r i A (; rvune. rviarictic i;orsciat Mmc Hcicnc, icmot Marquise, Koyai worccoicr ano uon i on torpcia ana Kcngo dch uorocis lVlonarcti Kid GloVeoy Derby, Trclouooc, Pcnt'o, Alexandre, Bacomo and Eskay Kid Glovca-Hollday LInco Arc Now In "1 tSoIelcrt Handbag - $1.50 GRADES AT ONLY 98c ; $3.50 GRADES ; ONLY $1 .88 Early' shopping brings best results . to the purchaser. These bags are of good ,i gTade - seal,- with long or .short . handle,' j plain or fancy metal ' frames.; and best workmanship; $1,50 grades go for 98c; i our $3.50 grades' go for $1.98, 9 QQ ana an our io.ou Dags go ior u Portiaiid'o Oldest; and Largest Retail Storq-Eotabllohcd In 1851 it., r - in Vf IS U-W. 7 1 lrlM rf- I SANTA CLAUS' HEAD- QUARTERS , T Christmas Lines Are Now , " Ready f V.', , SaT.3 SEnsffire mw&i TitoaMsswta0 LMeiES, Plismeir Sells, TaMe giver At W W ELK II Jill l.'it.lXJil i The ideal Christmas Bag. Best and most acceptable.' . Every ; woman wants black .Velvet Bag. In this lot you may' choose from many shapes; worth to C0 QQ $5.00, priced for t his sale Tat tp0 ; WOMEN'S $1.50 BELTS' GO FQR 25c X general clean-up of leather, elastic and fancy-; Beits.i mtea with neat lOP' atJl buckles; values to $1.50. priced DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY Begin TomorrowsSelect 'While Stocks Are Fall A Sale o2 Our Enttirc Steele XiitniasilBMlipelllsis $2 UMBRELLAS AT $1.49 Men or women's extra fine - quality Italian Cloth Umbrellas, sixes 26 and 28 Inches; good,, heavy steel frame, 8 ribs; - our $2.00 grades, Gt A( priced for : this sale-, only PAa7 $2 UMBRELLAS AT $1.69 Extra fine quality Italian Cloth' Um-, brellas, - full 28-inch , size,' for men: , Warranted . rainproof, heavy, ' steel ; frame, with 8 ribs..- Our : CQ best $2.00 grades, special at vJ.v7 $3.50 'UMBRELLAS- $2.95 Men's andwvnWa-high-grsdeSille Umbrellas, extra fine taffeta; sites 26 and 2$ inches, fitted .with i great variety ' of ' handles ;v our' CO QP $150 grades, priced; .atVtPuitJ $1.75. UMBRELLAS $1.27 Men's and women's fine Italian. Goth Umbrellas, 26 and 28-inch sizes, guar anteed waterproof. t-A fine assortment of handles to choose ;;from;,d "I 07 our $1.75 grades,- priced at vA I . For the next 3 days, we offer liberal reduction on our entire stock' bfUm-" brellas which affords a splendid opportunity . to upply yonr, present needs as well as to select useful Christinas gift! Better take advantage of this sale!1 Veils and Scarfs $1.50;VEILS . ON-SALE 79c $3.50 VEILS ON SALE $1.49 During Chirstmas rush time our Veil ings Dept. , must give way to holiday noyeltiesk So to reduce the stock we price Beautiful Chiffon Auto - and Shetland Veils, 'worth $L50, for 79c, and a line of $3.50 values C1.1Q are priced for this sale at DXdtl $225 SflfcFringea Scarfs 98c 500 Beautiful Silk Fringed Scarfs, all in damty evening shades, extremely beautiful for ; holiday gifts; QQ, good $225 grades,' special at OC $25 ALLOVER3 AT.tONtYrb8c 18-inch 'Allover Laces in a big range of desirable , patterns;' white, cream and ecru; value to $225, PQO cial for this sale tomorrow at wOt Sale Velvet Costume Cords lm emails aiMdl Sniiifls $10 GRADE ONLY $125 Imported Velvet Costume Cords for coats and auits, very popular for Win-' ter wear,; the color -range eomprise tan castor, brown, navy,' wine, Co penhagen, reseda, black;: J" Jd our: $1.50 gradespriced at DXt) $1.75 GRADE ONLY $1.48 Extra fine qfuality Imported Velvet Costume Cords' for. suit "and'eoat. Colors are brown, castor, alice, navy, marine