THE OREGON DAItV JOURNAL. PORTLAND,: THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7, ' 1911. . S3 IFI I ;XHN1SIIED FLATS 00 THREES room ' flat, newly furnished, ' cheap, adults; also 9 room flat partly furnished,- 110. 70S Vancouver. U car to Ivy. " : ' FIVE rorim modern flats, furnished or unfurnished: reasonable rent. B. 18th and Ash B-2006. FINE furnished flat, 4 blocks from P. U. mui sacruice at once, not) nug st, corner 7th. 26 Very deairaltla neatly furnished la- ft O hath bay windows, ft replace. 671 Belmont. -. FOR RENT Furnished S room modern flat, close in. il a- 7th. between Oak and Pine; low rent, -.-.,... ...,.r. .;.. STOKES AND OFFICES It FRONT AND GIBBS BT8. V BTORBr SUITABLE" FOR GROCERY, iYpELICATESSEN ETORE, TAILOR OR Ihoeshop. IN CONGESTED RBSI I PENCE DISTRICT, ' LIVING ROOMS IN BACK, RENT ONLY 20. FOB FULL. PARTICULARS BEE I. GEVURTZGB VURTZ ft SONS, SECOND AND YAM HILL 6TB b jo Kit 8 for rent in new building, cor ner 43rd and Hawthorne ave.. good for ' most any line of business, low rent - Marshall 2753, after p. m. East 8962. .- STORE lis rent Suitable for restau rant or any small retail or manuract- tiring Business. Main 8340. ' ' 4 STORE for rent: tenant can'occunv 6 room flat above if desired. ' Call 661 B. Morrison. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan oniyi in, f b nay. TfaSLVEDERK European. 4th and Al. ;.: ' " WANTED TO RENT , ' ; :,t ' t WANTEDBjr Deoember 18, - 8 room furnished apartment, walking dls- tanoe; reasonable. Q-247t journal. HOUSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 Cows, ?Horse, Mufes' and Har- ierS ness Tor bale From1 this date on we will keen sev eral food milch cows for sale, with our regular saies or norses, jriuies, wagons, and harness: we have about 20 head of horses on sale at present, of all kinds; 6 mules, several wagons, which It will pay you to look at before buying eisewnere. Hawthorne Avenue Stables 420 Hawthorne ave. . TWO black mares, one In foaL both work single and double, been oit ranch until week ago; gentle and true work ers, $120 for the pair.- 1200 will buy a five year old gelding, sound in every way: weignt nee; true to pun ana very gentle. New - York Club Stables, 16th ana Aiaer.,- IMPORTED PEDIGREED SPANISH 1 JACK 14 HANDS- HIGH Active, sound and guaranteed. CROSSETT TIMBER CO.. 60S Lumbermens bldg. THEW handsome show horse Comet, weignt 1100 pounds, a prize-winner, with all kinds or speeds if you want a fine horse, come and see him. I will ex change him for a good delivery horse, a: he Is too good for my. business. 1 union ave., corner or ash. WANTED4-A good 1300 or 1400 pound team. Wagon, harness, plow and scraper, as first payment on a (.room modern bungalow. Phone Tabor 8S37, evenings. (100 buys good work team with good harness, weight 2300 lbs.; 125 buys 34 inch wagon, S20 buys good top buggy. $60 buys large spring wagon. Phone Kenwood 1788. FOR - SALE Family horse and buggy (trotter), 7 years old; fine chance for someone, aa I don't need rig. , 0-J43, journal. tH .,.,;, i...i. 'i;. ..Ji j' harness and vehicles, call at 446 Flanders st, N. Auction sales Wednes days, M. J. Walker, auctioneer. SEVERAL ranch mares and horses, ranging In weight from 800 to 1400. 8th and Hawthorne ave. Travis Bros.' wooa yard. . GOOD pair of B-year'-old horses, weight 2800, one mare, heavy with foal, weight 1400: must sell. Inquire 838 E. jsstn St., . wooastocK-var to uiaastone. HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and mouth; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. East 73. . SIX head of horse and mares, weight from 1109 to 1600, all young and sound, sold with a. full guarantee. Call at Columbia stable.' 802 Front st. $160 buys good team, mare and horse, harness and farm wagon; weighs 2200. ft Insley ave., SelJwood car. UNO team and harneisa and wagon and go cheap, $800. . 603 E. 6th st. S. HORSE for sale cheap. 1161 Holgate. w. w. car. , FOUR large stalls for rent cheap. Em pire Express. 27Q 12th. Main I860. LIVESTOCK ASP POULTRY 85 JUST received 60 head of fresh Jersey k cows, all tunercuiar tested. juruce I Yomm lesion Co.. Union Stockyards. I 'Voodlawn 2400. Res. phone Woodlawn FRESH, gentle Jersey cow. heifer calf, also, young cockerels. 430 E. Killings wortn. BUFF Orpingtons that are right Trios f from 87.60 tO 6v. Murphy, Seliwood 1280.' DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 CANARY- birds, fine singers, Imported stooR. cheap. xaDor bjw, FOR SALE Young cheap hunting dogs 41 iu. tstara st. FOB SALEMISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE New and second-hand Car om and cocKet Miuara tames, ana bowling alleys and accessories: bar fix Itures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 Dtn st USED sewing machines. $3 to $25, guar - anteed perfect stitchers, machines rented, -repairing. New Home agency, sou Morrison , neit to t un g inng. SAFES New and 2d hnnfl; low prices: easy, terms! safes opened, repaired arid nalntail. Purcell Knfn Cn and PortlnnH tsare .o. o om ai. main ou:i. CAPITAL JUNK CO., dealers in iron, metal, ruDher, sacKs, niacninery, pipe. tools: 39. is, job lots. 67 N. 1st st. Marshall A LARGE and medium sized safe cheap! good condition, terms 11 desired. R-,i journal. NEW visible typewriter, roll ton wriF- Ing desk and office chair cheap for in. zoo notncnim niog. YPl-J WRITERS Christmas bargains In all makes. ; ' N.