,?HE OREGON SUNDAY.; JOURNAL ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNINP NOVEMBER 19, 1911. Health. aM Efficiency. MILLION WOMEN ELIGIBLE TO ; ' . r.h; ' ' VOTE FOR PRESIDENT IN 1912 CONDUCTED PC THE 'JOURNAL'; t 1 1 i ... .. , 1 l HE story ot .the .New Tork mil- tnti a drink of. whisker, he could un- lloneire's germ proof house witn aou&teaiy cure nimseir. ' It la llke the Us sick resident owner, la both apple cure, and the orange cure, of : suggestive and reminiscent It which we have all heard. Every time take me back to 'a June day In a man would drink, he eata-an orange 1906 when a party of physicians and a or an apple instead ,and the thing Is - stray woman tourist Inspeoted the vac- soon done. The apple or orange habit cine plant of tt K. Mulford A Co. at has supplanted the drink habit In Cal- , Glenoldcn, Pa. Ifornla, oranges are recommended; In The Baltimore & Ohio railroad sur- Oregon, 'apples. Thus are home Indus- geona. were holding their annual meet- tries promoted and morals strengthened ng in Philadelphia, and this was a dele- at one and the same time. gallon of ome SO of them who had ao . - r cepted Mulford &'Coa invitation to see What Real Enjoyment la. T 'ZifX"? fmi But In addition to the effect of the uced which they-need in immunising . .. . . . , the railroad men. Two of Mulford'e people eubstltute on the mind the blood , and from the city office escorted the party, nerves Improve as the poison Is with , one being a young woman sent out st ' drawn and real food , takes Its place, .consideration for the woman Visitor who Here, as everywhere, ceasing to do evjl was a stranger to all the rest . and learning to do well works advan- ; - THtlrBt, om vU't,wKaf.r tage in all directions. Fancied loss of - ' tJSfS. oompensated for was hot ; The, wlndowa were tightly T Increase of genuine enjoyment Dr. oiosea. a oeaa cmi tag vu m huh, - - -- -....-.-.-, ... ... , up, head swathed In Unen obviously Century for October; to conceal Its death wound On the "The frequent use of narcotic poisons , far aide of th. table stood the euperln- inevitably leads to the formation of the ' SSfrth;BvdhS dru habltr artificial and acquired ld. stood i young womin also In whit, i? "Be,f ourc of ai' with dark circles under her eyes. The oomfort'.and distress, the temporary re unhealthy look of both suggested that llef from which is miscalled enjoyment" . .where germs do not thrive human beings It la the enjoyment of the offending boy cannot And the dead email 01 tne ar after Che whipping is over; of the pris- contlnned the idea In one mind. , oner released for a time from his dun- From the dead Calf, In that dead air, g,on. the vaccine. was scraped by the white . , ,. . -a JB w-e. AW- wnin avArnan ""v w vv tiL Oil JUT III ail b ' . . . ;nwin owiur iuu, " " " " mn mi.. : . tne iu western states wnicn suif raare Firat in Kentuclrr. ftma.ll - "f i vncwinir. exciaimea a i - , :. -. u iL . .- granted equal suffrage, the num are - eligible to . .... I . . wAa lAWAflrltAil In ,Serea.M whUh7h. hefd. tU. head, f ellow to hi. friend while ".""T ' ' this la not a story of vaccine, only : oenoerately stowing away a quid of vote being, about as follows: Call- country to give women the right to , recoUecUoa of a single experience in Virginia plug in his malodorous buccal fornia, 600,000; Colorado, 10,000; Idaho, vote. In 1 83 S that state gave school a germ free room, z The i mlUionalre la cavity. 'And you do not know what 8.000; Utah, K0O0; Washington. 120,- suffrage to widows with chlldren' of welcome to his necrophobia. , For roe, i n1ovmnt ., .. . onO' Wvnminr asnnn- tnim as non irhMi t,a in ii -c-.n. ' aay. "Olve me germs or giva me death, torted his logical friend." , Tnose tmres are not exact, but con- school suffrage to all women. Tear by When the slow aclentiflo wJ,d "a normal man." Zrtm n, w,.. 