The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 20, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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    I 1;-,
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mm mnn urn
iiiuuuii unniL
I . B mm W mm liss 'liwa mmmm
Portland's all-star soccer ,
"fochinritnn'Ct'nr,e o HnnH feeted tho second team yesterday m
uasmngioR lianas a uooa ,P(r on th- Co,umbulI chlb nel(1 by
, L-IJdlJCe Ul UeiUdllliy . JCI- . great game for the second eleven.
ferson Friday.
Lincoln's chances of winning the 1911 All-Stars
r.terscholastic : championship appear I Duncan
ery bright. The Cardinals defeated the
aehington High eleven by the score of 1 Msnsliy " .
; 10 s in a nara jougnt game in wnicn i nonertson
hty outplayed Coach Earl's men ,and Aiattnew
team de
as a result of his good work be may be
put on the All-Star team when they line
Up against the Australians December 2
The team lined up as follows:
Position. Second Team,
Goal Fabre
... .R. V B. ....... , Gifford
,,,,L.i H ..... Martin
....5. H B. ....... Bonham
. . .0. H O. gammons
....L.HB; finedden
...R.WO Lloyd
...R.W O. ...... Albinson
....Center ........ .Inells
,.t. WI, , Gray
... .L. W O. . . . , . . Cameron
Stewart ,
,lso played a tie game with the Jeffer-
; ion High team,
i i Jefferson should be easy for the I Gray
j VashUigton team defeated the Salem I Hlghett
Sigh school by the score of 12 to 0, and
f lie best the Jeff ersonlans could do
? ..uralnst the Capital City players was to
i core a sareiy a iter j. jay naa pumea.
' ' The Lincoln eleven after faithful prac
' . ice under the coaching of Rlnehart, has
i lie strongest team that has represented
, ie senior high school In years.
' - f ; Changed. Xaa About. '
x-J- Coach Rlaahard begaa-Lto-drin his
nen two weeks cerore tne wasnwgton Tho T. M c. A. swimming team of
, ame ana cnangca nis lineup compieieiy.ithe 19111912 season will be selected
Vaterson, who had been playing at right (Friday night at a swimming test, which
: lair, was shifted 10 quarter, ana .uiseniwlll be held In the Association tank.
: iras shifted to right end. Olsen proved! . All swimmers jn order to make the
; :o be a betteri plover at "the. end post (team will have to pass the following
; ion than he did at quarter back, tests: swim jo yards in H seconds;
- Pondlt ; vhu ' nlavM rleht end -was I swim 100 yards in 1:36: use the four
ihlfted to left guard-and played a star swimming stroke and make a good back
rame in that potion.- Both Condit and ana xroni uive. , 4L 1 .
Hrthn'h nlvA.1 la lut Fridays nma A" swimmers passing the test Will
v tth hrokfin hand v M. C A. monogram.
h Kuwmin In hla tint trial ' rtla va1
Treat game both on the offensive and on VANCOUVER SOLDIERS
nt ueienuva, imrener wio pia;w iu. . -, -mi IS AOI IIIIDIIP Trill
ther fine game, and the big fullback I KIM UULUM0U0 I tAM
rot the credit for defeating the east side
tvals by kicking a goal. . - I Hoffman place kick. from the 15
Had Thatcher failed to glck goal the yard line caused the defeat of the Co
lore would have been tied and the ln-llumbus club eleven at the hands . of
erscholastlc championship of the city Dudley Clarke's Vancouver soldiers yes-
Attorney General's Office Says
Secretary Must Allot by
Honeyman Team .Wins, Again
and Is Leading Baseball
uum puu in 111 uuuuh . v
' X4aooln Has Class date.
At present Lincoln has a clean slate,
is has Jefferson, but Jefferson has not
von a game except from the Portland
Academy team.
Judiririe from the scores mads bv
. Vttahtnptnfi 0 era (not fiA nnnnn.nt. I JdSiT
..1 - 1 . , . . . : t . -1 v. 1 truouer
. . . . uav.iiiui.
;ari s men Should aereat tne Jefferson 1 nurfllnrer
terday afternoon on the Columbus field.
Hoffman's kick struck one of ' the
goal poBts, spun around in the air and
finally dropped over the cross bar.
The teams lined up as follows:
Columbus. Positions. Soldiers.'
