The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 07, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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J . ..... - : ' . ' "
Two Portland Men Refuse to
Bite at Bait of Fortune
in Spain.
Th latest intended victim of the
Splutlah treasure" awtndle la Carlog T.
Frail, president Of the Oregon Asso
ciation for Highway Improvement Mr.
Prall admits a bit of Spanish ancestry
himself and for this reason he feels
that the letter sent from Madrid and
stained with what might be tears la in
the nature of a slight He has not yet
answered it, nor, says he, has his
cupidity been particularly aroused try
the promise ot rich treasure. The let
ter, like many of Its kind, reads:
. '1 am imprisoned in this city (Mad
rid) and knowing your bounty I beg
to beseech you herewith whether you
wants to come here to take away my
equipages seizure In order to seize upon
a trunk containing a secret In which 1
have hidden an document to you come
la possession of 330,000 dollars that I
have in the United States. AS reward
X will yield you the third part of th
foresaid sum. . - .
' aarful that this letter dona arrive
to you I will wait your answer and than
I will say you my, secret with every
detail and' to subscribe with my name.
"As here Is a . newspaper that pub-
llach all the cablegrams whose ad
dresses are unknown which It Is allowed
to me to read and as it is not conven
ient I receive here In the goal, please
to answer to the address Indicated at
the end. Notwithstanding your cable
not reach to me this will be sufficient
to know that you accepting propoaltlon,
Awaiting eagerly to read your missive,
inquire only V. ex-Banker."
L The letter has a postscript too,
swer by cable, but not by letter as fol
lowing. Term an Foyos, Mlgel I J, Mad
rid. Directions Robert." .
Louis J. Sax of 07 First street also
received a letter purporting to be from
a Russian oanicrr -imprisoned in spain
with a fortune of 1480,000 hidden in
America, and a beautiful daughter. . The
letter follows the same general lines
as the Prall letter.
The scheme of these swindlers Is for
the victim to reply, to which reply will
follow a request for a deposit to show
his good faith and to guarantee that he
will not turn the affair over to the po
lice. These letters have been received on
many occasions, and recently it was re
ported that a longshoreman had fallen
for the trap and was swindled out of
several hundred dollars, the savings of
a lifetime.
Upright pianos rented, $3, $4 and $5
per month. Kimball, Kohler, Weser.
Rent can apply on purchase price,
8 7S Washington Street
Smoke Queen Quality tobacco. Barn
the labels. See 117 3rd.
Oaks Rink popular plaoe these days.
TT n
im :
Bishop Scaddlng, accompanied 'by his
wife and mother, returned to Portland
last night from an eastern trip. He said
that the eyes of the commercial east
are turned to the Paciflo coast and that
he found general interest In the growth
and development of Oregon. Bishop
Scaddlng spent some days in New Tork
and Philadelphia, studying methods
adopted there by the Episcopal church
for city mlaalon work. In Toronto he
was present at the laying of the corner
stone by the Duchess of Connaught of
house for young women which will
accommodate 60 girls and cost 360,000,
most or which is a gift from Lord
Strathcona, a former governor general
of Canada. Bishop Scaddlng spoke of
trie need of such a house in every uni
versity city, and expressed his interest
in trie admirable plans. He has visited
similar houses with a view to building
a cnurcn House ror ulrls at the Uni
versity of Oregon in Eugene.
"The people in Oregon," he said.
-recognise the need for such a place,
where young women students at the
university can have all the comforts of
home, and while there is no fairy god-
rainer in uregon liKe Lord Strathcona.
yet there are many liberal and generous
people in Eugene and Portland who will
aid In a movement to provide at mod
erate cost ideal living arrangements for
ail out-or-town women students who do
not' care to Join sororities, or may not
nave an opportunity to do so."
The bishop brought with him provi
sional plans for a church home-which
will cost sbout 310,000 and will ac
commodate 25 young women, including
apartments for a house mother.
Safety Gas Burner factory at Twenty,
second and Thurman streets has bn
sold to a Seattle Investor , for 333.000.
The property comprises tha half blook
faoing west on Twenty-second street
and extending from Thurman to Up
shur, it has a frontage of 100 feet on
Twenty-second street :
Los Angeles, Deo, 7. C P. Rodgers,
the aviator, arrived in Loi Angeles from
8an Francisco today and announced he
would complete his ocean-to-ocean trip
by flying, from Compton to Long Beach
next Sunday. After . completing his
flight Rodgers, it was announced, will
return to Pasadena and engage In pas
senger-carrying flights. Several Pasa
dena millionaires, It is said, haye , of
fered htm as high as ISO for a spin In
the ether.
John Matthlesen, the veteran Front
street hotel man, has exercised his
right of purchase, under option, and
has taken title to the five story hotel
occupying the quarter block at the
southwest corner of Front and Colum
bia streets. The property was sold to
Mr. Matthlesen by Milton J. Jones. Dro-
prletor of the Jones market, and asso
ciates, for 1126.000. Mr. Matthlesen
took a 15 year lease on the property
less than one year ago with th dHvI-
lege of buying within the lease term at
a given price.
