THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, " NOVEMBER ,2J.N191t. 1 Latest Sporting News from All Sections INTEREST IS SHOVN OREG ON VILLPLAY IN COMING SMOKER HEREJURKEV DAY Ryan-OTcnnelllStar Bout on University Concludes to Fulfill Nov. 29 Is Pleasing to manKsgivmg toniraci Fandom. With Multnomah. vi ii fKnaciai t tdi journal) . - ... I UillVQIIill ' V ww0wa - - " I testea among we spurung irawrmij. Nn The University Of Oregon will over the. All-Star boxing and wrestling I u If m lt- contract with 'the Multnomah .bout which will be held at the Armory I ciUb and play the Thanksgiving game In next Wednesday night, when Tommy I Portland' as acneauiea; . Ryan and Eddie CTConnell will furnish I On account of the death of Virgil No- tha chief attraction.- I land la was thought for. some time that . . t arvn nmH hiva luum attntrtiui ta I tha unlversitv would cancel us scneauie. the medal display In Schiller's window at and the Aaeoclated students , recora- Slxto and Washington street, where I mended to tne Atnieuo councu inat mo trophies won by Tommy Ryan and Har-1 game be called off. ':'-AJ;-':' ry Seyback are on exhibition. Seyback, However, tha council decided that the the champion bag puncher of the world, university ought to ,iuiiiu in- Dug' ' mhn la nnw ahnwlna- n t tha Ornhalim I tlon and nlay the game. ! nn th. iKnn niihari if TTnT mM miioi I i Tha members of the team, six of in competition In New York. whom are members of the Sigma Nu Ryan won his medal at one bag punch- Fraternity have also decided that the Ing In competition with Jim Corbett, university should play the game. Bob FlUaimmona Kid McCoy and other Practice will begin this afternoon or well known pugillstlo lights. Ryan Monday and will continue until Wednes tblnka Seyback Is the greatest fancy J day when tha team will leave for Port- bag puncher In the world, while thai11"1. ' ... latter regards Ryan a the cleverest The team win proDaDIy go " me nan that 1aM nnnn I Kaffll W1U1 Tne BKina line uu O.B 1MW Both Ryan and O'Connell are In great Washington with the exception of tha liin, fiw awhlhlttnna . Rnn will I DDI VaCanCV WI1ICU WI tiviu u meet a worthy partner In a four round filled by Grout boxing match, while O Connell will take on the clever Milton Harnden of Belling- ham, one of tha beat welterweights in tha northwest, in a best two out of three catch-as-catch-can match. Other Interesting preliminaries will round out, tha evening's entertainment on UNO T President Baum Threatens Al Players Who Engage, in Renegade Games. JIM BARRY IS IN BAD : . WITH BAY CITY FANS ' (United 'Proa Leaad Wire. ' San Francisco, Nov. 28. Jim Barry, the Chicago heavyweight, is decidedly unpopular with San Francisco fans to day aa a result of Ms bout with Charley Miller, the lumbering motorman boxer, with whom .he fought a four round draw last night, Barry kept the spec tator waiting nearly half an hour by demanding $60 more than he originally agreed to Eigne ror ana during the con test affected a- blase manner, and did PREDICTIONS OUT IVAL EH CAMPS Jones Picks Wolgast in Fifteen Rounds; Welsh Says Win on Points in 20. tTfnttmA Praaa tMial Wlr.,1 lrfs Angeles. Cai.. Nov. 15. Too buay perfecting his condition to talk of the sort of flaht he will put up on Tnans nut Anna .ttinnnt fiht n.m At glvlna- day when he clashes with Fred' not evan : atit - down btwaon vniinna dia Welsh. Champion Ad Wolgast to- Miller was adlr outclassed, but was day . announced thai rus manager, xom game and willing, and tha fans were Jones, whom be believes equai 10 tne with him, to a man. The draw ded- task, hereafter will do all tne prognoa slon was popular. It Is claimed that tlcating. .When asked what he thought carry wm not appear in a Ban Fran- ih nutoonw of tha batue would be, ciaco nag ror some moons to come. 1 Jones said: I vriiv. varllv. hit son. there will be rnANrv BURNS DEFIES l0?1' 10 " T l TTZLen LIGHTWEIGHT RANKS lick any man of hi- weight In the world. j ! . ., . ., It aal nartaln ht IT. hoV .Will Win bV (Voltes Press Leaaed Wirt V a knockout well Within 15 roundS.