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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1912)
THE OREdON DAILY "JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENINQ, JANTTARY .1, 1912. 13 p f --4 If- l ; It 20 Sacrifice GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN, ,-r; Tills ,place will Invoice 12500, . but owner will for quick sal y sacrifice for $1800.' This place Is ' now doing t B0 and over per flay, ;, and we know of no other gimp Ilk thla In all the'clty, , :v . r . " Joseph Graham , , ... '", 1007-09 Board pfTradt bldg, r,;X. , A SNAP. ,.-. --- - IF PICKED tip At ONCE , , In a hustling, college town, confec tionery and grocery, lunch counter and ce cream parlor. ' Box 24 Monmouth, Oregon.. '" . '' -" : e HELP WANTED MALE , I :!"; Stock' Salesmen Men of ability; personality nnd rood appearance, for a nigh grade financial proposition. - A new. cleanout Portland company, that will show dftldend earnings, that will appeal o -conservative .Investors. .',, . - . ' Frank M Brown, inc. ... 1020 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. .WANTED A salesman for the att'Of -. Montana. Moat be of good address, capable ofmeeunir a' good class of peo ple on a business proposition aud coping with strong competition. Ths line to sell. Is one that la' easily learned for. a " salesman; The applicant need not riec essarllyKhave had any 'experience as a, , traveling salesman. Just aa long as ha la a hustler and rMtht In every other re- epect and is-a : salesman. The position a will carry a salary and Commission,, and ' to the Hht man Will be verV profitable. ...In answering, glv.age. experience and reference. ' z-zso. jourrtary WANTED !A- man and , wife thoroughly familiar 1th fruit,- vegetable arid chicken raising In a moflern anq, profit able .wax to taka charge, of a aniall farm- n Lyle, Waoli.. on a profit ' Sharing plan for a period -of years: ft rut cWs Improvements, teams and tools, 15 acre In t year old apple tree", S acrea In alfalfa: don't apply unles your record Is good In these lines an.t you want a permanent jlace end have at Jeaet $1B0 In money. Apply 09 Eaat Yamhill street or phone K. 3798.- - ' Employment "membership' guaranteea that member will aecura evnDloy ment' or refund of merr.oersnip fee, rives iwfcr months full rombershlp privileges. 10 months social privileges and undertakes to kee ; rarty emplov'd during full term of membership, with out furiharr charge. See aeoretary mi- wvmnnt ctiartment. OdU AND DIB MAKERS WANTED. Irllgnest Class men pn Bjptnnremni 'rnodels and preparation of dies and fix- turea for final manufuoturlng; absolute accuracy essential, elsht hour day- at 60 ; rents peh hour; steady work, no labor troubles. Out of town. Full- particulars snd references with nrst. letter, ao- orrss. z-tin. journal. WANTED For the United States army, ' able bodied unmarried men between ages of 12 and SB, cltlsens.of Lnlted States of good- character and temperate hnbits, who can speak, read snd write . th EnglUh taajruage. For Information apply-to recruiting officer. -Worcester Dlflg.V BO tnn WK sib., rnnmnn, yr, . iTOft general orgaulaer, commence the year with Harry; Best contracts on tha coast Apply 627 Chamber of Oom merce. Phone Main 871, East 1208. . - WANT1-, laundry driver ,ylthTigato work on commission. Call at Ideal Wet 'Wash laundry,,, corner 43d and Haw- xnorne, " CHEF' hendauarters fuiri helpers. Ca-H- fornla Wine. Depot, 8S Yammu, n.xi i, to Journal.' y . , ' WANTKf At once, 2 menlo learn to drive And repair atitomobtles. Call at nawthome Parage, 446 -Hawthorn. WANT a salesman outside, who can sell " . to trade locall y ; clean work. T-.2 3. journal WANTED First claT planjng rnlli man; one Who, can do estimating. 1112 itawtnorne avei 'WANTED Solicitors for coal. Liberal commission. Call E. 1st and Taylor. CTEARINO sate uncalled for suits. $7.85 up. Harvard Tailors, 308 Burnslde. WFAR a Kenshaw $3'hat; all styles. 19 4th: 449 wwxnington. WANTE1-Prlvate Instructor in arith metlc. W-277. Journal. WANTED Solicitors for coal. Libcml commtsston. Call E. 1st and Taylor. - HELP WANTED MISC. 40 Y. M. C. A. Auto School. , E. 10th and E. Mill. ' FOR MEN NOT FOR MONEY ;( Thoroughly equipped garage. Expert Instructors. Actual Experience in re pairing the driving on trst. class cars. Lectures and recltatlonB. , . Investigate- thla' seheel .before .en rolling elsewhere. . mL OfflCe'iM-Y. M. C, A. building. Phone Main T08, A-8601. wltt 4 ; Auto school E.. 10th and Mill sts. Phone East 2652, ' ? THE NE'W STATE' AUTOMOBILE . LAWS make It Impossible, for In competent or .untrained, pc.rsoas .to hold a chauffeur's license and atthe same time makes Jt possible for properly reg istered end licensed chauffeurs to de mand higher waires. WB GUARANTEE A MAN HOLDING; OUR DIPLOMA to pass stata examinations. OREG&N AUTO SCHOOL. 26 11 th St., cor. Jeffer son. THE ONLY -SCHOOL CARRYING! THE INDORSEMENT OF THE TRADE. Belmont Auto School Th Jnly thoroughly equipped school , ON THIS fAUir KJ uuabi Complete course, including thorough driving Instructions, technical and prac tlcal work In all Its details. E. 23D ANi MORRISON. . Tako 8 8 or Mt. Tabor car; look ua up pefore-deciding to enroll elsewhere, 'MEN and women jwilenrn thv barher - trade In 8 weeks. Si'eclal lnnueemepis. " percentage earned while learning. ToM free, -eatpert Instructors, 17 years lnjhe business, 37 schools. A life time schol arshlp given to every student. Molcr , Barber college. 25 N. 4th st, Portland, or PORTLAND Automobile school. 