14 ' THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY ..EVENING. NOVEMBER 29. 1911 t ,ri- iv. i. ! J ''i4Uii(IUMl DM. A, O. SMITH. , The leading Specialist. 1 am a rrrlittird and licensed physician, confining; my special practice to the ailments of Mk.fV l have more money Invested In my establishment than all other Port land specialists combined. I use my photograph so that when you come to see me personally you will recos-nlsa ma. Tnvestiaate my personal standing before accepting treatment from a doctor oi unanown identity or reputation. Are You beta treated fn satisfactory man' ner by your Dresent doctor? Is he t-an-ylng out his promlsesT Has he loured you tn a reasonable-time, ana i ivea up to his guarantee? Are you loaylng him exorbitant prices for neaiciner Does he emnloy tnorougn- v un-to-oate and scientm metnoas. which would be approved by the reg ular ramuy noctorT ir- you cannot mswer these questions favorably to nr-eir. come ana nave a comiaen al talk with me shout your casa n w-i cost you nothing. rAsioon szirs. Bt.oon vox BOX, PXLSS. PXBTTJXA. BTO. Cured in 5 Days are Detention Trom Ooonpation, jramiiv or Home. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. IMANY CASES PERMANENTLY cured in one treatment. I MOST TIME-SAVING. MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURB. I ImiVE MT WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A I FACT. , I AM CERTAINLY IKB ARED TO CITRIC RT ETPKRI- Tvris AND- EQUIPMENT. WHICH KB TUB KEYSTONES TO SUO hESS. T HAVE THE BEST I EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE! ON THE COAST. - , nil COBTSlTT,TATIOV. I Invite you to tome to my office will explain to you mr treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia. Nervous Oebllltv; Blood Disorder. Piles. Fis tula Bladder. Kidney, Prostatic and ill Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination: If nec. "sssry.a microscopical ana chemical analysis, of secretions, to determine rnethologlcal and bacteriological con ditions. . Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A ter- Imsnent cure Is what you want. My ornces are open nil dav rrotn a. m. to I J. m.f and Sundays from A.G.Smith9M.D. 4a norason St., corner ua, .' Portland, Oregon, Wonderful Cures Are Made Prominent ' People All ' Over the --. Northwest Comj to Me. arcw - c. Gee Vo Gee Vo Xbs Chinese Doctor If a Patient comes to me with lone standing trouble that has failed to yield to the medicines of other doctors unri T think that his case is hopeless I tell mm so. uiuiko many otner aoctors, I do not urge an operation as a last re- einrt . T futrfarm nt AnaiaHM, Ki. feet my cures with the aid of Chinese ' root ana nerD meaicinea, which act quickly and painlessly. These I have usea lor many years wun marked sue : cesa and my forefathers, who were eminent physicians In their time, em ployed the same meana for curing the clck. I have hundreds of cases on rec ord where people have been restored to health and happiness by their use. A course of treatment Is not expensive, so why be a sufferer when the means Is so near at hand for relief? People out of town, write for consul tation blank and circular. Inclose four cents in stamps. Hie C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 16214 Tlrrt Street, Corner Morrison. Portland, Oregon. MenandWomen CURED The Pamons S. K. Chan Chinese Medical sera. w o. jl. iiau wompany Onaa BBS. X. CHAM, with their Chinese medicines of herbs and roots, cure won derfully. They have cured many suf ferers when all other remedies havo failed. Sure cure for both Internal and external slcknens and all chronic, pri vate ailments. Their remedies are harm less -and give quick results. Mo opera tions. Consultation free. Examinations for ladles by Mrs. Chan. Call or write for symptom blank to S. X. CHAW CXI. MESB lEEDICIHE CO.. 3884 Morrison mU between 1st and ad. Portland, Or. CHICHESTER'S PILLS W .Til IHAJtONIk HIU.NI. a hWheter rule 'reel DIAllMMB Isian wii V - . T rrf SOLD BY CRQGISTS EVHW-liim Quickest Results Are Obtained by Want Ads In The Journal ie Ke4 J Wol4 iiiV V Melrd wtth Blue Kihi. W eiker. Kit efrnr V I ( '9 BETTER HIGHWAYS ' GREATEST NEED OF AMERICAN PEOPLE Goods Roads Work Indorsed by Country Life Congress; Lay Plans for Another Conven tion Next Year. (SpMltl to Tbs Journal.) bpoicane, wash.. Nov. 29. "Let the nation tie the states together with per manent highways; let the states tie the counties together; let the counies tie the townships together and the town ships can then build the dirt roads that are needed to connect the farms." This was tne text of an address delivered before