The site of the Campbell Automatio
Piano Contest Checks
Bring a Premium
$100 Checks Worth $147
In a big city like Portland rent plays
a most Important part when it comes
to fixing prices on goods which are to
be sold at retail. Tears ago, when they
aianeo. in ousiness in Portland, Ellers
music House realised this, an aa ta
weir custom, Degan by makinar definlta
pinna at mat time to m some way off-
bbi wnat mey Knew the future would
bring them, 1. e., high rents. Thev
succeeded most admirably, and today
their books show that they have a
rental income instead of a. rental ex
They alio figured down
iiem or expense in the handling of
pianos in an equally clever way, a&d
have so reduced the cost of selling that
even n uiey were compelled to pay as
much for pianos as all other dealers
in this city jo. they couM atin axil
sells more than twenty per cent cheaper
than others because of the enormous
economies effected In the cost of ship
ping, handling and selling. We have
so far this year boueht mom than ton
times as many pianos as any other
dealer In this city, and even a school
boy knows that a big buyer gets much
lower prices than does a small one.
Ir Is thus that when a comrxititnr
offers to accept 1100 contest checks,
same price on the same piano, discount
the price the amount of the check and
still sell for 147 less than the piano
would cost you In actual cash at our
competitor's, thus beating their price
"K w ' mymmn rTsrr vtSsV Wk
It 1 ' -
I iins hi ew
This is the month of good cheer 'and gift-giving. Better
take stock early don't wait until the joy pells are ring
ing. We are happy to state we can make you happy in
your selection of holiday gifts from our complete assort
ment Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sflverware
Toiletware, Cut Glass, Novelties, Umbrellas
It is a matter of pride with us to. have a gift more
highly, prized because it comes from us. The
least inexpensive up to the most costly has our
guarantee of quality, and your, satisfaction goes
with every purchase. . '
Diamonds Are Our Specialty
Examine our stock, get our prices before buying
elsewhere; it will pay you.
Easy Payments
Without Extra Charge.
283 Morrisoi Street
74 Third Street
SARJii J 1(U I h "MMmery World"
An Event That Means the
Slaughter j Premier Milli
nery Establishment Po,?L
Worth of the Choicest Parisian
and American Exclusive Millinery
All to Re Disnnspd of Rpornrrl.
'-r less of Worth, Cost or Price
The High Standard Always Adhered to by The Millinery World, Places this Sacrifice as the Supreme Event of the Day to Every Shrewd Shopper.
Gil i7t(0ll?in Monday, Tuesday, Wed-
Trimmed Hats
One lot of Trimmed Hats, a varied
assortment, but no old Hats. This
store has no old Hats. The qualities
range up to $5.00. Take 70a
Friday, Dec. 8,
at 10 A. M.
Not a farthing withheld. The.
sacrifice must be thorough and
complete. The choice of the best
millinery on the . Pacifier Coast is
yours tor a mere tnfie. Much ex-
tra help has been provided.
All our regular $3.50
Trimmed Hats go at. . .
your choice for
The entire stock of trimmed Hats
selling at $5.00. Take ft jq
one for sDZ. O
$10.00 trimmed Hats, the entire line
sacrificed at, Mr
choice:. $O.J 7
$17.50 beautiful Hats. You must
get one of these, ftr fA
Choice ..$!. VU
$25.00 hieh-srade trimmed "Rat- n
rbe closed out 7 a p
$50.00 elaborate trimmed Hats now
must go , QQ
at.... lO.OO
$75.00 elaborate handsome Hats
at0:.8:., ...$26.75
100.00 Hats, simply
gorgeous, now go at
Zt St fiSJr. r 0ri' $ a beautiful frame, ti.e
nffr Rfl mirrA . r.r V- tcct 8 m- y 5 tect 6 inches,
yuci. uu mirrors, o ieet 4 inches f AA
m s . bv 8 nrhM WI,M ,1 I I Jul? """6 " 1U'"'':
IT (I D I fe? V TT (1h ' grade mirrors, 5 feet by 2 feet Our $200 mirror, size 5 feet 6 ins.' by 6 ft.
.mm . mmmw jjmmmj incncs witn swell irame ; (ii flf- 6 inches. Beautifully framed. r f AA
. -. ' - ' wrth $40. Take one for. , 2)14.SI) Take it for. .. V.J.ii 1 $55.00
142 Fifth Street
Opposite Meier & Franks'
Plumes Wings and Feathers
$10.00 Willow Plumes in black -and $1.00 .Wings go j'q
all colors, slaughtered 1J 1 Q T at Zr j C
at tyOyo $2.50 Wings' sacrificed Q A
$18.50 Willow Plumes QQ - -'C
go sacrificed at ........ , ,$0.0O $5.00 fine Wings go D j QO
$37.50 Willow Plumes, 1 1C w yu ......WwO
take one for. . .$10.5 Far?cy feathers, one large assort-
Artrt,.. - ment averages around $1.00, 1
$50.00 Willow Plumes ttlQQQ goat.....f 1"C
aresacrificer4at.......PX-'.00 $150 fine fancy WaVhVrs," worth
$5.00 French Plumes, QC over five times the closing- 5A
take them away at .... . . .W. out price. Choice. . . .... . . . .JvC
Birds of Paradise -. Ribbons
mo Birds o Paradise. Don't Itt l R,kbons slaBh!"d 3C
this slip. Sacrifice , ; QQQC asiRibbonsnow " ' " ' ' . Qp
. , , .- . - -v ' 50c Ribbons go 17
; $1.00 Swell Ribbons, K IQ
One large lot of $2.50 to $5 Shapes, go at. UOQ
made of Felt, Silk, Satin and f) Cp We have Ribbons to $3.50 a yard,
moire. Take your choice at . . My All go in proportion to these prices.
142 Fifth Street
Opposite Meier & Franks';