, THE OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL, PORTLAND. , MONDAY -EVENING, NOVEMBER -20, 1911. Lnnch Tomorrow in Bcaatif ul 7th PL Restaurant Meier & Franks Special Orchestra Daily 1 1 ;30 A. LI to 2 P. LLr-Eaprcss Ehvctoro Edna Howard Baker's foce;ra sn iasiry t ;,' Iff 1 MkotEer "Big ;; Pay ;r-Me 'ffili PriHIlMay - SaHes 13- i Prize Wm Drawing No. 2 PabI B. Fung.age 13, of 43 North Third -street, is the winner of to day's ; prize of a i$5 merchandise "osrderf in" the- Santa, Claus Drawing -Contest- His was .'the best work subletted Saturday. Each day a. $5 pfee i given for the best draw-! ing ofSanta Claus in: any scene or attitude It must be in black ink" on -whine unruled paper, 8x11. Under eaf h picture nust be writ ten a rhynje, pertaining to the sub--ject.: On" above drawing the jingle used was: , 1 "K ' - -t -s "In - his speedy aeroplane Santa' Is "bound to Meier & Frank' where all toys- are round."- , - : , - Shop Early Only 27 More Shopping Days Till Christmas MrSiHumpfireyard?s "The , Que ; of ' Richard Meyneu," now ; here in our newly . enlarged Book. Store in the Basement Annex. Absorbing story of modem EnffUsh sodety. . I ; . . i .......... . .$1.35 TBI ta woman- i en jnrj., i.a "VaklBff 'Peopla Sappy" Xboawa . , Ba- Old Harpath"--Karia "Tba Bad - of oe" W. X. O.orir. tl.35 "Tha Xing'-of Thundering- .Herd" JKawk- -aya, $1.18. .-;- ,j .. . "A Virton of Soma Importance" fcloyd Oaoorna, S1.SO. -.- ' -',-7.. The Qardan of Xasnmetlo&l-B. ; Tempi -:- OlMMlAB, Bom of" t "Secretary , of rrlTOlous Read Gipsy Smith's "Autobiography," and "As Jesus Passed By," Barteas, Affairs" Kay each '. $1.00 Salefof 6;Q Handkerchiefs-Six in Holly Box Only g 1 ,00 An 'offering 'that we. cant duplicate later in the Holiday season, . when this lot is sold I Women's Gift Handkerchief s, with -inch hemstitched ' hem and uiibal Z inches long. . ' Un sale tomorrow tirtt floor -at, each, 17c; or six in a holly box, special . for $1.00 50c TO , 78c RIBBONS, 7500 ; yards '4; to 7-inch warp .print, Dresden, Per sian, Jacquard and bro caded designs." .'Also 8 and 7finch ' plain Satin Ribbons. 'On 8ale OH tomorrow,", a yard aC WOMEN'S $1.00 TO $1.50 GLOVES of mocha, in ! gray, also incomplete line of col ors and white in glace kid, broken sizes 79c 75c .TO 1 $1.00 FANCY SCARFS Figured and Floral 1 Wash ' Scarfs, two yards . long, , with ' hem stitched, ends ; also Plain and. Dotted Seco Silk Scarfs in all colors. Q Tomorrow, at .only DaiC Day-rJLarly in Sale Dmnty Ready-made Undergarments Stamped Any ; woman would Jbe' delighted over these dainty; ready-made Undergarments that are stamped for embroidering on fine French nainsook. The famous Pacific Package Goods for which we're sole agents.) They're perfect fitting, neatly finished with French seams.' " Complete in ; sealed packages with enough D. M. C em broidery cotton to : finish 'them: These special 'prices in ' our "third floor Art Section tomorrow; Ready-made; : Corset Covers 75c Stamped Drawers, special $1.10 Stamjped Combinations,' corset- cover and drawers, special at $1.50 Ready-made Chemises as $1.25, Stamped Night Gowns 'as : 50c Dig Underwear Savings Fo $2 Uaion Suits at 98c a TMMjnrmratsx noom - : - oueb it kail . Another big mill surplus of Knit Underwear, se i; curea away unaer price, ormgs tnese astonisnmg savings tomorrow 1 1 . . t , A splendid lot of Women's Wool-mixed Union , . j V . j ? :r . . yj - ( ' T, " -1 . V'llH lliui) - I Win. A V ' Suits, in light, medium,' heavy weights. All regular and extra ' sizes; Excellent $1.50 to $2.00 . grades, tomorrow at 98c i Women's 50c Underwear--Fine ribbed cot- toft Vests,; in high neck; long, v short no- sleeves;! knee or ankle length of V) pants Come in all sizes, tomorrow' , 29c 47c W O MEN! S' $1.00 UNION SUITS, heavy ( cotton - and fleece lined, with long or short sleeves, knee and ankle lengths, all sizes.