The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 27, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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oThe End Is in SightFinal Prices m Winter Merchandise
The Great Removal Sale Is Fast Drawing to a Close
The Lowest Prices Ever Seen in Portland-Extended Credit to All Charge Customers
AH Goods Purchased From Now Until January 31st
Will Be Billed on March First A Remarkable, Unprecedented Offer
know, sale
Coats to
Coats to
The Smartest Styles Are Represented
In These New Winter Coats
It would be useless for us to describe in detail the many differ
ent materials included in this final offering of the most attractive
coats worn this season.
The assortment is immense, including reversible broadcloth
coats in white, light blue, rose, American beauty, lavender and
other evening shades with contrasting color combinations now so
much in vogue.
The quality of the materials, the tailoring and
style touches that are embodied in these
models are the result of the workmanship of
the best man tailott and designers.
In addition to these smart coats we have included in this lot
some coats of plain, striped and two-tone materials.
Also polo coats in brown, white and some trimmed with lieht
blue and rose.
Every coat in this great offering is positively new this season. J
Final Prices on All Blankets
Slightly soiled and damaged white wool blankets in this fina
removal sale. Blankets with a slight misweave and a few with
rough edges. All at a great sacrifice for this sale.
$ 4.00 White Woolen Blankets, Final Price, Pair $1.98
$ 5.00 Woolen Blankets, Final Price, Pair $2.49
$ 6.00 Woolen Blankets, Final Price, Pair $2 95
$ 7.50 Woolen Blankets, Final Price, Pair $3i49
$iu.w woolen Blankets, Final Price. Pair $5.45
Half Pair Lots of. Wool Blankets
500 half Dair lots of whit wnol Manbote oil firmlv Kn.m1 ,:v.
A w J Willi
two and three inch silk binding. All full size blankets with pretty
lamy auipcu uurucrs. tu at less man nan price.
Final Prices, $1.98, $2.19, $2.39, $2.68, $2.98, $3.49.
Room-Size Rugs Removal Prices
500 room size rugs of quality. In beautiful patterns in Oriental,
floral and conventional designs in a large assortment of patterns,
Size 9 by 12 feet.
5J0.00 Axminster Rum. Final Prire C1D oer
8S' Axminstcr Rugs, Final Price .'..'!!!."!.'." $22.45
oa.w aoav .Brussels Knra Kinai Pn so i oer
,$40.00 Bodv Brussels Run Final PnV eon'nA
O-F ...... ....... .pOVr.W
"" "'"uu nuK9, nnai irice 2K41 III!
o.w wmon Kugs, final Vrice .., 55 OO
j-mi orass ocas at rinai irices.
Cocoa Door Mats at Final Removal Prices
These Cocoa Door Mats are firmly made of selected stock and
oic me ocsi quality mat can he had for th nn
$1.00 Cocoa Door Mats, 16 by 27, final. .'. 734
$1.25 Cocoa Door Mats, 18 by 30, final, '93;
$1.50 Cocoa Door Mats, 16 by 27, final ' 1 ft
$2.00 Cocoa Door Mats, 16 by 30, final " ' $ 49
T mnr
Pxrcbandtoo of ytVertl Odym.
$5 tO $7.50
$5 to $7.50
Walking Skirts in a Variety of New Models and Materials
aftrarffv an4 nms n - .1. 1 1 i i s. . i ..... .
-Most attractive and smart nr thMu. uaiirnor irir ri .v. . vii t . 'u . . .. . ...
- 7 .Jr. -""& lUKiicst .ibb uonnj, in au-wooi cninon.
panama and double-twisted English storm serge. They come in black, navy and brown.
Ideal for rainv nav arvim f- .j
- j j v wuiuuvi wcai biiu traveling.
I if , ? !f V!e nfrWest and W,nter modela' "presenting all the new panel and apron
fronts. Also many plaited side effects Every skirt in this sale new this season.
I 'J' ; XI' ' M
Final Prices on House Dresses
Every House Dress New This Season
Final $1.59
belling Regularly at $2.50
A one-piece house dress made of
light plaid or black percale combined
with plain color chambray and per
cale. Made with large sailor collar,
cuffs, belt. Plain inverted black and
gored skirt with deep hem.
Final 98c
This dress is made of fine stripe
percale. Made with a pointed collar
ana Kimono sleeves. Fitted gored
skirt. Trimmed with fancy band
trimmings on collar, sleeves and belt.
