THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 7. 1911. 18 RELWIVES OF DEAD SUING DYNAMITER James McNamara Named as Defendant in $50,000 Ac tion for Damages. (Valtri Vrem Lcad Wlr. Loi Angelen. rc. 7. James McNa mara, confesed murderer, was ycster dar served by a deputy sheriff In his CU In the countj Jnil with papers mak ing htm defendant In a civil action brought by relatives of Robert L. Saw yer, a telegraph cjerator. who lost his llf when the Times building was de stroyed. The damages demanded are $60,000. When served wUh the papers, J. B. and his brother "John J. McNamara were sitting smoking it. their cell. J. B. took the papers, smiled and said: "Good, fine business. Let them go to It" This original nctlon was brought against the Timer-Mirror company: the Los Angeles Gas A Electric corporation; ths Western Union Telegraph company and number of John Doe defendants. ' " McNamara Is included as a John Doe defendant, and It i asserted that McNa mara was Included because the princi pals In the action desire to show that McNamara's pleading guilty does 'not re lieve the others sut of responsibility. throughout the United States, but more especially on the western slope, during the past five years. That the present Investigation Is ex pected to Involve many well known la bor leaders of ' San Francisco and the northwest coast was mJj Known iy tl." flat statement that sertaln of these men have already engaged counsel In the ex pectation that an attempt would be made to Indict them. This counsel Is former Judge O. N. Hilton of Denver, formerly chief counsel for the Western Federation of Miners, and one of the best Tcnown criminal lawyers In Ameri ca. It Is stated that he Is In Denver ready to start for this city lust as soon am h. vtfl wArd that th m An whl) Imvfl ' retained him have been or are about to be Indicted. Every effort was made by the fed eral officials to keep secret their in tentions. The grand Jury room was guarded by picked men and when In formation was asked regarding the In tentions of the irovernment. Lnwler. Heagan and their assistants refuBe'd" to talk. They endeavored to create the Impression that the grand Jury was not to be hurried and whatever It did It would not permit anything to leak until all indictments were drawn and report ed to the court. While the federal grand Jury was working on the gonral conspiracy end the Los Angeles authorities were work ing on the bribery charges Which pre cipitated the crisis in the McNamara cases. Assistant District Attorney Fold was marshaling his witnesses in the proceedings against Bert H. Franklin, chief detective for the defense, who will be given a hearing next Monday morn ing In Justice Young's court on th charge of having bribed Robert F. Bain, on? of the permanent Jurors In the case, and' attempting to bribe George N. Lock wood, a prospective Juror, . Van Klyke Mayor or Kreewaier. Freewater, Or., Pec. 7, The vote nnlll Tnesdav at the rltv election wan large. Harvey V. Van Slyke was elect-i ed mayor with a majority or z votes. George P. Sanderson was reelected re corder and R. E. Bean was reelected treasurer: H. O. Mansfield, J. C. Crlm niens and I. Taylor are councllmen. Auto'planos rented $7 per month, free; drayage, free music rolls. Player pianos from $265 upward. KOHLER & CHASE. 875 Washington Street. Smoke Queen Quality tobacco, the labels. See 167 3rd. Burns Strikes at Gompers. f United Press Leawd Wire.) Philadelphia, Dec. 7. "The labor movement would be well rid of such a man as Samuel Compers," declared De tective Burns upon being Informed of Gompers' denunciation of Prosecutor Fredericks. Samuel Gompers, to my knowledge, was in conference In Indian apolis with the men who hired the Mc Namara and others who were parties to the dynamiting of the Los Angeles Times, the day after- the McNamaras were arrested," said Burns. "Burns Just Talking." (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Dec. . 