-W. TYPEWRITER CO.. 80 5th 81. F6R SALE Practically new range, ourns wooa or ooal, price $18. ' 642 E. 86th St., Richmond car. SlNFjfNTS. crocheted bootees 'for sale ana irnaae to order. Mrs. Thompson, 219 H Russell. '" 'OR BALE Sweet scented rose bends, I made, of Portland roses, , , Ph none East BUY your 'real estate from agents who use tne national Kai jsstate'system- tlzer. 838 Chamber of Cdmmerce. manure fer- 'gx .x.a.,v" ; " .CONTRACTORS. oulment, by United Eng. Const, CO.. 809 Lewis bldg. (BEDS, tables, ; ranges, heaters, . chairs, rockers, gas range, 188 17th. iF6r BALE Well rotted jtmiVtiri ma 1 nure. Call East 2122. Isx'i';.'.. ".a 'i tv v t "" "1 ivH Bjyii kooo dpus and springs b a bargain. f none Kast 4305. wTEtt ' rotted fertiliser manureT "Eail 49ij. aTOU.NG ti, geiille. iioinlesa buck goat. 80th I and Tillamook. Montavllla car. TiiianiooK, w 5e"NTjINi4. fiilnvhlils scarf, worth $250, will- sell cheap. -166 and 16 1st st A'Et-L fertlllior manure. . East 483A - I -J ' . , FOB SALE SfJSCELLAJVEOUS 10 BADGER fire extinguishers for business i... w n.. . . (special) autos, nickel plated, very action at ail times; prices reasonaDie; a 1B0 cnemicai "cnarges m convenient form. Write or phone Main 2760. CDS UnlTaif hl. . ' - A NUMBER of Articles of furniture, bedroom, dining .room, kitchen outfit, round extension table, chairs, steel range, small cook stove, water coll, dres sers, linoleum, rugs, I heaters, Victor phonograph. Singer sewing machine, gas nxtures, union ave., 11m to r. j- ' WAlElMISCELLAJCEOUS S LAND CLEARING. We are headauartera for land clear- In )T. Call on us before letting contract. Butts & Eldredge. 24H N. 2d. at. Phone Main 206, A.lSi. i ENGINE wanted, kerosene. 1 or 2 h. v. in good condition; must be cheap. Also printing press, rotary. L, George. Box or pnone A-oii. WANTED A good architect's lr build er a level, must be in good condition and a bargain. Call Dayton Hardware Co., let ana Taylor sts. WE BUY SECOND HAND CLOTHING AND FURNITURE Pay the highest pries for everything: call Main 208O. 290 First. ' WANTED Peonle of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second hand household -goods, , If. M. Beater. 143 Russell, East 1M, . WE ; buy merchandise stocks' of all kinds for cash: all correspondence eon fldential. Hamburgers, 16 2d.' M. 3068. WE WANT your old clothing, shoes and furniture; highest prices paid,, Main B AUGER'S AUCTION HOUSE 870 E. Morrison, ' Phone E. 1022, pays nigneHt casn price ror rornitnre. 1600 worth 2d hand' household goods In large or small lots, immediately. CASEY FURNITTTRW CO."East 1808. PRINTING press wanted, rotary; must be cheap. L. George, P. O. Box 688, or ynone A-6I4, IF YOU have a good stock of merchan- diss to sell at a sacrifice let ins know, u-348, journal. ; I AM In need of office furniture, desks, chairs, etc; wlU pay spot cash. Main 7.144 : BE WISE; get more for your second nana rurmture by .selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. 'Main 8861. A-2445. WE buy and sell most anything.' "Mail . , sztt ist st. YOUR palhting,paperlng and tinting at low price, woodlawn 1382. WANTED 2d hand, furniture. East 8134 848 Ho wt home ave. Beater Martin, WE want all kinds of 2d hand house hold goods. Covell Fur. Co., 204 1st HOUSEHOLD CfOODS 65 HARTZEIX FURNITURE CO. For sale, stoves, ranees, furnltnr. etc. We pay highest cash price for house hold goods. 233-386 1st Marshall 2678. FURNITURE We buy, sell or trade!' jroruana express up., su za. M. sg6. LAUNCHES . AKD BOATS 64 HOUSEBOATS, towboats, launches to oraer. uanieiByn. root of California. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 Just as good as new, $5 to $12 each. 238 Main St., Portland. Or. Oregon Vulcanizing Co. . 43R Stark St Phone Marshall 878. Tinder new management Out nnp nrU, Uyt on tire repairing. WANTED 600 old auto Urea, 7J4o per iu. uoiiverca; ouifu ipn. inner tuoes, 23o per lb.; 10,000 lbs. solid rubber, 8a per lb. J. Leve. 186 Columbia st CaM us up. Main 6198. BAKER ELEOTRfd kUABOUT", Cost the owner, last vear. 127KA- m. chine Just as good as new in appear ance; $1000 cash buys it 618 Lumber. mens mag. HB auto SHS Springs guaranteed. 22 N. 16th st. ONE 6 horsepower R, S. chain drive. speeometer. Preso-lite. been run K weeks, cost $856, Will sell this week, $250. D-245J Journal. FINE 1910 Electric Maker runabout cost last year $2760. Owner rolnc- east. Yours for, $1000. David Lewis, 010 xjuiiiuwi inwiia umg. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, fullv eaulDDed with masmeto. tlfij. !n'R Madison st. 4 ACRES in Glen Harbor, to exchange for automobile. Call 311 Corbett bldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS .8-1 375 Washington St.