The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 14, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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. . . . - , a ... I a. . . m.. m ... La- ftt4
fri I k Ik
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IdnMH Imim l-a a
t a : ' -rr iiiiiiTrc nr
aur re "- in. in m mi..) vr
rii iu i lull iii I i !- i ni n ornw re
OF GIPSY SM H&HKSSM .tt.-y.sjr..1
i ' " it. ut u im reaa en
.. !
wiripcv .PF1K; TO
.a- i
ftotfd Evangelist Delivers
tkte jaarat 14
Im k ta 4
ea TM 4 a?U
I ... . .ai .... . . LLian If Ik a '
1-. kit f -1 aa aS I ' I "
v,nr Pccrful Sermon. His:-- - V-"4 '"UT. iHT E? .k'
IIMIW I ' Mtli UU IMIl lU Mf " HIM M likt MUH HtMWM
It - ! MW
t A AAA 1 . J . m . . . a a ftf . m ISA ftatk ft - I'l
MOfly CI IU.UW AUUiCiw.c.; r,.
. j V - " '
lavMlk Tf
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U kkll Tri- !
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..U.l"-. -
0 ii,im f -
! ill i-r M tr '
f" ' !.
,ounr4. If 'Tmf-
tl. Udul I-ik
la U -- 4m4 IKI rov
Mtl u:4 -trcl 1 l"1-
a-rr ila kMni a ttwa rMiWr
a. irr rirt"1 Ifcaa la "T pf bhI
a. lrt ti prom Mpoff44 ! h
Jtuliarf mm a araJ appaal
rrr la4lvt4aaL IU U-4 of lb
f Jmm Ctirui, h aaH lo ' '
rtpl, -rollow "." A4 h
iiom ra, TT halra4
-raanta af middla an 4 a Uria nam
Wr f rxt ana ait bora and ftrla
mala thm d-cUla '"Ho ""
Tha worxll f Iba aong. "Whara lla
Utdi Ma f Will Fllo.-. ril-4 lha
a rati autlorlum aa tba prwnl work
ra and 1t)OM who wara aln ! fM
I ha Chrlat atxxjl whom ihr had BaaM
lantd foe lb Inqulrr room.
. r uuu v.
A 1U followad lha pa!" theaa
mho flrat mpond4. Tbaa a croup of
bora ptaod up half way la tha raar
tba bulldlnt and alartad forward.
Than"' Ood f"T tha boy." triad tha
arpay. "Thtaa ara tha flrat ao young
who ha eoraa Hn thla tnU.lon. I
ram wban I waa a boy. I 1 eould
win all tha boye In Iortlanl.-
Thara waa a tnomant of profound tni
naaa. Tba 1-naliy af tha momnt waa
arparant. Taarn warw ruahlng down
tha eh-ha of bundrada. Than tha cloar
taaor rote of ntpay Smith broha lha
atlllnaaa. "O, Whara la My Waodarlng
i v mmnr Tha choir cauchl
up tha worda and tha rauaio awallad
thrauah tha ulllor1um., -
"Motharal L-t lha ' chlldran -coma."
h nrgad. Tathara! Lat tha children
coma. If yon haa not found Jaeua
don't aland In tha way of thlr young,
wart, beautiful Hvaa." ' .
Tha reaponia waa tmmadlata. 8 core
of young man and boya. movad by tha
JrrraUtlbla powar that waa pulllna; at
their boarta. laft thalr aeata 0JoU
thoaa In lha Inquiry room.
oypvya Toioa mmn out.
t, Whara la My Boy f onlnht" 'Tha
olca of tha gypay rang: out clear again.
"Sing It Blng It." Tha worda ahot from
hla llpa Ilka a command.
"Too couldn't llaten to that aermon to
blght and not want to ba what you
ought to ba," ba aald, apaaking to tha
oldar ona again. 1 , -
A man 'broko away from the crowd
that had atood In tha rear of the audi
torium from tha tlma" the meeting be
gan. He alowly walked the distance of
the long alala. When he waa about
half tay to the front, another from the
aama cowd followed.
Llaton." ahouted tha gypay. "It takes
a bit tit rourago to walk all the way
of that alalc alone. But I wish a hun
dred vourig men would do It
"I wortder If there la" anyone here
Buying, I Twant my mothefa Chrlat.' Tha
devil aaya ,walt until tomorrow. Jeeue
aaya now.
"If you would follow Jeua ou rauit
eat looea from ererythlng that hindera."
