V i ': ; .V THE OREGON J SUNDAY--JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY ; MORNING,' - NOVEMBER 19, 1911. 2 FOR BALE HOUSES fll FOB sale nousEa fll FOR . SALE HOUSE? , 61 FOR SALE HOUSES 01 FOH SALE HOUSES fll FOR SALE HOUSES 01 FOB SALE HOUSES et ,"sBSsss8sagssssa,tjtl DW Takes Lot i VI am willing to sell this beautiful lit ' tie borne to the most responsible person. " I will take desirable lot or acreaee or a yood team of horses or automobile . -as first payment down. ! "i The porch Is full width of th house and supported by 8 massive columns. A bevel-edged plate glass oak door opens into a rood aised reception hail. - off from which is a coat closet, the door having a bevel edged pier glass ' mirror. A columned arch opens into ' 'the living room. . ' The living room, 14x14, has a beauti ful cream brick fireplace, r lar?8 triple window opens on the front porcn, - while a columned arch opens Into the The dining room, 14x14. has a triple window opening on the side lawn: there la a plata rail, and below the walls are . ' . r . in i ktn V-n rot piaster paneiea: a oum-m . as very prettily designed metal glass 'doors. A heavy night Inch corneD mold Ing runs around the celling. These rooms ara tinted in leather and cream . ceilings, while above the plate rail la a pretty conee orown. , wi.-- ia nil hf -nd stained a rlCD 'golden oak. with a, flat wax oil finish. .-A double acting door opens into the utchen. - . . , ' .. ,, c The kitchen In this house Is the pride V Of the home, with Its- many drawers, augar and flour bina, pot and kettle closets and dish cabinets. A double window opens on the side lawn: a glass door opens onto the rear porch, while anotner opens w m- -,y ment There Is a boiler room and wood , lift i this room Is done In white enamel, and tinted In a delicate pale ren. . stairs rise from this room to the attic .'above.. - - Th. hiumni) has numerous win dows. A door 6nens from the - .dining room-to-a-pasa ballr-eff-f rom which ar; - - two bedrooms and the bath.- ,t Th. mr hMiHum is white enameled. "and tinted In a pretty pale blue; there is a large cioseu - . The bathroom haa a full- line of plumbing, Including a heavy rolled-rim bathtub, a low-down flush toilet and a 8-Inch aproned washstand. There la a " built-in medicine closet, with mirror door. This room Is white enameled, and tinted In robin-egg blue. . The front bedroom is white enameled end tinted In a pretty pink. This room baa a large closet, and windows opening on the side lawn. "''.. I am not particular as to the first payment down, and would take a desir able lot or acreage. The house is a half block to one minute car lines and close to a good public and Catholic ; school and churches, and near the fin- est automobile street in the city. PHONE TABOR S169. AT HOME SUNDAY. ' FOR A SMALL BUNGALOW, This is the goods; three rooms and oath, with fireplace and half basement; rooms plastered and tinted, double construction throughout. Full siaed lot; price 11800, $200 down, balance $20 a - month Including- Interest Ask to see It Mr. Leonard, Colum bia Trust company, 82 4 th st - - , A Modern Home . ;At the end of the Rse City Park car .line, rooms, hardwood floors, bulltln conveniences . of - every description; ' beamed and panel celling in dining room, best of fireplaces, modern In ev- ry way possible, lull cement basement; owner non resident, must realise on this ' at once; price $;SE0: small cash, pay ment,, corner lot COxlOO unobstructible view - - ' "" " ' J. ll NICHOLS CO.. 615 Yean Bldg. PAY $25 EVERY MONTH f . AND YOU OWN THE HOUSE. ' (NO OTHKR PAYMENT NECESSARY.) A strictly modern 6 room house In restricted district; big fireplace, set-In bookcases, Dutch kitchen and double construction - throughout Price $2650; ?pay $26 down and $26 a month. A. N. - Searle, K. 76th and E. Gillian sts. (M-V car ) Office open Sundays. r -$150 Cash, $15 Per Mo, 81700 5-room modern cottage on W TV ear line, has bath, toilet, lavoratory, .electric lights, basement, 'lot 60x100; or will rent for $12 per mo. , F. A. BEARD & CO.. , 812 Oerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Mount Tabor y Bungalow, reinforced concrete: five 'rooms, very attractively built and ar--r,ranged: corner lot, very low price. 1834 E. Yamhill; price reduced for quick sale. JOHNSTON. BOTHFUR & TlIFFORD, B08 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. $160 FIRST PAYMENT. New modern 6 room Bungalow, ce ment walks, lust completed, i blocks to car. Price $2360, balance $25 month, Including interest; 88 10th st, near Mar EXCEPTIONAL bargain, new, modern, t room house, close in. fine view, close .to school and two carllnes, easy pay ments., for sale bv owner. C. L. Van Meter 407 Jefferson st Phone Main 6384. FINEST APARTMENT SITE On west side, corner 100x100, paved streets, income $100 a month; $30,000, one third cash. BIXX'H REALTY CO.. 208 Alder St. .HOMES FOR SALE or will build to suit Terms $200 down, and same as rent per month. In the beautiful Jonesmere addition. Phone Tabor 3637; evenings. j $1200 For 4 room house and 60x100 lot. want $1700 but I need $100 cash, balance to uit 218 E. 64th st N. M V car. Ta- FOUR room house. 