Cook ........... L. Hunter
Elvers ....... J. L. T. Patty 1
....... Lt. u ureen
, C Bumholts
.R. G. ........ . Cathav I.......... - jLHiVIS
leven with ease. - 1 Jones. Klumpo .R E Paull
Reports from the Jefferson campus) Glanelll ..........Q. .......... Lewis
ndicate that Coach Smith U working i'"8"1 if " u
iar1 on the eleven ; and will Tilt hla - " wo.uw-.jr
- r - innaiiann . -
itrong men against the Bed and Orange etrelbig B...I...i Hoffman
cam -when the two schools clash on I Officials Referee. Callicrate; umpire.
Uultnomah field Friday. , ICarl Wolff; field judge. Hlckson: head
The Jefferson team will have Vosperl INOl"on wmeaeepers, wrou
in1 Ulrtaa am es nsia Tj.tAll J l. 1 -
K. Anderson at guard. Cole will play CORVALLIS HIGH, 7:
juarterbaclt. and the Day brothers and , DDnUalQUII 1 C UlflU K
amplon will form the backfleld trio. I u"u -u 4 iiui i, v
- i i
(Soeelel to The JoaraaLl
Corvallls. Or.i Nov. 20. The Corval
lis HI ch school football team defeated
? Ilhr-l-fl I WHITMflPJITFS the High echool eleven from : Browna
' i vui. An n a f 1 ri.ifi h mmam
being 7 to 6. Each elevsn made! a
touchdown, both falling to kick goal.
and the Corvaulo lads secured a touch
Spokane, Waah.. Nov. 10. Playing the
fiercest kind of ball Washington State
lefeated Whitman here Saturday 11 to 0.
Ten pounds to xtbo man heavier than
:)ielr opponents, they repeatedly forced
:lie ball Into the shadow of the goal
posts only to lose it on downs.1
, In the second period an attempt at
?oal from the three yard Una was
j locked and Whitman punted the ball
:ut of danger. Repeatedly the lighter
'.Vhltman boys held when a moment's
etup would have meant a score. It was
not till the closing minutes of the seo
and period that Pullman scored. Even
then Whitman was penalised, placing
the ball within striking distance, and
the line bucks put it over.' Pullman
failed to kick goal.'
Pullman made another score in the
third period, on a series of line smashes
through center and end runs that put
the ball ' on the five yard line, from
where Gaddls was pushed over for the
tinal touchdown of the game. Klenhols
kicked goal. Forward passes went
wrong during the entire game, falling
(Sul.ra Barn of The loamiM
Baiem, , Or.. NoVi 20. .Automnhtl
owners will not be able to retain their
registration numbers from year to year
uniess Dy cnance. as the law provides
ror giving them their numhers as thlr
applications come In regardless of the
numoers tney carried before. This is
the substance of an opinion given to
Secretary- of State Olcott by the .at
torney general's office.
The rullnar , will be dlsaonolntin to
nunareas or auto owners throughout
the state who seem 'to have especially
strong desires to retain their same
numoers. It is evident that the aues
tlon of repainting numbers on lamoa as
well as the deBire of automobile own
ers was not considered by the leglBla-
lure. - : , j i
Referring to the section of the motor
veniqie law providing for Issuance of
number plates? "Upon filing such ap-
plications and the payment of the li
cense roe herein provided for, the sec
retary of state shall assign to the
motor vehlcl a distinctive duplicate
number, and without expense to the
owner .two number plates, rear and
front, as described In this act". Assist
ant Attorney General Van Winkle says:
Secretary Designates Bomber. -
Tou will notice that said Provision
does not provide for any recognition
of numbers already assigned for the
former year, but requires that the sec
retary of state shall designate a'num
ber for each vehicle. Of, course for
the first registration there could be
no number already assigned, and the1
assignment by the secretary of state
would be an original assignment, but
section 7, providing for registration,
provides that It shall be effected In
the "same manner that the same kind
of application shall be made, the same
fee paid and the secretary shall per
form the same duties, towlt: Assign
a number for each vehlole and Issue to
its owner duplicate number-plates.
"The same provision Is contained in
sections 13 and 14 as to the registration
of Chauffeurs. The objection that the
number assigned to any motor ve
hicle Is painted on the lamps of course
does not apply Jn the case of regis
tered chauffeurs, but the legislature
has employed the same language which
goes to support the construction, that
the matter of repainting the numbers
on the lamps was not considered by
the legislature.