. Mftny Oo rrwrL
From on of tha aectloni on the left
a woman, aroaa and atarted forward. In
front of the epeaker"B stand Father
Flinn, the veteran minister who haa
reached hla ninety-fifth year, was pac
ing back and forth and, with difficulty
refraining from Venting his feellnga
with shoots. "I've been - praying for
thla for yeara," ha aald. "Now - my
prayer are coming true, and before I
die." Dr. Benjamin Young crawled un
der the rail around-the speaker's plat
form and reached the Bide of an old
man, whose hair wa whitened by the
anows of 90 winters. Tne old man, who
had previously atood up and asked for
the prayers of the ypsy, took Dr.
Young's hand and was' led Into the In
quiry room. v
This broke the restraint that waa
holding many -back and another stream
of people was started "forward.
A woman to the left of the speaker
stood up and checked her 'sobbing long
enough to say, "Pray for my husband."
" When the meeting was opened, some
one asked for the song "Rock of Ages,"
which was sung. This was followed
by the song "All Hall the . Power of
Jesus' Name." '
Women Bemova Hate.
Gipsy Bmlth stood before the great
audience and his face was wreathed in
a smile, as he said: "Ladles, lcan Bee
through you,-but I can't see through
your hats." A moment later all the
hats had disappeared.
After the speaker had read his text
. from tM first chapter of St John, be
ginning with the thirty-fifth verse, he
uttered a touching prayer for founper
aona who had . visited him Aprlng', the
day and had asked for. his intercession
with God. . One was a young minister,
ba aald. woe Is longing for hie Minis
try to bo filled with the love of God.
Another, ' he said, waa a wife whose
husband had grown cold, in his Chris.
f tlan 1lf& The othera were a youn
eouole" just starting In 'their married
life. : , '
. We want to begin right Will yed
pray with usT" they liad told him. "I
never . had a ' aweeter experience," ' he
aid. V'What years of misery would
iiuir-jtviililiiil tut said. if manv
whoca- hair la now gray had begun- in j
youth as thhTT" eouple began to.
day." , - ; - - . ..; v
.Crowd FlaaaM Oypsy.
He' commented on tha great audience I
that packed tha auditorium with 1000
or mora standing in tha alale at the j
rear. - 1 - )
. "1 tell you. If you can fill thia house!
oa Monday, which ia a sort of wash
!' a a ( 't- ttvm !
wai aaia.
Ihii a al ! l" V." afcoal
I l ia la tha at th al:l
laas Tb lr ' "
h- KI aUva all "' "Tal
i ala ! ia nam im .
uaa.rt.u4 laa f "II maaae
Aatlsass Ua.
lla akd h aaJieana ta aing. !'
Ml fcuoka. -arr My td TM.
horu. aofilr Aa l-auiirul
Naarrr mr it ign
h . . thai iiu i ana. J
laa aodllorlum allh a euaa4
aa iil isry " r i-w"-
i. .....f ..r lha audlartra TM
nat4 raihl. Ihtough h mlom
of taa aarr.4 . wa aituuo
iu of aia aaf I ""
ha was rm4y la dailfer
' - . . .1 . . - - I i m
II aeented Ma neai-re,oio m
1. - a . m hnarhllf a afW,t0. A IBS
aauaa that a. emo ta utoally ens4
arad. but that he luM'lgun laltuitg
them and waa apeaamg pviaobu
10 aach on , . j t ,
. J-,, ' -..a . tha ' ranlral
hootM h adranct He ecorad lha
prftfraalng Chrlatlaoa who do oi iitb
up la Iba taacblnga of Ihalr eaaalar.
Vry af Boyaaod aya.
-r-.. A harm than If YOU did
not nail yourelve ChrlalUna." ha a4TU.
"If I waa your pastor I aoum iwi
you In until. I .nanarriqrn .o v.
Ufa conformed to Ihe'wlU or God.
Than Ja lold a elory of hla boyhood
daya whan he lived with bis brothers
In a gypay tent lla aald thtra waa ona
game all of them could play. That waa
"follow tne leader. tie sua ne cwum
never be leader .bacauae ha waa iw
amalL "But I eould follow tha leader,
he aald. "When 1 tried to Jump tha
hedge and gut only half way over. Ihey
i.'k i.H.k ..I na Wban I tried ta
uiuia a aoBBaja... "
lump tha dKch and fell la the mlddla.
they dldn t lavgn at ma. i waa rjina.
I waa doing tha best I could. And lha
world doaan't laugh at the man who
they be Have la boneatly playing tha
game. Following J reus begins by get
ting right with Ood, That's tba flrat
a aa ...
