THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26, 1911. IS FROM HIS DISABLED LAUNCH: DROWNED Assistant Lighthousekeeper N A. Clarke Meets Death in Chilly Waters of the Geor gian Bay. - .Attempting to swim ashore from disabled launch Saturday night In Georgian bay proved fatal to N. Clarke, one of tha assistant liehthous keepers on Patos Island, according to a teiepnone message received this morn Ins by Inspector Henry L. Beck No details of the drowning of the assistant keeper were received by In spector Beck, who was apprised of the occurrence by Keeper George H. Lon holt, beyond the fact that at about l o'clock on Saturday night Clarke start ed to swim ashore from a launch which naa become disabled. The drowning occurred on the north side of the Island where the tide rip Is heavy and it is probable that he was carried on beyond the island and out into the open water of the bay. There have been several fatalities in the lighthouse service In tha 'Seven teenth district this yar, but this one is tne first caused ,by drowning. LUMBER FLOATING AWAY Thousands of Feet of Building Ma terial Sighted Below Tillamook Thousands of feet of lumber, appar ently the deckload of some steamer, were passed through by the Associated Oil tanker Catania. Captain Canty, a few miies oeiow Tillamook Sunday noon while the tanker was bound for this port from San Francisco. Captain Canty said that the lumber was cut stuff, 2 by 12 Inches, and must have been very recently lost, as there Is a drift of about 18 miles there. The lumber was encountered about seven miles southwest of Tillamook, and was well scattered out In some places, 'says uie captain, while In others It was bunched up. It is supposed that It was the deckload of Borne steamer from Puget sound or Grays Harbor. TO MAKE THIS PORT Melville Dollar and Tarnpico Under Charter to Olson & Mahouey Co. Under charter to the Olson & TAsl- hony Steamship Co., the steamer Mel ville Dollar will run to this port from Ban Francisco, and the steamer Tarn Pico, recently secured by tha company, will run in connection with the Dollar, The latter. It is said, has been taken on a long time charter and both vessels will be run here regularly. The Tarn plcj was formerly on the Alaska run from Seattle. TWO NEW VESSELS ARRIVE Steamer AVUl&mette and the Daisy Gadsby Bring First Cargoes. Two brand new vessels on their maiden voyages arrived in the rtver this morning and are scheduled to reach the local harbor tonight, both coming from San Francisco. The steamtr WU lamette, Just completed for the Charles R. McCormick Lumber company, win carry passengers as well as freight, and the Daisy Gadsby, owned by, the Freeman Steamship company, is bring ing her first cargo. ALONG THE WATERFRONT For the first time in several months the gas sloop Condor will sail tomorrow for Newport and Waldport with cargo. She has been tied up for some time. In water ballast the oil tanker Ca tenia. Captain Canty, will sail at ( o'clock tonight from Portsmouth for Ban Francisco. When she sails tonight for San Fran Cisco the American-Hawaiian steamer Faloon. Captain Schage, will have bonded and domestlo freight for trans portation across the Isthmus of Tehuan tepee. Carrying passengers and general freight the steamer Breakwater, Captain Macsrenn. Is scheduled to sail tonight for Coos Bay. The steamer Alliance, Captain Lof- stedt, is scheduled to sail tonight for Coos Bay and Eureka with passengers and freight. Two of the Olson & Mahony fleet, the Carlos and the Nome City, will load hold cargoes of grain out this trip. The Carlos Is due today from San Francisco and the Nome City will be In from that port tomorrow. I. F. Peck, a mining engineer of Den ver, was oaught showing District Fore- caster E. A. Beals, some fine nuggets this morning which came from one of his prospects about 70 miles southwest Stt Grants Pass. Mr. Peck says that there is some fine gold in that district. Word has been received by Frank Bollam that on her last sailing from Ban Francisco last Saturday, the steam er Harvard turned away over 1000 peo ple, some from Portland, who arrived at the does late, Doing among mem. MARINE NOTES Astoria. Dee, 16. Arrived at 8 and left up at 10:80 a. m., steamer WU lamette. from San Francisco. Sailed at 8:30 a. m., steamer Maverick, for San Francisco. Arrived at 9 and left up at 10:30 a. m., steamer Carlos, from San Francisco. Arrived, at 10 and left tip at 11 a. m., steamer Klamath, from , . San Francisco. Sailed at 11 a. m., sohooner R. C. Slade, for Grays Harbor. San Francisco, Deo. 28. Arrived at 4 a, m., steamer Beaver, from Portland. Astoria, Deo. 25. Sailed at noon, steamers Aurelta and Hoqulam, for San . Francisco. Sailed at 2 p. m., steamer Tosemite, for San Pedro. Sailed at I p. m., steamer Johan Poulsen, for San . Francisoo; steamer Geo. W. Fenwlck, .for San Pedro. Arrived at '6:80 and left up at 7 p. m., steamer Yellowstone, from San Francisco. Arrived at 4 p. m., .steamer Daisy Gadsby, from San Fran vclsco. San Pedro, Dec 25. Sailed, steamer Rose City, .for Portland; steamer Geo. W. Elder, for San Diego. - Astoria, Dec. 26. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., mod erate; wind southeast It miles; - weather, raining. . , . ' Tides at Astoria Wednesday. High water- 7;20 a, in., 7.6 feet; 5:05 'p. m., 6.8 feet. ' ' ? y , Low water n:28 a. m.. 8.8 feet; 11:87 p. m., 1.4 feet ft " ' . Now Is the Best Time ' ,To secure extra value In slightly used pianos that were taken in exchange dur ing our Christmas season. , . Nearly all makes are represented, the variety and f quality is exoeptlonai. Vu will buy here If you wish to save, money. 'Sher man. Clay & Co,, Morrison at Sixth. Pianos Rented, $3 and 14 per month. Kohler A Chase, 175 Washington st YOUNG. BRIDE'S DEAIHi; m TI Wife of Aged Broker Comes , to . Mysterious End; Was Mate of Man Who, Shot, Killed Daughter and Dldd Later in Suicide aPct. (United Press I-sawA Wire.) Santa Monica, Cal., Dec, 26, Mrs. May Dania Sharp. 26, the bride of two months of George M. Sharp, 76, a wealthy real estate owner, Is dead to day at the Santa Monica hospital, un der circumstances that probably will require an Investigation. While sur geons at the hospital refuse to make a detailed statement of the case, they stated that the woman's death was not due to an operation. With the death of Mrs. Sharp, anoth er chapter In the Dania family trage dies was opened. Mrs. Sharp formerly was the wife of S. L. Dania. who, on April 1 last, shot and killed his daught er, Ledania, aged 6 years, a few min utes after receiving a fullet wound at the hands of George Koerner. who lat er was released on a plea of self de fense. Subsequent to the shooting of his daughter, Dania was removed to the county hospital, where, for more than a week, he was nursed by Mrs. ' Eva Bovee, hts reputed adopted daughter. April 8 last Mrs. Bovee is said to have smuggled a revolver to the bedside of Dania, and a few moments later Mrs. Bovee and Dania were found severely wounded by pistol shots said to have been fired by Dania in pursuance of a suicide pact. Dania died a short time later. CALIFORNIA AVIATOR FLIES OVER LOUISIANA U'nlted Press Leued Wire. New Orleans, Dec. 26. Various ru mors that Aviator Kobert Fowler was lost in the Louisiana marshes were dis pelled here today with the news that the California blrdman had landed at Paradise, several miles from New Or leans. Fowler left Los Angeles Octo ber 19 and consumed three weeks fly ing from Houston to Paradise. He made the distance from New Iberia to Paradise, 101- miles. In two hours and five minutes. From here he plans to fly via Mobile and Atlanta to New York. BORN CHRISTMAS DAY, HE DIES ON CHRISTMAS (United Press Lrocd wtre.l Los Angeles, Dec. 26. With a smile on his face and the prophecy of years realized, Thomas Wilcox, a fatalist, is dead here today. The fact that he had been born on Christmas day seemed to exercise an Influence over his whole career, say relatives, and he was pos sessed with the idea that he was fated to die on Christmas. When a friend of Wilcox entered his room yesterday the prediction of the fatalist was found to be verified. Wilcox was lying cold in his bed, a smile upon his face. Insane Man Has Religious Mania. Astoria. Or., Dec. 26. Suffering from an acute attack of religious fanaticism and more or less affected by Intoxi cation of the spiritual variety, Jacob IiOwmon, a local resident, reached the climax here at a Holy Roller meeting last night and after announcing himself as "king of the boarding nouse" in a place where he started to create a dis turbance, was arrested by Sheriff Bums and a deputy. According to the authorities Lowmen has been attend ing a series of Holy Roller meetings and became Insane Monday night. After causing a commotion at the meeting he went to his boarding house and was in full possession of the premises by the time the sheriff and his deputy ar rived. The officers soon got the de mented man under control and lodged him in jail. Bride Locked in Cellar. Los Angeles, Deo. 24. John Ashton, a newly wed, today is dead set against practical Jokes. Ashton and Miss Eva Nolte were married Christmas day and all went well until after the wedding supper had been finished. The bride groom left the apartment for a few minutes after the bride had retired for the night While he was away wed ding guests seized Mr J. Ashton and locked her In the cellar, where she was not found by her husband until several hours later. MARINE INTELLIGENCE , Due to Arrive, Per. Break water. Coos Bay, Str. Anvil. Bandon .Dec. 81 .Dec. 20 ..Tan. 4 .Jan. 7 .Deo. 28 ..Tan. 7 .Jan. 8 Str. Ah.ance, Kureka Str. Roanoke, San Pedro Str. Rose City, San Pedro. Str. Bear, San Pedro Str. Beaver. Ban fearo Due to Deperv Tale, Am, ss. from Pan Francisco Deo. 29 Harvard, aid. sb. Ban r ranciBco.uec n Str. Beaver. Ban Diego Jan. 7 Str. Anvil, Bandon Deo. 17 Str. Alliance, Eureka... . Dec 26 Str. Elmore, xiuamoox ueo. zb Str. Breakwater, Coos Uay I'ee. le Str. Roanoke, San Pedro