THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENIMG, NOVEMBER 20, '',19V I : V POULTI FRON TRY PRODUCTS IN T STREET TRADE - MICkM A Kin Ifll Turkeys Continue to Come m Ileavy ." Supply and Dest Birds Are Slow at 25c Pound for Dressed Chicle- en Valnes Remain Weak.- . ' ' i , Foul try for Thr Yars. ' ' . Y Today. 1910. 1909, Turkeys ...26o 2o ' 18o -Chickens t..llH0 lBHo 1IHO Hens .,,,,,,120 -17o 10 i Gees llo ' 12o , V lOo Ducks ...... II Ho ISo ISO , Dressed. Ths market for poultry products was again quits weak alone Front street, and therefor prices were not very fa vorable. . - ' Turkeys ars attrsotlnr most attan- tlon owing; to th nearness of the iiolt v day demand.- Present .arrivals In that line are the greatest aver known bar at this period of the year. With the best' demand In fact, 99 per cant of It still a week away, receipts : are depressing tha trade, in fact, bare ", done for ' at least a weak. -v Turkeys were sold along Front street this morning at 26o a pound for select ed dressed birds,- with ' ordinary lots going at BJtto and oulls from lOo a pound downward. Quite a few live birds wars offering along tha street this morning, these finding only .a limited sale at llo to 2 Ik? anctft-dlna-' to autllt. v; ARE iiLni iriiri ttllU LUll J j ' Chicken Marks Tory J?oar. L . jT Notwithstanding the circulars sent I out by ' commission handlers aiid the M advice given by this paper not to ship r ; chlckena to market at this time, the . trade is very badly overloaded. Sales re nra to cioee except at ruinous . values. In a limited way as high as ' 12o has been received for chickens dur ing the past (0 hours, but cleanups 1 cannot be made above 11c a pound,- and some sr unwilling to take hold of sup pliea at that figure. As in the chicken market, thera Is only a nominal call for ducks and gessa . at this time, and 'the trade la alow at : the quotations printed today Mora coons of chlckena ware carried over by Front street handlers Saturday man during any previous flay the memory of tha White Beans Are Higher. r With the 'east still a heavy buyer of white beans on th Pacific coast, the market both for small and large slses la firmer and higher. While the bulk of the eastern demand Is for' large white owing to the fact that tha trade there la accuatomed to that Slse, small white are feeling equal strength here. Pinks are weaker and lower but there has been a further substantial advance in Umas. . s Dressed Meag' Very" Weak All through the dressed meat trad a weaker tone is showing today. Quite a number of hogs -were carried over from Saturday owing to the-more llm- It 1 call even at shaded prices. A few dealers carried over a small number of veal but that portion of the trade la better than for swine. , Mutton market Is easy. Sharp Loss in Grapes. Front street handlers have lost eon slderable 'money , on- grape shipments within the past week owing to the greater offerings and""-ha 'poorness of quality. Bales of overripe atock were made this morning as low as 40o a crate, . these same grapes costing tha . seller 1 earlier in the week, Cheese, Prices Are Holding. While showing practically no change In the higher limits, although several wholesale grocers are asking lta for flats . in -case lots, th chees market is firmer. None are now offering fresh stock under . ltVfco a pound.- Broken cases bring 17o generally for flats. Orange Movement Better. " A much better movement of new crop l Front street. Sales are generally re- ported at $3.78 a box 8om old crop VValenclas are still offering In a nominal , way. , Car Celery Arrives Today. A car of celery from Los Angeles was reported in ty tne local traae tnia morn ing. Quality was good. Some local stock Is still offering around 76 0 88o-a dozen. ; Cranberries Very Scarce. Cranberries continue very scarce along Front street, although a number of cars are already overdue from the east. Sales are generally reported at 