8t,tute th best PIbl MtUnate until -year the movement forjwoman suffrage us to the fact that germe are merely JSfvto. t. LHo:' tn nsua bureau issues the figures has gained strength throughout the bodlea-animala and , plantapasstng VAm. through their natural cycle, thai oxysms over germs will subside. ONELT women u. v vmw - ---- - - , . 7iaa , no -cravlnar tnr tnh..V. ounu iBBues me iigurea n gainea eirengxn inrougnoui tne the. released , organic nnlta of organic an other na?ti Ji.CC.0u IZl ahowing the analysle of the population country, but it was alwaya granted In oooiea aninwia n ... fii odnr . rf . - ."...- " "rr" by states. through their natural eyeie, tnese par- 7," , " .. " o"ve election in 11S many more atatea may school matters, local tax Questions, mu- to every natural a.nntit. wniie we rejoice that Dr. Pearson has i . , : . . " 1 i. 1 1 1 " i ' ' ' -as r.'f- kentucky waa the first state In thla ; I V ' Jt' -1 (Copyright, Davenport 5 A INMOST . 1,000,000 women will be Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island eligible to vote for president of and Maine, ' The other atatea have some ' the United States in 1912. f orra. of modified euff rage for women. Those women are to be found in It is possible that before modified form, aa th right to vote on I ' oAcmalonallv make I cape by way of the insane aaylum ",na" tne w, weakening i I . or the aulcide'a grave. Both meth. "InIn, " entering the like give the women a chance to vote for nlclpal suffrage, etc. In 18S9 Wyoming the presidential candidates, aa the equal gave full suffrage to women, being the 1911, Homer syndicate.) ' - JBNATORa "BIL1V MA80N Ot 1111- nola waa Just ta funny as he looked. He waa aa abort as he waa stout, and in beginning my first studies of him from the sen-. ate press gallery I conceived what I thought was a humorous Idea without ever consulting Mason, or even Fair banks, for that matter. Aa Fairbanks ' waa the tallest and thinnest, and Ma son the shortest and stoutest, I- pic tured them alwaya aa hobnobbing, aome- r times with Maaou in Fairbanks lap, but : never further away than walking at his " aids or standing by. '' ' Fairbanks never objeoted to thla, but'' , Maaon became furious, for it appears" hat ha waa not an admirer of Fair-; banks. So when 1 discovered they were not really friendly then of course there ' : , waa but one thing to do, and that was to show them from day to day holding ' hands or admiring each other aa atates men. Mason threatened , ma with many ; things, but none ot .them 'came- off,; and , hfe" and I finally biidged the gap that had ' atarted to grow between us by a aort of ; copartnership. , Be waa to cut hla own '. hair doWn to the standard measure, and - ieI-WM. 10 Ln 0n sntor Spoonw carry the fat just for the amuaement It 1 WlBn",n w"1 renewed energy. gives to other people. Mason himself There Is a strange thin r about the . . .wri . .t.. . v iu. SUucni oi iiunoia. xney or aome ability, a I remember many c ; --- "-' v miu ioi lexers or notes mat ne sent tnreai 4 LArLmw haa even tin- hal than nr. mn i , - v. . ,, vui.um . -eem xo pave pany with Fairbanks, were illustrated by "T""'?","- :,v- v . tija aenator. It tatrua that while most ' nn , w . mu or ineii orivinn n. nrnimtn t tnit a. ' rji V" If, II Hi II w -. ::t 'i 'V . ... ii r. u . 'A ",t .,.-;-V. saafgBBBajgBFe; 6--TO Ex-feenator '.William - E. Mason. V mt fii-i ult tobacco in old aieT it more I . Presidential candidates, aa the equal gave full suffrage to women, being the . v ' ""' ,r ,,BUly- Mason waa , i. desneraU aa- er for rejoicing when wa youni l.'Z., r--rlt"w SL . -.V."1!?-. A-West Anatrall- ti4.IOlL-ftlL.wifc.ff"--?