THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 25, 1911. 19 1 1 BORAH BELIEVES DIRECT ELECTION MEASURE SSAFE N Senator Says That Resolution Providing for Naming of Solons by People Certain to Pass. (United Press lwA Wlr. Washington, Dec. 25. Senator Borah, manager on- the part of the senate of the conference on the resolution provid ing for a constitutional amendment for the popular election of senators, said today that he believed the two houses would come to an agreement and the resolution be adopted during this ses sion. This resolution Was passed by both the senate and the house during the extra session and Is now In confer ence with a difference between the two houses that Is vital. a form that gives the states complete j control of the elections at which sena- ' tors are chosen. The resolution was reported to the senate from the Judiciary committee in the bum form, but In the senate the Brlstow amendment was added which gives congress the right to amend the state regulation whenever it sees fit. The question is to be taken up for serious consideration following the holi days. , Mr. Borah said this afternoon he believed a compromise would be reached that would be satisfactory to both houses and result In the adoption of the resolution and the submission Of the proposed amendment to the vari ous states for ratification. The Democrats have refused to give congress power to Interfere. That power now exists with regard to the election of representatives. Senator Borah points Out that . congress has never exercised It since the reconstruc tion days. lie does not think the fears of the southern Democrats are Justified, but his sincere desire for a popular elec tion amendment is such that he Is will ing to yield to the house if he can per suade his fellow conferees to do like vise. This is a question that must bo settled by the present congress while the resolution is In its pres-nt legislative shape and Mr. Borah will devote his energies to bringing the conferees to gether. Ho Is quite optimistic over the probability of a successful outcome. AMERICANS HELD Murders and Robberies Paris Committed by Well Organized Gang. in Paris, Dec. 25. Working upon the theory that an organized band of Ameri cans Is responsible for the crime. ware that Is sweeping Paris, Police Prefect Lelplne today launched the most dras tic campaign against lawlessness of recent years to round up the ringlead ers. While the search for the culprits Is being conducted with great secrecy, it I has become known that secret service I agents of the French government are cooperating with the municipal police : In an endeavor to run down the crlm- j inalg. That American brains planned and American criminals carried out the mur der and robbery of approximately $50. 000 from a bank clerk In the heart of the French capital on Thursday and the robbery of Jewels at first report ed to be worth $50,000, from the corpse of Mile. Tantolme in a tomb in Perela Chalss cemetery, Is a belief that lias crystallized from the meager facts so far known. It has since been learned that the gems which the grave rob bers got were paste, and that the genu ine pearls which they had sought were overlooked. At least this is a police version. Other burglaries that have been re ported to the police but which have not ell been allowed to reach the publlo are also attributed to this same band. BOISE MAYOR MUST CALL VOTE ON A COMMISSION (Specltl to The JuurDnl.) Boise. Idaho, Dec. 25. Mayor II. K. Frltchman of Boise, has been directed by the state supreme court to call a special election for the submission of the question of the adoption of the commission form of government. The court holds constitutional the Black law, enacted by the last legislature, providing for election on petition on this question. Mayor Frltchman re fused to call the election when the petition was filed here, claiming that I the law was unconstitutional. Manda mus proceedings wer instituted and as a result the election will be held within 60 days. MORGAN RECEIVES GIFT FROM KAISER WILHELM (Pnlted I'res Lenned Wlre.l Nsw York, Dec. 25. J. Pierpont Mor gan Is the recipient of a hand some marble bust of Emperor William of Germany. The presentation took place In Mr. Morgan's private library In East Thirty-sixth street. Dr. Kurt Slegler, German vice-consul In New York, made the speech of presentntion on behalf of the emperor. Mr. Morgan, in