111 and $12.60 per barrel. . . . . FORECAST FOB SHIPPERS. " Weather, bureau sends oat th follow lng notice to shippers: Protect shipments as far north as Se attle against minimum temperatures of 85 degrees; southeast to Boise, 28 de grees; south to SiskiyOu, 22 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland to night, about 48degrees- ;f... PORTLAND JOBBING PXUCES Grain, Hour and Hay. " ' Thes prices are those at which whole salers sell to retailers, exoept as other wise stated: " . , WHEAT Producers' prte nominal; track delivery, club. 7 8 a 80o: blues tent M 85c fortyfold, 80s81c; Willamett valley, 79o; red Russian. Tlos Turkey 1 red, 61c. - . ' BAKLET -Producers' prices 1911- Fd. tSl.0091.E0i rolled. 122; brewing. $57. - OATS Producers' prloe Track No. 1, pot 'delivery, white, 880.60O81! gray, JSO.OO30.60( December and January, delivery, Mo. 1 white. $81.60, M1IX8TUFFS Selling price Bran, $24.50; middlings, $81.00; shorts, I2B.B0 chop, J19.00 26.00.- - v.- HAT Producers' orlee 1911 orort-- , vanoy? timotny, rancy, orainary, tlC assrVa I1T K A m(.a4 $12; clover, 810; wheat. IllOll.iO; cheat, ; $11011. So; alfalfas 111011.50; out. JllfBll.oO. FlOUft BPllIng price Patents, Cooke; Co. Commission Merchants ' i -Stocks,' Bonds : Cotton, Grain, Etc.; Boarcl of Tracle Building Members Chicago Board Of Trad Correspondents of Logan St Bryan .' Chicago, Maw York, Boston, .'ywa". htva': tha only-, 'privats . wlrs '' connecting Portland with ths - ;-. eastern stchanges, ' FRESH RANCH EGGS UP TfflllpSIN TODAY Sales Are Being Made Cent Higher , Tha "Iiast Week- Becelpts Are Small,: but Are Increasing Since Price Began to Advance Here.' Tha egg market is-flrmer and higher for local ranoh stock wlth recelpts still axoeadlngly smalL Sales In ths whola sale market were mad today as high as 4o, a dosen this morning, although avarag transactions wars not abova 45c However, this latter figure la an advance of a cent above what th same interests, were, charging last week., ; While It was quit, natural that re ceipts of eggs at. this time of ths year are small, quite a few oases are again oomlng forward to Front street since local quotations advanced go sharply. For a while there waa too much differ ence between the price ruling at Port land and that charged by northern deal ers. Result was that most of the fresh stock from the Willamette valley went to Pu get sound, instead of seeking lta natural channel at Portland. Eastern . fresh ggs are In larger supply and these are generally quoted at 40c a doaen along the street. Soma sellers of so-called aaatern fresh eggs are offering them at 82 Uo a dosen. However, these are reported to be noth ing mori nor less than selected April storage stock, a Regular sales of Aprils are' reported at 80o a dosen, although soma Interests ars reported to be selling 2o under this. 84 10; Willamette, $4.80 per barrel! loea straight, 14.0594.26: bakers'.: 4.I0 4.50; export grades, $8.70 2.7-6. Batter, Zggs and Foul try. , - BUTTER Extra eraamery, cubes nd tubs, 87o; prints, 38c; ordinary prints. $6jf8c dairy. 18fl18Ho, BUTTER FAT Proo ucers price F. o. b. Portland, per pound, 876. EOQ8 local extras, 44 46o; fancy 44c; case count, 40a; spot buying price, 40o, f. o. b, Portland; eastern, fresh, 286o: Aprils. 88 too. POULTRY 'Fancy - hwns. lc; springs. HOllMo: goes, 1H412c; live ?oung ducks, 18lHc; old ducks, llo; urkeys. alive, nominal. 18Q20o; dressed, nominal, li0$6o; plgaona, old, $1; young, 11.00 8.40. WILD OA ME Oeese. 84.80 dos.; teal. 25e36c each; mallard, 80c each; wid geon, $5 dosen. -CHICKS K Fresh Orea-on fancv. full am, triplets ana aaisleS, 1IH0 par lists, joo; i oung Americas, no. Sopa, Wool and Hides. HOPS Producers' price 1111 crop, choice, 45o: prime, 44c; medium, 4248c; 1909 growth. 80o; 1912 oontraots, Htte; 1918 and 1914, 170 lb. TALLOW Prima, par lb, 4oj No. t, and grease. 4$ 2 fee WOOL Producers' pries Nominal. 1911: Willamette valley. 