-; I'or to morrow, spec! Women's 75c-$l Union Suit Fine ribbed lisle in white only. High neck,-short or long neck, : short of long sleeves, knee and ankle - lengths.- Regular and few extra i sizes, . CHILDREN'S 65c UNION SUITS, warm ly fleece lined, in high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, drop' seat, ages 4f: to, 14 years. v jsy .Tomorrow only t I C WOMEN'S $1.25 UNION ; SUITS, our regular line of high grade fleece lined ' gar ments' irt' all - Winter styles and weights. On special sale for QQ tomorrow only JOC IBfi Special Sales 8iol2a.m.Only $15.00 TO $20.00 WOMEN'S COATS; black broadcloth, in full - length semi -fitted styles, with plain velvet notch collars ' and fancy braid-trimmed Bailor collars. Special from A A j q 8 to 12 o'clock onlyJJ.QJ TO $3.50 FELT HOODS for women and misses. A large assortment in all col- ors. x From 8 to 12 only 95c TO $5 MEN'S ' AND BOYS BATHROBES, an incomplete line of about 100 in all sizes and styles, j From 8 to 12 o'clock only at $2.85 DRESS GOODS REMNANTS HALF PRICE Lot consists of both Colored and Black Dress Goods in 2 to 5-yd. lengths. From 8 to 12 at 35c EMBROID'ED LAWNS fine Sheer -quality, for waists, Infants' and children's .wear. etc 1 Special from 8 to 15c 12 o'clock only, a yard 12c FLANNELETTES in warmly fleeced quality, a wide range of new patterns for pa jamas, nightgowns and the like. From 8 to 12 ydD I i W 11 ' mm i r mai 1 $ Beauty r and grace ; of line ; are pre-emment m "-A these ; lovelv 3-Piece: Costumes. - Rich broad- a ur. zziz-Z - - - aH rlotha. vIvtA. And hem silk, with skirts in graceful, willowy lines; : charrrung i blouses of dainty materials anddever little" jackets that 'are "Frenchy'-' 'and chic..' - $78 3-Piece SuiU $58.50-$ 98 3-Piece SuiU $72.L0 $85 3-PieceSurts $6U50 $135 3-Piece SuiU $98.00 $193.00 3-Piece Suits, reduced foir tomorrow at $148 Fch dazzlmg, ' beauUful are these exquisite Ev ening GowmV in decolette and high heck - styles. $75 Evening Gowns at $60. $85 Evening Gowns at g68 $88 Even'g Gowns $70.40 $100 Evening Gowns at 75 $125 Even'g Gowns $95.75 $150 Ev. Gowns $112.50 imonos Special S4. 95 Just as pretty and becoming as '' can be--hi' good Equality messalines. Graceful kimbho sleeves. Neatly finished in plain satin bands; xLight and dark r colors. On . - special sale for tombrrow at this low price, each Nov Shipment of S50 Victrolas! We've never been able to get enough 'of. these splendid $50 Victrolas ' since : the VVjctjOrr Cq. first; placed them'on the market three v months ago.; .A .new shipment v, includes mahogany and mission finish, with nickel plated tone arm an4 extra dou ble , spring (indtor: Come in and hear it played : tomorrow. VICTOR AND, COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS SOLD ON OUR EASY -CLUB PLAN OF' PAYMENT. T'o $10 La yaliieres$I.98-$2.98 k TMXMK'U-rTWr XJMOM . OBSZB BT XAZXi A phenomenal purchase made on our Jewelry chiefs second trip to New York this season, has just come in. Of special in terest are : dainty French La Vallieres (see illustration) ,lrt silver and gold-filled,' with beauti-. ful pendants, set with pearls, ame-l thysts, emeralds,, topaz and corals. A gift that'll delight any woman. f 1 Worth up to ' $10, - tomorrow at $1.98 i $2 M Lorgnettes arid 'Opera Chains Almost 'too many kinds and designs to attempt description. Gold-filled; gunmetal and other finishes set with corals,' pearls, amethysts andynany- other semi-precious stones.-OTht- Lorg- Ope nettes and ' Opera Chains, ' more the fad than ever this season, 3 lots 79i $1.25, $1.98 . TO SUM An ' lmmensn Vrnnnh Hat Pint rhm. All finishes and sottlnciL one worth under 85c. moatlr.fiOo and up to 1.00. Special tomorrow, at 18 mat- rare. lto. . - lot full 000 Imported i. In the orlalnal vur- Not Two big lota of the 'pretty ptak color - Coral -Chains. , whloh ara ln auch da manfl by miss and matron alOca, " Short atraads, 29; lone strands only 50 TjHafelssgiviiig Sale off ...CfeiiBa-fc Glass, Roasters MM Rich Cut Class Is Re due ed Rich, sparkling' Ameri can and Imported Cut a a fg?