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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1911)
SANTA' PAYS VISIT ; TO ; Distribution of "Gifts!' From f Christmas Tree Causes i ;; Many Laughs.- Many notables of the otty and stats, including Governor Oswald West, Coun cilman Tom N. Monks, Lee Samuels, Dr. Andrew C. Smith, State Senator Abra ,ham and others, were included In the BOO guests of the Portland Press club at Its first Christmas tree party given In the handsome quarters of the club in the Elks' building last night. The party was mads the occasion for great jollity, the gifts having been pre sented mostly in fun and received in the same spirit Governor West re fused to show what he picked off the tree, but it was rumored around the club that the present was sent , to him by Mrs. Emmallns Pankhurst of Lon don. ., - Bancs ciaus" vmoent acted as high chief factotum of the evening. He and half a dosen assistants spent several hours denuding the tree of its three thousand "Joke" gifts. , , Councilman Monks received an owl with one wing. The lawmaker recently introduced an ordinance requiring the street car company to put on an all night "owl" service, but he compromised with the company by permitting them to extend the schedule to 1:80.. The one winged bird typified the compromise. "uoo" Marshall, one of the most pop ular members of the club, received a small water wagon. He showed no hesitation in exhibiting the present and declared he would take a seat on it after the first of the year. Dr. Smith, who is an ardent booster for good roads, received a package con taining a miniature pick, a shovel and a rake. He pretended to believe that the tools were given him so he could prepare graves for his numerous intend ed victims. Dr. Smith, of course, is still a practicing physician. Following the presentation of gifts in the jinks room, the guests repaired to the buffet where refreshments were served. All during the evening an orchestra stationed In the lounging room fur nished music. A vaudeville exhibition in the jinks room was a feature of the entertainment. Songs by Cy Confer, Fred Bauer and Gene Wilson of the Peo ple's theatre were popular numbers on the program. Cliff Carney performed on the piano. Percy Challanger of the stranded "Golden Girl" company con tributed a witty recitation. Lou Davis sang some rag time hits. An address of welcome, delivered by LI Chung Loo, the club major domo, was received with a great burst of applause. 1.1 delivered the address In his native tongue,1 after he had been pre sented with a box of silver. - Patrolman J. 3. McCarthy, who was suspended by Chief or Police Slover on a charge of drunkenness December 9. was yesterday reinstated by the police committee of the executive board, but as a lesson he was fined the amount of his salary between December 9 and today. .McCarthy pleaded guilty to thu charge. He arrested a peddler the aft ernoon of December 9 and brought the innocent vendor to the police station on a charge of having been on the streets "after hours." This expression refers to a period after midnight. The arrest being made In the afternoon was enough to convince Chief Slover that McCsrthy was not sober. Friends of the patrol man say that he Is a good officer, and that they were surprised at his derelic tion. The committee set the hearing of Pa trolmen Gill and Griffith for next Thursday afternoon. They are charged with having entered a private apart ment without authority to do so. De tective Satark Lytle'a case will also be brought up. Lytle recently departed from the city without . notifying the chief. He Is still absent. Captain of Detectives Charles Baty was granted a leave of absence of 15 days. He.wlll combine business with pleasure, taking part of his vacation while bringing an escaped prisoner back to the state of Oklahoma. 