The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 14, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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HuHM lH'l ft Ilk wl
lj ua t a.....
. Of IV. Hllka)
I It WtMMM, wJ aUf
I Uxi tU . It l
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Ki M i4 kuthl k
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ktu mm h. iiui
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J b I Tf i MrJ ill W h.lte. ' ... ..... k. 4tH
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Mr. limi W' l
.t.. klM '- .
iu inir
W.M . t'4 M
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Mt4 IwlW f fca wnun I
- I " 4 ! M 1
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tU L Mi Jm
I4 tl-MM J 4 Mr Uv Im4
a4a fj t
tW4 jm! ('Hkli.
Mr J Mi Ui WMnk Urt
- - wm
r"s m unin
U I tOU ttto V4 4 ,
(t IS i ,4 v
trt7Tki!l "M,," t4 trttoa la 4l M H
. 1 " lr Mjr Mi4 to il
IUUf r fr Mw U M (Hft4
r iu w i m im m 11 rv 4 tiMvu. 0ut rw I
UUf cfir i k
4 fr ito f an la ImU h I
Him f Mtfit i wu u ..( I' " . " : ' . 7 ,
,.f4, M-- - tor f -iUk .lT. immtni M 4i cmi .kitV.laiui 1!! t-14 "V '
lk-l HHJ L ,,, k. ,,.h,r U.K. fcMi;. 4 flf. U.r, I nx f. M .ftllf r M
KIN 4iu l cMul(U ftr ik 4l f Ml UiMfl l4r.Jnlnl' UI mtwu. wjt tUI toff tnrn UJl M
MIM J I ir. MU !ti lUA I W4lf i. I TH IumW Mtfel4 vllh I ! il l pf
ttol. Mito lH9ihm wiiom LiKMk.1 1 I MaHl a4 nlk.r. u ...) I Worm ! lr uw fMM1
TV ti4 l fit Wwto l
I Mir teailMk 7 it IU I
Mf4ll I MM 4it,
xmxa wat to bstslo aorr.
Mr n ii 4i4 rii
ll (kltol. mm 4 ff cil
l - - - - At a Elkr BbJC bIM IlAxV. A
" , , . . - - , - . , w ' pmwn iivtjr iiw mm r (raiaf i iir
! 4r !. kf UI l lutoit Urtj,. r --t Tb wm M14 lh 1m. tmi trfari4 irr MiirL
h. MaioM. McX 4 Mr Im, U .UI m(WU, oorf. IM.! con 1 4 Vu- rTfuJl. i "TL"' J
Itnut. niM nnxr cr ! i kfUt mount tUJ du Mrt!iv I ' f .
cMf !. I cwMkf to f - l u to t'iifri
HI ffU 7Mtof HIM
1m4 MmIin ft. uom yr. M Mr T M Uittovt .UMi
iu to kr - im itotai urimil la h )mi
Hm Vi Uaiarto atu M
kiiM t-k Mvto 4 Mia b A . u rtnkicr rt.m jU i iHM ikaI' i4 r nta fr k Hr
oat Tk tnt VItb Cir- RrM,. P1! rr fr fox U rllbl U n Ik f.rni! rKal
MM ftaill Ml rM IH .rv Th tMMti imM il. .Uki M IM Mi ir Im U4 U it iMtMnilnartt Tkla U rtl4
U4 rUat Ik l". kaai Mft, Ctoarta J. IWaxIt ai:t riUml 4 llr. bl ! r talar etiat4 I ka4 onka tkaJa 4 4 r4r I k 4iMaJl it rut fU var la
kMIHMI 4 MUa Itok iiii t IV.L brida mint Ilk m1im rr m i.ku .i i- .lai.u iki A.Ht..iW. u.i .ku t. -.
trMky ..fcit ak- krM -!. I N.t,fcw II. )( fcrj,. nrMi MiaM f(Ua k4 toK. rfWI la avM alia Ik 11 ina f millix I Tk'. ZT uUawiM
Urr I!. A ra. f Ik '"
lrlmal taraiy ri. la 4ata IM
fira. Wrk It aa lll IU
ttmkkr a4ll4' Uaaat Ikal IMy
nh tfcir I iv arntoa
Uallol u a till" i . Ml kl
rria kka a tM'i a4al ft Ik Mai 4a-
Utr k
rmy rmxM etunuui cmBAit.
