The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 20, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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n rnAR re i mi rt t t i i a
i j Li 'i n n n lr mi v i n y
Estimates' Taxable Valuation
. of Property at $275,000,
, V 000 to : Be on Safe Side.
V. Figures Carefully Trimmed.
. Mayor RusiVlghJt's siirtual budget to
the city couMH, recommending a tax
levjr on- 6.8. ai to-provid for , all
,,- municipal expi.Utures during 1813, was
ftlad m the office of the city, auditor
thin monitor- -rVi1 ''''
Tha figures submitted by. the mayor
are tit result W a weea z carenu
trtmminr and" represent the minimum
of taxes with whieh tha -mayor believes
: ;th business of thr.ctty can bje economi
cany asg at tag same time progressively
conducteU. J-n reeoramenaina- iam yy
, th. nrnvor estimates the taxable value
tlon at property at 27.oeo,(Wd, although
tft total, valuation will probably be
close- to- 32ByO,(44. ' The lower figure
k allow for a delinquency of 4H per cent
, in tax collection by the attenrr or
s flee. Following la tha budfrat in fulls
-T th CotmcU-rn""IHiruanoe of the
t provision oT srlon,lS9 of the city
charter and th estimates , filed, by the
several officer of th city or Portland.
i X cubenlt, my annual budget of oxpeaae
: Cot the rear 1911, wits, such reoom-
mendattoaa 1 deem advisable. - r
"Til following ia a tabulated state
; , wont " estimate filed with too auditor
of ta araouat reoulred te meet the
. public expens ef too city of Portland
:r' x h year nix: ' -v- ,
"Payable trass fmnda derived from
faieral taxation:. ,i ,,
re deaartxa .,....,. ' 771,140.00
lk dprtsnnt ........ 416,990.00
teres on bonded tadebtad-
aea 1 VVL'JV 144,8400
Ugbtlas and bwfla-
-Sepalro I CMei aM f -y
tridge ................. IJfTJ.o
iprk denartmeoi 171.081.00
Pnbllo docks 19,014.19
i Btreet aleantog an prlsfc m
Uac dopartnvent 9M.7M.60
TW aber eteUmeRt do not Include
i levy tor atnking femd o provide for
payment of boetded fcadebtedne when
and levy foe special bridge fund
t prwrldo for tae payment of bridge
Vn nil 8 aaro rwmuwm hh wvmmmm.
ot vwratOe br T ion,
Tnynbl out of general fund dartved
, rrotn Ucenaes. aac MUoe otbar tlwa
freoeral taxatloat V
Mayor- of f to Jt. MM.90
.Audltor'a nf floe
tltv enaineer dept
nt attorney office
" Muninipal Judge otOs
i juagw oohs
Inspector's depari-
' 81,626.00
, nuliaing
mesa .........
XTMlth offla .....
Civil service eonunlealoa
fiealer of weigbt and. miaa
ure departtent
Foundmaater departflNM .
Garbage crematory
Janitor' department
Free employment Vi arena ...
Free museum
Plumbing Inspector depart
ment Citjfc treasurer office
Assessments of city property
for street . Improvements
and construction of sewers.
Fay of viewers on street ax
' tensions
Stationery and bmnks
Insurance on .city property ..
Relief of certain persona ....
- Expense of litigation ......
Kxpense of license tag ....
Salary of council . ,
Miscellaneous expense Of
council X"'
Miscellaneous expense Oen
era! Election
Street j improvement and
sewer warrant
Vault room and metal fur
niture Salary, grapnler :.
Expense viee commission ....
Installation Of telephone exchange-
, 7604)0
' 8.000.00
Exchange operator
Deduct amount duplicated.. 9,(29.20
Grand total ...2686.917.00
Kay Kak Xednotloa.
"I have carefully examined the fore-
Until Relieved by Lydia E Pink
bun's Vegetable Compouod. '
DewlttrlDe, NlY. "Bsfors I frtart.
ed to take WPagV
tha tlma with Wd.
aus) ubvuvuvii,
and bearing down
pains, and had a
contlnnous pain, in
my left - Bide. It
Surl walk IniiPh
tried tO WalK muctl,
and my back was so
weak that I was
obliged to wear
corseta ail tne time.
