THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 25. 1911. o p o irnoe Sale npWIGE each y ear we give our customers an opportunity to make GREAT SAVINGS on their purchases of CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS. This has come to be the GENUINE BARGAIN EVENT of each season. To those who are un familiar with our methods it is due to say that this is UNLIKE any other sale in Portland. We never make use of the word "VALUE' which is used in their ads by even some of our largest stores to mislead the public. We quote only the price at which each article was sold the DAY BEFORE THE SALE and which is our regular modest price and then the reduced price, so our customers can'see at a glance the exact saving. A child can purchase at this store, receiving the same consideration as the most experienced shopper. SALE COMMENCES TUESDAY MORNING AT 8:60 O'CLOCK Men's Suits ALL THIS SEASON'S BEST MAKES $45.00 Men's Suits now $34.50 . $30.00 Men's Suits now $22.50 $40.00 Men's Suits now $29.50 $25.00 Men's Suits now $18.50 $35.00 Men's Suits now .$25.50 $20.00 Men's Suits now $14.50 $15.00 Men's Suits now $11.50 Same Reductions on Young Men's College SuitsBlues and Blacks 15 Discount From Usual Prices.1 Men's Raincoats and Overcoats ALL THIS SEASON'S BEST MAKES $45.00 Overcoats now .$34.50 $30.00 Overcoats how $22.50 $40.00 Overcoats now $29.50 $25.00 Overcoats now $18.50 $35.00 Overcoats now $25.50 $20.00 Overcoats now $14.50 $15.00 Overcoats now $11.50 Same Reductions on Young Men's Raincoats and Overcoats. Knickerbocker Suits Only the Highest Grade Boys' Suits in Stock. Ages 8. to 18. $5.00 Knickerbocker Suits $3.35 $10 Knickerbocker Suits $7.50 $6.00 Knickerbocker Suits $4.35 $7.50 Knickerbocker Suits $5.65 $8.50 Knickerbocker Suits $6.35 $12.50 Knicker. Suits ... $9.35 $15 Knickerbocker Suits $12.35 $20 Knickerbocker Suits $14.85 The Same Reductions on Boys' Overcoats and Raincoats. Mandelberg Slip-ons and Raincoats $35.00 Mandelberg Slip-ons now $29.85 $30.00 Mandelberg Slip-ons now $24.85 $25.00 Mandelberg Slip-ons now $21.25 $20.00 Mandelberg Slip-ons now $16.85 Men's Trousers $3.00 Trousers now $2.25 $4.00 Trousers now $3.00 $5.00 Trousers now $3.75 $6.00 Trousers now $4.50 $7.50 Trousers now $5.65 $10.00 Trousers now. . . .$7.50 Knickerbocker Pants 75c Knickers now 50c $1.50 Knickers now $1.15 $1.00 Knickers now 75c $2.00 Knickers now $1.50 $2.50 Knickers now. . . . .$1.85 Men's Shirts All the Standard Makes at Sharp Reductions $1.00 Shirts now 69c $1.50 Shirts now . . . 95c $2.00 Shirts now $1.25 $2.50 Shirts now $1.75 $3.00 Shirts now $2.25 Men's Union Suits $1.50 Suits now $1.15 $2.00 Suits now $1.35 $2.50 Suits now . $1.85 $3.00 Suits now '. . .$2.25 $5.00 Suits now $3.75 $6.00 Suits now $4.50 Men's Underwear Startling Reductions. $1.00 Garments now 79c $1.50 Garments now 98c $1.75 Garments now $1.15 $2.00 Garments now $1.35 $2.50 Garments now $1.85 $3.00 Garments now $2.25 Fine Neckwear The Choicest Neckwear in the City. 50c Ties now 35c 3 for $1.00 $1.00 Ties now 75c $1.50 Ties now .98c $2.00 Ties now $1.25 $2.50 Ties now $1.75 Umbrellas $1.00 Umbrellas now 85c $1.50 Umbrellas now $1.15 $2.00 Umbrellas now $1.45 $2.50 Umbrellas now $1.85 $3.00 Umbrellas now $2.25 $5.00 Umbrellas now $3.85 $6.00 Umbrellas now .$4.25 Pajamas and Night Robes $1.00 Garments now 85c $1.50 Garments now $1.15 $2.00 Garments now $1.45 $2.50 Garments now $1.75 Gloves Greatly Reduced $1.50 Gloves now $1.15 $2.00 Gloves now. $1.45 Suspenders Hosiery 50c .Suspenders now. 75c Suspenders now. $1.00 Suspenders now. ,39c ,59c ,79c 25c Sox now : . . . 19C 50c Sox now .39c $1.00 Silk Sox now. 75c $1.50 Silk Sox now .98c All Smoking Jackets and Dressing Gowns Reduced All Our Handkerchiefs Reduced Boys Sweaters Reduced $1.50 Sweaters $1.15 $2.00 Sweaters $1.35 $2.50 Sweaters $1.85 Boys' Waists Boys' Hats . 50c Waists. . .39c 75c Waists. . .59c $1.00 Waists. . .75c $1.50 Waists $1.15 $2.00 Waists $1.45 $1.50 Hats $1.15 $2.00 Hats $1.45 $2.50 Hats $1.85 No Discount on Brewer Hats. Boys' Caps Reduced 50c Caps. . .39c $1.00 Caps. . .73c $1.50 Caps $1.15 Boys' Bath Robes $3.00 Bathrobes $1.98 $3.50 Bathrobes $2.50 $4.50 Bathrobes $3.50 $7.50 Bathrobes $5.00 Boys' Shirts Boys' Gloves, Etc. 50c Shirts. 75c Shirts. $1.00 Shirts. $1.50 Shirts . $2.00 Shirts . ...39c 25c Hose now 19c ...59c 25c Ties now.. 19c . . . 73c 50c Ties now . . 35c .$1.15 50c Gloves now 39c .$1.45 $1 Gloves now 73c Boys' Pajamas, Etc 75c Nightshirts 59c $1.00 Nightshirts 73c $1.00 Pajamas . . .73c $1.50 Pajamas. .$1.15 Ladies' and Misses' Suits In this department we are offering some startling bargains. Price reductions that should clear out every garment we own in ten days. Ladies' and Misses' $25.00 Suits now $12.50 Ladies' and Misses' $30.00 Suits now .$15.00 Ladies' and Misses' $35.00 Suits now $17.50 Ladies' and Misses' $40.00 Suits now $20.00 Blues and Blacks One Quarter Off From Usual Prices. Ladies' Opera Waists $2.00 Ladies' Waists now $1.00 $2.50 Ladies' Waists now $1.25 $3.00 Ladies' Waists now .$1.50 $4.00 Ladies Waists now $2.00 $5.00 Ladies' Waists now $2.50 All Ladies' Sweaters Reduced. Ladies' and Misses' Coats We have divided these into two lots. We sell All $12.50 and $18.00 Garments at the nominal price of. . . .$10.00 All $20.00 to $35.00 Garments to be sacrificed at $15.00 Mandelberg English Raincoats $20.00 Mandelberg Raincoats now $16.85 $22.50 Mandelberg Raincoats now .$19.85 $25.00 Mandelberg Raincoats now $21.15 $27.50 Mandelberg Raincoats now $22.50 $30.00 Mandelberg Raincoats now $24.85 This SALE starts Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock We advise you to call early as our previous sales have demonstrated that the stock will be rapidly disposed of TcD TO1 TY L-q 17 1TRJ AM v Leading Clothier Morrison at Fourth Street ,V.:.V,. . fc.JJ.,f.f;fi:ii:; j.W'.Tii. ?! 'U.-'-Vt-.