123 6th street, north, Portland, .OA We want only; sober industrious men for chauf fers and repair men. We carry the In dorsement of ihe trade and offer spec ial Inducements for January. Call or i write ai once. JdKN and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks at International Barber school. First class set of tools freej percentage earned while learning; best : of instructors, 15 years in business. Life time scholarships given every student. .' Zns roncn street. VKLEGRAPHr SneiiKtng of guaran- tees, 1 win give a umirea nmnnor ui one fid guarantees' for' positions to ,jbont dehlrable- applicants and teftoh telegra"- hv In' a nfactical ' way. innaers St.. fortisfio, ur. liARBERS' State Board of Examiners ;i. will bn in Session January 8, S, 10, at 167 1st St., this city, to examine sU those holding permits. ' Those failing to a ppenr, thalr permits will be revoked, l. iVlj i.iiiis-i crurmij. . .. . - . YOt'NG men wanted between age .1 9 and v S5; railroad eorvlcertelegraphers,' sta tion agents, Clerks: salaries 175 to 290 T. W. i.eano, wecrexary . per montn. : tvo siriKe, rw , an teed .competent men. For Bf'dresw N-217. Jonmal. rWtt particulars "Wanted 8 sober, 'ihtolligent men to learn, "to repair and drive automobiles. Call 266 litn st. WANTCI-i Railway mail clerks.. Portr ' lend examinations announced Jan. 16. Sample ouestlgrts free. Franklin tastW tufe Deptfr-K RoehBB-ter, N. Y. MOTION picture operating taugnt in : theatre, full practical course. Learn It right. - price reasonable, position -se cured. I, journal. niSIESS CHANCES " WANTED, immelialely: men to I -- v e,itomobne driS-lng and, repairing. ' t ! Union -are r 1earyTla wthtorne. learn can Learn our fcu.'iness; RanltfWy Beauty Psrlors. m-vi iiemirn mag. CI .0 is ING out few remaining uncalled - for suits ana overcoats le.tu, up., ray. lor, the Tailor, 285 Burnslde at, v HELP- WANTED-i-RMAIJS 2 WANTED YOTJNO LADIES FORI TELEPHONE PPERATXNOC''.' Vnyf&itf.; OR-WITHOUT EXPERIENCE! AP PLT THE PACIFIC "TELEPHONE k TOTE QRAril CO ZBT SIXTH" AND AN RENT ST& , . .,.-"., WANTED Refined ?ouhr ladles i for legitimate .business goodr salary.' Call New . Scott hotel, cor. 7th aud-'Ankeny sts., room xmr WANTED Several young ladles be - tween the ages of 18 and 25, lor per manent position. Apply P. T. As T, Co 874' Alder at, or 116 K. Antony at COMPANION Toiing woman ' fh'terVBt ed in muslf. Desirable place, duties. WANTED Glrh U to 1G yeais, to ctfre for child. No kitchen work, 174 Front;. liMPlAVMEIfft AOEX(?ILK. FREE. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ' All clasaes of .unskilled, akllled, pro fessional and clerical male and female help furnlahed on ahort notice. . , Jso ices. '." -' '" Men'a department 115 d, cor. Salmon, Women'a department 146 ilalmom at. Mtlrc aftBBj A-BBZ4. -yn v.G HA M Q P M X, GENERAL' EMPLOTMENT AQENCTE3. -airt office. 2 N, 2d at.. Portland. ', Ladles department 1th and Wwh., ats., , . upatalra, Portland. v 424 Front ave., i (7-89 4th at.. Ban Franciseo.r- . Established 1278. RpnnAtt'! Fryinlnvirifint Afrfin 84 N. 2d. M"U 264: A-1933. QliMUj aervlce, reliable hdp to employer tte,W- Butts & Eldredge Emp,;Ca. , 24 U N. 2d St. Main 2.20B, A-12U1. : Red ' Cross Employment - - 80 Ji. 2d. cor. BUrnslde, M. 829. A-5781. .WANTED AGENTS .6 MTntlTTD nlo oat a V a f r . naivlnsr amnlntf ment than that orepreaenting "..wad ing nursery iximpany Is not to b"hiil. If you arf ambitious to better your cos d It Ion, -the. opportunity lies before you in entering our employ. Salem Nursery Co.. 6slem.:Or. " - WK need a salesnian In-each of eeV- eral excellent fields to sell our splen-J did nursery stock. A permanent placejg cash weekly and a square firm back offl you. Write for particulars. Washington Vt. ....... V. u WANTED Salesmei, to aid us supply 1! the brisk- demand 1'pr ou goods. Some vacant territory yet in every state west 5 of the Mississippi. Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSJiiUK CU,- - , Salem, Or. A YOU CAN'T HELP but . make money selling our guaranteed-to-elve-satlsi faction stock; free outfit; cash weekly; excluslv---tefrttory-.J--'-Ttklni- Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Agent to sell our white tlrred enamel ware." Only salesmen with 'es tablished - territory need apply. Mall references. The Bellalre Enamel Co., Bellalrc- Ohio. SALESMEN- wanted to, spU our line of facine coast grown nursery siock; cash paid weekly. Pacific Nursery Co.. 120B ieon bldg. 25 per cent wanted and ;hmlssloj. Something needed In every home: BITUATIO?rSMALH--.- .WANTED-PositlOn With .automobile company or wuum go m wnu iiuriira to introduce a . well known cur here-; bave good2 prospects for the same In both commercial and pleasure lines; have been working 'In city 25 years and well ficnualrited. T-279, 'Journal. NEWSPAPER man. thoroughly eomp tent In all" departments of country work, wants; position In Wllhrmett val ley; no bdoz,B: might buy small prop- rty. ai-x,ti, journal. HOTEL clerk wants position, day or nignt; to,tai aDstainer; non-smoitet; first class references; bond If required. N-268, Journal A YOUNG, reliable and well experienced nhaitf at.H fHutmanl want, tinuf f I fit, ' can repair my owj machine. Please cal nt 251 Jefferson It) Lodesmlth shop. POSITION bydrug clerk, registered in Oregon, coirlijetent and?, reliable,- ref erences. Wages no object, Tbe Mercedes, sum sn! vvssnrogipn. ilngt EXPERT gas engl-neereStatloTlary or mi- I... .n..,AU tnuUlllns rnnnln a a. repairing; wants, situation. C-271,'Mour- ni. - a position as, fireman In some hotel or factory. K-Z7Z, journal. WANTED By experienced, sober.- relia ble married maru charge of ranch; ref erences. A-271,' Jsnf nal. ' - . A HEALTHY yWng man. willing to - conjrract -witli" anyoTis wno nas work to do.. Z-253,' Joum al. FIRST class- carpenter wants work by ' day or contract.: new building,: repatr- ipg, reasonsnia. iM- ;nq si., liansen, m 2nd s;-IaneJL nts work. Aroneral farn.1 I. - X-262.f journal. : YOUNG man wa work preferred MARRIED man, would like"bslt1on on farm or "wood cutter. Green, 335 6th. SITUATION FEMALE TTA in 'r refined UNINCUMBERED, wishes housekeeping tie home. 1370 Caru Mt. Scott car, get off at DIvlslolL st, EXPERIENCED chamber maid ' -watitst posltlon In city. Address route 6; bor j l, uregon vl t y, or, WANTED General housework by mar rjed lady, child 4 years old. A4drcss ,num it ale, Uen. Jel. R13SPECTABLE married lady wishes position, housekeeper, in rooming nouse. can Main zzb, room 6 HAVE your lace curtains laundered by expert. "PPe Woodlawrt 2RU.