The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 17, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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finnfrart , fnr Turn' Paro !nf
J S One Line Let Three Others
J Under' Way Plan Harbor
- Improvement.
With contracts for a portion of . one
railroad, , with large crew surveying
two others and with preparations bein I
.j: made to handle a bond Issue., for
fourth, the survey of -which has been
completed, Coos Bar is. about the busi
es! rauroad center On the coast, ao
, cording to Colonel William Grimes, who
Is in Portland J spending a littlo money I
with Portland contractors, and others.
- That doesn't include, the Marshfiekl
Terminal railroad, a' : franchise sforl
which win be .voted uoon at. North
Bend In December arid which la olanned
to handle .the business of all, the other
lines, that will bulla -lo the Coos Bay
cities, and bring thel cars down to the
: waterfront and the public docks, theloe.
.cations ,t or which have -ttrea.Jy been
"The Southern , Pacific's Eugene-Coos
" Bay line Is . assured; , contracts have
been let, as everyone knows," said 'Col
onel Grimes, "but the others are work
lag hard, spending money and saying
,k " Harlls yndioate. 4-i'
"The first of these la th survev of
tne Ingush syndicate. 'who are retre-
ejented by a grouo or wealths' San Fran.
1 61bco bankers. This llns runs to Coos
fr Bay. via Roseburg and. i east i ot Hose-
if Bvrw runs inraurh: Kiiincr n la! nm
, point ane other side of thft mountains.
There are three or four -surveying craws
In the field and right of way is being
acquired rapiaiy.
'.The other survey being run Is that
t the Paclfio & Western, which runs
, from Eugene to .Coos Bay, in -many
. places f paralleling the line of the
southern Pacific. President Summers.
wno is in personal charge of the engi
neering work, has two or three survey
ing crew in the field and has his main
camp, at Winchester Bay, below Card-
. ner. . ;.'"'' , '
"The Clark-Belnes survey from Coos
Bay' to Boise, via Roseburg, is not dead
by any means. We turned it over to
ome Portland people two years ago
. after our effort to build the road inde
pendently. Lately It has been Impos
sible, to. get any Information out of
tnese people, bur they have had a nun
- oar of bankers and bond buyers In the
past week gqlng over the survey , and
my understanding is. that a bond issue
la to be made. The Una has a aplendld
survey as good as any of tha-others.
h - ' V .
; ' i
' i '
7V " f
Commoner 1 Urges Democrats
v a . si . r ii s . .1
ot Nation 10 nany Arouna
Bay t State's 'Governor.
Gladys Caldwell, soprano, and Jos
eph P. Sheehan. tenor, two ar
tists with The Sheehan , Opera
company, which , began an en
gagement . of , (pur performances
at the Helllg .jtheatre last night.
Tha bill this evening, and at the
special matinee Saturday, will be
the comic opera success, "The
Love Tales of Hoffman," and Sat
urday njght, Verdi's grand opera
masterpiece, "II Trovatore." -
Terminal BaOroaA rormed.
We have organised a terminal rail
road in Marsh Held and If we get a fran
chise at the December election will go
ahead at once to build it so that It
will be ready for the new linea when
they reach Marshfleld. ' W. 8. Chandler
or tne First National bank, C, A. Smith
of the C. Ai Smith-Lumber oomnanv.
neia people are interested in
(SdmUI to Tha Jon rail. I
Astoria. Or.. Nov. 17. Municipal
bonds have been issued renewing the
150.000 Issue of November 2. 1891.
which matured November 2 of this year.
The entire old issue of bonds was re
ceived from New York' yesterday and
was canceled by the city treasurer. The
old bonds bear the signature of Samuel
Elmore, mayor, and T. S. Jewett, .audi
tor, and were first' sold to the Astoria
Savings bank, which afterwards turned
them over to the Importers ft Traders'
bank of New York. v
(United Press Leased Wire.) '
Lincoln! Neb.. Nov. 17. Cominc (Jut
strongly for 'Governor Eugene N. tons,
of Massachusetts,, as a presidential poa
! sibllity and declaring that the ' political
backing of Governor Judson Harmon, of
Ohio, is shifting to Congressman Oscar
Underwood, of Albama. whose nomlna
tion as Democ ratio candidate would be
unfortunate for the south. William J.