"If the same numbers could tu am.
ignatdd to motor vehicles when they are
rerrgioiereo. as mose already designated
to them for the previous year, no doubt
thlavwould be a great convenience to
the owners of such vehicles. I am not
Informed, however. If this would be
possible In the transaction of your
business, but I am of opinion that It
is not required by the statute. '
Won. Lost, P. C.
Honeyman 2 0 1.000
Marshall-Wells . 1 . ., 1 " : .600
cscmes . 11 . . .600
Archer-Wiggins ...... 0 3 ,: .000
The Honeyman indoor baseball team
continued its winning streak yesterday
afternoon by defeating the Archer-Wig
gins nine by the score of 14 to 6 In an
exciting game, at the Armory.
The Honeymans scored In the first,
second, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth
innings, while' the , ArchecWls-a-lns
squad was held t two runs, until the
seventh inning, wheiTHendersoir devei
oped a wild streak. He settled down
after four nuns had been scored and
shut out Daughter's men In the last
two innings.
McHale and Baker 'each made four
hits and JPembrook and Magee 'were
credited with .three bingles in their
times at bat Nelson started for the
losers with, the bat. getting' a triple
and a single in four times up. VHis
triple, scared two of the four runs made
by the losers in the seventh.
The clever fielding of the Honevman
Infield was a feature. . . -
Honeyman .......... .8 IAS A s 1
Archer-Wiggins ......0 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 0
jtfaiieries iienderuon and McHale: P.
McHale and Hansen.
Eiohles Cant Bunch ' Bits.
Rupert's Eschles were unable to bunch
their hits on McKenzie and were de
feated by the Marshall-Wells team, yes
terday afternoon by the score of 14 toi
6. McKenzie allowed 10 hits during the
Backus was not In the form he was
when he pitched against the Archer-
Wiggins squad and the heavy stickers !
or tne hardware company found his
slants with ease. McKensie made three
hits In five times up, Including a triple
and a double. King, Mangold, Wil
liams and Hlrach were the other star
sluggers of the hardware nine. Lodell,
McConnell and Henkle did the best work
with the stick for Rupert
The . fast fielding of the Marshall
Wells nine was a feature. Mangold and
Williams making two fast double plays.
The score: '
Marshall-Wells 4 0 S 10 0 t 9 1
Eaehles 000 0 10118
nacienes ucKenzle ana Otterstedt:
Local Fans Think Washington
Football Coach Fooled
Them on Weight. ; .
As an aftermath of .the overwhelming
defeat of the University of Oregon by
the . great Washington football eleven
last Saturday, the gridiron fans are
asking these three questions:
Is It right for Coach Dobie to minify
the actual ; weight of the Washington
team for the purpose of misleading the
other coaches and the football followers
in'generalt '
How does Washington compare with
Coach Hugo Beidek'a - great Oregon
team of 10T
What showing would Washington
make against Wisconsin or Minnesota,
disputants over the western conference
championship? '
Considerable comment has been heard
over - the weight . of the Washington
iFnlted PtP mi1 TVtrit v1'
San Francisco, Nov. 20; "I made good
eleven, which Doble Insisted before mfi'j":
Tame was less than that of Oregon team twnher" 'iJHnSS
Farland. the Chicago lightweight, hero
The Christian Brothers ',1e"J,1?'
ketbalL team has ' nlr.Avtarted its
mVli campaign, and cording' to
present indications prorn fcllpea
any of its former recor-V0n' Novem"
ber, 11 defeated tnA"" Prepara
toryy team, 86 to Y' and Bfttwrday
nlKht the , nantiat i Aurch team was
smothered by the cfe "
Gottsacker is thdnly P'ayer of last
year's team. ' but new -ec'ult M
fasttand have irdy shown their abil
ity to hold dowthclr position agalnsfl
all comers; ,
"Arrangement are being made to
pldy Columbl Mount Angel college
and the vaiua h,"n schools' of ' the
city.-, v - " ...
The C. - B. team lines' up as fol
lows thlsenl"h:.; Burns and Gaynor,
forwards O'Shea, center: Powers and
GottaacK1"" -uas. ...
