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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1911)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31. 1911. B EMPLOVMENT AOENCIIK 55 MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE All classes of unskilled, skilled, pro fessional nnd clerical, male and fomalo help furnished on Bhort notice. N H. . Men's deportment 215 Id. coi'. Salmon. Women's department 25 fclalmon at inn H3ftt; A-tz4. C, R, HANSEN & CO. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d St., Portland. Ludies department 7th and Wash. cts.. upstatn., Portland. 424 Front ave., Hpokane. 87-89 4th St.. San Francisco. Established 1876. WANTED AGENTS 0 GREATEST Invention of modern sci ence, the new improved 1912 Aladdin Vapor Lumps, lust out, ready seller In verv home. Write for nartlculars. ask: for catalogue E, which explains all of our now Improvements. We want a few more agents to act in open tern - torv. Acents' samnles free. The Man the Lamp Company of America, Port land, ur. HIGHER class or better paying employ ment than tnat ot representing a issu ing nursery i.ompaiiy ls not to be had. If vou are ambitious to bettor your con dition, the opportunity lies before you In entering our employ. Salem Nursery Co., Salem. Or. AGENTS on salary or commission; the greatest agent's, seller ever produced, every user of pen and Ink buys it on sight. 200 to BOO per cent profit, one gent's sales amounted to $620 In 6 dnvs. another $32 In 2 hours. Monroe Mfg. Co. X 244, l a Crosse, Wis. WE need a (talesman in each of sev eral excellent fields to sell our splen did nursery stock. A permanent place: earn weekly and a square firm back of you. Write for particulars. Washington Nursery Co., Toppen-sh. Wash. ' . AGENTS Our aim is to help you to iipcphb If vnu are reliable and will call on merchants In your territory. !egant sideline, good r commissions, prompt remi.tances. Montel Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. W A NT El ) Sjiiesmei to aid US SUBDly the brltk demand 1'or our goods. Some vacant terrltor yet in every state west of the Mississippi. Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO., Silem. Or. YOU CAN'T HELP but make money selling our guaranteed-to-glve-satiB-faction Btock; free outfit; cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toppcnlsn. waan. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pacific coast grown nursery stock; cash paid weekly. Pacific Nursery Co.. 1206 Icon bid g. CANVASSERS wanted for well adver tised book of interest to musical peo- filo; liberal commission. Covlna Pub Ishing Co., Covlna, Cal. IF YOU are earning lens than $.15 week ly, we want to hear from you. New agents' article. The Bohn Merchandis ing l.os Angeles, ChI. 1'm3TE $50,000 in live years with a small mail order business; began with $5. Send for fr-c booklet. Tells how. Peacock, 5226 Lockport. N. Y. AGENTS to l ar.dle our lat. st improved automatic damper, paves half the tuil. Now Is your onportmtlt v. 174 K. 49th. To per cent in ti. mission. Something wnr.ted and needed In every home. FIRST' clars carpenter wants work by da or contract; new building, repair- Ing. .reasonable. ?.l.rJ!5L -jlt'": El l-1 A T i v I N S MA I. K DURING the week just closed the fol lnwh.a list of lin.-ikilled, s'ulle.l, pio ffSSK.nal and clerical help registered at the Municlpul Free Employment Bureau. ... ... ynlinn Imr'iaM Main lf.5r a'ld A-Ct:"4 These men bear good rrc.'-ini'inmdat!oiis ai d references, and . can be secured on short notice. luui municr.te with the office by phone, lot tor or in person; 4 Cuke bukers. 7 cake bukers 9 bilkers' helpers, 4 boeUkecpt rs. 6 timekeepers. 11 Ou '.enters. 10 Lathers and shlnglers. 6 Cement finishers. 3 1 iai "( s makerb. 4 14i li kl.iye rs. 6 Tnimst.-rs. 8 Stonemasons 9 HodcaiiKis. 7 CUiivs, billing, shipping and gro- eery. 6 Rotary sawyers. 3 lintel clerks. 8 Collectors. 14 Cooks, camp, hotel and boat. 5 Ironworkers. 8 Stiam engineers. 4 Gasoline engineers. 6 Survtyors. 8 Sush and door men. 5 Donkey engineers. Kitchen help of all kinds. 10 Foremen. 6 Electrical workers. 4 Xallvmen. 5 Millwrights. II Saw filers. 6 Carpenter helpers. 7 Orciiurdlsts. 8 Meatcuttors. 4 Greenhouse mon. tv 11 tmideners. 6 Housemen. Nil Elevator operators. , 15 Janitors. J 4 Elderly men. j 4 Tinsmiths. 8 Plimermen. 6 Hlacksmlths. 4 Painters nnd paperhangors. 6 Plasterers. 7 plumbers and steam fitters. 4 Stenographers. 6 Chain men. 8 Latbe-s. , 4 Chauffeurs, electric, gasoline and 'Die Municipal Free Employment Bu reau In U. mw location. Is able to handle nnythirg In the line of securing help Tho department has been extend ed nnd Is able o secure Just (he kind of hel you need. Resides tlie skilled, pro fessional and denial, male and female help the office is in tourh with al kind's of unskilled laborers, for genMl labor work, concrete, wiM.iicui.iie, ... clearing, sawmill, logging, railroad, farm and general construction work. The bureau is maintained by tho city of Portland, and is operated for the mutual benefit of employer and employee, and wants all skilled, professional and cler ical help that can be reached jy tele phone toregister with the office. W ANTiTp-- Posillon with automobile) compunv or woub' go in with parties to introduce n we'l known car here. htvc. good2 prospects for the same In roinmcrcia 1 ami I"""': iee lawn woi-Kinu in "J nnd well nciiHlntcd. T-29. -Tmirnal. NEWSPAPER rni'.'n. thoroughly compe tent In all departments i couimy work wants position in Willamette val ley; no booze; might buy small prop- ' rty. RT-86, Journal. WANTED by a inan of steady habits a position as watchman; can furnish references as to character and reliabil ity. Ackers, room 2 '.'1 Labbe bid g, clt y. HOTEL clerk wants poHlflon. day or nli.