accepting the gift, which comes from the emper or personally, expressed his pleasure at the kaiser's mark of esteem. The bust will occupy a prominent place In the library. PORTLAND MINE EXPERT MARRIES EVERETT GIRL (HncUl to Th 1 Jeurnl.k Everet tt, Wash., Dee. 25. A Christmas season wedding took place Saturday st noon, when Miss Agnes May Caldwell was married to William D. M. Howard at the bride's residence, 1222 Hoyt ave nue The ring service was read by Dr. W. H. W. Rees, pastor of the First M. E. church, In the presence of Imme diate friends only. Mr. and Mrs. How ard, who have a large circle of friends, will reside in Portland, where Mr. How ard Is a mining engineer. The bride was formerly musical supervisor Ju the publlo schools of this city. Last of KJngoltl Wheat. (Special to The Journal,) White Bluffs, Wash., Dec. 25.' Ths steamer Mountain Gem, operated by the Columbia River Steamship company, la MY OF CRIES loading the last of the wheat cargo at Ring-old, a few miles below White Bluffs, Over 100,000 bushels of grain have been shipped from that point this year, representing the product of ap proximately 20 miles square of wheat country on the highlands on the east side of the river. Cothlamet May Get Lights. (Special to The Journal, t Cathlamet, Wash., Dec. 26. A fran chise for an electrlo light - plant at Cathlamet Is being sought by M. Hay cox of Portland. The request will come before the town -council At Its meeting in January. The project includes th construction of a dam In Eloooman river and the expenditure of abdut $15,000 ' in the erection of the plant. NEW TODAT WLSTSIDL 100x200 WAREHOUSE SITE ON TRACKAGE $50,000 THIRTEENTH and TAYLOR CORNER Apartment House Site EAST SIDE, UNION AVENUE TWO PIECES 100x200 EACH Both These Are Snaps 110x100 INCOME PROPERTY CORNER THIRD and MULTNOMAH WATSON &THERKELSEN 306 Spalding Building Phone Main 7592 PARK ST. 50x100, Near Salmon. $31,000 7!&!T. Near Morrison. New eleven and eight Btorv steel buildings beine and-to be erected -corner Seventh2 and Yamhill. .Decided bargain, Price $59,000 $19,000 Cash Required. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Best Business Buy On the East Side Two blocks from new steel bridge, 1 block Union ave., 90x100, southwest corner Third and Oregon. $25,000 $5000 BELOW VALUE Will double in value in three years. Terms can be arranged. See us for east sidetusiness prop erties. Exclusive Agents. . Dorr E. Kcasey & Co. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. emoo CITY PROPERTY TIMBER LAND FARM LAND DAIRYING LAND WE HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY. Watson & Therkelsen PORTLAND, OR. 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592 ease The new 63 room fireproof tenement, building,--2Q8 Mar ket street, near First street Will lease for a terra of years. Investigate this. Parrish, Watkins & . Co. 250 ALDER ST. . MORTGAGE LOANS R07n JOHN E. CR0NAN OU oL NEW TODAY $15,000 West Side Investment Buys fourth interest in 25 year lease ' on Our st, 'A block, improved with o story brick, lease gives lessee option to purchase ground for $125,000 any time within 7 years, besides a rebate of 50 percent appraised value of building. Value of land today $165,000 Appraised cost of building... 62,500 Total $227,500 This will pay about 9 per cent net on your investment and will be doubled within year account short time leases, besides giving equal in terest on increased value of land which is now approximately $40,000. This property is in line for big de velopments and a rapid rise in values. C. W.LAMAR 417 CORBETT BLDG. OUR BOOK IS FREE- GET IT. pRTTOffINGASSOCIA'nOK CSSMOHAVfKEOmDrNO. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title & Trust company, Lewis bid.. 4th and Oak. T. O. Anderson and wife to Glna Bell, lot 6, block 1, Merlow . . . 8,800 Blanche B. Giles and wife to Valley Trust company, lot 2, block 265, city 28,000 Josephine F. Gannon to John W. Borders, lots 6", 7 and 8, block "A," Gannon addition 400 Portlund Masonic Cemetery com pany to C. W. Borders, lot 31, Section 6, Greenwood cemeterv 80 Nelson C. Searjs and wife to Wll lian H. Chrlstensen et al., lot 4, block 11, Kenllworth 2,800 James A. Cobb et al., to W. T. Eracht, lots 23, 24, 25, 26, block 23, College Place 8,000 Georgia A. Nottingham and wife to John W. Anderson, north half of lot 6 and ail of lots 7 and 8, block 66, Carters ad dition to Portland 13,000 G. H. Grimshaw and wife to O. P. Nicholas, east half of lots lH and 14, block 2, Rosedale. 