8 THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING, DECEMBER 31, '1911. CiMAS ME III FARM TRACTS HOLDS UP STRONG Transactions in Volume All That Could Be Expected, With Buyers Duly Eager to Secure Good Things. - " Farm Mls during the Christmas holidays have been of a volume fully M grett s could be expected. 1 ne iiutribution of transactions indicates continuance of activity In all sections of the state, wtme tne tenor m iu port proves that buyers have the hlgh nt confidence In the Immediate future of the Oregon farm regarded aa a vaiu able asset ' In a deal at Grants Pass there was In volved the exchange of a good ranch and a good hotel when Messrs. 8treet and Bagley of Ashland and Saunders of , Medford bought of O. B. Steward th Steward hotel at Grants Pass for $30.- nna and nut in as Dart or the considered tion a 200-acre ranch located four miles north of Woodvllle at 120,000. The . farm consists of 200 acres, 125 acres seeded to wheat and vetch. Mr. Stew- r,l will make his home on me prop. rty. The sellers had owned the prop erty about three years, it is weu im proved. . .'y-' .,,,.! - Fred G. Honner of Grant Pass has purchased one of the finest ranches In Jnavnhinai countv from Street & Bag- ley, former Chicago men, consisting of 167 acres, i The property is aaaptca to general farming, alfalfa and wheat One hundred dollars per acre has been cleared In a single crop of beans grown recently on the tract Considerable land Is nnder irrigation. Mr. Honner will . give his personal attention to the property and will bring it into a high state of cultivation. The consideration was 218,000. Mr. Honner has at the same time sold a piece of acreage at Grants Pass for JS750 to Stuart Saun ders of Ashland. , From Douglas county there is report ed the sale of Dr. 8. B. Hudson's fine 1 SB-acre farm in Looking Glass valley to Henry Klore of Denver, Colo., and J. A. Walker of Roeepurg. ,- Mr. Klore, who is a practical farmer, brought a carload of horses, machinery and tools from Colorado with him and takes im mediate possession of his new home. Mr. Hudson will leave for the east, where he intends to. make his perma nent home. - ir : ,v-x The Linebarger ranch of about 200 acres,- situated on Deer Creek, in Doug las county, has been sold. The consid eration is said to have bees ia the neighborhood of 8000. . , ; .' .-- ; - This is said to be one of the best ranches In the Wood River valley, which is 1 ramous for Its fine cattle ranches; It has nearly two miles of river' front, lying n the banks of Wood river. It Is just south of the town of Fort Klamath, Mrs. Mary I Savage of.- Hood River nas sold to J. Roberta of Chicago a 110 acre Improved tract located about 6V4 miles southeast of Hood River, - Ia K. Adels has nurchased 10 acrea of Mosier view orchards and has riven the contraot for a $3000 colonial house to be completed by April 1. J. W. Whiddon. pastor of the Chris ttan church at Myrtle Creek, has pur- chaaed Mrs, Josephine Harris' five-acre rarro in Missouri bottom, paying 11075. E. C. Reair.es has sold 68 acres of the Rearaes tract about 13 miles south of Klamath Falls, to C. A. Hill of Idaho reus. Idaho., Consideration 14250. The surveying of between S00 and COO acres of the Curry ranch, five miles northwest of Roseburg, preparatory to . placing it on the market In 10-acre tracts, has been completed. The plat will be presented at the January terra of the county court The land will be known as the Rlversdale tracts. A good sized deal' Involving aa ex change of properties, la reported from Lane county.- C. S. Frank has sold his fine business block in Eugene, known as the old Odd Fellows' building to James Hayes, the hop raiser and buyer. Mr. Hayes turns in a fine farm of 112 acres near Junction City at a eonsldar atlon of something Ilk 114,000, and the balance in cash. . . Henry Kompp has sold his fine farm of 10 2-1 acres five miles west of Eu gene to A. Caley of Yoncalla, the pur chase prloe being $18,000.-. The farm lv one of the best in the county and con tains every improvement CV1 Allen, who came to Oregon re cently from Dayton, Ohio, and bought 20 acres of the Vitus tract, near Spring field, for $100 per acre sold to William Rouse for $250 per acre. H. Cbesera has sold the Vernon Park place of 120 acres on Spencer creek, in Lane county, to John Umphrey, who re cently came from Montana, considera tion $6000. The tract of 1200 acres near Cottage Grove recently purchased by A. C Keeney of Creswell and J. E. Thomaa of California, is being surveyed into small Plata, preparatory to putting It on tne market Seven hundred acres in another tract is .also to be purchased by outside parties, who will put it en the market in the same manner. A sale of a $20 acre tract near Cres well. to Thornton A Westbrope. is re ported, the consideration not stated. M. R. Wood has sold to Clarence D. Hlllman, of