the first National Country Life congress, in session here, by Horatio S. Earle, former highway commissioner of aiicmgan. Farmers and educators of the Paclfio northwest were fired with enthusiasm over what may be accomplished In the improvement Of public highways through concentrated efforts at the Tuesday session of the congress, which waa devoted almost entirely to the dis cussion or better country roads. t , Mr. Earle urged upon the assembly A SQUARE DEAL In what yon will get If you treat with ma Results are quick and positive Tou are benefit ed at once. Men who have dragged their casea alone for months With aome other ana. clalist are astonished at the prompt effects pf my remarka ble treatment T """Hi ui cilne. L VarleOSS Velne 1X1... m - - : w jr RaDturi Rh.im.? & B-,dder1'.rtc"n,I W0IIM J0lnt e.,?iSh.,!mnt "JU'ckly and safely Consultation Pre. Write or Call. DR. LINDSAY Toe . Old Sellable specialist. S7-ritorcnd Son street En- day lo i."m.-to-ri. "7 U I Cure Men $1 IS MY FEE Pay wsea Crated. General xMi. Hy, Weak Starves, Insomnia ail 1 1, of eXDosure. overwork ent nth.- latlons of sTatve's laws. Diseases of wiaaasr ana Kidneys, Tarleose vvuis, -qnieciy ana - permanently B FT CXAXi AIXiSCX 9X3 Newly eon iraciea ana chronlo cases cored. All burnlna, Itching and lnflamma. tion stopped In 24 hours. Cures ef fected in seven daya Consultation free. If unable to call, write for Office hours a. M. Id P. M. Jundaya 10 A. M. to 1 P M. only a-auu-10 COAST SCBOXOAT, CO, J2ik Washington ., Cor. PUst. Portland, Oregon ST MEWS By C. K. Holsman, M. D., ft , I m an expert specialist, treating ailments of men ex clusively. I own my office snd equipment, publish my true photograph and personally supervise the treatment of all patients from the time they come to me until they are discharged as cured. Although my time Is fully oc cupied from early morn until late at night In looking after the wants of my patients, and in administering my special treatment for Blood Poison and Varicose Veins, I always take pleasure in consulting with new patients. In offering my services to the afflicted I am giving you the BEST that can be had anywhere. My reputation and experience for the past 18 yttars can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and Integrity and should be sufficient to convince the most skeptlcU that I am the. FOREMOST ind LEADING Specialist in Portland. I possess skill and sxperlence acquired in such a way that noother dan share It and should not be classed Kith inexperienced doctors or ipecialista A thorough Investigation should be ditchuisi ne cunouiui. uuij enu ueeuny o men ana tnose who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can glv you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements, false promises or unbusinesslike propositions. I would like to have you for a patient if you will come to me im m eiricn pruiesBionui dbbis, accepting; inaucemaatS that I Offer, Which ar my ability, 18 years successful experience, time-saving treatment and VamiCOSB VEIBTS. I dally demonatrate that these con ditions can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment In such a sat isfactory way that the oreana are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly reestablished. Instead of the depressing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to atav cured or refund the money. JtXDWET AMD SIVABBEB DIS EASES. With these diseases you mav have more complications than are Dresent- ed by any other diseased organ. By my searching illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the disease and by microscopic examina tion and urinalysis I make doublv sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying foundations for scienti fic treatment. BFECTPIO BZ.OOD POISOJT. Scientific treatment only should be used In combatting: this loathsome disease. I cure Blood Poison by the new German Remedy which I intro duce directly into the blood, purify ing it, neutralising It and expelling poison from the system. New blood thus formed supplies and rebuilds the tissues In such a way that the patient recovers his normal state of health, strength and soundness. MX BISECT TREATMENT POM WBAKMESS. That disorder commonly known weakness has for years and genera tions baffled the efforts of physi cians, yet to this very day a ma jority of doctors, specialists not ex. cepted, are attempting to overcome I treat all AUmnt'of Mnandcura to stay cured a uiicr free lonsuiiauon ana Examination I invite you to coma ta mv ffi t ..i.r. i . ' 5iT2M!? Jr'IS0-' JllnI ' ,h,ern,,V "rvoua debility Iblood M piles. E tula, bladder, kidney and all men's ailments, and give you FREE a nhysical examination If you write for free book and self-eamlnatlon blwk. ,nUT.??iU l Pf mU r from t a, m. to p. m. and nnday from 10 to 10. All (wnespondeao treats ooalid.ntlally. .Otters cWfuliy answered! 