THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. . SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 30, , 1911. Programme FgrS Events in and ' ArotrndPortlana MOST CHURCHES YEAR ON SUNDAY Oldtime Custom of Holding Watch Will Not Be Followed in General; Services Mon day in Some Churches. Both tomorrow and Monday are to' be observed by the churches In honor of the new year, but the majority wUl have their services on the Sabbaths The old-fashioned custom of holding "watch" service on New Year's eve will not bo generally observed. In a few of the churches, however, such as the German Methodist Episcopal church, the First Nasarlne church," the Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist, Lents Bapt ist and the United Evangelical churches, the congregation and friends will gather during the evening and with prayer, song and testimonial watoh 1911 become history and 181J take Its plaoe In their lives. One of the most Interesting services to be held tomorrow in honor of the day will be at the Church of Our Fa ther, Unitarian, when Dr. T. L. Eliot, the beloved pastor emeritus of the church, will deliver an appropriate ser mon. The muslo will be In keeping with the spirit of the day. Services will not be held in the evening. Programs Announced. At the First Congregational church Dr. Dyott will preach special sermons both morning and evening tomorrow. v Ills subjects will be "Better Than a Happy New Tear," and "1912, the Best Yet . Year." Dr. John Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will preach on "A Message for the Now Year," and "Time, Making and Unmak ing Life." Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller will sing "Some Day." Dr. Young's evening sermon at the Taylor Street church will be of special significance for the new year, and there will be special muslo. At the Taberna cle Baptist church, both sermons will be appropriate. Rev. Robert Gray will preachT At the First United Presbyte rian church, Rev. Frank DeWltt Flndley will preach In the evening on "Knee Deep In Clover In 1912." Dr. R. Web ster will give a Now Year's sermon at the Church of Good Tidings, Universal is!, tomorrow morning. At Sunnyslde Methodist church Dr. William IL Fry will preach In the morning on "Meditation for the New Year." Albert Ehrgott, pastor of the East Side Baptist church, will deliver two New Year's sermons. Special Xuslo. Dr. J. H. Cudllpp of Grace Methodist church will take the oocasion as his topio for both services, and special mu sic will be rendered. At the East Forty fifth Street Baptist church, Rev. A. B. Waltz will preach in the morning on "God In 1912." Dr. William Parsons of the Third Presbyterian church will preach two New Year's sermons. Rev. C. B. Elliott of Highland Baptist church will preach on "God's New Year Offer" In the evening. At the Grace Baptist church, Montavilht, Rev. Albert E. Patch will speak in the morning on "Resolutions, Broken, Mended, Kept." Rev. Duncan Martin McPhall of Arleta Baptist church will preach In the morn ing on "A New Y'ear's Vision." Rev. II. F. Cheney will preach special ser mons at Loth services In the St. Johns Baptist church. Dr. William G. Moore will deliver a sermon on "A Message tor the New Year" In the morning at the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church. Rev. Uebley J. Beaven will preach at both services on the subject at the Third Proebyterian church. At Betania Danish Lutheran church, services vill be held Monday morning nt 11 o'clock, and at the St. Paul's Ger man Lutheran church at 10:S0 o'clock. Albert Ehrgott, pastor of the East First White Temple, Rev. Walter Benwell Hlnson. S. .. :45; 11 and 7-30: preaching by tho pastor. Topics, "I Will Give You Rest," "Four Men Under One Hat." Arleta Rev Duncan M. McPhail. Sunday school. 10: B. Y. P. U., 6:15; services, 11 and 8:30. Topics "A New Year Vision, " "Out In the Wide Wide East Bide Rev. Albert Ehrgott Ser vices 11 and 7:30. Sunday school. 10; Y P 6:80. Topics, "The Supreme Need In ltfl 2," "Ring in the New." Highland Rev. C. B. .Elliott B. Y. P. V.. 7; Sunday school, 9:30 Topics. "Christ's Treatment of the Outsider, God's Neiw Year's Offer." Sellwood Rev. F. W. Hayes. 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; Y. P. II.. 6:30 Calvary Rev. J. N. Monroe, 11 and T:80; S. S., 10; B. Y. P. C. 6:30 Topics, "The Cross In the Light of Christ's Con sciousness." "Sin and the Savior." Immanuel Rev. H. S. Black. Preach ing at 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 12: Finding Out club, 6:18. Christmas service. University Park Rev. A. C. 8 ax ton, pastor; 11 and 7:30; 8. S.. 10; B. Y. P. feunnyside (German) B. S., :45. Con rad Wyss, superintendent St Johns (German) Rev. Karl F"eld meth; 8. S.. 8:46; 11 and 7:80; Y. P. W 7 St' Johns Rev. H. T. Cheney 11:80 and 7-30 Topics, "The Hidden Treasure of the New Year," "A New Year's Pro posal.'" . ... .,w.. Grace Montavina. .ev. Aiusn ,u, Patch. 