Seattle, 460 acres of ir rigable land near Castle Rock, Ja Mor row county lor $15,000. I ; . ' John Harmsoa has disposed of Ms Morrow county holdings, with Olaf Berggreen for farm property near Blod gett, Benton county. .... The Thomas Willsie farm of 4SU acres, northwest of Brownsville, has been sold to Otto and La. EL Thompson, proprietors of the ' Boston flouring mills. ; The Thompsons expect to de velop the land, on which they have a dam, as an adjunct to the flouring mills farther dowa the Calapoola river. . Omar Shannahan of Kist, Columbia county, has sold his farm to Tom Throop of Vernonla for $6000. Mr. Shannahan will go to a farm he owns near Forest Grove. ' George W. Copeland has sold his farm in Coos county to Louis Pankey of Central Point, the price being $3600. He will go to Phoenix, Aria. At a price not made public, J. W. Mc Coy has sold his fine 600-acre ranch in the Wood River valley, in Klamath county, to W. J. Utter and Frank Burns. No Excuse ; for Pimples Skin Cleared in a Short Time by Stuart's Calcium Wafers, the Famous Blood Purifier. Trial Package Sea Free to Prove It Pimples, blotches, skin eruptions of aU kiads, are simply the impurities In the blood, coming to the surface. All the external treatments In the world woq't do a particle of good unless you tV li A 1 , O. A. '.. Brown has Bold to Thomas Willsie, $0 acre in township 1$, $ west, for $2000. D. M. Moody of Sutherlln has bought of W. F. Elliott for a consideration not named, a tract Just outside Harrlaburg. Z. Denny has sold the Dairy Island stock farm of 176 acres In Marion coun ty, to F. W. Kelly of Salem. Mr. Den ny expects to go to Tillamook, . where he will invest extensively. FOREIGN COIN PUT III LOCAL REALTY; $2.500,000 IN '.II Outside x Buyers Attracted to Portland Field Purely for Investment : Purpose; More Deals Said to Be In Sight. The rapid advance of real estate in Polk county Is shown by the sale of the L. W. Zortn farm, three miles east of Falls City. . Mr. Zoiin bought this farm, containing 109 acres, four years ago ror $3400. He sold 0 acres to W. A. Graham for $3700. The remaining 6 acres sold ror $1450. realising a prof it of $3750 in four years, besides mak ing a comfortable living. Land near this farm which sold for $11 per acre four years ago now sells for $30 and $35. ' . Herbert March has bought the old Warf leld hay and cattle ranch' on Wes ton mountain, in Umatilla county, 610 acrea irom F. m. Barrows, for $10,500. By a transfer on record at Pendleton the sale of a large body of wheat land In the Juniper neighborhood Is dls closed. The acreage is not stated but tne consideration is given as $10,000. Trajan Tucker has bought a tract of bottom land on little Dry creek in Uma tilla county, adjoining his other hold ings, and will devote his attention ex cluslvely to fruit farming and garden Ing. Neither the area nor the consid eration is stated in the report Uleaa Tour Back and laos of Pimples. purify the blood. And there's nothing o humiliating aa a race that's all . "broken out" and spotted. Stuarts calcium wafers will clear the moat obstinate complexion, because they go right into the blood and remove the cause of the trouble. The blood is ctaansed of all impurities and foreign substances ana tnese are quickly elim inated from tha system. You'll notice a wonderful change in a few days you will hardly know yourself la a week. And ; Stuart's Calcium Wafers are absolutely harmless to any one. Their ingredients are just what a physician prescribes In most cases of skin erup tions and poor ; blood. These wafers are put up In a concentrated form. which makes tnem act quickly and thoroughly. : .." ': Begin taking Stuart's Calcium Wa fers today and then look at yourself in the mirror in a few days, and find all those awful pimples, blackheads, acne, bolls, liver spots, rash, ecsema and that muddy complexion rapidly dis appearing and, your face cleared like the petal of a flower. You can easily test Stuart's Calcium Wafers for yourself. We will cheer fully mail you a trial package free, if you will just send us your name and address. You can get the regular-nixed package for 50 cents In any drug store. Write for the free package to F. A. Ftuart Qo, 175 Stuart bldg., Marshall, Jaab. One of the largest and most Import ant real estate deals made this fall in Wallowa county was closed with a sale of the laat 160 acres of the Watson farm to Thomas Morgan for $13,000. It Is the home 160, with the fine conn try residence in Its center. It is all k 'liable land with plenty of water for ...Mtlrtn ftvtm th itil, Qlnn. Jlll. Block 1. Gardners addition to Enter prise, improved with a resldenoe, barn, trees, etc., was turned over in the deal for $6000. This sale cleans up the big Watson tract the final 460 acrea hav ing been sold within the laat two weeks. K. Aliff has purchased five acres on Diamond Prairie in