo Salesmanship and Adv. Btpamsn-. . . . . Sheet Metal Drt Shorthand . Surveying and Mapptng snow Card. writing Telegraphy and Dli Trigonometry . Typewriting , . ; Vocal Music .. Call or send for free illustrated cata logue. Similar ir" "''''' Seattle, Taooma, Spokane. . rafting . Ispatchlng. , I1&.00 , 6. CO 6.00 ik nn i'So fa 7.50 ' f.50 ioo S.00 l.O'l so.oo 6.00 4,00 16.00 2.00 2.00 10. 00 10.00 16.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 1.04 10.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ' V.66 , 7.60 7.60 7.60 j.OO t.00 6.eo; " Y.od .oo 16.00 BTo fee 6. JO 16.00 8.00. 16.00 6.00 7.60 6.00 10.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 AnasEME.vra nw TXLaJI'a ATTaAC'TIOJC UCIf THEATRB ' Phones Main li A-UJI ' Tonight, 8:1S o'Clock Tomorrow and Wednesday Wight Special price tilalinea Wadnesaay. Chariest Kleins OreaUstTUr ( 'TheGamblers- TAVX, BTCBTOW aad a Bpteadid OaH Evenings and today' matineet Ltower floor $1.50; balcony, S rows, $1.00:. row 75c; 11 row 60c; gallery too. Wednesday mat. 11, 76e. 60o. 85c. 230. v uxAvn vow' niixxo , VULCAN COALCO AGENTS FOR CarbonliillCoal Lump & Steam MAIN 2770 A-2776 BungolowTheatrc - ' ill Uw suoua Every night Matinee -Saturday and. Sunday Special Bargain" Matinee Sat- . urday, lBc and 26c. Tha Sensational Comedy Dram--' - .' ' - ' The New ':i;,,fi: "Kii,i.ioiraiaB nu.Mr A. Comedy That Is Funny ' A Drama That Teaches i -: ropuiar pnees ibo. 26o, I So and 60o. BAKER niUTn Mala aad A-6300 Wew Tear's Matinee Today, arts, ado, boo Tonight, AU week, Mat. Wed. and Bat The Kirk La Shelle Co. present that fa mous American play of. the weat "ths Taaixua" WJth splendid cast and production.' First time at popular prices. Nat week "The Barrier.'' V MA.1 S2 f fa" 1 in a, a ion rza Nm: EVXBT af is-aa-ta THEATRE IMS-iV7Jt onartey orapowln. assisted hy Aana onaae Co., In "The Awakening of Mr. MVP"! Bevnolds at Donesran: flDkeiiek at Tan j The roar Famon Vanlsi Oscar bo. rain; Huby Baymond tt Oo. Bob and Tip Trio. WEEK g 1. Charley Miatlnee Sally ;young warceus a.neo ricosi Arthur 8Ua.---. in. WEEK JAJT. Cooper A Davis: Les by i Hal Davis li Mis Ana jaodgefa,- In "The VnxDoted"i Fantaa-eaeoM, Boa and first row .'balcony res v. Fries ISO and 85c, atatueo Every Day. fff HLID Bnlllvaa m Coast din . Bafined VaadevliM ' tn a Fouos Station"! Hal gtephenai Laokl aj Teaati - - UUlaa Beigeri josepa K. watseat os-- ert and Bobert; Orchestra, Frioe 13o and eoe. - . . yortnerlv Oraad J WEEK JAJT. 1 "A Higat LYRIC ortland Printing House Co. Book, Catalog and Conttaercjal liritlng Book Binding and Blank Book Making 388 Taylor.St: Phones: A228I, M620I A I East 629 LIBERTY COAL & B-6148 IOB OQv TmTRl. ... rOtTBTK AND 6IABX , ALL THIS WEffiK . ..-r.... FROLICS OF 1912 . Two Ferformanoe KlfhUy," 7i30 and OilS. IB and 86e. Matinee daUy. 8:30. Any seat 1S (except Bundays and Holi days). Friday Night Chorus Olrls' Ooa test. Wert week "The Ctay Peeelver." WC WANT TO DO YOUR MMOVSO rACIUTlM BEATTIE&HOF1VIANN A TT, Muk 17 20-4- STASIK ST, OREGON HOTELS OREGON HOTELS PORTLAND HOTEL The largest and most maghificept hotel in Portland ; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations ' or excellence of cuisine. European plan, $1.50 per day and upward. THE IMPERIAL Oregon's Greatest Hotel S50 ROOMS. ' 104 SUITES l; With Private Baths NEW FIREPROOF BUILDINO MODERATE RATES PHIL METSCHAN & SONS. Props. 5sai Hotel Oregon Portland, Oregon. Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. liote Seattle Seattle, Wash. ' Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co, J - Prop. , : Both hotels centrally located, modern In every respect and con ducted on the European plan.. HOTEL,CORNE,LIUS House of Welcome PORTLAND, OREGON - . The Brown Bus Meets All Trains. " A high class modern hotel In the heart of the theatre and' shopping district ONE BLOCK FROM ANY CAR' LINTS , Rooms Without $1.00 Per Day end Up, ' Rooms with Bath $2.00 Per Day and Up. ' -E. P. MORRIS. Proo. ,; H. E. FLETCHER, Mgr. .Ui..,'.-.3., NEW PERKINS Fifth nd Washington Streets. A Hotel in the Very Heart of Portland's Business Activity. ' MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT :- Electric Auto Bus. Cars to and from Union Depot every few minutes. . Q. Swetlarid, Mgr. C H. Shafer, Asst. Mgr. inf. Baa The Hotel Bo wero Eleventh and Stark fits. Cnder New Management :r offer all - the convenience of a hlgh elais hv tel. with -all th comforts of a home. Ettropann ' v plan., 11.00 per day. up. American plan, too. Famous for Its' grill, a la cart and table d'hote service at reasonable prices. Special rates tJ ' permanent' gQeats. ' . Fe P. WILUAMS, M ANA r : "A- "fl ;''JE.:'