(EIlcBaiipa. Cost audi IFaiir IB21cdw (Cost! IPipflecss 2 Only -one, two and three pieces of a kind in many; instances. Many of the articles shown. on this page will be snapped up quickly. The first to come will get them. Wl2m Regardless frf the fact that our stock is all new and fresh. In every department, from the basement to the top floor, we have made sweeping reductions to reduce our stock before our Annual Stock-Taking. No such opportunity to furnish a home in years. Quick response on your part is necessary to take advantage of this opportunity. Kead the partial list; Every former price quoted on this page ii the bqna fide former selling price, in itself the lowest in the city. The reduc tions mean t saving of a third and In many instances half.. Every advertised article marked with a large tag.; These tags lead the way, Old. tags remain for comparison. S1T.SS rormer Trie $37 QVABTEBEB OAS CBXVA CLOSET A beautiful, large China closet with French )ate glass. Stands 83 inches igh and is 88 Inches wide. mm mmrmmm j i tm 019.85 iegAt ffiB'- 63 Former Brlce $17.50 GENUINE OAK EXTENSION DINING' ROOM TABLE with 42 Inch top. Extends to 6 feet. Dull wax, fumed or Old English finish. A table that la handsome and serviceable. NO EXCHANGES DURING THIS SALE $6.15 Tonnei Price tlO ROUS OAK XJUDXE8 WBIT XNO DESK A beautiful writ ing desk, all oak, with spac ious writing space and two helves. Back covered. rormer Brloe $30 osmrnra qvabtebsb oak Birr- FBT Very massive, in either the dull wax or fumed finish. Has 41 Inch top with a French plate beveled mirror 10x28 Inches. Former Price 930 GENUINE QUARTERED OAK EXTENSION DINING BOOM TABLE with a 44 Inch top, extending to 6 feet without dividing the pedestal. Claw feet. One of the handsomest tables on our floors. , Vomur Mo 345 OBirom oaz nnmro boom CHAia With GENUINE leather eat and panels of quarter sawed oak. Full box seat. The chair very strongly made and jput to gether in the best possible ner. Claw feet Former Price $18 GENUINE OAK DINING ROOM TABLE With 42 inch top, extends to 6 feet Has" a massive ped vestal, 7 Inches square and will last a lifetime. A popular design of the cel ebrated Lents make. rormer Frloe S1T.S0 TOESZBB X.BATBBB BOOKER Roomy and comfortable. Up holstered in high quality imita tion leather. Seat on oil tempered springs. $14.10- rormer Mm $30. BOI.ISKED TJTTABTEBBD OAK OO IiONUL UBBABY TABLE With oval too. I6x8 Inches and 4 inch ped- FRAMED PICTURES ONE THIRD OFF DURING THIS SALE ifU fomn Brio 88,80 OBWU1BB rxnm OAK T,rSMST TAJBJUB Width 24x34 inch top, 2T Inches high. Has carved end Dan- els and foot-shelf. S1.6S Bormes pstoe tftM SOUS OAK StBXSrO BOOM OHAia With full box. saddle seat and extra heavy legs. All oak. back panels quarter sawed. . S7.90 vviii k;r -si rmm ,8SiVf,!sa 11.445 4 Former Price 8) 1 7.60 TUFTED LEATHER COUCH 70 Inches long and 30 Inches wide. Constructed on oil tempered springs and up holstered In high grade Imitation leather. esuus. a magmiiceni uvrmrr m j .rormer Woe 911JW OXJTS OAK xaBBABT TABiB With 86x41 Inch top, suiuae si inches high. One large drawer and foov helf, a handsome Mission design. j a rormer Prlo 918.00 BTTU BBAS8 BEDSTEAD With t inch pillars and five heavy filling rods. This Is not a cheap bed made for a sale but one of the standard makes of the celebrated Simmons Mnfg. Co. 1 hi V JJJIiill rrffff G9.55 Totmmt Mm 190.00 TUBAlSBt BO O KB B With tufted back and sides, best steel construction, upholstered In best Boston black' leather. rormer Brloe S13.SO QVABTBBSAWBB OOU- b oak uoiiiv vrmxr. tiro DESK A desk of large proportions, exquis itely finished. Has large Serpentine front drawer rormsr Brio. 830,00 AZA BBASB BBDSTBAE With t Inch continuous pillars and five heavy fillers. Made by the Sim mons Mnfg. Co a quaranUa of quality. , $3.85 J Former Price tOJUO ALL STEEL FOLDING DIVAN Strong steel frame. Simple) and positive locks. Oil tempered helicals and spirals. Simmons Non Rustible steel fabric. Measures!. Inches long and 43 wide whan open. Easily and aulckly set up. rormer rrtoe 87.80 BBASS TKXHXBB SJTBBXi 8BSSTBAS With heavy pillars and top tubes and vases of brass. This bed is al ways popular. Three colors of enamel. May be had In full or three-quarter width. Royal Granite Steel Ware SAVE ALUOST HALF! No. 80 Regular 81.16 Tea Kettles 80 No. 80 Regular 81.00 Tea Kettles 709 No. 79 Regular 88o Tea Kettle v -.654 No. 60 Regular 75c Tea Kettles 454 3 41 pm JL0 , fwnn Vrloe 88.00 8BA88J TBTHJCBB BPTBBUi BBB8TBAB Heavily coated with guaranteed en amel. - Pillars are Inch thick. 54 Inches high at head and 48 inches at the foot Brass vases. rormer Price 83.00 OBHtmTE WAXED OAK BAB Z.OB STAJTO With a 24 inch round top, beautifully polished. Stands 30 Inches high, has a carved shelf. from cut. Slightly different rormer Brioe 932.00 ( OSIU IB B QVABTEBSAWBB OAK FBXBOESB BBES6EB With French beveled plate mir ror 18x36 Inches. A magnificent dresser. Has top 0x43 Inches, two swell front drawers and one large straight front drawer. Slashed Pricco In llie Carpet Department S1S EBX " rBET BWOS. 810H rBB BTSBB S21.1S $12.85 19.65 39c a Yard each. Only a few left Is large. green. 17 II ' H 11 Bonner Frioe 82.00 S01XD OAK SJTAVO With beau tifully grained top 18 Inches square. Stands 80 Inches high; has a large shelf and turned legs. $14.15 Come Early and Take Advantage of This Wonderful Homefumishing Opporlunity rormer Price 830.00 OEM-THUD OAK DBESSEK With French plate beveled mirror 19x ?4 inches. Top measures 18x40 nches and stands 84 inches from ithe floor. Four roomy . drawers Iwlth wood pulls. One of the handsomest oak dressers we have. Bfa ft lw.JB . . rormer Prloe fllXO ' aEwimrB- rtmso oak mstxck- X.ST" StOCKEB With f?enuine leather cuehion. Btiokl"y s Mls alon furniture is conceund to be the bet- constructed, strongest and best finlnhed furniturs In the country. This Korker is one of the most popular designs. ; ' rnsr, soboobs abb tabocdub srr ' fk ' v ' 7 sBssaBjBjsB-si c.A 0 a &px ' rormsr rno. 8)18.00 " OTTABTEBED OAK. KIOK BACK ABM BOOKBB With automobile sjirins; seat upholstered In' GBN U1NH LEATHER. A large, com. fortable rocker, the kind In whloh you rest.