-ht; total abstainer; non-smoker; first class references; bond if required. 'N-268..1oujmnl. . YOUNG, reliable and well experienced chauffeur (German), wants position; cen repair my own machine. Please call at 251 Jefferson In Lodesmlth shop. EXPERT engineer, stationary or nn Vlne, capable of Installing, running or repairing; wants situation. C-271, Jour- rn'. ' COMPETENT, etpertcuued carpenter foreman. No objections to leaving city. References. Wells, 546 Morrison. A -7 7 4 I WiANTED Uv experienced young man. a position as fireman In some hotel Or factory. E-272. Journal. BY graduate Laemmle picture school, to give liberal service for practice. Rnst,663. , ; , .WANTED Uy experienced, sober, rella- cl lilo married man, charge of ranch; ref- ; erences. A-271, Journal. . . A HEALTHY young" man, ' willing . to contract with anyone who has work to do. Z-263. Journal. 1 HIGH school student wishes room af- ter Febniary, in exchange ror light Janitor servlca. East 1649. .WANTED Several small sets of books to keep. K-279. Journal. ; . SITUATIONS MALK YOUNG man wants work, general farm work preferred, X-262, Journal. ITlARRIED man, would like position on rarm or wood cutter, Green, aao otr MEATOUTTER wants steady work, any where at anything. V-288, Journal. SITt ATIOXB k-frEIUALE UNINCUMBERED. refined widow wishes housekeeping In a refined lit tle home. 1870 Curuthers st. Take iwi. neon car, get orr ni ijiyision si. EXPERIENCED chamber maid " wants position In city. Address route 6, box 17. Oregon City. Or. WANTED GTneral housework bv mar rled lady, ohlld 4 years old. Address Laura Hale, Gen. Del. RESPECTABLE young lady wishes em ployment In doctor's office afternoons. Marshall 2849. WOMAN uants to take care of children at her homo. 110 2d ave., Lents Mt. f"ott rar- . I YOUNG lady wishes position as book- 1 Keeper, casnicr or general otiico work. B-270. Journal. RESPECTABLE married lady wishes position housekeeper, in rooming house. Call Main 2266. room 6. HAVE your lace curtains laundered by expert, i none Woodlawn 2184. A WOMAN of SO wants positlonlo tako ch arge ol riomln g house. C-31j9. SITUATIONS WANTEE AND FEM .i.E -MALE 23 GERMAN man and wife, no children, Janitors, want position, private house, apartment, hotel. Bergmann, A-2397. rmEssMAKTNn 40 LADIES' tailoring and evening gowns, graduating dresses- all work brought In before January 15 done at reduced ratH. East 2925. LADIES' tailoring. cutting, fitting. sponging cloth, making buttons, but ton holes. Linings ft rnlHhed. Reason able prices. Gordon, 261 Yamhill. LA OIKS' TAILORING. Alterations, coats rellned. Mrs. Muckler, 403 Mor- rlson. Mnln 4919. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes few BAKER, 2GS 4 5th St.; nice warm more engagements. Woodlawn 1162. rooms, stenm heat, hot and cold wa r ter; special rates for permanents; tran NURSES 00 PROSPECTIVE mothers may obtain everything sterilized for confinement. Physicians' recommendations. For par- tleulars call A. E. Lambeit. Main 110, A-1UK,. PRACTICAL nursy, physician's refer ence.. Confinement specialty. 1804 Ha ven si University Park. (ir. Wl.-WU- f'l i.nt ens enrerl for; can ' give reference. Sellwood 1010. FUKMSHEI1 nOOMl? WliST SIDE PLEASANT furnished, homelike room for one or two. All conveniences; close In. 253 Chnpmnn Ft. Phone Mar- all 3938. TO HK.N'T One si:iu and one sleet ing- room, llirhts nnd telephone; rent very lieu". 3 5 N. 1 ,;t NICELY furnished rooms und single housekeeping room, cheap. 545 Wash st. NICELY furnisned rooms $2 up. 317 1 . i I l.l iui inniiry 1 10 11 oi, Jefferson street. Phone, bath, elec- 1 trie lights , THE ELM PLACE 414 Yamhill; rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, crl vate baths and suites, close In. n r K7 n f.- il . it- h. fn" 4 T 1. st.. rooms 1 N'.ili D l4Uu!:fW'W1.60 up per week. I K.-ee Mi""' .ml ith ialn 7754. Nl. ELY furnished room with all con- mlences for two gentlemen; board If desjred. 349 6th. Good location. FURNISHED rooms $2.50 up. modern, and nil conveniences, basement, for Ihihtjiousekecphig. 435 Yamhill. I 2 FRO'NT rooms, adjoining, suitable for J 4 or 5. also single rooms Bath, , vi"lp-"! l'XlR RENT One unfurnished room and two furnished apis., all modern con veni'me. s. 475 Salmon. FoRRENT Two well furnished bright sunny rooms; nil modern con lences. 4n:" 12th stict. Main 950. FOR ?OH RENT One large, bright, corner,1 furnished room; all conveniences with , rHJe .;1.m:n471Clay sL j rOR RENT Two furnished rooms, furnace heated, lights, gentlemen pre- , prl FOR lUrilHUf II till 1, Hfilliri. ht-n . i--rir-ji uic- rrrea.zt.i. lin".'- 'I'iL'.'l.tr0: - FOR RENT A very nicely furnished! room, cheap. 16S 17th. FOrrirENT-TTvo-frnTshTd rooms als two rooms on 286 4th St. 328 14th . no-.n.i Sf-Jiicn NICE rooms suitable for two gentle men in each: rates verv reasonable. 474 Yamhill. Phone Marshall 2904. THREE very nice furnished roomB, , light, phone nnd oath, st Phone Marshall 3034 47: Yamhill 1 XII ;v IAI .IJ 1 r. w a n ten 1 .y iui i leu ytjwir i lady; reasonable rent. 180 17th St.. . ci' i 11c i 1. $11111111. itmi nnoii o TWO nicely furnished front rooms; will r.rrnnge to suit tenant; reasonable. 5m Mil! near Hth. FURNISHED rooms and bachelor apts. In basement. 615 Morrison, corner lfith. FOR RENT One large front furnished room, all conveniences. 331 14Ui St., j Mnrshall3064. j NEWLY furnished front and back par-! lor suite, single or In suite, gentle-I men 0111 y. 101 c. 1 1 in m. FOR RENT One large front room; all I modern conveniences:. 381 12th st. rhone Main 6793. : ONE lnrire bright, nlcelv furnished 1 oWH f?r rfenM1tIAn,nRiP"'ferred' ! 322 7th street. Phono A-4e6 1. MODERN, nice furnished room; near Washington, $2; also front rooms, J3 50. 