- In a Volca ifUJad with teoderneea ha
told Of how jeans went into ma wuaar
neaa to pray. -
. "Do you live In prayerr ha asked
bis audience. . ... .
Vmi Wrara at Moma. ' . 1
' "Ood pity that man who calls hlinself
a cnrieuan ana never prma wun,m
family." ha aald.- -God pity That moth
er who aaya aha Ja a Christian and
doea not pray with her chHdren. um
pity those children who ara reared, with.
oui prayer. , -
"Ijet ma aee your week-night prayer
meetlnga and I'll gauge the spiritual
welfare of your church." he aald. VYou
can crowd your churches for entertain
ments. You can crowd your churches
for foolishness, but where ara 'your
prayer meetings? . Do you follow Jesus
to prayer meeting, brothers?
"I could pray before I could read
that book." He held up the Bible. "As
a boy I was on. my knees In tha newly
ploughed fields, and lettered -this pray
er: ' 'Oh Ood,- I can't read "your book.
I've never been taught, but oh Ood, fill
my heart with thy spiprt.' And he did."
The .cry of an infant Interrupted tha'
apeaker for a moment A number, turned
their heads to look in tha .direction of
the noise.
Tails of experience.
. "Don't look at that mother," the
speaker directed. "She feels bad enough
now." The Infant continued to wail.
"I am sorry to have to do this, but-1
must ask the mother to take her child
nearer the door."
The gypsy told-- story of hla ex-
nnvl.nna . ' (i ( 1 1. 4 fa trot t n cr (n PncrlanH
Several .others wre In the coath with
bim. He was hidden- behind a news
paper. The others were discussing him
and his meetings. At the close of the
discussion one old grandmother said
that her boy. who had been drinking of
the dregs of sin for many years, was
reached and saved In one of the gypsy's
maatlnir. Kha Aal whan arvnaV
should die she would like to place on
nis -lomDBione me woras, : A,XTiena 01
Sinners." . '
want no better name tnan that"
the gypsy said. "Jesus was a friend of
sinners. Hava you ever tasted the lux
ury of leading 's soul to-Christ?" ha
"I went home last night and I
couldn't sleep," h said. "I was even
too tired to. say my prayers. I .threw
a tta-a I a fM
a lillia llMr t IM I MJ
aar. Ilea -u a gyy. a t
kJltf aavt a '
- Aavi ii fair nt say Mart. I Ml
as iMiit a aaaial I .
Jaa.a. r Ae4 a-a SUL
aaa fc -. aa at f aa
aaa aa a ul aas4 i a. aa4 aa VI
ai Mtar
aa(is klaf al taa Uaa is tas
t-iiMi tnet iaa aaiii aaa4 ana
wvarfartat HklMt K Ma Ufa
rmaa txaary. aa4 I Asa Vrnm Bwa aa4
UMtf, i n TU II Ja. Mr l-""
lla laraad la ftad aa araaauag
frM taa dim U ! He l"i4 It
Itel aaw ilaalr graalaal kapaiaaaa aK44
rwmaaow thai Ika mt lite la
m as ea4 a4 la aaiae Is aaa
Or.- He laid lKa t twite IV-. aa
aa a IHlla g'rl la Paw Tr akaa ike
nMa wa iIm ka aafcla aa4 IM
a atavl la Ika Ma Ida Kaw laa
nMi is la IKe fearfe ar4 af a eic-re, aa
Haa Ika clir "". aa nana t.waa aa
lata Is a l4 for ara. ret daiag
m-Jt IK.-, mlrtt mm tn MSI IS
her. a4 ty will aaf lal bar rabla ba
irwa 4ea waul aha ia ihrooga tin 11.
Orer-hir-4 vaiaraaa. a a4 wa.
man. thai have foa4 abelier la ie
(wmfanatala and aamnodHHia Maas
boma. Iba.fca4 sol triad Is slog ra
many reara M wllh (ilper lib
Ihia roornias. haa He LaAs Ma I
Will rollaw;
"I ibiafe 1 saa tell what klad af-Pa-
pia ara ma ji-aofla I mt by the way
ther einc." aa4 ba srpar. mm
akaa aakad ta Mas ara atlaat aai iher
ara Ilka lha-. wba. aaked lo S meal.
II dowa la las labia and Just leal)
pad loos al all wa ve spread for tbaa
and don't open their moo lha
-Tkme folfce are happlrel whan they
ara eonattas tbalr mlearWa If Ibay
didn't hava any mlaanaa ibey would
ka narraailr mlaarabla
a ahosld be counting our oieaainaa.