Deo. 27 S'tr. Bear, San Pedro Deo. 28 Willamette, Am. ss.. Los Angeles Deo. 80 Klamath, Am. ss., Los Angeles. Deo. 80 Str. Rose Cltv, San Pedro Jan. 2 Str. Geo. W. Elder, San Diego.. Jan. 4 Miscellaneous vessels Enronte. Catherine, Nor. bark Valparaiso Oraln Tonnage En Boats. Chas. Gounod, Fr. bark London Kircudbrlghtnhlre, Br. ship. . .Newcastle La Perouse, Fr. sh. Liverpool Marechal Gontaut, Fr. bk, Newcastle. A. Marie. Ger. snip Taicahuano Pierre Antontne. Fr. bark. .. .Newcastle Schurbek, Oer. bark St. Rosalia Rene. Fr. bark Newcastle Solway, Br. bark Junia vessels us con. Aloha. Am. sch Westport Hretaens. Fr, bk Astoria Roston. V. S.S Buffon. French bk. .., Battle Abbey, Br. bk... Rrlln. Am. bk. ...Jefferson St. Linnton ....Tongue Pt. .uoDie Crocodile, Br. bk On way down Commtrce, sch, Tongue Point Clatsop i . s. ureage . .. .jeiierson si. Fred J- Wood, Am. sch ...... Kalam Fltspatrick, Br. ss Montgomery 8 Juverlogle, Br. bk. Columbia 3 Lydgate. Br. bk. , Elevators Puako. Am. bktn North Paciflo Stelnbek. dr. sh Elevator Sierra Miranda, Nor. sh Llnnton Strathearn, Br. ss North Faclflo , Daily River Rendtncs. u.j '' 69 0 MM IS arS" n 751 n 0 .OS STATIONS Lewiston Rlparla Umatilla ITo 8.6 u 1.4 6.4 0.1 0.1 0 0 Eugene ........... Harrlsburg ...... r. 0.4 louny .... t . 0.6 Salem .: , . . 19 0.4 llHonviu i. ?i r?. ff.8 Portland . Rising; falling. OPENS A NEW CHAP DANA IAGEDIES NEW TODAY $15,000 West Side Investment Buys fourth interest in 25 year lease on 6th st, 54 block, improved with 3 story brick, lease gives lessee option to purchase ground for $125,000 any time within 7 years, besides a rebate of 50 percent appraised value of building. Value of land today $165,000 Appraised cost of building... 62,500 Total ..$227,500 This will pay about 9 per cent net on your investment and will be doubled within year account short time leases, besides giving equal in terest on increased value of land which is now, approximately $40,000. This piopcrty is in line for big de velopments and a rapid rise in values. C. W. LAMAR 417 CORBETT BLDG. lee's Addition WEST SZDS LASOU LOTS 80x130 Price $450 Each Terms $26 cash, balance $10 per month. Only 20 minutes' car ride. This Is one of the most beautiful view tracts along tho Oregon electrlo line. Water piped to each tract. Ideal for Borne. ME. Lee, 311 Corbett Bid. 342 OO MODES HOME. XTEAX EAST 34TH AS7 MARKET. On the corner, east front. Lot 50x90, 2 feet above grade; 7 rooms and bath, 4 large bedrooms, up-to-date electrlo fixtures and shades, full cement base ment, cement floor, good furnace, new cement walks, sewer and street Im provements In (bonded), fine lawn and roses. Will trade this beautiful home for smaller one. O. FRED FISH 614 Belling Bldg. Phones A-7711, Main 4841. Members of Bealty Board. OUR BOOK 15 FREE- GET IT. MORTGAGE LOANS 507o JOHN E. CR0NAN 0?n v 90S Spalding Bldg. ' CLASSIFIED AD RATES In effect April 15. 1911. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Daily or Sunday. 1 1 time, 8c per line. I consecutive times, 7o per line per In sertion. 3 or more consecutive times 6c per line per insertion, or 7 insertions for price of 6. No ad counted for less than two lines. The above rates apply to -"New To day" and all other classifications ex cepting the following: -Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. The rates In these classifications are 6c per line per insertion. Three insertions for the price of two Seven Insertions for the price of five. No ad taken for less than 15c. CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, c per line. 3 consecutive times 8o per line per in sertion. 7 or more con.poutive times. 7c per line per Insertion. The abovo rales apply to 'New To day" and all other claslflcatlons ex cept the following: Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. The rate in these classifications Is 7o fmr uno per insertion. NO ad charged for than wn 1lna - , - - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by the line ffi l rust comnnnv jini i hlrt. 4th end Osk. Walter D. Mateo, executor, tn Paul Toth, lot 6, block 3. Mayor Gates addition $ 1.825 .craim a. vtmani to i a. Mar quam Jr. lot 83, block 8, and lot 31, block 4, Peninsular Ad dition No 8 B0 uman is. urong ana husband to Margaret Douthit. lots 8, 10, 15 and 16, block 9. Chicago ad- lon , B.ftflO a. ix. oieeis ana wire to Margaret Douthit. lot 2. block 28. Central Alblna 6.60 wiKnrwaier ana wire to ievi W. Riley, lot 4, block 11. East Portland Heights 8,800 u i nnn iv. uurn ana wire to Will iam M. Kllllngsworth et al, lots 6, 6 and 7. block 7, Wal nut Park 60 Frank Lane and wife to Andrew Story, lot 7, block 8, Lester Park 8,600 F. A. Reed to J. C. McClure, lot 6, block 20, Sewlckly addition , 8,600 Wells H. Hurlbutt and wife to D. Howell, lot 25, block 4. Lu etic addition 160 W. H. Nunn and wife to ITnrry Y. Mallory, lot 9, block 3, Flor al Park 400 Julia B. Comstoolt to The Elijah Corbett Co., lots 3 aid 4. block 219, Holladay's addition . 