Bryan urges today In the Commoner the
endorsement of Foss by the Democratic
party as its standard' bearer. '
tThe reelection of Foss as governor
of Massachusetts on a. radical platform
advances' his Stock' In the presidential
market.'.' declares Bryan In his editorial
If ;""'yott"1are'"a.' '-progressive Democrat,
read the Massachusetts platform and
the' election returns and then, ask your
self 'What's the matter, with Fossr
- "The Commoner takes pleasure ' Jn
calling attention to the fact that Foss
is not only one of the men to be con-
lalderedbut the further fact that his
claims i upon the . party - have been
strengthened by the endorsement given
him by the voters of Maseachusetts.'-
After stating that Harmon's strength
Is drifting to Underwood, the Common
er adds: I - - i
. "Underwood's nomination woulel oe
unfortunate for the south, for . his de
feat would be wrongfully charged ' to
his ' location". Instead of being attrib
uted, it it should be, to the fact that he
is noJn harmony with the pwjgresslve
spirit of the day." ;
Colonel and Mrs. Frank J. Parker
left Portland last evening on the
Shasta Limited for San Fran-
(-cisco. gan Diego and probably, Gold-
field and Tonopah. Colonel Parker has
mining Interests 'in the latter places.
While gone. Colonel Parker will make
a specialty of advertising the coming
Rose Festival and Elks grand lodge
reunion next summer. He expects to
cross the .boundary Into Mexlvo before
his return' and take a trip across ..the
Isthmus - on the Tehuantepeo railroad
and then on south to Panama to Inspect
the Panama canal.
Colonel Parker has been backing the
Pacific Northwest for more than 45
years. He was among the first to boost
the country and attempt to Influence
people to move to this section to Settle.
People laughed at him' and told him he
was doing wrong. He did. not. quit,
however, and has seen the day "whan
this advertising is carried on to an ex
tent then beyond any dreams.
v '- i- " '' ' - .'V-'',- V:-Ai-: . M r . ' V " ' " "f : - - " ' ' i '-. i.
QiiesIom:lf Ask-
When you are thinking of buying clothing, are: "Where will my
money buy the most?". "Where will I find what I want?" , Both are
answeredby .' ; . '
Moy&t Suits,
- v -i v and :' M
UN o'- o
J Wo
tha Una
which it is proposed to carry along what
im new i- root street, racing the water-
irpni. Tne rranchise also carries the
right to build and operate an electrlo
streetcar line -when y city la) large
nun w"
Colonel Grimes, who acquired his title
when he was United States marshal for
is doing a lltUe building on his
own account. The colonel and W. S.
cnanaier own the Hotel Chandler at
xuarsnueia, wnicn people generally re
gard as some hotel for a place the else
of Marshfleld. In fact, it is So, popu
lar and Marshfield is growing no fast
that Mr. Chandler and Coldnel Grimes
are going to put up a five story fire-
v prew annex. it win give the hotel
l V about 200 rooms when It la comnlotod
Another five story building is to so
up on the same block adjoining ' the
hotel, and Chandler and the colonel' are
preparing to Install a central heating
plant that will care for all their build
ings on tne block.
" Better Harbor riaaaea.
- Colonel Grimes is also Interested in
getting better harbor facilities for Coos
Bay. When, he passed out the other
day there was 26 feet on the bar, but
he and the rest of Coos Bay people
want a 1000 foot channel and inth
eet. They say an aDDronriation
Iflfl.OOO would Insure It ' The pres
rth Jetty has to be rebuilt, where
washed away, and extended about
or 1600 feet, while a loo tnnt
jeny snouia oe ouilt on the south side
also. This, with the dredge provided
xot , aireauy, wouia mesn an Ideal har
bor. The city has already voted a bond
issue of 1300,000 to aid in thla work
na 10 seep me small streams by which
uie iarmers journev to r.nnm n -
their motorboats free of utni
There's another Interesting thing the
colonel csn tell abouts the handy
way in which the O. A. Smith Lumber
company is using electricity. Recently
t electrical cranes have been installed on
the docks That load. 2,000,000 feet of
lumuer on xne an smith la 11 hours.
That has the world beaten. Another is
tne supplanting oi the -noisy and famll-
imr sieam aonaey witn electricity. In
logging. The company has tried out
eiecincM logging engines and found
, them highly successful so much mn i
is arranging to carry power So and it
m u up mio me mountains back of
oos cay to get logs out toy electricity,
The - electrical i engines are lighter,
quicker and less expensive to operate,
Lafferty's Speakina Dates.
A. W, Lafferty, representative ,ln con-
grrBB, win saaress we people or the
now i nira cungressionai district Upon I
. pending political Issues as here sTdver-
tisea. xne puDHc is cordially Invited
to attend, without other or further "ho-
J&lontavIllajGrabers halL Friday' No.
