T ' 7"!:; ftl " ' I 1.. ! tti SECOND 'SECTION ' GMe.6,2?fflTOV' - .... ..,- - 4 1 r - : A Portland. Oregon,;. Saturday evening ' November 25, ion ' - ' ii w m 1 1 W I..IIL , - "" "" " 1 " "'.'"WT""""""r""l" ' """" "M " . V 1 fai. 1. rtW.mrii. illmi-miwiin i-.mi.w w.w 1 1. ,i. n...i....iilfw. i.ih-i.i n i f i m. i i ir i imrwii "i 1 I '. i j ' n i. n v ul n r ;" t " m .' I n i ' i i ' in. L- i ' i i t i ' i . I . ' " L :, ;.'Vhefs n'orful sassy Injun wbaV lives oiiisiddV cigir store,,on a. street near my; house an'an me'n; 13 .Mjf'V UW4M k UVfc Jill? ItMlIf Oil 1 UU U6 Bfc UUM iUUKU UlllU) OU all VU illJUll IH MUl never say nuffin-j-jus stands ther an' grins anMooks impident an holds a Itonunyhawk-an he has a petti-skirt-or) him an a whole big lot otevyeradovm his back an" topside o his headv - t. -'rC''W Anwe'wented to mine Cousin Alice's house for dinner on Fanksmvintf'day, an' T .fitted up by sidevo" mine pretty Cousin Alio an' she gived me all o',the.turkeyr ah', cranb'ryt an cel'ry an nuts an-candy an ice cream an pjum puddin', an mince pie an' raisins anVan bread what I could eatI wanted more but ther' wasn't "not enny room in my stum Jack. . - . ' ' An" me'n Pudpq bed down on the rua befront o' the lieberrv nre. anVev'erTiuddy else coed" to' the feetball game, an men Puppo we ju lied dovm ther'lookin' at the fire anl'gaxin at the firer-au' an' sudderitly Ul Vlg "I"IIWJJ Mi t a. It VI' aauj 'Vlgsi iwiv tlluit jmiijium iijhi. wm,v mv-iv t tommyhawk an' all ('Course I wasn't riot scared), i '4 - V fj f , 1 ; ' - An Puppo he he hided un'neaf o the sofer an"; the Injun looked orful fierce an' he sed, "I Is gotn to scalp you fat Paleface; an' I is goin to make chops out o' your fat ki-oodle " An I sed. "No you ain't not riufRn', o the sort--'cause I is Kaptin Kiddo anwnache-WwT,bout'atl" ;VPnVut 'ol!Ihjun he dropped hw tommyhawk art he he he jus gravelled'he j us' ; v eally gravelled he;, was so scared an Poppo he scd, wHar-harl Chops !-.Har-harr l ' j 'En me on Puppo' we goed to the Injun's warm-wig-. aVs what he called rus housccuiic it fwavoii ' made" it 0' red Jieided scalps. ; I Vspectan);we.ittcd;rdunVHefire an' we smoked a pipe o" peace wif him an' an", sMyrver. an' bis two f ittle uapoosbrs on' we talked 1out Pilcnum Peebles what coined over in: the May flower, an' he sed lie ml those us some o' those Pilgr Urns very, scalps-:an,4thcr monkeys was tt-smgtn' in .Uitr. trees..-,.'? , .. , -"".- . . ' v" : , Copyri(tit. nn. by Thl North Amwictn Compnr- out his . 1 An' an'7-an' ; af'erwhilcs the N'Injun taked us to the cigar store; an' he gived 'tis a whole lot o' ctm fcj mine Datldy-an' we was goinfcbut a the door-n'an those Injuns is 'ceitful firigs he hitted mc-);r'j bang! on the head wif his tommyhawk. an an when I comed to mine senses 'gen we was back on th- li !x iry rug, an', mine, Cousin Alice an an" all the rest corned in an she sed, ''Oh. you little Injun f Oh,- yon KkM V MaaMHpMaBHHraMHIHairMM J