1DR.C.K. HOLSMAN the need of economy and the use of common icnii in the construction of needed highways. :;Y,: Ay. ,:,r, ::. A .- "The. kind of road that good enough for the traffic la the only kind to build," he declared. .. Tn this Country there are 81,000,000 V. Ann j. . . . uwra -uiui -,.iv,vuu,vvu, ins mum are worth at least im.000,000; there . Xrold si., price 330O, Phone WOodlawn P0?6,1- 'ots 19 and 80, block are 60.000 autos worth about $1,000.. -. ' : . I v winUS f oh?rt.I.etV nnn .iir-. . a ,,., I, ' .n .-a ' I William , Charters and wife to ooo.oor ts vii.r.or.iiVvr..:.': daily, could be quadrupled ahouid the!011 -nUdings, for $-000! good terms. much needed improvements the roads L.30 J1 "T0, 1 Hjerttont Una, be maae. it la worth while to spend billion dollar. la such improvements." So many valuable ideas toward th betterment of farm home, market, coun iry .cnuoi ana nifnwiy conauione nave been advanced at the national Country w.ao vvuicn,mi iv uai uvaa uoj.iuii.eijr uwxcu s,V VBU HWVUr VVUirOM lUr next year.'" David R. Brown, chairman of the present congress, ha been authorised to call a special meeting of the national country life board to decide the time and place for the next national country life meeting. This move was author ised at a session which was attended by 10 members of the country life commis sions of Idaho. Washington. Oregon and Montana Easterners Interacted, The rural life commission of Nebrasr ka, represented at the national country life congress by Frank C Odell and George E. Condra. has been made a part of the federation of state commissions. On motion of State' Senator W. H. Paul hamus, a welcome was extended to oth er states, which it Is believed will ap point commissions. Iowa and Mary land, both represented at the present congress, will undoubtedly join the. fed eration. Byron Hunter of the United States department of agriculture took a stand for more diversified farming. . "The great wheat farms of Oregon, Washing ton. Idaho and Montana are not doing anywhere near what they might toward lncitaslng their own Income and at the same time In decreasing the cost of liv ing." Mr. uunter asserted. Mr. Hunter, whose address was written by his chief, J. SpLUman. went on to State that the most profitable farms of the present day are those which have the largest variety of crops to sell. ways In which the financial burden upon the farmer might be lessened and which the active tiller of the soil might be given greater advantage and better opportunity brought many Inter esting suggestions from congress vis itors and delegates. Several advanced the Idea of the So cialist party that the unused land held by speculators should be taxed so heav ily that It would have to be sold to tne man who wants to cultivate it ana establish a home upon It Another one of Interest was that the land should be cut into small farms of 80 to 100 acres. v.nM le mlnr to the Manufac turers' Food and Industrial Exposition at the Gipsy Smith auditorium, Decem ber 2 to 16th. Pianos rented $3, $4 per month, free drayage. Kohler & Chase, 878 Wash ington st Smoke Queen Quality tobacco. Save the labels. See 167 3rd. Special matinee tomorrow, Oaks Rink. Bamovtd to 832 V4 Wash., oornar Sd St. m ift 1. , , . . Hwj . & . Hia Chinese herbs and root medicines cure blood troubles and all diseases of the heart lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys. When - others have- given you up, con sult or writ to Blng 2hong. P: ALB nUSH BILIOTS riMX hare alek kcaMii, taaiaMllea laeaireaaakwlUa aaaiw Tkl. a eurlaraMirkrana Zmr4 thee e.alif-l tmr S yriar wltki tt?T2EZ V&Z faSri writ r. Maili'n rkllav, feauaa. DISORDERS The Leading Specialist ft C K. Robmu. N. 0. made by every ailing man as to the it by methods that have heen In Ann, stant use and have always failed for naii a century. Tney dose the sys tem with powerful stimulants and tonics, calculated to restore nervous force or strength that Is not and never has been lacking, with the re sult that- the functions are tempo rarily excited to the positive, detri ment of the patient. Weakness Is only a symptom resulting from many local conditions and la curable, by local treatment only, without the giving of a single Internal dose, which demonstrates the absolute ac curacy of my understanding and treatment of this disorder. In years I have not. met with a "Ingle