- IN OUR EXCHANGE ROOM YOTT WILL RUN ACROSS MANY FINE PIANO BARGAINS IN TIPRTrtHT GRAND AND PLAYER PIANOS " nuiKiv, El A HVl, S3 I I-liV. V VIOIU, CHICKERING, KIMBALL, CHASE AND OTHER WELL KNOWI MAKES. THESE PIANOS ARB GUARANTEED FULLY. REMEMBER THE NAME AND NUMBER. KOHLER ft CHASE, 876. Washington st An elegant UD to. data Plaver Piano a been used but six months, is same bs new, iias oenuuiui manogany case, Regular price -$850. Price now $486, Terms: $3 per week. KOHLER ft CHASE, 376 Washington st. $70 Nice Tittle practice piano, has had considerable service, but -is still a geoa piano, iou can pay $5 cash and se per montn. AvOriljKR A CHASE, 376 Washington st. A splendid unrlsrht. mahmranv n1oTr $195. Terms: $10 cash and $6 per uiuiuu. uuitrnmuTO ior iv years. KOHIJOR ft CHASE, 876 Washington at. $10 will place a brand new upright piano in your home and. $6 per month will keep it there until paid for. New pianos from 1160 upward. Used up right pianos from $50 upward. v KOHLER ft CHASE, 875 Washington st7 $86 Kimball Upright Piano In fancy wainut casing,, latent model. Has had very little use. Only $95. KOHLER & CHASE, 876 Washington st 8118 Kimball Upright Piano, will suit small room. Regular $300 style, Qur price $118. Easy terms. 1 4 . KOHLER ft CHASE, , . 876 Washington at , 4' 1 '-"H in ' " .. '-.'.i'J Pianos rented $3 and $4 per month. All money paid as rent can apply on purchase price. . - . , . KOHLER ft CHASE, " 876 Washington st In ,11,1 I ' -,,''!,., Handsome Cabinet ' Grand . Upright piano $500. . Model, old renowned maker. ' Our special price $277. Easy terms, i, KOHLER ft CHA8EL 376, Washington st. Autoplanos $278, $287 and. $890. Free tnuslp rolls. KOHLER ft CHASE, 876 Washington st $6 per month will place a piano in your . home ana a tow . dollars each month will keep it there until paid for, I 875 Washington st - " , j, . , if' Pianos rented $8per month, Chlcker. I nay Kimball and . many other good makes, , ER-& QHASE 375 Washington St, AUTOMOBILB TIES KOHLER- & GHA8E MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 ELIGTHLT used pianos for sale front $100 up. Good Haliet at Davis, 812S, dark case; ; good I vara & Pond, tilt: Player, $6f Sterling oak mm good as new), Haliet A Davis, fine case, at your own price. Oraves Music Co., Ill 4th st ON account of illness am eorapelled to CTiiic my manogany case Manet c piano, jus; year 01a; cost 6U0 u-iju, journal. AM leaving for rast, and must sell an almost vi -m va a caws., mn 14 uiuni! sT3i g. mt most new Vose Ac Sons piano; ' will at a bargain. N-239, Journal. Sell A. KIMBALL ptnno, stightly used. . for amn i a, purpain. -i rt-tfs, journal. $400 PIANO for sale cheap, terms. Call at 88 th. lost Aim:', voimp- 21 (100 reward will be paid for return of $ diamond tings lost in white cotton glove, 1 sapphire set with diamonds ana other two plain diamond- rings. Re turn 281 East Morrison. Phono V.aat K1S LAJWX-A. yaiuauie diamond ting De oember 6, on 11. 48th st, near Stark. Finder will . kindly notify N-346, Jour nal, and receive liberal reward. . FOUND Angora goat Owner apply to storekeeDer. O. H A N. commissary, An st. aocx. LOST December 3rd, around414th ano KnotVKray and brown Scotch collie ippy. jrnone nst 101 FOUND Auto laprobe. Call E-6699 o. m. LOST Qarnet pin, shape of L." Re- turn 610 Flanders. Llberai reward. I. TEBSONAL 22 WE har been in Portland many years. nave treated oyer 8000 patients and never had a death while under our treat ments. We have Invested more money in modern machines and electrical ap paratus than any physician on the Pacifio coast Wo vet rHiilta' In thou- " i oases wnere meaicines isuea to help and hava iM hunilrds from operations after all hop had been given "" " , win oe giaa to consult with you. We make no charges for that . no medicines and do not oper v . . ua every electrical and me chanical means, hatha maaaaa-a haat and 'light. We can cure, .do . cure and nv cured case when others have We occupy the entire north half the- third floor of. the Rothchild nmir. mp w w. Mallnrv Kitnrnnath MIUJNERY school and make over ShOP: positions BwnrAi4- hrlnar anv nM material, also old furs; will make them over 'nto muff, collar and hat to match, combined with velvet; 806 Goodnough "in ana ramniu. m. 4878. MEN. CURED OUlCkLY Of the Prostata, nervous .lahmw ranl.l viirnic. uiooo na Kin aisases. w. 1. fowarq. M. p., 104-6 Rothchild bldg. Tin iT t A nraTma ' tusases of women and children, has rS moJrL : 10 Eayette bldg, 211 H 'VABflAUKlUn Si, TAITENA, the prescription of the late xjci v auu ibjt, rng ralatipfttAri HlnarllaM surgeon, for the cure of female trou bles, to be obtained from the Hawthorne unarmacy, corner Marguerite are. and nawinorne. -none B-8226. Price 60c Or. Burroughs Have had twenty-five veara exneri. etice in successfully treating nervous diseases. Examination, free. Suite 81, ppimiH-mrncn njaar.. .j)rr Washington WITHOUT I nOflltlvAlv ail.panra, t, maw nB o 1. ""Biuioni wm convince, ois PILES Pirnvr aVrTr.Mtf ftifoun 1 a Wo,r-,t. 0"e cured without operation, 8 to 10 days, or fee refunded; special of fer rood until Dm IK rninH.tiA. ... by appointment. Phone Woodlawn 2308. DR WALKER, specialist; quickly cures 01 men, Diooa and sum dis eases,, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kld- 7i. D,aaer nd P- 11 First st, FIRE. FIRE. FIRE. SBUUV worth of hair. itni..ul h. smoke and water, now on sale at your v r m us avarj. iSWEENEY'8. TENTH AND STARK. LADIES and gentlemen, Richanbach the mnur, cleans, ayes, remodels and presses clothing; prices reasonable; work called for and delivered. 