14H917fco: eastern Oregon, tOlSo, MOHAIR 1911. selected, 8887o. CH1TTIM BARK Producers' price 1111, less carlots, l0c; carlots, $ttc t. o. b. Portland. HIDES Dry hides. lTo lb.: green. 149 10c: bulls, green, salt, 8H7o lb.: klpa, lOlOo; calvea, dry, 1820o par lb. Oroesriaa. :- BUOAR Cut 3. $7.20; powdered $7.08; fruitor berry $4.80: dry- granulated, 18.70: D yellow, $6.10; beei $.80t extra Honolulu plantation can -granulated, to less. (Above quotations are 80 days net cash.) , SALT C oars a. half ground 100. rer ton: 60s. 8.0: table dairy. 60s. $11 r 00s, 117; hales, ll.20: extra fine bar rels, is. ds and los, I4; lump rook. aan If A BKek -AA RICE Japan. No. 1. sOBHei No. S. He: N4w Orleans head. eW8Ct 'Cra- 01HOBNW-New:'lV?V.clse, . BEANS Small white, 14.90; large whit, $4.85; pink, 84.50; bayou, $4.75; Llmaa, $8.50; reas, $ Fruits and Tegetablea. APPLES New crop, 81.00 8.00. POTATOES Selling prices Selected Oregon. $1.16; ordinary. 81.05; buying price, iOcGtl.20; sweets, 8ic. ONIONS Tel low, 61.60: garlio, Tfflc. FRESH FRUITS Orangea- 14.60 per box; bananaa, 6c lb.; lemons. $4.6006: limes, $9 a case; grapefruit, $47; pine apples, 6c per lb.; cranberries, $11; huckleoerrlea, 6o per Id.; peaches, 80) t0c; pears. $1.60; grapes, 80e$i.0O. VEGETABLES New turnips. 1161.15 sack; beets, 11.50; carrots, 11.2501.60; cabbage, 80 $1.00; California tomatoes, 81.25 crate; beans. 4o lb.: green onions. 160 dosen; peppers, bell. lOo lb.j head lettuoe, 0o dosen; hothuse, gl 9 1.26 box: radishes, 15o dosen bunches;- celery, 50 (1 90o dosen; egg plant, 100 lb.; cucum bers. 50o dosenj peas, to; oauliflowar, local ROc 11.25. . Msats, Irish and Konslons. . DRESSED. MEATS Front strastl Hogs, fancy; to per pound; ordinary, 88ttc: heavy, 7HOsat veals, extra. 12 H 18c; ordinary, 11 HO lie; poor, spring lamDs. oats, 4c; beef, 9c. I. BACON. Etc. H '17c; breakfast bacon. 16 H 087c; boll ham, 19010c; picnics, 12c; cottage, 16c; regular short clears, smoked, lltte; backs, smoked, l$tt14ej pickled tongues, 76o lb, ... LARDKettis leaf tierces.. 18c lb.; Steam rendered, tlercs. 11 o per lb.; compound, tierces, mo per id. PISH Nominal Rocx cod, lOo lb.t KiJtffl?' ASH? DRRB, VKlAlfSll. SSi7V M1II1VI1, 8($l0o lb. I aolea. to per lb.; ghrlmpa, OWi-VU lUt ssvicssi tu sw. a in 11 llUa lb.; peroh. 7fl)8o; tomcod, 8o; lob sters, 26o; herrinrs, 60c; black bass. 20c: sturgeon, 11 He per lb.; silver smelt, 8c lb.; blaok cod. 7Hc; dressed shad. 7oi roo shad, lOo; shad roe. !0o lb, . OYSTERS Shoaiwater bay. per gal lon ( ); per 100 lb. sack, f ): Olym pia, per gallon $2: per 100 lb saok, $0; canned eastern, 55o can. ' 88.50 dosen: eastern in shell .81.75 (9 1.00 per 100: rator clams, 1209.25 box. Valats, Ooal OH. S3to. - Linseed oil Raw. bbis., loo gal.; kettle boiled, bbl.; 80c; raw. In oases, 82o( boiled, in caaes, 85o gallon; lots of 250 gallons, lo less; oil oak meal (non WHIt'e LlB AD Tort lota, lo per lb.; 600 lb. lots, lo par lb.:vlss lots, Ifco PBEN;2INE- tl degrees, cases. 14 Ho gallon; Iron bbls., JlViq per rallon.. ROPE Manila, lei sisal. 7 Mc ' COALOII-Osses: Pearl, To: sUr. 16c par gallon: ter white, bulk, 89 12 Ho per gallon; speolal water white, 12 w 10. OASOLINB Red crown and motor, 15O220 gallon:. 1 gasoline, SlOSlHo gallon: V. M. A P. naphtha, IS&Joflo gsilon. TURPFNTINB In cases, "71c: wood barrels.. 70 He: iron barrels, llo par gal lon; 10 pass lota 71o. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT "- . ' rortlaad Saaks. Clearings today $,25,70.4l Year ago ...... 9,112,346.08 Oaln ' today lay .......,.,,., 181,175,40 today .184,260.48 ...,.,......4.:M l7S.il5,ll Eiaiances to Tsar sgo ' ' - Vaoonta Jtaaks, . Clearings today ,0111(8.00 Balancea today , '. I .-. , . 14,867.00 4 ''.- ;'!.': Oren. Hls-h. Low. Close. Jan.. ;;.,,.... 901 807; 100 Feb. ,..... ijv j;t lii '; Mar. ..,. 114 lit ;r Ill y in 918 ,920 '924 . 926 929 929 981 MaV ;:::::.ii ; iii 910 III 80 Sen : . 931 V 9St v 131 Oct. 81 986 . 