failure and I have entire confidence in my ability to cure all cases that eome to me for treatment I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can com pletely and permanently restore strength and vigor. NO MONEY REQUIRED TO COMMENCE TREATMENT. Many Satlents havs no confidence' In their octor, because he demands pay be fore a cure has been effeoted and there are many who have been mis informed .about their oordltlon or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think there Is no cure for them. I want an oppor tunity to treat such men. It makes no difference about the 1 financial part, as I accept pay for my serv ices as benefits are derived- when t am satisfied the patient Is reliable. Health is capital at Interest I will prove my ability to cur before ask ing pay for my services. 221 "Morrison St. 1 Comer ,'PUrst ' Street POBTXAMD, OSEGrOX- ar . . 1 s7 J'y HICW rODAT SOME BARGAINS FROM THE NO COMMISSION HOUSE Vo. m An 9 room strictly modern a . . . . 1. --- www- Bonn, insi eomnietea. located at lBaai omn ww i m jn. oharwus zA V'm.:' a . . - r" " I "l?" TZf? ZrZL t Wallow, t o, Ta-ooTa-d I infy 5oo - , Meb. Ceil 109 Sipeoa et, - w jTe fame to trade tot city ' property, and eotne food iaooxna prop tsnx vruJ ivr BoirfjwKfj. , l ansa t mm , APaPiMJall T tsafM ti am . LISTING EXCHANGE 3ea Stark St. r '. Attractive Investments 4 very fine flats on Northrup st, in Nob Hill district; Income I1J0; equity, $8500; cash price, 114,800. Wine nrr,.a Kn.ln... An Wtl'- llngsworth ava; Income $180; equity $7500; ..cash price $18,800. Fine corner on Id st; Income from apartments $280 per mo. oquity $19,- RAA. r.He ! ( All increasing in value steadily. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. . 272 Stark st Have You $1300? HERE IS THE GREATEST "SNAP" IN THIS CITY Southwest corner of East Twenty- ninth and Davie afreet fine -irrVit room house; the lot is a bargain for $3000; hard surface oavement on both sides, and, as I am forced to sell by VriAnr nn w;n .- t : uhii www nu ioav, niv viaw ia si. isith but $1300 cash, balance of rww two years, per cent Inquire 903 Yeon Bldg. Half Block tf?nnn - t. for less than half block on tfamhll! uciwccu in aiiu jraris uij. yve can make a price on half block 100x200 feet, within 2 blocks of this property ana equally as wen located, of almost a as a ? w half this amount. This is one of the best West side propuisnons in rortiana. itx us show you. The SHAW-FEAR Co. 102 FOURTH STREET Main 35. A-3500. Here Is an Investment! Corner Fourteenth and College Striets 142jxl00, with 9-room house, steam heat; most beautiful unobstructed view in this city. I am forced to sell. may have it for $9500, with but one-third cash. Inquire 903 Yeon Bldg. OUR BOOK IS FREE- GET IT. 322 MOHAWK BUJXiDENG. , MORTGAGE LOANS RWQ JOHN E. CR0NAN ?0n 903 frDaldlaa Bldr. U REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title msde by the a.?'fL?rt COn,p " l university Land company to K Essie Leeser Bray, lot klnnb !-.. ... ' 'a S60 Charles Cadrat to John Mac Kay, lots and 10, block 120, - University Park , . R L. Mathison to Peter A Mc Donald, south V, of lots 6 and 6. block 8, Waverly..? M. A. Larsen to Frank Kltcuh, 700 1,000 iui id, oioca i, xuiaway An nex addition . . , . , Fred A. Jacoba and wife to D. O. Millett. loU 15 and 16. block 84, Berkeley Arleta Land company to Lln gren Alvenes. lot 3, block 8. Elberta W. H. Nunn and wife to Vin cent Wallnt et al, lot 4, block . 6, Riverside addition Mary R. Beat and -husband to Mary A. F. Adams, lot 7, . block 85, Irvlngton Franklin Realty company to Mary Hopper, lot 54, May field W. W. Plumpton and wife to Ethel P. Abbott, lot 4, block 00 too 800 1,600 6,811 176 Mary A. F. Adams'and' husband 700 I?a w , Bet l0t o'ock 1.460 May Ostrander and husband Jo 8.0901 Charles L. Hunter' to Is'ma Skidl more, lot , bloclt 8. Highland Park . . . ... . '. . 8934 Fred :A. Jacobs 'and wife to F. J, Krablll. lots II and 14, block 21. Berkeley $75 W. P. Hood and wife to Emma w. watts, west 40 feet of lot 8. block 226, Holladay's addi tion ... . 1,000 Title Guarantee A Trust com pany to Frea C. Johansem lot 10. hlnnlr IS Rnaatnan . I 100 3. M. Long and wife to H V. Munen. lots 45, 46, 47 and 48, 1,600 To pas- Land company to George r'. uiwrenoe, .lots ( ana s. aa 0 v.uun u, .un.. I V.IO, .ill., ....... Xadd EsUttt Co. to directors of 150. CltV .eei.a . ll AAA (Vltle. A- m...A ' I aa,w v v eomninf jtl, diuih ie, rarxrnn,,.,,, C E. Rumelln and wife to H. 1903 w. ivopp, lot js. piocic 15, Wil lamette Helfi-hte edrltUnn . 