490 Washington st Main 8317. ASTHMA" Or heart trouble; wish to IM tha Pa aa T an't 838 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or. MAiriiMUJVtAL, paper. up-to-date many with means; paper sealed. id cents. Mrs. Bell, 1019 Magnolia ti 1 ar - ave., uvn Angeies, jai. GENTLEMAN. 36, wishes to correspond With ladv nndar 40 Ona n.min - . - - - nilllllK lu otno mony- Object, matrimony. H-241. Journal. ' 8EXOID Marvelous cure for weakness In men, by mall $1 per box; money re- Pr- Pierce Remedy Co., 245 H Morrison. SANDERSON CO.. Savin an4 f-n.. Root pills sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box, or 3 boxes for $6. by mail. T. J. pierce, 246H Morrison. REFINED widow, aged 40, would like tO make the aontialnlana a kT .Bfa, ' "" ,i . ,1erences exenanged. No trlflera. H-249. Journal. MME. HEATH'S dancing school, private tmiuren ciaasea Bat. after noonc adulta Sat eva. WaTf a aa step guaranteed In 4 lessons. Alisky bldg. urv, A. A. AUat'L, U-N1J. Diseases of women and surgery, Ex- hEl"1?". 80u2, Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Main 4047. PROF. J. A WHITE. -selentifln ha.'lth ,c.u.Uuf,8.t: Physical Infirmltlea' cured ""' u.i. tii awetiana oldg. WIGS of all kinds, watch chains, braids': eic, inanuiaotureo rrom natural hair., wiKmaaer. BO Fatlla-rava at TQU who dread- washday Insist on MINUTFJ WASHING COMPOUND; Vtaala hanla n 1 - . ' WOMEN Use remolds when others fail Bold, and guaranteed by the Auaplund "u wi nv pi. Bin st. Mam 8106 LADIES Lorens Antiseptic Cones are "Ml1"- BBl" na sure. 81 per box. T"vlor Pruir Co-- MorHson st aa. jb.. vv. bauky, chiropody and pedi curing, 821 William-. c-80i sr ?ss aiajum or r igs, rer women. 688 Davi remedy for diseases of s st. Main 9216. fTwANCIAL SI CASH PAID FOR MORTn A nir.o Or seller's equity in contract of sal on reai estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens ldr.. Ixiana. FOR SALE $400 3d mortgage, good as f,01?, any reaaonaDip prier accepted. Call Woodlawn 560. WILL furnish you money and build your house, Call Bellwood 19$0. LOANS , WANTED 80 IF you have money to loan sea us. W can make loans with the least possible trouble to you. Ap plications we submit are genuine and recommended. See Mr. Kup per. , . ' CHAPIN ft HERLOW, , . 131 Chamber of Commeroe. Members of the Realty Board; LOANS wanted Safe mortgage invest- mantat tl.lAft A1..nA aftR.lrt . atl.AA, property worth twice the loan; no' exi vu iu mvFBtur, rurunna A3U11Q- vv a in i nur r rom Private cartr. laon on rNtdAnM and hualnaaa rirnnat-rw v.i.i. $5000. ; Will give second mortgage and a iim- rem iniureai, main iua, WW Tsba'K'Ve'aVaat I'per cent D 243, Journal. . . WANT $800 ui 6 per cent on $4000 prop- MONEY TO. LOAN 27 MONEY to loanf large oans a specially, building loans: loweut ratea: rira in. Jiuranc. W, Q. Beck. $13 Falling. 27 XMAS MONRTI XMAS MONEY! Quick Loans ' 919 UPWARDS ON YOUR SALARY, HOlSKHOLD GOODS, STORAGE RE PIANO, LIVESTOCK OR - ? Think This Over- Am evidence of out good faith we will cheerfully accept our money back with in 24 hours without cost to you if the contract is not entirely satisfactory. ' Furthermore, ' on furniture loans, if the head of the family dies before the " uni ta paiu ana your, payments ara made as agreed WE WILL GIVE THE WIDOW A RECEIPT IN FULL OF We Do As We ADVERTISE. NO RED TAPEL NO DELAY, YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. We Loan Any Amount SPECIAL HOLIDAY RATES. I .60 Weekly Pays a $10 LOAN. $ .95 Weekly Pays a $26 LOAN. $1.40 Weekly pays a $60 LOAN. OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION. Rebate Given if Paid before Due - Portland Loan Co. 506-? MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH Phones. Between 4th and 6th sts., on Wash. St Open noon hours and Monday and Sat- urnay evenings till 8 p m. C. Frank Nichols Co. For a losj on any kind of security.. IT . WILL COfeT YOTI I.KSS. No extra charges, no catch advertis ing, but straight business methods.- You get the whole amount you bargain for, and our rates and payments, ar based on the duration of the loan, character of seeurlty, and amount. Private office, courteous and confidential. VAlaU AfU UET ACQUAINTED, S03-4 Lumbeamens bldg., 6th and Stark. MONEY to loan, large or small amounts, at current rates of in terest. , We pass on security. Ap- Fillcatlona through brokers so Iclted. See Mr. Kupper. Chapln 4k Herlow, 882 Chamber of Com merce, members of Portland Real ty Board. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ARHOT.TTTKT.-V NO Hir.mrRT'T'T BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HUUKS 8 A. M. TO P. M. SAT. TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., . 