--- A WOMAN vOo wants position to taka charge .of rooming house. C-3149. DAY work by reliable woman, Monday and Tuesday. Main 666T WOMA N wants work bv day. Phonu Msln' 096. i. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE JFrJ.a AND FKM .1.K 23 GERMAN man end wife, no children. janitors, want position, prlvste house,' apartment, notei. . Mergmnnn, a-z;iv DKF8SilAKIX 40 IjADIES' tailoring and everTTljg gowns, graduating dresses-all wouk brought in before- January 15 done at reduced rate fcast azo - LADIES' tailoring. ( cutting, f sponcing cloth, maklsg buttons, ton holes. Linings-furnished. Rea able prices. Gordon, ,251 Yamhill. ' LADIES' TAILORING. AlteratT .,-coats rellned. Mrs. Muckler. 408 Mori rlson?-i Main 4918. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes few more engagements. Woodlswn ' 1163. 00 PROSPECTIVE - mothers may obtain everything sterilised for confinement. Physicians'- recommendations. For par ticulars call A. ,E. Lambert Main 110, A-1136. ' "; :'' - : J 115 WEEK, confinement cases --cared f or; can give . reference. Sellwood iviu. NURSE will care , for Invalid or do housekeeping. .. Phone Marshall Sjpg 8. FUHNISIIZD ROOM! -B GOOD rooms, 2 bloclf,frorn postotf ice, LA.NDORE APTft 288 10th A, , fawj c warm cozy rooms fur rent.' tttlna. luut- . i f UKNlSHKl) ROOMS , west bixj ' ' " 'HOTEL CARLTON. , 14TH AND WASIIINQTON HTS. A LIMITED NUMBER OF BEATJTT ULLY FURNISHTCO AND APPOINT ED ROOMS AND .SUITES. WITH, AND WITHOUT PBIV ATE BATH, FOR PERMANENT QUESTS ON VERT REASONABLE MONTHLY RENTAL RATES. EVERT CONVENIENCE AND COMPORT OV HOMTE WITH THE lADDEiyONVENIENCES OF A JTRST JCLASS HOTEL AND ASSURANCE OP V 4 IAnTn.,vVn. a-n. nr. .-. TT. nfTTT T INO. -i BOSS PTNNIOAN', MANAGER, , a. t J'' Regent Hotel , - -v . i5irt-2 7th 'St.-- Newly furnished rooms, water In each room, steam Jieat. very central; quiet, etveclnl weekly and monthly ratea. tran sient raes 78o up, weekly, 2S.B0 d up. ftfrn on hfrme prfnclnlea. Main S002. i. - OARIjANn ROOMS "TMnity Place cor; Wnshlrigton A ncw iiricK" building, ateam heat, an out aide rootfra, nicely furnlsUodU4Iot water and private phone ever room, , Perma nent. Transient," , , Rates reasorable. Main 1135. . .r ,; . ,.; wpmjTRKiimcK. The hearfj.of tbe buslnena nter, 7th and Taylor opposite Heilln theatre, a quiet home for qjglet people, atrictly mofligj-nAperrnanfnt: trenslent. Main 91 TlIE"lyXKER. 2664 6th at.l nice warm I N rooms, ateam heat,, hot- end, cold wa- elents solicited. . OTSILJ'I sleeping rooms, heat, phOhe ' . and Wtith. Near 231 and Waalilim ton. J7i irreen ,ave, hnone 3S-(9. KfCELY furnished rooms for' ladies or gentlemen. Heat, bath nnd gas. 188 Phi k St. I'hon Main 2421. rimn re ;rrT- iOne 'large front furnished rwm. iii conveniences. 331.14th St., Marshall 30M, NEWLY furojshed front and back par- lor" suite, single or in suite, gentle men only. 167 N. 17th st. FOIFRENY Oi ne larif front room: all Phone Main 6798. ONE fiTfaf BTfaJit, nicely., furnished room -for rentT gentleman preferred. 822 7th street. Phone A-4064. TtLE DORMER v Furnished rooms, Miteam ; heat, bath, phone and light Prices reasonable, close in. 283 18th St. NICELY furn'ishe'' front rooms.-suitable " for one or 'two; walking distance. 829 west raric: l-TfOarge front rooms, One suitable for ;r$MsQns, otoer fine-rooms tl .week fait conveniences. 350 Madison. JR 4tlNT terge front furnish rocrft) fSwe,. llfthts and bath, ,er yfttfpf'Mei 'W. Park. ' ,. "OR? "WENTl-One large, bright fro per fOVi "WENT One large, bright front rfwom.; lfghts, bfl-th'and phone. 828 Main-st. '. Alain 76.09. ' . NICELY furnished rooms and single boiisetweplng roonif cheap. 545 ft Wash. st. - NlCELIg furnlsned rooms J2 up. ST? Jefferlrth- street. Phone, bath, elec tric llgbtw.i.; THE ELiff LACE 414 Tainliiil; ropmst hot and cold water, steam heat, pri vate baths and siltes. closw In, NOTELMJkSQIH Z47Vi 6tu st.. roms J 1.60 tin ner weAk. i 2 FRONT . Rooins, "ijfd joining,: suitable for 4 .o'ri 9, alo single, rooms. Bath, TOgn'eat 226 12th. near Palmon. .iyajiflrJT. One un?ur,nlBhdroom and ;.o,?itshed opts., all modem con-lvcrMeh'ces.'- 475 Salmon. FOR "REJCr Two well furnished bright sunny ) roqrosi all modern con- lenea.4'01.J4. 12th stret. Alain 9.50. FOR RENT-biTe large, brighC'corner. funnlshed room; all conveniences' with private family, 471 Clay st. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. furnace heated, lights, gentlemen pre ferred. '2651thstMaln 293. FOR ' RENT A very nicely furnished room, c-neap.- its inn. FOR-RENTTwo furnished rooms also two rooms- on, 286 -4th - st. 328 -14th stret. M. 3549. NjE yroomi suitable for two.gAntle . Affeu.irln each; rates very reasonable. 474 YKmhill. Phone Marshall 2904. ROOMMATE wanted by refined young lady;.Teaonable rent. 1 80 17th st, corner' -XStfsnliWl. . Marshall 8798. T WO nicely furnished front rooms; will arrange., to suit tenant; reasonable. KOI Mill Wesr 14i h. FURNISHED rooms and bachelor apts. in basement. 515 Morrison, corner lfitn. CLEAN furnished rooms. Also house- kefcping. Rent reasonable. Good lo cation. ,490 Columbia. ' THREE - very nice furnished, rooms, light, phone and nath. 42 Yamhill St., PliontyMarghall 3034. 7 - FOR:, RErfT Vt-fy nicely - furnished housokev ping rooms. .188 5th. NICELY furnished i Ylne.175 N. 15th. rooms, close to car- WAIW rooms. $l.fjft to : (, JphH)H rath. 405 Stark. nipe- warm room, sui $3-50 a week; suitable for 1 or 1 2. 827. W. Park. FOR I.:fcto4Ohe large front room, with ; P'1iw l.H9".nfl bath, close In. 243 6 1 h. 