679 Frederick at, Brooklyn car to 20th, go south, doesn't look very good, but Is close in; prlre only $1100, H cash. Phone Main 2010. Miuer. BEFORE you buy. see our liomt'ii in Irvington and Rose City; wo have -places ol all prices In these dlHtrktB, . KUWB-THATCHKH CO., 324-6 Chamber of ('omnien p. f NEW modern 6 room house, rinse to school and 2 carllneK, 15 minute' ride : desirable location. Kent $25. Refer ences. C J. .Van i Meter. 407 Jefferson SU Phone Main I34. a.rW modern homes in JrvlriKton, also vacant lots. Office 18th and Brazes! ;h.1n" J?aBi 2A "o'dence phone East m. a. rciue, owner. FIVE room house, ' modern. In Kunnv Ide; I room bungalow on Mllwauk'le Inquire 410 Yeon b da. J. Wr " . .V '" aAi'tl' owner. a 6 room bunga- , m-wrt ai-vrf uiuucill CIIIU UD 10 rjAtM' Price $8700. 481 East 87th st. ' FOR BALE 6 room modern California . .V?f Uow' ne,-r Hawthorne car. Phon ,' $2400 MoT lern 5 room ...,, u n i.- Improvements nald. iimni.l m' ' i t ' ' FOR SALE -New i. room modern bun- i ...' xiwa vu car; easy terms: ' Monday; phone TaborjUi" . A VERY conveniently arranged 6 room buna-alow with tun- A . . . 10B6 Maryland eve.: L or Ht. Johns car. , Jbl K1CTLY modern 7 room h,,t- Mi;-2bir.or ' or trade rat. '.; ; it a j . . 1 ' iw oaub anoaern room house; all convenience, comer lot near - car Phone owner, Tabor 8162. MODERN ,6 room house. 8 9 4 67th sF7 " """".. y.i, viv, njftin Z(1H $2400-8 room house, 728 E. Stark. 780 i nwiry svr. eieiiwnoa itss. 76l NO to leave clfy, mut sacrifice 7 room ii mi a a jzuw. p e. i6tn st N. ' OC U room Ijoumo, nw, in suburb, $fo3I . sn . ' i nonni r Aran. 5dOli:itN cottage. ril8K. yforrlsbn ' 'nil'. nir 8Jth, Price $270j . ' . Mil Dorr E, Keasey & Co. Registered nouses . All of the houses listed be low hav been ohecked up by our specialist and are offered un der our guarantee: ' . . 1 101 Ellsworth St, 2 story, bungalow style, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. ' This house is exceptional, - built espe cially for, owner, all screened, ..special finish, lot nicely gar dened; -one block from W. Rich mond -car i ready to move, right in, Price $4500 " , 41000 down, bal. $40 monthly. Owner at house all day Sunday. Will include rugs, ga-i,ange and water heater If sold atw&nce. N. W. CORNER 481) & "WiOMPSON. 8 ROOM BUNOALwlV, 2 blocks .Rose. City car. This Is a good, hpneat built home; owner is away most of time, therefore, will. sell a $4000. , ' $1600 down, balance To suit. A beautiful home on E. 14th near Knott. All Improvements in. and included; dining room hand somely panuled; 2 story, 8 large rooms: every possible and desir able improvement and conven ience. Price $6750. $1600 Cash, bal, $60 monthly, WH HAVE MANY OTHER GOOD HOUSES IN ALL SEC TIONS. SOME VERY PINE ONES IN PORTLAND HEIGHTS AND NOB HILL AT VARIOUS , PRICES TO SUIT ALL PURSES. Dorr E, Keasey & Co.v Personal Service In Real Etats SECOND Floor Chamber of Com merce. Beautiful Irvington Home On Halsey street, between 14th and -25th. S blocks from car; mod ern 8 room house, full basement with cement floor: rooms are all -large and convenient and ntoly -iimea;-- comfcinatien nxturea ana shades; extra large lot 60x123, nice lawn and large fchad trees; place was built for a home and is not a snap, but Is good value, for the price, $5250, Includes all improvements; $2260 cash, bal. t years at 7 per cent For par ticulars see THE LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder st BUILDERS AND HOMESEEKERS. for sale ( bungalow sites on Portland I un inursoav iponusi wt win oner i Heignts proper. This property is sit- I windows, complete batnroom witn mea uated 1 block and a half frorn the car-1 lnlne chest, concrete basement and full Una. In a. neirhhorhonil of vrv attrae. I tlve homes, without a doubt the prices I nun, r viia iowwi in navv - mn u&- fered on the Heights for a long time; inuu buys a dandy site. Terms. New Offices 837 Chamber of Commerc. $5500 Irvinston Home Owner, offers 7 room modern home, lust completed, on 60x100 lot, ' In the nest part or irvington. near Irvington car: street pavement paid, hardwood uoors, l ooiTi. cemeni oesemeni. xurnace-ana . . - 1 ""I'fFA ounun Duxret. neam celling. wood lift large attic gas and electricity, light fixtures complete. Terms. T-202, journal. Cost $3500 Price $2800 940 E. Sherman St.. between 81st and 32d sti Modern 2 story bungalow, built z years, nas rooms, nans, -pantry, bath, large roomy closets, basement with laundry trays, electric wired for ngnts ana call bells. W e took the prop-1 eny in payment 01 an account ana nave no use for It Write vour own terms to I box tug isewperg. ur. FINE 2 etory 6 room new house with extra lare-e lot in Rose Citv Park. Listed at $4600. I need $600 quick and will sacrifice this property at $4100 If I sale can De made immediately. There la iim ueiior uuino in , ui, uiairict lor I the money: easy terms on balance. This I is a bargain for some one who can ap- predate an Ideal horn a Phone owner today, c-2481. Only $50 Down Good four room plastered house, only $1260, $60, and $10 per month. Four room house cloee to car, $60 ana io per montn. price only 8800; taae mi. ecoti car to urays crossing, GRAYS CROSSING LAND CO. . Tel. Tabor 968. Open Sundity. , ' Sacrifice Sale OF MODERN HOME. LARGE GROUNDS, LOCATED ON MT. TABOR. TWO BLOCKS -iTi CARLINE, $500 CAPH WILL HANDLE, BALANCE $30 A MONTH. INCH-DING INTEREST; i L. WEBB, 414 E. STARK ST. EAST 46TH ST. NORTIL ROSE CITY PARK. $100 CASH. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, built-in buf fet and bookcases, solid oak floors, kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mir ror doors, etc. NATIONAL REALTY ft TRUST CO. 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Phone Main 6129. MR. WORKINGMAN, READ THIH. Small houses and 60x100 lot $400 and up; $20 down and $10 a month. Call us up or come out and see them: It will cost you nothing. Also lots $160 and up, $5 down, $6 a month, All these lots are Inside the city limits. Tabor 878. WIDELL & WILSON, 2002 E. OUsan St. MV car to 80th. Sacrifice Sale Am leaving city and must acriflce City Park, close to car, everything mod ern and very easy terms. W. H. PHILLIPS, 660 E. 60th N., or 201 Board of Trade. Res. phone Tabor 8451. Office phones Marshall 478, A-1022. Bungalow 6 room new bunealow. all on on floor attir unfinished, large enough for t rooms. Our price of $2750 la lower than anything in the vicinity. Bee It at once, 687 E. 67th., N. JOHNHTQN. hOTHFUR & TTTFFORD. 90S Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967 One Half Acre At Anabel Ktatlon, Mt. Scott car, with 4 room modern cottage; double con structed, nice bath, full cement base ment, Kleenlng. porch, some fruit Bar gain at $2600. Eaxy terms. F. A. BEARD & CO., rL. .ri-iiiimer phis., za ana Alder. ana o room nomes, nre places: Hard wood floors, furnaces, witn all built In modern conveniences near cer lln, all street Improvements paid. monthlypayment plan. Provident In vestmunt A Trustee Co., 201, 202, 208 ?78Br A 1022rrad bld' Maishall Act at Once 7 room new house, hot and cold water, lot 60x00. inn rt tmm i minutes out; will take 81900 if a 'fair cash payment offered. Call 944 Cleve- PLANS OF ARTISTIC H6MES sgT HOtlSES OVER $1800 110 COSl. ?RJi2 DETAILS 'and' SPECIFICa: BOOK8ReI'INELT ' STRATED PORTLAND BUILDING ASS'N. ace, ni ' 'n A w K. HLiIJi. , A, by owner, .a new 4 room nJw0,!rna bu"t!!alow, 'located at 227 S01" Bnall payment down, rest like rent Inquire of Frank Woll!, 2070 e! Moawila. -ark addition. $J00, new t room house." 8 blocks from m.1:1) 0nfve: w.Ui tftk ,ot first pa Ji.Sl Freemont, north of Ivy C-2429 or Wnodlawn 82207 . j i"" I an1 ,,ot for. $100. New ,ir.-Trm 'coag. large lot, restricted ?i ,pt'.r.ment wa,k-. blScke to car. asanu. ni jc. Holland st Kenton car. 11501 CASH Buys this beautiful new 6 room house. West of E. 37th street only one block from Hawthorne ave. It faces east, has a nice wide veranda, . large reception hall with coat closet, beautiful fire- 1 I. ... I . i W..a1 . 1 .. lv,.nt solid paneled dining room, hardwood floors, large white enameled putoh kitchen: 3 very fine bedrooms with larare closets, well eautpped bath room, beautiful electrio fixtures, full cement basement with cement floor, ; laundry trays. This property is close In,- close to car and $600 below actual market value. Price $3700. Now II yw are looking for a new, attractive, modern home at rock bottom price and on easy terms, you should investigate this. Civil at 684 Hawthorne ave., jr phone Tabor SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. $22.60 per month, including interest. On 7th at. south of the avenue. A Manila K mum hiinrftlnw reRnt1on hall, all good slseifrooms, tinted walls, basement, laundry trays, gas and elec tricity in the house, snaaes ana nxiures go with house. This positively is the best buy In the district, and Is I easily worth H6Q0. Phone Tabor 30, Some Good Buys in Rose City Park We have $ brand new classy homes. one 6, one 6 and one 7 rooms, all bun aalowa. especially desls-ned for comfort and beauty, for sale in Rose City Park. There are many special features both in the finish and plan of these homes which must be seen to be appreciated. The lots are 60x100, streets graded and graveled and within 1 blocks of Rose City Parle car: cement walks, etc., all paid for. $500 down and $26 monthly with interest puys eltner or mem. The Shaw-Fear Company ilri S 57 riO 2Fou rOTSt" A3500 Main !,. h(a imv'inil mnrirn R room bun aalow west of 29th atreat and only one block from oar. It faces east wiTii tm.Hi fnuit nnrrh lArffA livina and dining room, very fine buffet, paneled mntno- rnnm. risrnr ud iu uain kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms with double Th. walla ara all nicely tinted. This' Is a snap. Phone Tabor 480 for $300 Cash New modern 6 room bungalow, lot 40 xlOO, one block from carllne; run ce ment basement, wasn xray. IryjK- nanHiMi U11I1I1K w . . ' Ivthln- ud to date, ready to move oniv I1B0 cash. $20 per month. Will finance your building on your vacant lot. . MISS TOWKLij, uwnivn. Phone Tabor 1147.' COMPLETELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Solid