Doble may be rlrht In hla contentl
but there are several thousand Ported
football fans who not only believe
the Washington players were hiyvler,
but that they were from 10 to IS pounds
heavier on an average, " It . no
hlh powered , microscope to wnvlnce
the spectators' that they areAR0 ,,n
their estimation of Washlngto pound
age. It haa been advanced ttAt the uni
forms of the Washington plA looked
bulky and bulged from p MP"
shoulders, but the orlticafan does not
look at bulky forms anpadde- shoul
ders. He la Intelligent enough not to
be directed to look at A biceps, calves
and torsos of the pUVers. , Practically
every one of the whington players is
compactly built, finv Coyle to- arlmm.
whose wela-ht hasten given out at 188
pounds, but whoAould probably wiggle
the beam at the200 mark, -Has
4reat IWaehlne.
There la noyoenylng that Coach Doble
It t shrewd' coach, none other in tne
northwest n compare with him, and
he has a feat scoring machine, but It
Is Indisputable that their weight had a
great AeA to do In smothering the light
WhaA Doble announced his weights
and They .were, cam pared with those
of Warner 'a warriors,' the fans were
ledto believe that the beef was about
efetnly distributed on both sides of
tYe ball. Of course, Dobie may chuckle
dp hla sleeve, but it is hardly .fair to
today on bis arrival to train - for his
Thanksgiving fight with fiarlens Tommy
Murphy. McFarland was accompanied
by his brother Johnny and Emll Thiry,
his manager and trainer. The stock
yards scrapper looks fit and will begin
hard training today. ' . - i:
Ferrea Stops Dehne. . , -
(Speelol to Th Journal. ,
Springfield, Or Nov. 20. Jack-Terrell
won in the sixth round of a 10
round bout Saturday night from C.
Dehne. The preliminary was awarded
to Kid Cavett over Harry Sebeck in the
third round. - . ,-. a
uBiboi.TOuvivDiaie liem lll . 1., . - -
Backus and McConnelL UmplrefthevPfla wnot p55r.vtnolr hard arn6d
est l-t - . . . . ...... 71 Mali In innnArt n't tVm- frnmA
Shockley, Austin and Williams.
Pheasants for John L.
A permit was Issued by the ftate
game warden's office to Gene Simpson,
the Corvallls pheasant raiser, U ahlp
10 Chinese pheasants to the famous
pugilist John L. Sullivan for Ms farm
near Abington,-; a suburb o Boston,
Mass. The pheasants are all itame birds
and are pinioned.
down in addition. The game was clean,
fast and exciting from start to finish
and - the score represents the relative
strength of the teams.
Naval Cadets Can't Bet.
(CnlUd Prem tesMd Wire.)
Annapolis, Md, Nov. 20. Naval Cadets
here today are wondering what tp do
with $6000 said to have been sent to the
United States naval academy by the
cadets from West Point, to be wagered
on the army-navy football game next
Saturday. The authorities here have
Just issuea an order forbidding the mid
shipmen to bet on the' game. .
Jimmy Carroll Meets O'Leary.
(Catted Press Leased Wire.)
New York, Nov. HO.-r-Fight fans here
are on a keen edge of expectancy today
over the Young O'Leary-Jlmmy Carroll
10 round bout before the Fordon Ath
letic club tonight There is a grudge
of long standing between the two scrap
pers wno nave' been itching ( to get a
ii uca uunr, ana a xasi mix IS
Tex Knight Winner.
(Siwclal to The JoutmU , v .
Mareola, Or., Nov. 20. Kid Young of
jsugene was knocked out in the fourth
round of a scheduled 10 round bout by
lex juugni, saturaay night
Athletes Defeat OW. R. & N.
The Mount Scott Athletic club' soccer
team aereatea tne v--w. R. & N. team
yesterday afternoon on the Mount Scott
grounds by the score of 9 goals to 1
in a practice game.'
Carey act land ftle at Jerome. Idaho.
December II, 1911. These 14.000 snlen
did acres are a part of the Great North
side Tract Lincoln county. Idaho. For
all information, wire or write the Twin
Falls North Side Land & Water Co.,
m uner, iaano.
Owr Showing of
TUT tl
For Fall-
j Tlie Bc8t $3 Hafts
cm - Earth '
Hew. and .
. , , .
Minor Football Games
A mmrna-'w-ioonra rjiAaxm.
Standing of the Clubs, .
Section X.
. . ' Won. Lost P. C.
