The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 14, 1911, Page 19, Image 19

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35 '
i wiuvti nvvt at a wjtwt; vv&lavm
I V ... . . . .
will make you a fortune m a few
years if held. ' ,
Brong-Stecle Co.
Ground Floor Lewis Bldg,
Business 14 Block
Best buy on the west sde for Invest
ment or speculation.
M-LLce, 311 CorbcttBId
Nob Hill
Choice location, close In, favorable
terms. No phono Information.
D. Xk B&ACE CO..
608 Board of Trade Bldg.
CERTIFICATES of title made by the
Title ft Trust oompany, lcwii biag.
em ana oaic.
C. H. Ferris to A. L. Wilber, lot S
oiock i, city view Parit
Moore Investment company to
Marinda Norria, lot 14, block 35,
J. C. Alnsworth and wife to
Thomas Sorenaen. lot 10. block
4, Oakhurat -376
It L, Ahlson and wife to J. A.
Brooks, lot 4, block 83, Sell wood 2,000
a. M. Sherwood to D. W. Brown,
lots 14 to 17. Inclusive, block
17, Mount Tabor Villa $1,00
jonn ferasso and wife to u. m.
Kennedy, lot 30, block 1, Euge
nia Park.
Park Land company to Matilda
A. Johnson. Dart of lot 9. block
102 University Park 126
a. u. ot it, ;. 10 uuver n. uiw
son et al., lot 13, block S3,
Northwestern Trust company to
Paul M. Luta. lot 8. block 6. Wil-
burton 1,175
a. l. name let, trustee, to s. H.
McGlrr. lota 6 and 6. block 17.
Talrport 70S
k. u. juatmson to K. b. JLeign,
lota and 10. block 1. Tremont
place . 1,100
K. Lf Stevens, snerirr, to iucirma
Gibson Kenncr. lot 18. blook
. 7, Voxchase addition .. . 2,889
inc. company to w. is. uevaney,
lota 10 and 12. block 8. Irvlnk-
t ton Park .... ... :, 800
George Stepanovlcs and, wife to B.. ...
-'Bennett., lot 6. block 5. Lincoln
Park 1,600
Klverview Cemetery association
to Ezra O. Potter, lot 142. section
,16. said cemetery 160
uiancne v. Aiarsnau to x. J. kowi
et al. lot 4. block 266. Haw
thorne Park 4,600
Dora L. Fraier to T. J. Stevens et
al .'west 40 feet of north Vm of
block ST.Waverly' 775
ttinma is. Tnompson to Marian c.
Bard, commencing at Intersec
tion at center line of Tabor ave
nue projected south, with center
line of Francis avenue projected
east 7,600
Robert Kellend and wife to J. P.
Zirnglebel. east half of lots 1
and 2, block 68. Sellwood 2,460
Security Abstract & Trust com
pany to C. B. Smith, lot 10
hlnck 23. F.Imhiirst 600
Micnaei J. .Manning ana wire to
B. Qlonn Wood, lot 1. block 22.
Alblna Homestead 2,800
Andrew T. Mathew ana wire to
W.' J. Gill, east half of lots 1 i
and 4. block 24. Feurer's addi
tion 1,650
Bwlnton Land company to B. n.
Clinton, lots Z3 and 24. block
it d,lNtAn SKA
South Portland Improvement corn-
any to orace it. Bums, lot is.
lock S. Terwllliaer homestead. .11.400
11a Weltman to N. W. Turreii,
Mots 23. 24. block 11. Tremont
Place BOO
II. P. Newton and wife to A. I
Ford Warren, lots 4, 6 B, Bertha
B. W. Dogers and wife to H. Steln
feld, lot 18. block 3, subdivision
of lots 2. 7. 8. 9. 10. North St.
Johns 600
Richard price and wire to Rufus
Mallory, tract beginning In
west line off B. 40th street, 611
feet south of south line of Haw
thorne avenue 2,000
IS. W. Baughman and wife to
Amelia Haupert, west 40 feet of
lots 11 and 12. block 16. High
land 8,00i)
Q. H. Zelsler and wife to F. 8.
Crynes, west 40 feet of lot 6,
block 2, Meadowland
Alvln W. Bagley and wife to E.
Minerva Gleason, lot 8, and east
16 feet of lot 7, block 1; east
erly half of lot 7, and undi
vided three fourths of easterly
. 40 feet of lot 6, and westerly
half of lot T, block. 4; undivided
three fourths of lot 19. and
westerly 10 feet of lot 18, block
6, Wlllumbia 2000
The Fred A. Jacobs company to
C. E. May et al, lots 21, 2t, 23,
24, block 10, Syndicate addition. 2,400
O. J. Gillette and wife to C. H.
Lyons, lota 32, 84. block 39. Irv
ington Park 600
Haar LI . dTBy Vi W
!I jswyers Abstract ft Trust Co., capital
W izou.uou. Board or "iraoe Diqg,
PACIFIC Title & Truat Co., the leading
abstractors. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor.
W. R. HAIZLIP CO.. Inc., Abstractors,
837-8 Corbett bldg. Prices light
In effect April 16, 1811.
Dailv or Sunday.
1 time, So per line. ,
I consecutive times, 7c per, line per in
I or more consecutive timet., 6c per Una
; per insertion, or 7 Insertions for price
of .
No ad counted for less than two lines.
The above rates apply to "New To
day" and all other classifications ex
cepting the following! -Situations
Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent"
. The 'rates In these classifications are
' 6o per line per insertion.
1 Three insertions for the price of two.
Seven Insertions for thrf price of five,
No ad taken for less than 16a
1 time, to per line.'
I consecutive times 8o per Una per la
f sertlon; '.
