The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 28, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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GO TO Will
,Farce Depicting Scene in Pull
! man Car Funny Bone Tick-,
; ler; Flirtation Dance
ham and Herman Marlon with "An Acro
batic Talkfest," Their down-nlttlntr and
up-kicking atunta re just good and
funny aa beforo and the act waa easily
one of thft seven nits on tho bill.
A il in need of a good laugh, rq td the
Orpheum this, week and ea seven "cork
1 -lnf good acts. ; J U : t ' '.
T t i 1 hi. it . '
f wiin wiia tnere is jars, uaraner
Crane and her, very able company In
"The Mttle , Sunbeam,1' a screamingly
funny farce. Th ecene Is laid in a Pull
man car, which Ts realistic In "every de
tail. The skit is blesBed with originality
tnd is full to overflowing- with refresh-!
Jng comedy in lines and situations. Mrs.
Crane is ; "plump" nd ehe U a, "dis
penser of laughter," - Mr, Crane and the
remainder .of her support are excellent,
and the act as a whole, more than holds
down its headline place. . V
Dave Genoro and Ray Bailey and Those
Four Entertainers ran a close race for
second place. r Genero and Bailey offer
a song and dance act that la delight.
Their Italian characters were especially
Boofl, as was the bit of the Frenchman.
Their flirtation dance song Is the big
feature, but it was no more popular than
Its encore with cake walking that met
Immediate response. . Good costuming
adds further to the act , -
Those Four Entertainers are men who
appear in an excellent quartet, with one
dark member for comedy. Their choice
of songs proved popular, they have good
voices and know bow to use them with
a decided come again effect on the audi
ence. - '
X remarkable human doll act is ore-
I (seated bx Mile. La Trlska, with the as
I ttxance of Jack Horton as a clown. It
Vi Interesting from, beginning to and, and
ffthe management may be expected to
nave a run on leit center aisle seats.
With absolutely unchanging expression
La Trlska gdes through a loner and hard
series of mechanical contortions.
A jolly sister act Is the offering of
Mollle and Nellie King. Sisters or no,
the act is a go. and much of the credit
belongs to the dainty little miss and
her Imitations. The larger of the two
Is a stunning girl, who holds up her, end
with songs and dances.
An unusual and fascinating act is
"The Artist's Dream, Or a Story inSong
and Sand' with Keith and Reman.
While one man sings the story the other
portrays it in pictures of sand. The act
la Immense.
Back again are George W. Cunntng-
g ii ... i " , strst
Passage of an assessment ordinance
Involving a 9334,000 street pavings con
tract is being held up by remonstrances
that even Jf they are found to .beUrue
cannot proven - tho ordinance from
finally being passed. iTh ordinance 'in
question IS that fixing the assessment
for, the tost of Improving the Skldmore
streetdlstrlct ;wUh bltulithc. : At a
special naeotlng: of the council; street
committee yesterday Charles J. SChnaV
bel, attorney for ome of the email
property owners affected, said some. of
the lots were asaassed more than they
were worth,' He mentioned one Instance
m wnicn he said the lot had-been as
sessed for $?6Q when It was worth but
1600.. : ; v-i : .ft.;t.
Councilman Clyde recently introduced
an ordinance in the council providing
that before a street paving Improvement
could be projected-it must first be ns
oertalned that the vassessment for the
pavement should not - be -confiscatory,
that is, in excess of the- appraised valu
ation of ' the property affected. The
council did not pass the-ordlnance. So
If the complaints made yesterday should
happen to be not exaggerated, they do
not form any legal excuse for the' re
monstrances being given consideration.
I The committee has asked", the city
attorney's orrice to suggest some plan
for relieving the burden of some of the
poorer property owners affected by the
Skldmore . street Improvement .
. ,
,' ' (gpwial The Journal.
Eugene, Or Nov. 28. J. B. Rouse
and W. C. Bhortrldge, owners of small
sawmills on the. Coast Fork river above
Cottage Grove, were tried In the Eu
gene justice court yesteraay on the
charge of dumping sawdust in the river
In violation of the game laws of the
state, but la each instance the jury re
turned a verdict of not guilty. The ar
rests were 'made one day last week at
the. instance of a deputy game warden,
who hired a photographer -to take pic
tures of tho sawdust dumps adjoining
the rlverjJut there seemed to be little
evidence that any of the sawdust got
Into tha water..