989 NOV, ....... 819 119 f 1T Dec. . 823 . 92SM18 . 934iS5 ,118020 -924 26 f'j-'.t '"' ':. . ' i. Han' vranciscn riaii. ' p. -k1.- Ban Tranclsco, Nov. 10. Barteyr . . , t 'Open. Close, Ptvember ..... ,,....11A 290 J4 Way ... mi03 , , sVJfc .(. 1V79 LOCAL MARKET. ANOTHER HEAVY RUN ; OF CATTLE ARRIVES IN YARD FROM MONTANA Eleven Loads Come From Bed Rock and a Fair Supply From Ilaho ' ' General Situation la Practically Same as Last Week, ' Ne Afternoon xavsstook jttarkst.' . nogs Market stronger and higher, with sales of top stuff at 18.70. 4 ' . Cattle Trade very alow, but - prices hold steady. - a) Sheep and lambs Wethers sell at $4.60, s was (2.80 and lambs at & - PORTLAND LIVE0TOCX RUN nugi, iiiu,, wmvvv. pww Man.. Ill Sat,.... 12 6 1074 lioi .1869 697 275 1541 111 Frl. 86 Thurs. ... 639 Wed. .... 161 Tues. ' ..... 64 Week ago, 480 4 In general there was little change this rooming in'the cattle situation at North Portland. Receipts oved Sunday were quit heavy, a total or si neaa being reoelVed compared, with 622 last Monday., ' , ' Two loads of cattle came forward from Oregon 'during th 48 - hours, ar rivals in that line being principally from Idaho and Montana. From the latter section 11 loads came forward. North Portland. cattle market range: Select ateera .1 6.50 Fancy steers ' 6.40 6.80 4.65 4.26 6.00 3.26 Choice steers Common steers . Fancy heifers Feeaer oows . , FlMV Ml 4.76 Fancy bulls 4.2604.35 Oood ordinary bulls . 4-00 Stags '4.26 Fancy light calves. . ' fO Medium calvea B-92Sf-fl2 Ordinary calvea 4.00 6.00 catue snippers loaay: c j, nrowa, Baker, 2 loads:. S. C. Oaman, Welser, Idaho, loads; E. E. Wlllard, Red Rock, Mont, 11 loads cattle and calvea At Chicago there was a better feeling in th cattle trad today, prloes being 100 higher than Saturday. At South Omaha there was a Steady to slow ton In tha cattle market with a run of 7800 head over Bund ay. Prices continue about as previously quoted. Cattle run today , ,611 Month to data 6,684 Same period 10 6,754 Year to date 62,707 Same period 1910.. 82,175 or Market Xs Stationary. While there waa only a amall run of nogs in tne Mortn roruana yaras over Cnmittv aiffintnt stock nam forward to teat the ton of th trade. Thera was practically no changs from tna close of last week. , ' At Chicago ther was a steady, tone in th hog market with a run of 62.000 head, compared with 11,000 a year ago. Tops sold at 16.60, this price being paid both for mixed lota and for good and heavy stuff. , . North PortlaBdniWInsTradeToday: Best eastern Oregon $ 6.60 Medium eastern Oregon ... ;.60 Best Willamette valley .... 6.50 nnnil to hA&w ........... 6.15 Rough and heavy . J-22 Fandara 6.5006.86 At South Omaha there waa a weaker tone all through Ihe swine trad and nrinaa dronned 16o under Saturday s fig- nree.wltb tops at $6.25. This means $7.85 to land hr. Th onlyVhlpper of a carload of hoge In tha yards today was U M. Peck, who had a ioaa in irom vvinuns. ymh.. B. Hoi man had a mixed load of hogs and sheep from Moro. Hog run tooay .. . 118 . 6,042 . 6,491 .88,686 Monin xo wit ........ . Same period 1910 Year to aate fiame neriod 1910 .76.367 Bhsap Harass aaemains rmn. Considerable strength Is showing In th mutton division of the North Port land yards today although the run dur ing the latter part of last week was somewhat greater than had been ex pected. Four loads came forward since Saturday; these being received from an Oregon point ' Sheep values ai norm rurtuuiu. Select lambs 1 rhnln lambs .............. . 6.00 4.75 4.16 4.66 4.15 1. 75 Common lambs 4J Yearling wethers Old wetners Fancy ws rtrAlnarv . . . 2.15 , Charles McCulley hSd four loads of sheep in from North Powder on today's market. ' m At Chicago there was a steady ton In th sheep trade with no change In price from Baturtay. . , South Omaha aheep market was slow m ln.r with ton lambs at 16.16 and vearlinr wethers at $4.16. Run for th day thera was only 2100 head. Mn fan run todav 1.074 Month 15.980 Bam prlod 1910 ja.SBi Year .to date... VMil Same period 1910 147,109 Mondays Uv stock tales. COWS. Average lbs. - 9 cows ,,..f099 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 14 19 1 wethers 188 Prloe. $4.40 $5.00 4.60 . 