The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 08, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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1 '
Store Open Until 9:20 Saturday Evening Goods Purchased Now Will Bo
' 1 ' 1 , 1 1 ' " " " ' ' 111 1 "" ' 11 ' II I . . I. . I ) maw:. 1
Stored Free of Charge and Delivered at Any Future Time Yon May Wish
1 .-Ji. ra .
Springfield Store Built Half
Century Ago Had Interest
's' ing History;
(Speclll to The Journal.
Springfield. Pr., Dec. . A laridnaark
fit holf century wai removed this
i week when workmen completed the de
molition of the old store building for
long time occupied by Joseph Stew
art. the' pioneer merchant . The build
In wai erected Jn tne early '60s on Mill
treet, when the lane along the bank of
me wuiameue was the principal bust
nesa morougniare of 'the town;
JOBpph Stewart, John Stewart and
Bamuel Rosenblatt, now In business
Portland, were the original owners
the building, and of the mercantile es
. tabllshment housed there. At that
time there were but two stores in this
part of the county the Stewart-Rosen
biatt establishment, and that cf A. a.
Hovey, who" figured as a prominent pi
oneer in the history of Eugene. Sun
plies had to be brought from Portland
by Vox team oft' a trip that required
two weeks to the metropolis and back,
Mr. Rosenblatt was the first to sell his
interest and later John Stewart re
tired, leaving his brother -in charre.
The twentieth century automobile is
to be housed in the , building to be
erected on the old store site.
(Special to The Journal.)
Tillamook, Or., Dec. 8. The Portland
A West Coast railroad has petitioned
the city council for a franchise to en
ter this city. The petition aaks for
the use of Front street,- now 'occupied
by ' the Pacific Railway & Navigation
company. The West Const company was
organized to build a railroad from Sher
idan to Tillamook Bay. A franchisa
was recently granted by the city of
Sheridan for the use of a street In that
city. The survey of the road follows
the Little Nestucca river and passes
through Pacific City, Beaver and Hem
lock before reaching this city. A. H.
Malaney of Pacific City Is one of the
prime movers in the organization of
the road.
Great Sale
Of men's high tops at 13.95, worth up
to 6, all sixes, at Greenfield's, corner
Fourth and Yamhill.
Pianos rented $3 per month. All
money paid as rent can apply on pur
chase price later if desired.
375 Washington Street
Coal 15.60, at Edlefsen'a
Select patronage with efficient ser
vice makes Oaks Rink popular place.
Take your Queen Quality fronts to
17 Srd. Free kerchiefs.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
., St. Petersburg, Dee. t. -An Inspired
article. In the ultra-conservative Novo
Vremya give warning that the Russian
revolutionaries are preparing, for
fresh upheaval In 1912. which la to take
the form of a gigantic peasant rebel
lion, The revolutionary propagandists,
ine newspaper aeciares, nave gone
about the country telling the peasants
that the czar has promised to give them
all the land to celebrate the victory of
Russlam' arms over Napoleon.
The author of the article Is the no
tortous Mlenssykoff, who concludes
with o tirade against the Jews who, he
says, are the chief cause of the unrest
In progressive circles It is affirmed
that the , article was Intended to pre
pare the public mind' for a number of
reactionary measures, one of which
to make It a criminal offense for mem
bers of the Orthodox church to become
Protestants or Roman Catholics.
(Special to The Journal.)
McMinnville, Or., Dec. 8. When Sec
tion Foreman Bowers and his crew were,
coming home Wednesday night on their
nanacar u.ey picked up a little boy with
a bundle under his arm who was trudg
ing along the track toward this city.
When asked where he was going he said
to McMinnville, where he lived. Bow
ers, however, stopped the car before
reaching town and phoned ahead for
Policeman Venable to meet him at the
station, which Venable did. Taking the
boy in charge to escort him to his home,
he was led a merry walk over the north
part of town, the boy failing to find the
house, so he was taken to Sheriff Hen
derson who recognized the boy as
Johnnie Hellekes, whose parents live
on a farm east of Whiteson. The
sheriff then phoned to his parents and
found that the boy had been gone from
home two days. The boy is about 12
years old and had taken a bundle of
clothes and started to see the world.
He was turned over to a friend of the
Hellekes to take home.
(Special to The Journal.)
Boise. Idaho, Dee. 8. A' rush order
for large quantities of supplies was
placed with a Boise wholesale house
today by the Utah Construction com
pany, the supplies to be delivered at
Vale. Or. The order is taken to mean
that construction of the Oregon & East
ern through the Malheur canyon is
to be pushed.
Incendiary Given 23 Years.
(United Pree liM Wire. I
Oakland, Cal., Dec. 8. An Impas
sioned plea delivered In his own behalf
by Charles B. F. Hubbard, Incendiary
by his own confession, failed to gain
clemency and he was sentenced
by Judge Wells to 25 years in San
Quentin. Hubbard pleaded guilty to set
ting fire to a house In East Oakland
last October; In which his brother, Wil
liam Hubbard, was sleeping. It was
contended that he fired the house in
order that his sister-in-law might col
lect 15000 insurance and flee with him
to Europe.