President Wonacott . Issues
' Call .for State Meeting
V ' Early Jn December. ,..
. ' (flpwltl to Te Journal) V '". -
" Roscburg, Or., Nov. tt. G. W. "Wona
cott, county jud?e of Douglas county
and president of the County Judges and
Commissioners' association of Oregon,
has- issued a letter to' the members of
the organisation In which he urges the
attendance of all good roads represen
tatives and welcomes the public gener
ally to meet and affiliate at the state
copventlon which will convene in Port
mnd, ' December J 2. 13 and H, 1811. His
letter says In part.- v ..j ,
' . "There , are many vital questions
Which will be discussed at this meeting
which are at fhls time of great interest
to the people of the state at large, prom
inent among which may be mentlooed
the 'permanent improvement of' . our
highways and the necessity of a more
uniform' method of improvement
throughout the utate. ;
j. Permanent Work ITeeded. .
"Another vital question whieh is
dally forcing Itself upon the people of
this state is a more permanent method
of bridge construction. Our old wooden
bridges, especially the longer spans, are
rapidly being replaced .by steel and re
inforced concrete structures, ' ,'V'".'
"It is our purpose .at j this convention
to have with us some', good speakers in
support of a mors sctentifld and perma
nent method of 'bridge construction as
well as of road , building, ; giving
our commissioners and the,, convention
a more thorough knowledge and educa
tion along.these lines of improvement.
I say education, for Indeed we are living
In an age of higher education along the
lines of .a more modern and scientific
method of road construction - well as
bridge building. . , ,4 ,
''.'V-- ' Seek' Proper legislation. "
"Another impdrtant matter . for dlr
cusslon-wlll be road legislation. In this
question alone, to my mind, is the key
to the whole situation. Speaking for
myself,. I would favor a law creating a
state, road extending from the Oregon
state ' line ; south through : Portland,
thence south through '-the Willamette
valley and on south to the California
line. I would also, favor state road
from some point on the Oregon, state
line north and extending south through
eastern Oregon to the California line.
"With this bit of legislation - had.
would necessitate the pasexge of a law
creating a state highway commission to
superintend the improvement of these
state highways. The next In line would
be the means of raising revenue, which
is a very essential element n road con
struction. ' We would then be In a posi
tion to ask the governor that the state
convicts improve our state highways un
der the supervision of the state high
way commission. This, with many other
measures of road legislation, probably!
win be discussed. ,
"Another matter of Interest for the
convention, and one which I think would
do a source oi interest, would be a re
port from each county represented of
the amount of money expended.. In the
Improvement of Ihe. roads, bridges and
culverts of their respective counties for
the past three, five or more years; also
the amount and' kind- of machinery em
ployed, such as rollers, crushers, grad
ers, plows, scrapers, etc., and any other
information that would b Of Interest
to the eotnmiBSlorers." , ;
v,',;.l, ' in in. .in i ' i ii ii
'Pianos rented IS, $4 per month, free
drayage. Kohler & Chase, 375 Wash
ington st. .. ! ' ' .
' Muslo
afternoon and evening . Oaks
- (gp(ial to Tht Joarnatt ' .' ,;.r"
Oakland, Or., Nov. 28. At a conven
tion Saturday night the following ticket
was nominated for the city election, to
be hold December 4: For mayor, J. T.
Bridges; for councilman. E. R. Steven
son, C. A. Stevens, C. A. McNabb and
R. X. Stearns; for city treasurer, C. lt
Medley; for recorder, C. H. McKnlght;
for marshal, E. J. Page. It is expected
that another ticket will be put In the
field before the election next Monday.
Christmas presents free for
Quality tobacco labels. 167 3rd.
S41L 1.1 I
A Few Applicationi of a Sim
ple Remedy Bring Back
the Natural Color.
How often one hears the expression,
"She isgray and beginning to look old."
It la true that gray hair usually denotes
age and is always associated with age.
You never hear one referred, to as hav
ing gray hair and looking yoiing.
The hair is generally the Index of age.
If your hair Is gray, you can't blame
your friends for referring to you as
looklna old. Tou can't setaln a vouth-
ful appearance If you allow your hair ten
grow gray. Many persons or middle
age jeopardize thcl future simply by al
lowing the gray hair to become mani
fest. If your hair has become faded
or gray, try Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Hair Remedy, a preparation which a
chemist by the name of Wyeth devised
a few years ago. It is simple, inexpen
sive and practical, and will banish' the
gray hairs in a few days. It is also
guaranteed to remove dandruff and pro
mote the growth of the hair..