11 and 7:30; Y. P., 6:30: S S.. 9:45. Topics, "Resolutions Broken, Mended and Kept," "Reaching the Goal M Chinese Mission 368 Burnside street 8 8., 7; J. O. Malone, superintendent First German Rev. J. Kratt 11 and 7:80: S. S., :46. . M Second German Morris and Rodney. Rev. Frederick Buerrman. 11 and 7:30; S. S., 9:46; Y.-P. U., 6:45. East Forty-fifth Street Comer Kast Main. Rev. A. B. Walts. 11 and 7.80. Topics "God In 1912." "The Bond of Union Between Man and God." Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson: 8. a. 10: 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P. U. 6:30. Topics. "Failure Not Feat" "The Question of the Age." ' Mount. Olivet Rev. R. II Thomas. 11 and 7:30. "The Appearance of Grace," TV, Mniintd Kin. Tabernacle Rev. Robert Gray, pastor, sermons, 11 and 7:30; 8. S.. 10; Y. P. M., 6:30. Tonics. "The World I Passing Away," ''Lord Spar It Yet Another Tt enr " Third Rev. W J. Heaven. 11 snd 7:30; a Y. P. U., 6:80: S. 8.. 10. Topics, "Old Year Meditation," "Remember' Swedish Hoyt ana Fifteenth. Rer. Frederick Linden. 10:45-and 7:46, B. &, 12:5k Y. P. U., 6:30. ,; Methodist, Trinity Rev. Charles T. McPheron. 11 and 7:30; K. L.. 6:80; B. S., 10. ' Taylor Stree Rev. Benjamin Young, D. D.. 10:80. a 8.. 12:16; E. L., 6:46. Morning class 9:80. Topics, "A. Pan of Grace," "A Message for the Close of " the Year' Grace Rev. J. H. Cudllpp, D. Win lister, M:30 and 7:30; 8 a, 12:16; Kp ! worth league. Tonics, "A New Year's . Meditation." "The New Year's Resolved Ii B'lrst Norwegian-Danish Rev, H. P. . 'Kalson, 11 and 8; S. b., 10; Y. P, M T. , J 1 j I CHURCH SERVICES I u New Westminster Presbyterian Church , f.jfcw; , " wAk Sir ill hl'W ' 1 VV i " ' ' T"" " ' arEsassaassifll New Westminster Presbyterian church, v The plans and specification for the beautiful neWchurch on the block bound ed by East Sixteenth, Bast Seventeenth, Hancock and Schuyler streets which Is to house the Westminster Presbyterian ohurch have been accepted by the build ing committee and work will be coin- 55- Church Union Presbyterians and Episcopalians are getting together. They are doing so In America and in Australia. Far apart In miles, the action of Christians in one country has just exerted marked In fluence on Christian leaders In the. other. Throughout the Christian Unity Foun dation there came to this country the other day the text of an agreement on union between the Church of England In Australia and Tasmania, and the Presbyerlan church In Australia, ac companied by a letter of explanation from the archbishop of Melbourne, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Henry L. Clarke. So significant was the agreement for the Australian union that American leaders In the bodies named held an In formal conference in New York this week. As Individuals they refrained from committing themselves to all pro visions of the Australian plan, but by unanimous resolution they express de light at steps already taken by others, and urge wide publicity of the action, to be encouraged to believe that cor porate reunion Is possible here. Changes In St. Peter's. Very important restorations are being made in St Peter's Cathedral, Rome. Three thousand square metres of new pavement have been laid at an expense of about $33,000. The pope has paid Into the hands of Mgr. dl Bisogno, the ad ministrator of the edifice, 131,030 lire and another sum of 30,000 lire has been given for the same purpose by Cardinal Rampolla. In 1854 Pope Plus IX made plans to recover all of the pilasters In the cathedral with rare marble, but owing to lack of means never carried out the project. Side Baptist church, with Mrs. Ehrgott, will observe "open house" at the ohurch. East Twentieth and Ankeny streets, on Monday from 3 to 6 o'clock In the after noon, and 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening. -The affair will be Informal, and they will be assisted In receiving by the deacons of the church and their wives. A reception will be held Monday even fng at Taylor Street Methodist church. Third and Taylor streets, by Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Young, to which the young people are especially Invited. St. Johns Rev. V. N. Sandefur 11 and 8; E. L. 7: a S.. 10. Epworth Rev. Frank James. Serv ices 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; 8. a. 9:45; E. U, 6:30. Bunnyslde Rev. William H. Fry D. D. ; 11 and 7:30; E. L-, 6:15; S. 6.. 9:50. Topics, "Meditation for the New Year," "Do Our Sins Always Find Us Out or Do Our Neighbors and Friends Always Find Out Our Sins?" Laurelwood Rev. Asa Sleeth. 11 a. m.: S. 8.. 9:48; Epworth league, T p. m. Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal. 11 and 7:30. Central Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 11 and 7:30; S. &. 9:45; E. L.. 6:30. Norwegian-Danish Vancouver ava. church. Rev. C. J. Larsen. 11 and 7:45. S. 8.. 9:45 a. m. Japanese Mission Rev. Eilssn Rt bara, 9:80 and 8:80; S. 8.. 8:30. Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rer. J. N. Burdell, pastor, 11 and 8; S. S., 10; E. L.. 7. German F. A. Schumann. 8. 8., 9:46; services, 11 and 8; B. L. 7:80. Toplo. "The Blessing of Personal Work. Centenary Rev. Delmer T. Trimble. D. D., pastor, speak at 11 a. m. and 7:80; E. I. 6:3C; a S., 9:48. Topics. "Baptism of Infant and Communion," "Living With Yourself," first In series. Woodlawn William J. Douglass: 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; E. L.. 6:30. Montavllla Rev. W. H. Hampton. Sermon at 11 and 7:46; a 8., 10., E. L. 6:45. Sellwood Rev. James K. Hawkins. 11 and 7:80; J. H. L., 2:80; E. I. 6:80. Kelly Memorial Rev. C O, McCulloch. S. S., 9:45. Preaching, 11 a. m. evening servtoe at 9. Topics, "Meeting a Great Opportunity," "I Am Resolved What to Do." University Park Rev. W. B. Hoi- llngshead. 1t and 7:80. Topics. "A African zion kv, w. jaannews; n and 8; S. a, 1; C. Bl, 7. Patton R. K. Meyer; 11 and 8j 8. 8 1 0 E T-j 7 "Lents Rev. W. Boyd Moore; 11 and 8; 8. S.. 10; E. L.. 7. Woodstock Albert E. Avers, pastori 11 and 7:80: 8. B.. 10 E. L., 6:30. Mount Tabor Rev. C C, Rarlck. Morning sermon at 11; B. L-. 6:80: 8. S., 9:46; evening service at 7:45. Oak Orove Rev. James T. Moore, 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10. Wesleyan Rev. O. a Wick 11 and l; 8. S., 10; Y. P. M., 7. Patton Rev. R. 8. Meyers, 11 and 7:80; 8. 8., 10; E. L. 6:80. a Bethel Rev. J. L. Craw, pastor, serv ices li and 7:45. 87 8.. 1:15; C. H.. T. lreabytriaa. First Presbyterian church Rer. John Boyd, minister. Morning worship. 10:30; evening worship, 7:80. Topic. "A Mes sage for the New Year," "Time, Making ami UnmakW Life." Calvary Rev. Tnoma Holmes Walk" er, 10:80 and 7:45; Bible school, noon. Topics. "What Mean Ye By These Stonerj "A Grand Review." Mlr.pah Division street and Bast Nineteenth. Service every Sunday. B. S 12 -'"Fourth Rrv. Dftnald Mackensle, 10:80 and 7:30; 8. Sj 12; C. K., 6:80. Marshall Street Rev. C W. Hays, H and 7:30. - . ' . . Forbes Rer. Henry it Pratt; 11 and T:80; 8. 8.. 10: C. E., 6:10. Piedmont Rev 3. E. Snyder. 10:80 and 7:80; S. S 12. Topic, "The Old, Old Story," sacred concert. - Hawthorn Park Rev. E. Nelson Al len at 10:38; 7:80: 8, 8.. 12; Y P. S. C. HI, 6 8 O4 Mount Tabor Rev. William Graham Moore; ,11 snd -7:30: a a. 10: TodIcs. , ..'.,':'".'.''' I". ' (.' .i''Ji-.'V to be erected on block bounded by ler and Hancock streets. menced In the near future on the first unit. The first unit -to be constructed will be the church proper, which will coat approximately $100,000. Later a Sun day school and social "annex will be added which will cost at least 335,000. When the second unit Is added the building will enclose a courtyard on Church Notes .. B The state secretaries of the Baptist conventions of the Pacific coast held a three day conference December 19-21, at the Baptist headquarters In the Y. M. C. A. There were present J. II. Beaven, western Washington; F. A. Agar, eastern Washington; W. H. Bow ler, Idaho; G. R. Vernoy, Utah and Ne vada; J. F. Watson, southern California; T. F. McCourtney, Arisona; F. C. W. Parker, Oregon, and also Thomas Steph enson, Montana, as a visitor. In the conferences were also Rev. C. A. Wood dy, D. D., superintendent of American Baptist Home Mission society, and Rev. G. L. White, superintendent of the American Baptist Publication society for the Pacific district. Three sessions each day were held and the discussions covered all phases of the activities of the state conventions. Holy communion servloes will be held at the Grace Methodist Eplsooal church Snnday morning, January 7, when a large class will be received Into the church, It 1 expected that a large crowd win attend this service. Thurs day evening preceding communion Sun day a "love feast" will be held Instead of the regular Thursday evening prayer service. J. E. Haseltlne will lead the meeting. The monthly meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary society will be held in the parlors of the Grace Methodist Episcopal church at 2 o'clock Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Bloom of the so ciety, has prepared an Interesting pro gram. The Ladles' Aid sooiety of the Grace Methodist Episcopal church, has been asked to attend an all day meeting to be held in the Taylor Street Methodist church, Wednesday, January 10. Lunch will be served at noon. The revival services being conducted in the South Mount Tabor United Breth ren church are being continued with unabated Interest and success. Bahal assembly meets Sunday at J:S0 o'clock in room 322 Lumbermen build ing. The children of the Church of Our Father (Unitarian) held their Chrlst- "A Message for the New Year," " The Need of a Pilot." Third Rev. William Parson. 