8 ' "' ' ' ''' '.' ' ' ' " i 'I ''' " i y 'I ' 1 " ' ' ' ; ( Best by Test Best by Comparison Best in Qyality, Reliability and Worth THe Opmain, Wolre&Gb Not Only Do We Guarantee Lowest Prices in Portland In Addition We Offer an Unprecedented Opportunity of Extended Credit1 STORE OPENS 6:30 A. M. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED To Our Charge Customers and to Trustworthy Persons Who Desire to Open Accounts EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED All Goods Purchased From Today Until January 3 ! st Will Be Billed to You on March 1 st t Final White Sale Undermuslins Gowns of the Best Workmanship Gowns of the Best Qualities Gowns of. the Best Styles Gowns That Fit and Wear At Exactly Halt Price Comparison is the best standard by which the worth of mer chandise is determined. Comparison is the method by which we wish you to judge this sale. Comparison is the method by which we wish you to compare the styles, the workmanship, the qual ity of the gowns placed on sale at HALF PRICE., All told we offer for your approval about twenty-five hun dred domestic gowns. On Sale in the White Bazaar, Second Floor Made of the sheerest nainsook, long cloth and cambric. In round, square and V shape neck. They are trimmed with em broidery, insertions, edgings, headings, ribbons and medallions. They are generously full, and throughout each detail the work manship is of the best. REGULAR PRICES 85e, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 TO $16.00 HALF PRICE, 43S 50, 63S 75, $1.00 TO $8.00 Ladies White Petticoats Now 98c All Our Petticoats Selling to $2.25 A thousand petticoats in one great lot, being all the petti coats in the store, ranging in price from $1.50 to $2.25 each. Thev are made of a verv su perior quality of cambric and long cloth with deep ruffles and embroidery, also ruffles of lace and insertion. Others with deep ruffle and cluster tucks. .AH have underdust ruffles. Corset Covers 25c Selling Regularly to 50c A very unusual collection of dainty corset covers, made of good soft materials, in circular cut necK witn lace ana emoroia- ery edgings and insertions, headings and ribbon drawn. Some with medallions. Combinations, 98c Selling Regular to $2.25 Including corset covers and drawers, corset cover and skirt of fine sheer material. Round neck with torchon or val. lace and insertions, ribbon drawn through headings and some with medallions. Many Fine Corset Covers Final 98c Selling Regularly from $1.25 to $2.00 Each Made of fine 6heer nainsook and long cloth. Circular cut neck, some trimmed with laces and insertions forming a yoke. Others with medallions, headings and ribbons. All in dainty refined patterns that women of good taste always select Many Drawers in One Great Final 98c g Selling Regularly from $ 1 .25 to $1.75 Pair Many of the choicest and best selling drawers; made of fine sheer nainsook and longcloth in regulation, Vassar and circular, also extra .sizes. . Trimmings' of embroidery, laces, insertions and cluster tucks. ' : " '"v,:', All Infants' Underwear at'Final Reductions - Final Prices on Linens French Cluny Scarfs Half Price Made of pure linen with border and insertion of hand made cluny lace. Size 18 by 54 inches. $2.50 Cluny Scarfs $1.25 $6.00 Cluny Scarfs $3.00 $9.00 Cluny Scarfs . $4.50 $10 Cluny Scarfs $5.00 Battenburg Bed Spreads Final Price $17.50 Former Selling Price $35.00 Size three yards by two and a quarter yards. Hand made. Imported Centerpieces German manufacture, fancy linen cen ters with cluny lace borders. 18x18 inch, 70c round 35 30x30 inch $1.25. now 63 Tea Cloths Fringed damask tea cloths, with fancy drawn work, 45 by 54 inches. $3.50 Tea Cloths now $1.75 $3.75 Tea Cloths now $1.88 Battenburg Scarfs Final 98c These scarfs are 18 by 54 inches and made of three piece linen center with elaborate Battenberg lace borders and insertion. Japanese Centerpieces Final 53c Scarfs and squares with a deep hem stitched edge and with elaborate Japan ese embroidery in the corners. The scarfs are 18 by 50 inches. The squares are 30 by 30 inches. Art Linens HALF PRICE Scalloped Edge Linen Pieces 35c size, 18-inch, now 18 65c size, 24-inch, now 33 $1.25 size, 36-inch, now 63 $4.50 size, 72-inch, now $2.25 Embroidered Linen Center Pieces With lace edge, hand worked. $1.50 size, 30 inches, now 75 $2.50 size, 30 inches, now $1.25 Filet Hand Work Linen Centers Bordered with linen lace. $2.50 squares, 30-inch, now $1.25 $2.50 Scarfs, 18x54-inch, now.. $1.25 Madeira Eyelet Work Hand scalloped edge with hand em broidered Madeira eyelet work. $2.75 Scarfs, 18x36, now $1.38 $4.00 Scarfs, 18x54, now $2.00 $4.50 Scarfs, 20x54, now $2.25 Japanese Tea Cloths $12 Cloth, 36x36, now $6.00 $12 Cloth, 45x45, now $6.00 $7.50 Cloth, 54x54-inch $3.50 15c Dress Ginghams Final 10c Ginghams in dark and medium col ors in checks, plaids, stripes, in the newest and most attractive effects in choice colorings. . 