T or more consecutive times, 7o. per
4 line per Insertion.' ; . .
The above rates apply to "New To
day" and all other clastflcatlnng ex
cept the following! Situations Wanted,
To Rent and Wanted to Kent" ads.
if. The rate in these classifications la 7o
tier line ner Insertion. .
i No ad charged for leas than two lines,
' , 66, .. Woodmen of the
Worldi meets everjr.Fn
day oiht In W. O. W.
Temple, 128 Eleventh
treet AU members re
quested to b present
v1ftnrM wleom.
tt Tk a jrx k anxj r f
A. Ii. BARBUR, Clerk.
. A, F. and A. M. Special com
munication tins fTnursuay;
evening at 8 o'clock. Masonic
jempie, ijDor in me m.
degree. Visiting brethren wel
come. By order of W. M. 1
THH UNITED Boosters will give a
dance Friday evening. December 16, at
Rlngler'ji, corner 2d and Morrison ets.
lone orcnestra. tuverypogy lnvneu.
THE UNITED Boosters will give a
dance Thursday evening,' December 14,
at Baker's hall, 17th and Alberta Every
body invited.
Bolllng-Hlrsch bldg.. Washington near
10th. Phone clerk, Main 9294. A-4886.
R." N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frl.
eve.. Allsky hall. 31 and Morrtaon.
Fred Schmidt, 248 E. 11th. 22, and
Hazel Agnes, 19. ... .. .
Benjamin McCurry, ?36 Halsey, 21,
and Alice Metcalf, 18.
Robert Barnett, 630 W Marehall, 23,
and Elizabeth ' Tuttle. 23.
Harry Johnson. 1142 Roselawn, 23,
and Dollle Kyler, 20. , M
Frank Alden. 75 E. 20th, 22, and
Hazel Gee, 19.
Martin Nielsen, 821 Mississippi ave.,
28, and Karen Rasmisson, 24.
Hugh Alderman, 28 E. 16th, 22, and
Lillian Grassenbache.r, 18.
Veron Spaulding, Half Way, Or., 27,
and Ida Montgomery, 22.
James , Dean. 834 Jackson, 26, and
Ida Simmons, 24.
J. E. Jenkins. Bolsln. Wash., 48, and
Helen Darne, 37.
J. W. Davis, 94 Grand. 2. and Sarah
Lambert, 28.
Sam Anderson. Westport, Or.. 41. and
Andria Ullfers, 46.
T. E. Vrooman, Z40 stark, zi, ana
Mildred Armstrong, 18.
William McFarllng. 600 Oregonian. 83,
and Pearl Cohn, 22.
Frank Williams. 915 Montana, 27. and
Anna Blsbea, 27. .
Hen Rasenbloom 226 Arthur, 22, and
Lena Greensteln. 19. . ,
J. L. Hendricks, Seattle, Wash., 27,
and Maude Kenshner, 26.
Samuel Luse, St. Paul, Minn.. zz, ana
Hazel Fisher,' 20.
W. d mith R, C.n. WAV" TA
f f t VJ" f V-ri I JV W V V iSllIIlK ua
Washington Bldg., cor. 4th on Wash'ton.
EeADINO Florist. Lubliner, 428 Wash-
st., bet. 11th ft 12th. Mar. 763. A-1334.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique
Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st.
CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers
and floral designs. 289 Morrison St.
Peter C. Bredall. 473 Alder street, 32.
and Margrethe Nielwon. 25.
SCHIDEMAN To Mr. and Mrs. John
Schideman. 834 East Twelfth. Novem
ber 6, a boy.
M'CREA To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Crea. 641 Rodney, December 8. a girl.
KAISER To Mr, and Mrs. Max Kaiser,
846 commercial street, December l. a
SAUNDERS To Mr. and Mrs. William
Saunders. 742 Overton. December 10.
KH3TNER To Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Grant
Klstner. 742 Overton. Novem&er 28. a
M'PHERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McPherson. 742 Overton. November
9t Kv
BODKIN To Mr. and Mrs. BocTEln, 742
Overton, December 4, a boy.
DUFFIELD To Mr. and Mrs. William
Duffleld. 79S East Twenty-elgtitn
street, December 7, a boy.
ABET To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Abey,
Fifty-sixth street and Forty-sixth
avenue, December 2, a boy.
ALLEN To Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Allen. 308 Clay. November 21. a Poy.
CRANFILL To Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Cranflll, 246 17th ot., December 9, a
PRATHER To Mr. and Mrs. Bertram
Prather, 361 Fremont, December 12,
a girl.
TAGELY To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Tagely. 682 E. Couch. December 11. a
SaYMOND To Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Raymond. 69 W. Jessup. Dec. 10, a
WIOUMA To Mr. and Mrs. Chataro
Wieuma. 50 N. 3d st. Dec. 1. a boy.
SAWYER To Mr. and Mrs. Marlon
Sawyer, 303 Glenn ave. Dec. 9, a girl
STEVENS In this cltv, December 14, at
her home. 1915 Exeter St.. Mrs. Mar
tha Stevens, aged 73 years, mother of
Mr. J. B. Heady, Mrs. Klla Lamb. An
nouncement of funeral later,
M'CONIGLEY At the family residence
In Lents. Decemoer 13. Mugn Mcuon
igley, aged 17. Funeral will take place
from the resiaence, irrinay, uecemner
15, at 9 a. m. Friends Invited. Inter
ment Mt, Scott cemetery.
DODU Anna Dodge, Ballard. Wash.
Dec. 10. asre nz. Heart aisease.
IjoNG Lai Lung, 62 2d st Dec. 11
Bare 56. Tuberculosis.