808 FAILING RT.Da. LOANS made Immediately and con fldentially on real estate, furni ture, pianos, autos. livestock, room ing houses, storage receipts and all kinds of securities. U. 8. Real Es KM- I 318 $ one tate & Brokerage Co.. room Hamilton tldg., 131 8d st Phone Mam 8084. , Donrt Borrow Money Loans on furniture, pianos, salaries, etc.: lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO. 307 Spalding Bldg. M6NEY F6R SALARIED PEOPLft Women keeplnar house and otera fur nished without seourlty, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when yofi want It, and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. H. Tolman. 317 Lumber Exchange. Loan You Monev On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rates of interest. See me first J. E. Nichols (15 Yeon bldg. $600, 11000, $1800", $3000. $5000, $8000. To loan on real estate security. C. W. LAMAR. 417 Corbett bide. MONEY loaned .by private party on real estate on collateral anpuritv Wm. C Bonchers. 207 Oregonlan bldg. amounts 600 and up on good real aatafa bldg. 2d Attorney, rooms 10-11 Muikey and Morrison. MONEY sold on installment: confiden tial to salaried, people, f. A. ton bib Henry mqg. LOANS on diamonds, Jewelry and other articles at V usual interest rato: eon. ftdential. 325 Falling bldg. LOWEST rates Quick loans on city lots, diamonds or anv securltv. Union Brokers Co.. 613 Abingfon bid., 106-4 3d. (100.000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. MrKensda a Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. PRIVATE party will loan $25 and up ror anori urns. reaaonaoie - cnarare. Call 720 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $700, $600, $500, $200, suburban houses, no nonus. wara, Atty, Ansicy Diag. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. 1. L. White, 701 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- nougn r Kelts, aio spaiamg biag. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate, Harrington, 4ie commercial Club bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. th lioan Co., 414 Ilekum bldg, MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7 oor cent Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark st QUICK loans on all securities. B. W King, 4 5 Washington bldg. Main 6106. MONEY Smith. to loan on real estate. "stm: 608 Yeon. PRIVATE funds to loan on realty. Hy. C. Prudhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. Harding, 818 Chamber of Commerce. $6000 or part to loan In Irvington dis trict 7 per cent. Main, 1166. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOTBTABT, EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS, EXPERT CERTIFIED Experienced all lines; books opened, closed, written up, financial state ments; private instruction; service any where; permanent or temporary book keepers furnished. 502 Swetland bldg. Main 440. ASSAYS BB WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytical chemists, 24 Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory or testing, iviarsnaii zrn. is Morrison. ATTOBirXYB A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law. Gen eral practice; abstacts examined. Re moved to 1434-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 878; A-2071. H. O. KORNEGAY, general praotloe, col lections. 622 Yeon bldg. Main 7375. THOMAS CTREE ZT). lawyer, removed to 400 oregonian bldg.. 4th floor. CHiaTOPTlERSON Matthews'. general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg.-," AUTO XEPAIRXHG AUTO and general repairing,, vulcanls- ing. Angeles Auto academy, 269 Untonf BATHS IMPROVED Turkish for ladles; Swedish attendant, fine rub. 287 Salmon. M. 7927. BXCYCU9 REPAZRXBO BICYCLES rented and for sale. Madi son Repair Shop, 181' Madison. &3.AS3E boob: makers HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 188 2d st, Blank Book m'f'g.; agents for Jones' improved ' Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see ths new Eureka leuf. A-8188. Main 111. BUB-IKES CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street Saving, sidewalk ana crossings. 117 eck bids. Tilra bArber asphalt PAviWcb., rortland office, 60S Electno wag. JOYCE BROS., ElectrpS Cleaning. Works, carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty, k 440, Z04 b. itn n, CARPET layttl Inr. reflttlna. linoleum - cleaned, layad, refinlshed. Main 9096, OABVBH. WXATXVa NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs from ': .oid oarpets, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 153 Union sve.. near E. Morrison. RAfT cafperanit'ruga.'olO'a'lfon avei jt-none vvooaiawn sw. MONEY TO LOAN CASPBX WXAVIXG RAO rugs and carpet neatly. woven. 81S - oxtKonAOTxa yarrsiciAJr HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2.60 week. ' Rath nfflra 9 and Wash. 1R. EVA MARSH cures all forma wf j-Jhnv1,',.S!l FUedner,. bldg. Main CB32TSSB SOOTOXS DR. Blng Choong, physician for men and Guaranteed cure, 282H Waslu, '-"a w ni. DrT 3. L L&titi MEDICAL CO.. Dhy slclan 1 for men, women. 23 V4 Alder. HING WO Medicine Co.; Physician for men, women, mott MorrisoB. a-6ui. cjamoToviMTU Dr. Jacksop corns remoted. J6e: bun- iviiw, mgrowing nanw no pain, hi itn. OXiOTBCES wjeu rAi Highest price 2d hand clothing, furniture. 