TbU r) Ublk erai U
pla4l4 Mauuflar a4 vlll grow
Mir: DlMoIr t aoftca rvrvl la
tlal Mi kir ai4 ur uaUl mak
aa4 tfmr. l" a , II
clear tka kkla f lor I UBumi a4
Clv la a iao44)r," ail r tiftU
pUstoa a Malihy Hal aa4 clow. II
ualnt lh rrol cnarn dallr It will p
lh kla aoft. rhraf a4 llr
fob t. rrcsr cxlt.
ThM klmpla. lopol Mir lale
will ovrirom luhlna f aralp ar olhr
OBBktar! coa4lllnit b4 lh lJr
row la loag. Iky a4 abuadantlr
Add H pint wilvr la H pint ajaohol.
than pur In I our.c Ml -cant hoi. Thl
(tr yoo a full pint of lh Mai MJr
toale, Maaln IM acalp frquatlr
rouaa lb Mir folllcUa la braltb ae-
(Ion. and dull, ktraaky or brtttto balr
Meomaa bright. u color and nurrjr
Card Uuttbcom.
Mr. AVraai A. HaUk IM Maiaaa al
II. rraai I la I arlora. MviaMr ar
r4 ia M anwal. a arramBU
in a aaad fir IM aaaual Maaar.
wnaca wiu ald IM oa4 Vdaa.
4r la lttiMr. VUllor ar laia
a tmr4 laacbawa r4aUr. clU-
naailaa Mr. TVUlUm C la.
UaM aao) la apaad IM wtatr la Kw I wat(M(B4
ink. awr a wm m mm . I .
- - w ii, a i i .jt o clock.
daiiahtad IM iiumi wltfe aararal roa-1
..ii. l. k1. aka - - W W
4r4 plan auinMra chnlBty. TmCVUo Waddtnf Orlebrmlrd.
InvttauanaJ lut trrlad Mr. William
C r-ar. Mr. CMrl L.
A dalllhful tanlr n ikai n.f
Mr. I at Mr. and tin I i. i w.
Mr. Rar Thompao. Mr. Ratph Wck-I ay aatartainad la bonor of tnlr "col-
am. ar uiiani . auuvy. mrm, r two i um ' wadiUaa anklvaraarv
wmi uroa
A Pint of Uneplsd . '
. . Cough Syrup for 50c
niaQukkaat.8uraat Cough ftmdyYpu
Evar Uaad. ar Monty Raf undad Stop
. Evan Whooping Cough Quickly.
Too any not t4 IM 2 wklea a 60
arat bottl of Plo him yon. but yoo
do Bred tb wondrrfnl ff art! ' f
Uila famouo coufb remedy. It will uiual-
ty to tb Boat aMttntU 4rp-aMtd
coucd maid of x koara, and baa
agual for whoop I of eotirk.
A tOKnt bottl Of I1dx. mizad with
tome-mad auftr (Tnip, rlr yoo a foil
pint family aapply of tk aaoat plaaa
ot ami ffoctlr cough rcady you vtr
uL Kaaily prepared la 11? tninnte--
diraotioDa Id parka re.
Tb way tbia takea bold of a coarb and
rlrra loataot relief, will mak you retret
that you never tried It before. Stimolatea
tue appetit. la alitbtly laiatlra and taitea
food children take it willinjly. It baa a
.onderful record la rears of incipient
liins trouble and la aplendld for croup,
aatlima, bronchi tl. throat troubla, etc.
rtnes i-a apecial and hljhly concea
t rated compound of Norway Whit Pin
extract, rii b in fuaiaeol and other natural
healinf pin element. Himply mix with
ufar ayrup or atrained honey, In a pint
bottle, and It ia ready for uae. lyaed Id
mora borne In the U. S. and Canada
than any other cooth remedy.