It Is a pleasant dressing for the hair,
and after using it a few days itching
and dryness of the scalp entirely disap
pear. ' Don't neglect your hair. , Start using
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur today, and
you will be surprised at the quick re
sults. This preparation Is offered to the
public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is
recommended and sold by all druggists.
Special Agent, Owl Drug Co. ,
'. Jin i i ii 1 1 1 ii r i rr
. -iJt--sajsaBB&Ze 'si
111 ..Tfttr:'1
IJWant You Soon
We want to call your attention to the fact that just now an op
portunity awaits you at our store to buy a beautiful I vers & Pond
Piano, of which there is none better manufactured, at a price far be
row the usual selling price. You perhaps know why we are doing this,
but if not, call and we will explain. We also have other 'fine makes
at correspondingly low prices. This is a good time to get nice
player piano. Remember, there is no jewelry, bric-a-brac, clocks or
furniture thrown in as premiums at above prices. These are only
given where the profit is sufficiently large to admit of it; but you save
enough at our present prices to furnish the whole family wth nice
Christmas presents. Call and see. "
Hovenden Piano Co
Dress Clothe
At the Opera
And at All
. - ,'"' - v
Wherever men of ', good
taste in dress congregate
Kraner & Co's.
Tailoring is largely in evi-
dence. ' -
5 No other garment re
quires such high art in ,
cut and finish, such par
ticular care in detail as
the dress suit. , : r
IJ In this regard we spe- .
cialize both in fabric and v
workmanship. Our dress
suits rouow tne aiciaies ,
of style and your mold ,
of fashion.
IJ Let us quote you prices
and show you fabric and ,
finish. "
Importers and Tailors.
109 FOURTH . ,
Wear Washington.
Join the Book Lovers Club$1.00 Down. $1.00 a Week Library Sets in Limited Editions One-Third Regular Prices Sets Delivered Upon the First Payment of One Dollar
Every Article in the
Store Reduced
. v-. X erchandise nerll Only
Every Article in the
Store Reduced
LprnVolfe Co.
Every Article in the
Store Reduced
Is .
When $25 to $30 Suits Can Be
Had at the Low Removal Price
Now that the Christmas season is rapidly ap
proaching, we must make more room for the
displays of 'holiday merchandise, and in order
to do so it has been necessary to offer all our
fine tailored garments at the most unusually
low Clean-up Removal Prices it has ever been
kycmr good fortune, to take advantage of.
; The suits on saler for Wednesday
are unusually smart, being strictly
man-tailored s t y I e s , ' perfectly '
finished and tailored throughout
1 1 I
They come in fine all-wool cheviots, serges
and fancy mixed suitings, in black, navy,
brown, grays and tans. . : .r' v
The jackets to these suits are all silk lined.
land are made in the popular 23-inch length in
'semi-fitting models.
The skirts to these suits are equally smart
and made in panel styles. .
Removal Cleanup of Corsets
$2.00 W. B. Nuform Corsets, Removal $1.29
W. B. corsets of fine quality coutil, made with medium bust,
long hips. Has hose supporters attached on the front and sides.
Lace finish at the top. ; ,
Nemo self-reducing and swan-shape corsets, made of fine coutil
ind batiste, with low, medium or high bust and medium long over
he abdomen, hips and back. Hose, supporters attached. ; ;
2)0 arid $2.65 G B. Corsets, Removal $1.69
$(. B. a la Spirite corsets 6f fine quality batiste and coutil, with
w, medium or high bust and very long over the hips, back and
Abdomen. Hose supporters attached and lace, ribbon and beading
misn ax inc top. .
I 'Smart Set Corsets HALF PRICE
This is a line of Smart Set corsets that we are discontinuing,
md in order to sell them all in short order we are offering them
No Excuse Now for Not Having a New Silk Velvet Hat
When $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 Hats Sell Now at the
Removal Cleanup Price $ 1 .98
The name Wm. Knowlton and Sawyer & Co. has the same significance to a hat as the Sterling mark
has to silver. The reputation that these two firms enjoy in the milliaery world places their hats upon
the highest plane. They use only the best of materials and in styles that are authentic.
In submitting these hats for your approbation we feel certain that
you will appreciate the unusualness of this sale the minute you examine
these beautiful silk velvet hats.