oak furniture throughout: dandy fireplace; good lawn; basement full dry wood; owner must go to California; will sacri fice; price $8000: $760 cash, bal ance $26 per month. Including In terest. See owner today. P 8. West, room 404 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 2891. ' i i ji. i iJ hSn Pjsch PavmPnt V'J rdVINCIIl $30 and Interest Per Month new moaern o-roum renjaenue, ,iv, With every possible convenience. . Will be completed December 1. In a restricted and exclusive district. To anyone who can show A reasonable probability that they Can keep up the payments. " Fred F, Huatress 612 Mackay bldg., 8d land Stark. Greoiy Heights Bungalow i room. nevt. well built 60x100 lot eyst front, close to new. extension of r.ose City Park carllne. Price ilo. Easy terms. 6 room, well built, modern bungalow. All conveniences, 60x100 lot east front Street Improvements in and paid. Price $2500. Terms. Call at Gregory Heights office tomorrow. Ener of Rose City Park carllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT UP. Hawthorne District $3600 for a fine 8 room bungalow on I E. Harrison st, with sleeping porch, Eanel dining room, beamed ceiling, utch kitchen, built-in buffet, furnace, sewer, walks and street graded and paid for; for a few days only; terms. Blanchard & (jlemson 66 6th st Own Your Own Home 8500 oash and 820 monthly with inter est, take your choice of two brand new 6 room, strictly modern bungalows. In a highly improved district on east side; street graded, cement walks in and paid for. These are beautiful homes. Let us show you.- The Shaw-Fear Company Main 86. 102 Fourth St. A-8500 $150 Cash, $20 Per Mo, $26006 room bungalow on W. W. car line, has bath, toilet, lavatory, electric lights, linen and china closets; pan eled dining room, with beamed celling, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; house is double constructed. F. A. BEARD & CO., 612 Oerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. IRVINGTON SNAP. Finest home in Irvington; must be sold quick: full lot, eaat face, 2 fire places, furnaoe, hardwood floors, mod ern and up to date in every way. Price $6500. ? ROWE-THATCHER CO., 324-6 Chamber of Commerce. 527 Greenwood Ave, New 8 room house, modern, well built, 4 sleeping rooms: offered considerable below actual cost: owner must sell, JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR & TUFFORD, 908 Chamhier of Commerce. Main 6967. $500 cash and the balance like rent will take -my fine new all modern 6 room cottage Just 1 block from Sellwood car. on lot 60x100 feet; call and see it at 684 Kills st. before 12 o'clock or call Sell wood 1547-and make appointment; price 62600. FOR SALE by owner, new' 6 room bun- galow, furnace, gas and electrio light fixtures, wash trays, cement floors in basement;- improved street, one - block from Alberta carllne. Terms. Call 998 A BARGAIN. Small house and lot on macadamized st. lot is worth $760; will take $660: $160 cash, balance time. 6612 45th ave B. "EC. Myrtle Park station. ' FOR BALE Modern 6 room bungalow less than cost Can have one or two lets as desired. - Mt. Scott car to Tre mont Station. 6616 60th aye. 8, E. Mrs. Clement, owner. . . , . , TWO tory modern house, Sunnyslde district. 6 large rooms, fumaea ani gas, sivvoj smau mviNQTONModern room ' houaej lifts new, uwr , cKrjiiipn, reni oniy 380. 488 13th N. Phone East 1820 B room modern home full siae basement I barn. 242 E. 69th st N- corner Hoi-I Uday. Tabor 2264, ; ... . MfffllfflE iSTlOT Mfll ' . Mil Bargains in Good Residence . Property $4260 New modern 8 ' room ; house, 8 blocks from carllne, full ':' lot -vi ; v,- ,.-'.:.. '; 100 feet from Union avt full lot.' $40008 room modern - house, ' lot 46Hxl00, Suonyslde district $80006 room modern house, - lot 60x100 on Kerby street .$28007 room house and I acres, fruit trees, 2000 feet-from station.) ' $28008 room house, on Monta ViUa carllne, lot 60x110. $2200 -3 room .' house, lot 86x 100. 2- blocks 'from Alberta car-, line. $300 cash. $21006 room house, . modern, . full lot, E, 11th st. N.; $1600 Toom house, i block ..from Montavllla carllne, , $1260 Small , houe, full lot,1 Alberta' marline, $200 rash. , Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 138 H First ; c-t . $200 Down :r $15. Per, Month New Modern Bungalow At a Bargain - Tou positively can hot afford to miss this big snap. This beau-' tiful home -consists of five nicely arranged rooms, porcelain batn and tolletaJbuiltlntuffr-eab Tiei xucnen; zuu oasemeni. gas and electricity; reception hall and woodllft. Everr thina- new and located In &. good neighborhood, close to car, only 20 minutes out from business center. You can have- this splendid home for only $200 down and $16 per month and . interest The price is only $2800. Office open Sunday from 0 a. m. to 1 p. m. A, K, Hill Co, 419 Henry Building. Circumstances over which I have no control compel me to sell my beauti ful -new 6-room house, semi-bungalow style, close to Hawthorne ave. Beside the 6 rooms there is a very fine sleep ing porch. Sleeping rooms all on sec ond