and black; Manchester grade; guaranteed to please; our 0"t AQ $1.75 grades, for thU sale tplV0 Rcff; 50c Fancy Neckwear at 25c Reg.; 51.25 Fancy Necuwear, 07c Impossible to select' poor one.' -This big collection comprises. the newest, and most effective novelties in side effects and fluffy lacey styles; extra, large shoulder effects; jabots, Dutch styles, Quaker tissue effects, fifta etc.; our regular 50c grades at 25c, and our regular $15-grades' for VM 1 $25 FLOUNCING3 PRICED AT 98c-A YARD FOU TOMORROW, Another offering of just 5Q0 ysrds of our popular 27-mch -Flouncing, beauu ful embroidered desism on sheer cloth for Christma. . Call and ?see, them. ChrlstmasLacesat 5cnnd9c Yd. Embroideries at One Half Price Showing of a Full Line of Holiday Silks for Every Wanted Purpose We are showing a very large and complete stock of Fancy . Silk for Waists, Dresses, Linings, Fancy Work, ftc; combinations to be use4 with marqui settes for overdraping, plain and fancy grenadines, etc; black with col'd backs. China Silks for fancy work; Kimono Silks, etc on sale at from 60 to fi.2K Waistings, priced at $L25, $1 JO Fancy Marmiisettes, at $12S to t&50 Dress Silks, prked: at $U0 to $2.50 Plain Messaline, priced at 85c to $1J0 Thousands of yards of the. wanted Xaces. for all kinds "of Christmas fancy ; work,; n. endless variety .. of, phasing patterns, marked ex- Qn ceedingly low at 5c yard and 7C WW Thankscivine really ushers in the festive Fall season,' Which calls for new tiresses for afternoon and evening parttesdmnerg and for -ft street, wear. Here Is an 'offering, of one-piece Dresses, in chiffon, broadcloth, imported prunellas, French serge, etc with handsome lace! collars and yokes and 'silk braids. Some are styled with the Empirerwaist and peasant sleeve, with dainty lace collars and cuffs. Ricljily tailored effects. Dresses with high collars and yokVtrimmed effects; with' paneled or box plaited, skirtsi Sizes for women and; misses. The most extraordinary assortment to chooser 1 i i rf from. Dresses which sell regularly up to $40.00 Kew arrivals in party and afternoon Dresses.. .' Many were just selected by our , Miss Bernard, who is now in New York caring for your holiday needs in wearables. ; Dainty chiffon, crepe de chine, messalines, crepe, meteor,' etc. i Selected especially for the younger set. Styles are simple anJ very pretty,low necks,', short sleeves with empire waistline, dainty shades of. pink, blue, white, apricot, yellow, lavender, nile, Persian borders etc; sizes 14 years to 38 bust. Afternoon dresses with high collars and X sleeves. Veiled lace effects,' fringed and shirred. Every wanted color; CMC flfl placed on -sale for tomorrow at these special prices $15.00 to OitMJ V. ...... .....,... v .- ' ' ' : . ' : ' tm & I mm. Dainty Baby Edges and insertions, selected, from pur regular stock of hind-loom I. Embroideries for : your holiday sewing? etc) a broad " selection of patterns, priced at r $3 Silk Vests $2.91 A ' splendid line of Christmas Novelties in - the Kayser ' Silk Vests" in white, pink and blue , shades, with, banded topsV beau tifully embroidered in floral and , conventional designs; (PO Q"J values to $4.00, "only P&VL $6 Silk Vests $39 Women's fine quality of , Italian Silk Vests of the Kayser make. 1 Color are pink, blue and white embroidered in many . different designs,' well finished and per fect fitting; values to QQ $6.00, special at only POOJ7 ehf5Wa!sts $6.00 GRADE ONLY $29 A lioliday tale