j -4 n ni u 3 i 4 U ! i i i i vroTA v -vmh. fa Op "PI ft IS . A WW p5 31 ' 31 n " J , iVyith renewed force, this fremendous double-cvent swings into its second week Itomorrowl Cj Last week's record-breaking business served to emphasize more forcibly the supreniacy of I Meier C& Frank events, whatever they may be. . 1 I ; . -. ' PUBLIC CONFIDENCE that spirit of satisfaction, of fair dealing, of service, which has been the domihent factor in bur business since 1857, has made this Great ! Annual Clearance Sale ? and Carnival of White greater than ever before. EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR IMMENSE STOCK REDUCED, contract goods being the only .exception. Take' this sensational announce ment out ot the paper vitith the third page on the back' you have tomorrow's complete Clearance shopping guide. Fancy China and Vases '4 Off Electric and Gas Lamps Fifth Off Glassware and House Needs R ediiced i : Cut Glass Reduced One-Fourth Hollow Silver-Plated Ware I Off Braos and Copper Ware V4 Off AU Chafing Dishes, One FifthOff All Bohemian Glassware 14 Off All Sniokers'lArticleslt Off Framed PicturosReduced V4 toVz Go-rCarts andPe rambulators V40ff Toys and Sporting Goods 1 5 Off Brushes and Mirrors at V4 Off ParisiaiilvoiyToUetwareVOfif s , Briar and Meerchaum Pipes V40ff All - Art Novelties deduced Vi All Millinery Reduced Vi to V2 Entire Stock Hosiery i Reduced - GIovgs and yriibrellas Reduced A ; Neckwear and Ribbons Reduced V AH i Men's Furnishings Reduced s All Infants' Wear Is Reduced 1 - i Entire Stock of Shoes Reduced and Calendars Reduced E3aiitooa Shirij-Sflle TheE. & IV.; Gotham and Star Brands Are Included Ttnrr maa IOV SI. Thousands of i men must have been vrait- ing for - this Great Semi-Annnal Shirt Sale hardly a man bought less than six Saturday, - The celebrated Manhattan, Earl &, Wilson, Gothem, StaPand oar own special M, & F. Shirts at ordinary prices. s- Every 'shirt fresh and dean, bearing the original labeL Thousands of new Winter patterns. $1.50 Shirts for $1.15 2.00 Shirts for $135 C2.50 Shirts for $1.75 C3.C0 Shirts f ,81.95 $3.50 Shirts for $25 4.00 Shirts for $Z75 $5.00 Shirts for $335 $6.00 Shirts for $4.25 AH Boys Clothing Is Reduced . i Boys' Hats, Shirts, Etc., Reduced : Trunks and Suitcases Heduced 3 si y 1 a v; Tailored ifeRflically Keiiic;ea y A Qearance of Women's and tUsses Outer Garments that stands supreme as the greatest economy event o the year! " Every article in our immense stocks reduced here in the ackno-wl- edfired fashion center of the Northwest! , . Modish Winter apparel for women and children -the sort needed for the cold days that- are now upon us. VelVet-Cbrdurby Suits , Rich and el ' IJ t y. V lf Suits forworn elegant arc these. Velvet .and Corduroy women. ' Remarkably attractive; plain and Theyre handsome y ; $30.00 .Velvet and Corduroy Suits priced $17.50 $38.00 Velvet and Corduroy Suits priced $22.50 1 r rr r.1 . -J e..:. CEO4 Kt jiw.w t civet oiM vuiuiuujr amta yttwv $55.00 Velvet and Corduroy Suits priced 33.50 $53.00 Velvet: and Corduroy Suits priced $38.50 Other Hahdsomc Suits -J j Variety the feature, of the assortments. Every style, every material, every color. V - ' $15.00 to $20.00 Tailored Suits priced at $9.85 $22 JO to $25.00 Tailored Suits priced at $14.85 $28.00 to $35.00 Tailored Suits priced at $18.45 $38.00 to $40.00 Tailored Suits priced at $22.45 $45.00 to $48.00 Tailored Suits priced at $20.65 $50.00 to $00.00 Tailored Suits priced at $32.45 Two New; NemCorsets Shown for the First Time ; - A boon" to the stout women8' ' this wonderful new Corset invention 1 Not only reduces the figure immediately thy the repression and readjustrnent of 'the flesh; but will make the - figure perma- nently smaller by the unique hygienic : process of automatic massage, t No 353--Low Bn$fl(l Uo. 3'54 Medium BuslJ P 03 l - : ; Fashioned ,with very: long skirt and triple Lastikops" attach ments; insuring perfect east, sitting or standing. Wonderful Cor sets at $3.50, not only because of the perfect lines, but of the rare comfort and self-reducing features.' Shown firsf tirile tomorrow. - 3 .1 . r u 1