800 Louise FoUy and husband to imniel uonohue, lot 9, tilocK 5, Hawthorne's First addition Laurelhuret company to Kate V. 8,600 wenaung, lot 10, block 6, Lau relhurst 8,200 PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading abstractors. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor. W. R. HAIZLIP CO.. Inc. Abstractors, 827-8 Corbett Mog Prices right. CLASSIFIED AD RATES In effect April 15, 1911. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. : 1 time. 8c per line. locnutlve tlmes 7c per llne per In" ; 3 or more consecutive times 6c per line per insertion, or 7 Insertions for crloe of 6. No nd counted for less than two lines. ' The nbove rates annlv to "New To- day" and all other classifications ex-lfuu basement cement floor, double con certing the following: ' Situations . atructed hardwood floors, built-in Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" j bookcases and china closets, swell fire ads, i place, mirror doors, paneled dining The rates in these classifications are ! room, large closets and storerooms, 6c per line per insertion. ' 1 piped for furnace, gas and electricity, Three insertions for the price of two. ! located half block south of Sandy road. Seven Insertions for the price of five. 42d st. A sacrifice at $2850; terms. Sao No ad taken for less than 5c. this Sunday or Monday from 1 to 4:30 CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. i p. rn. Owner. Woodlawn 2292. 1 Ltlim, pi: uci jiiic. 3 consecutive times 8c per line per in sertion. 7 or more consecutive times, 7c per line per Insertion. The above rales apply to 'New To day" and all other clasifications ex cept the following: Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. The rate In tr.esn classifications Is 7c per line per insertion. No ad charged for less than two lines, or 15c MELTING NOTICES 41 I tyfri MULTNOMAH Council Royal I ftWwfc Arcanum moots at K. P. cSit'3(na'l. 1'th and Alder streets. of each month at 8 p. m. Visitors cordially welcomed. P. Lloyd Cover, Secretary. 64 Union ay. Selllng-Hlrsch niag., Washington near 10th. Phone clerk. Main 9294 A-4885. R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets FrL eve.. Alisky hall. 31 and Morrison. MAKllIAGK LICKXSKS W, G. Smith & Co, caarnd3 Washington Bldg., cor. 4th on Wash'ton. LEADING Florist. Lubllner, 428 Wash st., bet. 11th A 12th. Mar. 763, A-1334. DRES8 suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Ptark St. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st. BIHTHS DEATHS AND FUNKKAI.S MAX M. HM1TH. florist. 15V fith St.. opp. Meier Frank's. Main 7216. FUNKKAl DIKECTOIW Dunning & McEntee K every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-4B5R. Lady assistant. J, P, Finley & Son Third and Madison. Lady attendant. Main 9. A-169B. a d -7rri i cd nr 6m wiihhu.s. fAi Mi .LLLLIl UUi Both Phones. Sue. Zeller-Byrne! Co., lady attendant. LTRCH Undertaker. Lady assistant. B-1888. E.-781. E. 6th-Alder. Dnirpnn On Funeral directors, 369- rearson i0i 87i Russeii t. e. 1030. ERICS0N Undertaking Co! Main 6133, A-2236. Lady ass t. JSA8T Sll)?-: funeral directors, success- i or to F. S. Dunning, Inc. E. 62. B12525. EDWAHI HOLM AN. Undertitker, Main 607. 220 i 8d st. Lady assistant. FOIl SALIi HOUSES 01 $150 DOWN Will buy up to date new B-room hun- f alow or we will build for you on easy erms. 1112 Hawthorne. Tabor 8278. BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PURSE. I will build and help finance your home on easy terms If you own lot. A. C. Furlong, 617 Chamber, of Com rnerce. Mnln 142f. IrUR room lioyse with big lot 00x180 in one of the growing suburbs. Short distance from Mt. Scolt car line. Price only $1000. Very easy terms. 