- New-'Yorkv Nov. 25. Fraknle Burnal vwi from the bDPaltlon camp today Of Oakland Is ' today hurling a sweep- annonncea that Freddie Walsh Is dls- g eii rrem -is -eityr where- he - Hal I playing tha beat form that he- ha shown juou ainreu wtia aio manager, tfaca xer-iBince hla return -to America. in a xnree kins. Burns ts. anxious for another try round go with the . "Montana Kid," with One Round Hogan, and lt la prob- Freddie' famous left hand and - hla able that ha v will be -i accommodated, j dasallng. footwork, electrified tha camp uurni ciurai' mat n la not airaia or I follower - ; 1 Murphy; McFarland. Wolgast or Welsh. I am whrMiir BO ner isentbetter to, aii oi wnom are now on tne Paciriojday," said Welsh, "than l did a week coast . The Oaklander Is also telling the la ara. r aa not fia-ure to win bv a knock- Gotham fans that ha more than held his out but all this talk of Wolgast put- own wwa Cirover Hayes, tna Ohio boxer, tin me to sleep Is pure bunk. I will In their bout in New Orleans, although I win the championship on points, and Hayes Is generally conceded to have earned a decision by a big margin. CHICAGO WRESTLING t FANS: ARE WONDERING . linn nil i i r ' (United Preai beaaed Wire.) Chicago, Nov. 25. Wrestling fans, "with ardor undampened by the Ootch- Hackenachmidt fiasco, are . wondering today what sort of sport will be pro vided for them when Mahmout, the Turkish heavyweight, starts talcing on aspirants for Gotch'e title after De cember 1 1, ' On that date Qotch's con tract with- the Turk expires, and the champion , will go abroad, leaving Mah mout behind to clean out the crop of aspirants for him. Mahmout declares he sees a golden stream of easy money In sight before Ootch gets back. Cornell Wins Cross Country. Brookllne, Mass., Nov. 25. Cornell to day . won tha cross-country intercolle giate championship here, scoring 4S point. Harvard was second with SS and Pennsylvania third with 125. The , points were scored on the de merit system. Piano rents IS mo. 175 Wash at at tha end of the 10th round my lead is going to be so great that every man at the ringside will be able to see it WOLVERTOfo REFUSES TO TALK OVER PLANS New Tork, Nov. 15. Harry Wolverton, manager of the Oakland Coaat league baseball team, is here today. He re fused to admit thai he came to see Presi dent Frank FarrAl of tha New Tork Americans In regard to taking, the managership of .the team, left vacant by tha resignation of Hal Chase. "X am en rout to Philadelphia," waa all Wolverton had to say regarding his trip. 14,000 acres of Idaho's best land will be sold under tin Carey act at . Jerome December 11, 1111. These lands are part of the great north aide tract (a Kuhn enterprise), and are considered es pecially choice for apple and general fruit culture. Small cash payment and long time on deferred payment low rate of interest For all Information, wiro or write TWIN FALLS .'ORTH SIDB LAND & WATER CO., Mllner, Idaho. WHY LEASE A DUCK PRESERVE ? WheH ybtf .cari bwii forever your owri ground at a price that you are now paying for one season's shooting? We have the best known t duck-hunting preserve in the Northwest (Dead Willows), . only 28 miles from Portland. ' v ..We can only accommodate ' . a limited number. See