floor. The construction of this iiouse cannot oe exceuea. ix nas a large, reception hall, beautiful stone fireplace, a buffet that cost $176 alone, heavy beamed cellina- with' electron llehts at intersections, hardwood floors laid with a border, fine Putrh Ht"hn I wun Dreaarasi room adjoining; ruu ce ment basement The house is piped for a furnace. If you have $700 and mean busines make me an offer. I will give you easy terms on balance. Call 984 Hawthorne ave., or phone Ta bor 480. $300 Down Balance on easy terms; 6 rooms, full cement basement, paneled dining room, natural finished, modern sanitary kitchen, built in buffet built-in bookcases, mas sive fireplace, hardwood - floors and French plate glasa in front hardwood door; laundry traya In basement; front porch seats, and trees planted in front of lawn add to the general attractiveness of . thla property. We can fully and conscientiously recommend thla as a bona fide bargain. Flaherty & Connolly 716 Yeon bldg. 'IV; $18006 room cottage, lot 60x 100, 3 blocks from car at Ana bel station; nice shade trees and lawn, $200 cash, balance $20 per month. $2800 8 room modern houe, lot 67x100 on 62d street close to Mt. Tabor car, $800 cash, balance easy terms. $28005 room modern bunga low, lot 100x100, on East 51st street, 8 blocks from car. A very cheap piece of property"; $800, balance $26 per month. THE LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder at Irvington Home 7 room modern house, has china closet, paneled dining room, beamed ceiling, dep. full cement basement furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays, sleeping porch, cement walks, lawn nicely gradeo. 4 small fir trees in the yard. This was , built for a home, but as owner is leaving city he offers to sell 8600 below value. Price $6000; $700 cash, balance monthly. Hunter Realty Co. ,219-221 Board of Trade. v Marshall 1777, A-S307. JUST LIKE FINDING IT. A HOME FOR ONLY $976. cad am street, close to school and car. Good surroundings; house- is good and the lot Is -a very fine one. Come in and let us show it to you. Mr. Da vies. CHAPIN A HERLOW, Members of Portland Realty Board: 332-338 Chamber of Commerce, I DON'T know very much about the real estate business, but I have a nice small 6 room bungalow on 45x60 H cor ner. About 20 minutes out on -the Haw thorne line, that I will sell for 62800; iiuoo down, nalance $15 per month and Interest. . Will take aood lot as nart at first payme nt. B-220. Jou r n ai. FOR SALE Small plastered house, modern plumbing, wood hoist, fine pantry, electric lights, large attic, large bath room, basement, full lot In lawn and flowers, block to car and school, on improved street. Price $1876, part rash, balance monthly. See owner, 1022 E. 23d st. N. Take Alberta car. $1860 WILL BUT 5 room., new., house at Kentnm. On 60x100 corner. Full basement. $260 will finish house modern. $100 cash; $20 month. Must -soil. 603 Lumber mens bldg., 6th and Stark. $2500 - Buys fine modern home, B rooms, lot 60x100, 1 block from car line, $300 to $500 down,, balance by month. ,, Look this up at Once. . wow, azs Henry Bldg, FOR SALE By owner, another 8 room house, large basement, electrio lights and partly furnished, Vt block of car line,' best car service, good schools, re stricted district. If you want a good home you would be pleased with this one. Call 686 Maiden ave., Sellwood. FORCED BALK.,. : Modem house of 8 rooms In f ln In. cation, close in on Hawthorne ave. will be sold at big sacrifice if taken at once as owner needs Bom money. Only $1000 cah required. B-E10, Journal. WHIT pav rent when you can buy a new ' plastered 3 room house on easy terms of owner? . F. M. Halght, 4827 76th at 8. E. Carpenter addition. Fldand Sta- iiuii. ....... . . THtS la the house you are Hooking "for: ruur room", paniry, closers, water In land Btatkm, Carpenter tract, ' in tne Dest residenue districts. Call and InvestiKHte WHITMFJR-KELLY ax. " 1 70 4th st IF:- Ml Anxious to own your own home even though you may only have $100 or $200 'it cash ard if von can tnnli na $26 or $80 A MONTH we will sell to you one of the sven new B and K ROOM BUNGALOWS Just finished, RIGHT ON THE CARLINE at Montavllla. RE MEMBER not a half mile from the car dui within a m'nute'a walk. tThese houses are all double constructed with plastered walls, fireplaces, bulltln con veniences and COMPLETE IN EVERY This la ft thickly settled neghborhood. Stores of all kinds just around the cor ner, and values are rapidly enhancing. The prices rangs from $8600 to $3160; the same terms sddIv to all. 1 WAN T GOOD STE A DT. DESIRA tpKPECartETrTREFEBENCa TO UAitOH PAYMENT. DOWN. L See then houses Sunday afternoon call Marshall 117) Sunday morning be tween 10 and 11:80 and make amotnt ment or call at our office, Monday LUn oeiay as tneae wui go last. . Don E, Keasey & Co. 2nd Floor Chamber of Commerce. On Mallorv near Klllins-a worth A beautiful 2 atorv 8 room hmina on Me-h lot 60x100. Outside is artistic , in de sign, no vulgar lines, massive finish effect around porch and cornice. The lower floor is oak throughout Lara- reoeptlon hall and living room with fire place. Dinlr,r..room is paneled and has beamed ceilings; den Is paneled and all nninn is xive coat . worx. KJtcnen and pantry ar white enameled and strictly modern. 