10p Hoard ofTrRde uidg PONT PAY RENT. NWv4 room plastered cottage, only f87S; easy term, I'hoae Tabor lilt. 01 Buys New Residence Worth $4000 Ttie owner of this built It for himself and nothing has been left undone to make it a de lightful home. Six nice, large rooms with every built in con venience. Double constructed throughout and on nio sight ly 60x100 lot. in high class east side residential district. . Owner leaving - city and will sacrifice. $1450 handles, balance straight mortgage. Joseph Graham 1007-09 Board of Trade , bldg. $150 Down, $20 per Month Price $2500 New modern S room bungalow, porch full width of house, re ception hall, arch entering parlor, bookcases In parlor, arch between parlor and dining room, panel wainscoting, china closet, 2 nice bedrooms with bath between, Dutch kitchen, nice basement, walls all tinted. HAWTHORNE INVESTMENT CO., 34 Hawthorne. Tabor 3661. $150 Down $25 a Month Buys new bungalow in Rose City Park, with every modern conven ience. All Improvements In and P.1F FOR; no assessments for streets or anything else. We have many desirable properties of this ' character and can find you a home bargain on very easy terms. Joseph Graham 007-09 Board of Trade Building. mini Bungalow that owner recently paid $3300 for that he will sac rifice for $2500. Five rooms with beautiful fireplace, full cement bsrement, beamed ceilings, and every built In convenience. Close to car line on Knst Flanders st. Joseph Graham 1007-09 Board of Trade bldg. m in Trouble And must raise money immediately to meet-Jailis acainst my new 6 room bun- i Kalow, built lor myself and occupied as my nome. i..iosa in uisu iui, one block to car, hard surface streets; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, ev erything complete. Unique in design and best double construction. Will sac rifice nt roBt. $250 cash and balance $30 monthlv including interest. Inquire .nt 600 Priding bldg. Mr, Workingman READ THIS. Smell houses und 50x100 lot, $400 and up; $20 down and $10 a month. Call us up or come out and see them; It will cost you nothing. A:,j lots $160 and up, $6 down, $5 a month. All these lots are inside the citv limits. Tabor Si6. A;,Jr,ll P. Mcnn i iuoii Ui. noun i 2002 E. Glisnn st. 11 V car to 80th. Rose City Bargain ' v $4100 Holladay Home Beautiful 6 rooms, thoroughly mod ern, near 17th and Halsey, hard sur face, nil Improvements In and paid. This Is a $000 house on a $:!00O lot. Owner will sell on easy terms and runt for C months at $35 per month. Stav er & Ausslcker, 614 Couch bldg. Mar shall 1S77. PGR ' SALE Six room dwelling; sun parlor and sleeping porch inclosed In glass; hot air furnace; full concrete basement; stationary tubs; living rooms, 13x22; one bed room same size, 2 other bed rooms; located at 753 Brondway; lot 60x100. For sale: very e:isy terms. McCAKGAR, HATES & LIVELY. 301 Yeon bldg. BEAUTIFUL 8 room bouse In LHurel hurst; 2 fireplaces, large sleeping porch, built-in refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, fireless cooker, built in wnrdrobes. etc.; corner lot 76x90, "" ' , ' , :,Zi ;.;L.(. cash, balance easy monthly payments. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201, 202. 203 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. A-1022. EAST 4 0TH ST.. NORTH. ROSK CITY PARK. $100 CASH. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, built-in buf fet and bookcases, solid onk floors, kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror doors, etc. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 723 Chamber of Commerce lildg. Phone Main 6129. NEW, 6 rooms, sleeping porch. No. 329 East 87th, two blocks south of Haw thorne. I.ot 82x92. Improvements paid, full basement, fireplace, furnace ana fixtures, best shades, hardwou'd floors, Dutch kitchen, large rooms, best buy in city, on terms, by owner. L. Guth, S61 East 39th. FIVE and 'i room liorar, Tire places; hardwood f!oor3, furnaces, wltn all built in mode.n conveniences, near car line, all street Improvements paid, monthly payment plan, j'nwiovnt In vestment Trustee Co., 201, 202, 20$ Hoard of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A-10!2. PLANS OF AUTISTIC HOMES ft. HOUSES OVER $1500. $10. COM PLETE DETAILS AND SPECIFICA TIONS. FINELY ILLUSTRATED BOOK FREE. PORTLAND BUILDING ASS'N. .122 MOHAWK BLDG. FIVE loom niingalow. ft.rnace. fire place, buffet, hookcases, hardwood floor, gss, electricity, good view, Rosa City Park, 2 blocks f rorrv carline; $3350, easy terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A-1022. $160 FIRST PAYMENT. New, modern, 6 room bungalow, ce ment walks, fireplace, 2 blocks to car; price $2360: consider lot in Alberta st rush nrlee ns first payment, balance $25. including Interest. 88 lPth St., neur Uteri. MUST SELL AT ONCE. Modern f room bungalow, hardwood. floor, fireplace. Between 1)1 vision nnd Clinton. This is a genuine bargain and must go at once. Call East 2135 or Ta- bor 1544, evenings. . ""FOR SAljrTfYOWNglt. Lot 100x100; good room bouse: aras f.nd water: bam HOxSOr water and sewer n: shop 18x36; all street improvements in. AI1 for $4000, Vi cash, terms. 