38 N. 21st st. THE DORMER Furnished rooms, steam beat, bath, phono nnd light. Prb es ren-onable, close in. 2S3 13th St. NICELY furnish" front rooms, suitable ! for one or two; walking distance. 3.9 Went Park. NICELY furnished rooms, good heat, modern conveniences, for ono or two. 213 13th st. TWO large front rooms, ono suitable for 4 persons, oiuer fine rooms 1 week up; all conveniences. 350 Madison. FOIt RENT- Large front "furnished room; phone, lights and bath, $1.25 per week up. 461 V. Park. FOR RENT One large, bright front room; lights, bath and phone. 328 Main St.- Main 7609. CLOSE-IN front bedroom and sitting room, suitable fur 2; reasonable. 261 Fourteenth. ELEGANTLY furnished room In bache lor apartments; modern conveniences; references exchnnrred. L-272, Journal. ATTRACTIVE front room, newlv fur nlshed, suitable for 1 or 'Z. 268 Hth St. NICELY furnished rooms, close to ca'f-1 line. 175 N. 16th. WARM rooms. $1.60 to $2.60 a week; phono, bath. 405 Stark. FURNISHED room, with or without hoard. 6S4 GHsnn st. ONE nice warm, room, suitable for 1 or 2. 327 W. ,Pnrk FOR RENT-One large front room, with plnno, light and bath, close In. 243 6th. NEWLY furnished rdoni fii hew flat" modern conveniences. 694 Everett. SMALL furnished room, woll heated; electric lights. 349 Jefferson. THREE good furnished rooms for rent gentlemen preferred. 305 12th St. ROOMS $O0 nnd up; heat, ph'oneand bath. 221 18th. TfICEl.Y lul'nTshod room, centrally" lo cated, west side, $3 month. 647 ist. -CLOSE In. furnished Tooms with bath, t 10 J a 1.1 11 up per ween. 2aJ 10 tn St. ROOMS, 60c, $1 per dayT up week. this Li,Ai, Morrison st. .10l-.LV furnished rooms, ot.e small room very ri'moniiMe. 211 12th st. 294 Jefferson; cTiian sleeping room only $10 per month. FOR RliiNT A cozy room close to bath: light, best. 293 inth st. J'OR RENT Ftirnis! ed and unfur nised roomw.2 30 4 Ynmh 1 11 1 st. LANDOUE APTS, 'tit, 1 0th A few warm oozy rooms for rant. FlItNISHED ROOMS WEST 6ILJ . ! HOTEL CARLTON. 14TH AND WASHINGTON 8T3. A LIMITED NUMBER OF BEAUTT- FULLY FURNISHED AND APPOINT kij rooms AND SUITES, WITH AND Will0 lit P"IV ATE BATH. FOR r'? i'Jx1 "HERTS on veki REASONABLE MONTHLY RENTAL RATES. EVERY PO MVESIUVnK AND COMFORT OF HOME WITH THE iDDfD CONVENIENCES OF A FIRST CLASS HOTEL AND ASSURANCE OF A POSITIVELY FIREPROOF BUILD ING. ROSS FINNTGAN. ' MANAGER, Regent Hotel 151 1-2 7th St, Newly furnished rooms, water In each room, steam heat, very central, quiet, Bpeeial weekly and monthly rates, tran sient rates 76c up. weekly $3.50 and up. Run on home principles. Mnln 3002. GARLAND ROOMS. 28 Trinity PIbc cor. Washington. New brick building, steam heat, all out side rooms, nicely furnished. Hot water and private phone ever room. Perma nent. Transient Bates, reasoi able. Main 1185. Hotel Burton Yamhill anj Second. The house of comfort Equipped strictly modem. Rates $1 per day and up. Rooms $4, $5 and $8 by the week. HOTEL RKNWICK The heart of the business enter, Tth and Taylor, opposite Helllg theatre, a quiet home for quiet people, etrlctlv modern, permanent; transient. Main 91(1 sients soncitea. NICE furnished room, electric light, bath, phone, easy walking distance, V..:..'T-, ilBl Bl- l D10CKS j """"' Ol TSIliK sleeping rooms, heat, phone nnn ixiin. iear C6a nnl Washington. 171 "ireen nve. Pnne .t!79. MCKLV furnished rooms for ladlee or I'ontlemen. Heat, both and gas. 189 ! ' '" " I'lione .Minn , NICELY furnished rooms, steam heat, fine location. 471 Morrison. FUMSMEI nOOMS EAST SIDE 52 i FOR RENT Two rooms, or more, fur- ulshed or unfurnished, for housekeep ing; new house, furnace heat, gas range, hot nnd cold water, free bnth; i set tuhs In bnsement: nn hlneV frnm carllne. Address 1816 E. Flanders St. 1 Montavma, Or. NEW Peer hoteT K art nnd nnmM,. steam heat, hot and cold water and ' : phones in all rooms. Free and private ' baths ,5c day up. $3 week ud. Nothlna . extra for two in room. TWO furnished room.-, large and light, free phone, heat, light. J3 week fori keeping room" all conveniences, lnclud ', !?e' - week e,ac.h, for two: blocks easijlnc light and heat $3 week. . . of Broadway bridge. 361 Ross st. -7-7, ... ., . . , : -r- ,349 BENTON, between Cherry and Hroadwny; can be arranged for house- keeping- ,y: nnd up THE GAYOSA. rooms $3 week up. with private trnn, ana 14 up. Grand ave. smi 1.. Mara. NEWLY furnished front room, private; furnace, hot water, electric lights, wnlk1nK dlstanc. East 5976. TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent at R22 Williams ave. FURNISHED room, 1(131 Garfield ave., near 1 mon. rnon- vvooniawn zstz. i PLEASE telephone SeJwood 1606 for i modern room. 1 I 10 1 UIVFL'H XISHKD KOOMS TWO unfurnished, rooms, nice location. $10 month. Including light and wi- 1 ter. (lift Hoyt street. innW IargTlioTs7keeplng rooms, bath and toilet on same floor; $12. 44 E. 7th st. North. mi r i . iu'i in, - - , LNFUUNLSHED 4 room flat, modern j excent furnace. 688 E. Morrison. I East C9m. lTRCJE front basement rdom, suitable for business. $12 mo. Inquire 168 i 1 1 KOOMS AXI) BOARD Rnny and hnorri xi PriVaiei uu 1,1 11 iu uuciiuj family, beautiful furnish t . - - . - - - infrc hnt water heat. fnrnfirLAlry r ii r 11 ' " -T- , ' . r- v1 1 aoor aioy 6S8 LOVEJOY STREET. Rooms with or without board; also housekeeping roomsr; modern. Call af- ter 12. 42 21ST STREET, north, well furnished I rooms, reasonable, also board and room, homelike. 1 "WANTED Three or four men tor7oard and room in private family. Home cooking. 