'J Better pianos for Sent At Sherman, Clay & Co., Morrison at Sixth. Journal Want Ads bring, results. FOE WIMTER WEAR Tine Best $3. ts New, Stylish ass Just received a new Velours in black, .v: Morrison &H RES PATROLMAN DRUNK FID REINSTATED I "I BE5v SaSiimg . ' Leading Hatter. ' " ': '':'- r? i ' THE gggWBWU HI JUSiJ GIRL ON BOBSLED COASTS INTO RIVER h4 Judith Donahue Is Pulled by Hair of Head From Water of the Deschutes. : :i'v . '(spsplal t. The Journal.) , ' La Fine, Or.. Dec. 29. An ' almost tragic Incident with a fortunate ending happened among the pupils of the La Pine district Tuesday when the life of little Judith Donahue was saved by one of her playmates, Frank GlUand,, li years of age, who effected her rescue from the swift current of the Des chutes river near the old postoffiae of Rosland, one mile north of La Pins. The two were members of a merry led party coasting down hill near the river. A little plateau of about 75 test extends' from the foot of the hill to the abrupt bank of two feet at the water's edge, v The rack down the hill bad be come packed by the sleds, and Judith boasted of having the swiftest sled in the party. Toung GlUand was return ing from, the river btttik with his sled when the girl shot by him, over the bank and Into the river. The boy ran to the river, reached down over the bank, and after two or three attempts, managed to grab1 the girl's hair. Two other boys In the party cams to his assistance, and rescued her from the water. SCALE SIDES OF HOOD The local snowthoe club will start from Portland on Its ninth annual dumb of Mount Hood this afternoon. The club will leave by train for Hood River. Aft er reaching that town the party will depart in wagons or sleighs, according to the condition of the ground, going as far as the road will permit them. They will then travel on shoes for the final dash to the clubhouse. The snowshoe jaunt will begin early Sunday morning and the return trip will be made Monday morning. The party expects to reach Portland Tuesday morning. The return trip down the mountain will be made on skis. The following members will make the trip: H. L. Corbett, Jordan Zan, B. Wlck ersham, E. B. Corbett, R. L. Glisan, Dr. H. S. Nichols, H. Mecklem, D. T. Honey- man, w. B. Honeyman and J. w. Ladd. The party will be guided by M. Wey- gandt and W. H. Bale. ARE IN GOOD SHAPE Los Angeles, Dee. it. The rejuvena tion of Frankie Conley and Joe Rivers who clash here in a 20 round return engagement New Year's day, is in prog ress heffe today, if the statements of their reflective managers are to be be lieved. A newt Frankie Conley, faster and better thin ever before, will be seen in action when the boys start, is the way Harry Gil more, Frankle's manager, puts it "Los Angeles fight fans will not rec ognize Joe. He has improved 1000 per cent. He is lightning fast and acts and fights like a new man." This from Joe Levy, the Mexican's manager. Both boys are undoubtedly in good shape. Mike Lynch to Scout. (United Prat Leaned Wire.) Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 29. Mike Lynch, leader of the Tscoma Tigers, will start east next week on a scouting trip for young baseball players. "I've got my eyes on some good ones if I can land them." said Mike. "Ike Butler has picked up some good ones for ms at San Diego." Special Piano Bargains Stelnway, S5; Chickerlng, $70; Koh ler, $187; Vose, $295; Fischer, $40; Stoddard, $25. Terms, $5 cash and $1 per week. KOHLER ft CHASE, S75 Washington St. $3 Rent Piano Steicway, Chickerlng, Flelsher. and other good makes, rent can apply on purchase price. 375 Washington St shipment of Austrian gray and brown. Fourth Street :l SNOWSHOE CLUB WILL CONLEY AND RHERS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, COBEY, COBB PICK BEST PLAYERS Old Roman Selects From His tory, While Ty Chooses. .V' American League.: Charles Comlakey, owner 'of the Chi cago White Box, and Ty Cobb, the great est ball player, have picked whom they believe the 20 greatest ball players. The seleotion of Comlskey Is of players of all times, while Cobb's list Is confined to the American league r ' Vean Gregg, the former Beaver heaver, Is In . Cobb's list, and Hal Chase, the big first baseman of the New York Americans, is. also named by the De troit marvel. ,- y - Their selections follow: Comlskey's 00. ' , President Comlskey has selected the men whom he considers the 20 greatest ball players of the past or present The list includes Mike Kelly, Tom McCarthy and Harry Lord of