u early and make your reservation. , " . , FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL, PHQNE :: ; . OR WRITE TO " " Staplk St. MAIN 6729 t PORTLAND, OREGON ' (Doited Praa Leaaed Wlr..) San Francisco, Nov. 85, War between Independent and organlaed baseball was launched, today In a warning aant by President A. T. Baum of the Coast league, threatening fine or suspension to any Coast leaguo player who partlci pates In ,a contest with or against In' ellglblea The action was precipitated by Cy Morelng, outlaw chieftain and baseball mpreaarlo of Stockton, California, who plans to bring nls club to Oakland to morrow afternoon to play a team com posed largely of Oakland Coasters. Morelng has been working bard ror tha establishment of an Independent league and when lie heard of tha pro posed Oakland game President Baum, who has been attending the convention I of minor leagues In Tezaa and is now In Grand Canyon, Arizona, immediately sent his warning to Ban Francisco. GOVERNOR DIX AFTER NEW YORK FIGHT LAW '. (Uetted Praaa Taard wva.t New Tork. Nov. 25. The attitude of Governor Dix In regard to the fighting game haa the fans worried today. It Is feared that legalised boxing may soon be a thing of the past in New Tork. Dlx Is doing his utmost' to have the next legislature repeal .the Fraw ley athletic commission law. The gov ernor haa summoned Commissioners O'Neil and Dixon to Albany for a con ference, and to secure data upon which to base his demand. Present Indica tions are that he Will succeed In his attempt to put tha quietus on tha hit and getaway game.- - QUEEN OF PENDLETON . AT ENAKOPS JUBILEE Miss Effle Parkes. (Special to The Jonnial.) Pendleton, . Or., Nov. 25.T-Next Bun- day morning II Pendleton musicians. constituting tha Bound-up Cowboy band and tB horses, their mounts, will board train in this city for Spokane, where they will represent Pendleton In the Enakopa Jubilee being held in that city. Miss Effle Parkes, chosen as "Queen of Pendleton" for that festival. Is al ready at the Jubilee, the only Oregon girl in the train of King Apple, . . : The cowboy band, which was organ ised contemporaneously with the round up and whicb has been the prlnolpal attraction at the two - local wild west shows, " has eatabllahed . a? reputation both for novelty of appearenoe and ex cellence of music . The musician wear the full trappings of the cowboy and furnish their musio from the backs of borsea L After considerable patience and practice, these .horaea have become ac customed to the blare of the brass-In I struments and give their riders no trou ble. . , , Th band will make the trip to and rrom Spokane In a private Pullman and the horaea will travel by the same train in a palace stocjc'cer. On Monday-the band will appear in the big pageant of tne ju&uee and will be needed by tne queen, also" mounted, - 1 j v ! "!V, v. Mlaa Parkes, who will wear the coro net of Pendleton, Is the daughter of juage and Mrs, joe II. Parkes. At the laat .round-up she represented the "Quen of ( the Paciflp" In the float, "Winning of the West." In the "West ward HoJJ pageant ''r,it; ''i;:.:i;; vi- - -: ' " SAYS CITY MAY SELL : : FI STAIN SUES That section I of -the city charter takes precedence over the recent Zelg ler amendment and that the city, can seU fire station sites when such sales are desirable Is the opinion filed by Deputy City Attorney H. M. Tomlinson with the fire committee of , the city executive board. . .','k"-?,;V;,v- ',z;' It is the wish of the committee to sell two lots In Bunnyside. These lots were originally purohased as sites for fire stations, but on- aooount of their poor topography it has been found ad visable to build the houses elsewhere. Tha committee thought at first that the city would be prohibited from sell ing the station sites, under the provl aions or the Zelgler amendment, but the city attorney's office says this "Is not the oase.