DORNAN-Catherine Dornan, Medical
Lake. Dec. 11. asr 66. Senile dementia,
PARKER Anna Parker, St. Vincent's
hospital. Deo. 12, age n. Typhoid
SMITH Joseph Smith, Imperial hotel
Dec. 13. aee Z2. Diapetia.
EU BANDS Hannah Eubands, 884 East
Tavlor. Deo. 11. age 7. Myocaraitis.
GILPIN John Gilpin, S7 superior,
Dec l z. air G. Dinntnena.
SUMMER John Summer, 294 Williams
ava. Dec. 8, age 3 6. uun snot (sui
cide). ...
MOORE Katherlne Moore, 839 wu-
llamti nve. Dec. 12, age 68. paralysis.
MAX M. SMITH, florist. 159 6th st.
opp. Meier & PTsnic s. Mam 7zie.
Dunning & McEntee "USSSTZ
every detail. 7tn ana fine. Main ao,
A-4568. Laay assistant.
J, P. Finley & Son
Third and Madison.
Lady attendant. Main- 9, A-1699.
A. R. ZELLER CO. Both Phones.
Buc, Zeller-Byrnci Co.. lady attendant,
rDPU Undertaker. Lady assistant.
tnUn B-1888. E-781. E. 6th-Aldor.
on rein P Funeral director, 869-
earson l-Oi 371 Russeu st. e. ioo.
F OlPQHM Undertaking Co. Main
LnlUoUIN 6183. A-223n. Lady ass't.
EAST BIDE funeral directors, success
or to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. E. 52. B12625.
EDWARD HOLMAN, undertaker. 220
3d st. Lady assistant Main 607.
For Lease
New concrete garage, soon to
be finished; this Is in a favored
location adjoining Irvington on
central east Ride business street
Joseph Graham
1007-09 Board of Trade bld.
SACRIFICE sale, for home or Invest-
111131 L. m IUVUD1II V I UVHI (lUUflPR,
Owner left city and i&y well. See Jenka.
ltpp i. 4, .t v i V i w i tA;j r Bi.tiiff,
LEFT Portland; offer Bplendld 7 room
Big bargain. See it cure, $3660, terms.
Write 3. M. Melkle John. Solo, Or. r
S..IJ if yi.-1-B.u 1. il'.i: 1" V" -7" '-.' II"' bit.
$606 EQUITY in good house and lot
, for sals cheap. Give phone No. W-246,
'OR RENT or sale, new 6 room house
en im Droved st Call 664 Broadway.
or phone E-1064. v . v , n
$60 CASH, $85 monthly Interest In
. eluded, fine 6 room bungalow. Need-
ham. Scllwood 1352.
Avenue ;
$200 Cash
Take Lot as Frrst Payment
Beautiful modern 6 room bungalow,
block from Hawthorne ave., In the best
residence district on East Side. Recep
tion . hall, living room with fireplace,
paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2
large bedrooms, white enameled bath,
cement basement, large floored attic,
paved street, cement walks,, nice light
ing fixtures, window shades, easy
monthly payments. This is a very good
buy. Call 1405 Hawthorne ave., cor.
60th at. Tabor 626;
For Sale by Owner
Cottage bungalow of 5 rooms
and attic and small sun room,
basement, stationary tubs, nice
electric fixtures, good plumbing,
etc Been occupied by owner and
is in best of order. Lot 75x100 in
lawn, flowers, some fruit trees
and berries. A very neat, com- .
fortable home on corner, 3 blocks
from car. Will sell on very rea-
, sonable terms. Price $2700. For
particulars, see owner at room
406, Lewis bldg.
This Is Nbt Padded
Eight room modern house, full cor
ner lot, no equity but free and clear.
No encumbrance, nothing to assume;
pleasant surroundings, well built, dou
ble construction, built one year ago;
price $3600 and worth every dollar In
cash, for 40 to 80 acres of land with
some Improvements; consider smaller
place, close In; no attention to inflat
ed value,
JACOB HAAS, 408 Yeon Bide.
Will sacrifice my beautiful 5
room bungalow for a quick sale;
only a short ride from center of
city on Hawthorne cur; strlctlv
modern In every particular; small
cash payment, balance like rent.
Call owner, B-2953.
Your Own Terms
A very convenient 3 room cottage,
furnished or unfurnished to be sold at
a sacrifice, corner lot 100x100, with ce
ment walks, 8 blocks from Montavilla
car, 12 fruit trees and city water. I
need money and have put a price on
this home that will appeal to you; no
agents. See owner forenoons, 233 E.
78th St. N. Tabor 626.
3 houses, plastered, 4 rooms each,
nearly new, all rented, all for $2500;
$1000 cash handles the proposition. A
pretty little snap.
Vi acre, a nice one, cleared and ready
to build on, good location, $900; $400
handles this one.
6 room house nesr Tremont, $860,
$850 cash handles this one.
402'Yeon bldg. Marshall 349.
Mr, Workingman
Small houses and 60x100 lot, $400 and
up; $20 down and $10 a month. Call
us up or come out and see them; It will
cost you nothing. Also lots $160 and
up, $5 down, $5 a month. All these lots
are Inside the cltv limits. Tabor 376.
Widell & Wilson
2002 E. Gllsan t. MV car to 80th.
$100 CASH.
7 rooms, sleeping porch, built-in buf
fet and bookcases, solid oak floors,
kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror
doors, etc.
(zs unamoer or commerce mas.
Phone Main 5129.
BEAUTIFUL 8 room house In Laurel
hurst; 2 fireplaces, large sleeping
porch, built-in refrigerator, dust and
clothes chutes, flreless cooker, built
in wardrobes, etc ; corner lot 75x90,
east front, beautiful view, $7500; $500
cash, balance easy monthly payments.