- la were sketchea oft blunt inatrumenta and th. insane aaylum w naon the will weakening nrac- -.- Z'.i. V' k , , . It . wir IVTl """1" r wf"."" .V. "fT fraga waa aranted th. women of feda- y Ielur,s Hera . . . to win -.v. JT: ance on me aunrage question. oo s are so ioousn tua mmw- ... . .-.-.vt um .(Juli an .. . . . w . V. .11 wvtiik sary tnat x wian nuu. . vouth . -' r-m initHneaa everywhere. fr"."1 yo 1 effect utyaMCoMtryJTetctier - . ..... ..... II in iMTiiraiiL- ainfl tbi r Man atv - .il.tl- .... at. . .11 i a m a. consln marked as trembling in th. bal- women of New Hampshire m 1878. by, 7". f.,nXM. !? w.ome.n " "a that lt "would i. T wrtH Th.CR. Za-Z.IV " nwea ln nee on the suffrage question. Massachusetts In 1879. by Connecticut rV atraiia ana new uouin waiee. " - Trt as. In t ha TTnU Ot. V-i.J. lllkl . . V.m... . 4 DoA ' Th f OA4 T .rnanl. aa Maiaa ai J ' . . w. hh.s, , 1 a 1 an,. "Ilal"w 11 n 1 aana bmii - ya in effWA- r V..!T. ' 15 atatea which have no form of auf- In addition to the alx atatea In thla frag, to women. Queenaland followed urrcr from loneimew r b.lni, th,. , . -"1 rrage ror women, although jsoroe citlea country which have given fuU auffraae the next year. Finland cava full na- i - I would aay to them tnat u " " paralyse them ao aa ot T. ' .1 ,n thw 'tat" nftve- The8 tt to women, there are many countries tlonal auffrage to 106. and Norway 'the, physical isoUtion. nPt aeparation from ao aa not to be too auc Nevada, Texas, Mlssourt Arkansas. Mrt- which hava given a modified form of following year. In 1808 Victoria gave their kind, that causes th cir aesi w auon tobacco alcohol .mi . ' W"JPP. Indiana. Kentucky, Tennes- suffrage to women.- Full auffrage haa full atate suffrage, and in 1811 both . and despair. " la menUl isolation, and nnot tha m$, 1 St.t 'ee- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South been granted the -women of the Isle of houaea of the Iceland parliament gave S that la a thing eaally overcome wherever w r . S;L4tnrn. Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia. Man. New Zealand. South Australia, full auffrage to women. . , v Uncle Bam goes witn, nu imumi. - . " "wen nom 1 . 'Why not learn to readt. Why not -"""'"VV1 " Th ly truly reach out to your f.llowa by post? Tou TJ'1 will that la in har- hTve not really learned to read nnleaa JW wlff. dlv'M Purposes, that la you can find good company in a good f?ln th nf ' in all partlcu- fcook or paper. At alight coat me ioneiy "WRITTEN FOR TUB JOURNAL ey A. (AM. T RECIPES FOR RICHES FROM THE SWISS (CONTINUED FROM ' THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS SEC!TION) . .. ' Z ' ' -1... .k.ma.lvaa In " x Victim Of thi vorrr h.hl .K. lurni .niiaa u&ak vu. -. - , . . . . . . - . . w . - .. . touch with the world, can get and keep wiu peraon and the censorious, are ThI "ama "P1" 11 " taat mrusa still preserve the open air parliamenta, 'in .front of thla the thousands of ; in th.lr Information, can Join fiVcu!vtlng mental habits that make their government and their buel- after the manner of their forefathers, bnrah.r. mtnA Wh,w i .h. ,. " . . . mem aiavea nr. 1 . , . n . . . pv. . ..im.. am hf .n m.... ,.. w. - .. . m. j , j . . . - ,fitn suiot w w wK.u broad vi. . ' r.,"T; .T--:: ZV : , , ngnt M tna venerable president opens .." .r: . .." :: .. -"".." -aven -me jor nousexeeping ana which- today; everywhere wanna ana ,h maiiera or wa "" "r mga, nave me impreasiveness 01 re- th. M,,..nf up l" l ouraeivea. weii, orner purposes in the last three years. Z m,7iat.a lift shall becom. fanatical and unjust T on the Job. whether that consists in sep-llgious seremonla. When there le busl- th Pr"arnent with a prayer and a mod- ,n a word, we will not pay another el nee mother died. I h.v. 3 im . vv.prt aratmg tourists from their aurpiua or ness to be transacted