Hapt-lnaas Is heaping- tha heart la loach
with jeeua Tou. who ara eld, will
kaaw. then, that yos ara silling to the
twilight of coming Joy. You aaauU
Irev awaalar aa you graw older. If
mt i ium aaa ke k4. -
aa.aa4 a4 aa- k aaka
Ilia 14 4 laa a aw
ta laa Im a -.4 I - a-a
Ha a ka a U
ai4l 4 aa aaa nmtt-t
aa-S na -aua a4 ' Ua M
aa aaaa4 a aa k.a-
aaa aaa. luUl
4 ta (-a- tav aia
mmIW Saaat aa l fcl 14 Ika a-
aaia a4 ikaaa a kaa aaaa
ttmi i iam m aa4 fw- ta ivt
aa a-4 tkaa s-i
ftaa 1 1 P at M
"la t.utvl bia kiiara
a iaxvt ta aakia uta aa -
aata a- axtaia ta tkaaa. I aaaU a
a4i fw ua gaa tta 4
atairtiy it ika wkuaiaa -
.ary aaal aaa lak-a at Ika H
Ikaalia al mmm kr aa4 HI
aia4ta aaa r4 r las eea
aa aataa I a-a i 'tt eaaa
a eaaaaaaia tka 1ft k:
.H.a a
- kaa aa faJiJi la ika raHfta af ta
ataa r" foaaar sla-
Smi hi r aas aa waaa Hit rr
,111 i kla fw 4
asa. aa laaaa -
Tka aaa is ' -a' " w--
aaaHaaJiy. Ykay kaa a !
aaaiHUir. Utva Ik aa raa
far a a aaaa mw w
arh kar it -alaalaa. Ikal f aaa-
ptaiaa (aa ikaaa siim
ra ia a Oriauea r siaaag.
rapkar will kaaw ii
4tt ahar-a. p4t4 Ua aaag!ist U
M -i4 a ftt vf U4 k
ta ia .. ii aJM a
tr ta U-k -
ati, e-a-a t .--
af u i
. . . It. i MaavJaa mi ..a a a
k . . mm Lml m Iwalatl
aaaM f iaa a a
Ui mS ataaie t A a-
aait aa k-a -
.4 .i- a pfc.4
i tjka t4 aw'a, fa4 4 aa aaa
XMkaa Ii.a4 ka aa v.!
Ur-4 ky - u l- --
Itras a4 a f-4 - -.
wt(.tiM aaa ran--a aa
kaas ks
tr)r aiir .rr w ..3t a7 ik
(atl ta Tk l-Wtll ,
v.u f km. 14 Tha Mlaar
cauaiy oaart baa apt-fopnai ! '"
ward lha aspaaaaa Of aft4ing a rowaiy
aahlbll to kas HI. I"aal U4 ekow. Ii.
rrr Chspmaa t Ih ootaris
- rimtm. aaa alaa atxnla4
a i n 7 www - .. . .
But ballav I couotr rrralall-a al t l l a4
Ul aavf s " "
ha eiWbll as wall aa dtairtaaiing a
Urge amount af liuralura from all
loans of Malheur.
The aahlbll frarn IMa rauaiy win aa
. . nt - - all I nana. Vala
iw awaalar aa you grew oioar. u iut -
ma la In you you will grow aweatar la aapafUlly active avar Ike mote
. - V
i f :l lllf 1 n l r r 1J 1 III. r utwi at - - - t
T . w r ' T uumwii a "i - -
. 1. . " . .
v -r I Ra raatiftkg IJ Li'fa
-the Lowest .vnnirMANSHlpS. 31
f J W W--
OuT-cf4own Onlcri Circn ETtry Attention,
for lUmtrttcd qtiJotu-UIled Frt- oo Rruct
SttUf-tctloo Coe With Ey PwxW; Wt
Ai- Hrt to U Future to FuHill Our GuunU
Our Stoclt Embraceo Every
. Need in Furo
Store Open
Saturday Ereninf
During Season
f o ni ir.CUANN Minirrr' '
j, r. r k-rwt-.fcrtt, ---(-- .a-w. 7
2SS Morrison Street Corbett Bu32injj
lilts m ssl ff ttrtt Bsrtst'4BTTBTffa'-
Piles Quicbly
Cured At Home
Instant Relief,. Permanent Cure;
Trial Package Mailed Free to
All In Plain Wrapper. .
