'THEi OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' WEDNESDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER 27, 1911. we wis NOIIf IN DEADLOCK People's Committee Opposed to Submitting Either Plan to City Council . The people' charter committee disin tegrated last nil ht. Having- . worked many months and produced two com mission plan drafts, opposition : to sub mitting either one or the other to council today developed laat nlffht In to an evenly balanced tug of waft As the matter now atands.wtha ma jority report on the commission plan will not be submitted. W. C. Benbow said last nla-ht he would submit Ms minority report Independently. The gen eral committee will not be called to gether again unless a majority of It members Indicate desire tor another session. The disagreements of ... Individual members last night were So numerous and so positive that It qulokly became evident that no plan on which a ma jority of the 15 members could agree would ever ba submitted. fi . Deadlock Beached. If the majority report Is submitted to the council It will be signed by Chairman Clark, Richard W. Montague, .George Black and H. G. Parsons as Jn dlvlduals. In the same way the Ben bow short draft will be signed by Mr. Benbow, A. D. Crldga and Dr. C. H. Chapman. The vote t submit last night was: ayes Clark, Montague, Black and Parsons; no Lane, Cridge, Chapman and Benbow. City Auditor Barbur and City Engineer Hurlburt, both of the members of .the general committee who had been la attendance at the meeting early in the evening, left before the vote was taken. Dissatisfaction with 'the commission plan as Its various provisions were agreed upon by a majority of th gen eral committee is said now pa be cause cf the deadlock. Dr. Lane resented it when the mayor, whom he wished clothed with complete executive pow ers, was reduced to the level of a com missioner. City Auditor Barbur was op posed to making his office appointive. He thougth It should be elective. , Benbow Opposes Plan. In the same way Deputy City At torney. Bfinbow was opposed to mak ing the office of city attorney appoint ive. A. D. Cridge some time ago gen erally disagreed with the majority of the committee and has been working in behalf of the Wood short charter. He was In favor of submitting the Benbow draft as it partook of the nature of the Wood charter, incorporated some of the provisions of the majrlty report and was modeled after the constitution of the United States. With but one or a small minority of the committee mem bers opposing various issues as they were brought before the general com mittee, it did not at first become ap parent that the sum of this opposition would attain equal voting strength with the before majority. But as each mem ber disagreed on soma point in the charter the Increase in opposition had a sort of snow-ball effort, picking up each disaffected member in the onward course of the committee's work; ACCUSED OF THEFT, GIRL EGGS PEDDLER; BOTH ARE ARRESTED 1911 STUDENT ROLE ARNICA. GAINS Fourteen hundred and thlrty-qne stu dents have been enrolled in the educa tional department a. of the Portland Young Men's Christian ' association In the year, that Is just closing. This Is an Increase of mora than too ever JJ10, which had been the banner year of the institution. From Indications, the next year will witness even greater Increase. A large number of new students are expected to register next Tuesday when the winter term opens. - it is proDaoie, however, that the number of new -reg-istratlon will not be as high as last year, as this year, .for the first time, the great majority of students regist ered laat fall for a course of ; eight months. Up to this year three-month courses bad been the rule. ; The new free 'lecture course will probably b conduoted through tha win ter, although the details have not been arranged. -One course will follow psy chological