20 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1911, HFXr WANTED- MALE i SITUATIONS MALE J a MACHINIST to go out of town; steady WMiTTt. first class man only wanted. 222 Commercial CH:lPMg. MAN to demonstrate linoleum polish cnii it:, mh st. steady SITUATION wanted, reliable, trust- wortny and Industrious middle; aged married niun, experienced bookkeeper, rnsliter, collector, salesman, general of fice work and can operate typewriter. X-269. Journal. fuknisiteij nooMS east siru 82 HOUSES FOR KENT 12 HELP WANTED MISC. 40 TMlTrNl'MV STATR aTtOmTvHTI.K' l.WVS make tl impossible fur In competent or untrained persons to holo a chauffeur's ll.et.se and at the same time mike it possible for properly reg istered mid lie, lined chauffeurs to de mand higher Mtes. AVK 9 wT i A MAN HOLDING OI K " '''V-'J pass st:lte examinations. 01U'.'.".N AI'TO SCHOO!.. :'-s lit!, st.. eer. .l-ffe son TIIF ONI V SCHOOL CUtm I NO Till": 1NPOKSKM F. NT -F T1IK TRADE. BelmoMt Auto School Th Jnlv t ort:ct.!v e,u!pp-! eshool , " ON THE PAt'lFl-' ("OAST complete course, including thorough: driving innruetlorif, teehnlcnl and prac-, tl -al oi k In nil 1t" details. I E 2SP ANi MORRISON. I Take S S "f Mt Tnbor car: look us up i before decl.'lnc to enroll elsewhere. MEN and NEWSPAPER man. thoroughly eompe I tent in all departments of country work, wants position in Willamette val ' ley; no booze; might buy small prop erty. ivj-Kts. journal. TWO larea well furnished rooms. $8. 236 E. 6th Bt. E. 3109 FOR RENT New 7 room house, 1 block basement I j. frm Hawthorne carllne, water, elec KOOMS AND BOAKD IS Irlcitv. cement basement and sewer con nection and modern in every way. 261 KStithJst., Portland, Or. FINK modern 7 room house, Holladay Purk addition: fine location, 24th and in gentlemen wim reierencu ran w ... lrR. rfirn , tn fi veara find room and board in private fam- i .0,asc"' wl'L!laH,.Il l v hy Yi i' U? S?"vlencCH wa,kIn dl8tance' i (VmVrolal b di. Phone East 1 84 l? i -Mi,, iiui tint. . . i roii limy i a room nuuse wiin unto, and yard, garden roses, furnisneo including water. RELIABLE chauffeur, licensed. ' sober, j ROOM TnUClfviar I reenH. o.keSoop' married: would like position in prl- . " ,' ? "pvb;"tt Ktret Phone Fas J 8tft. strawberries and vate family or shop work; can nlvd ; ''a,t Everett street. 1 hone Las. ( j llnfurnl8he(J .,u pood references If desired. Z-260, Jour- t P--0' : , I Call 8048. nnl. 'HOTEI. clerk wants position, day or night; total abstainer; non-smoker; first class references; bond If required. ; ( N-2 6 8. .1 ou run 1. i I A YOUNG, reliable and well experienced ' chauffeur ((Icrmnni. wants position;; can repair my own machine. Please call at 251 Jefferson in Lodesmlth shop. ' M "A I! It 1 El man, won hi like position on i farm or worn! cutter, Green, 335 5th. ! FOR RKNT Nice large room. running hot and cold wnter, furnace heat, with board, home cooking. 391 7th. THE J"ARA RO S A La r ge, airy furn ished rfioms with board; splendid Io cs Uon.3J)0jWferson. Bo7VRD and room $6 tier week 3' In room $5 each; bath, phone, heat. 660 Rodney nve. , F(JR RENT 6 room modern cottage, 1 block from 2 cnrllnes, east side, rent reasonable. Phone East 2202 or Main 93M. FOR RENT 2 modern houses, rent $10 and $15 per month, 2 blocks from Al- Derta carllne. Apply J. Ji. cowls, 894 Alberta st. in irn ilu LAKGE outside room suitable for thre people, with board; heat, buth, $5 week; two people $6.50 wek. WANTED--Child te board ' 31 W. Jes snp. st,, St. Johns car, Patton ave., 2 i-.i-v-.- i.i ...11. i t ) iilock north. FUltXISHKIJ HOUSES 3 SITU A nOXS FEMALE .- . . . . i cose or k pnoffra i v oesires nosuion trade li. t w eks Spec! it 'n"'1Pnir,r ' : ! foi, r years' oxperience in poneral office neroentac" nrne-1 w-Kle lenrnlnc. Tools I i ..-. IT i-cnra in the Tree, t-xperi i n.-i i"' . business. " 7 schools. A life time schol arship Klven to e-, . ry student MoU't Barb'r college. 25 N. 4th st . Portland, Or "poRTLANLi AI T OM HilLF. SPHOOL. t23 Fifth Pt . North Portland, w. Our course includes practical experl ?rce on up-to-date cars, both in driving sod" shoo work, as well as a series of V-ctures coverinc every technical point. For further Inform?' Hon call or write. MEN stid worn, n to'lesrn barber trade ' in S weeks at International Barber school. First cHss set of tools free; percentage earned while learning; best of Instructors. 15 years In business. Life time scholarships given every student. ?6K Conch street. NEWLY furnished room with board, ! gentleman, steam. fiiO Couch, 18tn, Apt. 42. MIDDLE aged woman, good cook, wants HOARD and room for men with good work In small family, no washing. ! character at Y. P. C ., 541 Clay, I $15 17 minutes out on Oregon Electric 4 full lots, fenced and cross ffcnced, new u room house partly furnished chicken houses, lncutator, prune trees etc. Inquire 664 E. 6th. Phone Bell wood 1109. w..rk Call Main ''484. Phono Main 3163; wages $5 per week; room and board "$4.50 week. 233 Dth. M in t riu B, n.firl hnmd fr.r o-1-l 1 ......... a.., v VTVn. 1 has no mother. Stark. she Theo. Pierce, 1664 E. RL'Sf'Ex'TAnLE married lady wishes HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS WEST SIDE married lady wishes! 11 . .1. 1 o n r position, housekeeper, In rooming nUlll S LXDlcSS Oi DaSSaiiO V ELKOli il I V SneaKing of guaran tees l Will give a limited number of bona fide guarantees for positions to desirable applicants snd tench telegra phy in a practical way. Myers. 