60S Gllsan. I ROOM and board, with all cnnvin1sni.t ' for $6 per week. 492 Tavlnr. Main 1 7343. liOOM nnd board, fine bungalow, mod ern. home like. horn, rooking In ern, home like, home cooking, close In, west side. Voln 7793. THE CASA ROSA Ijirtre, airy fur nished rooms, with board; splendid lo cation, 300 Jefferson. LARGE outside room suitable for threo people, witn Doarq; heat. bath. $5 we, kj two people $6.60 wck. OR RENT Furnished rooms cheap, .o? v flI!rMbo.ard;.n "2 ,,,aL'',.boarderB- 395 Yamhill st. Mnrshall 1752. MAMTOU, 261 13TH ST. Rooni suitable for 2 or 3, steam heat, good board, reasonable. close-In, -vlCELY furnished rooms suitable for iwo gentlemen, with board; references. 195 16th st. CENTRAL location, private family, home cooking, $6 per week. 291 11th st. Marshall 2(193 TWO fine rooins, home cooking, fine lo eatlon, 16th or Morrison car. 617 Kearney St., Tho Magnolias, FINE warm, with first class bourdr334 Jnckson. corner h. FIRST class board and room reason able. Marshall 3302. 706 Everet. ROOMS ami board, aiso roomsT modern conveniences. 635 Everett, cor. 20th. BOARD nnd room for men with goo3 chnrncter at Y. P. C, 641 Clay. 168 i, 10th Single front room, with or without board. UOUSEKEEPIXO KOOMS WEST SIDE $20 MONTH Fine front rooms, suite, also single $2.50 week. All conven iences. 147 Lownsdale st. FOR RENT One single room, $3 per week; housekeeping privileges, phone and both. 294 1 1 th st. FOR KENT One largo room for light housekeeping, light, bath, phone. 266 urn st TWO largo housokocpine rooms, furn ished, 515; 1 Jnrtre room for housc- keeplng, $1!; call after 12. 324 2d St. THREE nice large rooms for rent, first floor; piano. -Ink. wood and iras raoe-env free phone nnd bath. 391 7th. 's'lC.fS furnished housekeeping rooms, front rooms, free heat, light and wa ter. 609 Johnsorr. Si IT E of 2 and 3 modern rooms, 696 H Gllsan near 21st st. HOUSEKEEPING, also sleening rooms; use of piano, 282H Park st. - $3.60 week suite of front, rooms, gas ranee; very convenient: 635 Johnson. Lli.riT lu.ii.elieepln- rooms ft rent at 408 Jefferson. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; modern 24 Main, corner 6th. 8 ONE large well furnished room, 14 per month; one large well furnished room, $10; one large well furnished room, $8; all for light housekeeping, gas. electric lights, bath, both phones; 311 Main Bt., between 6th and 6fh sts. Hunt's Exoress & Baggage Co 1 trunk. 60S. Additional trunks, JBe each Grip with trunk tree, A-8416 Marshall -416. $2,50 Per Week Furnished for housekeeping, large, ligiit, well ventilated room with alcove. 187 17th. Main 4697. 2 AND 3 ROOM HOUSEKEEPING $20 TO $30. 187 lt7h, near Yamhill; all modern conveniences; steam heat, phone "The Oneonta," Main 4697. A-4739. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer Baggage moved and stored. Phone Mrln 69sn A-8322. UNFURNISHED room for housekeeping, large closet, private porch, bath, phone and light, good location. Phone Main 945 1. NICE, clean housekeeping suites, 2 and 3 rooms, running water, free bath, electric light, phone, $12 and $17 month. 775 Gllsan near 23d. HEAUTli- Ll.LY furnished, clean, sun ny front housekeeping suite, running water, heat, light, etc.; walking distance. 407 Columbia St. housekeeping rooms, furnished, light, clean, very clump; private en trance; one or two room suites. 616 Mill. Main 6110, TWO room modern housekeeping suite, all conveniences, outside rooms, $26 per month. 487 Taylor. Telephone Main 4260. NICE clean 1, 2 and i room suits, hot water, piano, laundry trays, basement, wood hoist, eta Call today. Johnson, 168 10th st. DESIRAHLE three room ulte, well fur nished; separate entrance, gas range, sink, electricity, bath, phone. 700 Flan ders st. , TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, closet, porch, gas range, walking dis tance; $12. 692 E. Morrison. East 6801. i i RNISHED housekeening rooms, close in, reasonable; 13J. corner 14th und Alder. FRONT room, furnace heat. phone. bath, married people or bachelors. 405 Stark. FUR RENT 3 housekeeping end 2 sleeping rooms, close in, cheap; S4S Main st. 225 11 th st.. housekeeping nnd Bleeping rooms, furnace heat, bath, phone, laundry. ?L'.6Q per week up. TWO furnished houskecplng rooms, free light, heat, bath and phono, $16; 674 Olisan. HOI SEKEEP1NG and single rooms rea sonable price; 300 4th St., corner Columbia. SL'ITK of Housekeeping rooms; also single room: gas, bath, phone, fur nnee heat. 171 N. 17th st. TWO extra uell furnished housekeeping rooms. $12.60 per mo.; two large front rooms, $22.60 346 Hall. .Marshall 3292. LIGHT, large housekeeping room, fur nished, gns, bath, phone, private en- trance. .128 Jackson. A-3291. TWO newly finished rooms for light hnnsek Reasonable rent. 446 1 1 th. , v'-tir-' Jiri 1 1 I til 646 GLISAN st . nicely furnished house- mont. housekeeping rooms. $2.50. 184 Sherman. TWO rooms, well furnished, light house keeping; no children; walking dis tance. 4H3 2d. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, lignt and clean; no children. 421 6th st. A-3196. TWO and 3 nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms. Bath, gas, phone and piano. Near 4 car lines. 871 N, 22d, FINK housekeeping rooms, single or en 6Ute. hot and cold water, bath and telephone. 508C!avst. SINGLE and double furnished house- keeping suites, $2 per week up; free phone nnd bath. 3 28 if, N. 17th st. keeolntr rooms, with nlan'o lms hn'th phonp- verv desirable 385 W.nv.oti,'-.-. : 4 : n" hat'Taundry 1 $5 ciav st ' y' - 11th. alcove, house- week. 4 1 5 r ; . r- : r . . rv 1 1, I V -TMiHrt c I l o 1 aw oiiIIa ' ail conveniences cKeao rent iVrf Morrison st Morrison St. Ef-io rent reasonable, walking distance. 2(5 HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms, Gem hotel. 665 8 1st; stum heated. ntrw inn iinif;, luuinn ui. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms, Gem hotel. 665 S. 1st: stear: heated. new (iu.uiiij, liftmiB tw- .oE clean rooms. 