14,500 Walter D. Magee, executor, to 8. E. Chambers, north 100 feet or Traot B, Nash's First ad dition 878 1,400 880 100 188 100 8.800 BOO TJS 1.250 1,000 C. H. Ferris to A L. Wllber. lot Western Seourltles Co. to E 9. Williamson, lot 8. aVtlrtwon . . Annie A. Buchanan and husband to George Vath et 1, lot -14, Buchanan's addition Portland Trustee Co. to Clyde A. Currin, lota 1 and 2, block 67, West Portland Park Laurelhurst Co. to Ida F. McCain lot 10, block 72. Laurelhurst... E. E. Merges and wife to W. D. McAUen, lots 10 and 11, block 8, Maryland Heights addition Bophronla Allen and husband to R. EL Allan, lot 4, block 10. Wood mere Merchants Loan ic Trust Co. to Bettle Wedel, lot 1, block 4 Roselawn , H. F. Torrey and wife to Jon son Curry, et al, lot 6, block 8, Portsmouth Villa Annex No'. 1 Holcomb Realty Co. to T. R. Av ery lot 88 and part of lot 41, Beaver Acres ...... ... , . . , . . . Walter D, Magee, exeo., to George ,ieloh. 116x180 feet beginning;, att 8. W. corner of block "Ii ... Basil's First adfllMtln REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Margaret Douthit to Emma M. Brown, 77 acres in sections 1 and 2, township 1 south, range ' 8 east ,....,...!....,. 18,000 Laurel hurst company to Ernest , Feldman, lot 8, block 113, Laurelhurst . . .. 1,400 PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading j abstractors. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor. W. B. HAIZLIP CO., Inc.. Abstractors, 827-8 Corbett hdg. prices right MELTING NOTICES 41 M. W. A. ROSE CITT CAMP Monday Selllng-Hlrsch bldg.. Washington near 10th. Phone clerk, Main 9294. A-488S. R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets eve,, Allsky hall. 3-i and Morrison. Fri. MARRIAGE LICENSES August Olson. 193 H 1st St., 82. and AlfreTda Bavl. 32. Robert Robinson, Ruasel bldg., 32, and Myrtus Warner, 20. William Schiller, Front and Harrison, 40 and Louise Menke, 18. Max Hardman, Seattle, 28, and Edith Levy. 21. Frank Anthony, Beaverton, Or., 62, and Jeanle Bruce, 53. T. D. Applln. Ft. Stevens, Or., 21, and Dorothy Ketcham, 21. K. W. McDanlel, 606 Upshur, 21, and Cora Davis, 17. Leona Cooner, 447 Gllsan, 25, and Emery Blye, 24. Herman Hucgel, 6(9 Powell, 80, and Myrtle Howard, 39. R. B. Moxley, Peninsular station, 27. and Emma Butler, 26. T. T. Casseday. 468 Dekum bldg.. 21, and Flora Brown, 18. Ernest West, 802 E. 23d St.. 31. and Marlon Krudle, 22. Howard DeWltt, 387 Taylor, 26, and Gertrude)McLiean. 24. James MeCarlley. 653 H Ladd ave., 27, and Minnie Hessemer, 19. Reginald Livsey, 490 H B- 12th St.. 31, and Edith Woodward, 28. Chester Pagett, Blumauer Drug Co., 28, and Cora Walker, 24. Bert Wood 173 E. Yamhill, 26, and Mary Earnhardt, 22. Iran Olson, general delivery, 25. and Edla Larson, 22. C. R, Servlll, Seattle, 25, and Augusta Peters, 20. Fred Williams. Sixtieth avenue and Eighty-second street, 21. and Eva Rath bun, lk Kov Parker, 283 Grand avenue, 27, and Florence Reynor, 20. Amos Jones, Llnnton, Or., Leopoldlne Skopie, 19. John Sharp, 594 Pettygrove, Jennett Smith, 20. I,;wlH Rivers, Eagle Creek, 27, and 24, and Or., 21, and Amy Darrow, is. W.. H. Lacer. St. Johns, Or., 21 Osyth Croxteh, 18. S. H. Heltser. Stay ton. Or., 29, and and Lida Spauldlng, 24. Ernest Sellblnder, 389 Hooker, 28. and Ollle Phupy, 20. D. T. Boyd, New Era, Or.. 38, and Rose Rellly, 25. C. H. Carnenter, 472 Bldwell, 22. and Estella Adams, 19. Fred Roster. 843 East Salmon, 27, and Violet Seabury, 24. E. E. Uell. 480 East Pine, 30, and Mary Johnson, 27. A. R. VanDusen, 876 Kast Eleventh street. 88, and Hazel Hlslop, 21. O. H. Murdock. Llndqulst Hotel, 24, and Dorothy Jefferson, 19. Andrew Mabee. Lents, Or., 27, and Addle Stephens, 21. .... J. I Johnson, Seattle, 46, and Helma Naslln, 39. ; Charles Foid. Ilwaco, Wash., 28, and Beth Henry, 19. Albert Bozarth. 946 Mississippi ave nue, 2 8, and Alberta Vance, 24. I'cter Zlzich. 521 Delay street. 40, and Merl Korno. 38. .... Ed Monow, Sellwood, 26, and Alice Johnson, 22. . Webber Oof f man. 162 East Thirty fourth street. 21, and Almenta Blair. 18. James Sproot, lzzi urana avenue, 33 and Florence Powell, 27. R. B. Miller. Eugene, Or., 81, and Cora Eddy, 18. W. G, Smith & Co, caarnds Washington Bldg., cor. 4th on Wash'ton. LEADING Florist. LUbllner. 428 Wnsh et., bet. lltri- 12th. Mar. 758. A-1334. DRESS suits for rent, nil bIzcs, Tailoring Co., 319 Stark St. Unlque CLARKE HROS.. florlfets. fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st BIRTHS RICHARDSON To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richardson, Good Samaritan hospital, December 18, a girl. : ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson. Good Samaritan hospital, December 18. a boy. SETTOW To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Set tow, 291 East 84th etreet, December 17 a g'rl. SINNOTT To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sin nott, 395 Ross street, December 11, a ROOT To Mr. and Mrs. George Root, 896 East Yamhill, December 22, a boy. MYERS To Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Myers, 239 50th street, November 28. a girl. MEYERS To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mey ers. 264 East 87th street, December 10, a glrl DEATHS AND FUNERALS REESE At the residence of her daugh ter. Mrs. James fcUuart Ball, 108 East Twenty-ninth, Martha, widow of Wil liam A. Reese and mother of Mrs. D. C. Bates, Portland; Miss Ida Reeso, Seattle; Miss Nelle Reese and Mrs. James 8. Ball, Portland. Services at crematorium, Wednesday, December 27. at 2 p. m. TRACY Ellas Tracy. 