But nOW I do not have any of these ,
troubles..: I bate a nne strong; oany e re'see" engine .t 310?- ' I
daughter now, which I did not hare. 000 difference . y. 4,000.00
before taking" Lydia E. Pinkham's One blacksmith for K shop, 18
Vegetable Compound." Mhs. A. A. i 1 1 JMoM
Giles, JKm Dewittrlllej;.i!f I
The above la only one of the thou
sands of irrateful letters which are .
constantly beinir received by tha
HasS., Which prove beyond a doubt that "engines In residence districts where am
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- put protection tan ba afforded with
pound, made from roots and herbs, i combination chemical and hoae wagons,
actually does cure theBe obstinate dis- that a fir In a ridnc
eases of women, and fhat every such, itrfct. could b held la chack until
fmtrpirlno" woman owa It. tn hnrnpir tn
p at least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege.
' table Compound a trial before submit-
' ting to aa operation, or giving up
,.j nope or. reoovery. ; , . S"t -j
I Mrs. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass
I Invites nil sick women to write
I her for adlvioe 8I10 has irulded
I thousands ' to - hcaltb and 1 her
' tvdvlce Is free. 1
going estimates, and after consultation
with the various board and committees
under whose auparvtsioh .th'" vcral
department are conducted, and th
officer - la eharge of ucn '; d-
rtments, I am of the opinion that
terial reduction can ' be made wlth-
Impalrlng the efficlencyof the aer-
xne city na frown very rapiaiy
the paat few year and djstnota
yar or two since were not ln-
are now demanding fire ana
rateotloa and atraet - llghta.
Tha ex
of maintaining th public
increased accordingly. The
parka hi
ed, ha
rge, which cannot bJ evad-
e than doubled within a
"hort tlm. During tb
"V "" ! many mile of hard
surfaoe pavei:nt, been Jaid and
:!?'J)SVemeN ut be kept clean
and the expenV maintaining , the
S ,.eSkUJ aprlnkling depart
'"'''f.'lVurln thla period.
eirT??;p.UW,l. Ut"y association . asks
SfTii? J' vy must be made
to Provide for the x... ,. r...K.
lie docks ommlssionVbjcn hM not
been required , heretofoi, Tn police
department requests suol(mt r moMr
to inorease tha fore witbg patrolmen
and additional detectives sLj serKeants.
And last but hot least I mujt call your
earnest; attention to th nVesslty of
providing fund for th pa,mnti f
our; bonded lndebtedM, , A.tu -the
X? :L,i?dfe ;-XL
...v n.uraB ftwuu , wixi sfiuariM taxa
tion f n meat tha inavttaVri Amir- i
tlon to meet the Inevitable dayVhan
our .Just debts will fall duej 10-1 0f
one mill was levied during - the Var
1910, and SSUOO of on mill during V4
year 1911, but' unless this levy Is (L
creased the proceeds will not be xtn
iHwit. w , oars tor Donua xaiiing oue.
'To provide for the payment of bonds
maturing within th next 10 year wlU
require a levy of at least 46-100 of
on mill each year during said period
and I earnestly urge that we prepare
w meat our obligation when due. in
all eases where publlo Improvement
are made from the proceeds of bond
issue, provision should be mad for a
sinking fund sufficient to . retire th
bonds when the Ufe of the Improve
ment nas oeaaea to exiat.
To VranM lalary rscnedul.
"Th counoil at it . last r eession
adopted a resolution- providing for th
appointment of three members of th
ootmell to Investigate 'and report the
namber of employes neoessary to eoa
dnot tha several departments and tb
alarle to be paid aueh employe, and Z
hay refrained from making any reoom
mendatlona a to Inorease or decrease
In salaiia and all axpendlture are
baaed upon the present chdul of sal
"Th above estimates are referred to
yera with th recommendations as here
inafter t forth, and I slncerel; hopo
that U tax levy for th year 1919, will
be kept a low as posslbl consistent
with good service.
llr Iiartmat.