K. W. 3 o 1.000
fflonawHB z l ,Sfl7
Alblna Juniors 9 1 km
Vernon 1 2 .333
While Caps 0 4 .Ortft
Beotlon XT.
P. A. Juniors 2
Willamette 9.
Nob Hill i . 1
Parks 0 '
HerzogB drop kick from the 20-yard
line gave the Mohawk team a victory
over the Albina Juniors yesterday aft
ernoon by the score of 8 to 0, in the
Archer-Wiggins league. . Both teams
played a hard game and many disputes
occurred throughout the game.
Shoeiller L. Crowe, Haywood; Hurley
and Hersog did the best playing for
the Mohawks, while Maglus ana Benson
starred for the Juniors.
The teams lined up as follows:
Mohawks. Ponltion.
Kennedy C
Im crowe L. E. .
Morrir L. T...
Shipley. Roche.. L. O...
HuKhes. Harris. R. Ci....
Cyphers It T..."
Shoeiller R
Pinder. Crowe. . .Q H. ..
Hay woxd R. H . . .
Hurley L. B,
Jtterzog F. R.
. . . . McNlchols
........... Smith
........ Benson
Colvin, umpire;
eleven. The Brooklyn team would like
to arrange an out-of-town game with
teams averaging 145 pounds. For
games write Walter Moery, 708 East
fourteenth street
Lincoln High school Midgets defeated
the St Michael eleven on Multnomah
field yesterday afternoon by the score
of 21 to 0. The Mids-eta scored a
touchdown In every period of the game.
but were only able to kick goal once.
une et. Micnaei s team had one
chance to score, but a fumble on the
Midgets' fiVe-yard line lost them their
opportunity. Newhoff and Friedman
starred for the Midgets, and -Martin
and Graham did the best work for the
losers. . . ; .
Smoke Queen Quality tobacco.
the labels. ; See 167 Srd. '
Manning, head linesman.
The F. E. W. football eleven defeated
the White Cap team yesterday after
noon by the score of to 0. The White
Caps played their best game of the
season, and will niake other squads
hustle to beat them from now on. The
White Caps have no game scheduled for
next Sunday, and will devote some of
the day getting new plays formed.
The P. A. Jrs. and the Sunnyslde
teams were winners by default over the
Nob Hill and Park teams Saturday.
Only three of the Nob Hill players
showed up for the game with the acad
emy boys, and the Parks failed to ap
pear for the game with the Sunnyslde
The MrT-nutrhlln rVvVthnll olnvcn xtram
defeated by the Oregon City team yes
terday afternoon at Oregon City by the
score of 8 to 0. This Is tho first time
three ixjirs that the Oregon City
team has uefeated the Portland club.
The South Portland Midgets defeated
the Sellwood Midgets yesterday after
noon by the score of 21 to 0. The South
Portland team scored four touchdowns
and kicked one goal. ' Herrald, Place,
Acrits and Nunnlngcamp starred for
the winners, while Palmer did the best
work for the Sellwood eleven. . '..- .
For games with the Midgets, tele
phone Albert, Marshall 2679.
' The Brooklyn Athletic club defeated
the Columbus Fsrk 'eleven, yesterday
afternoon by the score of ll to 0. Vit
was the star of the game, making' all
the points scored by tho; Brooklyn
tRnertsI to The Journal.)
Marshfleld, Or, Nov. 20. - Football
season in Coos county closed with the
last game of the interscholastlo con
test Saturday, The game was played at
North Bend, and the team of that city
was defeated by Marshfleld high school.
The score was t to, 0. This gives
Marshfleld the: championship for this
year. The team has won every game
clayed and has made a fine showing.
Generally Tell of Sick Kiel-
neys A Portland Resident
Shows You the Cure.
The sharp twngo of pain In the small
of the back' that strikes you after any
sudden twist or awkward motion, .tells
of weak, sick kidneys. Early signs of
weakened kidneys Are: backache, lame
back, sharp, darting pains, dly spells,
tired-out state; despondency. And there
are usually disturbances of the urine
too frequent urination, ' scalding '. or
burning pain -during passage, discolored
urlno and sediment , ' ;
Doan's Kidney Pills are prepared es
pecially for sick, weakened kidneys.
backache and urinary disorders have"
cured thousands ot such, cases. Doan's
i Indorsed throughout the civilised
world are recommended, -by Portland
residents. J.... . ;"'..