7. "Burns likes to hear himself talk," declared Frank M. Ryan, president of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers here today. "I am not in hiding, and he can find me whenever he : wants me." Ryan denied that the ironworkers' or ganisation Is disintegrated as a result of the McNamara pleas. Ryan returns to Indianapolis today. M'MANIGAL FIRST WITNESS BEFORE U. S. GRAND JURY (Continued from Page One.) tell, and if I had 1 would not aid these people In any way. Neither their threats nor their promises will have any ef fect on me, or Jim. either, for that matter." Hope to Get Clues. Iitwever. it was lmn that Lar,r and his associates noped they might get responses to certain questions at least that would put them on the trail of the men higher up in the various blow upa" wnlch have taken place STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Ladd & Tilton Bank At the Close of Business December 5, 1911 RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 7,306.295.38 Bonds and stocks 4,269,320.52 Real estate 77,629.71 Cash on hand and due from hanks 4,923,570.11 Total $16,576,815.72 LIABILITIES Capital stock fully paid $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 848,236.73 Reserved for taxes 20,000.00 'Deposits -. 14,708,578.99 Total $16,576,815.72 CONDENSED REPORT OF THE CITIZENS BANK PORTLAND. OREGON Account of Business Dec. 5, 1911. RESOURCES Cash and due from banks , $213,119.07 Loans 417,946.51 City of' Portland bonds' '.'.'.'. .!.'.'.'!!!.'!!!!.'!!!.'.".."'.!!!.'! 8598418 Real estate and fixtures .' 10,594.64 Total $727,644.40 LIABILITIES Capital paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and profits 15,604.42 Deposits 612,039.98 Total '. ...'....$727,644.40 Attest: O. S. FULTON, Cashier. N. U. CARPENTER M. E. THOMPSON DAVID E. JOHNSTON HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK OR PORTLAND, OREGON. Statement at Close of Business, December 5, 1911. RESOURCES. Loan and discounts $1,470,761.01 Real estate, banking house, furniture and fixtures 67,849.24 Stocks and securities ; 432.69 Bonds and Warrants U. S. government 4 per cent bonds .$ 58,206.25 City of Portland improvement bonds 177,325.00 City of Seattle water bonds 5,000.00 Other bonds and warrants 17,774.70 258,305.95 Due from banks 467,842.41 Cash on hand 214,956.47 682,798.88 $2,480,147.77 LIABILITIES. Capital Mock $ 200,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 87,181.68 Dividends unpaid : 160.00 Savings and time deposits $1,368,199.07 Demand deposits 824,607.02 Total deposits 2,192,806.09 $2,480,14777 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. APJ?EX C SMITH, President LANSING STOUT, Cashier JOHN DRISCOLL FRANK E. DOOLY, Vice Pres. C. B. SEW ALL, Asst. Cashier E. C. GODDARD The First National Bank OF PORTLAND. OREGON,". ' ; ' ' December 15, 1911. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .... v ..,$ 7,767,953.04 U. S. bonds at part 2,400,000.00 Other bonds 674,431.39 Bank premises , . 70,000.00 Due from U. S. treasurer $ 75.OC0.00 Due from other banks 2,149,658.26 Due from reserve agents ............ 1,210,322.91 Cash on hand s 2,178,531.82 1 5,613,512.99 $16,525,897.42 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 1,500,000:00 Surplus and undivided profits 1,058,324.55 Circulation - 499,195X0 Deposits Individual . . ...$9,451,405.11 Banks ,...4,016,972.76 13,468,377.87 $16,525,897.42 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Security Savings & Trust Co. PORTLAND, OREGON At Close of Business December 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans .$6,147,607.19 Bonds, warrants 922,703.00 Real estate None. Customers' liability under letters of credit . 54,832.20 Cash and due from correspondents 2,319,317.44 Total $9,444,459.83 LIABILITIES 7 Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 597,174.59 Letters of credit 63,069.91 Deposits 7784,215.33 Total i $9,444,459.83 REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF Portland Trust Company of Oregon At the Close of Business December 5, 1011 -RESOURCES Loans and discounts $1,403,960.19 Stocks and bonds' , 628,244.92 Real estate, furnnure and fixtures 171,000.00 Due from other banks ..... 