subjects and the other will take up economic themes. Tha free course of lectures for . apple growers will also beresumed, , beginning a week from next Saturday night. Several phases of the T. M. C A. ed ucational work have shown especially rapid growth during tha last few months. One of these la tha day school which has gained about 60 per cent In enrollment. This gain has been snared by the commercial, college preparatory and boys' departments,' which are the main divisions of the day school. The (United Press Leased Wire.) Los Angeles, Dec. 27. Hans Scollno. a fruit vender, .day by day has seen the reddest of his apples fade rapidly to cores as mocking urchins disappeared down the street This finally got on his nerves. Early today Miss Rose Larsen came by his stand munching an apple she had plucked from a Christmas tree. Scollno made the mistake of believing that she classed within the scope of his feud. "You steala me beegest red apple,' he shouted. Miss Larsen seized an egg from a case and threw It It landed full In Ecollno's face and most of it stayed there. With a shout like the Gari baldi guards, Scollno dashed down the street with Miss Lar son in full pursuit Both were arrested. Is the last opportunity you will have this year to buy & few lots In BEND, the fastest growing town In central Oregon, where tha two rival railroads (the Hill and Harrlman lines) have spent t2a.000.000 to- reach. RIGHT NOW Is the last chance you will KVER HAVE to buy property In BEND at the present low prices because all property la increasing In value every day. RIGHT NOW we ara offering you large BUSINESS and CLOSE-IN RESI DENCE lota (60x140 on 60 and SO foot streets and 20 foot alleys) at $200 $200 TERMS: $10 Per Month Our property is located Just two blocks from the UNION DEPOT and the close-in property is selling -very fast. Do not delay in making your se lection. Call on or write today for free maps and photographs of BEND and central Oregon. The Newlon-Knller Co., Inc. 301 Bnohahan Bid?., Portland, Oregon. CLIMBING ABOARD THE "WATER WAGON" The Neal Way of Clinching Resolutions of Excessive Drinkers to "Swear Off. When Happy New Tear greetings are heard a few days hence tens of thou sands will make haste to clamber aboard the "water wagon." It la an every-year first-of-January perform ance. All kinds and conditions of drink ing men will be in that mighty army that will "swear off." any them are already excessive drinkers. They fully realise, la the moments when they stop and think, that they are "losing out" because of overindulgence In drink. Self-preservation Is the incen tive that will prompt them to stop. But most of those who will resolve without medical help to quit drinking will be at it again In short order. This Is history, repeated year after year. There Is really nothing strange In this. Tha man who drinks to excess Is car rying with him a stock of alcoholic poison. Every drink ha takes simply adds to the alcoholic poison which his system Is unable to threw off as fast as It Is taken on. It is this accumu lated poison which causes' that Intense craving and whloh has wrecked so many thousands of good New Tear's resolu tions. . r-vi' . There Is one way of getting on the "water wagon" and staying there with out any fear of falling off take the Neal Treatment . Good resolutions are all right, but some drinkers suffer tor tures during their )ong-fougHt battles for self-mastery. As a well-known bus iness man advises; t ; t , , "To any one who wants to Wt out drink I would say: Don't he foolish and try and 'fight It out, with all tha tor tures of hell racking your body and aoul for weeks while making the fight. Take the Neal Treatment and get the alcoholic poison out of your system In three days. You wIlU then be In a po sition to , meet : Mr.' John1 Barleycorn anywhere and on- equal footing,' fli ; ; ; . This. same business man had been a