869 Mallory ave. 4 Room Bungialow Modem, nice lot, good district; must sell, und will sacrifice; 8 1OO0. Phone Mnln 3931. owner price BEST buy In Portland! Beautlfdl 3 room new complete home, lawn, roses, native trees, cars pass door. Owner Sellwood 60. - - -; 1237 North bungalow. 17th st. 6 room modern by owner, on payments. FOIl 8ALFK-HOUSES 3S0 01 BEAUTIFUL HOME. Perfect in every detail, roof laid tight, covered waterproof paper, then shingled, 10 rooms, 2 baths, 2 toilets, choice oak finish, elaborate stairs, basement, 3 fireplaces, stone trim: lot 90x100, cor. C-1866, East 273. No agenU. W. H. Herdman. FOtt SALE LOTS 10 MULTNOMAH on the Oregon Electric, 20 minutes from the center of Port land, is the liveliest suburb of the west side. It nestles in the rolling hillock or trie, southwest portion of Multnomah FOB SALE HOUSES cwunty; lots can be purchased as low 300 acres, whtut land. Trade for Hex as $250, and they are beauties, 50x110' Ico land or most anything. 160 acres feet, small payment down and only $10 timber at $60 per acre; 6,000,000 feet per month; lumber yards right at the! timber; trade for house and lot. Main Rtatlon; stores, public water and fine j 7491, 303 Corbett bldg. Mr. Lewis. a cent car service. Take a run out tup; see for yourself. The Western Se curities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. Owners. 50x100 in Irvington Close to car line. Beautiful treei on this lot. A snap at $1500. Watson & Therkelsen ' 30B Spalding Buildine-. Phone Main 7592 $10 Down, $10 Per Month Fine view lot. matured fruit trees; restricted district, near car, cement walks, Hull Run water, fruit cared for ,'reo of charge. 202 Board of Trad bldg. Marshall 413; A-1022. $5 Month Cross Park, only 40 lots, 2 blocks from car, close to school and churches. Bull Run water, shade trees. J. K. Ross, La'jrelwood, Mt. Scott car. Taboi 26. SEE Le Nolr & Co. for west side property, exclusive dealers In wesc side realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD lot. wijKt of Killlngswurth avo. car barns. $650. Tt-265, Journal. ACREAGE 57 A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. The Grays Harbor district with Ab erdeen and Hoqulam, two of the most progressive and fast growing cities on the Pacific coast, with a splendid har bor and three transcontinental rail roads, offers today the 1 est opportunity to the investor. Land can still he bought from $25 to $30 per acre only j 6 to 8 miles from tlx. cities and at $15 to $2(1 per acre 8 to 12 miles from I city limits. The soil Is ricn with I abundance of water, no gravel, rocks or sand. Two hundred families bougiit land of us, of which over 50 live on the land now. Consequently you will be surrounded by neighbors and not isolated. In addition we have also sev eral partly Improved farms Wltb build ings. Remember that similar oppor tunity to buy Innd at the prices quoted will not present Itself to you asuin here on the harbor. For further In formation, writu at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZA TION COMPANY, ABERDEEN, WASH. Where Town and Country Meet One acre rich soil, with good 8 room house, less than 1 block from car and within the 4 mile circle, fine family orchard, born and outbuilding; lots selling all around this acre up to $800. The price of this property If sold be fore January 1 is $4600, and Is a bargain, $1000 cash required. See Joseph Graham 1007-1009 Board of Trade bldg. Best But Cheapest R and 10 acre tracts, $.0 to $46 an acre, easy terms; deep red shot soil; well watered; Ideal for fruit, vegetables, dairying; fine view; some buyers already living on property; income itiduclng sll wlnlei school on ground; on county road close to live town on R. R. and river, near Portland. Neuhausen & Co., owners. 703 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak sts. For appointments evenings, phone Knst S94. SIX acre home, small I room house, good well. 2 acres cleared, balance brush; mile from station; rich soil, no hills, 2 homes in view, a fino commu nity; $2250; you will buy this, only a liltle cash required. Ad dress 14-262, Journal. 