1.60 10 ewa v. 142 ' Hoas." 71 hogs 32 hogs 220 202 345 275 $6.70 6.65 8.30 6.00 $4.60 4.60 1.00 $4.60 4.25 8.00 li nogs 8 hogs 7 cows 6 cowa 1 oow 4 steers 1 steer 15 steers COWS. ...1081 ..1064 830 STEERS. . 895 .1200 . 251 CALVES. 73 calves t 243 $1.78 Disposition of Uvsstook. Ths following were the .sale of live stock made at North Portland for tha week ending November it: uatue. waives, norm, ansep, Union 487 1811 1758 360 814 123 67 292 b. b. ........ ICO 185 880 a 19 S a 139 Smith 187 Gill Co. 64 R. FalrchUd ... 163 SO Mss. Port z Mss. Oregon .. 894 Carsten ....... 116, Fryj ac po..... izn . . ... .... J, Henry ,.., '81 .. ... Tacoma Meat . .t 11 ...... .... Totals 1721 13 1071 1400 ; 4 OMAHA HOPS LOWER. Market Down lBo Today, With Top Stuff at $0.29. - ' South Omaha, Nov. 10 Cattle Re ceipts, 7300: market steady and slow. 8ters, 1 8.60 7.75 ; oosvs and heifers, 4.21.16. . ' - Hogs Receipts, 1400; . market lid lower. Sales: 16.0006. IS.. . Bheip Receipts, 2100; market slow and lower. Yearlings- $1.65 A 4,16 j wethers. 8.866.50; lambs, $4.90&$.16; ewes, L008.16. . -.j,: CHICAGO CATTLE HIGHER. ? ; ..i, (; v! f; i mmmm .v :--,i,.' , r Market rp lOo Today, With liberal y ItunIIoga Steady. : , Chicago, Nov. 20. -Run! Hogs. 81,000; cattle, 84,009: sheep, 48.000. . Hogs are steady; receipts a Tear ago, 11,0001 mixed, $5.904.0fv good and heavy ! 18.804i 6.60; rough, $5.9001.10; light $6.166.46.: u- . . rattle lOo higher. V ' , ',.. Bhep Steady, 'VA-i? i'1 !;'.'! 't'-'l ;!'!''-' ''"'-'iv '" ''V'i'-'v 65 886 281 622 FURTHER PURCHASING OF HOPS AT 45 CENTS; Market Doea Not Btop for unday, and a Number of Transactions Are Reported Around Aurora- First 45o ' Sale Is .' Now " Made PubUd. hop market Is now the firmest of the season. Several sales were reported In Marlon county since Saturday at 46o a pound, and the market has now been well established at that figure. It now develODS that ths Seavev Hon company waa the purchaser of the .mys terious nrsi transaction wnicn sieriea tha market at 45c last Thursday, The transaction waa in Folk oounty, but th nurohaaar continues to refuse to divulge th name of ths grower. Pur chases by the Seavey company since last Wednesday have reached a total of 1400 bales, most of them being large lots. .-', , . Nearly all dealers are now freely of fering. 45o a pound for the beet hops availabla All of the big operators are in the market Klaber purchased th Thleiaon oron of SO balaa at 'Hub bard at 46o a pound, and th MoQone gal crop of 50 bales at Aurora at-ths same figure. Harry L. Hart purchased 90 bales of tha Oahlor crop at Aurora at too, -uatun jinn nougnt no oaies from Oroshong at Albany at 46o, while from dealers here at the same prloe. x n marsec ror nopw is zirm every where, but th principal, business la reported In the Willamette valley. Soma buying la expected to develop at North Yakima. V r T WORRY TO FINANCE : ' ' ... Nw fork, Nov. 10. Finance paid attantion to China today and the re sult was a general loss in security val ues both hers and abroad. In the Lon don market trade waa heavy with de clines of H to 14, while in thla market the specialties lost from 1 to 2 points and th lesser known shares from a fraction to a point The weakness in Reading, Union Pa- cmo ana unitea states steel common waa unusually severe. Range of New York prloes furnished py overoecK a uooa tjo.; Description ' Open HlghjLow l Bid Amai. Copper Co. Am. Cotton O, o. Am., Liooo., o. . . Am, ' Sugar, o. . Am. Smelt, o. ... Anao. Mining Co. Am. Woolen, o.. Atchison, o B A ., e B? R. T Can, Pac, p C. L., e... ...... C. A O. 6.... C, M. St & P. . . C. 0.7..?7.7V7 Colo. F. A I., o.. Colo. Souths o.. uona. uaa...... Del. A Hudson. D. & R. Q., o. . . Erie, c Oen. Electrlo . . . O. North., pfd . . Ica Securities. . Illinois Central. Int. Harvester. . Lehigh Valley.. K. C Southern. U & N. r if m. T a ... . , . m At. u. . . Missouri Pacific National Lead. Nev. Cons N. T. Central . N. Y, O. & W.. Nort. A W.. o.. . 