1 lea t. h. phone. reasonable. Light houSL-keePin-. or suite cheap, 4SU, N. 15th st for 2 or 3. all conveniences, house- for 2 or 3, all conveniences, house I ke eping privileges. 147 Lownsdale. ONE room for housekeeping, suitable for one person, lights, phono and bath. 533 Yamhill. Phone Mnln 4934. IF YOU are looking for clean, modern, cheap rooms, you can get suited at 580 2d St. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. riee lignt, pnone. bath und laundry Privileges. Mnln 8962. Marshall 3247. NEAT, .warm rooms, suituble for work lnS men. $6 to $10 per month; board 'f desired. 65 (ouch, N. E 18th. VERY desirable small front rooms, heat, light, splendid surroundings, 675 Coirnh, N. E. corner 18th. EILEEN COURT, 16th and Morrison, newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 5 minutes' walk to P. O. Main 40.11. ONE suite housekeeping rooms: light and water. 4.16 1st St.. nnr Harrison. 313 14th, corner Clay, pleasant 2 and 3-room furnished housekeeping suites. oil 3 furnished rooms for housekeep- Ins. 890 Fairbanks nve. 0 , . , : ; ONE, 2 or 4 nice pleasant housckeep- ing rooms, reasonable, 421 Yth. CENTRALLY located" iwrTpTeTcTy fur nlshed, $2.75 up. 429 Main st. LARGE, light housekeeping, single and on suite, $3, $3.25. 4 1 4 5th. $X6 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. 74 2 Savler st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nice roiim for two people. 26 8 3d. large FOR RENT HonsekeeDinir rooms. i per week up. 161 Lownsdale. Main 3479 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $3.50 week up THE CLAY. 343 hi Morrison. MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light, gas; moderate 7th-Vlunders. A-4075. FOR RENT Nicely "furnished- house keeping rooms and suites. 388 6th st. HOl'SEKKKnXfl KOOMS EAST SIDE 48 THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, private family, $15 per month; good location; phone Woodlawn 3046. TWO luiuialied housekeeping rooms. bath, electric light, gas, phone. 1070 E. Alder. Tabor 1945. FURNISHED and unfurnished house keeping rooms; free phone; close In. 482 t h.. vv Washington. $1C Two dandy housekeeping rooms, with kitchenette, gas, electrio, bath, wash trays. 1034 E. Stark. THREE neatly furnished irooras, with Dutch kitchen, rent $16. 749 Mississip pi nve fwOlarge rocims, newly furnished; gas range, gas. lignt, l Diock rrom D car. 772 Alblna ave. ffbUSEKEEPlNG suite, front room, fur nace heat. 695 Lovejoy., St. Tel. M. 6882. TWO front rooms furnished for house keeping, with bath, hot and cold water, rent $18. s ilnqulre 171 Graham ave. Tiilt.u very '.pleasant, clean rooms in private' family, furnished for light housekeeping. Phone East 6326. fLluAsANT housekeeping rooms, nioo y a rd.-bath. phone. Main 266. 387 1 s t. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 409 East Salmon, near Grand ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 941 E. Stark. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS EAST SIDE 48 BELMONT APARTMENT. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms, I suites of 2 and S, all outside rooms, gas , plate furnished, $1 per week per room. 48QH Belmont, FRONT and buck parlor to rent for housekeeping;, grand view, newly fur nished, clean and pleasant, near car- 1 line; ifas, bath. 772 E. Taylor. Phone E6260, : ! I' Uii RENT 3 housekeeping rooms, i closet, bath, basement, yard, or 6 ) room flat, very convenient; 15 minutes from P. O. 1'hone E. 3665. 28 10. 11th I st. After Jan. 2. call after 8 p. in. I TWO well furnished housekeeping I rooms, hot water, gas range, bath and laundry, $3.60; near Steel bridge. I 3iia Kenton. FINE, quiet housekeeping rooms over looking river; reasonable rent, pleas ant surroundings. Call at 682 E. 6th, or Ph o n Sell wood 1853. $12 THREE large rooms, separate en trances. 188 East 45th street. One block from Mount Tabor. Phone East 664. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, $2.50 to $3; sleeping roomy, $1.60 to $3; elec tric ligh; free bath. The Lambert, 23 Unl n ave. TWO front rooms, neatly furnished for housekeeping, fcs, water, beat, etc. 66? E. Main. 2 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. newly papered nnd fainted. 560 E. Morrison, corner of 13th. HOUSES fok i:xt 12 NEW modern 4-room cottaga, $15.00. New modern 6 room bungalow, $18.00. New modern 6 room bungalow, $20.00. New modern 6 rooms furnished, $18.00. New modern 6 room house, $26.00. Cose In on east side, near S. P. shops. E. A. McGRATH, 381 Chamber of Commerce, FOR RENT 5 room modern house, gas and electric fixtures, blinds. 4 blocks off Union ave., on cement street. $16. Phone East 12S2. or Inquire 466 E. 7th st N. FOR RUNT 3 room house with bath, screens, chicken cood nnd yard, garden spot, strawberries and roses, furnished. 10; unfurnished $7, Including water. ''all Main 804V FOR RENT $9, 395 Montgomery drive. 4 rooms, lower rortiand Uelgbts: gar den $28, 645 Market Bt drive, 5 rooms. Market'1 : drfveV l' 1 6 COZY 7 room house, 1220 E. 81st N. ; cement basement, hot and cold water. eiecuiciiy, eic. inKe Aioerta cur 10 iarrett St., $18 month. U'Ol. 6 LARGE rooms In a modern liouse for rent ($15). on the Oregon City elec- iric iui.-, wc i;nu to rei 1 woou, .uu varus from Concord station, first house south- cHstfrom Concord. FOR RENT 5 room bouse, modern, fuli baseinent. one block east of Union sve.. nnd south of Fremont Bt. Call at 42 Constance st. FOR j.j... 1 til i u. isni.'iii 11, 't iinu 2 small houses, one partly furnished, fine place to raise chickens; rent $20. I Call owner, B-2199. FOR RENT Modem 7-room hungalow ''" M,(.,w,1C0','-tn) r.'e ? V,?- r"ft. Willamette' Helehtbs.. $60 00 r i -r ,L .fn-i ' $ ' (,r, 6-reom modern house, 20th and E!!!".1 '''1I1: East Yamhill $20.00 FoR Ri'".N T--5 rooqi modern cotloge, 1 i 7-room modern house. 