39 Acres flood land, most of which Is In culti vation, 2 miles from Orchards, Wash.; 7 room two story house, with good born ,10x40, outhuildlngs. well, orchard, etc. Price of land is $0000; mortgage J4000, payable In four years; will exchange equity for 6 room house; will assume smiill amount. Joseph Oraliam, 1007-09 Board of Trade KldK. ACREAGE Our specialty, small tracts west an northwest of the city, sold on monthly pay ments. See us before you decide. TUP! SIIAW-FKAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 4th St. A-3500. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land, walking distance to good town, runnlnir water, best soil, free wood. splendid fruit district, view of Colum bia river and snow pea?;, 2 acres $260; 6 acres 400; 10 acres iiuo: 1U per cent cash, easy payments, other tracts near railway station $25 to $40 per acre. FRANK M' FAR LAND RKALTY CO, 309 Yeon bldg.. Poftland. GARDEN HOME W offer some beautiful Oardn Homo acreage. Iilh ground fronting or. trie Oregon f.iuctric, near Mutton ami s hooj. Prices are very reason vil- and on entiv terms. Staver & AussleUer, 614 Co uc'i bid g. acre tracts 80 minutes from heart of city, on electric line. Oood soli, all cleared and level. Fine suburban home. Price $250. $25 down, $5 per month without Interest. Field and Gordon, 7S1 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES on Base Line road, 9 miles from court house, $500 per acre. Terms. 0-2S4, Journal. 13 ACRES north of Lents Bull Run water, 5c carfare; one-half down, bal ance on time. A-2S6, Journal. Abe Martin Who remembers th' ole sterescope with double views o' th' Hudson River an' Broadway on a Rainy l'uy that you used to sit In tho' parlor an' look through while your girl wux dressln' fer th' tho-ater? Th' worst thing about talkln' too much la koepln' your se-gar lit. fijli 07 $3200- 80 acres to trade for grocery stocV or house and lot $3000 Equity in lot 60x100 with store building and stock of groceries; price' $4500; to trade for small farm. $6400 800 acres of logged oft land. )H per acre, good terms. 87E00 39 acres. 2 miles .north of electric car line out of Vancouver. Wash., all stock and machinery goes with this place; will trade up 10 J::600 city property. , These and many more. Call and see us. Bnsford Bros. Realty Co., 205 Ger - linger bids?., cor. 2d anil Alder. FOB SALE FARMS 17 3 acres of first class land, 30 minutes out on 15 cent car line, 10 minutes walk from electrlo station, lies ideal with perfect drainage, on main macadamized road, nice running stream of wa ter across the back end of the tract, all In cultivation but ',4 sere of wood left for fuel, a mod el country home lor chickens, ducks r.nd truck gardening. Why buy a 60x100 foot lot In the city when you can ct this for the same price? It heats a city lot because it will MAKE YOU A LIVING. Price onlv $1050; small amount down and $16 per month. Thin is far below prevailing prices in the same neighborhood. Swell Comer in Hawthorne Modern 5 room bungalow on a 60x100 foot corner lot in the Haw thorne district, close -to the car lluo, cement walks and improved streets. The bungalow nas ev ery modern convenience it was built for a home. Has large open fireplace, large light basement, etc. It is a snap at the price. $3000. $400 down balance easy monthly payments to suit. 10 Acres All in Cultivation $1500 This 10 acre tract Is al good rich plow land, has been In crops this past year, lies on the coun ty roud dosa to the electric line, close to a town of 4000. close to the S. I'. R. R.. near good school, is on the county mad, and would make a fine poultry ranch. It is well drained, has no waste land on it. This can be handled on $300 cash and $150 a year, a per cent Interest. Tillamook Ranch To Trade 211 acres on the river, m miles from Tillamook city. 20 acres good tide land. All lays fine for ag riculture; county cruise gives 4, 000,000 feet fir, spruce and hem lock. Price $r.000. Will take one-half in trade In city prop erty. Molalla Ranch 40 acre ranch In the rich Mo lalla valley, 15 acres in culti vation, balance pasture, fi room houses 1 acre orchard. 2 horses, 7 cows. Oft chickens. Implements. Price $5000. Trade for This 81 Vi acre ranch. 22 acres la cultivation, 6 acres in bearing or chard, soil a deep black loam. 8 room house, another good house, first class barn and outbuildings, H mile from R. R. and H mile to school. Pries $fit00. Will take city property In trade. 12 1-2 Acres, Irrigated 1 2 Vi acre farm all under irri eation, G acres In cultivation. 2 acres voting orchard. 