Mrs. J. L. More, 160 Beach St., Port
land, Or., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills
have been used In niy family with good
results. I can praise this remedy .high
ly; knowing that It is effective in cur
ing, kidney trouble " - ;: : ; , ,
For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents.
Foster-MHburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the . United States. '
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other, . ' " " .
cash in support of the- game.
There are many who believe that
Washington has the greatest football
team that has ever represented a col
lege In the northwest. Others main'
tain that it Is no better than the eleven
which Hugo Besdek, the scrappy Chlcav
goan, carved out -of the Oregon squad
of 4908. Besdekiad an" advantage
over ' Doble" s present team, because it
was composed of a number of stars,
who were mighty ' evenly balanced,
while Doble makes . no pretensions to
stars this year. . .
Had Some Great Players.
Besdek had the . two .greatest . ends
the new game has known In the north
west Gordon Moores and "Weary"
Chandler.- Then he had Henry Mo
Don't Be Bald
Almost Any One May Secure a
' Splendid Growth of Hair.
'You can easily find out for yourself
if your hair needs nourishment, if it is
thinning, getting dry, harsh and brittle,
or splitting at the ends. You simply
have to pull a hair from the top of your
head and closely examine its roots. If
the bulb Is plump and rosy It is all
right; if It is white and shrunken your
hair is diseased and needs nourishment
We have a remedy for hair troubles
that cannot be surpassed. It has i
record of growing hair and curing bald.
ness In 93 out of 100 cases where used
according to directions for a reasonable
length of time. It-will even grow hair
on bald heads if the scalp Is not glased
and shiny. That may seem like.
strong statement it is, and we mean
It to be, - and no one should doubt it
until they have put our claims to . an
actual test
We are so sure that Rexall "93" Hair
Tonlo will completely eradicate dand
ruff, prevent baldness, stimulate the
scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair
and grow new hair, that w personally
give our positive guarantee to -refund
every penny paid us for Rexall "flu"
Hair Tonic In every instance where It
does not do as we claim or falls to give
entire satisfaction to the user. .
Rexall "93 Hair Tonic Is as. pleasant
to use as clear spring water. It is per
fumed with a pleasant odor,, and does
not grease or gum' the hair. We have
It In two sisea, prices 60 cents and f 1.00,
We urge you to try Rexall ,M9S" Hair
Tonic on our recommendation and with
our guarantee back of It You cer
tainly take no risk. Sold only by The
Owl Drug Co. stores In Portland, Seattle,
Spokane, San Franolsco. Oakland, Lds
Angeles and Sacramento.
... mam ' m
Laxative Vater
; QuMbr Relieves
xMkil surru
I :' !
L 11 111 II
It Looks
to blend Havana and domestic
tobacco. But it took over 40
years to learn how to keep the
'mellow Havana taste, and still
do away with its nerve-wreck
fag effects. The result is in
the mellow flavor of a
Gen! Arthur
Spokane Reinsman Has Had'
Wonderful Career With;.
Harness Horses. ,
Kinney, the flrcest plunger that ever
bored into a line in this section; Fred
Moullen. the wonderful place kicker:
Zacharias. the . speedy "halfback, and
Lou Plnkham. the greatest tackle of his
inches in the history of the north coast
game, who was then Just beginning to
come Into notice.
That Oregon crowd might have been
able to defeat the . 1911 Washington
team, but it is doubtful. Those who
followed the Dobie game closely believe
that Washington is a good match for
either Wisconsin or Minnesota, who
played a to tie game Saturday at
Madison, Wis. , His tfnen have the
weight, speed, experience and balance
to stand off any one of the. conference
teams and It is hoped a game might be
arranged if one of the conference teams
can be brought to the coast .
- Spokane, Wash., Nov. JW Lucion, M. ":
Lindsay of - Spokane, contemporary of
DahlA and finlnn in thalr nnlml.a i1...
ana oiaest active anver. in the world,
Is at - work preparing his campaigned ,
pRfllnhflh trt rnvpr iha uaiUhi aIi-ahH
in 1912. He is 81 vears of are anrl hna
handled 'trotting and pacing horses for '
more than a, half century in Various -parts
of America. He holds several
records. -v,.v; s '.,'.,'.', .-:-r - -.-
Luclen Is a native of Illinois, 'born
lit Cook county Jn 1830. When, nine
years of age his parents moved to Iowa,
where he remained 10 years, going to.
the Oregon county in 1849, during the
gold excitement on the California coast.