4 bedrooms and bath in second story. All white enameled finish. Large steeping porcn. juignt iixtures and shades are the very best The base ment has aide entrance, full concrete walls and floor. First claaa furnace, laundry trays and other anDllancea. i nis property cannot oe made any bet ter. rice only 16800 and we can ar range very liberal terms for you. Sun day or evenings phone Woodlawn 782 or call at the office, 609 Spalding bldg. Phone Marshall 2832. Arrange to see una ai once. NEILAN A PARKHILL. New Modern Home 6 room bungalow, modern In every way,' built-in buffet, pan eled dining rcomv good cement basement, laundry traya, ftre- lace, nice den, disappearing bed, block from carllne, on paved street. Look at this; it will please you at trice we ask. Price $3600; $300 cash, balance monthly. . ; Hunter Realty Co. 219-21 Board of Trade. Marshall 177T, A-3307. MODERN BUNGALOW FOR $1700 On Mt. Scott line near Whit man station,- Flrland. House has 6 rooms; hall, bath and toilet pantry, alose to hot and cold water, range, plaatsre and tinted walls, finished nicely, basement; $2u0 cash, balance $16 per month and Interest Van Houten. CHAPIN & HERLOW, Members of Portland Realty Board. 882-83$ Chamber of Commerce, Get This -Quick Corner Alblna and Pippin; 3 choice business lota. 'Make me an offer on same or - will consider loan. See Chas. Rinfeler & Co, 211 Lewis Bldg. Piedmont Bungalow Two blocks to Killingsworth and near Union ave. Nearly new six room bunga low, fireplace, furnace, shades, combina tion light fixtures. All modern fea tures. Lot 1 60x100. Good garage. Price $4360. ' Terms. Nothing in the city more desirable for the money. Res. phone Woodlawn 733. Office, Marshall 2832. ,, . - . NEILAN PARKHILL, 609 Spalding bldg. Dandv Chicken Ranch 1 y, acre In heart of city. 1 block from carllne, 4 room house, 4 poultry houses and parks, brooder, , 60 thoroughbred chickens, all furniture In house, lots of fruit trees and berries. Thla Is a real gooa oargam at auoo; part. terms, MR. WOLFF, 323 Henry bldg. nr.t"'e. owner today at place, 8723 East 49th st, Mt. Bcott car to Powell Valley liioo" " " For this splendid 7 room house. Finished basement with wash trays, etc. Four bed rooms with large clos ets. Beamed ceilings and beautiful paneled dining room with built In but fet Large kitchen with nice pantry. Small payment down and $26 a month takes this. ' ' ' . JOSEPH GRAHAM, 1007-9 Board of Trade. ..Must Sell (splendid o room house with large ? rounds. attractive lawn and choice ruit trees, everything in fine condi tion, good car service. East side. . Mll ler, 416 Chamber of Commerce. ' BI5E room dwelling, aun parlor and sleeping porch enclosed in glass; hot air furnace; .full concrete basenwnt; stationary tuba; living room 18x28; one bedroom same slxe, 3 other bedrooms; located at 763 Broadway; lot 60x100. For sale below market; easy terms. M'CARQAR. BATES A LIVELY. 301 Yeon. Bldg. - 8260 Down, ... .4" v $26 Per Month ,'v t- Buys this . modern 6 room bungalow! gas, water and electricity. Good cor ner lot 60x100; walks and paved streets. Let us show you this tomorrow. , . JOSEPH GRAHAM, ' 1007-9 Board of Trade. "'I ' ' lkVlNtiTON SACRIFICE .'Beautiful 8 room bungalow, must be sold; will pay 1 year's Interest on mortgage 'and taxes. . baUnce -easy terms. Phone East 394, FOR SALE Hour and two lots on . Mt. Scott line. . Prce $800; $400 cash, balance $10 per month. ' Mt. Scott Car to Tremont station. Inquire at Pool room. Tabor' 2672. MODERNnew 6 room bungalow, flre . ..place, irane porch steps, etc., close to carllne. built td sell for $4600; will now take $8700;. terms., Ownef, 430 Wor- READY to move in to; have $690 euuUy in malL house, near car, full lot. Price $1000; forced to sell my equity for $440 cash. Phone Woodlawn 896. mm iOIl;. I am the owner of ,two homes ana must sell either the one or the other at once. - This house I built expecting ta . mnva - In. . nttr aelllno- the ' one I am now occupying, but the party who bought had unexpected financial dtffl oultiea and has moved east, leaving two bousea on my bands. . : - - Piano or Lot as Part Paymen Ttastrlctad district double Walled. floored and papered: I rooms, sleeping porcn. - . RECEPTION HALL. ' ,. ' . Raval ado-ad nlate srlasfl oak door, veneered door to kitchen, sliding door to living- room; oak floors. , LIVING ROOM, Trlnla window onanlna on norch cream brick fireplace, metal door book. canes either side; columned arch to dining room; oak floors. DINING ROOM. - 1 Teumrvu jhuabumn;. piaiw iaj. at uca. tlful, massive buffet; veneered door to Kitcnen; oag uoors. DTTTCH KITCHEN. Wood lift boiler closet, dish cabinets, flour, augar bins, drawers, pot and ket tle closets, storage cupboards; built-in ironing board with flush electrio recep tacle and switch for same; door . to rear porcn ana basement white enam eled. . . : .-..