tha whole country- l Bvn- m assemoiea perore montn s rent, rve given notice, and in Out of my own salary In the last year iii t0 current medical be- grinding out aome a mall manufactures side gathers. The president la in the h,m take an oath to vote according to three weeks we move out to the suburb and a half I have saved as much. Bo I . mmquiw Due a yellow in tne seasons when travel la dull. center, often of a natural amphitheatre, conacience. fox the good of the land 01 i-rotisiope, wnere r nave nougnt two cpuia pay 8200 down on each of the pt,ant that mosquito be- Aa one writer haa put It "The moment with the officers . facing him on the and tha avoidance of all evil.' .. , ' acres and we wlU have 870 left for a comes a menace to the neighbors, fiwltserland'. . foreign millions hav front benches. nk ot th. afriiwra n "Next a list of candidate. foi th.U.n. But liOttle," began her father, dwelling. O. you've hern a dear ma they need not be aolitary and socially fo,,.Dh'nwfJ ,10?ulie.he1 next turned their backs and gone home the the citUeha at large of the community. tonal government la handed up to the Ep.lam Varnum' In an astonished tone, dad to be ao generous' with me, and be disabledif theV will make use of books, , pUtform and the members of the new 'b.ut" w U bJUt, V 'S". wUh' mu "o"1 papers and letV"! " they will connect P.?je lon "prted other day ,athers. and th. famous Alpine gulden No Show for Corruption. body are elected simply by a ahow of Sariott! Varnum, calmly but decidedly, that I wan holding out some of the themselvea with the great common In- Jg? Alru, to the sheep tending and wood 1 hT! .v .,.. hands. The old president reads out each t!!F::. VlXJr an n5 U8ln U u tor bo' tpreata. . . . amp irom ranama. The authorities, ,v,, -,,,.. .... 'Corruption nasnf a ahow at these . j ,,,, , ,, ' understand anything, I have been hear- hold expenses." 1 K youwJf onV eveone ot yon sol- lowing the dl.ease to be yellow fever l?Z ti ' ancestor, for .rtnt. On. would a. aoon think h people" much a. Moses himPe1f ' )Mt what you and ,d Fo"511 Mo1' Vder. Lottie. 1 always iu- ' RV. more'aenerous with remov?d th patient and carefully lso- e"V.n,?L -v.. nf rtrt a k,, nn. .. . '0.,n.V a". . J?"" h.ln?"elf son were talking tonight, the great said you waa Vhs ..,.. ,t -JTsJ Vou?.elfrTh. world needs you.. Ucan , "t?. the- .witnin; Tnl ativ. meeting as" to S annhl crooked T0hTld.ra. f.h " a JE M ?on unqeVVund-,70 fo'r hav. you. too. Without your leaving your rv. ril.rrv. Ui y'"" vr ... .,.-,.,, v... .,.,... ui .i,- ..-ni.- m " ,IT ." u u v - uweu.ng: a. rti aiftiatlnn- vow thlrrtr'"-af"w -paeM'rronrmnBitocs-w . . -1Uki , m ia - and tnk irriit dM :rdf;tre8aln has irs advantages. Iolt .?. easily; done by mean, of 0M'r"2m for ibem and you will find them.. Then "lro V w"n netting. Since this case p" "V"T " J . ...1. ...i.n. .n lnn.lln.na 'S Said tO be the first BVr rtltotw.?Tia become evea Hawaii, the mosqui toe. have never had these all except Fribourg w.!ii .Staiii than vou are manually. chnc to become infected, and tha Native and referendum In XX V A tCirl . Who Taught Her ood,-, though; it vset me -to thinking . , "' ''!'" 'Father ' first then to planning; then to saving. ' - A i couldn't save very much, but out of 1 By A. Batch. your aalarv unA mln. I h.. ...,.. 1 OW. that qur pessimist la gone, , enough to make a 25 per oent payment m w 4 uraimung, on two acres in Crortslope, one for you father, and it will, be about and one for me. I got them for 8830 an looking forward, not backward, acre and they're dirt cheap,' aa you'll cm u neipea, nut. see in a raw years. Out of money you "N atlmulate. life. Inward turned minds are worse than ingrowing toenails. Such minds get pore, and finally they ahrivel and de cay. Those aolitary mind, become slow, dull, cold, unfitted for social life. But xou mustn't r ifit. kl -or money besia; over yoiir linin-vn' v.i -w-i-- A writer, telling ot the annual gath- canea ana nana, go up also. Of course, and how such chances are all gone, and tical. Of course we will have to. wait r" ppfneu. wnicn commanas a "'ri.