A THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20, 1911. , 1 J 1 f. 1 opics - TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS V, ; ' 'yr ..i. f ,:-. 1 1 ' -Ai' , i Ji HETLIGI "Mother.'" " ?Z H"''-i'' BAKiDK -"When- . Knif hthood Was. Jn LYRIC -"The Jolly Widow.' - ? ( i i ORPHBUM-Orpheum circuit V, vaude- Villa. v ' jy ; ...,,:', IV- PANTAOES Vaudeville. ' " EM PRESS Sullivan & Conatdlns vaude- M'f. Weather CondlttonW!-!'"','; ' Portland and vicinity Rata tonight and Tuesday; brisk, southerly winds. -. Oregon Rain west, lair aaat portion tonight: Tuesday rain; southerly winds, hlph along- the, north coast ' Washington Rain tontiiht and Tuea day; warmer tonight northeast portion; Increasing southeasterly wlnda. becom Inr high tWis aternoon along the coaat Idaho Fair south, rain north portion tonight and Tuesday, Slover Xeturns Chief of Police mo ver thla morning returned from Calif or nla, where he went to get A., A. West, alias W. B. Davis, wanted here for the violation of his parole. In t tho trip through the south, the chief visited Los Angela, sBan; Francisco and Oakland. "I believe the Portland police depart ment Is fully aa good as anr other on the coast," he Bald. r 'Conditions In San Francisco as to the aoclal problem ara f rl ghtful. I. had a delightful time, . en joying every minute that I was away,; fiinver took un the reins of the depart ment,, thla.. ;jnornlng, relieving Captain Moore ircm amy acime , Brnma Hopkins to .ipeafc-iThe' wom en of ; Portland are : cordially in vited to attend a meeting In the leo ture. room of the First Baptist church (White Temple), tomorrow afternoon at 8 o'clock, when )& rs. Emma Gates Hop kins . will speak on the "Heathen In vasion." Mrs. Hopkins la a daughter of Mr. and Mr a. H. D. Gates, or tnia city. A. long , residence Id the orient enables Vher to speak from personal obaerva- Vtl Ann nt tha rianlnrahla aids of fiuddhlsm i JmnA nth or nrlnnta.1 faiths, which are f sending their reprexentatives to this country. ., want Ad Causes Woe An ad in the paper la given aa the causa of Frank Case, who la known aa Frank Reynolds, being before the circuit court today on a etatutory charge. A young woman giving the name of Jarre Henaley. road Caae'a advertisement for a housekeeper, and -went to apply for the place.,, Caae aocented her services. Mrs.. Caae waa not at home at. the time, but later sent detectives to the house, and they found evidence that resulted In tha-charga. 'lira. Caae waa recently divorced from him on the ground of cruelty. Caae Uvea on Mltwaukle avenue. Took Diamond Bluff. Alleged Harry Bnyder, chief master at arma on the cruiser Boston, la being sought by tho police, on a warrant charging him with larceny by bailee of a diamond ' ring from Sam Goodman, a Morrison street Jeweler. Snyder la said to have bar gained for the ring on the pretext that he was engaged to a young woman In the city and wanted It for an engage ment ring. He la now believed to be In San Francisco, and the local police have sent' word to San Francisco to Yiuv him held if ha la found. Suitcase Thieves Active Suitcase thieves, who have been operating to a limited extent in the loeal depota for some time, have become extremely ac tive in the past few days, and yesterday four aultcaaea were stolen' from the East Morrison street depot. Report are made daily of from one to three bainff stolen from the Union depot and the Jefferson street depot. The rail rond detectives and the police - are watching for the culprits. Bobs Patrolman's Home. A nevry thief, who did not etop at robbing the home of a patrolman, is the latest re. port of criminal operations In the city. Yesterday a sneak thief pried open i kite. .eh window in the home of Patrol man R. H. Fields, at 1248 Halsey street, while the family was absent stole a cornet, a few old 'coins, which Patrolman Fields values highly, and hanful of pennies whioh the patrolman saves for his small son. SCllk Waa Assaulted Henry