Provident Investment & Trustee Co.,
201, 202, 203 Board of Trade bldg. Mar
shall 473. A-1022.
Almost new, elegantly finished and
furnished, cost $5000 3 months ago; will
take considerable less if you have about
$1500 for first payment. Owner, 413
Bllers bldg., 7th and Alder. Tabor 3264.
FIVE and 6 room Homes, fire Places
hardwood floors, furnaces, witn all
built In modern conveniences, near car
line, all street Improvements paid,
monthly psvment plan. Provident In
vestment & Trustee Co., 201, 202, 208
Board of Trade bldg. hone Mamhall
478. A-1022.
HOUSES OVER $1500, $10. COM
Sacrifice Sale
Two lots. 60x100 each, modern house,
on carllne In Vancouver, must sell, $900.
Mrs. Harry Clarke, R. F. D. No. 6, Van-
couver. Wash.
FIVE room bungalow, furnace, fire
place, buffet, bookcases, hardwood
floor, gas, electricity, good view, Rosa
City Park, 2 blocks from carline: $3350,
eaoy terms. Provident Investment
Trustee Co., 201, 202, 203 'Board of
Trade. Marshall 473, A-1022.
Brand new, strictly modern-, fireplace,
beam ceilings, and all built-in conveni
ences, 1 block to car, Just beyond Laurel
hurst, $2700, $200 cash. Fred W. Ger
man. 829 Burnside. M. or A-2776.
Superior In every detail, finished oak
and mahogany. Hot water, hot air.
Best In Irvington. Investigate. C-1866.
East 278; no agents. W. H. Herdman.
$2600 NEW 6 room modern bungalow,
fireplace, Dutch kitchen. laundry tubs.
etc' gas and electrlo complete, a bar-
gain. ciose ln owner. Mam H348.
Some fellers must wonder how ther
wives kin accomplish ep much without
ta.n' a drink ever" fifteen minutes.
Watchln' a cipher tryin! f cut a figure
1 alius aanusln'.-1 ,
Abe Martin
$500 Cash
Buys this swell new 6 room' bungalow,
only one block from car on hard sur
faced' street, in select residence district.
This bungalow Is different from the
others and is complete with every mod
ern convenience, It has a nice wide
veranda extending across entire front,
large living room with fire place and
built-in bookcases with bevel plate
glass doors on each side of fire place,
hardwood floors in living rooms and
den. The dining room is large with
four-door windows, it has a beautiful
wide buffet with bevel plate glass doors,
wide veneer panels. Just off the Hvlng
room is a cozy den with brass wall bod
with French bevel plate mirror, This
can be used for a bedroom in emer
genoy. besides this room there are two
large well lighted bedrooms, in one of
which is a built-in dresser with large
square French bevel plate mirror. Both
bedrooms have large closets. The bath
room has all modern conveniences and
good plumbing. The kitchen is large,
white enameled, with all kinds of bins,
drawers and shelves, back ecreened-in
porch, full basement with cement floor,
laundry trays. There is a large full
attic for storing odds and ends. One
nice large full-grown fir shade tree on
the lot. I have been holding this place
at 3750, but will sell in the next few
days for $3500, on easy terms. Come
out and see and admire It and we can
arrange terms to suit vou. For further
particulars call at 984 Hawthorne ave.,
or phone Tabor 480
New, modern six room bun
galow, hardwood floors, large
hall with full length mirror
door, fireplace in living room, with
beamed celling, paneled walls,
built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, in
white enamel, three chambers,
woodwork in white, bath, medi
cine chest and linen closet, floored
and plastered attic, Bleeping porch
with cloBet, cement floor in
basement, laundry trays, cement
walks around house. -
Price $3200
$300 Cash
Owner and builder.
bor 1467
Phone Ta-
I3EST, buy In Portland, beautiful 8 room
new home, complete. Car passes door.
Native trees, lawn, roses. Owner. Sell
wood 69.
7 ROOM, 2 story, strictly modern house,
good barn, lot 93x100, on Bast 8th St.,
close in. Bargain, $5000. See Johnson
& Johnson, 168 10th st
$3250, CLOSE IN.
$100 CASH.
$30 monthly Including Interest
6 room two story modern; laundry
trays, cement cellar, lot 60x100.
This property is in the neighborhood
of good homes and is worth $1000 more
than Is asked.
A. J. Detsch Co., 840 Chamber of
Commerce. Main zikz; a-ido.
ooiS aTTjircyr m'TT .niTMrt LOTS.
It is only a good walk from the city
to these fine building and business lots
which we have on paved streets with
all Improvements at from $1250 to
$1600, also a few Sandy road business
lots at from $2200; the increased value
in this close In location Is assured, lots
are on E. Everett, Flanders, 22d street
and Sandv road. Portland-Pacific Inv.
Co. 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall
$1000 Cheapest lot in Clifford addition.
This price includes hassam pavement,
cement walk, sewer, water, gas, etc.
Easy terms.
$1700 100x100 on Alberta St.; lies
fine; cement walk, hassam pavement,
water sewer etc. Certainly a bargain.
$2800 Nice place on Portland blvd.
Suitable for raising chickens. Jamos D.
Ogden, 848 Mississippi ave. Phones
wood lawn zz,
One finnd Buv
Two lots on new carllne with 115-foot
frontage on Sandy road at 73d st. This
street will shortly be paved and these
will be very good business lots. The
price Is only $1250. See Mr. Bryant, with
Joseph Graham
1007-09 Board of Trade Bldg.