Twelve years afterward he moved to
Boise, Which-was then part of, Wash
lnrton.. -:1 ' -' 1 , "
Eph "Maynard, driven by- Lindsay at
Walla' Walla, Wash., in 1882, made fol- '
lowers of the .trotting world sit up when "
tne animal stepped a mile in 8:52, after
ward going a mile in equalling the ' .
mark set by dexter at Dexter park, in '
the stockyards district ot Chloago .fbl- - ?
lowing the fire In 1871. ? Kph Maynard
made his mark in 1872. amd the time was
a record in Oregon for years. Llndsev " '
also drove Parrot s mile In 2:30, a new
record for Oregon, which was made la '
the ninth heat of a four-horae raoe.
The veteran had charge of the Reed
& Ladd stock farm at ReedvlUe for a ,
number of years and raised Jane t a
trotter that cleaned up everything on -the
coast and set a mark of 2:19 4 In
1894. ue nasjoeen on the circuit evatr'-
year since than and despite his ageJhe
meciares ne la ;good xor. from 10 t 15 -years.
- His last race this season was -at
Colfax, Wash., less than five weeks
agO. - . . -' ;
, Llndsey is in good health and Is as
Ofttlv. mm m -nan V. . T V. 1 . . '
- - , m . ...mi. unit 111 J. Lm :
ascribes his strength to keeping regular
hours and clean living and following the
teachings of the golden Rule. ; .y -
14.000 acres of Idaho's best land will
be sold under th Carey act at Jerome
December 11," 1911. ' These lands are
part of the grent north side tract (a
Kuhn enterprise), and are oonsidered es-
peclally choice for apple and , general
fruit culture. SniKll cash payment and
long time on deferred payment low
rate of interest For aU Information,"
wire or , write- TWIN FALLS ,'ORTH
Idaho. " - e
11 u fj-aiiirii "
AT A 11
Ben; Selling and Moyer Stores
The lanrest and most map-nifieent
I hotel m Ptwtland; unsurpassed in
eleeance of accommodations or
excellence of cuisine. European
plan, $1.50 per day and upward.
O. 3. KAimCAinr, Manages.
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
350 ROOMS. t 104 UITES
With Private Baths V
Mnd 10c Cigar
M. A. Gunst CSk Co., Distributors
Pimples, spots on the sklnj sores In the
mouth, ulcers, falling hair.- bons pains,
catarrh, etc., are symptoms. D;iays are
dangerous.' Send at once to Dr. Hrown.
9SB Arch st, Philslephla, for Crown's
Blood Cure. Convincing proof In a 93.00
bottle -lasts a month. Sold in Portland
by Owl Drug Co. and by all druggists
' House of Welcome v .
- 'The Brown Bus Meets AU Trains.
. A high class modern -hotel in the heart of the theatre
, , and shopping district
Rooms Without $1.00 Per Day and Up. 1
Rooms with Bath $2.00 Per Day and Up. '
E. P. MORRIS, Prop. .s H. E. FLETCHER, Mgr.
In the Very Heart of Portland's Activity Modern in Erery Respect
Desirable Suites for Permanent Occupancy . at Reduced
( vV'; V' 'Vri'' Rates 'r-hyy' y)'?-'
RATES $1.00 AND UP. :
C; H. SIL1FER, Asst.Mgr.
Change of Management
' , i 1 r
" 1
1' 5S fil
Single rooms, transient, with but
I'Ull, . . ....... ,
transient with pri-
11.00 up
Single - room
Table d'hote breakfast.."..-.. ! - r Up
Also a la Carte Mann , ' ? '
Only f lrst-Class Eotel la Portland ffeatni-' -t
log Anrlcan pian. Drop u and Ulk oV
our ettxactive permanent rates tatiiJiulZi r
and slngl.Tp.opi. for tit. wilt Prtte f
- PI
aucts gli
service I
ven personal attention
all departments, stvrm iw.'-l-r.X..
P i - s-
In all onaKtMA.t. .
than hotel-like, yet with allh. advalT!i(
tages. and comfortsof holf 1 Rerylne at ex- r
treinolv low rates. P. wtt.t.t -
Kl.T.ntU and Stark sts., Portland, Oreg2 rf-1