Wallowa oounty, from John McDonald, consideration not stated. . f A. N. Schrock hae sold his farm three miles west of Whlteson, in Yamhill county, to D. A. Miller, who will take possesion at once. Mr. Shrock is plan ning a trip to Arisona in the near fu ture. SULLIVAN GULCH SPAN PLANS ARE COMPLETED Plana for the new reinforced concrete bridge across Sullivan's gulch at East Twenty-first street have been completed by the city engineer. - The structure, in cluding the approaches, will cost ap proximately $77,000. The viaduct will be Sll feet long between the abutments and 740 feet long, including the ap proaches. It will be 60 feet wide, with a roadway 44 feet wide, street railway traces fill be laid on the bridge. ; TO BUILD STRUCTURE ON KiLLINGSWORTH neftS block at tha corner of Alblna and KlUIngaworth avenues, hss plans pre pared ror anotner brick building to be erected on the adjoining lot on Kllllnra. worth. Just off of Albtna. The new building will be two stories, covering a plot of ground $0 by 40 feet, ' An Interesting feature of the realty market In Portland during 1911 was the immense amount of .foreign money In-, vested In the city.. One of the best posted brokers Operating In local realty made the assertion' at a recent meeting of the realty board that not leas than $2,500,000 of eastern money has been Invested in , Portland real, estate this year. The element of speculation did not enter Into any of these deals. They were all purely for investment purposes and the buyers were attracted to, Port land for the reason that they could do better with their ..money here than eiae where, both from the value and the ren tal standpoint , , .;':;&?:; j-::::'i'---'j:'-'- Realty brokers generally are of the opinion that Portland Is Just , on , the threshold of receiving a, large amount of eastern money for Investment in real property.. , Many Of thai leading brokers who are In touch with eastern capital-1 IlsU'have deals now . pending for Port land property. v - .': . . . . . . vnv vyermur in targv oarage iraoia In the Willamette valley left for Chica go about the middle of Deoembsr for the purpose of closing up transactions In volvlng total considerations of more than $400,000, In every Instance, said ' this broker, these transaction' , are for . investment purposes, and what la equally as en couraging or more so, they are for cash. By far the most Important sale of Portland real estate to an outside buyer mad this year, was that of the librarr block on Stark street to J. W. Blodgett a millionaire timber and lumber operator from Michigan. While Mr. Blodgett paid only $400,000 for this property and while that: is generally considered as $60,000 to $100,000 under Its value, the deal was a good one for Portland, for many reasons. First; It was for all cash and that was an important Item to the library board in that it furnished them with means to buy a. much larger site and one more suited to the purpose; second; it unquestionably means the ex penditure of at least a million dollars in a new building. Representatives of Mr. Blodgett in Portland have as much as said that it was his Intention to put up one of the finest buildings on the Paciflo Coast on the library block. , , . Theatre) tts ' Sold....; - That ' he will do It there is , little doubt He Is a man of ample means to finance such a project and is too good a business man to allow such a large sum of money as he paid for the block to remain In an unproductive stats as it would when the present building is va cated by- the library.-: ,-.w -;; , ;..', Next in importance among the yeaiJ deals by outsiders la local realty wks the purchase by Sullivan and Consldint of a theatre site at Seventh and Yamhill as Portland is concerned. To this msy be added $260,000 to $800,000"' of other new- money that will be requtreed to build the theatre. ;' i "5" : Earlier in the year a local realty firm aold three pieces of north Portland prou- erty .. to English investors, . By com parison of course, , thesa were small deals, but they were important never theless slnoe they show that the fame or the city has reached beyond the seas, v ,' -a;sadsijJeal,;.)i,.t;S,'!v';,v, Over m the east Bide warehouse dis trict two quarter blocks were sold dur ing the year to eastern implement man ufacturers as sites for branch eatab liahments. The amount involved in these transactions was $160,000. In the early fall the Paciflo Telephone ft Telegraph company of San Francisco bought the quarter block immediately west of the proposed new Oregon hotel for which was paid $150,000. This deal also Involves the investment of money in a new building,- a representative of that company having, announced only a few days ago that a "San Francisco ar chitect is . nowJengaged in getting np drawings for a ten story structure to be erected there for the use of the tele phone compnay. ' ''' . San