'Njifiiy Rtfrflshed room in new flat Hiodtor .conven!en SifvrfcUad ,lU.QKq;i..iTunyinieni-rft. b 1 ir,vereil. room, well heated: 9 Jefferson. TIIRRE good furnished rooms for rent f ggnriemen prererrFn. :-nn iztn St. ROOMS BQ and up; heat, phone and r;bath, ,9(1 13th. ROOMS, 60c, $1 per day; $2 up week. 'ffiin; cua x. ay a Morrison st 294 Jpl'Iprspn; clean sleepingr room only $10 per nionth. F()R RENT A coxy room close to bath; Jlpht. heat. 293 10th st. - BURNISHED K0O3US jy-'-.aWtiL.T. .....52 NWleft, hotel, E. 8d and Burnpide, steam tjent, hot and cold water snd plines, In fdl rooms. Free and private baths.. 76c day up, $3 week up, Notlrfng eKtrarrorT two ji room rKinurtf: Is tier month. Sundav or after --J5:80. 491 "B. Pine. t . 849," BENTON, between Cherry, and .ftjjiSMIltw'ay; can bp arranged for house- keetmr: z ana up. fTSRNI SHED, room, 1031 Garfield eve., ;" 'near Union. Phone Woodlawn 2372., jPLEASH telephone SeJwood 1606 for modern room. UNvttRMSIIED ROOMS JO TWO unfAiFnfshed rooms, nice location. 1V monciii . mciuuiiiK mat anu wa- ,P68 Tjoy 'street. ' FiRNfHail'bD,,, .: room flat modern uvoent Yurnace. . 6!! i HL Morrison. Wnt 6901. ' - - - r. LARGE froKt basemejit room, suitable for business: iiz ro. inquire 168 lotn st ROOMS AXBOABD If m ii ti NICELY,-'f kfralsljed rfcoms aultabla for two. CentlemWh wltH board: references. LgENTRa.,V -ijflaftlon, private ' family. is&- ietn .T.;rp5i home -ci5'ktAfl'$6 per week, '291 llth a ' t." -iHtttrfr Sit 2693 WD tine rooms, home cooking, fine lo "Cat tom 161h or . Morrison car. E17 KcarJVy t,Th Magnolias. r WE warm, with, first class board. 834 FiRST jjTass boarci " and 00111 reason- ROCM 3 "s no oboaLrd, also rooms, modern conveniences, -flus Kverett, cor, zoth. BOARD and room for men - with good character at Y, P. 541 Clay. 15 : ' Rooms with or' without board; aleo nousftkeeping rooms; modern. Call af ' rooms,- reasonable ' also . board and room, homelike, ' - '' ' . ' ' llOOM and"F6ard.T with all conveniences for 4t per. week, , 492 Taylor. Mai') 7843. , .- - ' - " ! : Til W CAS A ROSA Large, airy fur ntshed rooms, with board; splendid o cation. 300 Jefferson. " i . ' ' LAROE outside room suitable for tbree - people, with -board; heat, bath, IS week; two people 86.59 week, Z4 Main, llOOM and board, ki per week; 2 iii room. 5. -each. Bath, phone, heat. 880 Rodney ave." ; , ' ' '. ' 'HOtJSEKEEPITJG KOOM3 'r 8 WEST 8IDH Hunt's-ExDress & Bagpiaeie C6 .'1 trunk. 60 Additional trunks, 25c each .arip with trunks tree. A-8418 Marshall 4418. . ' S2.5Q Per Week . Furnished fof-.joousekeeplng, large, llgatt well ventilated -iQpm with alcove. is itn. - Mam 4697 li AND 3 ROcYm llOUSEivEEPINGa 120 TO 30. 187 lt7h, near Yamhill; all modern nveniences; steam heat, phone-. "The conven Oneonta," Main 4697. A-4799 Baggage d Omnibus " Transfer Bairesse moved ana storea. rnons Me in tilisi). A-3823. BEAUTIFULLY: fumlHhed, cluan, sun riy front housekeeping suite, running water, heat, light, etc; walking distance. 407 Columbia St. ';-.- HOUSEKEEPING rocms, . furnishedT light, clean, very cheap; private- en trance; One or two room suites. 615 Mill. Main 110. -. TWO room modern- housekeeping suite, - all conveniences, outside rooms, 2u pr .month. 487 Taylor. Telephone Main 420. , - DESIRABLE three room suite, well fur nished; separata entrance, gas range, sink, electricity, bath, phone. 700 Flan ders si. .. - - TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, closet, porch, gas range; walking dis tance; 212, 692 iE. Morrison. East 6001. FRONT room, furnace heat, phone, bath, married people or bachelors. -4 OS Stark. - FOR RENT 3 housekeeping and 2 sleeping rooms, eltfae in, cheap; 848 Main st. 225 st., housekeeping and sleeping rooms, furnace heat) bath, phone, laupdry. 22.50 per week up. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms rea sohahle price;-- SOO-ft 4th st, corner Columbia. SUITE of housekeeping rooms; . also single room: gas, bath... phone, fur nace neat. in. in. inn st. TWO extra w'ejl furnished housekeeping rooms, 312.50 per mo.; two large front rooms, $22.50. 346 Hall. .Marshall 3292. LIGHT, large housekeeping room, fur nished, gas, bath, phone, private en tranoe, 328H Jackson. A-3294. - TWO newly finished, rooms for light housekeeping. everything; supplied. Reasonable rc.n,t. 440 1 1th. SHKJMAN iistel, under new "man ment, housekeeping rooms, 22,50. 184 Sherman.- '. " T W O rooms, well furnished, light house keeplng; no children; walking dis-i turfce, 403 2d. SUITE of hOUBekeepltig rooms, llgnt and clean; no children. - 481 6th at A-3196. ' SINGLE and double' ' furnished house kecptng suites, $2 per week up; free pnone-enq natn. .. az iv. ntn st. THREE connecting furnished houite- Keeplng rooms, wltn plwno gas; bath, phone;- vry deBirabla. ,. 385 llth. FURNISHER) front room, alccive, house- keenln neat, laundry, 85 week. 4 75 Clay st. ONE and two room housekeeping suites, rent reasonable, walking distance. 275 Columbia. iNH'K clean rooms. Heat, batb- phone. Very reasonable. Light housekeeplu". Room or suite cheap. 48A N. '15th St. $1.26 week, large warm room, suitable roe 1 or 3, an conveniences, nouse- keeplng privileges. 147 Liowpgdale. NEAT, warm, rooms, suitable for work ing men, $6 to $10 per month; board if, desired. 575 'Couch. N. E 18th. m ,VEItY; desirable small, front, rooms, beat, light, splendid surroundings, 6-75 Couch, is. bj. corner ldtn IULEEN COURT. 16th and Morrison, newly rurnisnea nouseKeeping rooms, minutes' walk to P. 0. Main 4051. FOR RENT One- single room, $3 per week; housekeeping privileges, phone snd bnth. 294 11th st. t FOR RENT One large room for light housekeeping,, light bath, phone. 255 nth st. THREE nice large rooms for. rent, first floor; piano, sink, wood and gas mnpes, free phone and bath. 391 7th.