: I'inex baa often been imitated, but
never aucceaafuJly, for . nothing elae will
produce the aame reeulta. Th fenuln ia
guaranteed to fira abaolut a tl faction
or money refunded. Certificate of guar
antee ia wrapped in each package. Your
druggist baa pinex or will gladly get It for
yon. If not, aend to Tba Pinex Co, Ft.
Wayne, Ind. .. .
Pinex ia fully aruarantead by I-Aue-Da-Tla
Drua; Co.. (Dlatrlbutora). . Portland.
Mr, t
rclvd ia of
wblla aUn with touch of Uvcndar.
ba waa aaalatad by bar alater-ln-Uw.
Miaa joaepnin M. Greco, who waa
gOWnd la Whll uull With Irimailnil
of Uandr. Tb llvlna room ... nr.i.
Uly decormi-d wtm buttorfly bow of
flowrd crep. Irom tb cetllnar bung
a baaket filled tn roa otf a Md of
cotton. In tbo dinlna room a. rnior
acMma of rd and ro tu uaad.
Streamer of rad and groan doited with
Diia or ootton bung from a baakat of
aaaturttuma and awt peaa to tbo four
corner of tba rocm. and Mwa of red
and green ward uaed about th room, i
fVaara ttr.M m.rbl . n . . . ... I
leave and polnnunla wer uaad on tba
aoimxTiur taoiea or wblat wer j
p larea, pnaa neing captured by Mlaa
Kva Maul and oeph 8 pacta I. After
wblat muelo and dancing war - aa
Prtty gowna war tboaa of Mia I
Maym Gailusso, wbo waa draaaed In '
blu velvet with touch of white: Mlia '
T A.. I SIjum kl... .111-. ..I '
f uMtw vjnvia, vjii iui, alia JLlia
mw.w, cuuii ua, nui iuia i
uoera, cream cnoiiia, ana Miaa Alary
uauuaso, tiua velvet.
Thoa present wer Mra. Wheeler.
Mia Etta wneelei, Mia Eva Maul,
Mlaa Lou I a Qoerx Mia Jeanett Maul.
Mlaa Lydla Qoen, Mlaa Mary Qalluno,
Mlaa There Greco, Mlaa Maynia Oal
lutao, Mlaa Joaephlna M. Greco. Mla
Dorothy Oreco, 11. r. Whealer. Franci
Oalluiao, Joaeph Oreco, Joaeph Special
and Anthony Greco.
. t'atl4 rraai L a
LOBdon. Nov. 14. Alt raoorda for
needy nwriag cermola hav Ma
raai ay a cubi lledlaghara flab.
mofia.r. Atiirad la IraacuUt ork
aad driving M art. b delivered aa
order of flab to a customer neat door
to tba churrh. called at th church.
wMr lh bridal parly waa waiting, waa
married and left to deliver another
order at th Ma on tba otMr aid of
in cnurcn. Then h continued hi
rounoa whil hla fcrlde went bom to
await bla return.
Something worth, readtna- lh Rut.
al Iiakarjr'a announcement Mfor long
about Ita -greater Royal Bakery Lunch."
Dry tie, Edlefeen Fnel Co. a
dera lb klnra lgtlah ba geaarally
tola her g Mr devastating way with'
oat coramaat. Alpareally be doeaat
nolle her rnlatakee, ut a woman, tin
dr uck clrcuina'anf ea. w 111 rait every
body a attaailoa la Mr bubnd a er
If a woman Ma Men brought tip lo
eat pi ltb a' half, her huatand let
her do o In peat; but If a man doaaa't
know which la b!ch In th fork. a at
dinner bla wife Imj-arta the Information
to him In ( n beeper, or by eryptlo
aigna thai mak him look Ilk a boor.
One ran aympalhlie with tb feeling
of a wife who put great aires on le
ganca of manner If her husband la a
rough diamond. ir with th woman who
la cultured If her huaMnd la Illiter
ate; but the trt bl la- thee woman
ahould bava married In their own claaa
and tba typo of men who wer con
genial lo begin with. After all. ther
ara mora Important thlnga. aad tb
0afc, cane and flatiflfac
of buyintf a Piano or
PJaycr-Piano. V
1 -You get a tfrcat selection from
the finest instrumcntfl your
choice is NOT restricted. .