Women's Fine Waists,' ; dainty lingeries, ot lawn am) Datiste material, styled with high of Dutch' .necks. Long or short sleeves, button .. front or, back, ' trimmed with clany lace and Irish crochet medallions7VaL . lace, etci with or without frills;, also seat Tailored Waists; val- CO OQ ues to $6, special at only Sale linit Skirts $1.50 GRADE ON SALE 75c - j . , .. In tha Undermuslin Section, second floor, women's, Knit Skirts, the nar row, clinging styles, to wear with the close-fitting skirts or gown pink, blue, gray, black and white. UfZg Our regular $1.50 grades, at f Wv Outing Gowns $2.00 GRADE ONLY $1-50 Outihg Flannel Gowns In blues i and white, gray and white, pink and white, "and plain white, with military or reg- , ufation collars,. trimmed in CA .fancy braid; values to $2, at J)XJl OUTIH0 SKlRTS with fitted yokes," pink, blue or brown stripes, ; rTf?, ; with fine tucks ; $15 values I J 1 CHILOREtfS SLEEPING GAJUV1ENTS, $15 VALUES 89c UaermuslmlSeeMseond ;fi6ot, a sale' of Children's Ooting Flannel CQ " Sleeping Garments," in J plain white; pink and blue; value to- $U5 for 0l ; Children's Outing FJannel Petticoats, in' plain white, pink and Q blue stripes, tucked,- scalloped and embroidered,- on sale at Tctlvt r3 A Sale of Men's "Savoy" Shirts BeauUIul Holiday Unes at S2.00 r The "Savoy Shirta,' the handsomest line ever shown in' Portland, is' now , ' ready for your selection. '.The materials, the patterns,' tailoring, laundering, etc., are1 the best we have ever. shown; sixes range from 14 to 18. QO (( See display and copy of New York World in Mor.-St. window 0vU PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS In beantiful ChrUtmas boxes, prked at 50eV; RILK 8USPENDERS with pretty medallion bucUes in Xmaa boxes, at 75 c A Special PurchaoeMakco Ff ooolble TOiIa 018.50 lo 025.00 Coafs, Special al 011.95 025.00 !o 035.00 Coats, Special at 014.95 This sale win demonitrate the wisdom of sending ' our garment buyer to market at this time the. fifth ? trip this year -trie tnird trip tnis tau season ana only by reason 6f her being right there at the right time, are we enabled to make this remarkable offer of coats a fortunate purchase of two exceptional lines at a third off the maker'a prices.-; " LOT 1 Comprises an elegsnt assortment of chev iots, mixtures and novelties of all kinds. The latest styles ; $18.50 to $25.00 grades are now f 1 A If . apcciauy pnecu ai uic very tow yim. Hwtltvtl . LOT 2 Right up to the minut styles in coata, made up of the newest and most popular materials. Just received on Saturday's express. Never before . For tomorrow, offered at low price of jk A f shown in Portland. ; $25 to $35 grades. 014 uD W&nSSSS. Sinter Ml::. I ' ill j An unusual showing of women's high grade Tailored Suits, styled in the most picasing manner, ine maicnais cmpiovcu die scigca, intiuis uiu nov elties.? JNfeat plain tailored effects and Nprfolks. Coats are lined with Skin ner's satins; skirts are gored, plaited or with loose panels, or panel front and back. Some have high waist lines, giving Empire effect. " Values, frl A A r up to $S5.00 are now especially priced at the, attractive figure of.ify3 " "ft ml ' Our Entire Stock of Swiss Ribbed V UiradleiFwesiii' All our fine quality Swiss Ribbed Underwearj vestC ttrrUim nnA iinintt stiUfl -anil - lisli. aillr snH wnflt. f, lisle thread, etc.