The eetimate of expenditures filed
by th ohlef engineer, of the fire de
partment for tb year 1919 aggregate
8779.140. Tha charter limit th
amount to be Wvled for fire ' depart
ment porpoae to IU mills. The esti
mated amount of assessable property
within tha olty limits, after deducting
la 9878.600,000. and a levy of S mill
would produce nil, 750, which added to
th estimated available balance to be
earrled forward from tha ' year 1911.
would amount to $685,068.60. It will
be seen that the amount of th esti
mate filed by the chief engineer of the
fir department is far la axoess of the
amount authorised for said department,
and that a material redaction will have
been mad.
To Strike Off Item. 1
"After consultation with the commit
tee- on fir and th chief engineer- of
tha fir department It has been decided
to recommend that tha following Items
bs stricken from said estimate:
Flreboat David Campbell .
Master, 4 months 9 600.00
i'llot, 4 months , 460.00
First engineer. 4 month.... 600.00
Second and ' third engineer,
4 month .J 920.00
aptaln, 4 month 460.00
leutenant, 4 months 440.00
Three stokers, 4 months..... 960.00
Ten hosemen, 4 months...... 2,200.00
8000 feet hose flinches..,. 8,760.00
8000 feet hose. SVi inohes... 4.950.00
Operation, 4 months 3,000.00
( 18,140.00
Captain, 6 month..
ueuuniuh v niuiiiuo. ....... .
Engineer, 12 months... -
Stoker, 19 months........,..;
Hoeeman, 4 months..........
Engine .
Tnree horses ...............
Three seta harness
( 13,148.00
Rnarrna 8. Third, and Ollsmn streets
House, equipment, eto....,.$ 86,998.00
Engine 1 ,.....( 6,338.00
Three horse 1,060.00
Three U heme . ..... . 108.00
Pave on house.
Engine .
Three horse
Three sets. harness.
a- a a
( 18,483.00
Save on house .....
Engine .
Three horses
Three sets harness... , .
( 18,288.00
WoodUaw? .. ,
Save on house ... 3 6,000,00
Engine . 8,075.00
in re sorse ...,.,.
Thre U harness ....,
, . 108.00
t 18,344.00
STfve on house . .....,..( 1.400.40
Engine . ........ ... 4T47(.40
Three horas ' .. 1,060.04
8 18,388.00
Roa City Park
save on house
' 6,076.00
. 108.00
18,283 00
, ' I
Four smoka helmets..... ,
To'tal deduction .3141,879.00
And that th, fonowlng Items be added
6 said estimate:
$600 each on seven combine
ii'inn.hml0a V
One chassis . . . J. . . .
One six cylinder pumping and
monini ......... i ..,. , .
Combination chemical and
.nose wagon. Mount , fioott
district . .................
3,4(3.60 1
'.v-. 9 86,802.60
"f do not think It advisable to nlaoe
soene of th fire from other localities.
"After making th reduction and ad
ditions abov referred to It will be nec
essary to levy a tax of - 3.16 " mill
which will produce $691,860, and I rec
ommend aaid levy. ' - ,
r''.-', joilo4 t)partmnl ', '
The estimate filed by tha chief of
polio aggregates th sum of $410,990,
Xt provides tor au assistant ohlef ot po-
lie, five detective sergeants, eight pa
trol sergeant and 75 patrolmen In addi
tion to the present force. .
Th 4oUowlnu reduotlon and addi
tions are recommended
; Reductlona
One assistant chief of police..! 9,400.00
Twenty-five natiolmen 84,000.00
In aalary of cleikx In women
auxiliary '.. ........;.,... 440.40
In aalary of harbor iboa4 n '
glneers-' n . Af, .;. i .vr'- 160.04
Three ehauffear ,. 8,1.4
Replaeement tot horse and
keeping of horses and other,; -,
expense in conrectloa wttb ' .'.
mounted polio ............. l,7a4
Addition on oook ai rock ' ;
auarrr ................... . - 900.00
v 888,490,40
This win affect a avinc t 811,410.