Multnomah Station
On the Oregon Electric, Is 20 minutes
from the postofflce. I will sell you a
fine sightly lot with water piped to
it, for $275, on easy terms. Call mo
at mv residence. East 1807, or office.
Main 4128. Owner.
$10 Down, ,$10 Per Month
Fine view lot, matured fruit tre-?s;
restricted district, near car, cement
walks, Bull Run water, fruit cared for
.'ree of charge. 202 Board of Trade
bldg. Marshall 473; A-1022.
Cross Park, only 40 lots, 2 blocks
from car. close -to school and churches,
Rull Run water, shade trees. J. K. Ross.
Laurelwood, Mt. Scott car. Tahm 26.
FOR SALE A pair of tho best located
medium priced lots in Portland, level,
gas and water in, well built neighbor
hood. Will sell one or both on ensv
terms. A snap at the price. F-252,
A. J. Detsch, 840 Chamber of Com
merce, $50 down.
40x100, all Improvements In and paid.
llano. MainziK.
TTf nlintotrrn nh Cif Tlend And central
Oregon upon reouest by addressing the
NWlon-Koller Co.. Inc.. 301 Buchanan
bldg., Portland, Or.
66 2-3x100
Apartment Site.
Very reasonable at
V-24 9, Journal.
Business corner. 50x80. on carllne,
$1500; terms. Tabor 1798
WEST SIDE lots, only 20 minutes' car
ride, beautiful view, water piped to
each lot. Price only $285 to $325. Terms
$20 cash, balance in per month. M. E.
Lee, 311 Corhett bldg.
i ACRE tracts adjoining Carson
Heights for $600, $50 cash, balance
$10 per month. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett
SEE Le Nbir ft Co. for west side
property, exclusive dealers In west
Bide renlty, 837 Chamber of Commerce.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
land, walking distance to good town,
running water, best soil, free wood,
splendid fruit district, view of Colum
bia river and snow pea Its, 2 acres $250;
6 acres $400; 10 acres" $700; 10 per cent
cash, easy payments, other tracts, near
railway station $25 to $40 per acre.
309 Yeon bldg., Portland.
Oregon City carllne.
I have a number of tracts, from one
to 10 acres, Improved and unimproved,
at right prices. On some of these I
can accept city property as part pay.
W. H. Buoy, room 1. R'y. Ex. Bldg.
Marshall 119.
U . acre tracts 30 minutes from heart
of city, on electric line. Good soil, all
cleared and level. Fine suburban home.
Price $260. $25 down, $6 per month
without Interest. Field and Gordon, 7SU
Chamber of Commerce.
5 ACRES. Ideal for home, where you
can raise anything that grows In
Oregon. Price $750, terms $50 cash,
balance $10 per month. Only 18 miles
from Portland. . M. E. Lee,' 811 Corbett
10 acres, right at Helvetia station, on
United Railways, of the finest .garden
truck land, with th price and terma
. 14 acres, right on Estacada car line,
for $2800.
44 acres at Wapato station, 8. P. R.
R., for $3000. Only $500 cash down on
17 acres on the Molalla road, mile
from the city limits at Oregon City; 8
acres In cultivation and 9 acres in pas
ture; small family orchard; 3 room
house, ham and outhouses, large spring
and we)), $2800; $1500 cash.
These are a few samples of small
places. We have what you want, wheth
er it Is large or small, Improved or un
improved. Come in and see us and you
will be treated right. Ask for Mr.
Farm Land Department,
Ch. of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark.
TRACTS of acre to 20 acres
pach, in valley wist of city,
only 40 minutes car ride; elec
trifying of 4th st. will reduce
this to 80 minutes; the tunnel
under Council Crest will further
reduce this to 20 minutes' car
ride; buy now at farm land prices
and get the benefit of these im
provements. Rich land, good
water,- fine roads, rapid com
munity development- Selling at
$250 to $500 per acre and upon
easy monthly Installments.
The Shaw-Fear Company
Main 86. 102 4th st. A-3500.
10 acres for $2200. Six acres in full
bearing orchard that brought over $900
last year. Balance is seeded. The land
is all level and is excellent soil, fine
barn and well all cemented up. ,Thls
place is only 40 rods from a good town
with churches, schools, stores, etc., 9
miles from Vancouver, and near elec
tric line. This place is absolutely the
best buy on tho market at the price.
Seven or 8 ton of hay in the barn.
We can make you terms that will suit
you. If you want a place you will buy
this one. Steward & Thompson, Grand
Theatre bldg., 10th and Main sts., Van
couver, Wnnh.
Best But Cheapest
5 and 10 acre tracts, $20 to $45 an
acre, easy terms; deep red shot soil;
well watered; Ideal for fruit, vegetables,
dairying; fine view; some buyers already
living on property; Income producing all
wlntei school on ground; on county
road ciose to live town on R. R. and
river, near Portland. Neuhausen ft Co.,
owners. 703 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak
Ktn. For appointments evenings, phone
East 394.
FIVU acre, tracts northwest of
cltv 5 cent car fare on United
Railways to within 2 miles of
place, macadamized road all the
way, school on tract, very rich
soil, land lies rolling, running
water across some tracts, some
cleared, others in timber, at $150
to $360 per acre, with small cash
payment, balance monthly Install
ments. The Shaw-Fear Company
Main 35. 102 4th st. A-8600.
The cheapest buy within 20 miles of
Portland; located on west side, within
8 mils circle, close to stream and elec
tric lines; $50 to $100 down, balance $10
per month. Get busy if you want a
Atchison & Allen
213 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder.
SNAP acres, lies fine, partly
slashed and burneoS. 1 4 miles to
Park Place. 13 miles frork Portland, on
Oregon City line. $110 Per acre, $150
cash and $10. per month, Interest at 7.