227 Front. M-7S78. Mshl. 1958. GUARANTEE' tailor' Co., ' coats; ' $11 pents, (1; suits, shoes cheap. 208 Main WE pay highest price for 2d harid ciotfies and shoes. 273 Front. Main 4802. , COMiEOTIOgrS OREGON Collection Arency.. 427 Ham- . llfOM TT-i. ft a m ar a i r nn "' ''-Jyri collectors. Main i(s. PROF. Cr4rtlt hiiriii"" nfiv Ari(i rlAntlsi ac, 201 Medical bid. M. 17, A-7026, OOST&ACTOBS ABD KVrLVUMB WOULD like to figure with parties who have contracts to lot, excavating, grading streets, high property,, all kinds dirt . work by job or, yardage. F. M. mmueii, VTUOUHIOCK, ur, J'AeorGEFF. carpenter and builder. Mally, plaainff )n connection. 191 H An- ram v ft or '"'"J ifjniniiaii 001. WILLIAM FI8HBECK. carpenter and .builder, lobbing and contracting. 206 tin mu main bzi, W. H. M'FARLAND Contracting, m building. Jobbing. 786 E. Madison, ti ll 58. . A. T. CROSBY, contractor, builder. Job bing, all kinds, 79 Weldler. E. 8955. BRICK, stone and cement work. Tel. well. 1660. City or country. COLtEOES ABU SCKOOU8 OREGON LAW SCHOOL. 316 Commonwealth ' bldg. COAX ABU WOOD Phone Main 718 Tom Mike Co., 667 Upshur st., dealers in dry, green cordwood. 4-foot cordwood ..$5.00 3-cut cordwood, load 4.00 2-cut cordwood, load. 4,00 DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY. RPRCTAT. M GREEN SHORT WOOD UKKKN 4 FOOT WOOD INSIDE GREEN SHORT rmv BTXncT n-Anri SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 8119. A-7001. V. D, Smith Fuel Co, East 4436. B-1676 Dry fir slab and block wood. ROCK SPRINGS COAL POCAHONTAS LUMP Coal $6.50 Torr Main 388. A-3SE8. PAC. SLABWOOD CO, Whfr09- Dry slabwood, big and small Inside, block wood, planer trlmg's, cord wood. THE ECONOMY .FUEL CO. handles all the leading coals, Dismond. Rock Springs, Hannaford, etc. Prices right 646 E. Ankeny. East 214, B-2342. OIL YuSnMCoal Co. vyVMirUlta n. 6th. Mar. 8792, A-31 Slabwood Dry or Green Alaska Fuel Co. Alaska dock Main 1988. 82 NEER & FARR dry wood, 4 foot or sawea to oroer. prompt delivery. 806 water st. Main 4yB. A-4547. LOWEST PRICES. Prompt delivery. United Coa ComDanv 304 Ankeny at. Marshall 2403, A-7438. EDLEFSEN FUEL CO.. Mine Agts. samples, ritov uept 2303. Coal $5.75. Wood, $2 and up. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EART 818. B-1867, STANDARD WOOD CO.,' box planer anj cordwood. $47 B. Stark. East 2316; B-1685. ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men- dota coal. PORTLAND WOOD YARD Wood and coal; 4 ft. or sawed; wreck, age. 9th and Olisan. Main 3363, A-2288 FOR-COAX ANDALL KINDfrC-F WOOD. PHONE HOLGATR FUEL CO. SELLWOOD 485. FOR BEST seasoned cordwood, prices reasonable. Orland Zeuk, Gresham. Or. PHOENIX FUEL CO. Cord, slab and dry short wood. 521 8AVIER ST. MAIN 2644. 4 foot dry wood. ' Nat. Fuel Co., 887 Water st Marshall 960, A-3546. DELIVERED ' PROMPTLY Main 7. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry st. CW MARKET Wood Yard. Cook"ft 3d and Clay. Main 8243. A-4322 Son DABCXBO PROF. WAL WILLSONS danoing school, lessons 26c; waits, two-step or three-step guaranteed in first lesson or money refunded. Stage dancing taught quickly, 286 Washington st, between W. Park and 10th sts. Phone Main 7687. HEATH'S school lessons 26c, fancy stage and aocial dancing taught daily, waltz and two step guaranteed In fouir lessons; class and social dance Monday evening. 108 2d st. bet. Washington and Stark sts. RINGLER'S school, finest lb town; classes Wed.. Fri., evenings: instruo u " l-l1. ',CKI"'t nn"- 2?1H Morrison. tlANCING every evening Oregon hall. niveryoooy welcome. Ttn ana uaK. BBTXCTZYB AOZBtTS PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 421-423 Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 872. . BOO ABO HORSE HOSPITAL BROWN BROS., 546 Wash. Main 4086, . A-4J86, Res. i1 E. 12th. E. 644J. B-2287. DRSSSUAlCXZtG SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tai loring and dressmaking taught $81 E.' Morrison. BRUGLZ8S IBSTITUTB iX"ftW DR. B. C. POLLMANN, N. P.. Nervous and- chronic discuses. Goodnough bldg. ELECTR10 MOTORS BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117, Walker M kensle El. Wks., 108 Union, EXPRESS UNITED Tran, 247 H Madison, Express work, coal by sack or ton, trunks BOc, extra 26c, stored 7 days free. Mar. 3894. PISH IBSURABCB. : DON'T lose your property by neglect Insure against loss by-flie toda.y, -Insure now. Phone Main 112 or A-746C. V CELLARS-MURTON CO., $25 Yeon bldg. -?-i::5 -:..r A, REINER, practical furrier, expert designer and fitter; prices reasonable, 404-6 Merchants Trust bldg. V PURBIT URS REPAIRIMO ',!,,. PIANOS and furniture polished and re pafrsid: office furniture made good as new; rall work guaranteed: estimates free; phone Main 7648. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY KAMK aDDRRBS prmiir-tea (Vrniprny . ,,,.(,..,rounl floor Ltwta (rids., Rrobakar Benedict ...........fnl MeRar B11........". maina m uerww. .......................... voos ve., B. a.... Kriapp M acker. ...................... .......T (Dimber of ODinneree lixtn in4 A-1 Oregon Bal Btotate Ob.. Te .r........,...irno4 Are. arxl Moltantk....Kaa ST. O-IT" nntwaa, , n. ......... lawanwi m. m. ui, .. BOWEnTT "pa RSONS, formerly with Tull & Glbbs, furniture rep. refinlshed, packed, shipped. 