1104 119 N. Pacific, o.... p. m. s. a co. . . Penn. Railway . P. O.. LAC. Co. P. Steel Car. c. . Reading, o Rep. Iron A S., a Rock Island, c . . U 1 . A. a V 4n 122) 83 Mi 1&2 150? Z3 27 St. L 4 6. W., c southern fao., c. Union Pacific, o. U. S. Rubber, c. . do pfd U. 8. S. Co., pfd. Utah Copper. . . . W. U. Telegraph! west. .Electric Wis. Central, e. . Big Four Total sales, 465, 00 ' shares, Money, i,2 per cent. Money and Exchange. London, Nov. 20. Consols, 71 7-16; Sliver, zo; oana rate, t per cent. New fork. Nov. 20. Sterllna ex changer Long, 14.84; short $4.87 4; silver' ouuion, 0070. San Francisco. Nov. 10. Sterling ex change: Sixty days. $4.83; sight $4.86 Poo, 14.824-; transfers, tele graphic, 1 per cent premium; transfers, signt, par. A Man's Prayer. I am not used to bow and supplicate; Yet In mv way. With face upturned to wher the, power sua I tarn my thoughts each day. Not with tha oraven heart that hopes to gain By servile fear; Or dreams that to the prayer of selfish God wiTlloop down and hear. In all my life I have not planned nor asked For selfish, ease; And, t If my asking could be clothed In words. They would b such as these: Lord, give m strength and will to do my wot. And work to do. A hero's heart that will not quail nor shirk, But fight the battlethrough. And, If perchance I do withstand ths rain ' Of fiery hall. Remind me Lord, of him who fight as well, Yet fights to fall. Let me not climb so far that Z shall fall. . In looktnt back, , To see the weaker toiler ellmbing slow Along th self sam track. Nor let me Lord forget when manhood's trade -. -Claims all"my powera. The dear old childish pathway, leading ,'--. f back . tf. 1 - "'t:; . - To brooki, and birds, and flowera- Olve one one c friend Just i. on who i . : understands .- And knows m well, ' - ' "' s ' ' Who In life's bitterest l?onr knows how to iootha " 1 . With love's . sweet secret spall. And for th rest, a loyai friend or two For leisure days; - . A quiet hearth, where X may .sit and ' aream, . . - . . When fans' tha twilight has. Then, with one silent merciful, swift ' . -BtroKe, ; ..V.f.t',--'-v-1?:..-' Trfll-il InVum low.' As falls to earth the anotant forest oak Beneatn tne vooomani mow, - . , -Eva B.. Plllsbury of Portland. .; , f . . - .1 V" ,,Vi Journal Want Ads bring result. MARKET IS VERY FIRM CHINESE ROUBLES EXPORT FLOUR DOWN FIVE TO TEN CENTS AT POINTS IN NORTHWEST - Mills Shading Price Owing to Recent ! Purchases of Wheat ' for Leas Money Blnestem Bids Reach as , nigh aa 880 Dusbel Today. " ay B. r. Snow., . Buenos Ayres, Argentina, Nov. 10. Storms cyclonic over the entire grain-belt Heavy rain storms have laid the crop flat In Buenos Ayres. Heavy wind atoms have lodged the crop in Santa Fa Severe hall storms have caused heavy loss In Cor dova. . IFOlUnaV WH33AT CBdlMa, Bnaala Wsathsr la tha southwest Is rainy, Ths outlook for seeding oper ations Is unsatisfactory. : a.usxrau nroonUxaU's agent esti mates ths exportable surplus of wheat ai jwo,ooo susbeis. Bain la needed. A privet sable estimates ths yield at o pa eani less tnaa last ysar, whan ths crop was S3,ai7,ooo traabsls. srew Esaiaaa onuook for the wheat arop Is favorable. I year's crop 7,boo,ooo bnshsls. OLD WORLD WHDAT MARKETS. to Ud higher; dosed 4d to id higher. rans vvneat oiosea uncnangea , to 14 c higher. 1 ' ten in wneat Closed HO higher. Antwerp Wheat unchanged. Budapest-rWheat o lower. PORTLAND ORAIN RECEIPTS. -cars- Wheat Rarlav fc'lmir Oats Hav Monday .. 71 ... 16 17 24 rear ago. 11s 1 ... 