-.. BASEMENT.. -r-, Full cement floor, cement waUs to noor joist; cement wasn trays; win' dows. . ' . . BEDROOMS. Largo bedrooms, extra-large closets. with windows, coat hanger rods, pol- lsnea zioors, dresser ana oioset ugbts, wans - Deautu uuy tinted, wnite . enam' tied. , , .. ' ,:. ; BATHROOM, j 1 v ' "" Full line of nlumbtng: ' medlome cnest - i-. :. ' ; '- mOTIIPMUlNT. ' -: ' TeleDhone nlns in each room and bath, so phone can be carried to any rooiruwitch. In each room, baseboard plugs - for - electric carpet sweeper- or stand lamps; ciotnea enures, oust cnute, exDensive electria ' fixtures In each room of the pendant shower style; rose frteaea in eaoh bedroom and above plate rail a water scene. , The most desirable person can make practically their own terms. - At tiome ctunaay. : . Phone Tabor 8169. Don't Cross the River We are offering a strictly mod ern bungalow elegantly furnished including Klmbal piano for on ly $6000, $1600 cash. This Is on Portland Heights, two blocks from car. Lot Is 60x100 with full cement basement and seven rooms, bath, stationary laundry and 10 cords wood, all for the above sum and It's worth every dollar. We expect to sell this Monday. Wallace Investment Co. Oregonian Bldg. - $100 DOWN. Balance as rent 6 R. house and full lot, costing pres ent owner $2600. Must be old as owner has to rheet other payments. Will take $1800. Near Mount. Scott car. See Mr. Hartog, 8H Chamber of Commerce. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Sunnyside Home ( rooms, on East Taylor st, 2 blocks from Sunnyslde car, house is modern, furnace, cement base ment, electricity' and gas, hard surface streets, cement sidewalks, and offered at a bargain. Price $4000; $300 cash, balance to suit purchaser. ! Hunter Realty Co. 219-21 Board Trade. , Marshall 1777,- A-3307. 1, IRVINOtON HOME. NEW 7 ROOMHOUSB $5750. $500 cash or will take lot as first payment. lara-e recentlon hall. living room. fireplace, bookcases, dining room, buf fet, beamed ceilings, paneled walls. Dutch kitchen, white enameled,' 3 fine large bed rooms, large closets, winoows In each, large sleeping porch, bath, room, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, full finished attic. Every modern convenience. If Interested call alaln 929, or A-2693. J. V. GUTHRIE, ill Btarg. Stop the Rent $600 cash, balance easy terms, 6 room bungalow, Just completed, close to car, aot too far out, mod ern In every particular. Total purchase price $3600. It will save you money, a . Chas, Ringler & Co, ' ,; 211 Lewis Bldg. OWNER WILL SHOW TOU Value fon your money In this 8 room house in Beaumont; steam . heat and all modern convenien ce"; oak finish downstairs. The addition Is highly Improved and is now served- by its own car , line. Call Tabor 8631 for further information; the price is $4500. NEW 10 ROPM HOUSE. -BEST RESIDENCE DISTRICT. FINE VIEW, LARGE LOT. Every modern convenience that ' can be had. . .- ' . Place must oe soia. nern is a cnam.e to get a fine home dirt cheap.. Will consider trade. . If Interested, call Malni829 or A-2693. J. V. Guthrie, 272 8tark at. ' Will Sell My Home at Bargain l lone to car, rire uiscrici, con- i venlent house y-lth modern oon- Vetilenccn, three lots on corner, all improved. Price $8600. Terms. Call Tabor 1410. ' ' . Saved Money : I have two or three 8 room bunga lows Just about completed. I will build to. suit you on your lot or will furnish- lot and make terms eayat the lowest rate of Interest and the prices will be -right. Call 1113 Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 2982; Reaidence Tabor 176. ROHK CITY PARK SNAP, 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch.'east front, full cement basement, furhace, fireplace, shades, electrio1 fixtures, hardwood floors, lawn, roses, near car. See owner, 621 Chamber of Commerce. :- v Leaving City -:t- "Must sell at once my new. modern.' 8 room bungalow; all new furniture; will sacrifice for 'quick sale, See pwner to- ay at home, in w., za st, fi. P600. ',, LAtmLTTURST 60fl. , ElKht room - new modern 'home, no need to mention things; make appoint ment to nee) place and terms, and placo will speak.. V-217, Journal. - KfcvV 6-room bungalow,'- newly . furn ished: will lease 8 months, fiee own er today, 365 E. 42d st. N. , v, . Beaumorrf ' VWO BARGAINS New 9 room house, 8481ML " New8 room houae, $5000, ' , , Well arranged, very best dotrol .'construction throughout beautl , fuly finished, close to carllne. , 7 -,,- ' . . 'i $600' cash Wtu accept good lot . as part- payment. . . - -' ; ' These houaies ara axrtAntloinan good vulue. Let u- phow tbmn a, .. V J VVA, .... ........ '...