Brlcker, driver for the Portland Pure Milk & Cream company, has complained to the police that hoodlums are in the habit of stoning him, and even shooting at him as he delivers milk In the vicinity of Hood, Water, Harrison and Grant streets, at 2 o'clock in the morning, and he has asked that ha be afforded police protection. He states that these attacks have been going on or some time. To Sell 11,000 Aores F. H. Ray, reg ister of the Montana state . land de partment at Helena, has Issued advice that the atata of Montana is to hold Bale of land la Powell county at Deer ;Lodge on December 15. There -will be about 11,000 acres offered to the pub Ho. For Information as to tracts and appraised valuations, , etc, Interested parties are asked to address Register Stats Lands, Helena, Mont. ....... BEoXolty Honored Lieutenant Com. mander John MoNulty, member of the stata naval, board, received an Invitation today to become a member of ..the com mittee for the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of peace among English speaking people, which will be held in 1S14-16. The committee is headed by - Andrew Carnegie. He will accept. ., Family Absent; Sons Buna While Louis Klockslen and family were attend ing the Gipay Bralth meeting last night, fire broke out In the home at 491 Grand avenue and before the fir department had extinguished the blase, considerable damage waa done. Patrolman Crowe was left In charge of the place until the return of, the family. ; v : Brlggs' Case Continued The . oase against, A. 8. Brlggs,. former superin tendent of the Llnnton rockpllo.wbo Is charged, with accepting a bribe to free t a prisoner, was continued this morning In the circuit court until December 1. The delay was on account ef the illness of Attorney John Manning, who rep re lents the defendant. To Segnlate Sals of Bread An ordi .ftnee regulating the sale of bread was lied in the office of the olty auditor this morning. The measure, provides that loaves under 16 ounoes In weight must be wrapped in germ proof paper ana nave laeir exaoi weigni stamped on '! the;cruat7;.Er:,K,;v;:;;:' yite,y,- i Toulsa M. Antholne waa IIaiI fnr nm. . bate today In the county court. Th ' valua of tho property Is placed at $509, which Is all given to Arleta lodga, No. mtlt, I. O. O. V. W. W, Ntwall of Ar- , leta, Is appointed executor; ,5,;;; '' . Mvxm Tax Bxaminauoa Nine appli cants for the position of deputy of the : lrt a-rada 'In the cltv hnlMlna- Inanu. V tlon department are taking the city clvtl service examination today. The examina tion will be concluded tomorrow. - The . position pays 1125 a month. . . . , , - - Typewriter Salesman Arrested. Upon bis return yesterday evening from the QUOTH THE PESSIMIST; I I I , Ill "Among ' th' ' ranks o' candidates for lynching are, them ginks who tell you the same thing today that you told 'em er week ago." Gipsy Smith meeting, Harry L.-Hughes, a typewriter , salesman,, was arrested at his home by Chief !' Probation Of fioer Whlta .Hughes lives at 662s Thirty ninth avenue. He t is charged with "a statutory offense against a 14-year-old girl living to Woodstock. He Is In the county Jail. The story told by the girl is to the effect that she was the woods near Woodstock last May when she met Hughes, who was hunting.; She says he threatened to kill her if she told her mother of their meeting.- v -' CHpsy at Botary OluV One hundred and fifty member of tue , Rotary olubf each aooomp'anled by a gueot, are ex pecting to hear Gipsy Smith at lunch eon lnthe Hotel Portland . tomorrow. Elaborate preparations are being made for the event. : The usual place for tho luncheon has been found too small and the luncheon will ' be held In an up stairs dining room Instead of tne Rath skeller. -. ; ? . .' .