periodical drinker for over 10 years. ' "I managed to get good and, drunk from two to four times a year," ho said, "Now tha thought of liquor Is repulsive" The. hard drinker who "swears off" needs tho very help which is found in tha Neal Treatment. All craving and desire for drink Is quickly removed by the Neal Treat ment Three days spent at the Neal Instituto will prove the most profitable Investment that a drlnklnar man oan make. Many a business splendidly launched on the stream of prosperity has been wrecked on the rocks of In attention) due to overindulgence In drink. Hundreds of business and pro fessional men. having recognised this fact, 1 have taken the Neal Treatment and now are in full control of them selves. There is abundant evldenoe that tho drinking man who takes the Neal Three-Day Treatment climbs on the "water wagon" to stay. For further Information oaQ or write ran max uhbtitpi-h, sm mux sn, rortUad, Ot. rhono Karshall. B40O. . r z.aV i - ' - s 7 V. " .mi i . I y 'y ' f I. ' ! ' HMWM ' r yr - j. . : . .-- r-itv. " ; f - f Irs'-. -u't-rn . ,0F St. ' . 1 w - V sx il Jr 7 automobllo school has also grown rap Idly, and nowhas a dally attendanoe of 60. Autoplano. $5 Rental! free muslo rolls, free eartage, all money paid as rental oan apply on purchase prloe If desired. Kohlar Chase. 7S Washington stroet . . - - What Kunxba Bid Ton wisht We have It Our stock of Victor roa. ords Is complete. Sherman, Clay St Co. Morrison at Sixth,.. ; ;, a Jtflxed hardwood, best, cheapest bins Fuel Co. j . ... , AI- , Whalo Beef Praised. ' Long Beach, Cal, Deo, ST TO lessen tha high cost of living, Captain John Loop whaling expert, today suggested that tha American people eat whale beef hereafter Instead of cow beef. By eat ing whales. Captain Loop - believe, Amerloans would soon become a raoe of giants. . Ho oontenda that tha moat of a 40,00 pound whale Is Just as palatable as a section of prima rib from a young cow. gtAlinraV ftllnA ISRr ..11 Terms. KohTsr a Chasa, t7 Washing wo, . . Crowds attend Oaks Rink dally. Bdo School dose. (Speelal to The XmraaL) Bdo, Orv Dec I7-Tbe public schools have closed until January S,V Tfta out of town teachers have gone to their homes for the holidays. Soma of tha teachers will attend tha meeting of the State Teachers association In Portland during tha vacation. , Superintendent Ik L Gooding has ar ranged to have one of tho Turner art exhibits for the benefit of the school and publlo early in January. This will bo the fourth of a series of lectures and entertainments being given for the pur pose of bringing tho school and home closer together, i ' , P. M'FARLAND CHANGES MIND ABOUT RETIRING Chicago, Deo. 1L- Packey McFarland has changed his mind about retiring from tha ring. Now ha say ha will be back In active training next month In anticipation of a match with Ad Wolgaat, upon tho champion's recov ery. T did Irrtend to 1 get 1 oat of fho game," said McFarland today. "I was discouraged by tha criticism heaped upon me after my Thanksgiving day match In San Francisco with Tommy Murphy. It's tha hardest kind of work keeping my weight down, but I'm back in tba game and X want soma at A Wolgast's: game, tpa.. i,',t':-- - ' Rent Piano, $3 Chickerlng, Steinway, Fischer, e rent oan apply on purchase prloe If 4 stred. Kohler Chase. 171 Waahlngtn street..''