-' Long or short sleeve vests,; ankle J or knee length tights, and union suits in all shapes. . A s oe! i TxrrMrotirc1 a o j'cad: rxrt voo- pi.A.a . ciiiyjuxvviunsx run , vriiaa , w , Swiss Ribbed Vests and, Tights, vests with long or, ' short sleeves, tights knee or ankle length. ' QQp" Regular stock 'values, at $12$ a garment, jp-Oyl $1.75 UNION SUITS AT ONLY $1.47 Swiss . Ribbed Union Suits, with long or short sleeves,; length. hieh or low- necks, and Snkle AH Excellent $1.75 values, special at Vltl ' $1.50 UNDERWEAR AT ONLY $1.29 Swiss Ribbed Vests and Tights, in white, pink and sky; full sleeve and ankle length. I Our M OQ regular $1.50 grades, priced for tomorrow $4.50-$5.00 SI1JC Women's fine quality Silk, Swiss Ribbed Vests and Tights, long sleeve $3.98 and anklo lengths, extra good: $4.50 . and' $5.00 garments Bargainized for this sale tomorrow at l low price of, each s ewing Machines as Gifts This unequaled salc of Women's. Men's and Children's Handkerchiefs will continue tomorrow with renewed enthusi asm and better . and more attractive bargains than ever.' ! i Many new arrivals tomorrow at prices lower than you expect $ia00 GRADES SPECIALLY PRICED AT ONLY $10.00 $22.00 GRADES SPECIALLY PRICED AT ONLY $12.50 $65.00 GRADES SPECIALLY PRICED AT ONLY $31.50 In the Art Furniture Section, third 'floor, a sale of high grade Japanese Enameled Screens,' with 4 satiff panelsembroidered In attractive and pleas ing floral patterns of green, blue, gold, and crimson, 36 and 42 O ft A inches highr $18; grades; at ' $10 arid $22 grades, special TtfWX&fOxf EXTRA LARGE Japanese Screens, very high class, Imported &01 fZti from Japan;beautifUlly, embroidered in colors; $65 gradei.spl tPO J.eJV Dccoratiycl High class Decorative. Art Furniture for, living rooms, libraries, dens, nov elties' for, the dining-room and chamber, executed inmahogany and oak, beautifully wrought pieces, combining comfort and elegance reproduced from the masterpieces of the old world chairs of the historic periods. Chip pendale, Sheraton, Jacobean, Queen Anne,,, Adams and Colonial among them. , SOLD ON THE CLUB PLAN ONLY $1.00 A WEEK It would be hard to think ; of a more acceptable1' or more useful gift than a Sewing Machine. .The only piece of furniture in the. home that pays for itself and it's so easy to get. - Upon making , the initial payment we will deliver the machine to any address, and you may complete your payments at $1.00 a week. , '..;'"., . Huclt Toweling at a Reduction A Special Sale of Linen Tubing Richardson's Pure"1rish Linen Pil low tubing, cheapest in tlje long run, healthiest, ; easiest . to f wash. The very best grade to be Of) had, special this sale, yard UL Just received a splendid stock of fine ' Huckaback . Towelings in widths 15 to 27 inches, for guests' towels and . fancy wbr.k, AQ priced at, yard, 22c to ipXO SALE OF. BEDSPREADS, SHEETS, PILLOW SLI 1J I ft. . il ll' ' IV r ft' Ml Sale of Swiss Aluminum 'Cooking .Utensils Third Floor f''.'rt 75c Lipp. Sauce Pans, 3-qt. 60 $1.35 Cov. Kettle, 4-qt f 1.08 60c Fry Pans, 7j4-inch, for $2.20 Coffee Pots, 2-qt, 1.7G $2.05 Deep Lipp. Kettles' f 1.64 $3.30 Vegetable Boiler, f 2.63 Nickel Kitche n Needs 2.40 Coffee Percolator S1.03 $J Tea Ball Tea Pots 82.40 Covered Casseroles in the nick el stands, special at on1y)91 $16.50 Chaf'g Dish, sp'l. S12.SO S3.65 Serviqg Dishes, t S2.RO Electric Toaster, guart'd f3-5 Full line of Electric Percolators, Chafing Dishes, Stoves, Water Heaters, Laundry Irons, etc., at sale prices. Visit this drpartm't. DEMONSTRATION PERCOLATORS Third Floor ' Yours Truly Ccrpc Redeemed st V them from