10:30 and 7:45; S. S., 12. Westminster Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7:45; S. 8., 12; t. P. S. a E., 6:30- Spokane Avenue Rev. D. A. Thomp son, 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; C. E.. 6:30. Hope, Montavllla Rev. Henry L. Nave. S. 8.. 10: 11 and 7:30. Kenllworth Rev. M. C. Martin, pas tor. Morning. 10:30: S. S., 11:46. Millard Avenue Rev Levi Johnson. Services, 11 and 7:30; S. S., 10. Vernon Rev. L. Myron Boozer, 10:80 and 7:S0; S. S.. 12; C. E. 7. Anabel Robert N. McLean. Ser vices 11 and 7:46: S. 8.. 9:45; C. E. at 6:45. Topics, "The Gift of God," "A Journey to Bethlehem." Rose City Park Services 11 and 7:45; Rev. Boudlnot Seely. Gregory Heights H. C Marshall, pas tor; S. S., 10 a. m.; sermon 11 a. m. and 7:S6. University Park Rer W. O. Kant ner, pastor. Servloes 11 and 7:80: a 8., 10; 6:30, Y. P. 8. C. E. Chinese 146H First, 7:46: 8. S.. 6:48. Arbor Lodge Rev. John A. Townsend, 11 and 7:45: 8. 8., 10. Trinity Rev. Wm. J. Spire, serrloes 11 and 7:30; S. 8 10: Y. P. 8. a E.. 6:80. Tipfnrmed Frank D. Frazer. Preach ing 11 and 7:80; S. S., 10. Ohrlstlan- Central 11 and 8; Blole school rally, 9:45. Dr. J. V. Ghormley will speak at 11 a. m. and 7:46: Senior Endeavor, 6:80 p. m. Morning address by Dr. Herbert Jewell. Evening revival serv ices. Special muslo. Rodney Avenue Bernard W. Bass, pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school, 11 and 7:30; Y. P. S. C, E.. 6:30. First 11 and 7:45, B, ft.. 10: C. E., 6-45. W.. F. Reagor, minister. Themes: "Bartlmans," "Certainty In the Midst of Uncertainties." ... Woodlawn Rev. Eawaro wngni, 11 and 7:30; S. 8 , 10; C. Ev 6:80 Gladstone Rev. A. H. Mulkey. Ser vices, 11 and 7:80. Bible school. 10. St Johns J. R. Johnson, pastor; 8. 8., 10: preaching at 11 ana 7:30; C E., 6:80. Montavllla I. O. O. F. 8. S., 10. Preaching, 1 land I. Rev. O. K. Berry. Hallwood A. j. Annms. i. o. ana a w4ma In Mrlnr. Sellwood Y. M. C A. from 10:30 to 11 j b. u. ia.. h r 6 :'30; ' evening ervlce, 7:80 to 8:30, Catholic Bt Mary Pro-Cathedral Most Rer. A. ChrUtle, D. D. Low mas. 6. and 9 High mass and sermon, 11. Vesrier" Instruction and benediction, 7 :4B. "Mor ii in Pr.lltlnal Llfa" hv Fath er O'Hara, evening. Bt. JOsepn' luermnni . James Rauw, V. Q, Low mass, 8. High man and sermon, 10:30. Vepers, bene diction, 8:80. 8t. Francis Rev. J. H. Black. Low mas. 6, 8:30 and 9:80. High mas and sermon, 10:30. Vesper. Instruction and benediction, 7:80. , - T 8t Lawrence' Rev. J. C Hughes. Low mas, 6, 7 and 8:80. High mas and iirmon, 10:80. Veeper and bene- alStnMlchaer (Italian) Jesuit Fa thers. Low mass,. 8. High moss and sermon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction, 7-80 'immaoulste Heart of Mary Rev. W. A. Daly. Low, mas, 6. 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 10:30, Vesper and benediction, 7:80.- " ' . St Patrick, Rev. E3. P. Murphy Low mas. 8. High mas and sermon. Plans Now Ready East Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Schuy- three sides and the fourth wUl be formed by a cloister. The building is to be thoroughly mod ern and will be of the English Gothlo type. It will be built of native stone. trimmings of Tenlno stone. The audi torium will seat 1050 people. Ellis V. Lawrence Is the architect. The new soclul service has reached the stage where hymns sing its cause. A committee of Unitarians, revising present Unitarian hymnals and promis ing to have the new books ready for use next year, announce Inclusion in them of social service hymns. In the same books are to be about 200 new hymns, exprepslve of the new age on other lines. There will be. It Is said, a variety of tunes offered, so that greater range will be possible than now for congregational taste. The revision Is being made by .some of the ablest of choir masters of New England. Ready for issue with the new hymnals there will be. It is now expected, new service and hand books for use by Uni tarians, one by congregations, tho other by ministers at marriages, communions, funerals and other, special occasions. Unitarian ministers are contributing suggestions for all of these books. Old Unitarian books have been In use about 40 years. mas entertainment Wednesday after noon in the parish house. Besides the regular program, there was a Banta Claus, who distributed the presents. A Christmas tree 'was also In evidence. The Women's Alliance of the Church of Our Father (Unitarian) will give a Liszt musicals Wednesday afternoon In the chapel of the churc h. This program Is under the direction of Mrs. Henry Berger Jr. . Revival services will begin Sunday, January 7, In the First United Brethren church. East Fifteenth and Morrison streets. The Third Baptist church Is holding cottage prayer meetings every Friday evening. Today It is being held at the home of G. W. Butler, 935 Commercial street. The annual prayer meetlnj of th First Presbyterian church on New Year's day will be held at ( o'clock Mon day morning. Coal, block wood, sawed ties, dry slab. Alblna Fuel Co. 