36-Inch Percales Final 12c These are positively the best quality of percales in the market at any price In dark, medium and light effects. Stripes and figures on white and! tinted grounds in an endless variety of solid colors. 15c Printed Batiste tmy Final 6c Printed batiste in designs suitable for house dresses, kimonos, dressing iacques and fancy aprons. These come with or without bor. ders. An opportunity to lay in a most desirable material for summer at about one-third the regular price. f - We make this special concession in order that we may accomplish the enormous task of disposing of our entire stock of staple win ter merchandise in the few remaining weeks before stock-taking. No stone will be left unturned no obstacle allowed to balk our plans. Every energy, every force back of this immense organization will be strained to the utmost to make a clean sweep of all winter goods. Nor will we stop at losses this store has learned to take losses whenever necessary. It is the shrewdest thing a wideawake merchant ,does. We advise you to come to the store day after day for your present and future needs. It will mean money-saving to you. We have been weeks getting ready for the final effort WE ARE READY. COME. Tailored Waists Final $1.00 Selling Regularly at $2.00 Tailored waists for women of plain and figured white madras. Made in a variety of fancy plaited styles and designs. These waists are strictly tail ored with laundered collar and cuffs. Walking Skirts Final $3.75 Selling From $5 to $7.50 High class tailored walking skirts for women, of finest qual ity all wool chiffon, panama and double twisted English storm serge, in black, navy and brown. These skirts are made in the newest Fall and Winter models, representing all the most popu lar and correct panel and apron fronts with plaited side effects. Every skirt is new this season. Separate Fur Muffs Final $2.75 Regularly $4.00 to $5.00 Separate muffs of fine quality sealette plush and silk caracul, in a variety of newest shapes. Such as pillow muffs, barred muffs, empire muffs, and com bination muffs and hand bags. 7 V U U.I Boys' Wash Suits Final 98c Regular $1.50 to $1.65 Suits for boys from 2lt to 6 years old. Made of good quaKty plain or striped galatea in two distinct styles. One style has a high military collar with side band of solid color and piped with white. The other style is made with a large sailor collar and em blem on the dicky and tie to match. In tan, light blue, dark blue, white with black hair-line stripes. Rug Samples Final Prices Manufacturers' carpet rug samples, all firmly bound. Size 27 by 54 inches. The best qual ity of Axminster, Wilton, Body Brussels and Tapestry Brus sels in pretty oriental flora) de signs: $2.00 Brussels Rugs, fnl. 931 $2.50 Brussels Hugs SI. 19 $3.00 Brussels Rugs. .. . .f 1.33 Final Prices on Linoleum The best standard quality of printed and inlaid linoleum in pretty inlaid block, tile and conventional designs: 75c Linoleum, final ....... 4Te $1.50 Linoleum, final. . ..f 1.15 Victor Talking Machines . . 50c Down, 50c Week ; ,1 I ? .il. 111 5. f !, . 