Many cases of Piles' havebeen cured
by a t-istl paokagaj. of pyramid ; Pile
Remedy without farther r treatment
When it proves , its -valns . to .ypu,' get
more from your druggist at SOc a' box,
and be sure you get tha kind , you ask
for. Simply fill out free coupon below
and mail today.:. Save yourself from the
surgeon' knife and Its torture, the doc
tor and his bills. -.V .
cm oa nfifv c Piof on-rl I afef Piaver Fianos in
tD JL aV7VWV Ul VlJllkaflVOls UIAV4 aUVV-aaWW J
Grand Exhibition and bale at EJlers
Space of Over Seven Thousand Square Feet in New EUers Building Devoted
to Truly Gigantic and Interesting Display
No More MuticHungry Home.-Pl.yer Piano. Now Within Reach-Reduceil .AP"'AB Make of
. - . : v Piano-A Twenty-Day Sale; the Price; the Make, and the Term..
AH Pianola Pianos to be Positively Closed Out-All Styles Included.
... . tha rjunmow fiaver ruuiu. sum iuuuwwu. wuaw.
Some of the Prices!
Old Style $550 Autopiano. and Piapola Pianos now $355 Payments $25 "lonth. .
Old Style $700 Autopianos and Pianola Pianos now $460. Payments, same ' terms.
O d Style $850 Autopianos and Pianola Pianos now $550.. Payments $W cash. $12 nionth,
. . z. 3 . . . r, -ni i- n: ...... rik Pavmenti. same terms.
Old btyie $ou au opianos ana r 1 th the 65-note and 88-note
JNew style instruments, puiyini5 .uc tavtav w-.w. -
rolls, as follows: A. " '
$0UU style now ana ooo. BtHninuw..i tf . .
$600 stvles. now $467 and $480. Same terms.$725. styles, now $545. Same terms
i $825 style, now $635 $35 cash and $15 a month.
W t'WMia iiiiiminiiu ip f iu otytM, wn v -"a .
7 $1050 stvles. now $878. $57 cash and $20 a month.
"v I $1150 styles, now 58tt. oame terms.
5 f
fj. si ! "
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Pyramid Bldg-i : -Marshall Mien.
Kindly aend me a sample of Pyramid
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Kama ........... .' .. . . ... .... i.
L .
ta a a a a ira aar
It U ' I j ' fi ! '.'!
f. 1 .
There are too many style, to Je.
mtrlv enumerated. ' Suf
VM"aa a-Wwa- -a-w. ,. .
fice it to say that all of the styles
in this exhibit are offered at corre-
1 l.t! . Canaaal llttri
sponamg, reuuuuuii. fcjcv" w.
instruments, among them ApoUo Player Pianos, ArtistanosAutotones,
at stiU greater discounts. . ' . .
The touowirijs: lnstrumenxs arc uemg uuscu uui, au yv'
supply is exhausted these rmkes will not be sold again by Eilers Music,
Weber Pianos with Autopiano action and Weber Pianos with Pianpla-
Piano action. ' ' ... r,- 1
Steck Pianos with Autopiano action and Steck Pianos with Pianola
piano action. .- nn '"
. Wheelock Pianola Pianos with 65-note action, with 88-note . action
and with 65 and 88-note combination action. ; ' .. -
.Stuyvesa'nt Pianola- Pianos, in three styles, same as Wheelock Pianola
Pianos. --",,'.'
Specially easy terms will be made in order lo dispose, of these mstru-
menis in me very snonesi posbiuic nine.
- "W
SB 1 1
! nf,. m
a rvST? ', s 1 1'
f- Vi.rtMfwi a.. V .
--"-rw'jrvw.i H-Y- : v: ' -' ' - "
Tkia wnnirlArfuL Genuine Autool
ano, the Krell Solo Autogrand, BouJ
, ...... , ; -! ;- V- s ..' aoir-jriaycr leuiu suiu wre tt-av.j
. j-H ' : , , popular Bungalow Player Pianos are
ail inciuaea in uu a wUMM,. - ; . A .
In short a store'full of finest Player Pianos are thrown- into' .one xrand,
low-price sale that simply annihilates competitive attempts and makes pteyj
er-piano buying a positive duty to many a Tamer vr hmu uu u
undertaking carefully planned for manyirionths and one that will be the
means of bringing much of enjoyment and musical education into hundreds
of our best homes. . ' , ' . :. 'J ' . f . . ;
- SnecialA free Music kou LiDrary js given iu cvciy uicua iio,
sale1 ' ' 1 ' ,"'' I
Free Recitals daily.'every morning from 11 :po to 12:30, every afternoon.
irom 2:0 uu.
In our' new- building, Alder St. at 7th-now the nation's largest dealers.'