3,000 Jerry Cramer to Birdie Burton ' lots 25 and 26. block 26, Fair- . port ... .,'.. " WT H. Betts and wife to Anna E. " 1,000 I Springer, lots 14, 15 and 16, block 8, Henry's Fourth addl- 460 Christina Peterson and husband to u. m. woren, lots 1, 2. 8 and 4. block 10, First Electric ad dition ... , 8-200 m ii air i imm 9 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Scott McClur Land company to t ,J A. 1a. Hansen, lot IB. block 2. ',r: " Henry Fourth addition Glen Harbor Realty company to , Wateon B. Eddy, Iota 8 and 4, uiock a, uien naroor 1Mb n i . . m i m a - in r 1,000 t f m m. suup, ot and Fioy'd"'' ttT wife to ciil can Ross, lot 10, block 19, i rortsmouth addition John R. Hpurlock and wife to Lewie Obert, lot , block 8, 1,000 ouwjYwuug rum' . . i Anna B. Morrow and husband to Frank J. Yates et al, east 28 , feet of north of lot , block 81, Albans Charles W. Cleveland to R. F. Cole et aL lot 7, block (1 1 Waverly ... .... .... ... . .. .t ... Portland Paclfio Investment Co. 8,000 1,000 to J. El Sprague, south 8 feet of lot 9 and all of tot 10 and north 10 feet of lot 11, block 14. Hawthorne avenue addition Laurelhurst company , to Jennie M. Brown, lot 4. block 72, . Laurelhurst . . . . ; . , , . Henry 8enBel and wife to Rhodes , Planing Mill company, north 61 feet Of lot 12 to IS. hlnclr. 850 1,800 J. Windsor Helirhta 3,000 Edward Grlgsby and wife to J, I i. v.1100 -no ATUIbl-8.HU nCMSUVrB , , . . . . E. WorUilngton to W. IL 2,700 "v 1,250 I A. A Hesesmer to Sarah Went worth, lot 4. block 2. Heaae- mer addition . . . . . .i . . . $50 Frederick W. Roils and wife to' neiena j. Tey, lot Z, WOck 6, 1$.Pim r block 8. Porter's M R.i?ni V."V.V M.. ?.kai? ? 0 Floyd Bll- 100 yeu, lot 10 and east half of lot r-ortsmoutn addition .... Western Oregon Trust Co.- to A, J. Lee. lot 8. block 8. Man. efee addition 750 Samuel Hanna to Effie B. Rob inson, lots 17, 18, block 8. Archer Place .............. 1,000 Winfield Sterling and wife to A. S. Kills. 100x100 feet begin ning in south line of Gllsan, 100 feet easterly from east line of Twenty-first street... $ 82,500 S. D. Stoufer and wife to Frana Wagner,- two tracts adjoining lot 8. block 10, Central addi tion to East Portland ........ 1,150 m. u oeturiBi sna wire to ui laa B. Couev. et aL lota it , and 9 block 1 and north- of p.'c! starrett and wirJ T wVf. 1.100 o. Thatcher, lots 8 and 9, diock "A," Walnut Park., 15,000 Park Land Co. to Birt L. Porter. f?.J5 !? 5 "nd 6- Mods i u niveraiiv raric 600 3CF- Znit 75 feet of lot 10, block ?. Ttl- 10.00.0 W. C. Fuller and wife to S. J. Everett lot 1, block "C." High land Park addition Willamette Realty Co. to Emma O'Connor, lot 12. block 34 Rella 124 I Crest , 600 S.elK wav addition 850 J. W. Frater and wife to B. A. McCarl. lot 18, block 4, Wll- I wuimvu ai iiums Aauiiion xno. z... 600 university Land Co. to Amos aioore. jot i, block 57, Unl Robert Andrews aAd husband't 800 to iaa ai. ShattucK, lot 1, block 2. Orpha addition W. M. Killingsworth to Winnl fred B. Clark, lots 8 and 9. block 13, Walnut Park Lawrence L. Chambers to Bar bara Chambers, lot 8, block 32, Rossmere Portland Trust Company to Cora Town, lot 8, block 74, West Portland Park C, E-. Warner and wife to Paulina M. Caebler. lot 15, Byrllne . . . Page Harris and wife to F. G. Stiff, south 40 feet of lot 1 and south 40 feet of east' half f lot 2. block 6, Tllton addition 550 8,750 800 60 950 1.600 Lawyers Abstract & Trust Co., capital 3200.000. 6 Board of Trade bldg PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading i noBiracturs. i un. jom., ground floor. W. R. HAJZLIP CO.. Ina. Abstractors. oii-a unrpen piag. jrices rignt. (CLASSIFIED AD RATES In effect April 15. 1911. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Dally or Sunday. 1 time, 8o per Una A 2 consecutive times, 7o per line per In- 3 or mor consecutive times-. 8o per line per insertion, or 7 insertions for price DCI (..Vila No ad'eounted for less than two lines. The above-rates anDlv to '.'NTen. aay" and all other classifications ex - Wanted. To Rent and Wanted to Rent" iuvvmi's; ouuations ads. The rates In these classifications are 6c per line per insertion. Three insertions for the price of two Seven Insertions for the price of five. No ad taken for less than 15c. CHAROfi ADVERTISEMRItfTfl 1 time. 9o per Una s consecutive times 8c per line per ecrLtuil. T or more consecutive times, 7o per T1 ahnva MAa a.1w . rKt iiTio per jnaeruun. day" and all other claslflcatlons ex- cept the following: Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. L.f T, n.r Tn.ilrinn ordhargrfoTl The rate In these classifications is 7o per insertion. charged for less than two lines. or 16c MEETING NOTICES 41 CAMP meets every Wednenrinv evenlnir in w. u. w. temple, 1 u in bi. aii memoera requested to attend. visitors welcome. A. M. BROWN, C. C HERMAN SC11ADE. Clerk. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M.-Spe-. clal communication this nU.n...l... . a If. OA Masonic Temple. Work in m. I M. deeree. Vlsltina- brethren welcome. C. E.- MILLER. Sec. MOOSE Portland lodge 291 meets every Wednesday nls-ht In Swiss hall. 3d and Jefferson sts. Visiting: Moose Invited. ur ht n a i i" m u t .mo, tan WALTER M'GOVERN, Bec'y, M. W. A. ROSE CITY CAMP--Monday Belllng-Hlrsch bldg., wasnington near 10th. Phone clerk. Main 8294, A-4888. R, N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frl. eve.. Allwky hall, 8d and Morrison. MARRIAGE LICENSES John Oeater, St Johns, Or 28, and Carrie Burdlck, 19. Julius JHensel, 6209 East Main, 24, and Mattuiaa weixe, i. Georae carter. Boise, lanno. 21." and I rct neiniBii, ao. . I joe wonaers, xacoma, wasn., Z4, ana wary ajesue, is, ? -- I jonn ix)cjce. tiotei jumnocK, o, ana Mlnnl Phillip. $0. Albert Nelson. 23 West Going.' 13. and Minnie Nelson, 18. : ? Joseph Schinldllng, Gresham, Or.," 40, and Jennie Russell, 41. - Robert Kamph, 782 Russell, 24, and Ruby Long. 3, Leon wiacn, loss - rasi eeventeentn, and Cecelia Hemmerl. 18. Ahrehem Davla 11 IU . East Sixth SO I and vtemChHcot 16 " ' ' "f .t VkSSSSr 401 Board of Trad 21. ana v rr unuii, ip ' i5hS PenVnTlV Alberta, and Ludla n..a.a1 HQ Roaoo Palmer; 1001 - East T.wenty- eighth, 83, ana ismma, utorrera, 1002 EaBt Twenty-eighth, 19, ; - . W; G. 'Smith & Co) v Washington Bldg., cor. 4th on wash'ton. LEADING Florist Lubliner, 42$ Wash- st bet. 11th &I2th. Mar. r76$. A-1334. rkTl t;C C a...lee e A ' 1 1 a. 1 a. V T 1 - uiwttaa ui iur rcisi. nu iava. UU1UUV I Tailoring Co., 809 Btark st CLARKE BROS.,-florUts. fine flowers I t CAMP and xxorai designs. 289 Morrison st'st, East 6023.' BIRTHS SCHOMUS To Mr. and Mrs. Julius ' achnmiie. EfiiCarlton ave.. November ITS I 28, a arlrl. ' CAMPBELL TO Mr. and Mrs. William . fumnhnil 8fi 14th t November 16. (00 la boy. ' , PRONAITIS To Mr. and Mrs. .I'ranK Pronaltla. 149B Maorum November 25, la boy.- HUNTINGTON To Mri and Mrs,. Web uter Jiuntington, wovemDer -o, a 700 REID To Mr.-and Mrs. Fred Keia.. E. 12th St.. November 18, a girl. - (That you have invented in a nice little LAWRENCE To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur homef And that you have now a euu Lawrence, November 27, a-boy , Ine bank, an incentive to nave? Or are FERRIS- To Mr. and Mrs. George Fer- ' you atlll paying out anywhere from 115 400 I a boy. no, mig -'voicr uvi, HEATHS ' AND FUNERALS BORIES--Mrs, R. Borles, at Seattle, Wash. Funeral services Thursday p. m., at the residence of her niece, i:au Mrs, H. ttrucK, 744 Gearney, near zsa. I TURNER Dora Turner Good Samarl tan hospital, November 27, aged no cause.-. . - - MOSEAN Louis ' Mosean, Mornlngslde hOHPttal. November it. aged 80: tuber fMiX M. SMITH, florist. 161) 6th mU opp. Meier ft FranK's. mam izio FUNERAL DIRECTORS; rVinnlmr Jf. UaCaa Undertakers Lumiiiiti w iviouiiiou Modern in every detail. 7th and Plna Main 430. A-4868. Lady assistant, - . : J. P, Finley & Son . Third and Madison. Lady attendant Main - 0, A-1699. A. R, ZELLER CO i Both Phonea 8uc. Zeller-Byrno Co.." lady attendant I CRPU Undertaker. ' Lady asaiatant LC.nln B-1888. E.-781. R 8th-Alder. 00 Poorenn On Funeral directors, 88 rcdlSOn IjOi 871 RuBsell st. E. 1080, ERICS0N , Undertaking Co. Main 8183. A-2235. Lady ass't EAST SIjDSJ funeral directors, success or to F. S. Dunning, Ina E. 62. B12625. EDWARD HOLMAN. Undertaker, 225 eu bu juaay ansiHiont. main ew. HEMSTOCK 1687 E. 13th Sellwood 71; also 94 Dawson. Woodlawn 1874. GENERAL REAL ESTATE . 62 iFIV5:rooJ,,.rit,' inconi better than bought on good terms. 861 3. lltH at, wubo hi nuu van u WANTED Small equities in lota. o- tog, journal. -r FOR SALE IIO USES J1 Five room bungalow, strictly modern, built. in buffet kitchen -cabinet cement walks, electric litfht fixtures, house all tinted and ready to move into, for only $2500. See Bryant, with josepn uranam 1007-09 Board of Trade. Hawthorne District 8 Rooin Bungalow $3200 Brand new 8 room bungalow with fireplace, built in bookcases, 'china nloant Dutch kitchen, full cement , basement, cement noor Jinu laundry travs, large sleeping porch, strictly up to date and I undoubtedly the best buy to be had in any district, very easy terms, jnone Tabor 626. BUILDERS AND HOMESEEKERS. On Thursday morning we will offer for sale 6 bungalow sites on' Portland Heights proper. This property is sit uated 1- block and a half from the