7 acres slashed and burned lies fine
with few scattered stumps, 1 miles
from Park Place, 13 miles from Port
land. $130 per acre, balance $10 per
month, Interest 1.
270 Stark St.
10 Acres
$1500, $1000 cash, balance mortgage 2
years, S per cent interest, all fenced, 7
acres cleared and In young fruit treen.
good well, mile from Cove Orchard
station on S. P. Ry.
McGowan & McGowan,
8 Healy Bldg., Corner Grand Avenue
and East Morrison.
No stumps or brush, splendid garden
soil, only 4 minutes' walk from electrlo
and S. P. stations; a chance to make half
your living rrom garden and chlrkens.
$150 down, easy monthly payments.
Atchison & Allen
213 Gorllnger bldg.
2d and Alder.
100 acres or any part of 1 1, all under
cultivation, well Improved, 13000 will
handle, balance to suit, close to It.i R.
station. Polk Co. Box 707, St. Johns. Or.
Small Ranch Near Tigard
7i seres, all cleared and fenced
(except about acre), small
house, well, chicken house, 26 3-year-old
apple trees and other
small fruit, running spring. Can
sell on terms of about $600 cash,
balance long time. Price only
$2500. . .
Barnes & Andrus
406 Lewis bldg, 4th and Ouk sts.
Main 2081.
VOU SALE 30 acres well watered, fruit
land: fine spring near house and
necessary buildings, small creek through
a cleared flat; great place for poultry;
6 acres of woods, 18 acres seeded land;
fenced and easy to work, Vk mile of 2
room school, 10 grades, P. O., store,
church, Grango hall, in fine and rapid
developing country, where cleared land
In $200 and up. This ranch Is only
$70 an aero. Think It over and act
promptly. John Mlllis, Houlton R. It.
station, Yankton, Or.
ONLY $2000 $600 CASH,
Extraordinary natural advantages.
Living spring, some good timber,
near new carline, mill, stores, cream
Splendid rich soil; good fences.
22 miles from Portland.
C. L. BAMBERGER, A-4183.
Room 2 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall 712.
8 acres In cultivation, balance timber,
100 fruit trees, grapes, berries, etc. 8
room house, barn, chicken house, good
well, on good road, 1 miles from end
of electric line in Clatke county, Wash.
Price $2600.
304 Henry bl d g.
$90 per acre. This farm Is located
closo to Portland. 22 acres In culti
vation, partly heaverdam. 15 acres
nearly ready for the plow. The balance
In Una timber. Half a mile from elec
tric car line und six stores. Fair build
ings, two wells and other outbuildings.
Terms. 618 Lumbermens bldg.
WO Nl E R Ftf 1 , BUY FOR $4500!
14 acres, located at station on elec
trlo car line, within 3 blocks of six
stores, 800 feet ot high school. Seven
beautiful buildings on this place. All
In cultivation. Place well worth $8000.
'.terms, ib uumnermens olig.
CALL st the office of the Salem Board
of Trade, 226 Henry building, for
booklets and Information about lands
close to Oregon's beautiful Capital city.
There is no better location for you. on
the const.
' 164 ACRES $6000.
20 cultivated, heaverdam, bottom
and hill land, on R. R. and county road,
1V4 miles to station, some buildings.
I. S. McAlplne. Gaston, R. No. 2,
H, N, Swank
Bells and. rents farms and acreage, -
308 Abington bldg., Portland. Or.
0N14 of the host farms in Lincoln Co.,
on the beautiful Yamilna R. ft R. R.
B. 171. 365 Burnside st
Fine Fruit and General "
Containing 114 acres, all good rich
land, 90 acres under thorough cultiva
tion, timber for family use, balance In
pasture, which is easily cleared: 48
acres In full bearing prune orchard, as
sorted orchard for family use, 2 story 9
room house and two 4 room cottages, 2
large barns, good cellar and all manner
of outbuildings; large steam dryer, cost
$7500; large warehouse, small buildings
for prune pickers, 1500 prune trays, 2
good teams, 1 driving mare, some chick
ens, harnesses. 26 tons of hay, 150 boxes
of potatoes, several tons of mangels,
etc.; 2 wagons, 1 hack, 2 buggies, 2
plows. 1 disc, 2 harrows, 1 rake, large
platform scale, large cream separator,
gasoline engine, feed cutter, root cutter,
all manner of small tools, as well as car
penter tools Included with the place.
This is one of the best located ranches
in the country, overlooking the Columbia
river, with a fine view of the snow
capped mountains, Portland, Vancouver
and the surrounding country for miles;
close to school, church, It. R. and river
transportation and a good country town,
and 11 miles from Vancouver by good
automobile roud. Price only $28,000;
would take from $8000 to $12,000 cash,
and take in good property at cash valua
tion as part payment; $10,000 can stand
if desired for 5 years At 6 per cent in
terest. This ranch will pay 10 per cent
net on the Investment.
If you are interested in buying one of
the best ranches In the Paciflo north
west, don't fail to see this ranch at our
Thompson & Swan
6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash.,
Phone 107.
160 Acre Farm
Located on good graveled road. About
80 acres of this farm Is finest bottom
land; dark free soil; suitable for garden
ing, root crong, clover, etc. Balance of
land Is a dark red free soil that yields
fine crops of wheat and oats and would
mnke. if seeded to tame grasses, the best
of pasture. There is a small family or
chard of old trees. A living stream runs
across the corner of the farm that will
furnish water sufficient to irrigate and
on which the owner has a water right to
irrigate 20 acres. Plenty of oak, aim and
maple growing along the creek to supply
tho needs of the farm.