J", Oreaham,' Commercial Club hkll. Rat.
unlay. November IS. 8 n. m. '
. aunnyside, , Ford's hall, Monday, No
Vcmber 20. 8 p. m. , - s . .
ooastocK, , Woodstock hall, Tuesday,
November. 41, 8 p. m. - '
L-ents. Alcasar ball, Wednesday, No-
fcellwood, Strahlman's hall, Thursday'
. .NovembsrttS,'l.v.iB.. i'K'
V ullama avenue and Russell ' street,
Hill s hall, Baturdayi November J 6, I
(Sahm Boraaa of Tb Journal. .
Salem, Or., Nov. 17. In a letter today
Secretary of State Olcott advises Dis
trict Attorney Cameron to bring suit
against the General Film company of
New Tork to compel it to file articles
of incorporation and pay arfnual li
cense fees in ' Oregon, as required by
law, since-it la -doing business 'in' the
state. The conviction of the film com
pany Is : desired as a lesson to other
foreign corporations. . V
(Special to The Journal.) - - "
Riddle, Or., Nov. 17. District Road
Commissioner Bali Is busy with a large
gang of men and teams, graveling the
county roads throughout his district. He
reports that he expects to complete the
resurfacing of 20 miles of read this
winter. The new cutoff which he has
recently completed to connect Orchard
Valley is now in first-class shape for
trarric. This road 'connects Orchard
Valley, with the new Pacific highway,
one and one-half miles from Riddle, and
Is a saving of from two to five miles
each way to the- farmers living In Or
chard Valley, over the old road, In get
ting to Riddle, and Is greatly appre
ciated by. all concerned. This -locality
bejleves It has one of the' best road
systems In the state.
for ( clean
and a pure and fragrant breath
IdiafiElYTri liMC!acc,c,llr" S3. 'I rlCj I " " r I
white beautiful teeth
For r.Ien, Women and Children
Mucli of the traffic of our cities is foot-clothed
in rJiirmost- Durable Hosiery. ' Every person
who is pn his feet a good portion. of the day knows
how necessary it is to nave Foot Comfort. .
Eveflvear Hoaicry presents no peculiarities in appearance, it is simply
Hosiery of Exquisite Weave and Superior finish; yet so strong that it
cjui be Guaranteed to wear for Six Months. . A
Tha Bo of G Pair with Written Guarantee)
?' Erypnaa Cotton S1.S0 per box . "."' " "'
Fine CasbmsK, J2.C0 per bos J
, .-EilkJUale, j, 11.00 pes bos rod eHILONtN
EfTptianCott(m.Bfeee5to7ftl()perbos -Silk
Liale. sises S to 7Hi. U.OOperbos
FiBeCaahmera.iis U7X. &O0per bos
. ' .. , :'. . .' SHlM Silk.' U-.L.
Ken's Pare Silk, $L00 box. 3pal . Weaaea's fare 5nk,
ton womcn ;
grKtoa. fce.
. p. m.
. $260 AutODlano $260 ?
In our bargain end exchange wo have
many player pUno bargains, . Autopi-
anoti, u; anomer, sg note autoplano,
ISrfree music olls. Kohler & Chase,
S(S vya.iunBion si.--.,. .;;'.,.
r- jsks inst .wen conducted and la I
popular wun tne oetter eiassea .
iiaxso, sjwBerooa M
13.00 box. S salt I
v; -j-v"'''1 r'--;.;'' AT;.ALrL '$.k
-' :"''' ' ' ir":' .?j''iVv"'7'-.,r; '.".'';';'''."";;.".'.',.'; .'.;'.-,' 'i.jv:-'-,? ,';-, ,.;vv-. 'V;')
'. ..''..'.. '". ':.: ',.'.' , ,:.'.';;'V-;; : '.,:;r':',.i:', )y'.-
To get the Moyer price and the Moyer quality you must come to the
Moyer Stores. Our constant aim is to give you v
The Best to Be Had
at the Price
When You See It In Our Ad It's So
57 AND 50
A Suit or Overcoat jsn't cheap at any price unless it possesses an honest, com
bination of good woolens, good workmanship, good style, every garment We
offer is right Through and Through; the fabric is right, the making is right
Don't buy your suit off the shelf Get your clothes made t6 order 0
and be right You'll feel better r
Made to
By Union
Our Own
The kind no other tailor will make for
less than $30.00 to $35.00
These garments have no equal in Portland at any
price Hundreds of new patterns to choose from 1
& Ore. :
ZLtlO USE. oh