- - ONE large well furnished room for "light housekeeping. $14. One larpre room. $10. 311 Main st. bet. 8th and 6th. COMPLETELY furnished clean 2 room housekeeping rooms, $2 up. 245 & N, 1 T t h." com er M arph all. - NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, front rooms, free heat light and wa ter. 509 Johnson. HOUSEKEEPING and furnlahed rooms, Gem hotel, 665 E. 1st; steam 'heated. new building, room $1.25 up. FOR RENT Single housekeeping room. Oas, lights, bath. A-5324. 655 5th. SUITE of 2 and 3 modern rooms. 695 ft Ollsan near 21st at. $3.50 week sulle of front rooms, gas range; very convenient;' 535 Johnson. LK1HT housekeeping rooms for rent at 40S Jefferson. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; modern; 24 Main, corner 6 1 h. ONE suite housekeeping rooms; light and water. 4-)B 1st st. near Harrison. 813 14th, corner Clay, pleasant 2 and 8-room rurmEneq nouseKeeping suites, 2 OR 3 furnished rooms for -hosekep- ins. -.8110 rairoanas Bve. CEN4TRALLY located, completely fur- nlsVd, $2.76 up. 429 Main st. LARGE, light housekeeping, single and en suite. $3. $3.26. 414 5th. ilO 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. 7 42 Savler st THR EH housekeeping rooms, gas and" phone, $4 week. 208 Park st HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $3.50 week up. 1 Mr-' i-liAli .143 Morrison, MITCHELL liousekeeplng rooms; -light ' s; moderate. 7th-Flandere. A-4075. NICELY furnished houHceeping rooms very chea p. 4Q7 4th st. FOR RENT Mccly furnished hous - koeplng. rooms and suites. 888 6th. st BOUSEKEEPI'N G ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 FOR RENT--3 housekeeping rooms, -. closet, bath, basement yard, ' or 5 room flat, very convenient; 15 minutes from P. Oi Phone E. 8665. 26 E. llth st. , After. Jan. 2, call after 3 p. m. FINE, quiet housekeeping rooms over looking river; reasonable .rent pleas ant surroundings. Call at 582 E. 6th, or fnone eeuwooa is8 $12 THREE large rooms, separata , en- trances. 188 East 46th street One block from Mount Tabor. ' Phone East 654. FOR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, newlv Danered and' nainted. - 660 E. Morrison, corner of 13th. V TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, -1 .. -I n HdK, cam r. K . A - A VBIll, Bluvn iv lin'iii -yuvui, Aviv J5. Alder Tabor 1945. . HOUSEKEEPING suite, front room, fur- nace beau 695 . JUvjoy sr xet At B882-- -- j----'- - -.-J, TWO iropjL rooms . furnlstied tor. bouss , kening, with bath, hot and oold water. rent $13: Inquire 171 Graham ave. '. - fHIti. very, pleasant, clean rooms-. I u private family, furnished for i light housekeeping., Phone East 8326. -TH REE , -'unfurnished . housekeeping rooms. B4Q mars st. tam saiz. . FITRNISHED housekeeping rooms. 409 22at Salmon, sear Qrand ave, J. IlOOMS; AND BOABD ' HOUSEKEEPING KO0US . ' ; , ;V'V ; ' - EAST ' SIDE . , 48 r. '-.' BELMONT APARTMENT, TJnfuvnished - housekeeping " rooma, suites of t and 8, all outsida rooms, gas plate furnished, 1 per week per room. 480H Belmont. ' " ' '- ' nOUSES iron RENT 12 roosis. 770 Kearney st, 137.60. ? rooms, E, 9th-and Broadway, 8(0.00. . rooms, 145 N; 23d at, t5.00. ';-i ;;. rooms,. 830 Front si, 130.00 6-rooms, 891' Front st, 825.00. '.:. 7. rooms, 395 East 9th st, 825.00. . - 6 rooms, 660 st Morrison; 817.00. : rooms, 126 East 18th St., IS7.60. ; 11 rooms, 666 Kearney St., 165.00,' ; , 8 Vooma, 191 Shaver st 121.00. 8 rooms, 308 North 24th at,. 145.00. , 5 rooms, 583 Mill st. $I5.00i , ' 6 rooms, 848 Hast 7th, North, f25.0. , 8 rooms, 738 Bast Main, 126.00. vC rooms, 895 East Yamhill, 835.00. 7 rooms, 10 East 16th at, 826.00. 6 rooms, 977 East 10th, Norln. 18.00. FLATS FOR RENT. 6 rooms, ' 472 Hancock st, $30.00. 6 rooms, 472 Hancock St., $30.00. . 6 rooms;474 Hancock st, $30,00, - 6 rooms. 474 Hancock St., 830.00. 6 rooms, 202 Grand ave., N.. $25.00. 6 rooms, 371 Vi Pacific st, 29.(o. 6 rooms, 1060 Cleveland ave., 825.00. . 6 rooms, 675 i K. Washington. $27.60. 7 rooms, 4 Park St., 8S7.60. 5 rooms. 499 'Harrison, $35.00. 9 rooms, 62 Ella St., $45.00, 6 rooms, B52 Tamhlll St., $80.00. 5 rooms, 475 East 26th st,' 816.00. .. 5 rooms, 42S Eleventh srv $2.60,. 5 rooinH, 428t4 Eleventh St., $26.00. PARRISH, W ATKINS & OO., 260 Alder St ' For Rent New ff-room modern house, 88th' and 1,. I i 1 1 OO X W I l a-, r. fc s an: T.Ttt(nii 4fsu fiT mwii i ik 8-room house at 471 E. 12th St.. $20 per month. 10-room furnished house at 419 Gra ham ave, $35 per month. .,- , Hargrove & Sons, 122 North 6th., cor. 6th and Glisan sts. Main 4331, A-(ZD. FOR RENT 7 room modern bouse, near li 8th and Main, $25 month. . 2 unfumlsHed H. K.- rooms with steam beat, hot and cold water, bath, on corner 6thw and Stark. 4 most modern 6 room .flats, in city, $27.50; will bo ready Feb. 1. Sep BROADSTREET'S EXCHANGE, ' 293K Stark. Rooms 300-301. NEW modern 4-room cottaite. Hoo. 18.00. 20.00. 18.00. 20.00. New. modern 6 room btmgalow, New modern 6 room bungalow. New 'modern 6 rooms furnished. New" modern- 6 room house. cose in on east side, near S. P. shops, E. A. McGRATH, &31 Chamber of Commerce. FINE modern 7 room house, Holladay' - Park addition; fine location, 24th and Wasco; will lease -.from I to 5 years, $"0 per month. Charleson & Co., 411 Commercial bldg. Phone East 1841. FOR RENT 6 room modern house, gas and electric fixtures, blinds. 4 bloi-ks off - Union ave,, on cement street. $16. Phone East 1282. or lnuulre 466 E. 7tn st. N. . FOR RENT $9, 395 Moatgotnery drive. 4 rooms, lower Portland Heights; gar den. $28, 846 Market st. drive, (-rooms, remodeled, beautiful' view. Inquire 615 Market st. drive. 4159. FOR RENT at .Portsmouth. 