66t Flanders St.. Portland Or. YOl'JM'3 '"en wanted between age is ana 35- railroad service; telegraphers, sta tion asents. clerks, salaries $75 to $10 per month No strike; positions guar anteed competent men. For particulars address N-217 Journal. house. Call Main . '66. room 6. LXl'LitlKNt ED woman wants work. Mrs. Roberts. East 6087 day HAVE vour lace curtains laundered by expert 1 none Woodlawn 2684. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE AM) I-EM .1,E 23 GERMAN man and wife, no children, janitors, want position, private house, apartment, hotel. Rergmann. A-2397. I) KF.SS M A K I XO 1 trunk. 60c. Additional trunks, 26c each Grip with trunk free. A-3418 Marshall 416, FOR 3 months A rooms, nicely fur nished, fireplace and piano, $25 month, breakfast for 1 man; light cooking, gas ami telephone paid. 641 Marguerite. Tel Tabor 3161. BEAI'TIFUL home In fine location walking distance: to responsible peo pie for six months or longer or will sell furniture. 473 Main. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, good surroundings; electricity, gas. bath, $20. 564 Main. Marshall 4051. Jefferson or Morrison car to Chapman. Baggaze & Omnibus Transfer Baggage moved and stored. Phone Main 6N0. A-3322. 40 THE HALL Two furnished housekeep lng rooms $4 per week; running wa ter, also cheaper suites; children no ob jection. 4 14 Dth. LADIES' tailoring. cutting, fitting, sponging cloth, making buttons, but ton hobs Linings furnished. Reason able prices Gordon, 251 Yamhill. I FURNISHED front room, alcove, house I keipln". heat, laundry, $5 week. 47: I Clay st. I TWO' Wanted 3 sober Intelligent men to learn to i repair and drive automobiles. Call 266 j llthst. . j EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for first , class carpenters with $200; money not I necessary If references ate satisfactory ; building" proposition. Call Mr. Rhode- liamel. Main 8 !' 0 0 or Talor313 SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, typewrit ing etc., individual instruction, dav and night classes: positions guaranteed. K. B. I'.. ! 30 Worcester bldg. DANDY DRESSMAKER. experience. do all . . ',PIKT, ,an0. e" Bnt Irec' kinds of dr..sf.ia nn.l nltrln,.' Ill 346 Hall. Main 4&. housekeeping rooms. ii.bo weeK. go out by dav. .Marshall 1378. $2 per day. NURSES Phone ONE and two room housekeeping suites, I rent reasonable, walking distance. 275 Columbia. 60 WANTED Railway mail clerks. Port land examinations announced Jan. 16. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute Dept. S3-K Rochester. N. Y. THE IDAHO, cheapest, cleanest house - - wv-- keeping and sleeping rooms In city. PROSPECTIVE mothers may obtain 389 6th st. Phone Main 9520. A-2645. everything sterilized for confinement. HOI'SKKKEPINQ and furnished rooms, I hysleinns recommendations. For par-I 0em hotel. 665 S 1st: steam heated, ticulars call A. L. Lambert. Main 110, pew building, rooms $1.25 up. FIVE room modern bungalow com pletely furnished, modern In every re sped; piano, $2u. 160!) to Oneonta St., woodlawn; also nice 6 room bungalow FINE modern 7 room house, well fur nished, good location, $30 per month. Charleson & Co., 411 Commercial bldg. Phone East 1841. MODERN, nicely furnished modern six room house near car; west side; will rent to right party for $20 per month. Call 157 Idaho st. FURNISHED cottage, modern, 6 rooms, for small rent and room and board of owners Ci meals). 267 Going street, af ter 7 p. in. $20 FIVE room furnished house 188 East 4 Dth street, block from Mount Tabor car. Phone owner, East 654. NEW modern 7-room house, new furni ture, silver and linens; furnace; on Hawthorne ave.. close in. Tabor 2270. 10 ROOM furnished house, close to Hawthorne ave.. on E. 9th, cheap. East3J00. Apt. 2 2. NEAT furnished cottage, gas and wa ter, close In. 262 I'age st. Take U car. FURNISHED bungalow. modern. 5 rooms, hath, electric lights. 6106 E. 41st. W W carllne. , i.-i-it k. .. KOO.M for married people or, nlshed. -25 east side Phone M 70Kf. furnace, heat. 405 Stark; STUDY law in the day or night ciasses. New classes now forming. Portland Law School. 631 'Worcester block. VANTED Immed'slely: men to learn automobile driving and repairing. Call at 269 Union ave.. near Hawthorne. GIRLS. Learn our business; Sanitary Beauty Farlors. 400-412 Dekum hldg. UNCALLED for leilor mart" suits. $10 op. Taylor the Tailor. 285 Biirnslda. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 ; r .i pc.i m Khh witn city references, desires i,cii..lors position raring for one or more child- rn.se in FOR RENT Furnished 4 room bunga- dren; will go home night. Marshall Wtriarg fronrrooriiegarTt'ly'fur" 1 Arhor ''"l?-"- , thone IJjJ l.'.r.'.., . ; n ; : . i nlshed. will arrange to suit tenant, all i FIVE room furnished house. East 13th I'RAt TIC A L nurse would take invalid ' n..r.ir.n.-pu rai Mill t near nth ! nnd Alnsworth. Phone East 1210. APARTMENTS 43 FORDHAM APARTMENTS COM PLETED. At 170-172 Ford t., juat aouth of Washington, are the moat complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland. Finished In hardwood through out, giving tenants choice of oak. Cir casrlan walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled batha with superb fixturo;-4ilghest class aervlcei each with private balconv and bath; 4 rooms with most convenient arrangement. $42.60 to $50; 5 rooms, $50 to $60. Thin bulldltiK Is different. Let Mrs. Burleigh Hnow you mroiiga THE VILLA ST. CLARA, izth and Taylor. Just completed. moat magnificently furnished apartments !n the northwest; location perfect; rentals reasonable: "every modern convenience. Injludln banquet hall and roof irnrilen: hlt-h clasi servloe; references . required. Both phones In all apartments. Phone iMaln 5276 and A-70K7. BEFORE renting an apartment see the Albert apartment, new brick hldir.. modern, best for the moiiiry. 540 Union ave. cor. Russell. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 35 FOR SALE Good cowcheap at 904 E. Uth st. N. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FINE nedlgreed Great . Dane, male. 20 months; prlie winner, cheap If sold at once. 341 14th. Apt. A. i CANARY birds, fine singers. Imported stock, cheap. Tabor 817. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 Special Piano Bargains Steinway, $85; Chlckerlntr. 70; Koh ler. $187: Vose. $295: Fischer. $40: Stoddard, $25. Terms, $5 cash and $1 per week. , KOHLER & CHASE. 376 Washington st. A NUMBER of articles of furniture, bedroom, dining room, kitchen outfit, round extension table, chairs, steel range, small cook stove, water coil, dres sers, linoleums, rugs, 2 heaters. Victor phonograph, Hlnger sewing machine, gas fixtures. 112 Union ave?; next to P. O. FOR RENT FXATS 13 New 5 Room Flats Tour choice of one upper and two lowers. Will be completed January 1. Modern and strictly up to date. Gas range; water heater, furnace with hot water colls, fireplace and Irons and screen, brass electric and gas fix tures with mhades, Dutch kitchen, window shades, buffet and book cases, . excellent arrangement throughout. Price $30 and $32.60; 253 E. 17th St., one block north of Hawthorne ave. Call Tabor 3359 or see A. K. Hill Co.. 419 Henry bldg. NEW. modern 3 room flat, easy walk ing oistance. very private, fine bath. elegant wardrobe and china closet, large plate windows, shades, curtain poles, linoleum, gas range, hot water heater, furnace, laundry. A high class filace, adults only. E. V th and Coucn. FOR SALE tNew and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessorles bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Zirunswick-Balke-Collendor Co.. 46-48 5th St. 11x13 road engine (Willamette), guar anteed to be in first class condition and on a good sled, close to rail ship ment; a snap If you are looking Tor an engue of this size. It will pay you to look at it. X-266, Journal $70 Chlckerlng upright piano, regular $500 model. Was accepted as part pay on a new Kohler & Chase. Terms to suit. Kohler Chase. 375 Washington. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84. Special Piano Bargains Steinway. $85; Chlckerlng, $70; Koh ler, $187; Vose, $296; Fischer, $40: Stoddard. $26. Terms, $5 cash and $1 per Week , KOHLER & CHASE. 375 Washington st. SLIGTHLY. used pianos for sale from $100 up. Good Hallet & Davis, $125, dark case: good Ivers & Pond, $110; l'layer. $50; Sterling oak case (good as new). Hallet & Duvls, fine case, at your own price. Graves Music Co.. Ill 4th st EXCELLENT old violin for sale cheap, itne mejjo.w tone, ntwr ZM8. LAUNCHES A7I POATS 04 HOUSEBOATS, rownoats. launches to order. Danlelson. foot of California. FURNITURE FOR SALE 65 FOR SECOND" HAND GOODS Of all kinds and descriptions or WE WILL STORE YOUR OOODS USED sewing machines. . to $25, guar anteed perfect stitchers, mac.ilnes rented, renalrlng. New Home ag-jney, 360 Morrison . next to Tull & Glbbs. SAFES New and 2d hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co. :,5 Kth st Main 6309. A-411S. RELIANCE steel range. $20: dining ta ble. $10; dresser. $10: parlor stand and 4 dining chairs, $10. 902 Missouri ave NEW 5 room modern upper flat, fur nace, fireplace, linoleum on kitchen and bath; tras range, water heater. E. 29th, near Everett. E. A. car. B-31S6. MODERN upper - flat. 6 larce briizht rooms, porch, E. 2d and Clackamas, Holladays' addl tlon., close in. C-l 001. west side steam heated flat, 6 rooms und bath, on 11th near Columbia. 418 Railway exchange. Marshall 2753. ' room flat partly furnished, water and garbage. $10. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 19n3. home. I'hone Woodlawn 1672. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SILJ 1 T U t ) nice furnished housekeeping! rooms, hot and cold water. l-' month, i. 4s.s west Park. ' i HOUSES FOR RKNT FURNITURE FOR SALE WALNUT PARK FLATS Modern 4 and 5 rooms. 1058 Cleveland. U cars. Woodlawn 2295. TWO 4 room flats, electric "lights and gas. $15 each. Call 70.1 V. Ftlniont Phone East 3502. A BEAUTIFUL o room flat. 627 Salmon street: walking distance. E. 32 rooms. Kunnlng water, bath J ? Ml. j;!.00 week. 241 15th N. 1 . I? i I !! ti i f I v f ii r n 1 niirnl lini i tt atJ n it i -""' - rooms. Running water, bath nhone. $200 cash. $15 per montht buys furni ture or 7 room rooming house, close In. good neighborhood; price $375; worth more. Owner, 2. 05 Merchants Trust hldg. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel, 665 S. 1st; steara heated, new building, rooms $1.25 up. HOTEL CARLTON. 11TH AND WASHINGTON STS. A LIMITED NUMBER OF BEAUTI FULLY FURNISHED AND APPOINT ED nnnum a vo i -ttl-o ttitii xjt THE MEIER & FRANK STORE iWITHOCt p'pii. aVi.5 oaVii i-Xd Require the services of a young woman i PKnJlAXFXT GUESTS ON ' VERY operator of a card printing machine; REASONABLE MONTHLY ' RENTAL must understand type; permanent posl-, RATES EVERY CONVENIENCE AND Nice clean rooms. Heat, bath, phone. Very reasonable. Light housekeeplrr. Room or suite cheap. 41 N. 15th st. LIGHT Housekeeping rooms for parties employed; very reasonable. 471 Harri son st. FURNITURE of a 9-room housekeeping house tor sale cheap. Furniture all ! good; rooms full: walking distance, $600, I $100 down, balance terms. Main 804S. , $575 BUYS furniture of 8 room house, rent $25 per month. Income of 4 3 j housekeeping rooms upstairs $30 per completely fur- month. ' Your own terms. 