28 85 Season to date ...6897 282 1154 681 1371 Tear ago. 4945 266 928 604 1334 WHEAT CARGOES QUIET. Ijondon, Nov. 20. .Wheat cargoes quiet but steady. Walla Walla for ship ment at 86s to 86s 3d. English country markets easy, 1H to Id lower. French country markets stsady. Export flour prices ars being shaded from 60 to 10c a barrel by Paciflo north west millers. Lata transaction are re ported on th basis of $3.70. less tha usual discount while th regular list price for some weeks has stood firmly though Inactive, at $3.80 per barrel. The wheat market Is steady here with millers offering 80c for club and from 82o to 8S0 for bluestem. The latter is practically an advance of lo ovr last week's extreme prices. But little business is now availabla in th wheat trade. Owing to the for mer decline in prices, growers are not in a mood to let go, and only nominal transactions have been reported. Trad in th hay market is steady, although buyers hers have their full requirements of the cheaper varieties, but are still biddlna for timothy. A very amall amount of alfalfa is coming forward. Coarse grain market is firm generally with nractloallv no chanxe in orlee. Business remains aulet for barley owina to tha limited supply available but a rainy gooa volume 01 ousiness is pass lng in oats. CHICAGO WHE'iT JUMPS UP. Closing Is ac Higher for December and Ho for May. Chicas-o. Nov.' 20. There was an ad vance of o in the December and ttc In the May options of wheat t the clos ing today after an opening that was VsO to 4e higher respectively. No change was shown in the July option either at tne opening or close. As a rule there was an advance in foreign markets. News from Argen tina ana Australia was 01 aucn cnar- rter.ti to cause covering by shorts. The news from Kussla, which told of unfavorable weather for seeding was likewise an influence for the bull side. Cash wheat: No. 2 red, 97 99c; No". 8 red, 95597c; No. 2 hard winter, $1.00 1.04; No. 2 hard winter. 95c $1.00; No. 2 northern aprlng, $1.04(3)1.08; No. 2 spring, $1.00 1.05. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co, WHEAT. Open. High Low. Close. 96H 96H 100H 101 A i 94 63H 68HA 64H 64HA 64H 64H 47U 47HA 49 60 ' B 46 46 A 1615 1617 A 1657 1662 A 1465 1667 B 920 920 B 945 945 A 965 97 A 845 '' 845 866 86765 857 867 A pea . May . July . 100 101 i 96 CORN. 64 65 64 H OATS. 47H 47 50' 50 48 H 464, Deo, . May . tfuly . Deo. . May . July . Jan. . , PORK. 1622 1670 1670 LARD. 927 952 960 RIBS. 860 870 860 ..1615 ..1665 ..1670 .. 925 , . 860 . . 960 May . July Jan. . . May . July 1 Jan. May July . ... 860 ... 870 ... 860 The Mother to Her Boy. "There Is no height no depth, that could set ua apart; Body of mine, soul of mine, heart of my h a Art- There is no sea so deep, no mountain so nign That I could not coma to you, If I heard There la no hell so sunken, no Heaven so Where I should not seek and find you, and keep. Now you are gentle, . dear, sweet as a Rose Not a ataln on my spotless one whit aa the snows. If aoma day you would come to me, heavy with sin. L your mother, would open the door and let von In. I would waah you white again with my tears or gnei; Body of mine, soul of mine, till you found relief. , , Tho' you had sinned all sins ther are twixt east and west. You should find my arms wide for you, your head on my breast Child, if I wer in Heaven and you were in liell Angsts white, as my spotless on Stumbled and fell! I would leave the fields Of Ood Queen Mary's feet, Straight to the heart would go seeking my sweet God mayhap would turn him at sound of ' . the door; . ' , Wno is it goes out from me, to com back to more? Then the blessed mother would say ' frorn her throne: Son, 'tis a mother seeking her own Ttnitv of mine, soul of mine, born of ma Thou wert one little, darling, beside my ane. It la so that mothers are made Thou madeat them so; Body of mine, soul of mine, do I not . knowr , - .China Eats the Most Pork. , From Buckle's History of 'Civilisation. In the aacred books of ths Scandi navians, pork Is represented as ths principal food sven in.