268 McMil- block from 2 carllnes. east .vi le, tent lan street $35.00 reasonable. Phone East 2202 or Main ; 4-room nonse. 1124 E. 25th street 6.U0 9384. ,6-room modern bungalow, with DESIRABLE 6 room house, most se- ; lect section Hawthorne ave district.! $40 unfurnished. $15 partially furnished. ' I'hone owner, Marshall 2S7, or East 6009. ! FOR RENT 4 room house wlfli large ; garden, at Mt. Tabor, near ear, $10. j Apply owner, 253 Front St., room 96, ! Rbeinfnltz hotel. A NICW modern 8 room house in Rose City I'ark to rent or sell on easy terms. Inquire of owner at 428 Mill Ft. I'hone A:tn,Tfi. MODERN r.-room cottage, built-in side - noaro ana ponsneu rioors; 1 diock from W W carllne and three blocks from school. 551FLJP,I'V- ' 6-ROOM modern cottage, west silo, near' 23d and S cars and school, only 862 ra 'uughn st A RICAUTIFUL"'7-room home, oak Ish and floor. Extra fine home. 640 45th st.. near Brazee. Call at once. "$To72-ROOMf iiniished upper flat. $lT. $14, 6-room modern cottage. D-room Upper flat. Sol wood l 01 0. Foil RUNT 6 room cottaee on IC 9th: In croud order: to a aood tenant at reasonalde terms. Phone Tabor 1604. WHY PAY HIGH RENTS We have cottages, houses, furnished or not, reasonable. Jitls. J.'.i 1 m'D.M nouse. rurnnce, porcelain iiiiii.iiiK,, riiaii.ij, ttt E. Clinton. Phone Sellwood 897. 5 ROOM nun II bungalow, hot and cold water, lot 50x100. 1076 Patton ave. IHIlLf-liLIi'L' hlX room house, newly renovated. Ms block from car; ri nts S14: keys next door. 808 Nlcoile t t. East .1505. FOR RENT Neat cottage with bath. 611 Crookham ave. Sellwood car. rnone iniior z:ib;. 7-ROOM house at 1095 Denver ave In- quire of owner next door. Phono Woodlawn 1270. FOtr RFNT-2 moiir rnllSomoW n V ,'rr, 8 ro"r,."?18P. J' ' r,', "lantn- - room "8. Hoth- NEW 6-room. modern house. 1 block from St. -iohns car. 1391 Burrage et.. Arbor l odge. Woodlawn 1828. MODERN 7-room house, in flrst-clnss condition, Sl'fi per mo., lieldln & Bel din Tabor 2;i';8 Arllta. FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage, 991 Williams ave., $20. Phone Wood lawn 1156. handsome 7-ROOM house, modem, a home. $20 per mo., 432 E. 34th-St., near two carllnes. NEW modern 6-room house, sleeping r.iP'irc .,.r,n-Vr,,lrht,y' 29 E!worth. CHEAP, at Kenton, cottages, sell or r,v,rent-v,-Sty,kPH ilarrai'r' Dcrby 8t- riL0Jl,lJ..,,odlawn2fi9 ': . 7-ROOM modern house, furnace, fire- place, walking distance, cast side, $30. 22 Chamh- r of ( ommerce. NEW 6 room house, sumo furniture,; reasonable. 756 E. lino, cor I3d. Call Sunday. MODERN 7 room house, 1 220 E. Main ; take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne, get off 41st; rent $18. FOR RENT 6 room modern cottago. E. 27th St.. 1 block from car, only $18 per month. W. H. Ross. Marshall 125. MMEliN 6 room cottage, 76 E. Madi son, corner 24th; rent $17. Phone Sellwood 637. EIGHT room house, modern conven iences; Inrge vnrd, close In, east side, $27. Phone B-1586. $18 5 rooms, modern conveniences, large vard. Inquire 849 E Sta.rk St., near 28th. MODERN 6-room bouse, corner Cherry and Irrabee sts. Apply 395 E. 1st st. Nortiv NEWLY fitted up cottage, 791-kenll-worth nve. R-2601. A-5414. MODERN fi-room cottage, near Alblna shos, 115; 620 Delay. MODERN 6-room house, Hawthorne car. Isr-e lot. Phone Mnln 2266. 6-ROOM modern h .use. 267 E. 41st, cor. Hawthorne ave., $20. FOR RENT Good 4-room house, J8. IHf"jl!,?02 8th Rve' N., Lents. NEAT furnished cottage, gas and water, close In. 262 Page St. Take U car. $155 room cottage, bath, shades, eloc-trlo- lights, garden. SeJIwooil 1335. 3ROOM cottage closo ln 5 1 E.'7th. be tween "'nk and Pin?; TWO 7 room houses and one 4, close In, 1 0 and $1L 603 Worcester bldg. (TrOOM house on E. Pine, near litta" C-2260, East 6096. 7-ROOM house for "rent. 762 Gonten beln ave. Phone C-2508. MODERN 6 room cottage close In, JiS per month, 85 Morris. Woodlawn 362. NEW modern 7-rooms. close In east side, near car. East 6106. j j i 7 ROOM modern. R 8th and PThe, cWp in, i'none marsnau itjoa. NEW modern bungalow, 6 rooms, 947 E. 20th N.i cor. frescott. FOR RENT wWom bouse, 720 K, Davis. 13 iiuunu,a run t.rjii. 6 rooms. 770 Kearnev St.. $37.60. 9 rooms, E. 9th and Broadway, $60.00. 7 rooms, 245 N. 23d St., $46.00. , 6 rooms, 830 Front St., $30.00. ! fi rooms. 391 Front St., $25.00. 7 rooms, 395 East 9th St., $25.00. 6 rooms, 650 East Morrison, $17.00. 6 rooms, 126 East 18th St., $27.60. 11 rooms, 656 Kearney St., $65.00. 8 rooms, 191 Shaver st. $21.00. 8 rooms, 808 North 24th St., $45.00.1 6 rooms, 632 Mill St.. $25.00. i 6 rooms. 348 East 7th, North, $26.00. 6 rooms, 738 East Main, $ s, .38 h.UBt ftlain. jjo.ihi. B, 10 East 16th St.. $J5.00. 8 rooms, 7 rooms. 10 East loth St.. wa.uu. 6 rooms. 077 East 10th, North, $18.00. FLATS FOR RENT. 6 rooms. 472 ilancock st. $30.00 6 rooms. 472 V4 Hancock St., $30.00. 6 rooms, J4 MancocK si., u.i)u, rooms. 474 V, Hancock St., $30.00. 6 rooms. 202 Grand ave N $2o.00. 6 rooms. 371 Pacific St.. $23 M0 6 rooms. 1050 Cleveland ave., $25.00. 6 rooms, 675 E. Washington gton, $-7.50. ( rooms, t rarh. st., .w.u. 6 rooms, 499 Harrison, $36.00. 9 rooms. 62 Ella St., $45.00. 6 rooms, 662'-. Yamhill St., $30.00. 6 rooms, 475 East 26th St., $15 00. 6 rooms. 428 Eleventh St., $22.50. 6 rooms, 42SU Eleventh St., $25.00. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder St. Houses and Flats for Rent 5 room house, E. Madison St., $30. 8 room house, E. 16th St., $45. 6 room house, E. Clinton st., $25. 8 room house. 40 E. 67th St., $15. 5 room house, N. E. cor. 27th and Jar rett St., $16. 7 room house, furnished, Glenn av., $30. 5 room flat, E. Bumslda St., $26. 6 room flat. Union ave., $18. 