450 Hall. st. Ished for MonseKeieping. ery rea FR "NT n I she sonable. room suites L'4 5t4 N. 17. cor. Marshall. tion. Apply at superintendent's office, 8 to 9:30. NEAT, competent girl to" assist fn housework In bungalo,w on Portland Heights; small family, good home to willing girl; $4 weekly. Call up Main 4066. WANTED Refined young ladies for legitimate business, good salary. Call New Scott hotel, cor. 7th and Ankeny sts.. room 244. COMPANION Young woman Interest ed in music. Desirable place, duties I light. Main 7SX8 COMPORT OF HOME WITH Till- iDDED CONVENIENCES OK A FIRST CLASH HOTEL AND ASSURANCE OF POSITIVELY FIREPROOF BUILD ROSS FINNTGAN, MANAGER. GI RL for general housework, 2 in fam llv. 1067 Broadwav. Home phone C 1969. NURSE girl for 2 bovs, 3 and 6 vears. 353 Harrison, Apt. 305. Marshall 3X4 . WANTED -A gin for housework. 723 Hood street. Housekeeper, widow Regent Hotel 151 1-2 7th St, Newly furnished rooms, water In each room, steam heat, very central, quiet, special weekly and monthly rates, tran sient rates 75c up, weekly $3.50 and up. Run on home principles. Main 3002. 23014 Yamhill St.. cor. I'd. out town. Room 3. EMPLO V'MEXT AGENCILS 55 MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE All classes of unskilled, skilled, pro fessional and clerical, male and female help furnished on short notice. No fees. ien's department 215 2d. co: Salmon. Women's department 245 Salmon st. Mfln 3555: A -5624. C, R, HANSEN & CO, GARLAND ROOMS. 25 Trinity Place cor. Washington. New brick building, steam heat, all out side rooms, nicely furnished. Hot water and private phone ever room. Perma nent. Transient Rates reasorable. Main 1135. IF YOU are looking for a nice single housekeeping room: all modern con-; venlences, call 308 Mill st.. $3. $1.25 week, large warm room, suitable for 2 or 3.- all conveniences, house keeping priyilegesl 47IJownsdalo1 FOR SALE Furniture for three rooms. including nice range and cooking utensils. Leaving town. 3544 63rd d. E.. take Mount Scott car to Laurelwood station. fcriSKMENT rooms, warm and dry, $6, $S nnd $10, suitable for working peo ple. 57 5 ("ouch. N. E. cor. 18th. NICE light rooms for rent, $3 per week and u p. 15 N. 10th st. TWO housekeeping rooms with alcove, big rooms, very reaspnahn. 294 14th. FURNISHED housekeeping roorns $1 up. 389 N. 19th. FURNITURE of 8 room house for sale $200; house for rent; rooms all full; call at room 14, 371 East Burnslde for particulars. FURNITURE of 3 room apartment; very fine; very cheap; look this up: vou will like it. Apartment 4, 186 Ford street. TelMaln 5253. FOR S A LE Fii rn I s h I ngs of a J room house full of good roomers; will sac rifice for $325 cash. Phone Main 8957. R(c ims. $2.50; suite $4 and $5 for two. 27 1 H Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $3.50 week up. THE CLAY. 343'4 Morrison. MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light. gas; moderate. 7th-Flanders. A-4075. FO R RE N T Nicely"" fur n I shed house keeping rooms and suites. 388 5th st. FURNITURE of 7 room house for sale, cheap, or will trade for ecjultv on lot. Call Main 8149 or H e 1 1 wood 1844. EIGHT rooms, terms. 173 16th street, $300, APARTMENTS 43 Hotel Burton Yamhill anJ Second. The house of comfort. Equipped strictly modern. Rates $1 per day and up. Rooms $4, $5 and $6 by the week. HOTEL R EN WICK. The heart of the business center, 7th nnd Taylor, opposite Helllg thentre. a quiei norne for nulet people. TH RICE housekeeping rooms, gas and phon-. $4 a week. 208 Park st. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, phone, heat. 171 N. 17th St. The Bjelland HOUSEKEEPING TiOOMS EAST SIDE 48 TWO front rooms, electric lights, gas, buth ana . . '. . nhmi. Alsn ' smull enn nect i n tr hnnse- -Y-r-.. . T-WTr . H"" MUIIIO IU IHJIfl PPCD C. SiriCllV.I .' " "-- ' Ji, -.. .! . Aur..NCIE3. modern, permanent: transient Main i keeping rooms, THE RAKER Main Office. 26 N 'Jd st Portland Ladies department. 7th anl Wash. eta. upstairs. Portland. 424 Front ave. Spokane. 87-89 4th st.. San Francisco. Established 1S76. Bennett's EmDlovmentency 34 N. 2d. Ml! 3(?4: A-193J. Qnlctc service, reliable help to employer free. Butts & Fid red. eo" EmpTCoT" 265 5th st. Nicely fur- East 376 4. I nlshed rooms reasonable; steam' heat, 1 1IuI SEKEEPING rooms, well furnished ! im.l arm ioi. water in all rooms, tran I slr nts solicited. 16th and Loveiov Unfurnished apartments, strictly mod- I ern. brand new hrlck building, 2, 3 or ! 4 roonw. Rates $26. $30, $35. Including heat, phone, gas range and water. I Uh0" owner. Main It 67, A-1867. PHONE EAST 4738, C-2533. You can have lighter, larger, better furnished and quieter apartments of J 3 or 4 rooms for $15 per month less, with every modern convenience, at the Halsey Court 300 WILLIAMS AVE. connecting housekeeping THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, electric lights, hot water bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the cltv for the money: short distance from Union depot. Take "8" or I6th st. cars north, get off at Mar shall st. No dogs. BELMONT APARTMENT. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms, suites of 2 and 3. all outside rooms, gas plate furnished, $1 per . week per room. 4S4 Helmont. FOUR and 6 room flats. 177 H, Green ave.. near 23d and Wash. Main t4 8 8 . MODERN 4 room flat over store. $14 809 Williams nve., Woodlawn 1507. MODERN three room steam heated flat. Phone E. 5046. SEWING MACHINES, all makes, com plete attachments. $10 and up. White Sewing Machine Co., cor. 11th and Washington ts. FERTILIZER Well rotted manure. Phone E. 2276. A LARGE and medium blzed safe cheap, good condition, terms If desired. R-918, Journal. TYPEWRITERS Christmas bargains In ail makes. . N.-W. TYPEWRITER CO., 90 5th ST. PIANOS rented. $3 and $1 per month. Chlckerlng, Kohler, Kimball. Kohler & Chase. 