There are fifty different styles in this assortment Small turhann miitm w t
ture hats. They are made of the finest quality light weight silk velvet of an imported quali'tyerect oile
- "Aia "c "w u" U1C tresi oi popularity, jinis saie, coming at the height of the season, is but
another example of this great removal event.
It is the greatest millinery event inaugurated so far this season.
All Styles of Dolls
Removal 29c
A big lot of
dolls, that sell reg
ularly at 35c, con
sisting of dressed
and u n d r e s sed
dolls jointed
body dolls with
bisque heads kid
body dolls with
bisque heads cel
luloid dolls
small, ' fine bjsque
jointed dolls and
little Smiling Billy
dolls. s .
The jointed,
bisque; and k 4 d
body dollshave
l o n g and short
- hair, stationary or
moving eyes, and some witn snoes ana
stockings. . "
Supply Your Blanket Needs Now
If price and quality are an indication, this sale of blankets
heralds the biggest bargains of the year. ' Two of our best selling
blankets form the basis of this sale. Note the details.
$7.50 Woolen Blankets,. Removal $4.93
500 pairs of white wool blankets, with pretty fancy striped,
borders, in blue or pink, and bound with three-inch silk ribbon.
We consider this-the greatest blanket bargain in our city. Full
weight and full size blankets. .
$8.50 Wool Blankets, Removal $5,68
Superior quality white wool blankets in extra large size and
weight. Made'of a selected quality of white wool. Comes with
pretty fancy striped borders of blue or pink.
A Wonder Sale of Coats
All Coats to $25.00 for
Removal Cleanup
$ 1 1 .00
This sale of coats is certainly a wonder,
when you take into consideration that the
material alone would cost you more than
the price we are now asking for these
made-up garments.
Long, full-length coats, every one of
which is new this season.
Cdats of plain and fancy
materials in a number of
popular shades and mixtures. ,
Plain coats and trimmed coats in a va
riety of this season's most popular mod
els. Every coat is not less than 56 inches
in length.
Some are plain tailored and others
fancy trimmed styles, in either loose or
semi-fitting shapes.
Coats that can be worn any time of the
day and good enough for evening wear.
Do not miss this opportunity, for a long
coat is an indispensable article in milady's
wardrobe this season.
Buy Your Xmas Victor Talking Machine Now
50c Down and 50c a Week
omen s
$3.50 Silk Petticoats, Removal $2.45
Petticoats of extra quality heavy, soft-finish taffeta silk, in
black and changeable colors. ' These petticoats are made with
deep flounce tucked and strapped, and have under-dust ruffle.
: . Art Needlework . t'"
This '.department is now . full of
novel suggestions and exquisite ma
terials for making dainty and orig
inal Xmas gifts. Many and diversi
fied are the articles suitable for any
room of the home as well as per
sonal adornment. N ,
DRESS GOODS Removal Cleanup
Removal 79c, Selling Regularly at $1.50
54-inch wide all wool Scotch and English suitings in a wide
range of checks, stripes and mixture effects. a This is but one
item taken at random as an example of our trenchant reduc-io?8-
V. . ; .-" v ,:;... ,v, -.v;-v
Dress Goods Remnants Half Price .
Thousands of yards of black and colored dress goods rem
nants, ranging in length ffo 1 to 5 yards. All at HALF
Remnants of Linens and Domestics
Table damask odd cloths ode! dozens of napkins and half
dozen .odd napkins crashes, embroidered linens and towers,'
flannels plain and fancy crepes, percales, silk mixed mate
rials and colored linens, all at REMOVAL CLEAN UP
PRICES. ' " ' -
1 ' 7
1; bi
I . , 11 fi IT V Jt
I m .
and Lounging Robes
Removal $4.29
Former Price $6.50
beautifully soft and ' unusually at
tractive bath and lounging robes for
women. Made of extra quality of
fancy figured blankets . in handsome
colorings. 'ty.Xfi. ' -Made
in a long, loose style, cut extra
full width and length, and finished at
the waist with a heavy cord girdle. 1
They." have round necks with sailor
collars and side pocket. : --
Trimmed with satin banding on the
coiuir, siceves ana pocket, with a self-1
border trimming down the front. .
Two Important New Books
"The Fool in Chriet"
By Cerhart Ilauplmann
- "The Feast of St. Friend"
jpy A mold Hennctt -
- t ; ,,. ...yr'' w. , . 'fc, . ,, J,
:, -;.).. ?'':-'.-r