-. . Parents-Teaohe Otrole The patrons of the Alnsworth school, on Portland Heights, will hold a meeting at S o'clock Tuesday afternoon to organise, a Parents-Teachers circle. AU parents, in terosted are expected to be present W. 43. T. V. Keeting The Wlllard un ion will meet at the home of Mrs. Mar tha Maklnster at 1039 East Twelfth street north tomorrow at 2:10 p. m. r gteaia er Yessa Kartdns tor Camas, Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at I p. m. Boat Wast Money. You get the most and the best for yoar money, buy ing Royal Table Queen Bread. Best grocers. " a Prise waits tomorrow evening. Baker hall. East Sevsnteenth and Alberta. Masquerade November 21. Vernon Social olub. The trnlqne BBsaar at St Patrick's church is . open. Nothing above 10 cents. - 1 ,W. A. Wis and assodatss. painless dentists. Third and Washington. Dr. Soott, Brootologtst.. Selling bldg. Or. Brown, rectal epetflst, Corbett bid Asms Studio Photos, S51H Wash. St. EASTERN OREGON HILLS ARE FILLED WITH SNOW IBpeeit! to The JonrniLt Baker, Or., Nov, 20 The mountains of eaatern Oregon are covered with a depth of snow unprecedented at such an early date. Several feet cover the moun tains surrounding the Baker valley, and transportation to mining camps-is al ready badly hindered by the conditions. The fall laat week put an end to work on the new city pipe line, and along the line of the Bumpter valley heavy falls have already aet In. Since the heavy storm several days ago It has thawed somewhat, and the irrigation and other reservoirs are fuller than usual at this season of the year. ROCK ISLAND WORKERS AWAIT STRIKE FLASH (United PreM Leased Win.) Chicago, Nov. 20. Five thousand craftsmen, employes of the Rock Island railroad, are still awaiting the flash to strike in their effort to force a .higher wage scale. The strike order was ex pected all this week, but was delayed pending further arangements by union leaders. It is believed the walkout may take place this week. , Laffertv at Sunnvside Representative A. W. Laffertv will speak at 8 o'olock tonight at Ford's hall, Sunnyslde, East; Tuesday nighty at Woodstock hall. Woodstock; Wednes day night, Alcasar hall. Lents; Thurs day night, Strahlman's hall, Sell wood; Saturday night. Hill's hall, .Williams avenue and Russell street. Money Talks . I need the money. Save from It to 26 par cent on your Christmas ores enta X bag' or trunk makes a fine present. J. B. . Wilson, "Tha . Trunk Man," 261 Washington street,, near Third. . Tomorrowl Tomorrow! The) big announcement of our "Great er Royal Bakery Lunch" will appear In this . paper tomorrow without fall. Don't miss It! Read it all through. Royal Bakery oV Confectionery, Aak vour'daaler for On am Onalifv baooo, labels redeemed at 167 3rd. Smoke Quean Quality tobaeoo. . Save the labels. See 17 Srd. ' Cures Coughs Aft; Ordinary Preparation! ; Fafl- Wonderful New Mix ture Made at Home. An Investigating chemist of national reputation Just re cently discovered In a compound known to the medical world aa es sence mentholaxene, a moat won derful virtue aa a curative, laxative cough ayrup and the beat part of It Is. it can be made at home about, ( times cheaper than one can buy labeled cough syrups. - It Immediately relieves the severest cases . of asthma, bronchitis, coughs snd chronic colds op the lungs, and.lt ef facta a cure, too, because It has a laxative action when I to 10 doses are taken daily. ' In very short order It will loosen the tightest cough and one can feel It T,taklng hold In its curative aotion. Obtain ct the. druggist, or have him order from wholesale firm S H ounoes essence mentho-laxane. Empty It into a pint bottle.