100 Mi Front. M. 7443. QAMQXXBm SMGXMMU 'u STATIONARY and marine, electric, 1 equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. owroxso RAZORS, scissors, safety blades shap ened. Expert repairing. Portland Cut lery Co., 92 H th. near Stark. M. .7605. BATS GOODS FEB VET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 646. SOWS CZaBAHUia CARPETS cleaned on floor, wall paper cleaning, new process. 1043 Grand ava McCARGAR, Bates ft Lively, 801 Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds JAS. Mcl. W06D & CO. all kinds insur. ance, surety bonds, Railway Ex. Bldg. xoDAJC jBvsx.orarti FREE DEVELOPING Velox prints So up; mail orders solicited. 216 Mer chants Trust. BRING your kodak work, enlarging, re touching, to Rose City studio, 66 6th. UAIBZB ABB rXTOXVaS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., .74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. - MACHIVEKY n. torwkman -CO. Hvdraullc and special pipes, screens, bagging mining macninery. All Kinaa repairs. iw n. ftvn KzsixBazm sbbtzcil MESSAGES, packsges trunks, delivered open oay ana mgni; . anteed, 171H 2. Marshall 175; A-3106. RELIABLE bonded messengers, day or nignt service, jaarsnan a-nn SCOSEZa WOBI8 EXPERIMENTAL work, brass patterns and gates: repair anything, nt xeys, lock and gunsmith. 218 Allsky bldg. XXFAIBXaia REPAIRS of all kinds; slso bloycle sup- pllea ana repairing. 199 Mumsiae. XTT8ZO TEACBCXX8 FEILBERG, concert pianist and teacher. Tilfora bldg., loth ana Morrison THIELHORN violin teacher: oupl Sevclk. 900 Marauam. A-4160. Mar. 163$ VATVSOVATX FSYSZOIAJI DR. Catharin C Gates. 11 rears' expert' ence threatlng nervous ana cnronic diseases. 807 Ablngton bldg. Mar, 1143. Hrs. 9-13, 1-6. XfSW AHD BSOOSrS XAIO OOOSS. ALL kinds house furnishings bought sold and exchanged, star rurnuuu Co.. 880 Hawthorne ava East 1067. tismi iilt overcoats, iewelrv. etc. bought, sold and exchanged. . fhomp- son, 308 Ist st. OSTRICH FliXTMEB HARTNE8S Plume Works, 271. Taylor st. Ostrlcn reauiers cieaneo, cun-u, dyed. Wlllowing, making over. Special rates to cleaners j-.nd milliners. A-7334. OBTZOPATSI O PHYSICIAB'S Dr, W. W, Christie Osteopath, chronic nervous diseases. 314-6 Macleay bldg. Main 6172; A-4880. DR. LIlLEBSLLE pAttERSON, spe- cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 208 Fenton Didg. Main jk.j PACT T, OIX ABB GLASS F. E. BEACH ft CO., Pioneer Paint Co, 186 First at. Main 1334. A-7043. RAdkUdSEt? & CO., ''High Standard" paint, ne. cor. aa tc Taylor, m., a-hia. PAIBlinra ABB PAPERIBO FIRST class paper hanging, painting, 'tinting; reasonable prices. Phones: Main 7089, A-4724. Residence A-S231. FOR BEST work, prices right, call P. A. uoane, io union ave. nei ioo. FATEBT ATTORMEYS U. S. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN, 409 Chamber of Commerce Building. PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock, at-torney-at-law, late of U. S. patent of fice; book free. 719 Board of Trade bUg. n. ti. WRIOHf, V. S. and foreign pat- ents; infringement cases. BU4 uttum, FAWBBROXtERS UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 yeara in Portland, 71 6th. Main 910. PIPE IRON pipe and pipe fittings, engineers ana steam supplies. M. L. KLINE Centrally located. 84 to 86 Front st. Phones Main 617. A-2617. PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co., Factory and office, 24th and York. Main 8489. piano vuBXtra FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning, $2, 18 years- experience. io 3d. n. 84i. PXATTBCr WOBXS WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 20S 4th, fiating ana ponsmng, m. H84, A-qyo. PUXMBIBO ABB XZATIKO PLUMBING, beating etc. Robert Gil- lan, 166 10th. Both phones. J. B. CANTOR, Plumbing ft Gas Fittln f: jopDing worn. 672 ist st. wain ssi BBXHTZBO ANDERSON PRINTING CO. Modern printing house. First-clas work at fair prices. 6th and Oak sts. Thind floor. Main 4368. CARLSON PRINTING CO. removed to 165 3d. printing, engraving. M. 6121. 1. R. HAMILTON, printer. lUi Com monwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny sta BAGS SANITARY WIPING RAGS: washed and sterilised. Kafka Bros., 312 Front. ROOFIHG, PAIBTIBO, &SPAIBIBO TIN roofing repairing, painting and job- Ding, toau a noizer, at jeir. m. 1124 BERLIN Sheet Metal Works, tinning,' rooflpg and repairing. Tabor 8682. RUBBER STAMPS ABO SBAXaS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun- ningnam o., &i cure nira nui. RAPES THE MOSLER Safe) Co.; 108 2d st, Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened; bargains in second hand safes. SEWZHO) MACHIBES SEWING machines sold for storage, so cheap you may think w stole them. All makes, $2 up. 261 Columbia St. be tween 2d and 3d. 'w! .; SHOWCASES ABO FIXTURES R. IL BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG., Bhow bases In stock. Prompt delivery, Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHOWCASES of every description, taiik', bar and store fixture mad to ,order. The Lutke Mfg Co. fllfc" JAMES t MARSHALL MFG. i'vT. new and old showcases, cabinets, 7 and office fixture. 