-V. Vhi. i. .ViiJ ""-. It is now too late, unless one has a a while, a year or two. till you can aav. country, and of magnificent panorama of Lake Con- P way Is this law-abiding and prosper- w monev. which a man ilk. you can fflonn r,., ? C Y.v "v have the Ini-sUnce, says: cmu""-f.r ' . Then follow varl- nev.r Ket All that talk has done aome "No waiting about t dad No mere actual opera- "No more Interesting sight could be 0UB "ensslpna about roads, laws and. rant soe.. w-7v. .a. ,.flm"r " rtnmmunUn I . . . . A I a ' m a. . ..... . . II RW TH BTU IHHOn ! -H. 1 8 nr Vn "H mlftarg v. .easy UIVIUU and the day will be too short to meaa.. 7hJ" ar!uar,M ? "" v. ..... v. .," " .!B?. t,a,n! have been freely discussed in th. mt is conducted with oulet self-possession "iW Blair, who last summer ure you happiness. . i. ha. n7'h. -"ue,L. " UT" " i"," ."-T. S".u""I,H,,'J:r.". T. !.,C1.T local journal, for week, before the that many a magnificent aenate might 7? topkan automobile tour --Another resource ror me toneiy. worn- - --- . " ."7 , . -..... . ... , niui - j, , , , . . i nvv." , . . "uw",a Europe, in the next two weeks an riw r car.8"?",0' h!ait.h fai-; political boss. There,,, also, is the in- lowers wait upon the president, with llament met. "The foreign onlooker Is amazed at" i - to neglect it but ahe ougnt to apenq ,," ,.V ",CBe meoicauy acDieane greaBi, .no ne least per- omer memnera or tne government and the neaceful and dianifiad mn,' fiii,; Sphem Ik America. .. v. .., guaranteed precaution, and niTin. nn .nn.i nH inriii.trt.i rrwinm . ..f th. r..k.... .1.. peaoeiu ana aignuiea procedure 0WI8S vscncme in, AUiencs. wirne. m P"""'" - them, the health h. V. " 7 .k ""X.rC .v.i IT.:-" . " ;ir.:""."-M'-ur. V-"" throughout or excitement or suff era from monotony would Blip on , 1 V . the Island of mosqui- individual laws, as do our own state., been erected the a loose garment and lie down ror a -r ;-.l" 1" -5! Jew minutes m the arternoon. ana men -"r:-;v:aM" "orB I AO TUB A n rprvXTtornr irtmtr .TTT,v,m we can add some to the 870. making enough. ' I have already contracted for a tent house, with . k... iron me tiamaus to tne throughout Of excitement or im.-.mii, ' . witn a noor and board the big square which he. ffg'Xg or Insu?" l m ? abSSfuly Bueh 1b tn fovernrhent that so great We. four feet high; there will be threj the previous day. none. Every phase of the work, In hand nation as America. M. begun to take small room, in it, and a small tent ad- " some lessons from. As aforementioned, Jacent for Clarence to sleep In" Clar- lew minutes ln uu biwiuwu, . r . change her. dress for something fresh. "ZT1!" ? .' she would find this little expedient ef- mmena u" t0 th 1 average health flcacloua, in breaking up the deadly sameness. , Body reacte on mind, and a . rDf theory of yellow fever transmis- fresh attractive outside aUrs the mind on by mosquitoes appears to have rea- V fuUer life. . fatli hv . "ount of virus inocu- ""J""i . du fii.iiiLVBiinai, i . ' however, that it must be easily over- come by the disease resist! n now-ra nf A central grievance of the lonely a healthy body. But we know that the woman la the dullness of her house- Inoculation of disease Is not a very safe tnatea and their want of sympathy. This procedure, and in low states of vitality is for the most part her own fault and or high states of encumbrance. It takes the remedy Is nearly always within her little poison to derange the blood. , reach. Her