375 Washington St. ALL kinds house furnishings bought, sold and exchanged. Star Furniture Co.. 380 Hawthorne ave. East 1067. FURNISHED FLATS 50 FURNISHED flat. 4 rooms and bath; steam heat, hot and cold water cheap rent. Take Mississippi car. 247 Clack imu. FURNISHED flat. 4 rooms, home like; close In. A-1287; Main 8790. CAPITAL JUNK CO.. dealers In Iron, metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe, tools, job lots. 67 N. 1st st. Mar. 38.'19 FOR SALE Well rotted fertilizer ma nujre. Call F.ast2122. FOR SALE 20 good beds and springs at a bargain. Phone East 4305. And sell them for a small commission, with payment to you on receipt of goods DRAYAGE FREE Complete line of house furnishings N Sold on Easy Payments YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WESTEM FMMTOE (Si. 351-353 First st. Phone Msln 360. HARTZELL FURNITURE CO. For sale, stoves, ranges, furniture, etc. We pay highest cash price for house hold goods. 333-335 1st. Marshall 267$. LOST AN1 FOUND 21 LOST Turquoise brooch surrounded with nuggets, on Portland boulevard, between Greeley and Wilbur sts., Sat urday p. m. Reward.. 104' N. 6th St., or phone Marshall 3094. LOST A brown mink neck piece, Tuesday evening on N. 21st and Northrop, reward. Call Columbia 16 or return to 276 N. 21st st. L( T Between Medical hldg. and Meter & Frank, lady's silver link purse, suitable reward. 405 Wells Fargo 1 bldg. ) LOST On Richmond car, Wednesday evening, lady's pocketbook; keep monev. Return to 347 E. 12th. Phone. R KRIS X. . , LOST On Christmas day, old pocKet book with name inside. Finder please return same to 152 Grand ave. und get reward. LOST Gold locket, initials "M. L. H. Valued as keepsake. 314 E. 48th st. Tabor 2379. Reward. PERSONAL 22 WELL matured Phone East 4926. fertilized manure. TWO wal leases cheap: must be sold by January 1st. 305 Burnslde. SWELL big trunk, 3 travs. cost $30. $10 takes it. L-267. Journal. NEW Incubator. 1st class condition, at half price. Tabor 642. ; STORES AND OFFICES 11 Warehouse or Light Mnfg, Will rent warehouse or light manu facturing floor 35x100, In new brick building now being erected at Hood and Baker sts. Ready- for occupancy Feb. 1. Trackage facilities. Rent rea sonable. Address A. L. Fish, care Journal. STORE 22x75. with part basement; good west side down town location, at car Intersection; particularly suitable for any wearing apparel, hardware, gro- ceries, etc.; $115. 212 3d st at Salmon inquire zi4 iu. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 LAND CLEARING. We are headquarters for land clear ing. Call on us before letting contract. Butts & Eldredge. 24H N. 2d st, Phon Main 3205. A-1291. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest ensh price for second hand household goods. N. M. Seater, 143 Russell. East 1562. WE BUY SECOND HAND CLOTHING AND FURNITURE Pav the highest price for everything; csll Main 2O80. 290 First. $600 worth 2d hand household goods In large or small lots Immediately. . CASEY FURNITURE CO., Fast 1809. WANTED To buy a Scobch sheep dog for a reasonable price. Apply New Western hotel, 7th and Gllsan. BARGER'S Ai-CTIG. HOUSE 370 E. Morrison, nhone E. 1022. pays hiehest cash price for furnitu-e. BE WISE: get more for your second WE have been In Portland many years, have treated over bouo patients and never had a dfath while under our treat ments. We have Invested more money in modern machines and electrical ap paratus than any physician on the Pacific coast. We get results In thou sands of cases where medicines failed to help and have saved hundreds from operations after all hope had been given up. We will be glad to consult with vou. We make no charges for that. We use no medicines and do not oper ate. We use every electrical and me chanical means, baths, massage, heat and light. We can cure, do cure and have cured cases when othors have failed. WA occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchlld hldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. MEN CURED QUICKLY Modorn electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous Jeblllty, rectal, chronic, blood and skin dlsases. W I. Howard. M. P., 304-6 Rothchlld bldg. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF DIsase of women and children, naa removed to LaFayette J)ldg 31SH Washington st. TA1TENA, the prescription of the late Lawson Talt, the celebrated English surgeon, for the cure of female trou bles, to be obtained from the Hawthorne pharmacy, corner Marguerite ave. and Hawthorne. I'hone B-3225. Price 60c. Dr, Burroughs Have had twenty-five years experi ence in successfully treating nervous diseases. Examination free. Suite 21, Selllng-Hlrsoh bide.. 3T6U Washington. iirn'ln!." v.ilTS.Ki Xa F44? WALKER, specialist; quickly cureiJ Auction Co . 211 1st Main 8951. A-244B. j.0 nf , hinnri nH skin dls- HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan oniy; 3, a pay. BELVEDERE '""uropean. 4th and Al- V ANTED TO RENT $H 428 E. Ankeny. 24 V. N Main 32o 2d st. A-1291. Red Cross Employment 20 N. 2d. f or Burnslde M. 5296. A-6731. 1 SLEEPING rooms, steam heat, first class accommodations, $6, $8, $10 and : $2o. l,(iarl if desired. 575 Couch. N ; E cor. IMh. - I THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur I nlshed rooms, modern, close business , enter; rates, including bath, $2.50 week ! ijp. 1 STEAM heated rooms, neat, attractive, Mm, in nvaie lamny. ( all Mrs. 1 1 1 1 . private bath nnd all modern conven iences, 10 minutes from P. O.; very rca- sonable. 89 E. 12th. or East 527 9: $12 THREE large rooms, separate en trances. 188 East 45th Btreet. One block from Mount Tabor. Phone East 554. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, $2.50 to $3; sleeping rooms, $1.50 to $3; elec tric lights; free bath. The Lambert, 23 14 Union nve. KING HILL APARTMENTS. I 171 King st. I 4. 6, 6 room apartments; select ten ! ancy. Apply on premises. AV ANTED A ( ; E NT S (1 Layman. Main WARM, clean basement week, bath, phone. KENTUCKY apartments, 28th and E. Glisair sts.. new and modern concrete iNU.'ELY furnished housekeeping room, building, a 4 room unfurnished apart modern, comfortable, walking distance. , ment. $25. This Includes gas range, '228 I.nrrabce st. steam heat, hot and cold water, private. Mnntavllla and K. An- om. 1 1 . h 11 1 : : -r, ., . . l --.I v.-.l. 440 Jefferson enr THREE room front suite, eieciric iignts, pi", nc mi., mm 1 1 IGHKK lass or tetter paving employ ment than that cV representing a lead ing n-irs. iv pany is not to be had If you are 11 rnhit i.r.is to better vour con- ci.iiun, in., oppo! (unity lies before in entering our employ Co.. SrJrn: Or 12th ' 1 free bath, wood and gas stove, fine keny carllne. 1)-14.-'. East ej7. v tr ...i. ... - . . r location; $20.00. 594 East Ankeny St. I PENINSULA APARTMENTS .'V " " "u.ici room, not fi.h nt,f I finest In the cltv. 1135U Alblna ave.. housekeeping, walking distance. $10 for, Kllllngsworth. Take L car at Srd oath. Phone, smai fnmllv " n,,t. walking distance. 405 1 st., 'flat K. SMALL flat. 3 or 4 rooms, with sleeD lng porch or small cottage not more than 9T. mlnlllna1 ii.ollr --. rr f.t.amKn- of Commerce; have 3 children, 2 In school. -266. Journal. UNFURNISHED house. 10 to 20 rooms, on the west side, wanted. J-266 Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 Cows, Horse, Mules and Har ness for Sale From this dat on we svlll keen sev eral good milch cows for sale with our regular sales o, horses, mules, wagons and harness; we have about 20 head of horses on sale at present, of all kinds; 6 mules, several wagons, which It will pay you to look at before buying eise wnere. Hawthorne Avenue Stables 429 Hawthorne ave. 1 up. C92i E. Morrison. East 6901. . nnd Washington St. 2 rooms comnlete ! 1y furnished, $16; one 4 room, with bath Salem Nursery . I- 1 . t TiirrilKM t-.w.u O .... nt Jefferson street. Phone hot 1, .! I FUH RENT Nice furnished housekeep- I (.nmnloti'lv furnished. t30 'Woodlawn vou trie lights ' j ing rooniH, ;t02V4 Holladay ave., 4 j 2259 We need a salesman m eni-h nf erai cxeenei-t 11. -his to our splen ciin nursery sto-k. A permanent place: cash w-!v and a s.pmrf firm back of you. writ i- ,,H.-t.r -uars. Washington WANT El .. -.1!. w, the hi I- k d. :n.-. 11 vacant t.-rritor of tin- M u-si-shii.) A.MSDo.N hotel; nh-.ly furnished rooms 1 steam bout, large rooms, close In "v- I $2.50 week. 268 Third St. ' THE ELM PLACE sh. ). ! I us supply 11 goods. Somn rv s:ate west -414 Ynmhlll - not and coin water, steam heat prl vRjte baths and suites, close In. ' Ire, blocks from steel bridge. THRICE furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance, very cheap. 27 E. I6U1 st ph'it.e ,-irvl ith S I tV 1 I U 1 v capi i ciTv xnisi-.ity co. i: M )M hot for two pi ntlem. n. $3.50 we--k; ater. fumac h-.-it i,. n.J n, .. 1 -., . , , . ''. main I ' - . J ... II SI . NEWLY renovated nnfiirnTsTied Bndfur nlshed rooms, suitable for offices or we. kly roomers. 230 ',4 Yamhill st. NEWLY furnished front "nnd 'hack"pnr- . '" r-;.!.,.;, I I g I ' . OT HI KUlt men orilv 167 N. 171h st. NIC1-: furnish ern 5tn st.. rootns UP per Week. Main 7764. You CAN f" selling e ir faction st. 1. k. i:1 or uri.i' I ut make money rua rant, ed-trt-give-satls- f'e,. in - ' r ' I ...h ur.ftlyl... . , , c y. 1 n Kitna " 'iM-per!sh, Bil 1 .J-..-M i-;. 1 m, Paclfl' ,,n ,-r, Wash. Valley t. ca.sh paid 1205 tent, 2t per c w anted "-t,, k' big. 'Ml and cirsi ry line of stock; ' I'lirifl,.- Nuraery Co.! gcntlo- ! 1 I 1 I 1 . ' S 1 ' 1 I 1 .h-1 In s-oincl I; ing e ery horn.-. (1 rooms, good heat nvcnlcnces, for 1 or 2. 213 13th LARGE alcove room and kitchenette for rent . 10 1 J 1th. NICELY THREE unfurnished rooms 640 E. .Stark st housekeeping Phone B. 8532 FURNISHED" housekeeping rooms. 409 East Pnlmon. near Grand ave. HOUSES FOR KENT 12 S IT ' A T 1 1 J X S M J. k furnished 1iK.f1 1 h coot ra 1 1 v. ROOMS, 50 room. 18 ner I 1 'lay. near 10th. Si ner dav- t5 iir. n.AAt, '1. mi .Morrison St. BAKER First , lass. country. J- ll tT-r..i, -nt ;tit. ..,,.. .'"'.""" "'". 263. Journal. VOUNO married vator experiem AV-262, Journal. YOUNG man. 20, uli round ..ff! -e as" ""vain. .jcBo.-n MiHuioti, A-l enccs. X-268, Journal. WARM rooms 25c to $T a night; cheap rates by t he week. 405 Stark. rooms, close In. Miil'EKN sleeping . . 9KK U. ut n?'wa.it8nbt7ad?yn ' "rJ nlshed room, for rent at .r-L r-.., 'Mill V IIIIV, refer- " LANDORE APTS, "288 . 10th- warrn cozv rooms for rent. A f.w t)I,NO man, attending business school" oeslres to work for room Hnd "board' Y-261, Journal. ar j' TOUNO man of 19. wants iosltlon In railroad office; anything; references Y-265. Journal. WANTED Position in some wholesale house. Experienced as furnishing nslfsmnn. References. YOUNG man. strictly la'KxisHEn kooms KAST SIDE 62 M!w Peer hotei. E. 8d and Burnslde, steAm heat, hot and cold water and phont-B In all rooms. Free and private baths. 76c day up, $3 week up. Nothing extra for two in room. X-269 .Inn,.? , work ar butcher helper; small wages trt ptfirt. Call 271 Salmon. n3rpER fE NC El elevator operator wa rdi to work between 6 and 9 p. m. for 2ri' a"d room. X-263.. Journal. YOUN3 nan wants work, general farm work preferred. X-262, JournaL 4 - ... NEWLY furnished front room, private family, furnace heat, modern, jrood neighborhood, cheap; references re quired. 390 Larrabej st. K. 6976. 