' '1 recommend that the levy tor the
maintenance of th polio department
be fixed at 1-40 104 mill. , -
Bonded Indebtedness Interest - 9vaA,
Estimated balance January 1,
1 1912 .-. .... ....... .1 80.448.(0
Estimated reoelnts: .
Morrison street bridge.. . 4..". 14,800.00
Transfer from water fund
8 49.998.40
1 Disbursements: ''?.
New York commission .
Tnt..Mt: AAiinntii mAturlno
, during 1912' . . . . .... .. .7 299,410.00
Estimated amount to be paid as In
terest on bond to ba. sold: f. .1 i.
JalL bonds I 8,000.00
liwhS??. ".JiV Vi W 'kA; "
M bievartbSSS: ;
Dork bonds 11,260.00
Auditorium bonds 12,000.00
Broadway bridge bonds . . ., . (.000.00
.'V,.-- . 8946,960.00
Amount to be raised by tax
levy ., , .3898,867.40
"After deducting the estimated bal
ance from th estimated disbursement
l- . . . - A. -.111. .M
P-oduc . sufficient funds to meet th
rat charge and X reeommend nob
V rcJgtsMndr Sfoad.
,T1 estimate filed, by the committee
on Ugin of th executive board agffr
gatea 341.020. Th city holds 9000 of
lmprovertnt bond purchased from pro
ceed of.,, lighting fund, and X rec
ommend thvt these bonds be sold and
th proceed applied to th matntenano
of street. Hgbj, .nd that In addition a
lty of 66-1 Ov, of l mm be made to
ovr th- xpeM of street Ughtlng
dartnr th ya m9. Tha property
owners that live in th suburbs have
ery : little fir aid polio protection,
and a few llghta la about all they get
for th money they Vay 4s taxes, and
I do not think that thy should ba over
looked in thl respect
Btreet Bap air fond.
"The estimate filed by the oitv enai
neer aggregate 3134.877 axeluslve of
amount necessary to defiav tha -
pen of constructing sldewuks, vrhloh
are r.ntuany pald for by , property
"Tha atlmtd availabl bfanoav 4
be carried forward from th yar 1411
la 314,366.77. and th eetlmated rieeipta
during th year from souroes -ther
than general taxation, (86,000.
"1 recommend a levy of 90-100 or 1
mill for thl fund.
Xdtearr TvatA.
''Tha estimate filed by tha Library
association Is for 366,000, or one-fifth
of 1 mill. For th year 1911 th levy
waa 14-100 of 1 mill. This is another
oaa where the phenomenal growth f
th olty has greatly increased th tax
Uvy, but I am of tha opinion that at la
money well apeat X reooromaod th
Uvy of 20-100 of 1 mm.
Park Bpartmn9.
Th estimate filed by tb paeirkeeper
aggregate , 3172,088. Tha estimated
available balanea December 31, 1911, la
"I recommend that tha fonovrlng r
ductlon be mad in this eetlmate and
that tha amount of uoh reduction be
used for the estabilsbment of oomtort
"Ia salary of:
One engineer .....$ 600.00
One transltman 180.00
Two ohalnmen ., 120.00
One draughtsman 120.00
On draughtsman . . 1 300.00
One clerk 120.00
One playground supervisor . . . 600.00
Six playground Instructors . . 900.00
22 playrround Instructors ..... 880.00
One Investigator of playgrounds 1500.00
"I recommend that th Uvy for thl
department bo fixed at 60-100 of 1 mill.
Commission on Pnbllo Books.
"Th net estimate filed by thl oonv
mlsslon. for which a tax mast ba levied,
aggregates 319,084.89, and: I recommend
For clean, up-to-date and dependable garments you must come here.' Every Suit otferal OqU ' Qik.
for sale-is from our carefully selected stock of High-Grade Suits. Hie collection consists - ' . ..
r .1. . ., . t . t i i .. ' ' . i it. ' ii "i v., a! v
or me very jiewesi weaves
as ime men s wear serges
i . v rt
a levy of 7-100. of 1 mill, which 'win
produce th. required amount.
aHaktnf Iraaa.
, ""A hereinbefore stated, X most
earnestly urge a levy for a sinking
fund of net lea than 40-100 of 1 mill.