Visitors to Big Land Show
Each Given One of Lus
cious Prize Winners.
(Special to The Journal.)
Chicago, Dec. 8. Oregon aplpes scored
big hit yesterday when visitors to
the Chicago land snow at the Coliseum
here were each presented with one of
the big luscious prize winners by the
officials of the Union-Southern Pacific
railroad. The apples had been sent to
the show by Oregon growers, who were
anxious that their fruit should be put
into tne mouths of as many Chlcagoans
as It was possible to reach in one day.
The program of speeches and music
which had been prepared was given in
one of the Union-Southern Paolflo halls.
J. 11. O'Neill acted as Governor West's
personal representative. Tom Richard
son of Portland made the principal
speech, and pounded home in the minds
of his auditors the fact that Oregon la
the best and fastest growing state In
point of population and wealth per cap
ita of any In the Union.
Tells Consumptives How
He Got Well
Tuberculosis is said to be curable by
simply living in the open air and taking
an abundance of rre-sh eggs md mux.
Undoubtedly, some persons are benefited J
in this way: but the appropriate remedy
for Consumption is' Eckman's Altera
tive. Do all you possibly can to add
strength and Increase weight, eat whole
some, nourishing food, and brwithe the
cleanest and purest air tnen, to tne
sensible things of right living, add the
tonic and curative effects of Eckman's
Alterative. Read what it did in this
C ft Q uTa. at.t TXT t Imln .Inn n.i
Gentlemen: In January. 1908. I was
taken with hemorrhages or the lungs.
My physician, one of the leading prac
titioners, said that it was lung trouble.
took eccs and milk in Quantities, but
aot very weak, and I kept on working
n the store. The doctors ettld I would
not gain in weight as long as I stayed
n the store, but l Kept on working and
rayed each day that l mlgnt -get well,
believe my prayers were answered, for
Mr. C. A. Llpplncott. my employer (Llp-
plncott & Co.. Department Store, 306 to
314 MarKet street. Wilmington, uel..)
had learned of a remedy called Eckman's
Alterative that had done great good,
and upon his recommendation I began
aklng It at once, mis was aoout June,
908. I continued faithfully, using no
other remedy, and finally noticed the
clearing or the lungs, wnicn appeared
to be old chunks of blood coming up. I
now have no trouble with my lungs.
I firmly believe Eckman's Alterative
saved my life. I sent my spittle later
to the state board or health ex-
mlned for tuberculosis bacilli, and
none were found.
'My mother died from consumption
hen I was about two years old.
"I make this statement so that others
may learn of the wonderful merits of
Eckman's Alterative. I regard my re
covery as being miraculous.
(Signed arrioavit.i jas. buuikes.
Eckman's Alterative Is effective in
Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat I
and Lung Troubles, and In upbuilding
the system. Does not contain poisons,
opiates or habit-forming drugs. For
sale bv The Owl Drug Co. and other
leadlne; druarartsts. Ak for booklet of
cured cases and write to Eckman Labora
tory, Philadelphia, Pa., for additional
Little Boys! LittleGirls!
Santa Claus wants you to come to Gill's tomorrow for YOUR pres
ent an attractive Book entitled "Santa and His Aeroplane" ab
solutely FREE.
This pretty bok is cut out the shape
of dear old Santa's head, with story in
rhyme telling how. he used a 20th cen
tury aeroplane to make his regular
Christmas eve deliveries. How well he
succeeded can never be guessed without
reading this fascinating story.
The book is a delight to the children,
as there are clever illustrations on every
page. The type is large and plain, and
the printing is in four colors. Size 7yl
by 10 inches. It is not for sale, but
will be given FREE tomorrow. Read
There are no "strings" to this offer. You do not have to buy anything. Our
purpose is to acquaint you with our newly enlarged and improved Second Floor
JUVENILE BOOK STORE. Santa Claus himself will be on hand tomorrow from
10 to 12 a. m. and from 2 Mo S and 7 to 9 p. m., to present one of these attractive
books to every boy and girl Who is accompanied by an adult There is only one
provision, namely, that the name and address of adult be written on a slip of paper,
size about 3x5 inches, before coming to the atore; this merely to avoid duplication.
Santa Claus sends greeting to every good boy and girl in
Portland and hopes to see you all at GUI's tomorrow
wsloome I -
Boon gtp11" I PortlandV Ideal Gift Store w STM
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
tjvic .... -
v? .... .
i '
50c A TEAR
Xmas Shopping Can Be Bone
With the Most Satisfaction Here
Because it is the most convenient store, where you will find everything you wantfind it always at as low, and
generally lower, prices than elsewhere where Christmas stocks are unsurpassed where you are served promptly
and courteously. Can't you come tomorrow? Here' are special price inducements:
Continued for Tomorrow, Our Great Sale of
A Great Holiday Offering of Men's Fine Silk Four-in-'Hand
Ties Made Reversible, With Large Flowing
Ends An Unsurpassed Assortment of Patterns and
Colorings to Choose From Our Best Regular 50c
Grade Supply Your Christmas Needs in This Fine
Neckwear Tomorrow at This Exceptionally Low Price
Buy Neckties Friday! There Will Be No Other Chance Like Thisl
appropriate and appreciative things for Xmas giving, nothing can fill the
place of one or more pretty Neckties, Men always need a generous supply of
them, too, and where will you find values to equal these? Over 5000 in this
sale fine all-silk four-in-hand Ties, made reversible with large flowing ends,
and shown in an unlimited assortment of the latest and best patterns in neat
and attractive colorings; also plain shades in all the best colors. It is a won
derful opportunity to supply your Xmas needs at a great saving
They are the very best 50c Ties Specially priced at ,
Of all
m m .