1000 Willam mette Boulevard. September 22, aged 49: nephritis. . .... TURNER Elizabeth Turner, 548 17th street, December 23, age 61, pneu- LYNDS Ernest Lynda, 474 En-t Ash, ppcemner za. age . ennoraroiii.- MX M. SMITH. florUt. 169 6th St., opp. Meier ft Frank's. Main 7216. FUNERAL DIRECTORS n ! 9. Mr4 Undertakers UUIMIIllg Oi IVIOLIIICO Modern In every detail. 7tn ana fine, juain v. A-46QS. L,any assistant J, P, Finley & Son Third and Madison. Lady attendant. Main , A-1591. 7 d "7n i cd nr 664 Williams. Both Phones. Sue. Zeller-Byrno Co., lady attendant I CDPU Undertaker. Lady' assistant. Lt.nun B-1888. E.-781. E. 6th-Alder. Dflorcnn On Funeral directory rearson uo. 7i Russen st. e. i 36H- 089. ERICS0N Undertaking 8138, A-2235. Co. Main T.dy ass't EAST SIDE funeral directors, success or to F. 8. Dunnlnff. Inc. E. 62. B12525. undertaker, Main 607. il6 8d st. Lsdy assistant. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 APARTMENT site, west side, best buy in the city. M. H. Lea. 811 Corbett bid. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Lot 100x100; good 6 room house; gas and water; barn 60x80; water and sewer in; shop 18x86; all street Improvements In. All for $4000, H cash, terms. 668 Mallory ave. TTtoom Bungalow rn.Tiice lot. good district; owner price must sell, and win sacrince; 31000. Phoms Main 8931. $150 DT5WN Will bur up to date new 6-room bun galow or we will build for ymi on easy terms. 1112 Hawthorne. Tabor 8 278, BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PURSE. T will build and heln finance vour home on easy terms if you own lot. A. J. jmriong. en unamoer oi uora- merce. Main 14Z9. BEST buy in Portland. Beautiful 8 room new complete noma. lawn, roses. native trees, cars pass door. .Owner $3100 buys 6 room modern cottage, on 85th st., Just south of Hawthorne ave. best buy in the district. M. E. Lee,-311 Corbett bldg, 1237 North 17th St. -6 room modern EiingaiCftV. a- oaracr, . (m .payments. 61 Price $4000 ISTiOT New, modern, 8 room house, one block from Hawthorne ave., and west of 37th et. This house Is designed different from most houses being built now, and is an example of convenience and lux ury. The parlor has a hardwood floor, fireplace of pressed brick, bookcases and corner seat. Between tha parlor and dining room la an arch with mirror on each side. The dining room haB a hardwood floor, tinted panels and something new In a buffet. ' Beautiful kitchen very conveniently arranged. Two beautifully tinted bedrooms with good clothes closets and a bathroom between. This makes the first floor, a bungalow style. On the second floor are three larKe bedrooms and a hall. One bedroom has a cozy corner built on. The basement is large, dry. and has laundry trays. The house Is piped for furnace. Lot 44x92, on an Improved street and no street assessments against It. T. A. SUTHERLAND, 36th and Hawthorne, Tabor 2017. Hawthorne District New 6 room 2 story bungalow. Artistic design. Oak floors downstairs. Wide front rorch. i Reception hall. J Large living room, fireplace, book case. Paneled dining room, handsome buffet. Golden oak finish on woodwork. Lovely Dutch kitchen. 3 well lighted bedrooms. Large closets. Fine white enameled bath. Full cempnt basement. Cement sidewalk's In and paid for. Easy terms If desired. Call 1406 Hawthorne sve.. cor. 60th st Tabor 626. Sunnyside Bargain A 6 room modern house, full basement, dutch kitchen, hard wood floors, built In buffet. Tha firlce is only $3200, on very easy erms. This is well located be tween the Sunnyside and Haw thorne avenue lines. Barnes & Andrus 406 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. Main 2081. Buys a nlc modern 5-room bungalow, west of 33d St., In Hawthorne district; has large light living room, paneled din ing room, Dutch kitchen, two good bed rooms, well equipped bath room, gas and electricity, shades and fixtures; nicely tinted walls; all ready to move Into, street and sewer assessments all paid: no mortgage to assume; Just pay like rent; easy terms. If you are looking for a neat little home see this. Call at 9S4 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 480. $150 Cash, $15 per Month 6 room modern bungalow. Just east of Ladd'n addition, walking dlstniirc. Rooms all tinted, has nice bath, linen and china closets, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wired for lights, nlped for gas. This is a bargain at $3000. F, A, Beard & Co, 612 Oerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. BEAUTIFUL 8 room house In Laurel hurst; 2 fireplaces, large sleeping porch, bullt-ln refrigerator, dust nnd clothes chutes, flreless cooker, bullt- ! In wardrobes, etc.; corner lot 76x90. east rront. beautirui view. ;ouur cash, balance easy monthly payments. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201, 202, 208 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. A-1022. EAST 48TH ST.. NORTH. ROSE CITY PARK. $100 CASH. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, bullt-ln buf fet and bookcases, solid oak floors, kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror doors, etc. NATIONAL REALTY TRUST CO.. 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 6129. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Perfect in every detail, roof laid tight, covered waterproof paper, then shingled. 10 rooms, 5 baths, 2 tolleU, choice oak finish, elaborate stairs, basement, 8 fireplaces, stone trim; lot 80x100, cor. C-1866, East 273. No agents. W. H. Herdman, NEW, 6 rooms, sleeping; porch, .No. 329 East 37th, two blocks south of Haw thorne. Lot 52x92. Improvements paid, full basement, flrepluce, furnace and fixtures, best shades, hardwotd floors, Dutch kitchen, lare rooms, best buy in city, on terms, Dy owner. L,. Outh, 361 East 39h. FIVE and H room homrs, fire places: hardwood floors, furnaces, wltn all built in modern conveniences, near car line, all street Improvements paid, monthly payment plan. Provident In vestment & Trustee Co., S01, 202, 203 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A-102 PLANS OF ARTIBTIC HOMES $5. HOUSES OVER $1500, $10. COM PLETE DETAILS AND SPECIFICA TIONS. FINELY ILLUSTRATED BOOK FREE, PORTLAND BUILDING ASS'N. 322 MOHAWK Hl.r.iO. Fl VE room bungalow. t .-n;ice. fire place, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floor, gas, electricity, good view, Rosa City Park, 2 blocks from carllne: $3360. eaoy terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201, 202, 208 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A-1022. Must sell at once. Modern 6 room bungalow, hardwood, floor, fireplace. Between Division and Clinton. This Is a genuine bargain and must go at once. Call East 2135 or Ta bor 1644, evenings. DON'T PAY RENT. New 4 room plastered cottage, $976: easy terms. Phon Tabor only 8678. Abe Martin The feller that's alius talkin' about what he's coin do If he's spared feels Jlst as safe as th' feller that' alius talkin' about what be'd"glve If he wiia rich, Th'j. pustofflce Is closed f day on account o' th' pustmaster beln- un avoidably called, away on a buntin trip. FOR SALE HOUSES $2.0101 if! 01 Mr, WorJdngman ' : READ 'THIS. Smell houses and 60x100 lot, 1400 and Up; 820 down and 110 a month. Call us up or come out and see them: H will cost you nothing. AIj lots 1160 and up, f 6 down, $5 a month. All these lots are inside the rltv limits. Tabor 376. Widell & Wilson 2002 E. Gllsan St.- MV car to 80th. FOR SALE LOTS 10 , MULTNOMAH on the Oregon Electric, 20 minutes from the center of Port : land, is the liveliest suburb of the west J side. It nestles In the rolling hillocks of the southwest portion of Multnomah I county; lots be purchased as low j as $260, and they are beauties, 50x100 fnnt Rmnll rinvmAnt Anirn snri nnlv 11ft per month; lumber yards right at the station; stores, public water and fine 5 cent car service. Take a run out Mid see for yourself. The Western .-e- j curitles Co.. 414 SpaMIng bldg. Owners. $10 Down, $10 Per Month Fine view lot. matured fruit trees; restricted district, near car, cement walks, Hull Run water, fruit cared for .'re of charge. 202 Board of Trad bids. Marshall 4'-a: A-1022. Notice This BIO LOT BARGAIN. Dandy building lots, $525 to $900. $10 down, balance 1 per cent per month. Call early If you want one. 1254 Haw thorne, SEE Le Nolr fc Co. for west sld property, exclusive dealers In west side realty. S37 Chnmher of Commerce. FOR SALE Two lots, block two. T.'nl versltv Park, cheap. John Hamilton, Yacolt. Wash. GOOD lot. west of Kllllnssworth ave. enr barns. $650. R-265. Journal. ACREAGE 5 Acres $8 Monthly 10 Acres $16 Near Portland, only short ride on eipctvlc car and close to rnil r:ind station, rich soil, best of vegetable or fruit land, spring water, a rare bargain. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch bldg. . Best But Cheapest 5 and 10 acre tracts. $20 to $45 an acre, easy terms; deep red shot soli; well watered; Ideal for fruit, vsjfetables, dairying; fine view; some buyers already living on ptoperty; Income producing all wlntei ro.hool on ground; on county road ciose to live town on R. R. and rlvr. near Portland. Npiihaunan - Cn. ! owners. ?0S Lewis Rldg.. 4th and Oalc sts. For appointments evenings, phone Fsst 394. SIX sere home, small 1 room house, f?nod well. 2 acres cleared, balance brush; 4 mile from station; rich soil, no hills, 20 homes in view, a fine commu nity; $2250; you will buy this, only a little cash required. Ad dress B-2B2. Journal. ACREAGE Our specialty, small tracts west and northwest of the city, sold on monthly pay ments. See us before vou decide. THE RHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 36. 