The improvements consist of an old
9 room, unpalnted, frame house, a com
fortable home; a nearly new 30x60 barn
worth $150u; 30x60 cow barn; large ma
chine shed; granary; hog houses; turkey
runs, etc. The boundaries of the farm
are fenced with good plank fences and
tho cross fences are all of woven wire.
There Is a telephone in the house con
nected with Pacific States system; also
school within one half mile.
Will take good city property to value
of $4600, balance at 6 per cent.
Price $60 per acre.
272 Stark st.
Do you want a farm in Western Can
ada, where the crops this year are in
advance of anything grown on this
continent? For wheat growing, dairy
ing, mixed farming and cattle raising,
the Province of Alberta Is unsurpassed.
Lands are now offered by the Can
adian Pacific Railway company at
prices ranging from $10 to $30 an acre
on long terms of paymcr.t or on the
crop payment plan, that Is, paying for
your farm through a portion of your
crops each year.
Land values have Increased 30 per
cent In two years.
Great opportunity for the nomeseeker.
Call or write for full particulars,
booklets, maps. etc.
Reduced rates for homeseekers.
General Agents,
Canadian Pacific Railway.
Alberta Land Department,
2 Lumbermens Bldg.
53 ,4 acres. 'A mile from city limits,
37 acres cultivation, 7 acres 2-year-old
apples. 6 room house, good barn, other
outbuildings, two good springs, run
ning stream, noany level, well drained,
A-l soil, price $165 per acre, $3600
cash, balance good terma.
20 acres at Sprlngbrook. 75 yards
station, A-l soil, 8 room house, good
barn, 4 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres
strawberries, fine fruit land. Cheap at
$376 per acre. $2500 cash, balance easy
term s.
156 acres at Cornelius, Washington
county, 2i miles from station. 25 acres
in crop. About 30 acres uteep land, bal
ance rolling. No rock or gravel. About
60 acn-s very easily cleared. On coun
ty road and mail route. Buildings only
fHlr. Two good springs. Will make a
fine dairy ranch, condensing factory
near. Price $60 per acre, $2500 cash,
balance easy terms.
270 Stark St.
245 acres In Klickitat county, Wash
ington, at $28.60 per acre.
10 acres on Section Line road, 9
miles from Portland, $4000; cash.
142 acres at Marlon, Or. (fine dairy
farm, well equipped), all stock and Im
plements, everything goes at $90 per
acre; a great big snap.
1311 acres In Sherman county, Ore
gon, fine buildings, lots of water, and
an all-around fine farm, and all good
lund, $40 per acre; terms.
402 Yeon Bldg, Marshall 849.
Small Farm $1000
60 acres with old house and barn,
good orchard, running water, fine soil,
fenced on two sides, 2000 cprds of wood
on place.
412 Chamber of Commercs.
IF you wish to purchase a nice farm of
60 acres on the Willamette river near
Portland, boat landing on place, good
tonus, well stocked and wtll improved,
'all on me before Monday, at room 205,
Lenox hotel. No agents. Also a choice
10 acre tract.
44 ACRES In cultivation, garden or ber
ry land; will lease for term of years,
$20 per acre. Inquire 2 miles southeast
Mllwaukle. E. Coleman. R. F. D. 1.
WANT some uncleared acreage near
oars and Portland. Have large equity
In young orchard to turn In as part
payment Y-241. JournaL
BUY improved orchards, cost less,
quicker returns: Newberg orchard
tracts, one hour from Portland, fully
planted and maintained by us for 4
years; nothing better In Oregon; only
$460 per acre, terms. Northern Trust
Co.. 270 HtarK.
HOMESTEADS, with Umber and water,
desirable locations, near Portland;
some prairie, deep soil, wheat, fruit and
stock land; good homes, near railroad
and river. Covey, 267 Oak, room 21.
60 acres with 2000 cords of wood for
sale, road to place, 3 miles from R.
R.. $1000. 412 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED House and lot for my room
ing house, which brings good in
come, located on west side. H-265,
MY CLIENT wonts cheap acreage near
,Oregon City; must have stream on
place; will give clear Rose City Park
lots. X-247, Journal.
EoIU'Y in 4 ucrew, cleared, on Oregon
Electric, for homestead relinquish
ment, lh Clackamas county. M-J, JoJr.
ONE HALF acre Portland Suburbs, wish
to exchange, for & acres. J-252, Jour
6 ROOM1 new house 'for good farm.
-ztu, journal.
F""WILL buy, sell or trade anything.
II. F. Lee, 1016 Hoard of Trade blrtu.
SKF us for real estate trades tuywuari,
bus i-.onro. or iraue mug.
GOOD horse and buggy Ttrottor); wffl
take lot or contract, 243 Stark,
Business block In. Estacada, on coma,
lot, 3 story building, leased for $4S
monthly, $4500. Clear of incumbrance.
W ants Portland Income; will assume it
Business block In Wallowa.
Leased for $62.60 monthly. $6000.
Clear of Incumbrance. Wants Portlan4
residence. v , :
See us for good, clean cut, legitimate
exchanges. v
2d floor, Chamber of Commerce, .'
I want to get into business and will
exchange my i0 acres, almost half
cleared, soil very rich, located close to
Portland, lies fine, no hills or hillsides.
i . v lunuci uii iv uurea i will mur
than pay for clearing the balance. It
will make you a beautiful self support
ing country home. Price $5000. This
is only $250 an acre, and It only take
40 minutes to go to the center of TPort
land from there. Look into It now. H
zw, journal.
7 acre chicken ranch, welt Improved!,
for home in city.
ISO acres In Hood River valley, for
home hero.
10 acres on Section Line road for
homo in city.