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 8:30. Ascension, Montavllla Rev. J. P. Fltzpatrick. Mass at 8. High mass with sermon, 10:30. Sunday sc-hool a . Benediction st n:3U. St. Stephen's Rev. W. A. Waltt Low mass, 8:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Holy Rosary Very Rev. A. S. Law let Low mass, 6, 7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vesper and benediction. 7:30. Sacred Heart, Mllwaukle Rev. Ore gory Roble, O. S. B. Low mass, 8. Hih mass and sermon, 10:20. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. Holy Cross, University Park Rev. J. P. Thlllman, C. R. 0- Low mass, 8:30. High mass and sermon. 10:30. Vesper ana benediction. 4. Holy Redeemer Rev. Ed. K. Gant well, C. 88. R. Low mass, 8. High mas and sermon, 10:80. Benediction, 4. St. Andrew's Rov. Thomas Klnrnan. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers, Instruction and benedic tion, 7:30. St. Ignatius Rev. F. Dillon, a J. Low mass, 8 and 9:30. Mass, sermon and benediction, 10:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Rev. Charles Seroskl. Low mass. 8; high mass and sermon, 10. BplscopaL Trinity Church Rev. A. A, Morrison, rector. Services at 8 and 11 a. m., and 7:30; 8. 8., 9:45. St MattheWB Rev. William A M. Break. Holy communion, 7:15, fit. Eliza beth's House. Service and sermon, 11; evening service at St Helens. 7:80; Bible meeting at 2:80. I'ro-Cathedral 01 St. Stephen the Martyr Rev. If. XI. Ramsay. Holy communion, 7:30. Prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:30. Suniav school. 10 Church of Ort Savior Woodstock Rev E. H. Clark. Services 8 and 11. St. David's Rev. Kenrv RussHI Tal bott 7:80. celebration or the Holy Eu charist; 9:45, a fi.: morning prayer, 11: evening prayer, 8; Holy Eucharist first Sunday of every month. St. Andrews, Portsmoutn Holy eucharist and sermon, 11: prayer and sermon. Tr30; S. S 10 a. m. All Saints' Rev. Roy Ed?ar Reming ton, services at 11 and 8; 8. 8., 9:45. St Mark's Rev. J. JE. IL Simpson. Holy eucharist, 7:30. 8. 8., 9:45: holy jiicharist and sermon, 11. Evensong and sermon, 7:30. St. John s Church Rev. T. F. Bowen. a 8., 2. Evening prayer and sermon, I. Good Shepherd Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 10.. Asoenston Chapel Portland Heights. 8. 8., 9:30. Grace Memorial Rev. George B. Van Waters and Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, rec ton Holy communion, 8 a, m.; morning prayer, 11 a. m.; evening prayer, 7:80 p. m.: 8. 8., 10 a, m. Bt. Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 8., 8. Services, 4. . Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Good Samaritan Hospital Rev. William R. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. 7 am. Ward ervices. 8. Prayer and sermon, 7:15. St. John's, Mllwsukle Rev, T. , F. Bowen. 8. S., 2. Evening prayer and sermon, 8. Bt Mlohsel and All f Anrels Rev. Gerald C. Potts, curate 7:30 and-11. Holy communion. Congregational. First Rev. Luther R. Dyott. D. D., Topics, "Better Than a Happy ' New Year," "The Best Vet Year 11 and 7:45. : ' Eunnyslde-Rev. J. J. Staub: 11 and j; Social Service Hymns H K Christmas Program An Interesting Christmas program was given by the Sunday school of the Cal vary Presbyterian church last Wednes day night. Stereoptican pictures were thrown on the screan and boys and girls representing the different countries re cited In accompaniment. Miss Elizabeth Walker, daughter of the pastor of the church, took the part of a child widow of India, coming on first dressed In the white costume worn by the unfortunate girls. Later she appeared without the widow's wetds in the guise of the same widow after she had come undor the in fluence of Christianity. A feature of the evening was the playing of Gordon Soule, 9 years old, who rendered soveral difficult piano se lections, among them one by McDow ell. A chorus of girls from the Junior department sang a number, of songs. John Bain, superintendent of the Sun day school, was presented with a beau tiful bouquet of chrysanthemums by the teachers and officers of the Sunday school. A bit? tree was decorated and loaded with candy which was distributed among the children. The County Baptist Young People's societies will hold a grand rally at the East Side Baptist church, Tuesday after noon and evening, January 2. Professor Wallace of the McMlnnville college de livers the address in the evening. The young poople of the East Side church will serve supper. The regular January meeting of the General Ministerial association which should occur Monday will not be held owing to Monday being New Year's day. No meeting will bo held until the first Monday in February. Church People - I 1 i if . ; V . .a. ........ t.iWMr.:; rt4- : 1 L-w i W f 1 mmmm. 3 " -j Miss Marie Paige. "Santa Clans on Time," a charming little Christmas operetta, was presented by the Sunday school of the Church of Good Tidings, Unlversallst, Thursday evening, under the direction of Miss Eda Trotter, organist and director of the choir. The operetta was enthusiastical ly received by an audience which filled tho church. Little Frances Wardner, 4V4 years old, was the "star" In a little act in 7:45; S. 8., 10; C E., 6:45 Rally day ex ercises by. Sunday school. Topics: "As a Sale That Is Sold," "Some Abld- tJUnff Certnlntles." St. jonns ev. u. w. rteison; 11 ana 8; S. 8.. 10. laurelwood Rev. William IL Meyer, S. 8.. 10 and 8: C. E.. 7:1W Highland Rev. K. B. Bollinger. W. H. Barber, supt.. 11 and 7:30; worship; Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30; S. S.. 10 a. m.; Inter mediate Endeavor, 5 p. m. Topics: "As Sure ns the Years, ' "Preparing to Dig Old Wells." Hassalo Street J. M. Lowden, Morn ing service 11 n. m. and 7:45 p. in.: S. S., 10; Y. P. 8. C. E., 6:30. Topics: "The Money Test of Character," "The Lost Opportunity.' First German Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:30 and 7:30; S. S.. 9:15: C. E., 6:30. UniverBlty Park Rev. W. C. Kjntner. D. IX, pastor; 8. 8. 10 a. m. 11 and 7:30. Atkinson Memorial Rev. Herbert G. Crocker; 8. S.. 10: worship, 11; evening worship, 7M5. Waverly Heights L. 8. Wlney. pas tor; worship, 11 and 7:30; S. 8. 10. Pilgrim Preaching at 11 and 8; S. 8., 9:45; C E., 7. Beventh say Adventist. Note: Regular services of , Jhls de nomination are held on Saturday -A . Central Church East Eleventh and East Everett streets, G. W. Pettltt, pas tor. Services 1 Sabbath school, 10 a. m.: preaching, 11 a. m. Montavllla Church, East Eightieth and East Flanders streets, A. M. Dart, pastor. Services: Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; preaching 11 a. m.: prayer meeting, Wednesday nlffht. 7:50 Mount Tabor Church ,'hapel Port land sanitarium. A. M. Dnrt, pastor. Services: Sabbath school, 3 p. m.: preaching, 4 p. m.: prayer meeting. Wed nesday nljfht, 7:30 Alblna Church Slcldmore street and Mallorv avenue, H. HueffC pastor. Serv ices: Sabbath-school, 11 a. m.j preach ing, 12 b, m.; prayer meeting, Wednes day night, 7:30. Scandinavian Church. Arleta Artolph Johnson; residence, Arleta. Sabbath school, 11 n. r.i.: preaching. 1! a. m.; prayer meeting. Wednesday nlpht. 7:30. Lents church C. J. Cummlngs, pastor. Services: Sabbath school 11 a. m.; preaching. 13 a. m.: prayer meeting, Wednesday night 7:30. St Johns Sabbath school, 10; preach ing, 11. . - ; Xmtheren. 8t. James English P. Allen Leas, pastor: services at 11 and 8: S. 8. ll; L. L. 7. Topics "A Sword Through the Heart" "Christmas Chrlstlanity.'r Swedish Immanuel Rev. J, Rlohard Olson, 11 and 8; 8. S., 9:45. .' United Norwegian Detmar - Larsen; 11 and 7:80; 8. S., 9:45: 9:30. Our Saviour's (Norwegian Synod) Services 11, 7:45. 8. S. 10. Services In Albina chapel at 11. Rev. I C. Foss, pastor. Zton's German (Missouri. Salmon and Chapman Synod) H. IL Koppel mann. 10:15; 7:45; S. S., 9:15. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbach, t-Ah; S. S.. 10; 7:30. Grace English (Missouri Synod) Kerby and Fargo, Rev. Carl Haaaold, 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 9:80. Swedish Augustana Rev. IT. E. Sand tedt. 10:45 and 7:46: S- B.i 9:30. Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Thoren; 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; Y. P.. 5:30. St. Paul' German Sunday school at 1:80 a. ruui oonfesslon at 10 a. m.i morn r i ... t1 ft" - j 4 f r - S , L M " " i mmimMmmmtMmi m. -a New Zion Church Plans for the new First African M. E. Zion church to be erected in the near future eoraer of East Sixth and Mult nomah streets are near In g completion, and the church will be a very handsome structure. It will be of modified Gothlo type In light pressed brick with a fin ished basement and will be 64 by 66 feet. The auditorium will be boVl shaped, and will seat 800 people, with seats for 150 more in the balcony. The Sunday school room will be separated from the main auditorium by rofling partitions and a'small room will be pro vided for the young children. The church Is to be modern In every respect, and will have rooms for enter tainments, with a kitchen in the base ment, rooms for the women, for the trustees, the choir and a pastor's study in the tower. A stereopticon room in the balcony with a screen which can bo rolled up out of sight over the organ Is to bo provided. The church Is to cost $20,000, and work will commence In the near future. II. M. Fancher Is the arch ltect. The residence now on the grounds Is to be turned around and remodeled to form a parsonage. Two Eaptlst pastors' homes were blessed with the best kind of a Christ mas present. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Waltz of the East Forty-fifth Street church received a baby boy, and Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Smith a baby girl. Santa left them a little before Christmas to get the most Important matters cared for first. Enjoy Operetta MIbs Eda Trotter. which slie entered the room on the stage with thu anticipation of finding other ?lrls. None being there she tells her dollle all about Santa Claus and finally sings her to sleep. She received a storm of applause for the self possession she showed, whioh was worthy of a much older and more experienced actress. Christmas muslo added to the pro gram, with Miss Mnrle Paige as violin soloist and the orchestra of the Insti tute of Musical Art ing service and communion. 10 ill a. m. and 7:30. Ellm Chapel Rev. B. J. Thorsen, 11 S. S., 10. Immanuel German (Sellwood) H. C Ebtling, 10:80; 8. 8.. 9:30. St. Johns (Evangelical synod), Ger man. E. G. Ileess. Services, 11; a C, 10. German school. Saturday at 1. Betanlo Danish Rev. J. Scott. Ser vices 11 and 8. Y. P. meeting Tuesday, 8. Lutheran Free ehuroh Rev. B. A. Berrevlk; services at 11. 2:30 and 7:30. United Bretnren In Christ. Radical Hev. oscar A. Martin, 11 tnd 7:3": S. 8,. 10: C. E., 6:30. First Russell S. Showers, pastor. Topics, "Workers Disqualified,'' "He Withstood the Shame." Alberta Rev. John W. Spreoher, 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 10; C. E.. 7. Tretnont Rev. Morns Goodrich, 11 and 8; S. 8.. 10; C. E., 7. South Mt. Tabor Rev. O. F. Blanch ard. 11 and R; 8. 8.. 10; Y. P. 8. C E., 7 p. m.: Sermon by Evangelist Dr. Mclnturff. Guy Woodworth Memorial Rev. R. G. Su'mmerltn. Services, 11 and 8; a 3., 10; Y. P. a O. E.. 7. Srazarens- First Church of the Nazarene Rev. C. Howard Davis; S. S., 9:45; Christ mas sermon, 11 a. m.; Y. P. H. L., fl; ev ening service, 8; prayer meeting, Wed nesday, 8 p. m.: street meeting, Union avenue and Burnside street, 7 p. m. Sermon by Rev. Harry Joseph Elliott, on "God's Power to Save," followed by a nlKht service. Sellwood Phureh of the Nazarene Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:45. Rev. Fillmore Talner. 8. S., 16; preaching services 11 and 7:30. Brentwood Clmrch of the Nazarene Rov. Aaron Wells. B. P., 10; preach ing services, 11 and 7:30; prayer meet ing Wednesday, 7:30. Scandinavian Church Rev. C. Erlck sen. Services In Woodman hall. 3:30 and I. United Presbyterian. Third Rev. 3. L. Acheson, 11; a 8., 10. First Frank De Witt Flndley, 10:80 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 12; C. E., 6:30 p. m. Topics, "Lord's Legend on Memory's Wells," "Knee Deep In Clover in 1912." The Church of the Strangers Rev, a Earl DuBols; 10:30 and 7:80; Christian Endeavor, 7:30. Topics. "The Ixird's Supper,' "Pleading for a Year of Life." Kenton J. S. Coie, S. B. 10:30; preach ing 11 and 7:30. Svancellcal Associations. First English F. B. Culver, 11 nd p. m.; S. 8., 10; Y. P. A., 7; Christina program by S. 8.. Bpeclal music. Tl 1 P.rvtn 12 t) .... .... , ..A A pastor, parsonage 539 East Eighteenth? street. 1 ua. m.. etunuay scnooi; 11 a. m morning worship: 7 p. m., Y., P. A. devotional service; s p. m,, evening worship. North Portland, (German) I. Stock er; 8. 8., at 10; sermon at 11 and I; Y. P. M., 7:15. First German IL Schuknecht; 10:4 and 7:30; S. 9:30. Norwegian Mlsslon-rMeetlnrs every Sunday mornlnut at 11 o'clock, every Thursday at 7:45. Morton Olaen, pastor. '' Unitarian. Chure.t of Our Father Rev. W. O. Eliot. Jr.: Rev, T. L. Eliot, D. D., min ister merltus. Bervlce at 11 a. m. 55- j Two Babies Born jyi; . "( ; J i 'i M ; " i Y. fiU. A. TO GIVE LECTURE COURSE ''The Great Ideas of Religion n Will Be Subject to Be Treat ed by Rev. John H. Boyd; No Fee Charged. R. R, Perkins, religious work director of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association, today announced . one of the most Important lecture court es that the Y. M. C. A. has ever conducted, Tho speaker will be Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of tlie First Presbyterian church, and the general topic of the serlea will be "The Great Ideas of Religion." This group of lectures Is for business and professional men and meetings will ' be held each Saturday noon through January and February. There will b,1 no fee for the course, other than a nora- ' Inal chargo for luncheon. it Is hoped that about 100 builnesa and professional men