-heaven. It was the chief food of the . Irish - in th 12 th century, and also , of th Anglo Saxons at an earlier period. . - In Francs it was equally common. and Charlemagne kept in his forests Immense droves of pigs. In Spain, those who did not like pork were, tried by tha Inquisition as suspected Jews. Late in tha 16th century, there was a par ticular disease said to be caused by the quantity of pork eaten in Hungary; and even at . present- the barbartous Lettea are passionately fond of it. In tha middle of the 16th century, Phillip II, when In England, generally dined op bacon, of which h ate so much as frequently to make himself4 Very iiu v " By a singular contradiction, the Afri can Mohammedans now "Believe that a great enmity exists between hogs snd Christians" (Mungo Park). Many medical' authors have supposed that pork la particularly unwholesome ' in hot' ooun tries; but this requires con firmation; and It is certain that it la recommended , by Arabian physicians, and la mora generally eaten both in What $1 a Week Will 4 Interest Paid 011 Savings Deposits One Dollar a Week deposited in this ,Bank will give you a Steady Income ' an Income that , will pay the Landlord, the Doctor, the Grocer, and all other ex penses, when your Income is cut off by Disability. tasss-sswsaasBass TheScandinavian-American Bank 248 Washington St., Bet. Second and Third . Open Regular Banking; Hours and Saturday Evening From 6 to 8. . . LD-VTBERMENS NATIIOSAL CAPITAL 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS .$750,000 Oldest National Bant West of the Rocky Mountatnt UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Air rmAJtorsoo FOUNDED 1864 Capital Paid in.... $8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit. .$7,805,769.00 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and sell Torelfn Exshanfet Issue Drafts and Cable Trensfere, Commercial Credits and Travelers Letters of Credit, available in all parte of the world; make collections on all points and oonduot a s;epral forelan and domestic bankine; business. iimsmKHT axd o rasa in ATiiraa surosiTS PORTLAND BRANCH Chamber of Commerce Building VOBTirWIDST OOlfSl Of TTOtD ASTD ITAJtX BTSMT VTU. A, 2UO BAH. Manaftr. i. X. aXTBTOXAJUA, Asst. Manar. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital ; . . V . . . . .'... ...... . 1,000,000,00 Surplus and Profits . '" 900,000.00 ' ' " c1' ' ; ' ,! - ,' . Y,i; ' . ''. , ' i-''',- , ', ' ,"'''v. .-. ' 'V OFFICERS 'f1''''i-"'l';;:Y'';'i-,''':-1'?s; J. C AINSWORTH. Pres. R. YV. SG1MEER Cashltf R. LEA BARNES. Vice-President A. M;.WRIGHT;As8lstaiit Cm-??c : ' " " VT. 'A.' HO VT. Assistant Cashier DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTTin" PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO-PARTIES AKTIOAD rr WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS B?lSlw",IMyWBsWs6ajs ' .., ... . i Asia and Africa than is usually be lieved. , The North American Indians are Rati to have "a disgust for pork." DnbeH believe ther is more pork eaten in China than all tha rest of the world put-together, k'-'? -. ". v-"v" ." ' ' .'.'V?.' ; Clothing Is Found. (Special to The Jnoraal : -Vancouver, : ,Wash., . Nov. 20. While playing under the government dock ivt the foot of Mam street Saturday after noon, a-number of small boys found a white As tries n muff and collar, also a white fox muff, an oilcloth coat and trousers. The polloa were notified and the articles taken to th station. Tha value of th property is about $100. Who owns it or how it came there, la not known. ' ' , ' Journal Want Ads bring results, , : Do For You $1,000,000' COR. FIFTH AND STARK OREGON ,T : W 1 it fr t :0? " t 1. - . :M 3 - if' !'. E.. noi, 0.1 T - 1. ' . V t a.. ',r v. !(, Tty : no hn m- t 1 1 f.' Oil "1 1, tUt" 'Ml- -? ri a ' - '' . i e.'i . .t. ' . U'V a ' '! ., 'V'i- j rui I b- ; 't.ii : j'-M- .' j -! 1 i ! t" IMlr I- i I. ' . aw i !' i 3 (I