If such Uvy is not made an Increased
levy will hereafter have to ba mad.
and as th city, grows th .tax burden
wiii b . nsayier. , ? , ; . c . ' , 1 .
' i, Spaolal Brldf fuad.
Tor this fund I recommend a levy
of 10100 of. one mill. ' There are no
large Improvements nnder . way, that
are payable from this fund, that will
ba completed an til th latter part Of
th year 1913, and the payment therefor
oould he provided In th following year,
treat' CtteejUna; and Bprlnkllaa; rnnd.
Tk eetimau filed by tb superln
tandent , of the street ' cleaning and
sprinkling department aggregate $162,
722.60 Provision 1s made for Vie; em
ployment of 64 additional labdrera The
superintendent Informs ' m that It Is
possible to delay , the employment of
these laborers until April. 1918.
The expense of this department for
the present year will be about 9370,000,
and while there will be many mora
mile of hard surface pavements to care
for : during th coming year, and ex
pensive repairs ' to - be made, I am of
the opinion that the expense of the de
partment should be kept within $316,
000.' r ' v '. ; .
. 'Heretofore the expense of thl de
partment was paid out f th general
fund, but authority was granted by an
amendment to th charter to levy a tax
not - exceeding one mill to defray tha
expense of said department. -
.1 recommend that 6-100 of a rmin be
levied to provide for 1 th expense ' of
thla department and that th difference
between the amount realised from- said
Uvy and tha amount above recommend
ed ba transferred from th general
fund. . .
C9aaTl.' (rand
"Mayort Th Uma filed by th
mayor aggregates (6800, and tha Item
therein mentioned are authorised by
tha eharter.
"City auditor: Tha estimate filed by
the auditor for th expense of hi de
partment aggregates 363,800 and I
recommend that tb same b approved
after making tha following reduotlon
and additions:
Salary of on olerk S7L64M
la salary of two stanographlo
elerks 140
Salary of on clerk....... , 1.200
"This will effect a savmg of foo.
City Bnglaeer.
"Th esOmate tiled by th city n.
gloer for the payment of th earpon
of oonduotlng' hi deportment charge
able to th general fund aggregate
8810,888, which I approve after mak-
(which are provided for
where) 81.(00
Add for expense of one rootor-
oyat (00
City Attorney.
"The estimate filed by the city attor
ney aggregates 319,995.20, which X ap.
prove after making th following re
ductions: ,
In salary of on deputy.. ( 804.00
Tn aalary of three stenographic
clerk 800.66
Efepenae of litigation and ta-
aonerv (whksh i provided for
eUowhere) . 8,4OT.80
lrnnlotpa fadga.
"The sattmat of th municipal Jndg
for $4160 la approved after dednotlng
(400 fot mUceilaneou supplies, which
Is elsewhere provided for.
larpeotdoa of BnOdlnga.
"The estimate filed by tha Inspector
of building aggregate $24,412. With
reference to thl estimate I would
recommend as follows:
That the Item for clerk hire ba la-
creased $ 80.00
That the item for stationery and
printing and telephone eervloe
be stricken out as they are pro-
That ono deputy be eliminate A! ! ! L200
(.That the salary of the chief In
spector ox eiemnciiy o reauoea
to present rata 800
That provision be made for tha
furcha and maintenance ot
wo motoroycle at a cost not
to oxoeed 91,006
"Thl wlU effect a saving of 81663.
and th efficiency of the service In thl
department greatly Increased.
"I do not deem it advisable to paortda
an automobile for this department, tor
to reason tnat two motoroyotoa win
Tailored Suits $ l O;0O
Tailored Suits $ 14.65
Tailored Suits $155
Tailored Suits $22.45
m oeauurui mannisn mixnires, iweeas ana nomespuns, as
m navy or oiacic wny noi come in ana see uic spienaia money-
-:vvt . ' ving. advantages?, , ' M f ,
do practiaally the same work a two
automobiles, nd there 1 no comparison
whan It ' eomes to oxpenao, ; -1 approve
tms tlmat with the anova enaages.
. ' , Kalth Off tear.