4 lots and. 2 snvMU-IiOus, one partly furnlahed; :flhe ploco to raise chickens; rent $20. Ctt 1 ? w. " eri - 1 ""-' ' " ' FOR. RENT Modern 7room 'hurigalow - on "Mt Scott car. at .Myrtle Park. Go rtprth - 60th St.. 87th ave. $2-0,. OH phone Tabor 2Q7I. DESIRABLE 6 room house, most se-J lect section nawtiiorno invrr, distrtetr) $40 unfurnished, $45 partlnlly furnished, Tthnn. rmrr fnrahufl 9fi7 ft. Ina, AfVOfl FOR" RENT 4 room house With large garden, at Mt. Tabor, near ear, $10; AppVy owner, 263 Front st, room 96. Rhelnfalta nonanFM SROOM modern cottage, west side, near 23d and b cars ana sctiool, only Bj:4 vaugun mi. A BEAUTIFUL 7-room home, oak fin ish and floor. Extra fine homo. 640 45th st., near Rrnaee. .Call at once. $10. 2 -ROOM furnished tipper flat, $10.' $14, ft-room monern coiiage, j-room upper flat Sclwood 1 0 1 0. FOR RENT 6 room cottage on E 9th: ' in good order; to a good tenant at reasonable terms. Phone Tabor 1604. WHY PAY HIGH RENTS We have cottages, houses, furnished or not, reasonable., 252 Gihhs. $25 -7 ROOM house, furnace, porcelain" plumbing, trays, gis, electricity. 742 E. Clinton. Phone Sellwood 897. biX room house, newly renova.te.d, f block from car; rents $14; keys next door. 808 NIcolio St. Enst 3505. 7-ROOM house at 1095 Denver ave. In quire of. owner ' next . door. Phone Woodlawn .,1270, FOR RENT 2 modern 8-room houses, $20 per nfdnth. Call room 616 Roth chlld bldg. , NEW 6-room, modern house. 1 block . from St. Johns car, 1391 Rurrage st. Arbor Lodge. Wopdliwn 1828. , . MODERN 7-rptm house, 'n first-class condition. $20 per mo.. Beldin & Bel dln. Tabor 2368. ArlUfty FOR RENT i-Modern . 6-room cottage, 991 Williams ave., $20. Phone .Woud- lnwn 1166 ... KT3V "-"nibdekB 6-room J bouse," sleeping iiorch, furnace, sightly. 29th and Elsworth. Phone- Sellwood 765. CHEAP, at Kenton, cottages, sell or rent Stokes & Farmer, Derby st Phone Woodlawn 2699. MODERN" 7 room house, 1220 E. Main: take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne, get off 41st; rent $18. FOR RENT 6 room modem cottage, E. 27th at, 1 block from car, only ,818 per month. W. H, Ross. Mrtrshall 125. MODERN 6 reom cottage, 786 E, Madi son, corner 24th; jrent $! t Phone NEWLT fitted up cottage. 791 worth ave. B-2601, A-5414. Kenll- MODERN 6-room cottage, near Alblna shops, $15. 6Z0 uelay, ROOM modern h-usc 267 FX 41st, ccrrr H a wthorn o a ve. . $30. -. F-OR RENT Good 4-room hoyse, $8. Lr0-4-5.-i!-5- ""-Lenta. NEAT furnished cottage, gas and water, close In. 262 Pagest. Take TJ car. 15"5 room cottage, bath, shade8,relec- tric ngnis, gnraen. neuwoou isao 6-ROOM house on E. Pino, near. 13th. n.vMen Va&t -6096 - . '7CROOM house for rent. "755 fiantun. teln ave. fnone c-zou a. MODERN 5 room cot t a go, close in, $1 S iir month. 06 Morris. Woodlawn 862. NEW modern 7; rooms, close in east side, .-,.- m v IT1,, m t R10A FOR RENT 5 room houee.ii 13th and, Alnsworth. East 1210. S6DERN house, 4 "rboins,: batK, 'family of-adults, no dog. 4ttf lath. 7 ROOM modern, E. 8th and Pine, close in. fhone Marsnau 166. FOR RENT 6 room'house, 720 E. Davis. FURNISHED nOUSES 80 FIVE room modern bungalow complete ly, furnished; short distanoe to . car, $26. Inquire 1609ft Oneonto . street, Woodlawn. - WEST BIDE, walking distance. 4-room, - - fully furnished cottage, reasonable. Key 595 4th st, WELL furnished modern 7 yoom house; walking distance; reasonable.-. Main 7864 NEW modern 7 room house, new furni ture, silver and linens; furnace; on Hawthorn ave., close In. Tabor 2270. STRICTLY modern, well furnished, '6 . i . .1... TI.11...1... -,.1 room fHMino, in J kiuiwj, nuiiauitjr nuu. ua.n i airi vuiuiiipivb. FINELY furnished 7 room house; $45 month; 4 bedrooms. Main 8427, Tabor I Vly 10 ROOM furnished -. bouse, close to -Hawthorns ave.-n jay- gin, cheap. East 3100. Apt 28. . $20. FIVE room, furnished house 183 East-46th. street, block from Mount jflCTELY' furnished- 7-room house; piano; - -.1- .. neo S. 1 1 .-.J, Tabor car. jrnone owner, r.asi very uouuib, , n. , viiisun . anu 81st 13 A ST side 41 room cottags, completely Xlirrasheo, 8SS. a-tb-j. '?.. ?.:.:.-.'. - : .: ' -:f FURMSIIED HOUSES - 3C NEATLY furnished and bath 6 . room bungalow; one block -from car; laua dry -Monarch steel range, gas and elec tricity, neat, lighting fixtures. 8 loads of wood la cellar. Owner going east; will lease. Snap, $24. Bee owner a. tiungalow. 604 Tolman ave. SEAUTIFUL home In fins locations walking, distance; to responsible peo ple for six months or longer' or will sell furniture. .478 Aisin, nisnea,, gooa location, isv per montn. Charleson (k Co., 411 Commercial bldg, Phone East 1841.- . FOR RENT 6 rtmm furnished houad, ' piano; walking dlstsnoe; good gentue m'an roomer if you wish him; rent $25. Call house, 374 Ross. cor. Broadway. FURNISHED 3 room modern homeclose In:, corner,' east sloe, ou; a ' in monk, corner Rodney. 5 canines. FOR REJf Furnished 4 room bunga low Arbor Lodge. Phone Main 6773, HOPSE8 FOR KENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 FAMILY leaving olty will rent S room cottage,' walking: distance, $12; sell furniture for $135. Cnll Sunday, Mon day or venlngs of week days. 82 E. 8th st. north. . 200 cash, $TE pef mbnth't hilys fiirni tnrs of 7 room rooming housp. close Id. good neighborhood;. price $37r,; worth moiie Owner,, 205 Merchants Trust bldg. , , , FURNITURE of 8 rqom ho'una for salo $200; house for rent:. rooms all full; cnll ut foom 14, 371 Vs Enat"Bnrnnido for particulars., " FU RN I T t' RE of 3 room a pa r f m e n? 7. . MS ........ l.,f,I. .Vila. wry tint?,, tci y vu,,.'. i,'n "no .'1-, jrou will like it. , Apartment i. l6.Ford straet. .Tel. Main 5253. ... . -fTn-CASH, balance ev; 6 beautifully furnished, sunnv rooms: rent $22: ln-cor.-ie, 4 rooms, $4. 405 1st, flat K; APARTMENTS ' 43 FOHDHAM APARTMENTS COM PI.RTRD. At 170-172 Ford St., Just' south of Washington, aro the moat comnlete, hltrlioNt plana nnnrkmentn ever tiullt III Portland. Finished in hardwood through out, giving tenants choice of oak, Cir cassian walnut or- mahogany: elegant wall coverings, "tiled baths with superb fixtures: highest class service; each with private balconv and bath; 4 rooms wrth. mot convenient arrangement. $42.50 to $50; $ rooms, $50 to $60. This building Is different Let Mrs. Burleigh snow you inrnugn. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. a r,A Tvlnr Just completed, most , magnificently fuvnlshed apartments tn the nortnwesi. lAeatlnn norfat- Mniflln rensonanle. everv mnilurn Aftrivenlenre. including hnnquet hall and roof garden; Jilfc. clasj service'; " references reoulTel& Both rhones In all anartments. PhonaJ Mali 2276 apd A-7067. v The Bjelland lath rA T.nvelm- 'Pnfui-nlshed Spnrtments, strictly mod- .: & . a i. i .. i . i. . . , i .i I .. n r erii, nririiu ew unin iiiiiiiiiiik, v- 4 rooms. Rates $25, $30, $36. Including Jieat. phone( gns range ami wr. Phone owner. Main 167. -A1.887. 1 Pimvn EAST 47SS. C-25'33j . .''You can have lighter, larger, better furnished and quieter apartments pf 3 8 or 4 rooms for $1 per month less, with - everyTndern convenience,- ...tfja. ' Uilrnw Pniirr- icitooy - uuui t .- 800 WILiT.T-4.MS AVK. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur. nlshed for honsekeeplnr: gas rsnue, electric lights, hot water, hath, laundry, free; $15 per month -no; ar clean place, best In - the -dtv t or-'the.- money;-- short distance from Union depot. Take "8 or 16th st. cars north, get off at Mar ShBll st. No rjpgs, ' - KING HILL APARTMENTS. 4, 6, 6 room apartmnts; select tennncy. Apply on premises, 171 King st ' , . r 429 E. MORR.'SON, COR. "7TH. t. 3 and 4-room "tjartments. fur nished up to date, private baths, free pnone, moderate prices, new manage ment, Dest sen-ice. BANNER APARTMENTS. 488 Clay st, up-to-date furnished I room apartments. Price $20 to $24, ln- cliHlmg- heat, light ana janitor service, Phone Marshall 2074. , ' Durfee Apartments ' , 3 room steam hented apartments, fur nished or unfurnished. I'rivete phone and bath. 30i Stanton st least liifiR. Drickston Apartment 44J llth near College, 2 and 3' room suites, strictly first clnss, bachelor apartments a specialty. $25 up. TiTNCOUN APARTMENTS. -CORXER 4TH AND LINCOLN STS. -2 rrffini apart. $22,50 to $30: new brick building, modern: no children. THE SOUTHAMPTON. 410 Hall St. One unfurnished 4 room apartment strictly first class. A-2048. THE CHETOPA 18th and Flanders st, 2, 3 and 4 room apartments, modern, furnished and unfurnished, new furni ture and building. Apply to janitor. ONE modern apartment; 4 nice, light i woms, Th - -Or mondf- 86 Flanders, -Noli Hill. Main 8251, if MODERN furnished and unfurnished ; T "0 apartments.. 1162 Union ave. N. Woodlawn 2379. THREE room ai'artment. In private fam ily, rent cheap, walking distance. 350 e: ist n. .. THE WESTMINSTER Nicely furnished apartments, also slnprle rooms, 2 mln- tites from P. Q. 262 6th. Main J52. SAN MA"RCO apts., E, 8th and Couch, brick, modern. 8 rnojns, private hath, and phone. $25 to $27.50. Call, ,K 2757. CAMBRIAN 12th and Columbin. 2 and S room apartments nicely situated, elegantly furnlshel, reasonable In price. NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont and Grasd ave., -1 and 2 room furnished apts.-. free light, hoat. bath, phone. EoTSjOT APTS., ,47th "and Love joy; nwly lmls.hea 8 room apts., rea sonable. Main 215. G'rXY GaMeB apartments. 289 10th., room apartments. -. Pbone A-2629. ' ELEGANTLY furnished 8 room apart ments, .modern. 624 Marshall t. . FOR RENT FIWITS 13 STRICTLY MODERN 6 ROOM FLAT FRONT AND .GIBBS STREETS, Good range with hrt water co;ll and gas plate, shades, sanitary porcelain bath tub. Electric and gas lights " $20 PER MONTH. Inquire- at drug store, forner. Front and Gibbs sts. $20. MODERN 5-room upper flat; pas, electrtolty, ' fireplace, tubs, 914 East Morrison, hear 30th, Sunnysido. Tabor 17S8, NEW 5 room modern upper flat, fur nace, fireplace, linoleum on kitchen and bath; s-ns range, water healer. E. 29th, near Everett. E. A. car. B-8186. 5JODERN flat, 6 rooms, alcove, porch. East 2d,, Clackamas, Holladay addi- tlon. c-ioui, MODEllN 6-room upper flat walking distance, Irvington district '. 424 Til- 1 amook. C-2068.L ; ETrOOM molar'n flat, walking distance, 808 E. 12th., near Hawthorne. , East 4133, MODERN 6-room flat; wood and gas range, window shades. 209 Halsey, nearS igel bridge. . , , , i MODERN -6-room flat, two blocks noftS Steel .bridge, fronting river. 294 Margin. $22.50, ,. - , 2 ROOM flat, partly furnished, water ' and garbage. $10. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1963. - " . - ' ; " i WEST , SIDE modern.- unfurnished steam ' heated 6-room flat for rent. Bee- sir.- vaget isi., near uoiumoia. twO modern' 'it ouf-roonv flats, upper flat ' has an alcove ana large attic: with furnace heat. 443 and 444 12th st FOUR and room flats, 117 W- urn ave.. near- 23.d and frVash, Main 88. MODEItN 4 room flat over store, $14. , 809, Wllllanm avq.. Woodlawn 1507 ,j MODERN 6 room flat; will .ren-t cheap - to right party. 963 Williams ave. FOI? rj:XT FL.1TS - ts ': . i. ISTfivv 5 Room Fhts , Your choice oi one upper and two lower -Will be completed January 1. Modern and strictly up to date. Gns range, water ,-hesterjJ furnaet with hot water, colls, fireplace snd Irons and screen, brass electrio and gas fixtures with shades, Dutch ' kitchen, window hades, buffet and book cases, excellent arrangement throughout- 258 H, 17th 2,e block "orth of Hawthorne ave. 9jil-TT"b8r Jf?1 or sea A. . Hill Co 4 419 Henry bldg:--'.- .- : - FOR RE N'T In aeiect - neighborhood. up-to-date flat lower' corner, 6 rooms and attio room; f-nace, fireplace, gaa range, drying room, hardwood floora, etc., at 254 North 25th., corner North nip Adults; references, Owner, 875 Northrup. ' j. - fjEW modern 4-room flat; disappearing bed,- kwater heats end range: separ ato basement, furnace and . entrance. 