2. You get delivery at once the
moment you join tiie club.
3. You get a straightforward outr
right guarantee a guarantee that
is not weakened hy !ifs," "ands'
or Mtuts' ou get the fullr
strength of the guarantee. "
4. You have NO extras to pay
ana NO interest (or one year.
5. You have the. INSURANCE
feature whereby, in the event. of
a clut mcmters death before thev
contract is completed, a receipt in
full for the balance is sent to his
Fruit Growers, Attention!
Thermometers and Weather Instruments that
are reliable are very, important to you. You
can't 0 wron if Jou buy an instrument at
this store.
See Our Window Display
Thermometers for Every Purpose
House Thermometers I "Tvcos"
Standard Grade
Medium Grade .
.95g to fS.OO
.2S to 92.50
iraltad IVw Laaaod Wtrs.l
Indlanapolla, Ind Nov. 14. Continual
agitation of the reaaona for th hlnh
cost of living la the purpose of a "high
coat of living league," th organisation
of 'which la announced her todav bv i
in xorcea oi organised labor,
Tho new:
To XaUma, Kelso, Cn.halls, Centra
.Ua aad principal lntennedlata
, AS. TAOOMA 3.-9S P. M.
" ' AB. 8EATTI8 4:43 P. M,
Large and roomy day coaches, dining -car,
parlor car and observation car.
Most modern and up-to-date equip
ment. . The very acm of comfort
and convenience.
Four Trains Daily
To Taoom and Seattl
7:10 a. mH 10i3O . m.. 3:30 p.
V 11:15 p. m?
All equally well equipped.- Electrlo
flighted throughout, individual lights
In every berth "on sleeping cars.
Bleeping oars open from 820- p, m.
Three V Trains Daily
To Aberdeen and vHoqnlm
. 7:10 a, in., 10.-30 a. m.. aao p. m,
3d and Morrison sta. and TJnlon
, Mala 44 Phones A-1S44.
. . The Pioneer Line - -
Northern . Pacific Ry.
9. Charlton. A. G. P.-A- Portland.
Weather Thermometers
Standard Grade ........ 90 to 93.00
Medium Grade ..35 to 2.50
STORM GLASSES .,, ,,50 to fl.00
Self Kegistering Thermometers f 1.50 to 4.50
U. S. Weather Bureau Certified Thermometer f 5.Q0
Window Thermometers With Transparent
Scale 75 to fl.OO
........754 to f2.50
25 to $2.00
7S to 92.00
vOy TK STM .
r - - ir"
; . , 4?l". II I
J AJleas I .
Daylight Ride M
' . Tacoma and SeattlY j 'iJlllk
' ' I ' v To Kahuna, Kelso, Cn.halls, Centra- ! 0M!' ' 'l ' ' 'J I
4 i. .lj. Ua and principal lntemedlat I IMC f fv V r rTTf I
V--1-V ' - stafiona. ,Trmm?1H 1
Fever Thermometeri . . .
Pocket Thermometeri .,
Oven Thermometers ...
Jiath Thermometers ,2S to $1.25
i-anay inermometers 75? to f3.SO
Dryer Thermometers ...... ........ .150 to il.50
.Standard Grade ,. .65
Certified Grade .."."90
Pairy Thermometers .25t to S1.25
Standard Grades tll.25 to S3.00
100 degrees to 1000 degrees........ 25 to f 12.00
The Watrh Dog of tha Orchard," has saved thou
ands of dollars to the orchardists and fruit grow
ers. The f "Tycos" is the only absolutely reliable
Electric Alarm Thermometer on the market. Price,
with relay attachment fl8.00
Descriptive Pamphlet mailed free to any address.
Hvgrodeiks, instruments that forecast frosts, priced
"om ..98.00 to $17.00
- Hygrometers, tells amount of moisture- in the air.
from t..... f 2.25 to 910.00
Aneroid Barometers, will indicate the approach of
storms 24 hours in advance, price 95 to 925.00
Pocket Aneroids, indicate ' altitudes and storms.