Final $1.39
Former Price $1.75
Made of striped or dotted percale
with a fancy band trimming on the
skirt to form a panel, and on the
waist to form a yoke.
Either high military or turn-over
collar. Fitted. Inverted plait in the
back of skirt.
Final 69c
Selling Regularly at $1.50
Dress made of striped gingham.
Made with high neck and plaits over
the shoulders, long sleeves and turn
over collar. Has a gored skirt. Some
come with plain waists.
Final Prices on Short Kimonos
r$1.00 SHORT KIMONQS and dressing sacques, made of fleeced flannelette
in three different styles, with V-shape neck, side lap, tucks to the sohulder.
cuffs on the sleeves, belted at the waist. Trimmed with sateen or fancy bor
der. In gray, tan, blue and pink. Final price 59
-$1.50 DRESSING SACQUES or short kimonos of fancy figured fleece
lined flannelette. Made with V neck, plaits to the shoulder, coat sleeves. Has
satin belt. The sleeves and fronts are fastened with frogs. Belted style with
peplum. Final price 79
Finest French
Hand Embroidered
At Cost Prices
There is no room left for further reductions. We de
termined upon the importance of this sale, upon the Im
perative need of disposing of EVERT French ondar
muslm in the bouae AT ONCE.
We are reasonably sure that the prices advwtiicd
5?Slv nneFreaeh "ndwwear down to the
exquisite garments.
-Our entire stock consisting of gowns, chemlae, draw
ers, corset covers, skirts and combinations are included.
Cale and nthr Amint .u.. . ' '
- kj uiaicriaia.
BBEWmfeP'S,hmK t1""; ',0J,rf " "! rf.?, LOWSH TOAN
rtwZ'IISpTslV1-75 nW no. ?,.or
(removal salej
There Is No Resisting These Gowns
For Price. Oualitv and Economv Ar- Hm
This is a generous offering not a few gowns used as an inducement to
- .uoiuiuciB iu uui jjicoc wiuic saie not a tew gowns tor a tew
fortunate carry shoppers HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF
GOWNS of the best workmanship, of the best qualities, in the best
Stvles. and marie fnr rvir. anA (a. nAy. f:.
Every style of gown in greatest favor is certain to be found In this assortment.
Made of the sheerest nainsook, longcloth and cambric In round, square
and V-neck styles. Trimmed with embroidery, insertion, edgings, head
ings, ribbons and medallions.
Reg. Prices 85S $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 to $10.00
Half Price 43S 50, 63. 75S $1.00 to $ 8.00
In the Linen Section
You Will Find Final Prices Everywhere
All Italian and Venetian
Silk Underwear Reduced
The counters are piled high the shelvings are groaning under
weignt 01 immense stocks, un every side disolavs of linens are
piacaraea witn una price cards.
The best Irish, German, French and Swiss manufacturers
whose products are renowned throughout the world are to bo
found in this sale many at half and less than half prices.
Irish linen damask table cloths French cluny scarfs art
linens embroidered linen center pieces filet hand work linen
centers Japanese tea cloths linen table sets table damask by
tne yara toweis tea cloths uerman linen cloths ara all
marked with final prices.
As An Example
500 Irish Linen Damask Table Cloths
A t Half Regular Prices
There is the stock, the bleaching and the patterns that are
peculiar to the Irish manufacturer, that are best exampled in these
ioluic ciotns.
They come in 2 and V yard sizes. The designs are especially
Hiiracuvc, in a very wiae range ot patterns.
They are slightly soiled from holiday display. A good wash
ing is all they require to make them readv for service.
$4.00 Cloths, Final ...$2.00 $ 8.00 Cloths, Final ..$4,001
JkO.UU Uoths, Final SZ.fiO S 9.50 Cloths. Final . SL1 TK
$6.50 Cloths, Final ...$3.25 $12.00 Cloths, Final ..$0.00
.uu wotns, inai ...a.5U $10.00 Cloths, Final ..$7.50
The Great American Towel. Final Price 25e
Former price 35c. Made of American product, which putt the 1
imported. to wei at tne same price to shame. These towels are
hemstitched of pure white huckaback body and fancy damask
uurucrs. maae wiui a monopram snace at tarn nn
They are 40 inches long and 20 inches wide, complete.
40c Turkish Bath Towel. Final Prirr 29r
Turkish Bath Towels, full bleached, with hemmed ends. Sixe
40 by 24 inches. Made of two-ply twisted cotton.
1 ,erehandlee of (Vertl Only.' '