- Make a syrup with a pint of sugar and a half pint of boiling water, atlr and let cool. Then fill - up the bottle with syrup, shake well and take a tee spoonful 8 to 10 times dally or aa ' needed. Give children less ac cording to age. i It is very pleas ant to take. ONTARIO NYSSA DITCH IS TWO THIRDS DONE (Special to The Journal.) . Ontario, Or., Nov. 10. The Ontario Nyssa Irrigation ditch Is ' about two thirds oompleted and If the present good weather . prevails three weeks . longer It wlU be entirely f lnlaked. - This ditch 14 creating a great deal of comment on the part of old experienced Irrigators on account of its being built entirely la the ground. The water line will be sue Inches below the surface of tne ground, while all the dirt taken from the exoavatlon Is being used for Improving the slope below. The length, of this ditch Is 12 miles. The dirt moved for the entire construction la 10,000 cubic yards. It Is a remarkable fact that the farm ers whose lands will come under thla new Irrigation project, meet . with promptness their assessments on ' this ditch. When the plana were completed for the construction- of this canal. It was agreed that the Oregon 4k Western Colonisation company, who are financ ing the project, would take a first mort gage on the lands to cover the ass ment, but about two-thirds of the land owners are paying cash, over 160,000 has already been paid la.';..-'..v.,!'"';.. This new Irrigation system will bring about! 7000 acres of new land Into cul tivation. , This land is . being rapidly cleared and practically all will be put In fruit and alfalfa next summer, t FALL WEATHER DOES NOT ; g STOP BAKER BUILDING v;r,',''.-'i!''"'1' " ""' ', ? " 'S'r ' ; SpeeUl to The Journal, t ' Baker. Or .Nov. 10. The fall season has not yet caused a cessation of build ing operations in this city and local contractors who have) Just had tho bus iest summer In many years, are still busy. ' Over 100 houses have been com pleted and under construction since the first . of September ' and the residence aeotlons of Baker are building up at a rapid rate. ' The introduction of natlvv stone Into local buaineaa buildings and residences Is another new feature. - The quarries have only been, operated ex tensively In the past few years and the product Is gaining mora than local rep utation, Boise contractors especially using a large quantity of the local lava atone the past season. . JEWELED FILLED BAGS TAKEN FROM PARIS TRAIN ' United Press Iasad Wlr. Lyons, France, Nov. 20. Eighteen mall bags, containing packages worth 1100,000, were stolen from the Paris Marseilles train today. Included In the plunder were jewels and decorations to be worn by Lord Crewe, the Earls of Durham and Shaftesbury and the Duke of Devonshire, all of King George's staff, at the Dunbar. HEAR! Anjr of these wonderful Vic trolaa played tomorrow in our new Talking Machine Dept. 5th floor. WE SELL ALL VIC TOR AND CLUMBIA MACHINES AND RECORDS ON THE CLUB PLAN. Special $1.75 Phonograph Albums, holding 16 10-inch records, for 99c The Meier & Frank Store When you hear it said that such and such a kind of street pavement is better than bitu lithic, remember 'that no un prejudiced student of street pavements who based his in vestigation ort merit alonehas ever arrived at any conclu- . 1 sion except that bitulithic is best. VULCAN C0AIC0 AGENTS FOB - ' CarbonHHICoal Lump & Steam MAIN 2770 A-ST7fl lortbnd Printing House Co. rTlook, O analog and OonuneroUl Frlntln0 ftooik Binding aad Waaale Book SCaknig 3S3 Taylor Sb Pbooes: A22S1.H 4201 -Positcr 3t Klclacp High Orado Commercial and RlactrM SIGNS Bast Ttk aad Bast Sverett Bta, , raoaas 'Bast UU B-aaa PORTLAND GIRL , , : ' PLAYS AT HEILIG 7 Jewel Power, the Portland girl who ' Is playing in Jule Eckeit Good- : man's play, "Mother," at Hellig theatre tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday nights. There will be a special matinee Wednesday.. Mr. Goodman, the author jof this drama, Is also a Portland boy, a - graduate of Portland high school. , Oaks rink well conduoted and Is pop ular with tils better classes. Vfctor-VlctroUrV, $15 VfeteavVktrola VI, $25 Vktor-VktroUVUI, $40 Vktor-VlctroU IX, $50 Vktor-VlctroU X, $75 Vktor-VktxoUXl, $100 Vletor-VictroU XIV, $150 Vletor-Victrola XVI , $200 and $250 lift ill i SfermanwajiSfe Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Victor Machines Records and Supplies SIXTH AND MORRISON STS., OPP. POSTOFFICE. ALL THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS ALL THE NEW COLUMBIA RECORDS ALL THE NEW EDISON RECORDS ire to be found in tjie beautiful new salesrooms of the new The Nation's Largest Dealers, Graves Music Co. Ill Fourth Street Direct If actory Agents. Tsilkiiig Machines y 1 , . AND RECORDS. , f ' ' Why not come to Headquarters? Most Complete Stock on the Coast ' V L,I0: (Special to .The Journal.) ' . Baker. Or.. Nov. 20. Work will be started in the spring on a hospital building in this city that, when com., plated, will cost approximately 1200,000. The Sisters of 81 Elisabeth, which in stitution's headquarters are In Phila delphia, promised to finance the ' hos pital If a certain . amount would be pledged by the city, as an evidence of local Interest and support : This sum, amounting to about 120,000, was raised In a campaign of teams of local busi ness men In less' than two days, so that the institution Is an assured success, the Sisters of St. ElUabeth signifying their willingness to go' ahead with the building. Flans for It are already drawn and tha contract will, be let the ( first of January, ( Actual construction work will begin as soon . as weather conditions In the spring will permit The organisation purchased' the block as tha building site several years ago, and the foundations, which coat In the neighborhood of- 180,000, are already completed. ":,'?" ';,,. ; '', TWO THIRDS OF MILTON'S ; VOTE AT CITY CAUCUS '. (SpeoUl to The JooraeL) " - Milton, Or., Nov. 10. The city cau cus Batuiday nlght-diiw a big attena?- ance. iwo-tniros or the voting strength being out Attorney J. P. Neal pre sided. The following candidates- were nominated: Mayor, Or. J. E. Haynie; recorder, Merle Hadly; treasurer Wil liam Hall; council, ' J. C. Crimmona, I. Taylor and K. O. Mansfield, the latter receiving every vote oast Indignation is fait at the injection of the dry ques tion In the primaries, and it is prao tically certain another ticket will be in the field. Smoke Queen Quality tobacco. Save the labels. See 187 Srd. . . Fun and exercise skating Oaks Rink. BAKERS HOSPmA COST 200,000 BEGUN Now that there's a Victor -Victrola at a price to suit every pocketbook, no home need be denied the privilege of enjoying the world's best music. You will never real ize just how much en joyment you are really missing, until you get acquainted with this wonderful instrument. Go today to any Victor dealer's and hear your favorite selections. Always use Victor Records played with Victor Needles there is no other way to get tha unequaled Victor tone. Victor Needles 6 cents per 100,60 cents par 1000 Victors S10 to $100 Victor Talking Machine) Co. Camden, N. J. 1 WTOKf Now at Seventh and Alder AMUSEMENT. ; TO4 roaTTzraLT Bsonr TONIGHT 8:15 aajaa-iaVJ 7th and Taylov raoiraa, xazs 1 AJtx A-uaa. 3 uaSns TONIGHT peouu Vxlos Kalaee Wsdnesdar. Win, A. Brady presents Jules Sckert Ooodman's Flay Success. "MOTHER" Katie mtnam la Title Bole. Evenings: Lower floor, 81.60, II; balcony. 6 rows 81, 8 rows 75c, 11 rows toe; gallery, lie and Sou. Wednesday Matinee, II, 7 Sc. 60c, I60, 2 Sc. bzats vow Biunra T.-B SEAT BAI.B Orasa TOMOaXOW, 10 A. M, IICIUIU levants 81 Taylor raoinsa,: kaxst x ajtb A-naa. ,, Henry B. Harris Presents THE COMEDY HIT, COMMUTERS By James Forbes, author of "Chorua Lady" and 'Traveling Salesman." Evenings: 3Uower floorl.BO. lj rows Hie; iTery'lSCt'lRc. T8atur day Matinee. Il..tc. SOc. 26c. 2St BAKER TKSATBB' ' Mala a and A-6300 Geo. X. Baker. Ma's. Morrison and lltn Bta, TONIGHT, ALL WEEK Matinees Wednesday . (Bargain Day), 86c. Saturday. 