husband cannot be so ser- Self Help EssoptiaL lous snd therefore has come to Jeer or keep silence. The children are naturally at odda in such an atmosphere and af ford her little comfort . The- cure for auch a situation is for the woman to quit being ao heavy. She must bright- IT one sound principle into your mma, ana it lights up questions that were before dark as pitch. ere is . a case, related by a reader: f: A friend of mine. Mrs. M en np and adapt herself to the moods ' complaining of a cankered mouth, and of her bear like companion. She la asked me to go with her to a doctor not to imitate him, but to assume the for treatment. Of course, I went, particular kind of oheerfulnes. or levity though I did not believe she would get that will suit the occasion and break anything that would do her much good, up his unpleasant mental habit Good The doctor examined the troublesome nature and good looks will win over ulcer and advised cauteitalng. Mrs. anybody in time. The woman makes M consented and the doctor went the home atmosphere and her own posl- ahead and treated her. When it was tion. If she has settled despairingly done I looked at her mouth and sure into a rut It Is her fault and she can enough ths ulcer had disappeared. There climb out of it if she will exercise was only a. little spot to show where It Ingenuity and good feeling. had been. But before we got home - - she was Just as alck, and for a week THE onion Is a royal vegetable and she had a terrible time with her stom now appears to be coming into its- ach and bowel". Everything .he ate own. Mrs. Hetty Green and Dr. seeemed to upset her. Of course, Jmv D. K. Pearson have both given it lng read Dr. Tllden. I understood why their distinguished approval. One it was. Cure cannot be effected from of the maxims of Dr. Pearson is, "If the outside." you catch cold,' lose your quinine and 1 1 eat an onion." Mrs. Green is reported as making her breakfast dally at baked onions. If everybody would substitute baked on ions for breakfast food, health would Increase. Mrs. Green say. onions keep her from taking cold. Excess ot grain food brings on colds. Raw onions and bread and butter make an excellent late supper when such a meal is needed. One sleeps the better for eating raw onions. They are medicinal to blood and nerves. Those who cannot digest them do not digest other food well. The onion mere ly gives notice of slow digestion. Like the oool bath, vigor enough to take care of the onion 1. a measure of a decent condition. Nobody is healthy until he can take an occasional cool bath with benefit , and comfort. Nobody has a healthy stomach until he can digest onions. . 1 Drafeeraon' Is accomplishing tobacco . .u m (. uiiiviis in me truly philosophical and practical way. He uses a substitute, ' Retain, and candy tak. the place of tobacco. - They occupy lit. mind, and there la where the tobacco habit Is restored. There are other aub.tl iutea that would work well with other paople. 'The first essential to laying to bacco aside la the desire to do it Then every man can find a substitute If he wants one. ; -. - About the same time and ln the aame line comes Dr. Adelaide M. Abbott of Boston, who declare, that goat's milk 1. a "specific" for the drink habit She recommends, that. Boston keep g . herd of goats in Franklin park, Boston, to produce milk for the ' city's 1 "soake."' 'Whv not? If an Inebriate would take axfnk ft goat's milk every time be mfu, ov 1 1 111 CrUCAOOBVBMmO PQ3T TOgaVslW-VH-TtfcVXiJ "Js-tariBr M ,, " , r , , ,, ,; , 10 states have already, adopted the lnl- nc wa." ?" "'Xear-old brother and a aatlve and referendum-South -Dakota. ; f" J" P". 