--. f. uuss ot new, Handsome .specials: iiy-w ,!. v-A' -, $8 and $8 cut Glass Bowls, 8-inch size, for $2.99 '$4 Cut Glass Bottles on special sale at only $2.19 $4 Cut Glass Nappies, 8-inch size, special at $2.19. $8 Cut Glass Sugar and Creamers, per pair $3.79 $8 Cut Glass Fern Dishes on special sale at $3.79 $2 Cut Glass Spoon Trays on special sale at $1.29 $3 Cut Glass Nappies specially priced only $1.49 China Plates Arc Reduced A splendid assortment of Austrian and German China Cake Plates In scores of artistic patterns. Bowls and Salad Sets also Tcduced. 50c Handled Cake Plates at 37 75c Handled Cake Plates at 5G? $1.00 Cake Plates 74$ $1.50 Cake Plates $1.15 $2 Cake Plates $1.50 50c Salad Bowls at 37 75c Salad Bowls at 56 $1 Salad Bowls at 75cV $1.50 Bowls for $1.13 $1.75 Salad Sets $1.40 $2.15 Sattd Sets $1.63 $3.15 Salad Sets $2.38 Famous Savory Roasters A demonstrator to show you how it differs from the ordinary Roaster. iThc "Savory? will do your turkey up brown the most delicious, fra grant brown that you could possibly hope for in your Thanksgiving tur key orfowL Come in tomorrow.. Family Style Savory Roasters on sale at only 89 Savory Double Boilers specially priced only $1.09 Opening Sale in the New Coff man Candy Annex -in the Basement To meet the great Christmas Candy business,' we have estobUshed a Food Grocery, basement 'Here yon will find delicious, freshly made, pure food Candies in all flavors and varieties,' at most moderate prices. Specials. tomorrow:' ' : - 25c Coff man Taffies,: special ajt pound 20c 40c Coffman Wafers, special at, t pound,- 30c 40c Coffman Cream Pinoche, per pound, 30c 50c Coffman Toasted Marshmallows, lb. : 25c 40c Coffman Buttercups, special,; per. Ib. 30c 40c Assorted - Fruit Tablets, per. pound 1 30c 25c Coffman Stick Candy, assorted flavs., 20c 25c Coffman S tide Candy, assorted flavors, special for tomorrow only, at, per pound 20c ISoxes lltiLvq-tfiBaw We've secured another big shipment of these extra fancy, luscious Oregon apples to sell tomorrow far below jf th nrvilino nnr! Thw nnr1r1 Sn nna.lvr liATtlhM anrf that unit 1liolit vrair PnatAm f rifn4 And Y- I expressage is smalt , Fine, delicious Spitzenbergs, every one of them perfect Special tomorrow at, per ' box sV New Walnuts, per pound 19c Maple Syrup, per gaL $1.25 Grizzly Bluff But'r,21bs. 66c 80c $1 C 8c B. Lucca Oil at 76c New Dry Pruned 4 lbs. 25c 100 lbs. Cane Sugar $5.95 50c Walter Baker's Choc 40c Royal Baking Powder, lb 39c Atmore's Mince' Meat, lb. 16c Eastern ' . Bacon, pound 22c Fancy Mixed Nuts, speT 1 7c Citron Peel, the pound, 16c 1MB mwmm TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; A-6101. - East Hams, 'sug. cured I6V2C 25c Walter Baker's Cocoa 20c New Layer Figs, pound at 8c 85c Queen Olives, bottle 40c 25c Crescent Sardines at 1 7c M. & F. Spec'l Coffee, lb. 26c Special Sales 8tol2a.m.Only TO' $2.50 CHILDREN'S ROCKING CHAIRS, mission finish, strongly built.- -Regular $2.25 - $2.50 chairs. A a From 8 to 12, each J 1,4". : 50c V MISSES' ANdTcHIL- PREN'S HOSE of extra fine silk lisle, full fashioned and seamless,''' in black, tan, sky white and pink. From a r 8 to 12 o'clock, a pair Z5C TO $2.50 CHANTILLY LACE DRAPED VEILS, still so much in vogue,' full lj yards long, in,,black, brown, v ' navy o1" 8 to 12 at 'oUC $1.257 AND 'r $1.50 VELVET BAGS, smart; new combina tions of velvet and tapestry in the new cordelier shapes. Spe- cially priced from 8 to 12 o'clock only, each EXTRA FINE . LARD, the old-fashioned open kettle ren dered kind, 5-lb. pails. pf" From 8 to 12 o'clock at 55C 12c PERCALES,:, a good. firm quality, all Jn neat dark colors, for house dresses, men's and boys' shirts, etc. On rj " sale from 8 to 12 at, yard C hi H ", ::.-,iV,i;s'!, '' 'I, ''' " '-