"Th estimate filed by tha health of
fleer aggregates $31,618, and approved
after deducting the : sum of $440 for
transportation, whioh U elsewhere pro-
Vlded JOTi'f.f.VirV-p: i
Oart 8MKwloa Oosanaaaton.
"Tha stkaata of tha arm aerrloa
oommAssxoa amaaais to 39,040. Tha
rouowlng reduotlon are recommended:
!? f,lkrT of tnographlo olerk. .8130.00
DMiiviiery ana ornoe supplies
and ' miBcellanotis ' expenses, '
which are provided tor . 1I
whr . . . . K. ..... . 4J0.04
"I approve th earn attar making th
aoove reauotlon; ,
Seator of Wlght and Ideasares.
-Th stimate filed by th aealer of
weight and roeasuree aggregates 34477.
I recommend reduotlon a follows;
la saUry Of sealer of weights
and measure , (366.00
im saisry ox aeputy seaior ot
weights and measures SOM0
.: : ' . ' 8600.40
1 approve th same attar -making tha
aoove roauetioaa.
Bound Department,
- "Tha estimate tiled by tha pound mas
ter aggregates 87266. ' I recommend tha
following reductions:
In tha aalary of pound master. . .9180.00
In tha salary of deputy . pound
master 190.00
"Attar making tha abova reduction I
approve th same. ,
' CMirbage Crematory.
"Th4 esttmate filed by the superin
tendent of the garbage crematory U
based on 80 cent per ton, and other
expenses In connection with the crema
tory Inorease th total ta 982,699. X
do not think It is advisable to make any
reduotlon la this estimate, and approve
u ram ror the amount stated.
Bxpeasa City sail," Janitor Department.
"Tha aggregate of this esttmate a
filed by th head Janitor I 920,800, and
I reeommend that the Hem of furni
ture ba reduoed from 81600 to 3600.
With4 said change X approve the en. ma
TatlsoBllaneous Expanses, Oanaral Tund.
"Tb eetlmate filed by the auditor
of expenses payable ont of tha general
fund that do not coma under th head
of any particular department aggregates
(181,780, th Items comprising said sti-
mait Deuig aa rouowe:
Assessments on city proper
ty for street improvements
and construction of sewers)
Pay viewers on street exten
sions .' i . .
Advertising , , . .
Stationery and blanks
Insurance on oitv nrooerty
Relief of certain person
Expense of litigation...
Expense of license tags
Salary of council
kUscellaneou expanse of
Mlsoellaneou , expense, gen
Car fare
Purchase of street Improve
ment and sewer warrant..
Vault-room and metal furni
ture Salary, grappler
Expense vloe oommlsslon. . . .
installation or. teiapnons ax-,
- onanae ,
Bxohanga operator
"Tb 14am of Uotleia, 140,004, 1 to
provide for th expense of a special
eUotloa to b held to vote on th adop
tion of a eharter providing tor a oom
mlsslon form of government, and If a
oommlsslon form of government la
adopted a primary and general election
will hare to be held, probably some tlm
In June.
Another "Larg Xtam,
"Another large Item is 340,000 for th
purchase of - street Improvement and
ewer warrant In oases where the pro
ceedings for the Improvement of streets
and th construction of sewers are In
litigation, tb court having held that
unless tha fund la provided In from tour
to six yeare to provide for tha payment
of warrants Issued, the city become
UaMa An effort Is being made to col
lect assessments by reassessment pro
oeadinga, but the olty attorney ha ad
vised that tha city must t&ke ear of
tb warrants outstanding until such
tlm a tha assessments are collected.
"I reootBTnend that tha amounts esti
of Sizes
for the
Stout and
mated for vault room and metal furni
ture, 315,004, be stricken out,, Th city
I very much in need ot more vault room
and filing cases, but X am of the opinion
that this Item . of expense - - be de
fered for tha present. ' " . , "
"Tha . Item of : aalary ' for i. grappler
should be eliminated aa It Is provided
for elsewhere. ;." "
. "With tha ehangas abova recommended
X ean approve tha estimates, :VV;: :,T,.y
Xrre Employment Bureau.