Two Great Holiday Specials!
Boxes, 50c Quality, Priced for Tomorrow at JLs
Another item of unusual importance for tomorrow's
sale. An underpriced offering of Men's Fancy Suspen
ders, made of fine elastic web and finishd with white
kid ends and fancy brass buckles many neat colorings
to choose from each pair in a fancy holiday
box ; best 50c grade, on sale tomorrow at
Match, $1.50 Grade, for Tomorrow at Only O 1 JLO
You can readily see what great values these Shirts are
at this special price. Fine Silk Mercerized Negligee
Shirts with tie to match. They are made with soft turn
down collar and in white and tan colors, all sizes. Each
shirt in a fancy holiday box. The kind that
are sold everywhere at $1.50 Only
This Store Is Santa's
Don't wait till everyone else
has had the pick of the stock
and the best things are gone.
If you come now you will
shop with greater comfort
than later, when everyone is
trying to buy at once.
Seleet Your Toys
and Dolls Now !
Here Are Price Inducements for You to
Do So Tomorrow!
25c Picture Blocks reduced to 15c
$1.00 Steel Express Wagons at 79c
$3.50 Large Coaster Wagons at $2.50
$1.50 Shoo-Fly Rocking Horses at 98c
$2.00 Shoo-Fly Rocking Horses at $1.49
45c Large Red Doll Chairs at 25c
25c Small White Doll Chairs at 19c
$1.00 Fancy Dressed Dolls at 69c
25c Fancy Dressed Dolls at 19c
50o Blackboards at 29o
Hurry to this sale, for there are only 100 in this lot.
Large Easel Blackboards, with strong frame and small
chart. The kind always sold at 50c on sale to
morrow at
Steel Poll Carts, $4.00 Grade $2.08
About 150 One-Motion Collapsible Doll Carts, made with
rubber-tire wheels, steel frame, with side curtains and fold
ing top. Good, strong, durable doll carts that will please
any little lady. The kind that sell regularly at HO
$4.50 each now on sale at D.VO
Dainty Linens for Xmas
See Third Street Window
An extra fine showing of
dainty Linens, such a
Scarfs, Squares, Center-'
pieces and Doilies. All are
neatly made and trimmed
with Madeira or Cluny lace.
a i i: r ii ii.. i
uu a line oi ine prciiyjap wf t-
arawnworK ana nana-em- ,
broidered pieces, etc. All styles and prices.
hi VMS mas
A Christmas Suggestion
Women's Fancy Vests
With Hand Crochet Yoke QQn
Best $1.50 Grade on Sale tOU
A very timely sale of Women's Fine Silk, Silk and Lisle "
Mixed and Silk Lisle Vests, shown with hand crochet,
yoke, in many pleasing styles and patterns. Fine, high
grade vests that fit perfectly, in all sizes. The kind that
sell regularly at $1.25 and $l.5o each priced for flOw
this sale at, each Ov
for Xmas Gifts
A very attractive showing of dainty Tea and Chafing Dish
Aprons, made of fine lawns, organdies, dimities and fancy
swiss. i ney are Deautiruiiy trimmed witn embroideries.
laces and ribbons and are shown in every conceivable
shape and style. They make very useful and appropriate
gifts. Priced at 25c, 39c, 49c, 75c, 85c up to $1.98
Kid Gloves for Christmas
Priced From $1.00 to 92.00 All Sizes
Xmas Slippers and Children's Shoes
All at Especially Reduced Prices
Boys' 'Shoes in all sizes and styles in velour calf, box
calf and gunmetal, solid leather throughout, (f J
Sizes 9 to 13. Best $2.25 values, special at . . D 1 I O
Boys' Shoes in all styles and sizes in velour calf, box
calf and gunmetal, solid leather throughout. f
Sizes ZV2 to 5. Best $3.00 values special at &LLD
Girls and Misses' Shoes in all styles and sizes, Blucher
lace and button. Sizes 86 to 1 1, $2.00 val- (M 7 C
ues, ?1.40. Sizes IV2 to 2, $2.50 values, sp'l sD 1' 10
Men's Slippers shown in all sizes. They come in Of)-
tan and black .nd. sell regularly at $1,50. Priced "L
$1.50 Hand
bags 98c
One thousand fine Leather, Vel
yet and Plush Handbags, shown
in the new styles in flat and
regular shapes. Some have neat
leather handles and others come
with long cords,.1 and all are
made oh good, strong frames.
They come in black, brown, blue
and purple; also fine Suede Bags
in black, gray and tan. Regu
lar $1.25 and $1.50. aoa
kinds now on sale.