283 Couch, Mrt'O. TKtBfnOMll-. ...Mmln ba A1T4I .Mala (11 ..Mala 11 cnamoar r ceo ouaiwDett mac ......Mala ana a.S-i.H V . iubj.,.,,,.w,w,,,, , Hals IM au'iab. nu-vaa..,. ...... ..Ul (M4, A-8tt aiacnraxjn BEST in Portland. See them. 801 Washington at. S. E. Gilbert. SODA FOVHrTAZBS SODA fountains and supplies on easy te rms. P. H. Dunrtf tip H Wash 7 :MQ jum HOWCABPg i, i FOSTER A KLEISEB Signs; ths lir .Peat ' makers in the northwest. H. nfi.oS.2tlonr K,'n8!t',n 3ualltl service: I 889 K. Alder st East 6308. . WV; BERGER i SOW signs anj Show Cards. 284 Yamhill st. Main 9891. SWOTS SXfAOtXWrT STOVE DOCTOR Morrtoon. Phone East 1023. MHKM18H3. COTy mB0TBB8l ... Ablngton. M. 6037, A-6886. Depositions. TAIXOKZKO) KREUZER CO., HIGH LIFE TAILORS. We are live tailors for live people, rff W.J11? Ta Jl not- membersP at Ha i.2thu ": between , Washington and Stark streets. LlND Tailors' Installment club, suits' kJ J1 Pr weftk- 413 Buchanan "",-. wan., near etn. ALFRED OOILBEE, 810'Labbe bldg 2d t aii ig ton. Bints to order. Ny?i?gJ.rTw!;j0R-- FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 2 N. 6TH 8Th TAU.OBIBO BCKOOl KIESTER'g Ladles Tailoring college! learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143H Uth TAJ OERMIST F. J. BREZEE has moved to 206 Co lumbia, between Front and 1st TO B3. BPPPI.T C!yAN, tg"1? d"y. comb, brush, soap. ivwci ouppiT o., tn ana uoucn sts. $1 er month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. TBAB8PXB, ABB STORAOB C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co., of rices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on gooda in our through cars to all domestic and foreign f'"""'. main oao. a-i. Oregon Transfer Co. . Established 1870. Transfer end forwarding agents. , 8tora(re. free trackage. Offices and storage. 474 Glisan street, corner isth and Glisan. Phpnes. Main 69. A-1169. ' PORTLAND Van Storage Co.7 cor. 13th and Everett sts., Just opened, new est .most modern storage warehouse in city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest in surance rata In northwest: free, track age, vans for moving. Main or A-1520. MT. TABOR EXpRteSgl & STaFj C6T, Trips to Mt Tabor daily. Also city 4238 Pr-s. 114 Grand, ft NOHTHWESTERN Transfer Co 64-66 Mh. G?"?KL transsr and storage. VVLW fR4- & DEL, CO., 206 -g-gw, AM'Dfl. WaSn. HtOraa-a. nlann eM Main 610, A-1654.' Berrstnd"- TYPBwJtiTEBS .JrAllTl,$ Supplies Co. Rebuilt, 2d hand. 142H 2J at Mar. 418. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold, dun nlngham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. UPHOLSTERERS CArSi,WrRQHT .9 188 Madison, up holstering, furniture repairing and l TBTBBJOtARXAJI HUMANE Vet Hospital: dogs boarded. dale. M. 6841. A-41l k.?7X MODERN veterinary hoanltal AiK tt lh" Doge, cats treated and boarded. Dr. Q. H. Huthman. B-1962. Eaat 1847. YXOXaTJg UJUUBM il- vJ01,n. paker expert repair, ing 312 Allskv bldg" 265 Morrlsort WE LI. BKZLLXB0 D-Ji'ihI,N0,e,,I5,.l,Pec,ItYt Prtc rea. til... ... ' a or write . West 183 Morrison t j yrST WASH LAPBDRY. 60c pays for your family wash. Call and deliver eaat Ma nnlv T. -nr.- Wash Laundry. -2141. 'Tahoraili.t" V WBOLESALB JOBBZBJ8 asa-aiaa.J . . ... --. EyERDINQ ft FARRELK produce and commission merchants. 140 Front st. Portland, Or. phone Main 178. distributors orWeiaARS i1-"? CO"' wholesale "grocera manufacturers. aaiMi,.. ..!. AT? ' and Oak sts" fv ,ia MuKdA WaLL' PA c6.( izo H st, between Salmon and Main ALLEN ft LEWjg GROCBRIKflT- JgM AHt. IBOB WOB3C RELIANCE IRON WKS.. mfgaTralling; fences, ornamental IroiT work? spark guards, etc. 10th, E. Flanders. East 19. TRABSPORTATIOB EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. Beaver Ball 4 p. m, Seo. a, -Baa Wanelsoo 4k Portland SB. Co. Tioke Of 1 ie 148 Third St. , . Phones Main 408 and A-1409. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE O.-W. R. ft N. steamer 1 "HarvBal Queen' leaves Portland. Ash Street dork, dally except Saturday at 8 p. m,, arrlv Ing j Astoria 6:80 a. m., oonnertlng with str. Nahcotta for Meglrr and all North Beach points. ; Returning leaves Astoria at 8:30 a. m., arriving Portland p. m. Call at city ticket office, , and Washington sts., or Ash Street dock. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANOK LKS - AND SAN niKOO PIKFCT BOB.TH PACiriO S. S. CO, f. t. BOABOXB and S. S. SLOXJ SAttj Every Wednesday, alternately, at r, ni, Ticket office 183 Third, near AUW. Phones Main 1314, A-IJ14. MARTIN J, HlorEY, pass. Agent 1 , COOS BAY LINE Sail from xnmwrxn FortUriil, f aa. a . aMaHtl Tltnat4S t v tffmt aU rU,.aluaJ at Alnswortb dock dally up to 6 p. m. Passenger fare, first class $10: swud class, 61, inciuaing 1 na n. in. Ticket office AlnswOrth dock, Ph,ie Main 888. .Mam tin, a-it. ,- S. S.. GOLDEN O Al ii Sails from Washington st dm w 1 newray, Deo, s, 6 p. in,, Ti(ismo'H, r City, GStrlbaldl snl liohsont if'" I r. t and Passenaers, 1'hontts M. I'tl't, A-.' 1 . ,, OTE1T1I . 4 5 a