.. ".."' ' . , s - $3 Rent Piano ; i ' Statnway, Chlckertna. f Flelsher, an ' other good makea, rent can apply c purchase prloe. ITS Washington 8b - , Pianos rented, II and 14 per month. Kohler Chase. S7S Washington st Ctiarqe Purchases Balance of lyiontt. Will Goon January Btll Foyable February Flrrst lVlanlcurlnfl and Halrdrcsalng Parlors Second Floor-Tea Room on Fourtti Floor h Amumunaifl Cfleaffanmee Sale In, All OepaDrtrinienfls ofi the Store Oedl A Lot of Women's Tailored Suits Kt Half Price Our Entire Stock of Fun on Sale at Half Price Our Entire Stock of Proses Is Greatly Reduced Our Entire Stock of Coats at Reduced Prices Entire Stock of Millinery Reduced for Clearance Our Entire Stock of Undermuslins Is Reduced Entire Stock of Infants' Wear Greatly Reduced Clearance Prices on All Our Lines of Neckwear Cl2airairiic2 ofi Brass Beds S23.50 Grades 015. OO $15.00 Grades SO. 95 Clearance Sale of satin finish Brass Beds, with 2 inch continuous posts and yfj-inch fillers, full or i size, neat and strong construction. fT AA Regular $22.50 values. Clearance at wAUeUU BRASS BEDS, in tKo satin finish with 2-inch straight posts and yg-inch fillers, full size or yi size; very attractive pattern. Regular ?Q QT $15.00 seller, special Clearance price Pa7ee7t) Women's Kid Gloves at Clearance Sale Prices Clearance of Entire Stock of Beautiful Laces Beautiful Embroidery at Clearance Sale Prices Clearance of Our Complete Line of Trimrnings All Our Lines of Linens Are Greatly Reduced Clearance Sale of Draperies at Sacrifice Prices Fine Corsets Greatly Reduced for the Clearance Great Clearance Sale of All Lines of Hosiery Fine Umbrellas Greatly Reduced for Clearance Great Clearance Sale of All Fine Dress Goods All Our Silks Reduced for the Great Clearance Great Clearance Sale of Entire Line of Shoes All Our Lines of Clothing at Clearance Prices Beautiful Lace Curtains at Clearance Sale Prices Clearance Prices on Complete Line of Furniture Table Silverware Marked at Clearance Prices Sl'iifk4a 18.00 S14.00 In the big Bedding Store, third floor, a sale of felted silk floss Mattresses, biscuit tufted, roll edge, stitched sides, covered with A. C A. or satm art ticking; weight 35 Pf Q f? A $18 Mattresa, Clearance at WXUUU Clearance Sale of AH Bed Springs. lbs. C13.SO at G9.SO In the Bedding Store, third floor, a sale of silk floss Mattresses, covered with good, heavy art ticking in fancy patterns, diamond or biscuit tufted, with roll edge a full 30 pound Mattresa Sells regularly GQ ff A at $14, special Clearance price at Pe7etlU 91.15' 32. SO Pillows foir SOc Pillow for G1.98 Gearance Sale of full sire Bed Pillows, cov ers of good quality art ticking, filled with feathers; very exceptional $1.15 val- OA. ues, special Clearance Sale price, each OUi Clearance Sale of full sise Bed Pillows, cov ers of satin finish art ticking, filled with live goose feathers a 3-Ib. pillow, size (Jt QQ 21x27; $2.50 values, Gearance, ea. PJLoe70 Entire Stock of Pillows Reduced Entire Stock Mattresses Reduced Entire Stock of Bedding Reduced CODMHOffttS $3.00 Grades $2.35 $2.50 Grades $1.95 Thrifty housekeepers will lay In a good supply of these Comforts. Silkoline covered and filled with white cotton, full double bed size. Excellent values at $2.50. ftif Qf Priced for the Clearance 9l7eJ Another Lot, a lhtle hear- qr ler, regular $3.00 ralues daCaajD Mill Close-Out of Blanket s 09.00 Values for G6.00 G8.00 Values for G5.C50 A mill clean-up of White Wool Blankets, made right here in Oregon. Double bed size, fine finish, heavy fleeced surface, pink or blue bor ders, bound with taffeta silk binding. Splendid $8.00 val- t Q ETA ues. opeaauy pricea ror tne Annual wearance oaie omy ANOTHER LINE, same finish, but heavier, $9.00 Blankets, for $6.00 SO.OO Wtilte OlO.OO White 06.95 IBaipgjaSini GIfcIs Tomorrow and Friday Clearance ot Slippers 98c 32. OO Slippers Women's Crochet Slippers, beautiful pat terns with high roll tops, wool yarn or mer cerized, with best sultana soles. A pleasing collection of colors and all sizes. They are our regular $L50 and $2.00 values, QQ special Clearance Sale price, pairaOU $2.00 Slippers Ol.lO Women's Juliets and Comforts in fehs. A delayed shipment of handsome fur and rib bon trimmed honse slippers, all hand-sewed, with best rnrned leather soles; (1" "I Q regular values to $2.00, special, pr. PXe li7 1 Men's Slippers S1.40 Gearance Sale of men's leather Slippers, broken lines, left over from the Christmas sale. Many