car line, in a neighborhood of very attrac tive homes. Without a doubt tne prices of this property, considering Its loca tion, are the lowest that have been of fered on the Helshts for a long time; I $1400 buys a dandy site. Terma New Offices 837 Chamber of Commerc. MR. WORKWOMAN, KlSAlJ THIS. Small houses and 50x109 lot, $400 and up; $20 down and $10 a month. Call us up or come out an" see them; It will cost you nothing. Also lots $150 and up, $6 down, $5 a month. All these lots are Inside theLcity limits. Tabor 876. WIDELL & WILSON, 2002 E. Gllsan St. MV car to 80th. EAST 46TH ST. NORTH. ROSE CITY PARK. $100 CASH. fet7 and ookcaall olld oak floods. kitchen ran I rNATiONrAl!CRirAr TY a. trttst rn J-J- Ti?Fsi. FP- 1 Phono ittein tin I . . . -r 'Uiit uii room nouse in laurel - LrBti. 'iMPloces, large . sleeping h, built-in refrigerator, dust and hurst norn UUANGE -UKE- BUT anVrdS&T-.S?1' ne?Tot' tKuII Acre, Une Block ot Car! east front, beautiful view. $7500; $600 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201, 202, 208 Board of Trade bldg. Mar- IeMVeVe V. .VV A-WCI 1 fj shall 478, A-1022. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW ' SACRIFICE. Almost new. elenantlv finished and I nrn()iw1 .n.f tRAAO 9 niAMth, nnn. mil. take considerably less than that if" you nave nbout 31500 for first payment. Owner. 418 Ellers bldg., 7th and Alder. I Tabor 8254. FIVE and 6 room homes, fire places: hardwood floors. furnaces, . wltn' all built in modern conveniences, near car line, all street Improvements paid, monthly payment' plan. Provident In vestment & Trustee Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade bldg. .vhone Marshall SIX room dwelling, sun Darlor and sleenlna; porch enclosed In alass: hot atr furnace, full concrete basement, sta. tionary tuns; living room lsx.z; one bed room same size, 2 other bed rooms; lo cated at 763 Broadway! lot 60x100; for saie Deiow maraerv easy terms. mc Cargar, Bates & lively, 801 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE AT-A BARGAIN. ' A brand, new 8 room house in Laurel hurst. New furniture, everything com- plate. House, has been occupied a Jittla over a montn. Furniture same. Will lake about $3200. - $4000. Bal. 3 to 5 yeurs. A-Z04, Journal. LOOK AT HOME .: 973 E. Morrison, 5 rooms. 1118 E. Alder. 6 rooms. ... $2000; terms. Hard surface, or Mount Tabor car. "3 8" See owner. 152 E. 39th.- Tabor g 85. PLANS OF ARTISTIC HOMES $57 HOUSES OVER $1600, $10. COM PLETE DETAILS AND SPECIFICA TIONS. FINELY j. ILLUSTRATED BOOK FREE. PORTLAND BUILDING A SS'N. 8ZZ MOHAWK ULIK3. ......... OWNER ON STRIKE SACRIFICE 82100 3100 DOWN. 816 MONTHLY Neat, well built 6 room, modern bun- nin iiim. k.auiv u hin.t A at fonmsuiar station, fit oto at office. Frei W. German, 329 Burnslde St M. or A-Y7. . For Investment 8 room house, lot 60x100, E. 45th, near Hawthorne ave.; price $2560; bringing $22.60 per month; 3 years' lease guaran teed rent'"-- - s Q. L. WEBB, 414 H. Stark St. ' fe.tvp! .-nn, hn-i r.,n , k. e.? Kvioir: "'ZZ'-a nlace. . buffet bookcases, hardwnrul rioor.gae, electricity, gooa View, Rose clty pftrk' S blocks from earUn;'$3860, . mo- r Provident Investment & floor, gas, electricity, good view, Rose Truste Co., -201, 202, 203 Board of J"A - J?8""11 -10!8 LEAVING city, will sell modern cottage 6 rooms, bath, with or without best of furniture barn, ground 100x120, set to fruit and shrubbery.1 chlokenhouse and 60 chlcKcns. Call 4204 66th St., -Arleta. Mt. Scott car. "TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMES.- ' Superior in every detail, finished In oak and mahogany. Hot water, hot '-. 273IrNoKe:aent.InVW 'MerS V?a" W"..'1 , er i .v-,i. i i..rM 7TT i"""e ho Sn""-m.ii"- ..a down, balance monthly. 361 E. nth FOR SALE IIOUSES f -4 61 'SMALL PAYMENT ' - uj". . - i What have vmi in h, thnirri . iiiiriuih rem in some small apartment house? rvunt nt mi lnni. A .1.1- V. ........ A . . . .www, - -- uco.uiii.ui room Dungaiow. ri?oocdonCr..ted Jjurgo porches. ' BsAutlful fireplace, , Bookcases. , r Panel dining room. Elegant buffet. ' ... : French windows. Large bedrooms. . ;" : Built in dressera. . . " Beautiful white Dutch kitchen. Larce bmimnAnt. Amant fira 4s; dry trays, etc. : amrge attic. . ' . : , , - , Beautiful lot. 1 - ' In a neighborhood nnaurnnnMeil- hlit. and nightly. . " For one week only we offer this most complete home at a specially low fig ure. . Terms can .be arranged to suit you. Buv now and ha thankful th. you have a fireside of your own. Phone 5 Tabor 80j9 or call at 885 E. 87th st Buya strictly modern bungalow, with large porch, built In buffet and