former Boston teams. Comlskey's Selections are as follows: Buck Ewing, first; Mike Kelly, second, and. "Pop" Anson, third; Charley Fer guson, Fred Pfeffer, Eddie Collins, Hans Wagner, John Glasscock, Harry Lord, Ty Cobb, Fred Clarke, Willie Keeler, Tom McCarthy of the old Boston team, Lajole, Charlie Radbourne, Providence pitcher; ' Bobby Carruthers, St Louis Browns; Christy Maths w son, Clarke Griffith and Ed Walsh. . ' Tjr Cobb's xdst: Cobb declines to pick the greatest 20 in both leagues. ' Equal honors are giv en Philadelphia and Detroit, each get ting five names. Chicago and Cleveland are given three each, Washington two, Boston and New York one each, while 8t Louis is not represented. The list follows: Donovan. Detroit; Walsh, Chicago; Johnson, Washington; Chase, New Tork; Lajole, Cleveland; Collins, Philadelphia; Lord, Chicago; Stanage, Detroit; Crawford, Detroit; Jackson, Cleveland; Milan, -Washington; Bulllvsn, Chicago; Speaker, Boston; Bush, Detroit; Coombs, Philadelphia; Thomas, Philadelphia: Baker, Philadel phia; Barry. Philadelphia; Oregg, Cleve land; Mullln, Detroit J. B. A. C Team Wins. The J. B. A. a defeated th,e Wash ington State Deaf Mute basketball five Wednesdsy night by the score of 22 to 12, in a fast game. The basket shoot ing of the J. B. A. C. featured the game. The J. B. A. C quintet would like to hear from other teams. For games telephone J. Bmokoon, Main 7726, after p. m. IN THE THICK OF THINGS OR THE THIN OF THINGS? It takes the steady nerve, the elastic step, the energetic body to meet modern conditions, and the quick mind grasps the fact that body and nerves must be properly nourished. Weak, hesitating, doubting natures are those who lack vitality. Their kingdom is the crust or outer edge the thin of things. SCOTTS BUSNN is the totalizer for all ages. It feeds nerves, body and brain with pure, wholesome food -tonic. It does not stimulate it nourishes. all Dftuaaisra For I ' ii is s ill r sr Mil Mil: rll aiJrfSak hosiery. The rough spots or darns sink into your flesh, along the lines of least resistance. Everwear Hosiery never neidt darning, and never causes a moment of discomfort Buy a box today and join the And-Darn Legion. The Box of Six Pair FOR MEN IWIaa Ottos, Fiae CasasMce. fiilkLUle. JO per set : .00 pat box .00 per box rOR CHILDREN 1.30 per box ,: Keypt 1 nor tun Rilkl.l f rrfttfaa Cottos, stsrs 5 toTVi yu CaihrnfT.. iuw i to 7j. SX00potb Pur Silk. C f Ilea's Piss 8Uk. lMs.aaic Ben Selling and Moyer Stores PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1911 COLLEGE inse Whitman and Idaho Abolish Two Branches of Con - ference Athletics. The graduate athlstlo managers of the Northwest college conference went into a special two day session this morning at the Imperial hotel and sev eral points of, vital interest to college athletics wlllvbe taken up before the meeting adjourns tomorrow night These who were present when the meeting was called to order this morn ing were Victor Zendlck, University of Washington ; Sam Dolan, Oregon Agri cultural college; Vincent Borleeke, rep resenting Whitman college; J. H. Jones, Washington State college, and Arthur deary, University of Oregon, and O. L. Larson, University ef Idaho. A couple of Important decisions were reached at. the morning session. Whit man college will take no part la basket ball and baseball this season. This is agne for Breakfast seems ridiculous, yet you smoke a heavy, black Havana immediately after the meaL Then you wonder why you aren't up "to the mark" Brain workers smoke a light, domestic blend the Gen! Arthur mm 10c Cigar M. A. Gunst CSs Co., Distributors REMEDY MEN 11-44 Men, Women and (Mdren Well shod feet always pay a dividend of comfort. thouch the best shoe in the world will not be easy to wear with the wrong kind of hosiery particularly mended with Written Guarantee FOR WOMEN a Cotton, fl.Mper bet aiJWj 3p box - mm Um. M Mliu. tuM isle, siset i sad larscr. $3.00 p box rtaCMhm,B.la4tarx1 ', aiAwpersea fax! S Month. VsttU'staa&Ok, X0Obex,Sakl MEN ARE SS ON TODAY unamp . final, according; to ' jJorleske, who ls pedajiT- represenuns- mat coueve. xne University of Idaho' win not take part in co He ire