537,663.16 Cash on hand 219,011.16 $2,859,879.43 LIABILITIES Capital stock ; $ 800,000.00 Surplus and profits, leas exp. and taxes paid... 88,522.68 Deposits, individuals and ' anks $2,471,356.85 $2,859,879.43 rnvnirwcirn qtatp.mpmt ' nnrrman jir innmmnn mnifprc At the Close of Business December 5, .1911. ', ;'. RESOURCES. . . Loans and Discounts. ...... . .$234,856.63" Stocks and Bonds ....... i . . 123,482.00 " Real Estate . . . . 18,561.71 s Furniture and Fixtures. 19,860.00 " Cash on hand and due from banks. 143,446.64 ' . , $540,201.00 ' N LIABILITIES. Capital .$100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 24,850.04 - Deposits..." 415,350.96 $540,201.00 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OREGON At the Close of Business1, December 5, 1011 ' RESOURCES Loans and discounts.. .$1, 629, 129. 78 United States bonds. . . 400,000.00 Other bonds, stocks , and warrants 578,133.90 Real estate and Mtg's. 41,206.53 Furniture and fixtures 8.000.00 Cash & due from banks 1,050,972.08 Total .13,707,442.29 v LIABILITIES Capital stock .....,..$ 500,000.00 Surplus & und. profits 155,722.82 National bank notes out- Btanding 250,000.00 Dividends unpajd .... 656.00 Deposits 2,801,163.47 Total $3,707,442.29 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF lumbermens National Bank OF PORTLAND At Close of Business December 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $3,208,165.79 Overdrafts 452.58 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 250,000.00 -Other bonds and premiums 500,571.57 Furniture and fixtures 26,000.00 Customers' liability under letters of credit J330!00 Due fromU. S. treasury $ 12,500.00 Due from banks 739 230 22 Cash on hand 623,518.57 375,248.79 Total .... ....' $5,360,768.73 LIABILITIES Capital ........ ...$1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits ' 107 058 17 Circulation ... 236;i00.00 Dividends unpaid w 111.00 Drafts accepted under letters of credit 33000 DePsits v . ..... . . . 4,017,169.56 Total .$5,360,768.73 STATEMENT OF Merchants Savings & Trust Company At Close of Business December 5, 1911. REPORT OF The Scandinavian-American Bank PORTLAND, OREGON. At Close of Business December 5, 1911. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $587,514.87 Stocks and Bonds 111,741.25 Furniture and Fixtures. 9,000.00 Cash and due from banks 279,366.21 Total $987,622.33 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus and profits 19,809.19 Deposits 867,813.14 Total ,. . .$987,622.33 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.m,m iVrlrryJyVVVuWLf CONDENSED REPORT OF The United States National Bank OF PORTLAND, OREGON Submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 5, 1911 ASSETS Loans and discounts.. .$6,688,683.68 U. S. Bonds at par.... 1,054,100.00 Municipal ft Ry. Bonds 1,163,771.32 Bank building 125,000.00 Cash and exchange.. . . 4,787,484.08 Total 113,819,039.08 LIABILITIES Capital $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus 750,000.00 Undivided profits ... 219,611.95 Circulation , 763,400.00 Deposits 11,096,027.13 Total $13,819,039.03 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $514,557.21 Stocks and Bonds .. 128,328.61 Overdrafts.... None Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 21,707.53 Due from other banks j ' 121,599.59 Cash on hand "60,541.63 i i i . i i ii r i Total amount resources "$842,734.57 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in ;. .$150,000.00 Surplus and Profits, less expenses and taxes paid............. 22,014.2'8 Deposits, individuals and banks.,.,,. .. 670,720.29 -.. Total amount liabilities .$842,734.57 . STATEMENT OF CONDITION OP Geo. W. Bates & Co., Bankers PORTLAND, OREGON At the Close of Business, December S, 1011 RESOURCES '. , Loans and discounts C $ 685,731.06 Bonds, securities, etc. ....... t ............. . 59,500.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ......... 69,100.00 Cash in vault and due from banks 470,620.19 Total $1,284,961.25 LIABILITIES .$ 160,000.00 ... 21,701.37 Capital stock ,'. Surplus and undivided profits ........... Deposits, demand ,V. ,$768,221.23 Deposits, time 345.028.65 ,. 1,113,249.88 Total .$1,284,951.25 a i , -. . . ;'..,w