book. cases, window seat, cabinet kitchen, sit uated on fine corner In Richmond dis trict. Hard surface streets in front con nected with sewer, has gas. water, elec tricity and is an ideal little home for $2800. ' - , ,. Joseph Graham ; 1007-09 Board of Trade bldg. ' 13201 Modern 8 room houaa V.. ttth et.." be tween Hawthorne and Sunny-id car-'S I on hard surface street: the house has rirnri dpA. rurnnra. I nif rn lrltriAn n v tinted walls and is completely furnished: an i or tne riaicuiousiy low ngure or 83200. Lots In this district sell from $2000 to 32600. Tou can figure for rourself what this offer means; at leant 1000 below market value. For partic ulars call at 984 Hawthorn ave t phone Tabor 480. new i room oungaiow, wun nase-l ment, U acr fine land, chickens, chick-1 en house, stable, fruit trees, amall rruits, two hives bees, complete aet gar den tools, seeder and cultivator, stove. bookcase, rowboat and boat landing; anli meat noma on nanus or Willamette, ail for $660; near Meldrutn station; terms. Chas, Ringler & Co7 211 Lewis Bldg. ' , Bungalows THESE ARE ALL NEW. MOD ERN. UP -TO -DATS BUNGA LOWS; 88000 6th and Main streets.. $8200 46th and Alain streets. $3250 40th and Broadway sta, $3500 S3d and Hancock sta $3760 60th and Thompson sta. . Chas, Ringler & Co. Ill Lewis Bldg. Furnished 5 Room Bungalow - Oak furniture throughout thor oughly modern in every way; 60x100 lot; lawn, roses; basement full dry wood: everything in cluded, even dishes. Owner must leave before Jan. 1. See me to day. Price $3000, with $760 cash, balance $26 per month, including Interest P. 8. West Room 404 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 2891. Rose City Park Bargains T heve turn A MAm hnii... all mru4 nvr corner lot cement walks paid for, hard wood floors, bookcases, beamed ceilings. lovely view; cement floor in base ment; nonresident and wishes to sell. These places ar worth $3000, but! izouo win Duy corner ana 12400 inside, lot. Will easily sell for $3000 in spring These prices good for 5 days. Phone C- 1 1522. Rose City Park car Barfdy road. Office at store, " 1 " r lbzz. Koae uity .raric car 67th and With on of the best finished. 5 room houses I could not believe it until I saw it; 22 bearing fruit trees. line, the owner Is a brass molder am can't get work here so will saorlflr for quick deal at 82650 and only lifjT cash; this is a bargain, think of It at. V nun i ko o miies out ana pay more, i BROADSTREET'S EXCHANGE, tgai -piara. nuotna ouu-SUl w ' Sacrifice s Owner leaving city, will sacrifice this elegant o room nouse: Deamed celling, paneled dining room, finished basement, etc. This -house Is easily worth $4000, but you can buy It for $8050, with $J450 uuwii. juvi us snow you. jrf Joseph Graham 1007-09 Board of Trade Bldg. ' -.t.TOOm hUB. 1 block from fear. Price $3250. Or Will trade for hlllMor'n nnrk J tract or unincumbered lot. Miss Powell,' 1147 ' Aaoor, .ya ana Tabor Administrator's Sale 8 room house, lot 60x100, valued by the appraisers tj4000; for quick sale w,io?n H tor s?i location vicinity B. 89th and Burnslde. It is certainly a J. 3. CiV.TtV.Tl. Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankenv. New 7 Room Bungalow .; Buimco ireei, ngnt on car line wis "iirepiace, uuton cabinet kltch cii. ui uiuiiiiiinir. nun email anAV for sewing or nursery; balance of $30 bnly $25 month. Key at 615 AblngtotiA oiajf. 6 ROOM cottage', . . block to car, near P. O. and store., Price $2950.', $300 down, balance easy terms. v: 6 room bungalow, beautifully finished iiieiue, wiiu bub rause. narawooa floors: 1 block from car; .easy . terms. t " Phone Tabor 266 between 9 a riiand b y. in., w vmi quo a. ovin nort n. FOR SALE or rent, nloe new bun ire in' corner lot. Price 122n monthly payment-: small payment caahV n""" ' uiei.in.-v, Bireetn now being Location corner Concord and Simpson i.t.wv7u v. 1.111 inriL sin nan tv, rtr.r . ' "iiiiama av. a . ijnij ivtn estate systematise. Bimpuiy iiBiing ana snowing nropertv. Installed In the following ntr m J.v Haight, 969 Union ave., and Eclipse r.tv. vv .ii cnura st. others to follows bystems , for sale, 833 Cham- p-r vi minnfire oia g. trice 812 and up, $2750 i Vry,f ln eott,yf "d Jot fu'I base ment, fine rose bushes . cement walks. ltrT V.?" to filing ' . Modern house of 6 rnome. tn fin. la. cation, close ln.jm Hawthorne ave.,-will uu v uis -ati niB ii taaen at once as owner 1 needs some - money. ... Only llftftO fftah r-qulred. B-202. Journal. ficn muui iiuuiPB in irvington. also jratiant-lots. -Office 16th and Brasee.il Phone East 28. residence phone ' East' 2432. R, B. Rice, owner. . "j 8200 MM Si J;