Newspaper at lone. Or., nice busi
ness for two, for Portland property.
House and lot In city for team of
horses'. '
402 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 849.
$2000 equity 17 acres, 2 miles Van
couver, 1 miles to car. What have?
40 acres, 8 miles from Tillamook.
Want lot or automobile; $1000.
2 lots in Hyde Park. Want confec
tionery or barber shop; price $800.
833 Chamber of Commerce.
$2500 EQUITY in 20 acres near Wood-
burn, 1 mile from R. R. station; good
n.all o ri , 1 ,,,( t rr n . ir t. i.m hftnaa artA
barn and outbuildings, 50 fruit trees;
nil fenced and in cultivation. Will trade
for city property. 1009 Board of Trade
WILL take good lot as first payment
of 5 room bungalow or will take a
small cash payment. If you have a
lot we will bujld for you or we will
furnish the lot and build to suit and
make terms easy and price will be
right. 1112 Hawthorne. Tabor 175.
Read Description of
160 acre farm for exchange under Farms
for Sale, this paper.
FOR TRADE House of 4 large rooms,
porches, pantry, etc., cement walks,
fine location at Walla Walla. Wash.
I Property worth $1700. Have equity of
4oo. wnat nave you to trade for this 7
H-257. Journal.
"$4500 APARTMENT HOUSE $4600.
We have a real bargain In a modern
apartment house of 86 rooms. In a brick
building, long lease, everything up to
aate, trade lor rarm or city property.
J. E. Nichols co., sis leon Diag.
$3600 bungalow In Rose City Park. Full
i lot all improvements in-nd paid for.
to trade for good little grocery stock
at invoice. See Bryant, 1009 Board of
Trade bing. A-Z07, journal.
WILL trade for improved city properly
all or part of my $9600 equity In
$13,600 worth of acreage, all under cul
tivation and well located, close to Salem
FJectric line. 206 McKay bldg.
FOR SALE or trade, 7 room modern
bungalow, all improvements1 in and
paid for; on car line; will take lot or
acreage as first payment; balance like
rent. Phone Sellwood 1019.
EXCHANGE equity in lot 28, blk. 63
(3 acres). In North Plains, fenced.
well, 2 room house, 225 cord standing;
timber, for 2 to 6 passenger auto.
Davey, Jennings Lodge, or.
160 ACRES improved wheat land In
Alberta to exchange for Willamette
valley acreage.
Lumbermens Bldg.
GOOD furniture 6 room house, Including
piano, will sell or trade, $300. 408
Hoyt St.
WE DESIGN homes for many before
they buy a building site. Let us sub
mit your lot to them If you have a bar
gain to offer.
822 Monawk bldg.
WANTED 6 or room bungalow In
Beaumont, Rossmere or Rose City
Park. Give phone number If I can
reach you by pnone. o-zoa, journal.
WILL pay you cash for your equities
If bargain. See Mr. Tubbs, 801
Spalding bldg.
12 ROOMS, beautiful location, near
White Temple, all nice and clean;
clearing big profit; owners must sell
quick at a sacrifice. If you see thte
you will buy, as It Is almost to be given
away. Price $575. Terms to suit. Call
88 10th, near Stark.
Apartment House
New brick, all modern conveniences;
on good corner, close In; i year lease;
nets, $300 monthly; terms given,
907 Wilcox bldg.
Here Is a Home
7 room modern flat, steam heat In
cluded In rent, lease, furniture cost $760 :
a months ago. Price today $300. Peters.
lft IN. 6tll St.
Read This
9 room rooming house, swell location.
good furniture, nice house, worth $600
price if taken today $300, half cash.
Peters, 15 N. 6th st.
Today's Special
10 rooms, close In, fine yard, all new
ly furnished, clear big profits. Don't
overlook this snap. Must go at onoe.
Only $100 cash, required. 88 10th st
ROOMING HOUSE, 9 rooms, good looa.
tion, small -Investment, nice home,
nice ineome.'tJWifce $760; an absolute
snap. Make an offer. Must sell at
once. Rushing & Jones, 401 Yeon bldg.
Marshall 3tf.
22 Rooms, $650
Half cash, a money maker, west side.
Sweet Business Exchange, 860 ft Morrl
son. Marshall 790.
Barganis Given '
Close In rooming houses that show
a profit; we can sell them right.
907 W11COX ' bldg.
A HOTEL lease' and furniture for sale
or will sell the property on easy
terms. Located at Newberg. See me
at room 205, Lenox hotel before Mon
day. No agents. j
10 Rooms, $550
Good furniture, well located on Wash
ington street low rent. Sweet Buslnnse
Exchange, 850 Morrison. Marshall 199,
FOR RENT By Jan. 1. 19l"f. 10 room
nouse, gooa private rooming nous.
$30. Inquire of owner, H. J. Bellsris,
7za re. igtn st. i-none weiiwooo t.
411 Her.ry bldg. Marshall 4.
Hotels, ' apartment houses, rooming
houses bought, sold nd exchanged.
IS room rooming and hoarding lioim ,
In Tine location. Must sell at one
on account of sickness. Bee owner, Hi
12th, Main bih.
$200 ' CASH, balance easy, iiuri tt
house On Wnnhlnarton st.i tilestl S
new piny. 67 Whlgon.
30 ROOM house, "year lSise, iTiU
building; good location, fliiuO; tswnw.
2 7 N. 2d. Akjforjf,ewls.
FOR i7E"AiE 24 roiii, lunif
bat east side location. Jiii!i 1'-
Hurnslle. M-ziilf
BEST paying rnoniTiig limine on wt
side to trade for small-hou 'd
value 1 1600. Main 46. .