349 BENTON. bntweln Churrv onH and E stark nA i "f rBn ave- SIX room house with furnace, gas heater, wash trays, etc, 661 K. Wash ington St.. corner E. 18th. Key next door. Phone C-3136. Rent$30. FOR RENT 5 room "house, modern, full basement, one block east of Union ave., and south of Fremont Bt. Call at 402 Constance st. EIGHT the Mckinley 429 e. morr'son, cor. 7th. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished up to date, private baths, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment, nesr service. BUCK IPARTFORD APARTMENTS. 21st and Flanders sts. Three room elegantly furnished reception hall, pri vate bath, phone, sleeping porch, ele vator. Strictly modrn. Reasonable. Durfee Apartments 3 room steam heated apartments, fur nished or unfurnished. Private phone and nnin 50s Mtanton st, insti A BARGAIN $160 buys good work U team, weight 2500 lbs., harness and rarm wagon; also $25 buys 3 in wagon. I'hone Sellwood 178S. BEAUTIFUL 1300 lb. mare, heavy with foal, sound and gentle, will exchange tor came or nurses. i union ave.. cor. Ash. tlAVINO disposed of my ranch, will dispose of my 2 pairs mares. Call end see tnem. Mrs. Holding, cor. 8th, II a v.' t h orne Ave. Woodyard. room families, or 428' house, suitable for 2 boarding house. East FOR RKNT 6 room cottage on E. 8th; In good order; to a good tenant at reasonable terms. Phone Tabor 1604. WHY PAY HIGH RENTS We have cottages, houses, furnished or not, reasonable. 252 Glbbs. THE JULIANA. 46 Trinity place between 19th and 20th sts.. elegantly furnished 2, 3 and 4 room apartments, close in; rates vry reason- nble. I LINCOLN APARTMENTS! ' CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN STS. 2 room npart. $22.50 to $30; new brick building, modern: no children. $25 7 ROOM house, furnace, porcelain plumbing, trays, gas, electricity. 742 V.. Clinton. I'hone Sellwood 897. AloDEItN 6 room house. 2 blocks from 8 car, 774 2nd. Apply next house, 229 (trover st. FiVE rooms, modern house; Just fin ished, 1 block from oar. Arbor Lodge, Bt. Johns car. Woodlawn li28. WELL furnished modern 7 room house; walking distance; reasonable. Y-267, Journal. 6 ROOM modern house with full plumb. lng at 861 E. 14th St., near Shaver; $10 per month. ' FIVE room cottage; verv desirable; In Bunnyslde; modern and attractive; phone Tabor 1811. $16 6 room cottage, bath, shades, elec- trie lights, garden. Bell woodl 336. NEW, clean, modern 7-room house on THE SOUTHAMPTON. 410 Hall st. One unfurnished i room apartment, strictly first class. A-2048. THE CMETOPA, 18th and Flanders St., 2. 3, and 4 room apartments, modern, furnished and unfurnished, new furni ture and building. , Applytojanltor. THE ''WESTMINSTKR Nioely fu7nfshed apartments, also single rooms, 2 mln- utes from P. O. 262 Cth. Main BBS 8. SAN MARCO apts., E.'8th andl&ouch, brick, modern, 3 rooms, private bath snd phone. $25 to $27.60. Call E. 2757. CAMBRIAN 12th and Columbia, 2 and room apartments nlcelv nltuntd elegantly furnished, reasonable In price. 5J7VR n ICA apartments, cor. Helmont and Grand ave., 1 and 2 room furnished apts.; free light, heat, bath, phone. . Broadway: can he irrinm tn hna-1 Hawthorne ave.; furnace. Tabor 2270 5?PlQ5.i! JTilJ'I'. EAST side 6 room cottage, completoly 'CHI.-- 1 . ... . . .. . - 1 " 1 1 " .ni..i 9 n r 1 nAA ' - vi'iiwoa, rooms ys weoK up. witn furnished. $25. A-7380. MODERN 4 room cottage, Just right for young couple. Phone k. 298. 425 IS. 8th FOR nicely . furnished 2 room apart ments, close In, very reasonable. 89 E.J 2th at,t or East 6279. LOVE-TOY APTS.. 17th " and LOveJoy", newly furnished S room apts., rea- sonahle. Main 215. j QfiTAY Cables apartments, 289 10th. 2 room apartments. Phone A-2629. ELEOANTLiY' furnished 3 room apart ment,, modern. 624 Marshall st IF vou want to 1 1 1 1 V np Moll pnwt , o r mom harness and vehicles, call ' at 448 riHnaer st. N. Auction sales Wednes days. M. J. Walker, auctioneer. FOR SALE Good general purpose team, weign zsuu 10s.; must sen at once. 2815 68th st. S. E end of Hawthorne car, 1 diock wesr, z diocks soutn HORSES and buggies for rent by day. week and month; special rates to business nouses, btn and Hawthorne East 72. SEVEN head mares and horses with good harness, 1 top spring wagon. E. 12th and Madison. GOOD pair of cheap horses; sound and goon puners; must sen; inquire 838 E. ztn Biree-t, vvoouatocK car to (Jladstone. CHEAP farm team, harness, wagon; bay iiuiuw, iouv; i.wu puieni aump wagons, 680 Carlton. Sellwood 1758. WANTED Boarding and livery stable state cash price and where located. T- zx,- jon rnai. - WANTED Second hand 3 tire wagon. Phone Main 847. ' WILI and exchange diamonds for horses I buggy. 14 Union ave.. cor. Ash. LIVESTOCK AND POULTHV S3 ONE carload of Holsteln cows. One carload Durham cows. Also good fam ily cows. All tested. Bruce Commission Co., Union Stockyards. Phone Wood lawn 2400. Res. Woodlawn 2700. FOR SALE Two black Jersey cows: one xresn, very neavy mutters; the other one comes fresh In February. 619 East Johns street, St. Johns car. FRESH Jereey-Holstetn cow with heif er can. dik, rich milker, gentle. 4 years old. 1033 fl. 1st. FOR SALE 10 A-l fresh cows, big milkers'. A Herman. L mile east of uents junction WANTED Good 6 and 6 gallon cow; gentle and rich milker, W?2il. Journal, iv - FOR postcard nhotos of your home, $1 per dozen, call Columbia 398. WE buy and sell most anything. Main 8794. 626 1st St. diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sorej, ulcers swollen glands. Kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 First St., Portland. WANTED 2d hnnd furniture. East 3134 348 Howthorne ave. Seater & Martin. CASH paid for household goods. I 'bona Main 547 or A-2247. WaTTteD furniture for 22 rooms. In large or small lots. Marshall 322$. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 t r heart trouble; wjsh to see the case I can't cure. DR DOUGLAS. D. C. 338 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or. ASTHMA 8EXOID Marvelous cure for weakne In men. by mull $1 per lxx; money re turned If It falls. Dr. Pierce , Remedy Co, 245V. Morrison. BEFORIS you buy an automobile call and look over our stock of over 100 cars; all makes and prices; these cars are only slightly used and are In A-l condition; every car guaranteed by us. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington sts. J SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed jT periods; Jli box. or a noxes ior o, oyy mall. T. J. Pierce. 245 H Morrison. MILLINERY soiiool now ready for scholars. Come now; be ready for spring position or location. 306 Good nough bldg.. opposite postoff ice. MME. HEATH'S dancing BChool, private dally: children's classes Sat after noon: Adults Sat. eve. Walta and tw IF YOU are looking for a snap and a , step guaranteed in 4 lesBons. Allsky bldg. guaranteed car we have one 1911 DR. A. A. AUSPLL'ND. demonstrating car on hand; looks like 1 Dlsea-es of women and surgery. Ex new; cash with terms; no trades. See : amlnatlons free. 302 Merchants Trust sales manager. bldg. 6th and Wnshlnirton. Main 4047. STODD1 SSn. T C" LADIES' Lorenz Antiseptic Cones are o0 wasilingion fl, .nn,kln. fo end ur 1 nar- hny n fOK SALE. R(i,o Tovlnr Drnir Co 2S9 Morrison at rood'UndftTon eaupXK wlt wTrner 1 MANICURING, facial, scalp treatments, good condition equipped witn Warner , ...onlnen. 515 Swetland bide . speedometer, Martin shock ansoroers. bumper, trunk and Stewart gas valve. nvni; CO.. 14 N. 7th St. Apriy to OA 1,1, 1911 Cadillac, 5 passenger, exceptionally well equipped; this car Is almost like new; will sacrifice for quick sale. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington sts. CARS WASHED AND POLISHED. Live and dead storage cars cared for; rates reasonable; open night and day; fireproof garage; machine shop In con nection. THE UNITED PUBLIC GARAGE, 86 10th St., Near Stark. Open evenings. 515 Swetland bldg.. Dth and Washington. SECOND hand automobile supplies bought, sold and exchanged: all sizes of tires. $3 to $20 each. Wo vulcanize tubes, 25c each, guaranteed. Both phones Auto wupnty Co.. 233 Main st. WANTED 600 old auto tires. 7c per lb. delivered; 3000 ids. inner tubes. 23c per lb.: 10,000 lbs. solid rubber, 8c per lb. J. Leve. 186 Columbia st Call us up. Main 6198. 1 jin to gum (. LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality: 25c box; 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison St. WOMEN Use remolds wnen others fall. Sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Dru g store, lift N. 6th St. Main 8106. Rtohanbach, the tailor, cleans, dyes, re models, presses clothing; work called for and delivered. 490 Wash, st. M. 8317. MRS. E. W. SACRY, chiropody and pedi curing. 821 William. C-8081, E. 2882. BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of women. 532 Davis st. Main 9216. FIN-ANCTAli 01 CASH paid for mortgages Or seller's equity In real estate contracts, and real estate loans, no delay. F. J. Steln- metz. 405 OerIlnger bldg. ' CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Orego H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg..- Loan LOAAa WANTED SKI 80 WANTED $2800 8 years at 7 per cent, to bo secured by first mortgage on Income property worth $9000 on forced AUTO DELIVERY for' sale cheap: can pule; present rental Income over $80 per Springs guaranteed. 22 N. 15th st. be seen at Willamette Gas- Engine works. 360 East Washington: price $425. month. nal. Principals only. X-265, Jour- PORTLAND Magneto Co. for expert magneto and coil repairing. 63 Park North. Main 8235. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 341 WANTED $20,000 AT 7 PER CENT. Will give first mortgage on corner 100 xioo with Improvements worth $200,-000. RUTHFIELD INVESTMENT CO., 917 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. FOR SALE Estey Grand Piano for sale. $526. terms easy. Hasn t been rt. Ilvered from piano house; sudden change pense to. the Investor, In business Is the cause of partv leav- ing city. Inquire at 154 H 2nd st, near Morrison. LOANS wanted Safe mortgage Invest ments; liooo, 11.00. IS500 to $15,000: property worth twice the loan; no ex- Portland Bulld- FOR SALE PIANOS. For sale, cheap, one walnut case. Wheelock piano. In first class condition. C. O. PICK'S WAREHOUSE. N. W. corner 2d and Pine sts. lng Association. 322 Mohawk bldg. WANTED $800 for 6 months on-$1600 good personal security. W-269, Journal MONEY TO LOAN 27 $70 Chlckerlng upright piano, regular auu niooei. was accepiea as1 part pay on a new Kohler & Chase. Terms to suit. Kohler A Chase, 876 Washington. ON account of 1 1 mess am compelled to sacrifice my mahogany case Hallet A Davis piano. Just year old; cost $600. O-280, Journal. AM leaving for east, and must sell an aimost new voae st nons-piano; will sell at a bargatn. N-289, Journal. PIANOS rented, $3 and $4 per month. & Chase. $78 Washington stj- KIMBALL pluaot ale at a bargain. y used, for 238. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A H. HARDING, 818 Chamber of Com. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- nough & Selts. 810 Snafdlng bide. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co,. 414 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st Pobo or part to loan In Irvlngton dis trict i per pent,, main uco. KlONEY to loan on Improved real eatata I L. White. 701 Selling bldg $500, $200 FOR suburban mortgage,! no bonus. Ward. Atty. Allsky Bldg. Y7