will register tor this course. Those who desire to at tend should send their names to Mr. Perkins as soon a convenient. Follow ing Is an outline of the addresses to gether with suggested readings as prep aration for each address. January t A dlsousslon of th rela tion of the early chapters of Genesis to modern thought, showing that through them emerge the four funda mental ideas of religion God, Man, Sin, Redemption. January 13 In this address the con tribution of the great patriarch, Abra ham, to religious thought will be traced. January 20 Herein the constructive mission of Moses will be exhibited la raising a loosely associated horde of herdsmen and slaves Into an organized national life, thus preparing them for th career which makes the Hebrews : the most unique people of all time, January 27 The period of Israel's greatest power and expansion Is reached, under King David. February 3 A study ef the llf and times of the great representative of "Prophetlsm," Isaiah. February 10 In thi address an at-. tempt will be made to estimate the to tal results of Israel's history. February 17 The theme of this ad dress will be "God's Method In the Personality of Jesus Christ." February 24 The Mission of Paul a work of universalizing that which had been local. His method of preparing Christianity for Its world-wide exten sion and timeless Influence will be ex hibited. a No Pew Rent With the largest membership of the Presbyterian churches of th United States, the Central Presbyterian churohv of Brooklyn, N. Y., has decided' to abol ish the system of raising money for its expenses by selling its most desirable pews. It will also recommend that the practice of pew renting be abolished throughout the United States 'in tho Presbyterian churches. The Central church spends about $50,000 each year which has been raised until the present by pew rent "There Is nothing new in this move ment," said Dr. John Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, "and there are ninny other churches as largo as the Central church which have done the same. In our church we have a double system, which Includes both pew renting for those who wish to contrib ute In that way, and subscription for those who do not. The action of Cen tral church does not Indicate a general movement" and 7:46. New Year's ervloe, sermon , by the minister emerltls. Christening; services at 10:15. Communion at 13. Evening service omitted. Advent. Advent Chester F. L. Smith: preach ing, 10:30 end 7:30; Sunday school, 12; P. 8. L., 6:30. Free Sisthodlst. First church Rev. W. J. Johnson, pastor. Sunday services, 11 a. m, 8 P m. and 7:30 p. m. Central church Rev. W. II. Boddy; S. S., 10.: services 11 and 7:30. Prayer meeting at 7:80: Y. P. M, 6:8ft. St. Johns 11 and 7:80. United Evangelical. First Rev. a C. Poling, Holy com munion In the morning; 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; S. 8.. 10; Keystono League, Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Ockley Green Rev. J. Bowerjox. 11 and 7:30: a S.. 10; K. L. C &,: P' Bt! Johns Ivanho and John. Rev. C. P. Yates; 8. a, 10. rrlend' Church. Snnnyslde LIndley A. Wells, 11 and 7:80; Bible chool 10: C B., 6:S0, Lents Center street, Myra. B. Smith t 11 and 7:80; Bible school. 10. West Piedmont Friends Rev. T. J. Caburn. Preaching 11 and 7:30: a a. 10. Services every afternoon nd eve ning thi year. ' "" IC B. Churoa South. Rev. J. H. Bennett, pastor. 11 and 7:80. S. 8.. 9:45; 11 a. m., preaching; Epworth) league, 7:30 p. m. Seformed. First German G. Hafner, pastorj ser vices 10:45 a. m. and 8 p. m.; 8. S., 9:80 a, m. Christmas tree in the evening. " Bervlce for th Deaf. United Presbyterian Rev. & Earl DuBols, 10:80 and 8: C. E., 7. Address by Mr. Metcalf, "The Lord' Supper." Christian Bclenoe. ' First Church of Christ 11. t: subject of lesson sermon. "Christlnn Bclenoe." Second. Woodmen's Hall. Sunday service. 11 l m.; subject of lesson, "Christian Science." ... f: ' ' TrnlversaUst, .' v Church of th Good Tidings Rev. 3. D, Corby, 10:45. 8. S. 12, - Topics, ad dress by Dr. R, Webstar Christmas muslo. : , Miscellaneous, Church of the Brethren (Durtksrrts) Rev, George C. Carl. 11 and 7;3U; 8. a., 10: C W 6:30. Swoillsb Corps Salvatloa Army 439 Burnside. 11, 4:30 and Volunteers of America 285 Hurnuld trMtt. 8:30 and 8:90. L. New Church Society (fiwedenborurlan) Bleventh snit aiopi, jvnisnis i j ytri las' hall. Lay sorvloe and sermon, 11. The Church of God, 8i Falling stri ct Rev. J. T. Nesl. pastor. Suri'iny m-r. vices at 10 (German!, 3:30. 7:4&; r H , 1:30; testimony and pralsa mating 1. Y. M. C. A. Sixth and Tnylor siromi R. H. Perkins, religious director. ;l-i ing for men; ' Lents Church Center tret. M a Smith. Punching, 11 an.l 7:4&; n, B"pUah 1 Jlilesion Full gospel H indir 1. TO BUSINESS MEN j-)4t 'NwMrVW "