102 4th St. A-3500. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land, walking distance to pood town, running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district, view of Colum bia river and snow pea'if-. 2 acres $260: j 6 acres $400; 10 acres $700; 10 per cent I cash, easy payments, other tracts near I railway station $25 to $40 per acre. , FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, aya reon ping, r-ortiana. $71n buys 6 acres, handv to Portland, 30 cent fare, 9 cent freight rate, fine home site, term $50 cash, balance $10 per month. MTft.-Lee. 811 Corbett bldg FOR SALE FARMS 17 THfcJ most remarkable civio growth of any city In Oregon, outside of Portland, has been in Salem the nast year; next year will he far greater; land sur rounding tho eapltnl of Oregon is the best tn the state: prices are not Inflaed; it is the place for the small fruit ranch, because the market to? the fruit has been de veloped by the fruit unions, can neries and packing plants. Call for booklet and further informa tion. SALEM BOARD OF TRADE. 225 Henry bldg Phone Marshall 2073. 70 seres, 10' miles west of Portland court house, all cleared, fine young orchard, school V4 of a mile, 8 room modern house, ful ly plumbed, a fireplace, nice porches, fine large barn, com- filete water system, telephone n house, free delivery of mer chandise, also rural free delivery of mall; in fact, a lovely country home, the very best of soli, a chance for a high class dairy. Price nnd terms will Interest you. OH and see us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 4th St. A-3500. 41 Acres $2500. Good barn, wood shed and house furnished; well 43 feet deep that I never goes dry; barb wire fence: about I 20 acres has been in cultivation: 36 1 miles from Portland; half mile from' station where there is a school and ; saw mm; man route in rront or nouse, also telephone. Terms to suit. Call or phone 741 Michigan ave.. Woodlawn, 1200. 157 acres on Tualatin river, Oregon Electric through center, a targaln for someone, must be sold to close bankrupt estate. Call on W. A. Shaw, trustee, 102 Fourth St., Portland. This Is a forced sale and you may have tha benefit of It by calling on the trustee and looking Into the matter. BUY ClOTNE-fTTRV LAND AND BECOME INDEPENDENT, The Clatsop Cranberry Ass'n at West station, near Gearhart, has extensive plans for development It wants a few men to engage in tho industry and be come a part owner in Its holdings. Ten aure tracts are selling for less than one acre will be worth when the bogs are producing. Investigate this and sea. Call on or address J. E. Gratke, 533 Chamber of Commeros. Telephone Main 4886. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 7 I am the owner of a 165 acre farm t miles from a good towni 50 acres In crop; first-class house and barn, good fences; lies on county-road. I want $2500 In ca"sh and will give you five years on balance of $4000. If this sounds good to you, call and see me, the real owner. 819 Yeon bldg. , : FOR SALE. , 80 acres tillable land, IT cultivated, hog fence, well mf, spring, bulldinss, 150 fruit trees, 4 4 miles east Oregon City, $5000, $2000 down, balance terms. See owner F. M. Mslden, Wnodstock. Or. H, N, "Swank y 820 acres. Tillamook county, 82000, 808 Arlington Ding., roniann, ur. lllOHEST quality fruit lands In famous Chehalem valley, 80 miles from Port land. Newberg Development Co. 631 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, . FOR SALE HOUSES mi wmm IT Best Improved Farm In Linn County 180 acres, fine soil, 146 arreg cleared, 16 aeres pasture, fine , JJ60j house, good barn and other outbuildings. This place hss plenty of fine water s.t 4 all ' kinds of fruit and Is only 1H miles from.Oregoc Electrlo sta-. tlon, mile from town and ! near Willamette river, fine eoun ty road on east and west sides. This land is fine for fruit or dairy and can be cut in 40 acre tracts and sold to good advent- age; all farm Implements go with -the place and is a bargain at $100 per acre; only $7000 down, balance 10 years 6 per cent. If you are looking for a farm where vou have fine transport tlon and cheap freight rates, etc, see this. ., McGowan & McGowan 3 Healy bldg., corner Grand ave, and E. Morrison. Canadian Farms Dornu want a farm In Western Can ada, where the crops this year are in advance ol anything grown on tnia continent? For wheat crowing, dairy I Ing, mixed farming and cattle raising. inw rrovincB 01 Aineria is iiimurpmancu. Lands are now offered by the Can adian Paclfio Railway company at prices ranging from $10 to $30 an acre on long terms of paymcr.t or on the crop payment plan, that. is. paying for your farm, through a portion of your crops each year. Land values have Increased 10 per cent in two years. Oreat opportunity for the bomesvker. Call or write for full particulars, booklets, maps, etc. ' Reduced rates for homeseekers.' IDE, McCARTHT LAND CO, 1 General Agents, Canadian Pacific Railway. Alberta Land Department, 2 Lumbermens Bldg. Farm Bargains 40 acres 16 miles to Portland. 