7 ne 'w it will be Oregon. Oklahoma. Colorado TS't? &t"Ktf&lZ Missouri. Montana, Arkansas. Maine and her father and put an arm around his California. And seven other states neck and patted his cheek and got his Washington. Wyoming, North Dakota, consent to everything, of course. Nebraska, Florida, Idaho and Wisconsin She told him about saving the 840 a will submit the suestlon of the adop- month rent, and more; of things they linn nt thpfl- nam ft Kwls. measures tO WOUld raise On tha land vnrlh mn-h a vote oi the people. ' more than the cost of raising, them; of Thla is the nractlcal comDllment that the delight Of feeling that th-v hmA a comes to a nation that buys and sells home of their Own, one constantly In-' abroad 8159 a year for every one ox us creasing in value; or the benefit some men, women and children.- " farm work,, evenings and Saturdays, . wouio ne to Clarence; of tha nice house No Waste Apparent ; thev could build before long out of And all this wonderful. record 1. th. wuld" w'aTt- n.Ulfibai.vn llfZL result of nothing more or l. than hon- RZl a'd done" V'ShV, .Vn. est,' consistent home- work. Nothing couldn't help himself, goes to waste. : The women of the ooun- A i - . try are not averse to , doing their share A Clerk at 57 Years. of the agrlculttnral labor JDressed al- phraim' Varnum was head freight anything that la required In the fields, waa kepi, despite hla 87 yeara because A hardy, healthy, set of. creatures they f on service and unusual competency, are, home loving' and nappy, troubled He had raised a family of fine chll by nothing that .worries women of our dren, of whom Clarence , was the young cities Into nervous prostration. - - est. Three, older than. Charlotte, who When the rest of the orid wakes was 23, had marrled, ad had. or Wera ?r ararss m saa cmrsesis- Ttrtsrs tion, goea there every - year. But the ,etl hk ht" hf.. 4 Jf sightseera pay more attention to the tanofcr a ifar and Tn..' mountain:; .than to ihe" people. Up to Deen bMkkeener inTt.UnhnnV w,fiI' date that haa never worried the Swiss "1 L5Je.M 5 1 '"J04' ' In the leaat Ther r rirht on earner- A "h? had said, her father, though nir in tha a-old - not Pev,hly or whlnlngly. waa always uniting 01 me money that he could have . made if he had ever had money1 to in vest years before in city lots, hut he waa the sort of man who alwaya lived tip his income and couldn't save enough to get a home, and,s as his daughter re marked, he always was looking back ward at what might have been, never forward to what might bev- f ; : Kphrianv Varnum, Charlotte and Clar ehoe moved out to Croftslope early in. April., They; planted a garden, and the reat of the ground to potatoes, setting out many fruit trees and berry vines that spring , and the next fait They easily kept up the monthly payments, but could not save very much the first year ror the new house. . For . f 0111 months during the win small but comfortable Clarence wa. required ing tne summer vi earnings witn the othera' Th. fall a good house was built and mostly pa.m iur, .no tmra. year the land and '. house were clear.1. " .,y " The move from, rent bondage to lib erty arid home possession waa made six years ago last spring. Since then Mr., Varnum has1 built three other houaes on his acre, and sold the four quarter 1 acres, bought another tract, and built better house, and haa land worth thou sands to sell. Charlotte did likewise and though, she has a nice,; home now provided by her husband, she has prop erty and an Income of her own sufficient to support her if . necessary, and . last summer she made an automobile tour of Europe herself. ' ., Moral: . If you have only a little money, get a piece Of land that Is grow ing in value for a home. To get a little money, make aome temporary sacrifices; ccaaonxtze. ..,."' ; a IS a. L ter they rented a 1 house nini hv , to work out dur- .cation and pool hla