conference baseball and will play but one game with each of the con. ference basketball teams , Special Piano Bargains Stelnway. $86; Chickerlng-, 70; Koh ler, $117; Vose, $296; Fischer, $40; Stoddard, $25. Terms, $S cash and $1 per week. KOHLER A CHASE, S7S Washington BU What Vombet Bid Ton wish We have it Our stock of Victor rec ords is complete. Sherman, Clay & Co., Morrison at Sixth. . WRESTLING UQHT HBATTWEIOffT CHA1C- rzoasszp . AvkP- : i. it -J i r ohnBergvs.Wm.Demetral OBaoK vaEXJaosrAazsa Annory, Friday, Dec 29 8:15 F. K. Prices Ringside $2, $1.60. Balcony, first two rows $1.60, balance 76 cents. IIS DR.GREEN ASVZOB TO MEN Tou do not care to read Ions; winded, boastful advertise ments. What you want is a cure. Come to me and get it. I cure, to stay cured, all ali ments of men. ray When Satisfied Consultation, e x amlnatlon and di agnosis free. Hours, dally t to S; eve nings 7 to S. Sundays 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. Sea WasbiBfton $n Portland, Or. NERVOUSNESS?,;' and hysterical or despondent at timaa. GUNK'S BLOOD NKSVK TONICourM f.r srod. Boilds ap the system aad brlg-ht-eas Uae Mind. IScm box. Write for wrooC DR. UOSAJTKO CO.. PUladelphl. Pa. A STRAIGHT TALK ON MEN'S By C K. Holsman, M. D., a. X 1 J9 V ft A - J "SI I am an expert specialist, treating ailments of men ex. elusively. I own my office and equipment, publish my true photograph and personally supervise the treatment of all patients from the time they come to me until they are discharged as cured. Although etipled from early morn until late aner me wants or my pauenTB, ana in aaminisienns; my special treatment for Blood Poison and Varicose Veins, 1 always take pleasure in consulting with new patients. In offering; my services to the afflicted I am giving you the BEST that can be had anywhere. My reputation and experience for the past 18 y;ars can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and integrity and should be sufficient to convince the moat skeptical that I am the FOREMOST ind LEADING Specialist inPrtland I possess skill and txperience acquired in such a way that no other can share it and should not be elassed xrtth inexperienced doctors or ipeciallsts.' A thorough investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can gTve you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements, false promises or unbusinesslike propositions. I would like to have you for a patient if you will come to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting inducements that I offer, which are my ability, 18 years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and cur of certain diseases. ABxeon vsTjra. I daily demonstrats that these con ditions can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment in such a sat isfactory way. that the organs are preserved and strengthened, pain oeaees swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly reestablished. Instead of the depressing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. XXDlTBT aSD SUJDSEB DIS EASES. With these diseases you may have more complications than are present ed by any other diseased organ. By my searching illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the dlseaso and by microscopic examina tion and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying foundations for scienti fic treatment. rzcirio Bfcoon roxsoir. Scientific treatment only should be used in combatting: this loathsome disease. I cure Blood Poison by the new German Remedy which I intro duce directly Into the blood, purify ing It, neutralising It and expellinar poison from the system. New blood thus formed supplies snd rebuilds the tissues in such a way that - the patient recovers his normal state of health, strength and soundness. KT BXBBOT TREATMENT TOtk WXAXNES8. That disorder commonly known ss weakness has for years and genera tions baffled the efforts of physi cians, yet to this very dsy a ma jority of doctors, specialists not ex cepted, are attempting to overcome I trstat all Ailments of Man and cures to mtay cured I Offer Free Consultation and Examination t Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treat ment for varicose