814 Maegly. . FUIfXlSI I tjp FJLAT8- CO FURNISHED flat, 4 rooma and bstM ; v steam heat, hot and cold water 'Clieapr rent. Take Mississippi car, 247 Clack amas. ' . $12 Furnished flat. 3 rooms, out block r soutn or i';ast a7tn ana Clinton sts. RU-htyond car. '. ' ' - FURNISHED -flat 4 rooms,, close In. homelike. Call at store 7th and J- feisot) sts. . . L STORICS AND OFFICES 11. OFFICE for rent, furnished or iinfilr nishod; reasonablei. 223 Lumber Ex- cnange ulag. YOUNG lawyer wants off Ice. room with mw firm.- C-27J, Journal. DESK room, fine off ice, Jo,w rent 50$ f , -' Hallway Exchange. . r ' ' ," DESK room for j-ent in nicely furnished outslde office. 418 Railway. Exchange.: HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only - $3, 86 day. bEi. EtiER'E B.iurop'ean. 4th andAlcv?. HORSES.. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 Cows, Horse,-Mutes and Har- ness for Sale ; 1'" x From this date on we will keep bst- . " eral good milch i-ows for sale with our ' regular sales o," horses, mules, wagone,, : , and harness; we have about 20 htlad of horses on sale at present,. of all kinds; 6 mules, several wagons, which it Will pay you to look at before buying : -elsewhere. - - - , Hawthorne Avenue Stables7-- 420 Hawthorns sVe. ' - v ., TEAM of mares, weight 2100;- harness and ' spring wagon. - Team horses, '" weight 2400;.ggiantsand farm wagon; 1- good delivery horse. - These horses -wlMmvork single or ddtible. 2 good heavy V lumber, .wagons, 1 good top buggy,. In quire at barn, E. 12th and Taylor. Sun nyslde car to 12th at. and go 2 blocka south. These must be oldV . , ' Will Arrive- - . V With several head pf good horses lff,'' will sell cheaji. Madison Stables.. 185 V4 . Madison St., at bridge, .west sidy."- ; TEN head of cheap horses from $20 up; one " good ' 2d -handr"'dye 'r--latindry wagon; three good -express wagons) one gqod m Wide track farm waon, , 1 4 ' " Union ave., corner Ash. 1 HAVE good pair of horses, sound and .-.?- good pullers; weight 2650; must sell st ohce. Inoulra 8.38 East' 28th at.. Woodstock car to GiTMstone.- IF you want to buy or sell cows, horses' harness and vehicles, call at - 449 Flanders st. N, Auction sales Wednes-. days. M. J. . Walker auctioneer. BEAUTIFUL 1300 lb. mare, heavy with? foal, sound-and gentle, will exchange for cattle or horses. 14 Union ave.. cor. FOR SALti cheap, or exchange for dla mopds or anything .of value, a first class driving horse with buggy and bftrnoss. 884 N. 24th st. HAVING disponed of my ranch, will dispose of my i pairs marea. Call and see them. Mrs. Holding, cor. 8th. Hawthorne ;A,ve. Woodyard. FOR BALE Good general purpose team, weighs 2200 lbsj , must sell at once. 2816 68th St., 8. E., end of Hawthorns -car, 1 block -west, 2 blocks aouth. IlORSES and hugglea for rent by day, week and month; special, ratea to business houses, th and Hawthorne. East 72. GOOD two horse high body express wagon for sale cheap or trade for safe or office fixtures. - Marshall-3273, 6J3 Lumbermens bldg.- , ' " S'OR SALE Stylish bay driving mar and Studebaker runabout, a bargain. Wood lawn 1348. ' , WA N TED Team of good horses. 1000 pounds or over. Must be sound, true ; and cheap. Z-251, Journal. -- SELLING out cheap, horses, farm wa"s - ons.- patent dump wagons, plows,' ' scrapers. 580 Carlton ave- Sell. 1768. WILL exchange diamonds for borsea and buggy. 34 Union ave.. cor. Ash. LIVESTOCK AND POULiTRV 35 OVERCROWDED Must sell ,a - more Wr-Wjwwtatt eeekee1sj- few rnn.1 - breeders, from high class utility stock; r rices the lowest, quality considered, t. V. Marx. 5328 40th ave. S. .Archer ei., mi. ocon car. ca WAXTEU-S. a - White-Les-h: hena or pullets; premium offered iot sw"' perior stock. Browndals Farms, Inc. Aurora, Or. x ORPINGTON cockerels. Phtlo Whites. OweVis Buffs, nice and cheap. ; Sell wood 1230. -, ' - y f FOR SALE 10 A-l (resh cows, big milkers. A. Herman, mile cast of Lents Junction. ' .- ' v.. t FOR SALE Fresh Jersey-Durham cow, .. lielfr calf, jr-tch heavy milker. 430 E. ' lyiitingsworn ave. BARREI ROCK or White Orpington " cocKereis.- . jau nan neroy. : . SOME fresh cows for sale. - 7(19 Harold ave. i rkh tseiiwotra -car. FOR SALE Buff Cochin cock cheau. W. C. Kinney. 647 Raleigh. BELGIAN hares for sale. Call Tabor K ft FOUR good fresh co wa cheap. (83 Inaley DOtS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FOUR full blooded Fox Terrier puppies, 1 bull, 1 setter and 1 setter puppy Jor . sale. Dr. C. E. Brown, 91 E. 18th. East - 6440, FOR SALE Imported St.- Andrewsberff Roller cunaries. 129 E. 20th. near- Morrison. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 ELECTRIC alarm clock, battery light attacaments, uoiumoia grapnopnone , cheap. Call , 127 West , Wygant, near l icnver. NEW PIANOLit for sale, latest model, note. Weber make; will aell for 88 note. less than half of original coat- 11-275, journai. KITCHEN steel range $20; 4-1 dlnln room chairs and parlor staid : fclO; New dresser $10. 90Sf -Missour ave." PRINTING press 8x1 3 rotary, foot or ' power; does good work;.ies than half price. E-274. Journaft1-"'" , i A LARGE and medium sized safe cheap, good condition, terms, U ... desired. R-91 8 .' Jourrial, ' - .'.--' ' - ; ' -V" ALL kinds house furnishings boughC sold and exchaiiged. (star Furniture Co.. 880 Hawthorne av. East 107. - CAPITAL JUNK CO., dealers In iron, -metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe. tools, jod tots, pi in, i st st. Mar. ONE 30 pound Dayton computing si-alTv also p.anut and popcorn machine. . , vy , ........ . l v . . ,.',..,'v.v.n ' Iso p.anut and popcorn machine, -ap. I05ti Union ave., north. 'DYwTirlellTt'au tl ful upriiTiTTn ensonabls '....offer refused. J1-J77, cheap. rens Journal. STEIN WAY unrlKht for sale.' tl , tion.' H-27, Journal. $ 4 0 P H O NOG R A I'ii with on.' i h i, records for $18. .5 s- 7!. .1 i r, FOR. SAEiC 2Q" .1 I--'-i n ' , at a bnreajn. I , I .t I FOK S.U.!'. - '-' ; I j - - .'- nure. ,i'rll J.....-.t 1 , t