(: ' fjnWTCV.tnm mTTom v ' Lurabermena bldg, 6 th andefark. - New '5 Room Bungalow " This Is a nice little) home and 1 offered for - a yery low . prjoe; v has basement, china oioset Dutoh kitchen, all electric f lxtures in, ' , paneled dining room, best ' of' .. plumbing, and everything you ; need ' In a modern,, house. Price ' . $2800; $800 cash, balance easy ' terms. : ,,-s .j.'; .. ... , . ..... v . -, ,, '. . Hunter Realty Co. V 219-21 Boar of Trade, : Marshall 177T, A-8307. $650-County Home $650 New I roomjsuzigalow' Jvlth baee--mt acre fina laaid, chick ens, ohickeit house, stable, fruit i trees, small fruits, two hives bees, 1 complete set garden tools, seed-, er and cultivator, stove. book V case, rowboat and boat landing; an . ideal home on banks of Wll- lamette, all tor $660: near. Mel-,. drum station; terms. , Chas, Ringler & Co, ; v ll Lewis. Mllgj::jAyWj: ; '. WHEN TOU ARE) REJADT " galow In Rose City Park: 6 rooms,-: wai iron i. nign lot, im OlOCKS to car; beautifully papered and'. . tinted, and haa all conveniences. Worth $8760; offered for $8600, . $300 down, -balance monthly. Thla is a real sacrifice. See Mr. Leon ard, Columbia, .Trust company, 83 4th st. - . . " ' $1250 $50 Down The Balance Easy Four room bUhfraJftteZ near -anhnnl well built, east front, lakge front porch, good Woodshed anil mih rnnm rtntnh. kitchen, large closets; lot 17x188; high and sightly. If you are looking for a snap in a small home, this sure will suit you. Address owner, N-211, Jour- yve our pnone number. Oueen Anne Bunealow Lies high and sightly on paved street. rooms and modern hath PMrenln with seats on either side. Buffet, Dutch kitchen and sewina- rnnm. Lwni n Lombard street, University Park. For sale on easy terms or will take a lot as first payment. Marshall 2849. OWNER leaving city instructs us to A sell his beautiful home, located in the Alberta district on Kl ftth at - ha c large rooms, large attic, sleeping porch. i un onusemeni, oeamea ceilings, paneiea dining room. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, window seats, buffet, book cases, etc.; everything complete. 361 E. inn nu rj. Irvington Home Six rooms, modern and all bulltln im provements, conveniences of every kind, each room is tin to date-- tiKWImnrut floors, full cement basement, lot 60x100; price D2ou, uu rasn, oaianoe to sun. ta. Jt., 815 reon Bldg. Fine 6 Room Home $3300 6 larre rooms, modern, full Int. nnlv 1 block from Union ave and 6 carlines.. This is a bargain. Terms easy. DE YOUNG ft JOHNSON, X oi f vnamner or commerce h i a g. Portland Heights Home ; TlAsaltYifiil AAMla fj ....h .al..t neiiarhborhood, partly furnished. 10 room nouHB, moaern improvement; pnea 920,000; terms; no agents. G-22S, Jotir- READ THIS LIST , Lot 120x160, house, fruit. 46Uxl60, fixed for chickens. 91x160, house and chicken runs. Any of tha above can h hnno-ht riiaan i rum xninn v nun. oil ivictvav mar. 1 , 1 It i t n . . v . .r . . m JUST what you are looking for, a fine 6-room bungalow with full attlo and cement basement, modern in every re spect. Including shades, linoleum, light fixtures and screens. Located between Hawthorne and Richmond districts. Terms reasonable. Phone Tabor 8. ' LAURELHURST. One 7 and one 8 room - house. 1nt completed, everything modern; can' give you a bargain for cash payment, or will take good lot In trade. Phone B- VV9, PREVENT foreclosure; will sell $3600 6 ' room modern bungalow, U block from car, 1 block from school, street ; Improvements ini and paid for, 32700: izou casn. rnone woodlawn 8. V Bargain f New, modern T room house, good lo cation. Terms. Inquire 76 E. 66th st. N. Tabor 1618. BARGAIN, new 7 room home, book oases. buffet.- larae cloaeta, ainanlno' porch, fireplace, furnace, paneled din ing room; all modern conveniences; bar gain for quick sale. A-220, Journal. -KNAP FOR $900 CASH. Lot 46x160." good 4 room nlnatnrai house with pantry, closets and room for bath. Barn, woodshed and chicken, house. Phone Marshall B068. - . , $1100 THREE room cottage and base- iiiwni, ruums in rear, lot fioxioo, Iso fruit trees. Pnin nvn,r "0! v oin bi. . ' rnone marsnatl ZB49. RbTHlNO flown, $20 per month, for $1800 6 room bungalow at Arleta. Miller, 430 Worcester bldg. E, 2806 or Main 1J)40. v . FOR SALE LOTS 10 Owner Must Self 60x100 on Mlllaril aVAnna na Bargain for $476, part cash. , Call for owner, Tabor 422. , . TRlANuUlAR , LOT, FIRLAND, $87. ,. $10 down, $6 monthly, makes you the owner of beautiful building site.; Fred W. German, 829 Burnalde. M. or A-2776, For Immediate-Sale by owner, fine lot In Alameda Park at a great sac rlflfe. O-210, Journal. $G50 an $J60, some very nice""lns 60 xiou, neax jeirerson hign school an Patton ave. .Terms. .Inquire 1086 Mary land ave. - BERKELEY city lots chejip,- 60x100! 76x100. 100x100, 200x100, 400x200. See or phone A or Main 1807. It, O. Baker. lOOxlOOCapHai Hill, V, block car.' $763! S7B cash, balance Sin ani4 !ntru. l noeqnam, ppuwooq laoz. , , CHEAPEST lot in Sunnyslde, near . Laurelhurst, Owner, Tabor 1793. : Terms. - ; .. -V. SEE Le . Nolr . & Co.,, for west side property!, (M'''wlvti dealers in went side renltyiiCJhjambpjJof Commerce, F5ST8 ALE Nlocl y moated busVneasTot at Imv Ocean Park, Tillamook. Ap- ply 6 Union nve. , ' IRVINGTON BARGAINS. will sacrlfloe one or Iwo sightly lots If bought now. Phone Knwt 894. BY OWNER, lot near Myrtle Park, Mt. Scott car. $326, terms to. suit; less for cash.. Woodlawn 1240. . TWO lots in ralrport, $S60, "term for iv uyi oniy, j-none woodlawn ALBERTS bualness corner on curllnf, 60x80,- 31600. Tabor 1788. i00xl00 3d and Clinton; Improvemctiti -all in; terjna. Owner, Tabor , A V.