3 .'El One-Piece House Dresses Final $ 1 .39 Former Price $1.75 Made of striped or dotted percale with a fancy band trim ming on the skirt to form a panel, and on the waist to form a yoke. Either high military or turn over collar. Fitted. Inverted plait in the back of skirt. Final $1.59 Selling Regularly at $2.50 A one-piece house dress made of light plaid or block percale combined with plain color chambray and percale. Made with large sailor collar, cuffs, belt. Plain inverted back and gored skirt with deep hem. Final 69c Selling Regularly at $1.50 Dress made of striped ging ham. Made with high neck and plaits to the shoulders, long sleeves and turn-over collar. Has a gored skirt. Some come with plain waists. Final 98c Regular Price $1.50 This dress is made of fine stripe percale. Made with a pointed collar and kimono sleeves. Fitted gored skirt. Trimmed with fancy band trim mings on collar, sleeves and belt Fine Hair Goods Final Prices German Switches 24 inch, 2 ounce stem switches $2.45 30 inch, 3 ounces, 3 stem switches $4.15 24 inch, 2 ounce separate strand $3.95 30 inch, 3 ounce separate strand $5.75 These switches are all supe rior mounted. The hair is' all turned and wavy. All natural hair shades. Real French Switches 24 inch, 2 ounce stem switches $8.75 24 inch, 254 ounce separate strand . . ..$9.00 30 inch, 3 ounce, 3 stem switches $16.35 Transformations $1.78 Made of fine quality Ger man hair, 2 ounce weight, 16 inch hair on 22-inch French weft All shades. ' -1 f. Final Prices on Women's and Children's Hosiery Removal 10c Selling Regularly to 25c Stockings for women of me dium weight cotton, seamless or fashioned in tan or fancy color combinations. Removal 15c Selling Regularly to 50c Stockings of light or medium weight cotton or lisle thread in fast black, tan, whits or colon. Also neat fancy designs. All full fashioned and exceptionally fine in quality. Removal 65c Selling Regularly at $1.00 Thread silk, stockings, fall fashioned In black or colors. With silk lisle double tops and lisle soles. Extra fine and dur able for dress or street wear. Removal 12c Selling Regularly at 20c Children's stockings of fast black ribbed cotton. Heavy weight, seamless. ' Made with double knees, heels and toes. Full, wide and elastic. Sewing Notions At Final Removal Prices Pearl Buttons 2c Dozen River shell pearl buttons in sizes from 14 to 24. Being slightly chipped, we are offer ing them at 2c the dozen in this sale. Needle Books 3c These books contain each 25 gold eyed sharp needles, four gold eyed darners and two gold eyed bodkins. Collar Supporters 3c Set Vent bone collar supporters, sizes 2, 2V, and 3 inches. In black and white. Fealherbone 5c Warren's featherbone with stock foundations, in black and white. Covered with silk chif fon. Needles 3c Paper German gold eyed needles. All sizes, first quality, extra finish. Three cents for a paper containing 25 needles. Darners 3 Papers for 10c Gold eyed darners in assorted sizes. 3c for a paper of 10. Socket Fasteners 3c Dozen German socket fasteners in black and white. Small, me dium and large sizes. Bust Forms Final 79c These bust forms are made of papier-mache and covered with black jersey cloth. Sizes 32, 34, 38, 40, 42 and 44. Very light and durable. Drapery Materials At Final Prices 15c Curtain Swiss, final.... 11 18c Curtain Swiss, final.. 12 25c Plain Curtain Scrim... 19f 18c Plain Burlap 12yit 20c Cretonnes, final....... 15f 35c Cretonnes, final ...... 28 25c Curtain Swisses , ..i.,.19 $1.00 Curtain Madras. .... ,T3 $1.55 Curtain Madras .. .1 , 03f $1.50 Curtain Madras. . . .f 1.10 25c Fancy Figured Scrim.. 10' 35C Curtain Scrim 20 10c Curtain Rods .......,,.74 15c Curtain Rods '.......... 25c Curtain Rods ......... lOrf Rain Capes At Half and Less A thousand rain capes for chil dren, sge 4 to 14 years. Made of excellent quality tray stripe rubberized cloth with natty plaid lined hood. Regular Price $135 Final 98c Rain Coats Selling From $6.00 to $15.00 Final $3 J 5 Over two hundred rain coats for girls of 4 years to 14 years. In single and double breasted models with mannish notched collars, big pockets and large born buttons. The materials are of the very finest and identical with those used in women's coats selling to $35.00, Child's Woolen Dresses Sizes 6 to 12 Years Children's dark woolen dresses, made of all wool serge. Black and white checks, velvets and other serviceable materials. In two-piece sailor suits, one- piece dresses with kilted skirts. Braid, silk and satin trimmings. We have taken our entire stock and divided it into two lots. All Dresses to $600 Removal $3,95 All Dresses to $11.00 Removal $4.98 Final Removal Prices on Ribbons 50c and 65c Fancy Ribbons Final 24c - Hundreds of yard of five to seven inch; fancy ribbons . In every color in Persian, Floral and Conventional designs. 85c and $1.00 Fancy Ribbons Final 33c Verv wide sash ribbons In all the delicate color combinations in both light nd dark grounds. 1 ' 1