; wa - estimate of the Free Employ
ment Bureau aggregate 36319, and I
recommend that tha following reductions
In salary of otrfef olerk. . . . .. . . . (806.00
Ia salary of assistant clerk..... 120.00
In salary of assistant clerk,, wo
men's department ........... 130.00
Vacation help .20.00
"After the abova reduction have been
made I approve said estimate.
Frea SCuseum. .
"The ourator of the Free Museum has
filed an estimate for 32600. I - recom
mend that this be reduced to 31000.
the amount allowed for the year 1911,
Inspector ot Humblng and Drainage.
"The estimate filed by the inspector
of plumbing aggregate 916,402. I rec
ommend the following reduction and
additions: '
In salary of Inspector of plumb
ing and drainage, 8 300.00
In salary of deputy inspector of
plumbing and drainage (8).. 1200.00
In salary of stenographer...;. 120.00
Stationery and printing and car
fare (Which are provided tor
elsewhere) 1 " 682.06
Salary of an additional deputy, a 1600.00
Cost of automobile 2000.00
, . . $6802.00
Add to said estimate for pur
ohaae of two motorcycles and
expense of maintaining same 1000.00
.."My reason for recommending . the
purchase of motorcycles Instead of an
automobile are tha same as stated under
the bead of building inspector.
"With tha above changes I recom
mend that the estimate be approved.
City Treasurer's Offlo.
"The estimate filed by th city treas
urer aggregate $16,774, and I reoora
mend th following reduotlon:
In salary of bond clerks $ 480.00
Salary of on deputy.. 1600.00
Salary of typewriter and clerk. 800.00
Stationery, blank and miscella
neous items (whioh are pro
vided tor elsewhere) . 8014.00
"After making the abova reductions X
recommend that thla estimate be ap
proved. In addition to the expenditures on
aooount .of tb estimate above enumer
ated, the general fund will have to f up-
says Mr. R. H. Wis nf 8an Francisco,
"from Intense pain around my heart, due
to gas, but on bottle of Baalmann's
Gas-TabUts cured me oompletely, never
having even a remembrance of my past
Thia ia only on of many acknowl
edgments of. tha pronounoed success of
Baalmann's Oaa Tablets In ourlng (per
manently) ga around tha heart. When
your stomach 1 full of gas and dis
tended, it preeses against many other
organs, th lung, liver, kidney, but
more seriously against th heart That
cause palpitation, Interfere with your
blood circulation. Whan you have bad
circulation your finger and feet get
numb, go to sleep and feel, cold,' ner
vousness follows and general appre
hensive anxious feeling with disslnsss.
All this comes from gaa and If you
suffer like Mr. Wis did, you can be
permanently ouradV with on (0 cent
bottle of Baalmann's Oaa Tablets.
Tou may have taken bottle after bot
tle of stomach medicine, but yoq have
never taken anything Ilk Baalmann's
Gaa Tablsts, because they are new and
represent the latest conception la th
treatment of gaa around tha heart. Try
These peculiar tablets . are sold tor
6O0 a bottle by nearly every druggist.
If not in stock tall him to set them
for you from hta wholesaler, or sead
60c In silvan stamca or money order to
Hahnemann Pharniao2L844 Sutter SWX Drugglts-supplld by Clark Woodft-
Ban Francisco, CaL
finely .made xn raglan or set-in sleeves, fl fl Q CI
the $15.00 kind, at only . . . V. . . .V . .)y.O0
, Every
Coat and;
Suit in Our
wen SianiiaiJV
ply deficiencies In th following 1
funds: ;
Street cleaning and sprinkling
fund ,,- ..,,..13 U..
Bonded Indebtedness Interest
fund 125,t
St jeet' and sewer Interest
vfund' . ................ .. .. 40,C 1
Garbage crematory bonds will 1
to be reduced amounting to $11,000.
interest paid on crematory b
amounting to 36600,' which Is also 1
able out 9 of the . general fund.
'The condition of th general fv
based upon the estimated receipts. 1
the disbursements abova reoornmeiu
will be as follows: , .
,. . i; a:-',, General ifoao. - j'' ; ;s'::,r .