6 room flat, E. Ankeny St., $26. 6 room flat. Gllsan, west side, $27.50. 5 room bouse, Terrace Drive, $15. 9 room furnlsi ed house, Willamette Heights, $55. Houses and flats, furnished and unfur nished for rent, east arid west side. The Shaw-Fear Company, .Main 35. 102 4th St. A-3SUU. Greater Meier & Frank Store , Rental Si. Information Bureau Home hunters visit our modern, com pletely equipped information depart- :..,,' ,,,.. ,, ,..,iii note the vacant houses and flats on our ' 11,-t Vnll'll a...-., !,.... It. nafflnn nrnn.rlv ' and comfortably located. We keep In touch with all the VHcant fists and nouses in all pans or me city, we nave the combined llsn cf nil the teal estate agents In the oi t v. We also have a list of all new buildings in course of con- Btructlon. 1 i f Ynll Wftflt to Rpnt 7) HnlISP See Us. 1 ri r rnnm mn(1rn ,' ,'' Vv.,t,, acre of ground nil In cultlva- tion, tuocK rrom car zo.uu , 'a itiocn iieni a 1 The Lawrence Co,, 248 Aiiiert: For Rent New 8-rnom modern bouse, 68th and E. Oilsnn, $20 per month. 8-room house at 471 E. 12th St., $20 per month. 10-room furnished house at 419 Gra ham idvp, $3 5 per month j r-lqrTrn0 Ri Qnnc . i 1. i v. w vk. uuhoi 122 North 6h., cor. eth and Gllsan sts. Main 4381. A-7259. FINE mode: u 7 room house, Holladay ! HOUSES FOR HENT near I' INK modern 1 room house. Hodaday ! apartments a spectaltv, $25 up. $lu. i Park add ticn: fine location. 24th and ,vi,-,v!,-r-wl -is - ! Wasco; will lease from 1 to 6 yenri. TV9--fin $30 per month. Charleson & Co., 411 CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN r,jn Commercial bide Phone East 1841. L 2.,?,'om "Ia,rt- $22.50 to $3..; nei I-TVE room cottage, 456 E. 15th N. Main 5212. 1 1. C. Bnrns. ITKXISHEn HOUSES NEATLY furnished nnd bath room bungalow: oao block from car; laun drv Monarch steel range, gas and elec trlclty, neat lighting fixtures. 1!, of wood In cellar. Owm-r going east:. ' , . 1 1 1 1 .. .. c-..... . til o .n,nAP . lmnirnlow. nn 4 Tnlmnn nve. BEAUTIFUL homo in fine location; walking distance; to responsible peo- pie for six months or longer or will sell furniture 473 Main. 1 FINE modern 7 1 Jo7i7ho"use. well fur- nlshed, good location, $20 per month, Charleson & Co., 411 Commercial bldg. , Phone East 1S41. 1 FOR RENT 6 room furnished house, nlano: walking distance: good eentle- man roomer If you wls-h him; rent $25. ..t?I'f, JJJ L"?! ?LJ.?'JTO FIVE room modem bungalow complete - ly furnifdicd; short diftanco to cai. !' Inquire 1509 Hi Onconto streoi, wnnilliiwi p:. ,K "yi.:iT ! mo"t"--?!,?-..VldliLB!L"..tJ WEST SIDE, walking distance, 4-room, i tullv nirnlsned cottage, reasonaDie. iKev 595 4th St. WELL furnished modern 7 room house; I walking distance; reasonable. Main ; 73154 i Tr-rTivUr-r ' .i.h f, tin ' a month. Inquire at 381 Cable at. I Take Jefferson ear. I l.:iV 7 mum bnuse. new flirni tor. atlver nnd linens: furnace: on I Hawthorne ave close In Tabor 2270. 1 . rrrrrjY , n wo furnished.-5 j room house, very close. Holladay add. ' Call 1037 Chamber of Commerce rTNiTwrnlshed"'7"mm bouse. $43 month; 4 bedrooms. Main 8427. Tabor 1706. j FIVE room fufnTshed house, neat and v.onn. 1 block to car. $18. 203 Lum- . her Exchange, nfler 11, Sunday. $207 room modern furnished house at 646 Tacoma nve.. Sellwood. Phone . owner, Milwaiikle, Black 612. evenings. To-ROr M furnished house, close to 1 Hawthorne nve.. on E. 9th. cheat). b'ast 3100 Apt. 22. nn .iYS1t, ...1 l.,,n.. ICQ l5st 45th street block f rm Moun? i Tabor car. Phone owner. East 5l. NICELY furnished 7-mom house; piano; very reasonable. 958 E Gllsan and 31st. NICELY furnished modern 8 room bun pa iow: piano, furnace; big bargain. Tabor 3225. FURNISHED 8 room modern home, closo in; corner. eaFt side, $50; 320 rlll,i- mook. corner Podnev 5 carllnes. FOR-RENT Furnished 4 room bunga- l, A ,-lw.r Phun, Mnln IJ771 I'.Ao I BKie-Tii iiilhh I'liuagu, i-i'iiijieiei y furnlMhed, J35. A-7330. houses roi; hevt KI KXITI KE FOK SALE 32 $200 ciish, $i6 per montht buys furni ture of 7 room rooming house, rdose In, good neighborhood; price $375; worth more. owner. j in-RNITUREoFr-rohouse-fi $200; house for tent: rooms all full; i call at room 14, 371 b East Burnaida for . purtkulars. I FURNITURE of 3 room apartment: I very fine; very cheap; look this up; you will like it. Apartment , igii Fora street. Tel. Main 6Zfl;i. f. FURNITURE of 7 room house for sale. f.hjf.nn or will trnrle foe eotiltv nn in Calil Main 8149 or Sellwood 1 84" 4. BRAND new furniture of 8room bouse for sale, a bargain. Inquire 129 17th st. N. A-7301. F U R N IT I RE 3 room iiio(Itn flat for sale; rent reasonable. 790 Roosevelt St. Take 23d st. car to uoosevelt. illy I $J5 CASH, balance asv; 6 beautifully rurnisnea, sunny rooms: rent fix; m wniC' 4 rooms. $40, 406 1st, flat K. f'OR SALE -Furniture of" 4 rooms, $175, rial for n'nt. $20. 27J Montgomery. HOUSES FOIt RENT FITIIX ITI 7 It K liVITt 8ftI.1T , M FAMILY leaving city will rent 8 room cottage, walking distance, 111; U furniture for $13$. Call Sunday, Mon. day ,or evening of week days. 81 tC. 8th at. north. . .. "m . , PO R SALE Furniture of & room house, 16 East 36th st. r APAItTMEXTS 43 FORDHAM APARTMENTS COM At 170-1 ."2 Ford mtT tust south of , hiehest class anartmentu built In i hii -. kiu , PorV and nlh,'- .h ,h- lout, giving tenant. rhnl nf oak. Clr- ctifcMan walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with superb flllnrou- kin.. . .. I - I n . nh ! wt,. ,,'rl'vn. E'.V. i nni with moM convenient .arrangement. $42.50 to $50; 6 rooms, $50 to $60. This bulldlnsr la dlrlWn r .t M Kurltlih I show you through. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. , izth and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently furnished apartments 'n the northwest! location perfect; rentals reasonable: every modern convenience, Inoludln banquet ball and roof garden; hlitli c!ns service; references required. Roth phones In all apartments. Phone Main ?276 and A-7067. The Bjelland 16th nnrl I.ovptov Unfurnished apartments, strictly mod ern, brand new brick building. 2. or 4 rooms. Rates $26, $30, $36, Including: heat, phono, gas range and water. Phone owner, Main U61. A-1867. PHONE EAST 47S8 CTiSiS. You can have lighter, larger, better furnished and quieter apartments of 1 3 or 4 rooms for $16 per month less, with every modern convenience, at ths Halsey Court 300 WILLIAMS AVE. THE BEAVER 1 2th and Marshall. Pur. nlshed for housekeeping; gas ran, electric lights, hot water bath, laundry, free; $15 per month tin; a clean place, best In the cltv for the money: short distance fiom Union depot. Take "8 or lfith st. cars north, get off at Mar shell st. No does. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 4. 6, 6 room apartmnts; select tenancy. Apply on premises. 171 King st. IONIAN COTTRT B70 Couch, 1 block from Washington -t nn isth f tl foi 1109 A room modern fiDnrtments. steam heat. pltrtTln A I 1.1 t V.n, nv. .nl.l n ,n. tn'ephona and janitor service. Apply oi manager: references rennlrert the Mckinley 429 e. morf.'son. cor. 7th. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished up to date, private bathi. free phone, moderate prices, new marcige m."nt. best service. THE CODY". 431 East Taylor. New, elegantly furnished, 2 and 3 room apartments; private telephon. steam heat, electric lights; Janitor ser vlee: prices t22 50 nnd up. iLUfK HARTFORD APARTMENTS. ' nd Flanders sts. Three room elegantly furnished reception hall, prl- vate bath, phone, sleepinir porch, ele- va,or-. Strictly modern. Reasonable. ONE fine outside room, private bsttu j Inrludlng lights, steam" heat, new . t.ulbling and furniture; price $26. Phone niarsnan zbiis. 149 23a st. N. Kather- ine apartments. BANN ER APARTMENTS. 48S Clay st., up-to-date furnished 2 room apartments. Price S20 to tiA. in. eluding beat, light and Janitor service. Phone Marshall 2074 Durfee Apartments 3 room steam heated apartments, fur nished or unfurnished Private phone and bnth. 30S Stanton St. East 106S. Drickston Apartment 448 1 1th near College, 2 and 3 room suites, strictly first class, bachelor STS. new brick building, modern; no children. THE SOUTHAMPTON. 410 Hall st. One unfurnished 4 room apartment, ftricflv first class. A-204H. - i TIIW TITT.T.WA Ifi Trinllv 1.1. 1 tn..nn lofi, ontv, . 1 furnished 2, 3 and 4 room apartments; I'-.-'' til, ntrn very reitoilu Olf. IRE CHEIOPA 18th and Flanders St., : '' I n n 1 1 A rrr,m onnrtnitnta rty j rurniFnen sna unrurnlsrieil, new rurnl- tur Rnd building. Applv to Jsnltor. ONE modern apartment; 4 nice, light rooms. Th. Ormond, 656 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main 825L HOMELIKE furnished apartment,cho!ce residence district, new, modern, very reasonable. 260 E. 23d. East 2669. MODERN furnished and unfurnished! apartments, 1162' Union ave, N. Woodlawn 2379. -.-jv, . ,.;nr,m , . rivn rr i ilV. rent cheap, walking distance. 350 : p x ,T,'ry5n,,.TOn.t.p 557 ; j 7, r . THE WESTMINSTER Nlcelv furnished I sportments. also sinelo rooms. 2 m n- iutes from P. O. 262 6th. Main 6582 ' SAN MARCO apts., R. Sth and Coueh. I hrlcK. moaern. a rnome, private Path ) nnd phone. $25 tn $27.50. Call E. ?767. j CAMBRIAN 12th and Columbia, 2 antl ' 3 room apartments nlcelv situated. 1 I -.!., fnrrloho,! AftartnaKI I I . -'""""'""j"..! NQRD1CA apartments, cor. Belmont ant j. Grand ave.. 1 and 2 room furnished .rts.: free light, heat. bath, phone ' LOVEJOY APTS.. 17th and-I,ovejov7 newly furnished 3 room apts., rea- sonnme. Main no. GRAY Gables apartments. 289 10th. 1 room apartments. Phone A-2629. ELEGANTLY furnished S roonTapart" ments. modern. 624 Marshall st FOIt REM CTLAT9 13 $20. MODERN 6-room upper flat; gas, electricity, fireplace, tuba, 914 East Morrison, near 30th, Sunnysido. Tabor 1798. NEW 6 room modern upper flat, fur nace. fireplace, linoleum on kitchen . and bnth; iras range, water heater. K. 29th, near Everett, E. A. car. B-8186. WEST side new, strictly modern flat, 3 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, water heater, laundry, cellar room, woodllft. 10?tht.JMalnJS63. 5 -ROOM flat, besides 3 housekeeping rooms in amc. 4DU inn St., lib; walking distance. Key at 449 11th. Ono or two children not objectionable. MODERN flat, S rooms, alcove, pbrclu East 2d, Clackamas, Holladay addl- tlon. C-1001. MODERN 6-room upper flat, walking distance, Irvington district. 424 Til lamook. C-2058. 5-ROOM modern flat, walking distance. 303 E. iztn., near Hawthorne. East j MODERN 6-room flat; wood and ga.l range, winnow snaues. 209 Halsey, near Sieel bridge. ., ROOM and board, room. $5 each. $5 per week; 3 In Bath, phone, beat 5tU Hndnev ave. y- ,, , -"I , - , , 1 ml .. MODERN 6-room flat, two blocks north, Margin. $22 60, steel bridge, fronting- nver, 294 ft 3tR0OMflat, nartly furnished ! wstef , wSdlftsi"'''. VanC0UV,r ,V ,V,0"" " " ""'..J-, WEST 8IPB modern unfurnished steam hntea 6-room flat for runt gMr' i0S 1J t., jear Cqlumhla. , TWO modern four-room flats, upper ni nu nn iiiivm inn iriiuii( rurnnce neaic una t inn m. t I.. 1' toe runt. new. utfVtt been occu pied. Inquire IS4 Paciflo st Phone Main n8. .- - , : ; ilaFurnisheii' flat, I rowm, one biM south of East 27(h and Clinton sis, Richmond cur. . ; NICKLt' furnliid ' lower flat; tuffi" Tins, phone snd piano. 371 .V. 2M. FOUR and b room flits. 1 tl '4 sve., near t3d end V.'wxh. '..! n ii4. MOnijRN' 4 room fiat over t..ii, 114, 809 Williams eve Wo.. .( . I ' MoliEi'.N 6 room fiat; v':l r ni ( to right party. 963 WtL:n.