veins, hernia, nervous debility, blood poison, piles, fis tula, bladder, kidney and all men's ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination If you write for free book and self-exaratnatlon blank. : My office is open all day from a. m. to 8 p. m. and Bandar from 10 to IS. All correspondence treatad confidentially, better cheerfully answered. DR. 0 HOLSMAN HANDS WOULD Bill LIKE FIRE Could Lay Pin in Cracks. Four Long , Years of Eczema. Only Relief in Scratching. Used One Set of Cuticura Remedies. Hands Entirely Well. "I can truthfully say Cuticura Item dies have cured me of four long years of eczema. About four years ago I notioed some little pimples coming on tny little finger, and not giving it any attention, it soon became worse and spread all over my hands. If I would have them In water for a long time, they would burn liko fire and large cracks would come. I -could lay a pin In them. After using all the salves I muld think of. I went to three different doctors, but all did me no good. The aly relief I got was scratching. MSo after hearins so much about the wonderful Cuticura Remedies, I pur ised one complete set, and after using m three days my hands were much better. To-day my hands are entirely well, ons seii uoiug an x uoou. valgum Miss Etta Narber, B. F. D. 2, Spring Lake, Mich., Sept. 26, 1910. No stronger evidence than this could be given of the success and economy of the Cuticura Remedies in the treatment of torturing, disfiguring humors of the skin. A single hot bath with Cuticura Soap and a gentle anointing with Cuti cura Ointment are often suffioient to afford immediate relief in the most dis tressing cases and permit rest and sleep when all else falls. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are equally effective In pre serving, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands. Although Cuticura Soap (25o.) and Cuticura Ointment (50c.) ar sold throughout the world, a liberal sample of each, with 32-p. book on the skin and scalp, will be mailed free on application to Potter Drug fc Chem. Corp., Dept. SB. Boston, Mass- WIDELY KNOWN IN NORfHWEST Dr. C. Gee Wo Also the Oldest Practicing Chinese Doctor in Portland. Li.iAA' mil THE OaXtTESB OOOTOB When Portland was but a small town Dr. Wo came and opened an office for the purpose of treating sickness with the oriental remedies. How well he succeeded Is attested by the thousands of natlents who call him their doctor. His only means of combating dlsesse Is by the use of powerful and effective Root, Herb and Baric combinations whose secrets he alone knows. Consultation with him is free, so if ?ou are not well can at once, uumi own people ran begin treatments by sending 4 cents in stamps for symptom blank, which is to bs filled out and re turned. The C Gee Wo . Chinese Medicine Ci. 16SH Tit Btreet, Corner MOTrlson. i Portland. Oregon. DISORDERS The Leading Specialist my time is fully oc- !v, ... at night in looking ?' V C K. lolsmaa, M. t. it by methods that have been In con stant uae and have always failed for half a century. They dose the sys tem with powerful stimulants and tonlos. calculated to restore nervous force or strength that is not and never has been lacking, with the re sult that the functions are tempo rarily excited to the positive detri ment of the patient. Weakness is only a symptom resulting from many local conditions and is curable, by local treatment only, without the giving of a single Internal dose, which demonstrates the absolute ac curacy of my understanding and treatment of this disorder. In years I have not met with a single, failure and I have entire confidence in my ability to cure all cases that come to me for treatment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can com pletely and permanently restore strength and vigor. NO MONEY REOTTIRED VO COMMENCE TREATMENT. Vany patients have no confidence in their doctor, because he demands pay be fore a cure has been effected and there are many who have been mis informed about their oor flit Ion or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think there is no cure for them. I want an oppor tunity to treat such men. It makes no difference about the financial part, as I accept pay for my serv ices as benefits are derived; when I am satisfied the patient is reliable. Health is capital at interest I will prove my ability to ours before ask ing pay for my services. 