Priced from .98.00 to ?25.00
The "Woodlark" Special Thermometer.
sire 0xZ4 inches. The biggest and best
Thermometers ever offered for ...... 25f
Here are four of the Cooperative Club imtTumenta.
Remember, there are many others; all are on view in
our Portland showrooms. , :
Reliable instrument
nme ana sulphur
4. .
for. testing
spray, price
J Hydrometers
Special kinds for testing any kind of liquid
t-r?? "-ui, vynisgey, oyrup. Gaso
line, Oils, Vinegar, Cider, Acids, ft C A
rices 00 to. VI.
- : Ammonia, Etc. Pr
We have nearly every known kind of scientific inruments to' forecast weather
. a.-va . 1 iiuLQ iui iifP iifintrifwr 1
UP R I a H T ; -
Zn Mabogany. Walant , or Oak . .
A beautiful and substantial up-.'
ririit, of standard size modern :
in every? detail. A rear $350 indorsed by the leading pianists
nano ana worm jpoov Dy. any - ana singers. Cannot be dupli-
i . . i a m . r a .a aaA . -
sn. . -
Za Xbog7. Walnut or Oak.
An artistic- Piano of, the 'verv
highest musical merit used and
cated for less than $500.
A1A A.L A4ri w . . m . it
vasn, 3 i u rer Monin
' Vo tntaraat fog Oaa Tr. .
Cross. English Gloves
"Z&''J" Ch-o Gloves for evening
Washable Chamois Gloves for ladies in biscuit, white and cream
shades. Come in one-button and gauntlet styles ' 1
K10" antT comfortable. Riding Glove-91.50- pair '
L tio$ D-ress G,oves in hitc-cream' iwidH
H7hand-stitched Gloves, machine and hand-stitched back hnV
-fl-SOpa"00 Cl"P; n CXCCl,ent lnd. d"irVb)eedstreeCt glSve6
We arc exclusive agents for Mark Cross English Gloves.',
standard of value you wis!
$5 Cash, $1.25 ' Per Week
Ha mtererl for On T -
a R A IN D R L A Y E R
In Mahogany and Clroaaaiaa Walnut, . Xn Xanogany and PumaA 0a.
A dainty "Baby Gr,and of the A Player -Piano made by the
highest grade. A make of inter- best and most experienced play- -hational
reputation. It is the cli-Oer:? experts in ; the. world, who
r ka ; ' 1 'Jr. . '' . .M '
it retails regularly at $750.
$25 Cash, $17.50 Per Month
' ' So Interest for On Year.
contror over 300 5atents. It is
a reprular $600 FJayer Piano.
$15 Cash, $15 Per Month
Wo later. t for Oaa Tear.
Woqdlark" Quality
HI a ah. r 1 ' - ..
ine man wno do?s rae weighing, the measuringthe, man who knows
nowis the one pharmacist we employ he fills your prescription
only from pure, fresh drugs before you under most sanitary con
ditions in fact your prescription is delivered into your hands just
as you would wish it just as your physician has directed it,
OPEN Evening! to 9 pm, Sundays 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Your Best Pian Is to Call and See for Yourself
Open a i
Monthly Account
With Us v
America's Largest Cut Rate Retail Drug Store : '
General dis-
agents for
W ' b a r,
Knabe, Koh
ler & Chase,
Fischer .and
Andrew Koh
ler Pianos;
also for
Sttlnw ay.
Bteck, Whee
lock. 8 t u y
vesant Pia
nola Pianos,
and tie
s t a n d a rd
Weber Pi
anola Piano.,
375Vashington St.
Portland, Ore.
Opin Eotnlngt Unfit IO
rrlat.' f. "Mr Kafelar Ck
aMSHKlai ia"l
. Thos who
live in the
country can
become mem.
bera of the
Koh ler -Cham
and Player
Piano Club"
on EXACT-'
LY the same '
term and
r Hisis ' de
livery to any
railway sta-
"'n, wnnin
100 ml Us of
P o rtland.
fuH particu-
Isrs to our
-Club Mall
- Order t)epC