Francisco capitalists have expend ed , during the year in Portland more than a million dollars in the construc tion cf the new Multnomah hotel. T these sums may be safely added at leaut $300,000 Invested by newcomers to Portland in homes, so all in all, Portland Ifj to be congratulated , because of the Immense amount of outside money brought to the city la the past twelve months. . ' TH El ALVEOLAR ! G U A R A N ' Rent a New Piano New pianos to rent at $4 per month: rent allowed on purchase. The Wiley -- : - --- nut uiuwn vo yureiisn, ine wtier For this property, $330,000 was paid In B. Allen Cov corner 7th and Morrison caan ana 11 was ait now money ao iar streets. When,' teeth bear tha trademark "Al veolar" they carry the same insurance as a Dlece or Jewelry marked rirranv' or silver stamped "Mterung." , . It Is not onr deslra to aggrandise or exaggerate our merits, out to. tea tne truth about ourselves, and to impress that ' trutn so forcibly upon our . read ers that they will be eventually Obliged to- accept it. .Competition in every branch of commercialism nowadays has become so keen that opponents in . the field resort to all means of arts and crafts to accomplish their ends,, But It has always been our belief that there Is still left in the world enough hon- eaty and righteousness to work, out tha redemDtlon of every man and cor- poratlon11 attempting to do business on businesslike, honest principles. . And the courage of our conviction has merited ror us mucn praiae ana esiaDiisnea xor us an unlimited practice tmonr the representative) people or every city in which our offices are located. . . Wa have the commendation of all who have employed our service with,, we might say, the exception of the growlers, who i-rjr - ivr inv xnuon, anu, uegauaa ciania Claus does not put It Into their Christ mas atocKing, reap tne wratn oi injured feelings by refusing to meet their hon est obligations. .. . . We ' have confined ' ourselves within the rigid lines) of , the v'atralght and narrow- way, , advertising- our claims truthfully and - then doing all we can io mam gooa tne claims. '- , ; ?. ' Our guaranty is to render satisfac tion. We are not doing business pure ly with the idea of making money, re- Itardless, but with the idea of making it egitimately, "and with a ; clear title, and, though w claim not to be philan thropists In the. literal sense of the word, we boast that . our endeavor is to render humanity a service, and re ceive a Just compensation, for the ser- Vice. f Among your New Year "Don' ts" let there be one - that reada; "Don't neg lect my teeth.' If your teeth need at tention, let that attention be given NOW. Take the ounce of prevention now rather than the pound of cure law-' er, and when you buy dentistry, buy the V best' It Is the cheapest in- the end. Cheap work Is expensive at any price. ?, Alveolar Teeth; - Where Bridgework t tvIf onlyour front teeth are left,) say I; ,.r,or for Of-more, we can replace' all thosa that have been lost on both lag teeth, whilst bridgework . would be impossible even if you had eight or tan, front teeth to tie to. If you have only we can supply all the front teeth that are missing with beautiful, serviceable, ' lifelike Alveolar teeth. This could not " possibly be done by the bridge route. And where bridgework la possible, there is no comparison between the two. A very large percentage of our work Is taking out bridgework put In by sup posedly high-class dentists and replace In it with the beautiful and artlatlo Alveolar teeth. And, unlike bridge- . work in another resDeoL it 4a nrantiraii ' painless. No boring or cutting into the frums, nothing io . be dreaded. Now, hen, prices being equal, which would you ohooseT. .- .- -....t We have - samples counterparts of actual cases in our office la ahow. ' Come and sea the work. ; (Taring Pyorrhea (loose teeth), a dis ease given up by other dentists as In curable, Is another f our specialties. We cure it absolutely. It's a boastful statement to make, but we can do any- tning m is poBsiois in aenustry. ana what we do is always of the very h!rl est class. . Our booklets. Alveolar Den tistry, are free, Write for one if you cannot call. ,.- ALVEOLAR DENTAL CO -. DENTISTS. ' ; ,: Portland. Ablngton bldg.. 10H 3rd st Seattle, Haignt Diag.. sna ana fine. Terms to Hellenic reopie. Furniture A . ' ' '- " ' ' ' ' ' .' 11 - ' Rn '' . ' " "lm rm' ) V. ' . eKESISBBM : ' 1 ' ' ' " PSSJ Carpets K 3P? V 20-to'40 Per Cent Off' ' 20 to 40 Per Cent Off Tuesday Mp y ' Morrang Re-opems Bigger Ito - 26 to 40 Per - ; -Reductions IRy A t0 Miss ' 's SJ . . Rugs, :' . - Ranges : U JtT Jh 20 to 40 Per Cent Off 20 to 40 Per Cent Off 20 to 40 Per Cent Off V fURNlTURg Y Liberal Credit If Desired Don't Fail to See Our Windows HENR JENN1NG & SONS, Oac Year Ahead of Competitort . CQR. SECOND AND 'MORRISON ' Home of CooJ Fornitare A i 1 :