5 room house, barn all necessary build ings, close to electric line, only . S25o. Easy terms. Ralph Ackley Land Co, 170 otn. opposite P. o. THE most rwmarkable civic growth of any city in Oregon, outside of Portland, has been In Salem the past year. Next year will be far greater. Land surrounding the capital of Oregon is the best In' the state. Prices are not Inflated. It Is the place for the small fruit ranch, because the market for the fruit has been developed by the fruit unions, canneries and packing plants. Cnll for booklet and further Information. SALEM BOARD Oh" TRADE, 225 Henrv Bldg., Thone Marshall 207S. -v 157 acres on Tualatin river, Oregon Electric through center, bargain for someone, must be sold to close bankrupt estate. Call on W. A. Shaw, trustee, 102 Fourth st., Portland. This Is a forced sale and you may have the benefit of It by calling on the, trustee and looking into the matter. 9 Acres, 7 Room House, All Furnished Own water system. 300 apple trees, horse attd buggy and farm tools Two blocks from car line and right in Oregon City. A snap at $6500. Terms. This will not last long. Watson & Therkelsen 808 Pnnldln- bulldlnir T'hone Mnln 7692. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. I am the owner of a 186 acre farm miles from a good town: 60 acres In crop; rirsi-oinsB nouse anu nam, gonn fences; lies, on county road- I want I S2500 In rash and will aive vou five) vears on naiance or uuu. jr mis sounds good to you, call and see me, 319 Yeon bldg. the real owner. 5 Acre Ranch 4 blocks from Oregon Electrlo sta tion. New 6 room house, barn, other outbuildings. Price $2(00. Terms. ENDERS & HARTSHORNE, 233 Stark St. FOR SALE. 60 acres tillable land, 17 cultivated, bog fence, well and snrlng. buildines, ir.O fruit trees, 4 V- miles east Oregon city, $5000. $2000 down, balance terms. See owner. F. M. Mnlden. Woodstock. Or. 6&H ACRES, all cleared, on tw.o good county roads, R. F. D.. telephone, mile from school, church and Oregon Elec tric, A bargain at $100 per acre. Owner, Thomas Jackson. 883 East 1st N. Phone Kast 40S1 H. N, Swank 820 acres, Tillamook county, $1000. 808 Ahlngton bldg., Portland. Or. 20 acres at Anderson Station, O, . tvTT! car line, for $190 per acre. ' WATSON A THERKELSEN, - 808 Spalding bldg-. Phone Main 7693. 40 and 80 Well Improved near- fries p pnose, Multnomah count v, cheap for quick sale. . Write Joseph Parker, Scap pooso, Oa A CUE AG K 3 mm AT TMD 81 060 17 T' 100 Acres -Price. $2500 Terms t- All HltKl Ian. I OR ........ I tlon, 26 more partfy 'Cleared, 60 seres Is Hon bottom land and th buianr-o. which Is bench land, has about 8.000,000 feet 1 of valuable saw timber. !V This timber t alone Is worth the price asked, for the , whole place. Sawmill within H mile, stream of water crosses place, on maid j county road. If you want n Invest ment that will double your money, see us at once. Terms H cash. uiuce open Tuesday. A. K. HILL CO.. 419 Henry Bldg. ' 70 acres, 10 miles west of Portland court house, all cleared, fine young orchard, school 4 of a mile, 8 room modern house, ful ly Plumbed, a fireplace, nice porches, fine large barn, com- fdete water system, telephone n house,, free delivery of mer chandise, also rural free delivery of mall; In fact, a lovely country home, the very best of soil, a chance for a high class dairy. Trice and terms will Interest you. Call and see us. THE 8HAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 4th St. A-3500. Beautiful 40 Acres All In cultivation, house and barn, 1 good wells, all fenced and cross fenced, stock and Implements go with place; deep loamy soil, not far from Port land; price $5500, terms. ENDERS & HARTSHORNE, 233 Stark st. FOB RENT FARMS 14 10 acres lease for 3 years, good 6 room house, good well, mile from Bor lng, on car line; rent to apply on clear lng. 1445 Fern St., Woodlawn. ? WANTED FARMS 83 HAVE buyer for Improved farm near Portland; write full particulars. C. L Bamberger, room 2 Lurobermena bldg. FRUIT LANDS 4.1 MOSIER WANTS MORE FAMILIES. . 160 acres near town of Mosler; 80 acres cleared, about 30 of which is In young orchard; good spring on place, beautiful view and attractive surround ings, price, $12,000. Will take modern unincumbered Portland residence as part payment. See this place at once If good locality, open all night, clears FOR SALE 20 acres fine fruit land, 3 miles from Estacada. $2000, $100 cash, balance 10 years, 8 per cent. Write I H. Bird. Estacada. Or. R. F. D. HOMESTKAD9 47 BUY Improved orchards, cost less, quicker returns; Newberg orchard tracts, one hour from Portland, fully planted and maintained by us for 4 years; nothing better in Oregon: only $450 per acre, terms. Northern Trust Co.. 270 Stark. HOMESTEADS HOMESTEADS and timber claims, de sirable locations, near Portland; some prairie, deep, level soil, wheat, fruit and stock land; near school, railroad and river. Covey, 287 Oak, room 21. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 20 ROOM rooming house, for land. Newspaper for Portland property. Chicken ranch for home In Portland. 142 acre dairy ranch well equipped, for eastern Oregon farm. 180 acres at Hood River for home In Portland. 80 acres In California for Portland property. 1 2o acres Irrigated land for Port land property. 6 room house and lot for team of horses. 9 room rooming house on Taylor street, for larger house. RUSHING & JONES, 402 Yeon hldg. Marshall 349. FOR SALE or will exchange tor farm. 7 valuable centrally situated lots 26x 120, In the rapidly growing city of Fort George. B. C, Canada, and which will be the second largest city In B. C. 2 lots In Portland, A-l location. 1 large lot and 6-room modern house In Ashland. Or. Want acreage within 12 miles of the centtr of Portland or Oregon City or Eugene or Medford. Or. What have you to exchange for the above men tioned propertv7 Address John A. Campbell, 623 N. Main at, Ashland. Or. IlTLF section of California pine, valued at $3000, for good farm in Washing ton. Yamhill or Polk oounty; might In clude a good Portland residence, and assume a small mortgage. Property must meet personal wants, stand thorough Investigation, and await necessary time for transaction. Excellent city values . also considered. No cash payments, commissions or inflated values consid ered. What have you? Box S2, route 2. Salem, Or. TO EXCHANGE. A general merchandise business In a good town doing about $50,000 business per voar, nnd the stock will Inventory between $16,000 and $17,000. Wishes to exchange this for a good ranch. If you have anything of the kind and wish a first class business see this one; it's a winner. R F. GILBERT. 100 Washington st., Vancouver. Wash, 20 Acre Farm Near Woodburn, all In cultivation, with small five room house, barn, out buildings. All fenced and In good shape; will trade for small house In city that Is clear of Incumbrance. Joseph Graham 1007-00 Board of Trade Building. BEAUT rFUTTs ACRE HOMe7" All in cultivation, on electrlo Una, close to city, good new 3 room house, 100 bearing fruit trees, H aore In. straw berries, 2 chicken houses and yard, barn, good soil, a snap at $3600; will trade for home In city. ENDERS A HARTSHORNE, 233 Stark st FOR SALE or exchange, $2000 equity In 8-roomed modern house, new and fur nished. 20 acres of apple land In White Sal mon valley. What have youT Owner, 620 Lumber Exchange, corner Id and : Stark. . SPXENT51D east aide grocery to tradt for auto or lots clear of Incumbrance. This place will Invoice about $2500, and Is In exceptionally desirable loca tion Joseph Graham, 1007-09 Board . of Trade bldg. . . . . ' To acres on Base Line road, hi mile from Mt. Hood car Hue. Will sell or trade. $500 per acre. WATSON THERKELSEN. 308 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 769$, . . - r I NT to exchange per cent -goM first mtg. bonds for real estate, good equities acceptable, Oregon Transpor tation bonds. N. O. Hadtn, 430 Worces ter bldg. ; n . WHAT have you got to trade for buT ness that will r clear $200 monthly and only work 1 day a week? Prh'S $2000. Peters, U N. Bth st. ' - IF YOU WANT TO SELL, "njir'"6lt TRADE. SEE KHOKMAKfclR IN. VESTMENT CO., C2i HE Nit ULlxJ. MAIN 446B. - . - . GOOD & room cottage, corner "lt 60x100, In growing -district, to m. change for rooming house, 16 to 39 rooms. It-284. Journal. - . TAKP1 LOT UP TO" $ 1 300, " " As flrst,payment on new, mortem room bungalow, near Killlngswortli atd Dm- yer ave. Call 88 10th st. NEW 8 room cottage for acreage. , 10 acres good laud for ootUge; ,r for equity. A-l 21 6. jt ' -. ' " ' LET me get wFai you ,'want ""for wtit vott have on cssh lasls. .1. It. ILtlght, S.f:t Chamber of Commerce bidg. fwitX buy, sell oflradM sovO tu II. F. Lee, 1015 B"" "f .'l"r'"' '.i.''1'' 1 1 a v"lrio is" i i trade for ! ! u m.. L-jlOft. Journal ! .. . 8I'"F us for real estsie tmlt sitywiir, 0 Board of Trsde b:g. EQT?ITY7n enelegiit "bom e change for farm. . IJS0, J.j irr,,i.!. FOR SALEFARMS