Estimated balanoa January
1. 1911.,.. . 101 nan -
Estimated receipt - 872Sii i
.. . v -.-.. u..ui wm , . .
.ranster to street cleaning
and anrinkllnsr fund .... .
, . . j
Transfer to bonded indebt
edness Interest fund......
Transfer to street and sewer
Interest fund ,
Redemption of erematory
Interest on crematory bonds
: i6,829.I
Estimated balance Deo.
, ' . ' "41.174,176.1
'1 do not think It advisable to autii
orise any expendlturee out of the gen
eral fund at this tlm that will decree
the estimated balance In said fund fo
the reason that unforeseen- expenditure
are liabU to ocour and tha general turn
i the only fund from which such ax
pendlture could be paid.. - "j ,
"Th tax levy for the year 1913, i
the fnrBnlnff r.fipmmnH.4nn . .-
proved by your honorable body, will b
aa follow: v ,
Fir 2.1
Polloe t.. .11
Interest .......................... l.o
Lighting ............. . . . , . ., T , .6
Street repair .3
Library '.., .' .,,.,;, '4 .2
Park .............
Docks .0
Sinking .4
Special brld
4 ..
... , .1
Street cleaning and sprinkling fund. .0
We ask Judgment on the foltowtng
the Judgment of physicians and pa
tlents who believe Bright' Disease in
curable. . . '
The Vice-President of an Iowa cor
pore tlon had -to abandon , his bust nee
due to BrighfS Dlssase. He deeHne,
till February, when ha . was In bei
twelve, weeks. Hs heard that a whole
sale optician, H. W. Smith Of Maso:
City, Iowa, had recovered from Bright'
Disease and wrote him. Upon gettlm
Smith' reply he -adopted the earn
treatment, As to the results obtaine
w have a letter asking advice as v
going to a wanner climate for the win
ter. . He Incloses reports from the De
partment of Anatomy, Histology am
Embryology of the State University 0
Iowa, from the last of which we quote
Color. ......... .normal, slightly cloud:
Reaction ................ . ...u... acii
Specific gravity . ....... . . . ....... 1 0 1
Albumen Negatlv
Sugar ....................... .Kegatlv
Pathological.. Sediment negativ
Patient adds: "I am ' inclosing yoi
copy of the examination mad at th
Iowa State University, whioh X thin:
la a good report. ' My heart 1 In goo
condition, appetite good, -sleep good an
look the perfect picture of health. M
age 1 fifty-four. My friends tell tn
how good- I look and I surely feel 'a
good as I look. I am not writing thl
for publication, but if you feel like ua
lng It pleas withhold my name."
We ask physicians and patients t
compare this November report with th
bedridden oonditlon In February,
. By the same mail that brought abov
letter oame one from J. W. Tld well. 1
business man of Sumtervllle, Florida
who states that ne "was nearly dead'
with Bright' disease when he, to"
went on Fulton's Renal Compound an
1 now attending to buelneas, ; ,
The constant reiteration by medie
works of the inoorablllty Of chron
Brlghts and kidney disease s costu
thousands of lives.
Drug Co. and Blvunaner Frank Drug C
.. - ;. L
a I 1
The success 6f this sale has proven beyond doubt
our contention that vou can always buy It for less
at tne Emporium. t , ,
$ 1 9.50 Goats for $ 1 0.OO
Here's an astonishing lot of rcoats for $10.00, made
of arvkeable and aouible iiiixtarea in browns, tens
and grays in every wanted style. The cloth; (IV 1 A
alono cannot be boasht for. . . . ....... . .44) J U
$22.50 Coato for $13.85
The stylish miss or wmaawfll find this lot to their
liking. The styles and fabrics are too nxmierous to
irrcntion. You must come and see them. You are
assured of the, best Coat you ever taw J Jjj
$ 1 3.50 Raincoss
A genuine ' Raincoat bargain in these double tex
tures, with plaid back and raglan sleeves, QJ if7. C
unequaled anywhere at .....Q . fl O
$1 5.00 Raincoats $9.85
A splendid quality of soisette, double texture, very