--i. . ... ,.,! ,. .v,;-';. The Zelgler amendment prohibits the vacation of streets within ' 2000 , feet of the river . front and also the' sale of parks, wharves 'and other public property." Mr. Tomlinson holds that the phrase "other publlo property" re fers to the same kind of property as that named In the amendment and not to fire stations. Section 2 of the char ter provides for the sale of any publlo property whatever, and, In the opinion of Mr. Tomlinson. gives the city the right to sell the Bunnyside property. "i .. ' , ;; . Pianos, rented IS, $4 per month, free drayage, Kohler Chase, 271 Wash lngton st - , Queen Quality tonaoco ror men, art kerchiefs for ladles at 1(7 trd. All cars transfer to Oaks rink. Wine n Going, Esiott Travel In Safety and' Comfort - via the - " , ; The Only Road Operating All Steel Trains 66 M BETWEEN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST AND THE EAST " "ThcOlymRik' 'ThcColumbian" . Specially constructed "All : Steel", standard sleeping and tourist cars of the world-ftmed "Longer-Higher-Wider" berth variety. V 1 Steel dining cars, luxuriously, furnished. A service of the very highest class and a cuisine that offers the choicest and best that the market affords.; ' , If you want to travel east, the safest way as well as the way of the greatest 1?leasure, try one of the "New Steel Trains'? over the "new Jine," t : . Round Trip Excursion Fares ' Are In effect daily to many points" east and southeast LONG RETURN LIMITS LIBERAL STOPOVERS Detailed information regarding rates. train service, etc., cheerfully furnished. District Freight and Passenger Agent J. O. THOMAS City Ticket Agent , Third and Stark St&v Portland, Or. "Th . New Steel Trail? PHONES Main 8413 - A-2601 Brcinch Stores marlllo, Texas Dallas, Texas Chandler, Okie. Beat St. lonla, m. Detroit, Mloh. Tleksbarg, MUs. " tlaooln, Vea. Xonstoa, Texas. alt 2ake City, Utah Kuakegee, okla. Vert Worth, Texas) Taeesaa, Wash. Taooma, Wash. UtUe Skwk, Ark. Stonx CHty, Iowa Denver, Colo,t Jtvanavllle, Xna, Council Bluffs, Zowa rneblo, Oolo. St. rami, Mlaa. ' axkansM City, Wichita, lw I IfN la. rr i in nnnnn n . . w umum u ii u u a a o a q n.D o o oi a a a a a a a n tna a Branch Stores rimm 11 HI 53 C3 1 an rui Detreft, SKletv . . ' ' SUaoolav ;' ' Xoastoa, Texas. '.' aa Sake Cttj, Trtaa kVlttte 2Boek, Aik. rmeblo, Oolo. Beet t, Jionia, xn, srvaasvOle, Zad. ' . Snoax Otty, xowa . . Wlekdea, Xasae. - Tloksbart, atlas. . rort Worth, M. real, Ittasv. stnskegee, Okie. Terra , afeute, - lad. : Dallas, ; Texas sarkansss Ctty, Xaas. ChaaHer, OklavV''' JOOKmato Blafts, low AmartQo, NORTH ADAMS, MASSACHUSETTS iiii m m , 7 M t Wf-iSM Tn . - ' .- 1.?: ri. 4; rants I OirMil Is to You : , offPairiits With Every Two Piece Suit to Order During This Sale Vesta $1.00 Extra Pair Pants flCJfv.'. ... i... ' . - , ., .. j. :t.. . ' I NO'l K...W (ninrnntPA tlincA frrnr tn Ka wnrfri nrtf Imi tUn JRK nnirl enma it C!? I l!J THREE DAYS Friday, Saturday and Monday l . " .'-..'''. 'V .aff Jk ejswasjk W- Sk W . ajp WVBBV vaa-sae-ej w SF ' ssSl - S-sa. attssj. Bav " ." W-sSk 11 . ' SBsF . . T f 'asar a Just Think of It, Men! A Regular $25 UNIONJVADE None Given Free After Sale Closes. or $30 Suit Tailored to Your Order and an extra $5 to $7 pants free for Don't come Tuesday and expect to get . : these free pants for there will be none V32M2 ThirdSt 1 32V2 ThirdSt' -2DccrsNcrtlicf . Alder 2DobrtNortEof