1 6c, 60c. wxaar ssiiohktxoob was xb rLOwsa with Anna Day aa Mary Tudor, sup ported by an excellent company. Mag nificent scenic production. Evening Prices, 1 5c, 60c. 76c. 81.00. Next Week, vnecasrs. BungalowTheatre pedal Thanksgiving Week AUraotlon. Opening next Sunday Matinee. A gorgeous production of Jos. Howard's great musical comedy success. "TTOB CrO&SBY OXBS," FIRST TIME HERB Evening prices, J6e, 60o, 76c, 81.00. Mat- inees too, auo. aeas saia opens xnnrsaay. aCAisr a, a loaa MATDTZl ITIB7 TAT i-s-o J tiMAU ami staaTi wow.1!. THEATRE U-M-SV75! JohnivT Tha Bay Xmma, ' in "Tha Band Master.1' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mo- Oreevy, &es Sraed-BJad, Ztnoton-X,wolar Co., Xnnte Brlokaoa, MUs. Se BaUleres, The aeebaoks. Xvenlag lrloes 15o, ' aSo, Boa, 7 So, Daily Matinee, 15o, too. w, gouttsy matinee igat mew, waveuaieo vaaaevtua. WISK BOVEMBBS 0 Oraad opeatnf of Vortlaad's aeweat. most keaatUni and absolately fireproof home of unequaled vaudeville, at Seven tk and Aide streets. lgaor Baal Berelra, The Barls-aiedhlU 'Co., The Telegrsph lrar, Badolpk sad) Darts, X. Ovy Woodward. Augmented Vantages Orohastra, Vaatagesoope, Oil- roy, Xayaea si Montromery, U "Tha Oood Bhip Xanoy XMev" Matinee Daily. Curtain Si30, 0 and t. Mataaee Stery Day. Cos si dins Varmarl 0pand WBEX gOTSftnn ao-warrea Bey moor, Dunbar and Tamer, Da Bisque Quartet, The raloons, the Three Baaa ans, Tom Smith, Crraadasoopo. Brloss lao and eoo. r LYRIC TXBATBB BOUXTX in stick tb-htiv finwrarBwrrrsra wowBlSBBm BO. The Beating a) riood Mosioal Comedy Co. in HTXB JOUT WIDOW." with a tlnA ilmrn a A T. -If. (ThnraMj SCatlBaB ajgVVA wmw Si eas-tiBi sa- bj ----- -- " - Dally at 8)30 two performs neee rightly. 7 130. 945. Tridav night Chorus Oirls' OOateSV Hr WW y-J. v m-i,,."-. m .ww 18o and Sae, Credit Is built upon character and judgment. When re quiring financial assist ance, you will be careful ly measured as to these essentials. , Develop both by start ing an account with us, however small. - Accumu late a working capital meanwhile. Let us help you to help yourself. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Capital $150,000 W, X. feat .rreslde&t Wlllard Oase Tioe rreirldaa 0. C Bortsaieyey. Oaaals , Walter X. Browa.,ABst. Oashler OrBX BATUXDAT ZTBBTXOM to . , Til Ri 11 "-- J MIMES rumress f-j m BonivaBBj W Baf insd VandevllM m Ktow When the , Oreeon Hard- ware Company starts a sale there is something doing. The clean-up sale of . the Coleman Hardware stock is on in earnest. '' We bought it for less than f ac? Tory cost, and we can pro tect you against yourself when it comes to hardware prices. Here is the proof, Regular. Special rv Ham mer Handles.. s .13 B Y .xu Hlckonr Hatchet" Handles $ .15 '.10 Nail Sets ...'....$ .10 f .05 Files S A0 4-b .25 jfaBiXa'ay TaaI arAcstfvia 9 a- vwa Bag, 20-inch... $ 22$ 1.60 c.ni'. a Plumb Rule .. .$ 3.50 2.T5 Brick Trowel 1.50 f 1.20 Trowels ......$ 2.50 3-20 Brick Jointers... S .50 9 .35 Brick Sets S .95 9 .65 V 12 Ttlnw : Torch $ Z75 9 2.00 Pint Blow Torch. $ 42$ 9 3.T5J Qt. Blow Torch.. $ 475 4)0 Auto BlowTorch 42$ ' f 3.T5 SB r4 Tswifiintrr ... Butt Chiaels,..! 4.50 9 S.50 Set ef White Butt Chisels 4.75 9 3.75 Sef of Swan's S.F. Chisels ..$ 7.50 9 5.T5 ;. nf s n us End Wrenches.$ 22$ 9 lBO et Wrench .,..$ 2.75 2.25 Set of fi Ratchet Wrenches ..$ 3.00 f 2.25 B. & S. 8-inch Auto Wrench. S 1.00 S3 .80 B & S. Bicvcla Wrench $ J5 .25 Conner Pumo Auto Oilers... $ 1.25 $v-0 Cnnrtell Sx28 Mitre Box ...135 fll.TS Mitre Box $15.25 :s fl3.T5 Lanardrtn 5x28 Mitre box ...ij.su sa.w Mitre Box . . . .$20.00 xw.wi Tool Cabinet.... $20.00 f!5.O0 Food Chopper. 1.50 X5 Mr. 1 TTniverial Food Chopper 2$ f l.Oo S-inch Shears. guaranteed . ..S 1.1(1 , V .BO K mot r(( Percolator 375 f S4S5 Carving Sets. . 3-50 9 2.25 Carving Seti....$ S.00 : '; f 8.T5 Carving Sets. ...$ 8.00 f 65 CtfTing Pairs .... $3.00 ? 1.T5 Carving Pairs 4.50 f 3.50 Silver Plated Knives and " Forks .....,;.$ 3.50 2.T5 Alcohol Stoves... $ 3.50 3.00 Percolators ...$1Z50 flO.OO White Handle Steak Knive..$ 6.50 4.75 9-inch Guaranteed Swiss Shears 125 .O Plain Mortise " ' Lock ........$! .50 , .35 Handled Axes . $1.50 1.15 Real Harney .,; v'v- Pease .Hand v Saw ......,...$ 1.75 , 1.35 Cylinder F.,V-:i-;-:';!(;'.V'- Door hoc 6.73 ? , O.W Drawer Pulls ,.$ .10 , i .05 Butts, Dead i Black .16 .13 CompQiiy. WopccsIcp n:.i VzrA Western t Oregon