different lasts in Everett, Operas and Romeo styles, in tans, reds and J" Ak black. They are oar best regular vakies up to $2.50, Clearance Sale price, the pair vi-w A Gearance Sal of excellent quality white wool Blankets, which were slightly damaged at the mill, small spots, etc., which in no way Impair the wearing quality. (PfT They are the full double bed sizes, very fine finish, silk bound; $9.00 values for yOfO Heavier and larger Blankets, slightly soiled, white with pink or blue borders, Qf Q silk bound. They are the regular $10.00 value, special Gearance price, pair PUea74J Sale of Down Comforts 06.00 Values for $4.50 S32.50 Values for $27&0 Bedding StoreThird Floor. Every shrewd matron in the city of Portland should investigate this sal of Down Com forts tbe cheapest and best of all bed covering. All ara well made and the patterns are beautiful. Note the prices : Satin or silk covered Down Comforts, priced for speedy clearance as follows: $13.50 Down Comforts, special for 10.75 $16.00 Down Comforts, special for S512.50 $18.50 Down Comforts, special for SS1K.OO $20.00 Down Comforts, special for $16.00 $22.50 Down Comforts, special for $18.00 $25.00 Down Comforts, special for S519.50 $27.50 Down Comforts, special for fai.OO $32.50 Down Comforts, special for sjar.BO Down Comforts, covered with the best grade of satin, special clearance as follows: $ 6.00 Down Comforts, special for f 4.50 $ 7.00 Down Comforts, special for f K.3K $10.50 Down Comforts, special for f T.75 INDIAN BLANKETS $ 5.00 Indian Robes, special price S3-T3 $ 6.75 Indian Robes, t special prfce f4.7S $ 9.00 Indian Robes, special price S6.75 $11.00 Indian Robes, special price fT.50 Clcaranice $1.25 Clothes Racks Special at Only 79c Clothespins on Sale Only lc Per Dozen 40c Washboards 30c Ho nas eti old fFeeds $2.00 Wash Boilers Special Only $1.65 No. 9 heavy copper bot tom Wash Boiler oar best. $2.00 sellers, flj P Clearance price $2.25 Ironing Boards $1.79 Here's the best .of all, the handy Folding Ironing Board, with sleeve board attachment Reg. (31 I7Q $225 ralues, special at p.Xel & 75c Galvanize3 Wash Tubs Specially Priced for Clearance 59c $1.25 Clothes Hampers Special for the Clearance at Only 75c 50c Sleeve Boards Specially Priced for the Clearance Only 39c 75c Aluminum Sauce Pans, special Clearance Sale price at only, each KO $4.35 Aluminum Tea Kettles, specialized for the Clearance Sale only $3.90 $1.75 Aluminum Coffee Pots, special Clearance Sale price at only, each $1.39 $1.40 Aluminum Sauce Pans, specialized for the Clearance Sale at, each $1.12 $3.75 Aluminum Rice Boilers, specially priced for Gearance Sale only $3.35 95c Aluminum Frying Fans, special for theg rest Gearance Sale at only 75f) , HAMS lSlxc POUND Iciest Eastern Suar;Ciired. BACON 16c POUND Eastern Suar-Cured, best English . style, lean arid fat. 25c FIGS 20c POUND Imported Smyrna, very choice :S:LAYW Selected stock, put up A in 2-lb boxes, a box OUv CANNED MILK Jersey Queen, three for 25c Je'rsey Queen, per doz. 85c Ivory Soap, 6 cakes for 25c Fairy Soap, 6 cakes, for 25c Clearance of All Enarniel Ware In the Kitchen . Goods section, third floor, a clearance of gray enameled Cooking Utensils, all kinds, special clearance as follows: 40c Dish Pan, 10-qt siae, 80a) 40c Coffee Pots, special 30f 45c Core red Kettles, only 33 19c Lipped Samce Pans at 12) 13c Layer t Cake Pans for 104 13c Flat Skimmers ; only 10 15c Deep Pudding Pans st 10 40c Muffin Pans, special 30 75c Tea Kettles, No. 8, at B5 70c Double Rice Boilers at' B5 30c Granite Measures for 22 All Enameled Ware reduced. Nickel Plated 'Ware $1.35 Tea Kettles, special 98 $1.40 Coffee Pots, spec'l 91.12 55c Towel Bars, special W;42V 25c Robe Hooks, special at 19 50c Tumbler Holders, spel 37 $3.00 Tea Ball Tea Pots $2.40 $1.00 Toilet Paper Holders T $4.50 Bathroom Mirrors "'$ 3.BD 50c Glass. "Towel Bars for $2J25 Bathroom Seats at f t.r.