221 Va Morrison St. I Corner Tlrat Street. rOTUUTD, OKIOOW - 10 IS .A i ? V r Sw-. V.: ism The heading- BBselaUst I am i. registered and license' physician, confining my specla practice to the ailments of Mli.N. have more money Invested in nv establishment than ail other Fort land specialists combined. I use my photograph so that whev you come to see me personally yoi will recognize me. Investigate ms personal standing before accepting treatment from a doctor of unkonwi identity or reputation. Are You being treated in a satisfactory man ner by your present doctor? Is nt carrying out his promises? Has h cured you in a reasonable time, ane lived up to his guarantee? Are ypu paying him exorbitant prices for medicine? Does he employ thorough ly up-to-date and scientific methods, which would be approved by the reg ular family doctor? If you cannot answer these questions favorably to yourself, coma and have a confiden tial talk with us about your ease It will cost you nothing. TAsxooan views, blood yox aoir, nusi. rcmjLJt, xxo . Cured in 5 Days wo Detention r-rom Occupation, Family ox some. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MrtsT TTiMir-HAVINa. M08T NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WIL.U U1T1B IUU TO OTHER MEDlCALi 4UTHUB1; TTITQ THAT THIS IS A FACT. AM CERTAINLY PREPARED TO CURE BY EXPERIENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARB THE KEYSTONES TO SUCCESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAX OFFICE ON THE CUABT. nun cows uitatiow T Invito vnn in coma to mv Office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Disorders, Piles, yis tula. Bladder, Kidney. Prostatlo and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; if nec essary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine pathological and bacteriological con ditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A per manent cure is wnai you want My offices are open all day from 9 a. m. to S p. m. and Sundays from 10 to 1. A. G. Smith, M. D. 834 Va Morrison BU Corner Sd Portland, Oreg-oa I Cure Men $io IS M Y FEE . Pay When Cased. General D abil ity, Weak irerres. L-aUJ insomnia Results of exposure, overwork and otn.r vio lations eg stare's laws. Diseases of ladder and Kidneys, Varicose Tolas, quickly and permanently oared at small expense. - SFECXaA ATT.MEHTS Newly con tracted and chronlo eases oured. All burning, itching and Inflamma tion stopped in 14 hours. Cure ef f acted In seven daya Consultation free. If unable to call, write for list of question. Office hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday a, 10 A. M. to 1 P. If. only. sa.uxrlO COAST VXDXOAXi CO, Ak Washlngtom St Oor. rtrst, Pertlaad. Oregea DR. KEEFE Nerve, Blood and Skin Ail ment Specialist Men are daily ex changing money for fueaswork and mis akes with those In experienced la the trestment of . their ailments. Tou have tried the rest, ' sow set the best upon the unparalleled proposition of "MOT A DOIiUUI KZEO BS AXD 1TIITIX, CUBED" The following diseases are suoces fully treated: varicose Veins and Nerve, Blood and Bkln Ailments, Kid ney and Bladder Troubles, Nervous Debility, Eruption, Piles and Pis tula. Consultation and Examination free to 6, T to 8 dally t Sunday, 10 to 1. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. A SQUARE DEAL . mmt will nt If you treat with me. Results are quick and nA.utvfc You are benefited at once. Man who have dragged their eases siong tor m o n i n s with some other spe cialist are astonished at the prompt effects l of my remarkable 4 treatment, i curej Nervous De cline. Vsrlcose Veins. Piles, rtupiur, xwieuma- - tlsm, stiff and swollen Joints, Kidney, cured by a f atnou and wU known Gr man remedy. . 4 OoaaultatioB rr. Writ or Call. DR. LINDSAY The OU. Bailable IpeotaUs. ' . Corner Alder and Second atreeta En. trance 1J8V4 Beoond street, roctiana, or. Of floe hours- t a. m. to p, nw Suav daya. 10 a. m. to 1 p, so. V K I 3 t'sn' wm w-