14 to electric line and town, 16 acres in crop. bal. easy cleared; creek and water powr site, house, barn and outbuild ings, good orchard, spring, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 buggy and harness, 1 stump pullpr. 3 dozen chickens, 1 Incubator and all furniture; land is all tillable and is the cheapest place on the market at $3200, easy terms. 71 acres 18 miles to Portland, on graveled road, level, fine creek,' ; easy cleared, $8k00, terms, or will trade. 276 acres 3 miles from Wilsonvllla, 150 in cultivation. 40 acres fine timber, bal. easy cleared, fine creek, fair build ings. 1 mile to boat landing, level, roads, all tillable, lies fine. Price 7f per acre, terms. W. H. SEIT75 tt CO.. 310 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 8589. FOR RENTFARMS 1 10 acres lease for 8 years, good 8 room house, good well, V4 mile from Bor ing, on car line; rent to apnly on clear ing. 1445 Fern st.. Woodlawn. HOMESTEADS 47 BUY improved orchards, cost less, quicker returns: Newberg orchard tracts, one hour from Portland, fully planted and maintained by us for 4 years; nothing better in Oregon; only $460 per acre, tarme. Northern Trust Co.. 270 Stark. 11 OM FIST K A DS 47 HOMESTEADS and timber claims, de sirable locations, near Portland; some prairie, deep, level soil, wheat, fruit and stock land; near school, railroad and river. Covey. 267 Oak. room 81. EXC HANGE REAL KSTATK 24 If You Want Some Good Bar gains Come and See Us Saloon' to trade for farm, good bus iness, long lease. Good cash business done, $7200 last year; $1300 will handle this, $600 down, balance on monthly payments. Good cordwood proposition, 140 acres, 60 In cultivation, good house and barn. Timber lands and timber claims and farms our specialty. 80 room apartment house for sale or trade, $4000 equity. Rooming house. 54 rooms, In good location, xtuuu; long lease; rent im month; will trade for acreage or city property. Wilson Investment Co. 417 Fenton bldg., 84 6th st 20 ROOM rooming house, for land. Newspaper for Portland property. Chicken ranch for home In Portland. 142 acre dairy ranch well equipped, for eastern Oregon farm. 160 acres at Hood River for home in Portland. 5 80 acres in California for Portland! pronerty. 120 acres irrigated land for Port land property. 5 room house and lot for team o horses. 9 room rooming house on Taylor street, for larger house. V- ' RUSHING JONES, s 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall $4. Exchanges An $1810 contract mortgage, paying 835 per month, trade for vacant lots; prefer Rose City Park. $2500 house at 74th and Washington ' sts., clear and free from encumbrance, will trade for small partly Improved farm close In; prefer Clarke county, vv'ssh. A $3500 house, best locality, will ex- change for vacant property, city; pre fer Itoso City Park. See J, L, Weist 1104 Wilcox Bldg. Phone Marshall 8888. IL.LF section of California pine, valued at $3000, for good farm in Washing ton. Yamhill or Polk county: mlaht in clude a good Portland residence, and assume a small mortgage. Property must meet personal wants, stand thorough investigation, and await necessary time for transaction. Excellent city values also considered. No cash payments, commissions or inflated values consld ered. what have you 7 Box 42, route 2, Salem, Or. 5 Room Bungalow : ' and 50x130 lot in Centralis, Wash., to exchange for confectionery, cigar or light grocery. Value $130. No incum brances. Joseph Graham. : 107-09 Board of Trade bldg. FOR CITY PROPERTY. Several of the beet rooming houses, 25 to 35 rooms In the eitv. brick buld' Ings, lease, everything right! we. also have fine modern ; o"art"ient hue to trade for farm, J. E, Nichols Co. CIS Yeon hldg. --. - ' 80 ACRE'S. 25 acres in cultivation fl bearing appla trees, small house, good barn, chicken house, ) mile to school, 2 miles tn .town, 60 miles from Portland. Will trade for cltv pronerty. , BROADSTREET'S EXCHANGE. 293U Stark. - Rooms 800-801. ' WILL exchange the best 40 room ateuin heat rooming house' in Portland, for grocery 'Store, or small home. This place clears $20o a month. 60S Yeon Bldg. : : ' . IF" YOU WA N'T .TO Pr- t.C 'lil'f . OR : - TRADE. SEE MHOlrM AKEH IN VESTMENT' CO., 624 1IEXIU BLLU. MAIN 4408. GOOD 6 room cottaie, corner rlol 60x100, In growing district - to ex change for rooming house,' It to it rooms. rt-XH, journal. LET me get wliat you ' want ' Iwr wHst vou have on cash hssli. J. R. flalxiit, 833 Chamber of Commerce hid. WILL exchange hoiisw "ami lot for .., ' paying west side rooming hti, iin value, 81600. Oil owner. MhIq 45v iWILL buy, sell r trad en yd fiiV H. F. !., 1016 Rosrd of Tr.! M-ln iTkf'ub "for reaTT-lnrieriis"iwyi' , 808 Hoard of Trsde M, ,;.;y ; l: , ' R OOM S,""fi o 11 ske ' p'Tri g, "c )T7"' !i ,'"..! lot or equity tn Kenton. T-t:i! i uirU FOR SALE FARMS